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A. Iriso

Publications -  3
Citations -  386

A. Iriso is an academic researcher. The author has contributed to research in topics: Leishmaniasis & Visceral leishmaniasis. The author has an hindex of 3, co-authored 3 publications receiving 344 citations.

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Journal ArticleDOI

The hare (Lepus granatensis) as potential sylvatic reservoir of Leishmania infantum in Spain.

TL;DR: Molecular characterization of isolates obtained from sand flies infected after xenodiagnosis demonstrates that hares were infected by Leishmania infantum, the first evidence of the transmission of L. infantum from hares to sand flies.
Journal ArticleDOI

Re-emergence of leishmaniasis in Spain: community outbreak in Madrid, Spain, 2009 to 2012

TL;DR: The discovery of the new reservoir stands out in the multifactorial aetiology of the outbreak of leishmaniasis in the south-west area of the Madrid autonomous community, Spain, affecting residents from four towns that are geographically close together and share extensive park areas.