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Ana Isabel Piris-Dorado

Bio: Ana Isabel Piris-Dorado is an academic researcher. The author has contributed to research in topics: Nurse education. The author has an hindex of 3, co-authored 3 publications receiving 26 citations.

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Complementary Therapies training in Spain is deficient because it is not collected as a core subject and / or obligatory and those that aparace is an optional subject.
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Describe the current situation of complementary therapies in nursing education in schools and nursing schools in Spain. METHOD: Descriptive study. Study population all faculties andschools ascribed to Spain. Data collection through observation sheet. Analysis units Curricula. Variables (credits, course type, location, type of therapy). Descriptive analysis of relative and absolute data using Excel spreadsheet. RESULTS: Most of the faculties and schoolsofnursingscrutinized the subject of Complementary Therapies has disappeared and those that aparace is an optional subject. CONCLUSION: Complementary Therapies training in Spain is deficient because it is not collected as a core subject and / or obligatory. The absence of Complementary Therapies in the curriculum, questions such as their value in training, conceptualization which teachers, the impact on quality of care, training of teachers responsible for teaching the subject, as well as the number of credits and the course being in the degree of Grado.

15 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: O treinamento Terapias Complementares na Espanha e deficiente porque nao e coletado como materia essencial e/ou obrigatoria, o conceito que tem os professores sobre o assunto, a repercussao na qualidade do atendimento, formacao of professores responsaveis pela disciplina Terapia Complementare.
Abstract: OBJETIVO: descrever a situacao atual de terapias complementares no ensino de enfermagem nas escolas de enfermagem na Espanha. METODO: estudo descritivo. Populacao de estudo: todas as faculdades, escolas e anexados a Espanha. A coleta de dados foi feita atraves de ficha de observacao, analise de unidades curriculares, variaveis (creditos, tipo de curso, localizacao, tipo de terapia), analise descritiva dos dados relativos e absolutos, usando-se planilha Excel. RESULTADOS: na maioria das faculdades e escolas de enfermagem examinadas, referentes ao assunto Terapias Complementares, esse tema desapareceu e naquelas em que aparece e uma disciplina opcional. CONCLUSAO: o treinamento Terapias Complementares na Espanha e deficiente porque nao e coletado como materia essencial e/ou obrigatoria. A ausencia de Terapias Complementares no curriculo levanta questoes como o seu valor em acoes de formacao, o conceito que tem os professores sobre o assunto, a repercussao na qualidade do atendimento, formacao de professores responsaveis pela disciplina Terapias Complementares, assim como numero de creditos e materia a serem seguidos para a graduacao.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors describe the situación actual de Terapias Complementarias in the formacion enfermera en escuelas and facultades de enferminia en Espana.
Abstract: Objetivo: Describir la situacion actual de las Terapias Complementarias en la formacion enfermera en las escuelas y facultades de enfermeria en Espana.Metodo: estudio observacional descriptivo transversal. Poblacion de estudio todas las facultades, escuelas publicas y adscritas de Espana. Recoleccion de datos mediante una ficha de observacion. Unidades de analisis los Planes de Estudio. Variables (creditos, tipo de asignatura, ubicacion, tipo de terapia). Analisis descriptivo de los datos relativos y absolutos mediante hoja de Excel. Resultados:en la mayoria de las facultades y escuelas escrutadas la asignatura de Terapias Complementarias ha desaparecido y en aquellas que aparece es una asignatura optativa.Conclusion: la formacion en Terapias Complementarias en Espana es deficiente, debido a que no se recoge como asignatura troncal y/o obligatoria. La ausencia de las Terapias Complementarias en el curriculum, plantea interrogantes tales como el valor de estas en la formacion, conceptualizacion que tienen los docentes, la repercusion en la calidad de los cuidados, la formacion de los docentes encargados de impartir la asignatura, asi como el numero de creditos y el curso a impartir en la titulacion del Grado.

5 citations

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28 Oct 2016
TL;DR: In this paper, a modalitat of les terapies complementarias is presented, with respect to the qualitat de vida, the relaxación, the benestar, the son, and the son's qualitación.
Abstract: L'important augment de la demanda de les Terapies Complementaries per part de la poblacio mundial en els ultims anys, ha generat la necessitat d'oferir respostes a noves necessitats emergents. Malgrat aquest interes, els professionals de la salut, entre ells infermeria, admeten no tenir suficients coneixements per informar sobre els seus usos i aplicacions, ni tampoc posseir les habilitats necessaries per a la seva aplicacio, afirmant que manquen evidencies suficients sobre la seva seguretat per poder-les recomanar. El principal objectiu d'aquesta recerca ha estat l'estudi i analisi dels efectes de l'aplicacio de la Reflexologia, com a modalitat terapeutica complementaria, introduint la qualitat de vida com l'indicador principal. Metodologia: Estudi cuasi-experimental. S'ha utilitzat una metodologia quantitativa i qualitativa. Realitzat amb una mostra de 90 estudiants d'infermeria. Es van utilitzar els seguents questionaris: (SF12v2) questionari de salut i (TMMS-24)Trait Meta-Mood Scale, aixi com dos questionaris ad-hoc d'efectes percebuts durant i despres de la intervencio, aixi com un altre questionari ad-hoc per mesurar els coneixements i actituds sobre les Terapies Complementaries. Es va utilitzar un disseny factorial mixt de mesures repetides. Es van utilitzar proves no parametriques i es va aplicar la prova de Brown-Forsyte, ANOVA univariat i el test exacte de Fisher. En cas de comparacions multiples es van ajustar per Bonferroni. Es van buscar correlacions per establir la rellevancia de la relacio entre les variables, utilitzant els criteris de Cohen. Resultats: Els canvis en la qualitat de vida no van mostrar significacio estadistica. Encara que els estudiants van percebre una millora en el benestar, la relaxacio, la qualitat del son i la motivacio. La intel·ligencia emocional va mostrar canvis significatius en comprensio i regulacio emocional. Conclusions: La Reflexologia es una modalitat de les Terapies Complementaries, que aporta benestar i relaxacio, aixi com una millora en la qualitat del son i en la motivacio. Els estudiants van presentar una actitud positiva i coneixements basics sobre les Terapies Complementaries,indicant la importancia de les mateixes per al seu futur professional. El importante aumento de la demanda de las Terapias Complementarias por parte de la poblacion mundial en los ultimos anos, ha generado la necesidad de ofrecer respuestas a nuevas necesidades emergentes. A pesar de este interes, los profesionales de la salud, entre ellos enfermeria, admiten no tener suficientes conocimientos para informar acerca de sus usos y aplicaciones, ni tampoco poseer las habilidades necesarias para su aplicacion, del mismo modo que afirman carecen de evidencias suficientes acerca de su seguridad para poder recomendarlas. El principal objetivo de esta investigacion ha sido el estudio y analisis de los efectos de la aplicacion de la Reflexologia, como modalidad terapeutica complementaria, introduciendo la calidad de vida como el indicador principal. Metodologia: Estudio cuasi-experimental. Se ha utilizado una metodologia cuantitativa y cualitativa. Realizado con una muestra de 90 estudiantes de enfermeria. Se utilizaron los siguientes cuestionarios: (SF12v2) cuestionario de salud y (TMMS-24)Trait Meta-Mood Scale, asi como dos cuestionarios ad-hoc de efectos percibidos durante y despues de la intervencion, asi como otro cuestionario ad-hoc para medir los conocimientos y actitudes sobre las Terapias Complementarias. Se utilizo un diseno factorial mixto de medidas repetidas. Se utilizaron pruebas no parametricas y se aplico la prueba de Brown-Forsyte, ANOVA univariado y el test exacto de Fisher. En caso de comparaciones multiples se ajustaron por Bonferroni. Se buscaron correlaciones para establecer la relevancia de la relacion entre las variables, utilizando los criterios de Cohen. Resultados: Los cambios en la calidad de vida no mostraron significacion estadistica. Aunque los estudiantes percibieron una mejora en el bienestar, la relajacion, la calidad del sueno y la motivacion. La inteligencia emocional mostro cambios significativos en comprension y regulacion emocional. Conclusiones: La Reflexologia es una modalidad de las Terapias Complementarias, que aporta bienestar y relajacion, asi como una mejoria en la calidad del sueno y en la motivacion. Los estudiantes presentaron una actitud positiva y conocimientos basicos acerca de las Terapias Complementarias,indicando la importancia de las mismas para su futuro profesional. The significant increase in demand of Complementary Therapies in recent years has generated the need to provide answers to emerging needs. Despite this interest, health professionals, including nurses, admit not having enough knowledge to inform about its uses and applications. The aim of this research has been the study and analysis of the effects of the application of reflexology as a complementary treatment modality, introducing the quality of life as the main indicator. Methodology: Quasi-experimental study. We used a quantitative and qualitative methodology. Conducted with a sample of 90 nursing students. The following questionnaires were used: (SF12v2) health questionnaire and (TMMS-24) Trait Meta-Mood Scale and two ad-hoc received during and after the intervention effects questionnaires, as well as other ad-hoc questionnaire to measure knowledge and attitudes about complementary therapies. a mixed factorial repeated measures design was used. Fisher's exact test nonparametric tests were used and Brown-Forsyte test was applied, univariate ANOVA and. In case of multiple comparisons they were adjusted by Bonferroni. Correlations were sought to establish the relevance of the relationship between variables, using the criteria of Cohen. Results: Changes in quality of life showed no statistical significance. Although students perceived an improvement in well-being, relaxation, sleep quality and motivation. Emotional intelligence showed significant changes in understanding and emotional regulation. Conclusions: Reflexology is a Complementary Therapy, which provides comfort and relaxation and improved sleep quality and motivation. Students presented a positive attitude and basic knowledge about Complementary therapies, indicating the importance of them for their professional future.

28 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Integrative and complementary practices constitute a form of health care, with the purpose of understanding the human being in the health-disease process, making it possible to work with the different aspects that involve them and reduce damages resulting from the excessive use of medications.
Abstract: Objective: to understand the use of integrative and complementary practices as a health promotion action. Method: qualitative study, action-participant type, with the application of Paulo Freire’s Research Itinerary, in which 30 Primary Health Care professionals participated. Thematic research was developed with two Primary Care Units, one that used integrative and complementary practices in daily life and another that focused more on allopathic concepts of assistance. To carry out the three stages of the method used, seven Culture Yarning Circles took place. The critical unveiling took place concurrently with the participation of those surveyed. Results: integrative and complementary practices constitute a form of health care, with the purpose of understanding the human being in the health-disease process, making it possible to work with the different aspects that involve them. In this way, they reduce damages resulting from the excessive use of medications, stimulate comprehensiveness and promote health. Conclusion: integrative and complementary practices are resources for health promotion, through comprehensive care and reducing the use of medications.

21 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
19 Dec 2014
TL;DR: In this paper, the situation of Integrative and Complementary Practices in faculties of Nursing, Medicine and Physiotherapy in Brazil is analyzed, and the mean course load is 46 hours and the majority are offered as options, with a large proportion of health professionals not studying these knowledges.
Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the situation of the teaching of Integrative and Complementary Practices in faculties of Nursing, Medicine and Physiotherapy in Brazil. The sample was constituted of public faculties and the data search occurred on the websites of the institutions investigated, between May 2012 and March 2013. Of the 209 public higher education institutions, only 43 (32.3%) offered courses related to this topic. Among these three courses, the schools of Nursing offer the most courses, followed by Medicine and Physiotherapy; 26.4%, 17.5% and 14.6%, respectively. The mean course load is 46 hours, and the majority are offered as options, with a large proportion of health professionals not studying these knowledges. The teaching institutions, which train professionals for the job market and for the Unified Health System, need to review the curriculum frameworks.

16 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Complementary Therapies training in Spain is deficient because it is not collected as a core subject and / or obligatory and those that aparace is an optional subject.
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Describe the current situation of complementary therapies in nursing education in schools and nursing schools in Spain. METHOD: Descriptive study. Study population all faculties andschools ascribed to Spain. Data collection through observation sheet. Analysis units Curricula. Variables (credits, course type, location, type of therapy). Descriptive analysis of relative and absolute data using Excel spreadsheet. RESULTS: Most of the faculties and schoolsofnursingscrutinized the subject of Complementary Therapies has disappeared and those that aparace is an optional subject. CONCLUSION: Complementary Therapies training in Spain is deficient because it is not collected as a core subject and / or obligatory. The absence of Complementary Therapies in the curriculum, questions such as their value in training, conceptualization which teachers, the impact on quality of care, training of teachers responsible for teaching the subject, as well as the number of credits and the course being in the degree of Grado.

15 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The context of Iranian clinical settings is appropriate for using complementary therapies in nursing practice and a potentially-supportive environment automatically directs nurses towards using such therapies.

7 citations