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Frank M. Sacks

Researcher at Harvard University

Publications -  520
Citations -  86842

Frank M. Sacks is an academic researcher from Harvard University. The author has contributed to research in topics: Cholesterol & Weight loss. The author has an hindex of 120, co-authored 490 publications receiving 80422 citations. Previous affiliations of Frank M. Sacks include Erasmus University Rotterdam & University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Decision rules for predicting future lipid values in screening for a cholesterol reduction clinical trial

TL;DR: A procedure is proposed that predicts the value of an average based on n measurements serially obtained on a patient during the screening phase when only m < n measurements are available, which is applied to population screening for lipid levels above a treatment threshold.

From the American Heart Association Dietary Approaches to Prevent and Treat Hypertension: A Scientific Statement

TL;DR: A substantial body of evidence strongly supports the concept that multiple dietary factors affect blood pressure (BP), and blacks are especially sensitive to the BP-lowering effects of reduced salt intake, increased potassium intake, and the DASH diet.
Journal ArticleDOI

Effects of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet on Change in Cardiac Biomarkers Over Time: Results From the DASH‐Sodium Trial

TL;DR: The DASH-Sodium trial as discussed by the authors was a randomized controlled trial of 412 adults with elevated blood pressure or hypertension who were randomly assigned to 12 weeks of the DASH diet or a typical American diet.