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Helena Michie

Bio: Helena Michie is an academic researcher from Rice University. The author has contributed to research in topics: Narrative & Literature. The author has an hindex of 9, co-authored 19 publications receiving 396 citations.

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12 Mar 1987
TL;DR: The Flesh Made Word as discussed by the authors examines how women's bodies are portrayed in a variety of Victorian literary and non-literary genres, from painting, poems, and novels, to etiquette, books, sex manuals, and pornography.
Abstract: Helena Michie's provocative new work looks at how women's bodies are portrayed in a variety of Victorian literary and non-literary genres--from painting, poems, and novels, to etiquette, books, sex manuals, and pornography. After identifying a series of codes and taboos that govern the depiction of women in such activities as eating and working, she then turns to the physical descriptions of Victorian heroines, focusing on those parts of their bodies that are erased, and on those that become fetishized in conventional description. Her vivid analysis moves forward in time with a consideration of 20th-century "second wave" feminism and a discussion of the poetics of the body as articulated by feminist writers on both sodes of the Atlantic. Making use of feminist, poststructuralist, and psychoanalytic accounts of the future of women, and the relation of the body to the text, The Flesh Made Word offers fresh readings of works by writers as diverse as the Brontes, Dickens, Eliot, Gaskell, Trollope, Hardy, Adrienne Rich, Olga Broumas, Audre Lorde, and Louise Gluck."

157 citations

01 Jan 1992
TL;DR: In this paper, Michie takes the notion of 'otherness' as it has traditionally been used by Simone de Beauvoir and other feminists to designate the space between men and women, and transcribes it instead to the places between and among women.
Abstract: Helena Michie takes the notion of 'otherness' as it has traditionally been used by Simone de Beauvoir and other feminists to designate the space between men and women, and transcribes it instead to the places between and among women. Its goal is to describe women's relations to each other and how these relations have been textually and culturally represented.

67 citations

Helena Michie1
01 Jan 2006
TL;DR: Michie et al. as mentioned in this paper explored the cultural meanings of the honeymoon, arguing that, with its emphasis on privacy and displacement, honeymoon was central to emerging ideals of conjugality and to ideas of the couple as a primary social unit.
Abstract: While Victorian tourism and Victorian sexuality have been the subject of much critical interest, there has been little research on a characteristically nineteenth-century phenomenon relating to both sex and travel: the honeymoon, or wedding journey. Although the term 'honeymoon' was coined in the eighteenth century, the ritual increased in popularity throughout the Victorian period, until by the end of the century it became a familiar accompaniment to the wedding for all but the poorest classes. Using letters and diaries of 61 real-life honeymooning couples, as well as novels from Frankenstein to Middlemarch that feature honeymoon scenarios, Michie explores the cultural meanings of the honeymoon, arguing that, with its emphasis on privacy and displacement, the honeymoon was central to emerging ideals of conjugality and to ideas of the couple as a primary social unit.

26 citations

23 Oct 2002
TL;DR: A collection of seventeen essays from various disciplines organized into four areas of geographic concern, namely, time zones, commodities and exchange, orientations, and domestic frontiers, is presented in this article.
Abstract: The nineteenth century was a time of unprecedented discovery and exploration throughout the globe, a period when the "blank spaces" of the earth were systematically investigated, occupied, and exploited by the major imperial powers of Western Europe and the United States. The lived experience of space was also changing in dramatic ways for people as a result of new developments in technology, communication, and transportation. As a result, the century was characterized by a new and intense interest in place, both local and global. The collection is comprised of seventeen essays from various disciplines organized into four areas of geographic concern. The first, "Time Zones," examines several ways that place gets expressed as time during the period, how geography becomes history. A second grouping, "Commodities and Exchanges," explores the role of geographic origin as it was embodied in particular objects, from the souvenir map to imported tea. The set of essays on "Domestic Fronts" moves the discussion from the public to the private sphere by looking at how domestic space became defined in terms of its boundary with the foreign. The final section, "Orientations," takes up the changing relations of bodies, identities, and the spaces they inhabit and through which they moved. The collection as a whole also traces the development of the discipline of geography with its different institutional and political trajectories in the United States and Great Britain.

24 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors explore four social psychological theories (cultivation theory, gratifications and uses theory, social comparison theory and objectification theory) to understand the pervasive influence and impact of these industries on the development of eating disorders in women.
Abstract: Synopsis Contrasting the pervasive belief that Eating Disorders are primarily psychiatric in nature, we contend that they are also symptomatic of a social problem. Eating Disorders and disorderly eating are also culturally-induced diseases promoted partly by economic and social institutions that profit from the “cult of thinness” promoted by the mass media. There is a lucrative market associated with Eating Disorders, and the advertising, weight-loss, diet-food, fitness, and cosmetic surgery industries are well aware of it. Yet, not all women exposed to these influences via mass media go on to develop body dissatisfaction and Eating Disorders. To fully understand how specific women become exposed to and are impacted by the mass marketing of beauty ideals via the mass media, it is important to take a social psychological perspective on the problem. We explore four social psychological theories—cultivation theory, gratifications and uses theory, social comparison theory and objectification theory, which taken together, form a “nexus of influence” and provide important clues to our understanding of the pervasive influence and impact of these industries on the development of Eating Disorders in women. We also address potential solutions to the problem. We specifically discuss how to use empowerment education to integrate solutions including: a re-visioning of femininity, social activism, education, and media literacy.

303 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Vosko et al. as mentioned in this paper analyzed the relation entre le sex, les types d'emploi and l’ampleur de la precarite d'empoire in Canada.
Abstract: Cet article etudie la relation entre le sexe, les types d’emploi et l’ampleur de la precarite d’emploi au Canada. L’emploi precaire se definit comme etant des formes d’emploi comportant des contrats d’emploi atypique, des avantages sociaux restreints, peu de droits en vertu de la loi, de l’insecurite, de l’anciennete faible, des conditions de travail mediocres et un risque eleve au plan de la sante physique. En faisant appel a des donnees d’enquete pour illustrer la « feminisation des normes du travail » (Vosko 2000), cet essai evalue le caractere sexue de l’augmentation de l’emploi precaire au sein de la main-d’oeuvre canadienne. L’article comprend quatre parties : la premiere passe en revue les termes retenus pour decrire et expliquer les changements survenus au plan de la relation d’emploi. Au Canada, il existe une tendance a l’effet de grouper ensemble un spectre assez large de formes d’emploi et d’amenagements du travail en une seule et meme categorie, a savoir « le travail atypique » (Conseil economique du Canada 1990 ; Krahn 1991). Cependant, on reconnait d’importantes differences tant a l’interieur qu’entre ces formes atypiques d’emploi (Bourhis et Wils 2001 ; Duffy et Pupo 1992 ; Fudge, Tucker et Vosko 2003 ; Lowe, Schellenberg et Davidman 1999 ; Mayer 1996 ; Vallee 1999 ; Vosko 2000 ; Zeytinoglu et Muteshi 1999). Au contraire, les statisticiens et les universitaires en Europe ont aborde le probleme du declin de la relation d’emploi standard en mettant en evidence la notion de l’emploi precaire (Rodgers et Rodgers 1989 ; Silver 1992). Beaucoup d’efforts de recherche malgre tout neglige encore de considerer le lien entre le sexe et la precarite d’emploi. Le « sexe » est ici defini comme le processus par lequel les significations culturelles et les inegalites en termes de pouvoir, d’autorite, de droits et de privileges en viennent a etres associees avec une difference sexuelle (Lerner 1997 ; Scott 1986). Nous avons developpe l’idee de relations d’emploi contemporaines comme etant caracterisees par une feminisation des normes de l’emploi (Vosko 2000, 2003), un processus qui implique a la fois la continuite et le changement dans les tendances tant raciales que sexuees de la main-d’oeuvre. La feminisation est typiquement associee avec l’entree des femmes dans la force de travail, encore que la feminisation des normes de l’emploi renvoie a des tendances plus vastes du marche du travail qui coincident avec la deterioration de la relation d’emploi standard comme etant la norme et les formes non standard qui demontrent des qualites d’emploi precaire associees aux femmes et a d’autres groupes marginaux (Vosko 2003). La feminisation des normes d’emploi comporte une multitude d’aspects, dont deux sont analyses ici : (1) la polarisation entre les femmes et entre les hommes et les femmes, faconnee par le sexe, la race et d’autres rapports sociaux ; (2) la sexualisation des tâches de facon a ce qu’elle ressemble a ce qu’on appelle « du travail pour les femmes » plus precaire, c’est-a-dire du travail relie a la dispense de soins et du travail non remunere dans la sphere domestique. Cependant, a cause des faiblesses des donnees, cette etude ne peut analyser la facon dont les relations ethniques contribuent a la feminisation des normes de l’emploi depuis que l’Enquete sur la population active et l’Enquete sociale generale recueillent des donnees fiables sur les sortes d’emploi qui se situent a l’exterieur de la relation d’emploi standard, mais elles ne parviennent pas a recueillir des donnees adequates touchant la race ou l’appartenance ethnique. La deuxieme partie de cet article decrit l’approche methodologique, qui comporte deux etapes. En vue d’etablir si les formes d’emploi plus precaires augmentent parmi les hommes et les femmes, nous avons scinder l’emploi total en utilisant une typologie de formes mutuellement exclusives. Ce qui implique un effort de differencier les employes de ceux qui sont des travailleurs autonomes, une distinction qui renvoie au degre de protection legislative. Les gens qui sont des travailleurs autonomes sont a leur tour repartis en deux categories : ceux qui sont des employeurs et ceux qui travaillent a leur compte (ils n’ont pas de salaries). L’analyse porte alors sur le degre de certitude d’un travail continu en les categorisant par le statut d’employes temporaires ou d’employes permanents. Finalement, chaque forme d’emploi retient la distinction entre un emploi a temps plein et un emploi a temps partiel, parce que cette distinction occupe une place centrale dans toute analyse du sexe de la precarite. La deuxieme etape de l’analyse aborde la relation entre les formes de travail salarie et les indicateurs de trois aspects additionnels de la precarite d’emploi : (1) la petite taille de l’entreprise (moins de 20) a titre d’indicateur de la protection legislative ; (2) l’etendue de la syndicalisation comme indicateur du controle sur le proces de travail et sur la protection legislative ; (3) le salaire horaire comme indicateur de revenu. La troisieme partie analyse le sexe et la precarite d’emploi au Canada en recourrant a des donnees tirees de l’Enquete sur la population active et l’Enquete sociale generale. Au cours de la periode 1989-2001, pour les hommes et les femmes, le travail salarie a plein temps et permanent a diminue alors que le travail salarie temporaire et a plein temps et l’emploi des travailleurs a leur compte ont augmente ; on a observe des augmentations significatives du travail salarie temporaire a temps partiel dans le cas des femmes. En 2001, les hommes etaient plus susceptibles que les femmes d’occuper des emplois permanents a temps plein, alors que les femmes avaient tendance a se retrouver dans des emplois a temps partiel, soit permanents, soit temporaires. Les employes permanents a temps plein sont les moins susceptibles d’oeuvrer dans des petites entreprises non syndiquees et ils gagnent des salaires plus eleves que ceux gagnes par des personnes qui s’adonnent a d’autres formes de travail salarie, encore qu’il existe aussi des differences entre des employes temporaires et ceux a temps partiel qui resultent en un continuum de travail salarie precaire. La precarite d’emploi s’accroit selon l’ordre suivant : les employes permanents a plein temps constituent la cohorte des moins precaires ; suivent les employes temporaires a plein temps, les permanents a temps partiel et les employes temporaires a temps partiel qui constituent le groupe des plus precaires. En analysant les differences propres au sexe en suivant ce continuum, on illustre ainsi la feminisation des normes d’emploi qui demeurent caracterisee par a la fois la continuite et le changement dans les relations entre les personnes de sexe different. Le changement se traduit par une « sexualisation des occupations » parmi les employes temporaires et ceux a temps partiel, la ou quelques hommes, plus particulierement les jeunes, beneficient d’une protection legislative reduite et possedent moins de controle tout comme beaucoup de femmes de tous les âges. Il existe une evidente continuite de la persistance des inegalites chez les employes permanents a plein temps, ou les hommes obtiennent un meilleur score que les femmes sur les trois indicateurs retenus. Cette continuite est egalement evidente en termes de polarisation entre les hommes qui exercent une occupation salariee permanente a plein temps, d’un cote ; entre les femmes et les hommes dans un travail salarie permanent a temps partiel et temporaire a temps partiel, d’un autre cote. La derniere partie consiste, en guise de conclusion, en une presentation des resultats clef. Considerees dans leur ensemble, ces donnees sur la sexualisation des tâches, la polarisation de la remuneration et la diffusion des formes precaires d’emploi refletent bien le phenomene de feminisation de l’emploi precaire. Bien que les hommes dans des tâches remunerees a temps partiel et temporaires s’en tirent plutot mal, plus de femmes que d’hommes se retrouvent dans des types d’emploi ou des dimensions multiples de la precarite convergent. La participation des femmes dans le type le plus precaire de travail salarie (temporaire a temps partiel) s’est accrue vers la fin des annees 90. Pour une analyse plus approfondie de la feminisation des normes d’emploi, d’autres travaux devront etudier comment varie l’emploi precaire selon d’autres facteurs, tels que la race et l’ethnie, selon les contextes sociaux importants, tels que l’occupation et le secteur d’activites.

166 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss some of the discourses surrounding fat and fatness, such as fat oppression, fat-phobia and fat acceptance, and suggest suggestions for developing geographical research agendas that address fatness using a range of scales and theoretical perspectives.
Abstract: Over the past decade geographers, especially social, cultural, critical and feminist geographers, have shown a keen interest in the mutually constitutive relationship between bodies and spaces. There is, however, one aspect of embodiment that has escaped geographers' attention, that is, fatness. In this paper I aim to develop some geographical research agendas that examine fatness as an important component of subjectivity. The paper begins by discussing some of the discourses surrounding fat and fatness, such as fat oppression, fat-phobia and fat acceptance. Secondly, there is an examination of some possible reasons why fat bodies have been for the most part absent from geographical research. Thirdly, the paper draws together the limited references that geographers have made to fat bodies, spaces and places. Finally, the paper offers suggestions for developing geographical research agendas that address fatness using a range of scales and theoretical perspectives.

131 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
01 Mar 2006-Geoforum
TL;DR: The dominant discourse of fisheries science and management displaces community and culture from the essential economic dynamic of fisheries as mentioned in this paper, and this disciplining of community has a literal geographic dimension: the discursive domain of bioeconomics corresponds to the spatial domain of fisheries resources themselves while that of fisheries social science/anthropology correspond to the terrestrial locations where fishers reside.

118 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors examines segmentation in the Canadian labour market by focusing on the standard employment relationship and illustrates how standard employment was crafted upon a speii gender division of paid and unpaid labour, the male breadwinner norm and was only available to a narrow segment of workers.
Abstract: Using gender as its analytic lens, this article examines segmentation in the Canadian labour market by focusing on the standard employment relationship. It illustrates how standard employment was crafted upon a speii gender division of paid and unpaid labour, the male breadwinner norm, and was only available to a narrow segment of workers. To this end, it traces how from the lOSOs the standard employment relationship ws supelemanted by a growth in jobs associated with, and filed pnrimaly by, women workers and it shows how women's increasing labour market participation in the late 196Os and early 1970s shaped demands for equality in employment policies. Since the 1 9SOs, a deterioration in the standard employment relationship has undermined both demands for and the basis of gender equality strategies and the article concludes by raising the question of the normative basis for regulating employment in order to Move towards strategies for reregulation.

90 citations