scispace - formally typeset

Jack Trechock

Researcher at FMC Corporation

Publications -  1
Citations -  10

Jack Trechock is an academic researcher from FMC Corporation. The author has contributed to research in topics: Iron oxide & Iron powder. The author has an hindex of 1, co-authored 1 publications receiving 10 citations.

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Process for simultaneously producing powdered iron and active carbon

TL;DR: In this article, an iron oxide, in the form of powder or a soft readily powdered agglomerate thereof with a stoichiometric excess of a powdered coal char which will react with carbon dioxide at the temperature employed at a rate above 10 percent per hour, at a temperature controlled so that the charge is maintained throughout the reaction at between 1,775* F and 1,875* F. The temperature is most readily maintained in production units by passing the gases used to supply the necessary extraneous heat across the path of travel of the charge, rather than along the path