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Jia-Huan Hou

Researcher at Jilin University

Publications -  33
Citations -  221

Jia-Huan Hou is an academic researcher from Jilin University. The author has contributed to research in topics: Chemistry & Catalysis. The author has an hindex of 1, co-authored 1 publications receiving 4 citations.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Oxygen vacancies induced narrow band gap of BiOCl for efficient visible-light catalytic performance from double radicals

TL;DR: In this article , a high efficiency photocatalytic BiOCl material with a visible light absorption range was successfully prepared by one-pot molecular self-assembly and particle recrystallization method at room temperature.
Journal ArticleDOI

ZnFe2O4-Ni5P4 Mott-Schottky Heterojunctions to Promote Kinetics for Advanced Li-S Batteries.

TL;DR: ZnFe2O4-Ni5P4/S is a Mott-Schottky heterojunction material for lithium-sulfur batteries as discussed by the authors , which has a self-generated built-in electric field.
Journal ArticleDOI

Recent advances in BiOX-based photocatalysts to enhanced efficiency for energy and environment applications

TL;DR: In this article , the authors summarized recent scientific and technological challenging about bismuth oxyhalides composites including fabrication methods, photocatalytic activity, and performance improving challenging of BiOX-based photocATalysts.
Journal ArticleDOI

Ammonium-Modified Synthesis of Vanadium Sulfide Nanosheet Assemblies toward High Sodium Storage.

TL;DR: In this paper , a thermodynamics-driven morphology manipulation strategy is reported to tailor 2D VS4 nanosheets into 3D hierarchical self-assembled architectures including nanospheres, hollow and nanoflowers.