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Kazuo Miyashita

Researcher at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Publications -  43
Citations -  677

Kazuo Miyashita is an academic researcher from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. The author has contributed to research in topics: Job shop scheduling & Scheduling (computing). The author has an hindex of 15, co-authored 43 publications receiving 654 citations. Previous affiliations of Kazuo Miyashita include Panasonic & University of Tsukuba.

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Journal ArticleDOI

CABINS: a framework of knowledge acquisition and iterative revision for schedule improvement and reactive repair

TL;DR: Initial experimental results show that the case-based learning method is able to capture and effectively utilize user scheduling preferences that were not present in the scheduling model, without unduly sacrificing efficiency in predictive schedule generation and reactive response to unpredictable execution events.
Proceedings Article

Job-shop scheduling with genetic programming

TL;DR: This research proposes an approach for synthesizing the dispatching rule by means of Genetic Programming (GP) and gets the results showing that GP-based multi-agent dispatching scheduler outperformed the well-known dispatching rules.
Journal ArticleDOI

Human gait simulation with a neuromusculoskeletal model and evolutionary computation

TL;DR: The proposed simulation system takes not only kinematic data but also in vivo dynamic data such as energy consumption information into consideration, so that the resultant locomotion patterns are natural and valid from a biomechanical point of view.
Journal ArticleDOI

CAMPS: a constraint-based architecturefor multiagent planning and scheduling

TL;DR: A new integrated architecture for distributed planning and scheduling is proposed that exploits constraints for problem decomposition and coordination and together with the constraint-based mechanism of dynamic coalition formation among agents.
Proceedings Article

Improving system performance in case-based iterative optimization through knowledge filtering

TL;DR: It is experimentally demonstrated that unltered learned knowledge can degrade problem solving performance and a set of knowledge ltering strategies designed to increase problem solvingiency of the intractable iterative optimization process without sacri cing solution quality are developed.