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Mohamed Adahchour

Researcher at VU University Amsterdam

Publications -  22
Citations -  2027

Mohamed Adahchour is an academic researcher from VU University Amsterdam. The author has contributed to research in topics: Gas chromatography & Two-dimensional chromatography. The author has an hindex of 19, co-authored 22 publications receiving 1962 citations.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Recent developments in the application of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography.

TL;DR: The literature on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) is reviewed, with emphasis on application-oriented studies published in the period 2004-2006, and the high potential of GC x GC combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection is highlighted.
Journal ArticleDOI

Recent developments in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC × GC): I. Introduction and instrumental set-up

TL;DR: A review of the literature on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC-×-GC) is presented in this article, emphasizing developments in the period 2003-2005 and focusing on a wide variety of applications and analytical performance.
Journal ArticleDOI

Simple, non-moving modulation interface for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography

TL;DR: A simple, non-moving dual-stage CO2 jet modulator is described, which cools two short sections of the front end of the second-dimension column of a comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograph, which traps small fractions eluting from the first- dimension column.
Journal ArticleDOI

Recent developments in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) II. Modulation and detection

TL;DR: The literature on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC-×-GC) has been reviewed in this paper, emphasizing developments in the period 2003-2005, focusing on a wide variety of applications and analytical performance.
Journal ArticleDOI

Recent developments in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) III. Applications for petrochemicals and organohalogens

TL;DR: A review of the literature on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC-×-GC) is presented in this article, emphasizing developments in the period 2003-2005 and focusing on a wide variety of applications and analytical performance.