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Wei Ji

Researcher at Renmin University of China

Publications -  666
Citations -  26973

Wei Ji is an academic researcher from Renmin University of China. The author has contributed to research in topics: Medicine & Monolayer. The author has an hindex of 64, co-authored 550 publications receiving 20154 citations. Previous affiliations of Wei Ji include East China University of Science and Technology & Huazhong Agricultural University.

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Journal ArticleDOI

Quantum spin Hall effect in monolayer and bilayer TaIrTe 4

TL;DR: Based on first-principles electronic structure calculations, Wang et al. as discussed by the authors confirmed that monolayer is a quantum spin Hall insulator and remarkably found that bilayer is still a spin hall insulator.
Journal ArticleDOI

Toward a New Era of SERS and TERS at the Nanometer Scale: From Fundamentals to Innovative Applications.

TL;DR: In this article , the authors report new directions and perspectives of SERS and TERS, mainly from the viewpoint of combining their mechanism and application studies, and discuss four main topics: (1) nanometer to subnanometer plasmonic hotspots for SERS, (2) Ångström resolved TERS; (3) chemical mechanisms, i.e., charge-transfer mechanism of sERS and semiconductor-enhanced Raman scattering; and (4) the creation of a strong bridge between the mechanism studies and applications.
Journal ArticleDOI

Molecular cloning and expression analysis of mannose receptor in blunt snout bream ( Megalobrama amblycephala )

TL;DR: The first teleost MR from Megalobrama amblycephala, named maMR and its expression patterns were investigated and it was found that transcripts of maMR significantly increased at the late stages of embryo and continued to be at the high levels after hatching.
Journal ArticleDOI

Adsorption of benzene, fluorobenzene and meta-di-fluorobenzene on Cu(110): a computational study.

TL;DR: It is found that the adsorption configuration depends on the coverage, and that functionalizing the benzene ring with one or two fluorine atoms weakens the bonding to the surface.

Evaluation of speedup of monte carlo calculations of two simple reactor physics problems coded for the gpu/cuda environment

TL;DR: In this study, Monte Carlo codes for a fixed-source neutron transport problem and an eigenvalue/criticality problem were developed for CPU and GPU environments, respectively, to evaluate issues associated with computational speedup afforded by the use of GPUs.