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Automated conversion to XML, PDF and HTML

Streamline publishing process with an automated XML-first production workflow that reduces cost & increases visibility.
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We work with 400+ journals around the world

Automatically generate tagged XML schema
Get articles indexed easily on Google and Google Scholar
Get accepted in PubMed, CrossRef and other databases easily
Lower number of editors and volunteers required to manage a journal.
Make journal templates easily accessible by hosting them SciSpace. Download PDFs in few seconds.
Produce typesetted output that matches global standards in seconds
Auto-Detect DOIs in cases wherever missing.
High Quality Reference generation. Also, plugs well with external review systems such as OJS.
“The software is really easy to pick up and the publishing support team has been very helpful in creating templates. If you want to run a journal efficiently, I would definitely recommend SciSpace.”
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Dr. Christopher Glass
Senior Editor, OJED

SciSpace for publishers is the complete journal management platform

Make production process more efficient with integrated HTML Publishing
Preserve journal integrity with top-notch plagiarism detection
Gauge audience sentiments with in-depth article analytics
Get priority support to prevent outages and disruptions
Automate referencing to make the process less laborious

Our customers love SciSpace

“If you want to run a journal efficiently, I would definitely recommend SciSpace.”
Profile Pic
Dr. Christopher Glass
Senior Editor, OJED

Trusted by chief editors and production managers at leading journals

We work with over 400+ journals worldwide and provide solutions to generate XML-first articles that comply with major scientific databases like PubMed, Crossref, etc.

Refer SciSpace for publishers now to journal editors and stand a
to earn $250

Reduce production costs and speed-up publishing with SciSpace now

Book a free demo and we will get in touch with you to understand your requirements.

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