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Showing papers by "Universidade Federal de Viçosa published in 1986"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Cryphonectria cubensis evolved with clove in the Molucca Islands area and was widely distributed throughout the tropics along with this host, and could account for the rapid appearance of canker on newly established eucalyptus in isolated areas.
Abstract: Data obtained from morphological comparisons, cultural and inoculation studies, and protein and isoenzyme analyses showed that Cryphonectria cubensis, causal agent of canker ofEucalyptus spp., and Endothia eugeniae, associated with dieback of clove (Syzygium aromaticum), to be conspecific. Cry? phonectria cubensis is the valid name for the fungus. It is postulated that C. cubensis evolved with clove in the Molucca Islands area and was widely distributed throughout the tropics along with this host. Susceptible species of Eucalyptus later planted in areas where the fungus was already present became infected. This could account for the rapid appearance of canker on newly established eucalyptus in isolated areas.

77 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The effect of lime levels and ratios of Ca: Mg on nodulation, nitrogen fixation and yield of soyabean var. UFV-1 was studied under greenhouse conditions, using a Typic Haplorthox soil.
Abstract: SUMMARY The effect of four lime levels and of five ratios of Ca: Mg on nodulation, nitrogen fixation and yield of soyabean var. UFV-1 was studied under greenhouse conditions, using a Typic Haplorthox soil. Dry matter production of top growth was relatively constant for soil Ca: Mg ratios ranging from 0.26: 1 to 24: 1 and a similar production level was sustained for A1 saturation values from 0 to 43%. Nodulation (number and dry weight of nodules) increased with increasing A1 saturation from 0 to 43%. The greatest increase was observed when Al saturation was raised from 0 to 2 or 3%. The N accumulated in the shoots, decreased with the increase in the percent A1 saturation, showing that the largest number of nodules does not necessarily result in greatest accumulation of N in shoots.

14 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, three sets of Brazilian Oxisols have been analyzed by Mossbauer spectroscopy at 290, 80 and 4.2 K. In most cases two resolved magnetic hyperfine patterns associated with aluminous goethite and hematite are resolved; their ratio is related to soil colour.
Abstract: Three sets of Brazilian Oxisols have been analysed by Mossbauer spectroscopy at 290, 80 and 4.2 K. In most cases two resolved magnetic hyperfine patterns associated with aluminous goethite and hematite are resolved; their ratio is related to soil colour. Samples from a 3 m soil profile show that both oxides become decreasingly aluminium substituted and/or better crystallized with depth. Goethite from surface or deep layers is readily differentiated by its hyperfine parameters. As there is no significant alternate source of iron, the results suggest that both hematite and goethite undergo continuous neoformation throughout the profile in response to the changing pedogenic environment.

5 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors hypothesize that firms for which genetic diversity, advertizing, and reputations of environmental responsibility are more valuable are more likely to contribute to the Nature Conservancy.
Abstract: Treating corporate contributions as purchases of valuable inputs, we hypothesize that firms for which genetic diversity, advertizing, and reputations of environmental responsibility are more valuable and firms for which the cost of contributing is less will be more likely contributors to the Nature Conservancy. These hypotheses are supported by logit estimations which find firms in industries where biological inputs are important, firms with high advertizing expenditures, firms in industries with high costs of meeting environmental regulations, and large firms are more likely to contribute and so become Corporate Associates of the Nature Conservancy.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, an experimento of vasos, em casa de vegetacao, em Piracicaba, no Brazil, realizou-se um experimento de vasos to determine efeitos da omissao no crescimento.
Abstract: Com o objetivo de determinar os efeitos da omissao no crescimento, niveis internos correspondentes e eficiencia do uso dos macronutrientes em mudas de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, P. caribaea var. bahamensis e P. caribaea var. cari baea, realizou-se um experimento de vasos, em casa de vegetacao; em Piracicaba , no Brasil. Foram empregados os tratamentos: completo, com omissao de nitrogenio, com omissao de fosforo, com omissao de potassio, com omissao de calcio, com omissao de magnesio e com omissao de enxofre. Usou-se silica lavada como substrato, irrigando-se as plantas duas vezes ao dia com as solucoes nutritivas correspondentes aos tratamentos utilizados. Apos o estabelecimento dos sintomas de carencia as plantas foram colhidas, separadas em aciculas superiores, aciculas inferiores, ramos e raizes secas a 60-70°C em estufa, pesadas, moidas e analisadas para concentracoes de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Os niveis internos em aciculas sob tratamento completo e sob tratamento com omissao sao: N% 1,33 e 0,54; P% 0,03 e 0,02; K% 1,76 e 0,34;Ca% 0,23 e 0,04; Mg% 0,22 e 0,04; S% 0,24 e 0,09 em P. caribaea var. hondurensis; N% 1,30 e 0,51; P% 0,02 e 0,02; K% 1,51 e 0,35; Ca% 0,14 e 0,05; Mg% 0,15 e 0,08; S% 0,16 e 0,06 em P. caribaea var. bahamensis e, N% 1,18 e 0,43; P% 0,01 e 0,02; K% 1,15 e 0,34; Ca% 0,15 e 0,04; Mg% 0,13 e 0,08; S% 0,11 e 0,06 em P. caribaea var. caribaea. P. caribaea var. hondurensis e menos eficiente na absorcao dos nutrientes.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a model for ensino em nutricao for a escola do primeiro grau do Estado de Pernambuco (Brasil) is proposed.
Abstract: Propoe-se um modelo de ensino em nutricao para a escola do primeiro grau do Estado de Pernambuco (Brasil). Com base no estudo da proposta curricular de ciencias que contem "Programas de Saude", e nos resultados da pesquisa realizada com alunos da oitava serie e professores da area metropolitana de Recife, elaborou-se um programa de ensino em nutricao que representa os temas sugeridos pelos alunos. Esta fase compreendeu: selecao de objetivos; selecao e organizacao do conteudo; selecao de tecnicas; recursos e instrumentos de avaliacao, considerando os aspectos de logicidade, gradualidade, continuidade e integracao. Os seguintes objetivos gerais de cada serie nortearam a selecao e organizacao dos temas: a) Primeira serie - Identificar a interdependencia entre: ambiente, homem e alimento; b) Segunda serie - Classificar os alimentos conforme a sua origem e funcao e identificar os recursos alimentares da comunidade; c) Terceira serie - Agrupar os alimentos conforme a predominância de substâncias nutritivas e sua funcao no organismo e identificar os recursos alimentares do municipio; d) Quarta serie - Identificar formas de higiene e conservacao de alimentos e a producao agricola e pecuaria do Estado; e) Quinta serie - Conhecer normas gerais de inspecao industrial e sanitaria de alimentos; f) Sexta serie - Conhecer as preparacoes habituais e tipicas de regiao, bem como outras formas de utilizacao das fontes alimentares disponiveis e respectivas formas de preparo e cozimento; g) Setima serie - Identificar os fatores que interferem no acesso e utilizacao de uma dieta adequada as necessidades nutricionais de uma comunidade; h) Oitava serie - Conhecer as doencas nutricionais mais frequentes em Pernambuco e no Brasil, seus fatores determinantes, consequencias e medidas preventivas adotadas. O programa proposto pode ser agregado ao "Programas de Saude" correspondendo cada serie a uma unidade entre as demais presentes nesta area de estudo.