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Showing papers in "Canadian Geographer in 2000"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The impact of immigration on Canadian cities since the Second World War has been profound, especially following the removal of barriers to non-European immigrants in the 1960s and the significant increase in the number of immigrants admitted since the mid-1980s as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: The impact of immigration on Canadian cities since the Second World War has been profound, especially following the removal of barriers to non-European immigrants in the 1960s and the significant increase in the number of immigrants admitted since the mid-1980s. Over two million immigrants entered Canada in the 1990s and the vast majority have settled in just a few metropolitan areas. As a result, the social geography of large Canadian cities has been transformed, an issue that has attracted considerable attention from Canadian geographers. In this paper, research on these changes—published by cultural, social, and urban geographers between 1996 and 1999—is surveyed. This work is exceedingly diverse in emphasis and method, and has contributed a great deal to our understanding of the relationship between immigration and urban change, particularly in the areas of housing, the labour market, and neighbourhood life. In general, geographers are emphasizing the complexity of outcomes, highlighting on the one hand the importance of local contingency, and on the other the growing connections between Canadian cities and global processes. This research challenges traditional theories of immigration and urban structure, and in so doing will redefine the way we conceptualize urban spatial structure and urban social life. L'impact de l'immigration sur les villes canadiennes depuis la seconde guerre mondiale a ete profond, particulierement depuis la suppression des barrieres a l'egard des immigrants ne venant pas d'Europe dans les annees 1960, et l'augmentation significative du nombre d'immigrants dans les annees 1980. Plus de deux millions d'immigrants sont entres au Canada dans les annees 1990, dont la grande majorite s'est installee dans seulement quelques metropoles. Cela a provoque une transformation de la geographie des grandes villes canadiennes, phenomene qui a attire une attention considerable de la part des geographes canadiens. Dans cet article, des recherches sur ces changements, publies par des praticiens des geographies culturelle, sociale et urbaine entre 1996 et 1999, sont passees en revue. Les champs d'investigation et les methodes de ces travaux sont extremement divers. Ces derniers ont grandement contribuea notre comprehension du rapport entre immigration et changements urbains, particulierement dans les domaines du logement, du marche du travail, et de la vie de quartier. En general, les geographes mettent l'accent sur la complexite des consequences, en soulignant d'un cote l'importance de la contingence locale, et de l'autre les relations croissantes entre les villes canadiennes et les processus globaux. Ces recherches remettent en question les theories tradition-nelles sur l'immigration et la structure urbaine et, chemin faisant, redefinissent notre facon de conceptualiser la structure spatiale et la vie sociale des villes.

98 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors argue that the very politics of doing research with this group of refugees and other immigrant groups are shaped by the relations of power experienced before arriving in Canada, and they argue that analyzing settlement patterns and successful integration within a strictly national context is insufficient to understand the political, social and economic relations which shape the lives of refugee immigrants in Canada.
Abstract: Immigration is predicated on the centrality of the nation-state. The authors argue that analyzing settlement patterns and successful integration within a strictly national context is insufficient to understand the political, social, and economic relations which shape the lives of refugee immigrants in Canada. To support this claim, a less state-centric theoretical framework of transnational migration is outlined. The paper examines methods emerging from transnational migration, focussing in particular on research with Burmese refugees who have settled in the Greater Vancouver Area. Based on 50 personal interviews conducted with refugee newcomers from Burma who are now settled in the Lower Mainland, the authors use the case study as a basis to raise methodological and theoretical questions about immigration research. We argue that the very politics of doing research with this group of refugees and other immigrant groups are shaped by the relations of power experienced before arriving in Canada. Les auteures soutiennent que l'analyse des schemas d'etablissement et d'integration reussie dans un contexte strictement national s'avere insuffisante pour comprendre les relations politiques, sociales et economiques qui definissent l'existence des refugies immigrants au moment de l'arrivee. Dans le but d'appuyer cette proposition, nous definissons un schema theorique moins axe sur l'etat, c'est-a-dire le transnationalisme. La recherche examine ces facteurs en relation avec les experiences des ‘immigrants non-traditionnels’ au Canada, en particulier les refugies Burmans installes dans la region de Vancouver. Bases sur 50 entrevues personnelles menees avec des refugies nouvellement arrives du Burma et qui sont maintenant installes dans le ‘Lower Mainland’, les auteures utilisent l'etude de cas comme une base permettant de soulever des questions de methodologie pour la recherche en immigration. Nous avancons que les implications politiques de la recherche avec ce groupe de refugies et d'autres groupes d'immigrants dependent des relations de pouvoir vecues avant l'arrivee au Canada.

57 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors consider the extent to which sustainable use and community-based conservation have been accepted (or not) by a specific group of conservation experts, and what this level of acceptance implies for conservation in practice.
Abstract: ‘Sustainable use’ and ‘community-based conservation’ are two contemporary concepts in wildlife conservation policy. Their rise represents a shift away from traditional conservation techniques, and a merging of narratives about conservation and development. While policy statements by major conservation organisations emphasise the necessity of the shift, evidence to date suggests that, in practice, implementation of these concepts has been limited. This paper considers the extent to which sustainable use and community-based conservation have been accepted (or not) by a specific group of conservation experts, and what this level of acceptance implies for conservation in practice. Based on in-depth interviews with experts in marine turtle biology and/or conservation policy, the paper considers the willingness and ability of such experts to incorporate human development needs and issues into conservation activities. The suitability of conservation organisations as promoters of rural development, and implications of their further involvement as such, are discussed. Les principes de ‘l'utilisation durable’ et de ‘la protection de l'environnement par la communaute’ sont deux concepts courants dans la politique de la defense de la flore et de la faune. La montee de ces concepts represente un ecart par rapport aux techniques traditionnelles de la defense de l'environnement, ainsi qu'un lieu de convergence ou les recits sur la protection des ressources naturelles, et sur developpement se fusionnent. Bien que les declarations de principe faites par d'importants organismes de protection soulignent la necessite de poursuivre cette nouvelle orientation, il y a de bonnes raisons de penser que la mise en pratique de ces concepts a ete, jusqu'a present, tres limitee. Cet article traitera de la mesure d'acceptation accordee a ces deux concepts, au sein d'un groupe specifique de specialistes en defense des ressources naturelles, ainsi que les repercussions de ce niveau d'acceptation pour la pratique de la protection. A partir d'entrevues en profondeur menees avec des experts en la biologie des tortues marines et/ou en la politique de leur protection, l'article examinera la volonte, ainsi que la capacite, de tels experts d'integrer les exigences humaines aux activites de protection. Seront egalement considerees la question de l'aptitude de ces organismes de protection a promouvoir le developpement rurale, et les consequences possibles de leur implication continue dans celui-ci.

49 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The results of a study in Metropolitan Toronto of 68 nonprofit agencies that provide a variety of settlement services for immigrant and refugee women are discussed in this paper, and the locations of agencies are evaluated.
Abstract: The Toronto region receives one-quarter of new immigrants to Canada and they become widely dispersed throughout the metropolitan area. Most immigrants arrive with language, social and cultural needs, creating demand for social services from existing agencies. ‘How can agencies choose locations that meet the needs of new immigrants?’ is the central focus. The results of a study in Metropolitan Toronto of 68 nonprofit agencies that provide a variety of settlement services for immigrant and refugee women are discussed. Immigrant and language groups and the agencies serving them are mapped; the locations of agencies are evaluated. While service agencies are responding to the arrival of new groups and the spatial dispersion of new immigrants, more services in the northern portions of the study area are required. The spatial dispersion of some language groups means that they have poorer access to services than groups that are concentrated in the traditional immigrant reception area. La region de Toronto accueille le quart des immigrants au Canada, et ceux-ci sont disperses dans l'agglomeration torontoise. La plupart d'entre eux ont des exigences linguistiques, sociales et culturelles qui augmentent la demande en services sociaux dispenses par les organismes en place. Ce document porte essentiellement sur la facon dont ces derniers determinent les lieux de prestation de services qui repondront le mieux aux besoins des immigrants. II est egalement question des resultats d'une etude menee dans la communaute urbaine de Toronto aupres de 68 organismes a but non lucratif offrant un eventail de services d'etablissement pour les immigrantes et les refugiees. Les immigrants et les groupes linguistiques, ainsi que les organismes qui les servent, y sont repertories geographiquement. La localisation de ces organismes fait aussi l'objet d'une evaluation. La plupart repondent deja aux besoins des nouveaux venus et tiennent compte de leur dispersion mais, selon cette etude, il faudrait plus de services dans le nord de l'agglomeration torontoise. En raison de cet eparpillement, certains groupes linguistiques ont plus difficilement acces a des services que d'autres qui se trouvent dans les zones d'ancrage habituelles.

37 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the attitudes and character of a range of community groups in a series of contrasted Canadian port cities were explored using established methodology based on structured tape-recorded interviews with group representatives.
Abstract: The process of urban waterfront change in port cities is influenced by a wide range of factors, and the roles of urban planners, port authorities and property developers are often moderated by those of community groups. Using established methodology based on structured tape-recorded interviews with group representatives, this paper explores the attitudes and character of a range of such groups in a series of contrasted Canadian port cities. The outcomes show substantial but varying influence and, although many activities and perceptions are place-specific, a widespread awareness of global as well as local issues is revealed. Dans les villes portuaires, le processus de changement du front urbano-portuaire est influence par un large eventail de facteurs, et les roles des planificateurs urbains, des autorites portuaires et des promoteurs immobiliers sont souvent temperes par les groupes de citoyens. A partir d'une methodologie eprouvee (entrevues dirigees et enregistrees avec des representants des ces differents groupes) l'article explore les attitudes et particularites d'un echantillon des differents groupes dans une serie de villes portuaires canadiennes aux caracteristiques contrastees. L'enquete met en evidence des influences substantielles mais variables et, quoique beaucoup d'activites et de perceptions soient specifiques aux differents lieux, une prise de conscience generalisee des enjeux aussi bien globaux que locaux a ete revelee.

34 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the influence of meteorological conditions on the intensity and spatial configuration of the urban heat island effect in Regina, Saskatchewan is investigated, and it is shown that cloud cover is more important than wind speed as a more important control on heat island intensity than do daytime and post-sunset wind speeds.
Abstract: This study investigates the influence of meteorological conditions on the intensity and spatial configuration of the urban heat island effect in Regina, Saskatchewan. A sample of 31 nocturnal heat island intensities measured via automobile surveys averages 3°C, with a maximum intensity reaching 7.5°C. On nights with clear skies and light winds, heat island morphology in Regina is characterized by a clearly defined cliff, plateau, and peak. Regression analysis reveals that heat island intensities are highly sensitive to changes in wind conditions, and relatively insensitive to changes in humidity and atmospheric pressure. However, when antecedent weather conditions preceding each heat island event are included in the analysis, cloud cover supersedes wind speed as a more important control on heat island intensity. Daytime and post-sunset cloud cover explain 20 percent more variance in the ensuing nocturnal heat island intensities than do daytime and post-sunset wind speeds. This result challenges the widely-held notion that wind speed is a more important heat island control than sky cover. Cette etude se penche sur l'influence des conditions meteorologiques sur l'intensite et la configuration spatiale de l'effet d'ilot thermique urbain a Regina, Saskatchewan. Un echantillon de 31 intensites d'ilots thermiques nocturnes prelevees par automobile atteint une moyenne de 3°C, avec une intensite maximale de 7,5°C. Par nuit claire et vent leger, la morphologie des ilots thermiques a Regina est nettement caracterisee par un courant ascentionnel, un palier et une crete. L'analyse de regression revele que les intensites d'ilots thermiques sont tres sensibles aux changements de vents coincidents, et relativement insensibles aux changements d'humidite et de pression atmospherique. Cependant, quand les conditions atmospheriques precedant chaque effet d'ilot thermique sont prises en consideration, la couverture nuageuse supplante la vitesse du vent comme controle majeur de l'intensite. Quand on compare couverture nuageuse et vitesse du vent pendant la journee et apres le coucher du soleil, la valeur explicative de la premiere est de 20 pour cent superieure a celle de la derniere en ce qui concerne la variation d'intensite dans les ilots thermiques nocturnes qui s'ensuivent. Ce resultat remet en question la ‘conviction’ que dans le controle des ilots thermiques, la vitesse du vent est plus importante que la couverture nuageuse.

34 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The spatial growth of chiropractic and naturopathic practitioners in two Canadian provinces is described for the period between 1984 and 1993, providing an initial spatial understanding of its growing presence.
Abstract: Due to the dominance of the biomedical model in North America, other types of health care, such as the various forms of alternative health practices, are viewed as ancillary. Alternative health care practices, such as chiropractic and naturopathy are a growing phenomenon which are becoming increasingly available and accessible throughout North America, due to their expanding acceptance and use. The spatial growth of chiropractic and naturopathic practitioners in two Canadian provinces is described for the period between 1984 and 1993. This spatial description, framed within Brown's innovation diffusion model, provides insight into the geographical dimensions of these growing phenomena. In addition to exhibiting contagious diffusion, both practitioner groups exhibit the same hierarchical pattern that has been found with alternative health care practitioners in the United States. The many supply and demand factors influencing the diffusion of these two alternative health care practices are discussed in light of the forms of diffusion found. As alternative health care is under-researched by geographers, this research is a preliminary contribution, providing an initial spatial understanding of its growing presence. La preponderance du modele biomedical americain maintient le statut ancillaire des formes de soins de sante alternatives. Les pratiques de soins de sante alternatives, telles que la chiropractie et la naturopathie, sont des phenomenes de plus en plus repandus et dont la disponibilite et l'accessibilite augmentent en Amerique du Nord en raison du niveau croissant de leur acceptation et utilisation par le public. Il sera question ici de l'expansion geographique des praticiens en chiropractie et en naturopathie dans deux provinces canadiennes entre 1984 et 1993. Cette analyse geographique, qui s'appuie sur le modele de diffusion des innovations de Brown, explique les dimensions geographiques de ces phenomenes en pleine croissance. En plus de presenter une diffusion de type contagieuse, les deux groupes de praticiens presentent la meme forme hierarchique de diffusion que celle observee aux Etats-Unis. Les nombreux facteurs d'offre et de demande qui affectent la diffusion de ces deux pratiques de soins de sante alternatives sont examines. Puisque l'etude des soins de sante alternatifs est encore limitee en geographie, cette recherche jette les premiers jalons d'une meilleure comprehension geographie de ce phenomene en croissance.

33 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A review of recent literature by Canadian geographers on Aboriginal people in this country suggests an increased focus on this important topic as mentioned in this paper, highlighting evidence of Aboriginal people's responses wherever this material is available.
Abstract: A review of recent literature by Canadian geographers on Aboriginal people in this country suggests an increased focus on this important topic. This paper is organized by two main sections: the dispossession of Aboriginal peoples from their land and rights, and current attempts to contest and to redefine Aboriginal people's places in contemporary Canadian society. In both sections, I address representational strategies which transformed Aboriginal peoples and their lands conceptually, and the material transformations which accompanied them. I highlight evidence of Aboriginal people's responses wherever this material is available. Some remaining challenges to Canadian geographers are: integrating the research of people working as researchers for Aboriginal organizations, and institutions working with Aboriginal people into the academic milieu; including the voices of Aboriginal peoples in our research; and addressing under-represented topics including urban Aboriginal peoples, reserve geographies, Metis peoples and Aboriginal women. Une revue des travaux des geographes canadiens au sujet des Aborigenes de ce pays revele que ce sujet d'etude important recoit de plus en plus d'attention. Cet article est compose de deux sections principales: la thematique de la depossession des terres et de la privation des droits des Aborigenes, et les tentatives actuelles de contestation et redefinition de leur place dans la societe canadienne contemporaine. Dans les deux sections, j'aborde les strategies de representation qui ont transforme les Aborigenes et leurs terres du point de vue conceptuel, ainsi que les transformations materielles qui les ont accompagnees. j'attire l'attention sur la reaction des Aborigenes a chaque fois que cette information peut etre verifiee. Certains defis sont encore a relever par les geographes canadiens: integrer, d'une part la recherche effectuee pour le compte d'organisations aborigenes et d'autre part les institutions oeuvrant de concert avec ces peuples, dans le milieu universitaire; inclure le point de vue des Aborigenes dans notre recherche; et s'attaquer a des sujets encore trop negliges, notamment les Aborigenes en milieu urbain, la geographie des reserves, les Metis et les femmes aborigenes.

29 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: There has been an explosion of literature by Canadian economic geographers on precisely these kinds of changes that are simultaneously both economic and geographical as mentioned in this paper, which has become the leitmotif of the age, globalization.
Abstract: Over the last quarter of a century the Canadian economy experienced a series of profound changes which have affected every level of society. They include new forms of flexible production, fundamental changes in regulation at all spatial scales, structural shifts away from manufacturing towards service sector activities, the rise of information technology (IT) and computerization at the workplace, the feminization of the labour market, and, what has become the leitmotif of the age, globalization. Such changes are intimately connected with geography. By that we mean not merely that they take on a geographical form, but that geography is pan of their very constitution. In this sense Canadian economic geographers are exactly in the right time and the right place to make use of their skills. Indeed, over the last five years there has been an explosion of literature by Canadian economic geographers on precisely these kinds of changes that are simultaneously both economic and geographical. In reviewing that literature the paper begins by situating Canada within its wider global setting, which we then follow by surveying the diverse writing around the three broad sectors that make-up the Canadian economy: the resource sector, the manufacturing sector, and the service sector. We conclude by highlighting two particular research themes within Canadian economic geography that have become especially germane over the late 1990s. The first is on new labour markets and forms of work both of which have been transformed during the last decade; and the second is on new forms of industrial innovation, which are clearly pivotal to the future well-being of the country for the next millennium. Au cours des vingt-cinq dernieres annees, l'economie canadienne a connu une serie, de changements profonds qui ont affecte toutes les couches de la societe. Ces changements comprennent les nouvelles formes de production flexible, les changements fondamentaux dans la reglementation a toutes les echelles spatiales, la mutation structurelle du secteur industriel au secteur tertiaire, la montee de la technologie de l'information (Tl) et l'informatisation sur le lieu de travail, la presence plus importante des femmes sur le marche du travail, et, ce qui est devenu le leitmotiv de notre epoque, la mondialisation. De tels changements sont intimement lies a la geographie. Par la, nous ne disons pas simplement qu'ils prennent une forme geographique, mais que la geographie fait partie integrante de leur constitution. Dans ce sens, les geographes-economistes canadiens arrivent, si l'on peut dire, au bon endroit au bon moment pour mettre leurs connaissances a profit. En effet, on assiste depuis les cinq dernieres annees a une recrudescence impressionnante des travaux de geographes-economistes canadiens portant, precisement, sur ces types de changements qui sont a la fois economiques et geographiques. En faisant le compte-rendu de cette litterature scientifique, cet article situe d'abord le Canada dans son contexte mondial plus large, passe ensuite en revue ce qui a eteecrit au sujet des trois grands secteurs qui forment l'economie canadienne: les secteurs primaire, secondaire et tertiaire. Nous concluons en mettant en relief deux themes de recherches de la geographie economique canadienne qui sont devenus particulierement pertinents depuis la fin des annees 1990. Le premier traite des nouveaux marches du travail et des nouvelles formes de travail, qui ont tous deux subi des transformations au cours de la derniere decennie. Le second traite des nouvelles formes d'innovation industrielle, qui sont cruciales pour le bien-etre futur du pays a l'aube du nouveau millenaire.

27 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors analyzed the Ontario Grade 3 test results for 1997 in public schools in the City of Toronto and in Hamilton-Wentworth and found that social class had a greater effect on pupil achievement than language background.
Abstract: The recent introduction of standardised achievement tests in several provinces has created an opportunity for Canadian geographers to contribute to public and theoretical debates. Geographers are well-equipped to comprehend and analyse the effects that neighbourhoods have upon pupil achievement. Independent of family background and school funding, such effects may be stronger in education than in other fields, such as voting behaviour and health research, but they have been ignored in recent public debates. They should be considered if informed judgements are to be made about whether specific teachers, schools, and boards are doing an adequate job. Analysis of the Ontario Grade 3 test results for 1997 in public schools in the City of Toronto and in Hamilton-Wentworth indicate that social class had a greater effect on pupil achievement than language background. Differences in the determinants of achievement between these two urban centres may be attributable to local variations in occupational structure and residential patterns. L'introduction recente en education des tests de competences standardises, dans plusieurs provinces, offre aux geographes canadiens l'occasion de contribuer aux debats publics et theoriques. Les geographes sont bien places pour comprendre et analyser les effets de quartier sur le rendement scolaire des eleves. Independamment du milieu socioculturel et du financement scolaire, ces effets ont peut etre plus d'impact en education que dans les domaines tels que le comportement electoral et la recherche dans le milieu de la sante, cependant, ils demeurent a l'ecart des debats publics. Ces elements doivent etre consideres si l'on pretend juger en connaissance de cause l'efficacite et le rendement des ecoles, le corps enseignant et les conseils scolaires. L'analyse des resultats d'examens de l'Ontario en 1997, pour les eleves des ecoles publiques de la troisieme annee des villes de Toronto et Hamilton-Wentworth, demontre que la reussite scolaire est plus liee au niveau socio-economique qu'a l'origine linguistique. La divergence des facteurs de reussites des deux centres urbains est peut-etre attribuable aux variations des structures d'occupation locales et residentielles.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The flat topography of the Red River valley reflects the morphology of underlying bedrock covered with late Quaternary glacial and glaciolacustrine sediments as discussed by the authors, and an array of flood protection infrastructure has been constructed in the landscape to mitigate the flood hazard.
Abstract: Summary The flat topography of the Red River Valley reflects the morphology of underlying bedrock covered with late Quaternary glacial and glaciolacustrine sediments. The meandering Red River occupies a shallow stream-cut valley that became incised into the Red River Valley plain following the final recession of glacial Lake Agassiz. Extreme flows carried by the river overtop the sides of the stream-cut valley and spread laterally up to several tens of kilometres across the plain. An array of flood protection infrastructure has been constructed in the landscape to mitigate the flood hazard.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors compare economic development of Aboriginal peoples living in three different areas of the Canadian North, namely, the Western Arctic, the Central Arctic and Northern Quebec, over a ten year period.
Abstract: Modern land claim agreements (MLCAs) are having an impact on Aboriginal economic and social development. This economic impact stems from the substantial land and cash received through the surrender of land rights. The creation of an economic structure that allows the recipients to manage their land and business is another important component of modern land claim agreements. In this paper, we compare economic development of Aboriginal peoples living in three different areas of the Canadian North, namely, the Western Arctic, the Central Arctic and Northern Quebec, over a ten year period. Even in this short-term period, we argue that those in the Western Arctic and Northern Quebec who had their agreements signed much earlier would have seen a more rapid and persistent advancement in their economic development than those in the Central Arctic (Kitikmeot and Keewatin census regions) whose claims were settled in 1993 as part of the larger Tungavik Federation of Nunavut Final Agreement. Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and data from the 1981, 1986 and 1991 Canadian censuses, we have undertaken a longitudinal analysis for each region. The results support our hypothesis. Les accords sur litiges fonciers (ALFs) ont une incidence sur le developpement economique et social des aborigenes. Cette incidence economique provient de l'acquis considerable de terres et d'argent recus suite a l'abandon des droits fonciers. La creation d'une structure economique qui permet aux beneficiaires de gerer leurs terres et leurs affaires est une autre composante importante des accords sur les litiges fonciers. Cet compare le developpement economique des populations autochtones dans trois regions differentes du Nord du Canada, a savoir l'Arctique occidental, l'Arctique central et le nord du Quebec, sur une periode de dix ans. Nous soutenons que, meme sur cette periode courte, les populations autochtones de l'Arctique occidental et du nord du Quebec dont les accords avaient ete signes plus tot ont du benefier d'un progres plus rapide et soutenu que les populations autochtones de l'Arctique central (les zones de recensement de Kitikmeot et Keewatin) dont les litiges ont ete regles en 1993 dans le cadre de l'ensemble des accords finaux de la Federation Tungavik du Nunavut. Recourant a l'analyse en composante principale (ACP) et des donnees des recensements canadiens de 1981, 1986 et 1991, nous avons entrepris une analyse longitudinale pour chaque region. Les resultats confirment notre hypothese.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Recently improved data on foreign direct economic control and foreign direct investment (FDI) are used to evaluate common perceptions of the degree of Canadian dependency as discussed by the authors, indicating that Canada is a core and not a dependent country.
Abstract: Recently improved data on foreign direct economic control and foreign direct investment (FDI) are used to evaluate common perceptions of the degree of Canadian dependency. Including financial corporations in measures of foreign control yields rates of foreign control that are lower than those traditionally cited. Foreign and U.S. control in Canada declined in recent decades and only minor changes are evident since ‘free’ trade went into effect. Contrary to what is often assumed, Canada's rate of inward FDI is lower than in some advanced capitalist countries and its outward rate of FDI is higher than most G7 countries. The concentration of Canadian direct investment in the U.S. is similar to that many West European countries in the rest of Western Europe. The findings indicate that Canada is a ‘core’, not ‘dependent’ capitalist country. De recemment donnees ameliorees sur le controle direct des avoirs economiques et sur les investissements directs etrangers sont utilisees pour evaluer les perceptions du controle economique et le degre de la dependance economique canadienne. Sont aussi analysees, les institutions financieres en termes de leur controle domestique et etranger. II appert que le controle etranger est moins important que l'on croit. Les controles etrangers et etats-unien de l'economie canadienne sont en declin aux cours des dernieres annees. L'influence du libre echange ne semble pas etre significatif. Certes, le taux interne d'investissements directs etrangers est moindre que pour d'autres economies capitalistes avancees, mais le taux externe d'investissements directs etrangers est plus important que pour la plupart des economies du Groupe des Sept. La concentration des investissements directs canadiens aux Etats-Unis est similaire aux concentrations de plusieurs economies de l'Europe de l'ouest au sein de l'Europe. Les analyses tendent a indiquer que le Canada est une economic capitaliste ‘centrale’ et non ‘peripherique’.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The years 1996-1999 were productive ones for Canadian geographers working in resource and environmental planning and management as mentioned in this paper, and a hopefully representative sample of that work under three main headings: Science, Surveys and Climate Change; Assessment, Planning and Management; and Social, Cultural and Economic Dimensions.
Abstract: The years 1996–1999 were productive ones for Canadian geographers working in resource and environmental planning and management. This review highlights and partly summarizes a hopefully representative sample of that work under three main headings: Science, Surveys and Climate Change; Assessment, Planning and Management; and Social, Cultural and Economic Dimensions. The concluding section addresses Themes, Trends, and Prospects. Canadian strengths in the past could have been said to include at least land and resource analysis and mapping, institutional and procedural analyses, watershed management and water resources, sustainable development, protected areas and ecosystem approaches, field and case study-based approaches addressing questions of how can we do things better both in Canada, and application of our expertise to resource and environmental management abroad. Research has continued in these areas, but many are evolving and transforming. Some trends include study of multiple aspects of climate change, the processes and results of comprehensive regional planning, sustainability at local and regional scales, resource cycles and restructuring, the experience of historically neglected social and economic groups, and some progress on adding more, critical, social and political economic theory to the methods and analysis of Canadian resource and environmental geographers. Les annees 1996–1999 ont ete productives pour les geographes travaillant dans le domaine de la gestion et de la planification des ressources et de l'environnement. Ce compte-rendu fait le point sur un echantillon aussi representatif que possible de ces travaux en les regroupant sous trois rubriques principales: Science, recherche et changement climatique; Evaluation, planification et gestion; ainsi que Dimensions sociales et culturelles. L'article conclut en abordant les themes, les tendances, et les perspectives. On pourrait dire, que dans le passe, la recherche canadienne s'affirmait dans les domaines suivants: l'analyse et la cartographic des ressources naturelles et des terres; l'analyse des procedures et des institutions; la gestion des bassins hydrographiques et des ressources en eau; le developpement durable; l‘etude des ecosystemes et des zones protegees; et enfin, les approches qui, par l'entremise d’etudes de cas, examinent les facons d'ameliorer, au Canada et a l‘etranger, la mise en application de notre expertise dans la gestion des ressources et de l'environnement. La recherche s'est poursuivie dans ces domaines, mais d'autres perspectives emergent et se transformet. Nous discutons ici des themes suivants: les divers aspects des change-ments climatiques, les processus et les resultats de la planification regionale, la “durabilite” aux echelles locale et regionale, la restructuration et le cycle des ressources, l'experience de groupes economiques et sociaux historiquement negliges, et les progres obtenus grâce l'addition de considerations critiques, sociales et theoriques aux methodes et analyses des geographes canadiens s'interessant a l'environnement et aux ressources.

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TL;DR: The authors argue that the inefficacy of these past policy approaches stems at least partly from a failure to recognize explicitly the interrelationship between the economy of the region, its constitutional status and that of its Native population.
Abstract: Over a period of approximately five decades, the federal government of Canada has transformed the predominantly nomadic hunting and gathering society of the Northwest Territories (NWT) to one which is based largely on wage and/or transfer income, and life in permanent communities. Several decades of planning for regional development and the expenditure of large sums of public monies have failed to give rise to a viable economic system in the region. This paper argues that the inefficacy of these past policy approaches stems at least partly from a failure to recognize explicitly the interrelationship between the economy of the region, its constitutional status and that of its Native population. Au cours d'une periode d'approximativement cinq decennies, le gouvernement federal du Canada a transforme la societe principalement nomade de chasseurs et cueilleurs des Territoires du Nord ouest en une societe d'une part basee sur le revenu salarie et/ou de transfert et d'autre part composee de communautees etablies de facon permanente. Plusieurs decennies de planification en vue d'un developpement regional ainsi que des depenses importantes des deniers public n'ont pas reussi a mettre en place un systeme economique viable dans la region. Le present article defend la these que l'inefficacite de ces anciennes politiques provient en partie a l'incapacitea reconnaitre explicitement les interrelations entre l'economie de la region, son statut constitutionel et sa population autochtone.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a text about the environment and globalization is presented, which is mainly concerned with rhetoric and discourse on the controversial subject of chronology related both to environment, and globalization.
Abstract: Ce texte vise a lever la confusion entourant la rhetorique sur l'environnement et la mondialisation. Il veut retablir les faits dans une chronologie ou periodicite tels qu'ils se sont produits. Il montre les itineraires communs des deux concepts d'environnement et de mondialisation, et les temps forts de leur usage. En effet, les discours de l'environnement et de la mondialisation loin d'etre independants l'un de l'autre, le plus souvent se chevauchent et se cotoient. This text is about the environment and globalization. It is primarily concerned with rhetoric and discourse on the controversial subject of chronology related both to environment and globalization. Is globalization responsible for the new consciousness about the environment or is it a cause of the perception of the world as a whole? It is not primarly viewed as two opposites discourses, but as being mostly parallel and even seen as complementary rhetoric.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A broad range of publications has been produced by Canadian geomorphologists and hydrolo-gists since 1996 as mentioned in this paper, which have been distributed in journals with national and international circulations.
Abstract: Since 1996, a broad range of publications has been produced by Canadian geomorphologists and hydrolo-gists. These publications have been distributed in journals with national and international circulations. Although there remains a major focus on the study of observable processes in fluvial, aeolian, coastal and slope environments there is also a strong, historical component to explanations oflandforms, landform assemblages and sedimentary sequences. Some of these histories have incorporated the effects of high-magnitude (catastrophic) events, some of which may have no modern analogues. Perspectives on the interactions among microclimatic variables, including changes induced by human actions, continue to evolve. Forest clearance and its effects on evaporation rates, water-table levels and timing ofsnowmelt, the human use of wetlands and release of methane and carbon dioxide, will continue to demand the attention of scholars interested in explaining future climatic scenarios. Depuis 1996, un large eventail de publications a ete produit par les geomorphologues et hydrologues du Canada. Ces travaux ont ete diffuses dans des revues nationales et internationales. Bien qu'il y ait encore une attention privilegiee portee a l'etude des processus observables dans des environnements fluviaux, eoliens, cotiers et de pente, il existe aussi une importante composante historique dans l'explication des formes du paysage et de leurs assemblages ainsi que des sequences sedimentaires. Certaines de ces reconstitutions historiques ont incorpore les effets d'evenements de haute magnitude (catastrophique), dont certains n'ont peut-etre pas d'analogues modernes. Les points de vue sur les interactions entre les variables microclimatiques, et notamment les changements d'origine anthropique, continuent d'evoluer. Le recul des forets et ses effets sur les taux d'evaporation, le niveau des nappes phreatiques et le calendrier de la fonte des neiges, l'utilisation humaine des zones humides et l'emission de methane et de gaz carbonique, continueront d'exiger l'attention des specialistes qui se penchent sur l'explication des scenarios climatiques futurs.