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Showing papers in "Canadian Journal of Education in 2007"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examined the assessment literacy of primary/junior teacher candidates in all four years of their concurrent program and found that the levels of self-efficacy remained relatively low for teacher candidates across each year of this program.
Abstract: This study examined the assessment literacy of primary/junior teacher candidates in all four years of their concurrent program. Candidates from each year of the program completed a survey pertaining to self ‐ described level of assessment literacy, main purposes of assessment, utilization of different assessment methods, need for further training, and suggested methods for promoting assessment literacy in university and practice teaching settings. Levels of self ‐ efficacy remained relatively low for teacher candidates across each of the four years of this program. Most candidates suggested summative purposes for assessment and only a minority expressed formative purposes. They favoured observational techniques and personal communication. Key words: classroom assessment; preservice education Cette etude porte sur la capacite d’evaluation chez les etudiants en pedagogie durant les quatre annees de leur programme de formation a l’enseignement au primaire et au premier cycle du secondaire. Des etudiants de chaque annee du programme ont rempli un questionnaire portant sur les sujets suivants : auto ‐ estimation de leur aptitude a l’evaluation, buts principaux des evaluations, utilisation de diverses methodes d’evaluation, besoin d’une formation plus poussee et suggestion de methodes pouvant aider a perfectionner l’aptitude a l’evaluation a l’universite et lors de stages pedagogiques. Les repondants dans chacune des annees du programme estimaient que leur capacite d’evaluation etait relativement faible. La plupart ont parle d’evaluations sommatives et seulement une minorite, d’evaluations formatives. Les repondants favorisaient les techniques d’observation et les communications personnelles. Mots cles : evaluation des eleves, formation a l’enseignement

269 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A critical race analysis could provide both Aboriginal students and their university student advisors with knowledge to understand and potentially challenge the effects and processes of racialization that have historically, legally, and politically divided Aboriginal communities and families as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: A critical race analysis could provide both Aboriginal students and their university student advisors with knowledge to understand and potentially challenge the effects and processes of racialization that have historically, legally, and politically divided Aboriginal communities and families. Coalition and alliances can be made within and across the diversity within Aboriginal and non‐Aboriginal peoples’ lives through a common understanding and commitment to anti‐racist education. A critical anti‐racist education could provide a foundation to forge alliances between diverse Aboriginal and non‐Aboriginal communities in a common search for social justice in education. Key words: coalition, alliance, social justice, racialization Une analyse critique de la race pourrait fournir aux etudiants autochtones et a leurs conseillers universitaires des connaissances qui leur permettraient de comprendre et peut‐etre de remettre en question les effets et les processus de racialisation qui, a travers l’histoire et sur les plans juridique et politique, ont divise les communautes et les familles autochtones. Des coalitions et des alliances peuvent etre formees au sein des peuples autochtones et non autochtones grâce a une comprehension et a une promotion communes de l’education antiraciste. Une education antiraciste faisant place a l’analyse critique pourrait fournir une base pour la formation d’alliances entre les communautes autochtones et non autochtones dans un souci commun de justice sociale dans le domaine de l’education. Mots cles : coalition, alliance, justice sociale, racialisation

171 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This article examined teacher candidates' experiences with their mentoring teachers over two student teaching periods using interviews, focus groups, and observations, and found that opportunities to question teaching practices as well as co-plan and co-teaching with associates supported the development of self-reflection and educational philosophies.
Abstract: Using interviews, focus groups, and observations, I examined teacher candidates’ experiences with their mentoring teachers over two student teaching periods. Using Feiman‐Nemser and Rosaen’s (1997) mentorship model of guiding teacher learning, I investigated the relational, conceptual, and contextual aspects of the student teaching experience. Results suggest that opportunities to question teaching practices as well as co‐ planning and co‐teaching with associates supported the development of self‐reflection and educational philosophies. Data suggest that mentor beliefs and pressures to maintain board and provincial standardized curriculum reforms prevented teacher candidates from exploring social justice, constructivist, and inquiry‐oriented pedagogies.

91 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the conceptual limits imposed by casting boys as particular sorts of literate subjects are examined, and the authors suggest caution and further informed dialogue in response to media generated public concerns and educational policies aimed at remasculinizing schools rather than interrogating gender binaries.
Abstract: In this article we offer a research ‐ based response to and critique of approaches suggested to address boys’ literacy and pedagogical reform. Our aim is to open up a dialogue by examining the conceptual limits imposed by casting boys as particular sorts of literate subjects. We argue against officially sanctioned literacy practices that fail to engage with research ‐ based literature that raises serious questions about gender reform initiatives. We suggest caution and further informed dialogue in response to media generated public concerns and educational policies aimed at remasculinizing schools rather than interrogating gender binaries. Key words: masculinity, gender reform, literacy practices, essentialist frameworks Dans cet article, les auteurs offrent, a la suite de leurs recherches, une reponse aux approches suggerees pour s’attaquer a la litteratie chez les garcons et a la reforme pedagogique. Tout en formulant des critiques, les chercheurs visent a ouvrir un dialogue en examinant les limites conceptuelles imposees lorsqu’on considere les garcons comme des types particuliers de sujets quant a la litteratie. Les auteurs s’opposent aux pratiques officiellement sanctionnees en matiere de litteratie, mais faisant fi de la litterature qui, fondee sur la recherche, souleve de graves questions au sujet des initiatives de reforme selon le sexe. Ils suggerent d’etre prudents et de poursuivre un dialogue eclaire en reponse aux inquietudes du public suscitees par les medias et aux politiques de l’enseignement visant a remasculiniser les ecoles plutot qu’a remettre en question la vision binaire des genres. Mots cles: masculinite, reforme selon le sexe, pratiques de litteratie, cadres essentialistes

86 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors determined the individual learner characteristics of educators enrolled in online courses that influenced social presence (affective social communication) and found that the number of online courses taken, followed by computer-mediated communication proficiency, are significant predictors of social presence.
Abstract: In this study, the authors’ determined the individual learner characteristics of educators enrolled in online courses that influenced social presence (affective social communication). Findings reveal that the number of online courses taken, followed by computer‐mediated communication proficiency, are significant predictors of social presence. Recommendations for the effective use of online learning recognize that instructors must deliberately structure interaction patterns to overcome the potential lack of social presence of the medium. Similarly, quality instructional design and course development strategies need be incorporated with supportive pre‐course instructional activities provided to acquaint novice learners with online learning expectations. Cet article porte sur les experiences scolaires de jeunes africano‐canadiens. D’habitude, les chercheurs ont tendance a souligner le pietre rendement scolaire des eleves noirs ou les problemes relies a leur echec scolaire ou encore a les presenter de facon stereotypee comme des personnes bruyantes, paresseuses, portees a commettre des crimes, athletiques, demunies, dangereuses ou ayant un comportement deviant. Cet article decrit plutot des eleves noirs albertains qui reussissent bien leurs etudes en depit de conditions tres difficiles. Les donnees presentees indiquent que les facteurs comme le milieu familial et les encouragements des parents contribuent au succes scolaire.

83 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors examined the range of multiliteracy activities that engage boys' time and attention, and the types of literacy skills and understandings they learn through their engagement with alternative texts.
Abstract: In this article, we provide the results of our examination of the range of multiliteracy activities that engage boys’ time and attention, and the types of literacy skills and understandings they learn through their engagement with alternative texts. We focus particularly on video game play and creation/composition as a learning activity that consumes a great deal of their out ‐ of ‐ school time. Our observations and conversations with adolescent boys suggest that significant, powerful learning is happening through video game play and creation, and calls into question claims that boys are not succeeding at literacy, instead suggesting the potential for critical engagement with new literacies. Key words: multiliteracies, technology, video games, composing, alternative texts Dans cet article, les auteures presentent les resultats de leur analyse d’un vaste eventail d’activites de multilitteratie auxquelles se consacrent les garcons a l’adolescence et des types d’aptitudes et comprehensions qu’ils apprennent a maitriser au moyen de textes alternatifs. Les auteures se sont penchees tout particulierement sur les jeux video et la creation/composition comme activite d’apprentissage occupant une tres grande partie des heures passees en dehors de l’ecole. Leurs observations et les conversations qu’elles ont eues avec des garcons semblent indiquer qu’un apprentissage important a lieu a travers les jeux video et leur creation, ce qui remet en question l’affirmation selon laquelle les garcons ont des lacunes en litteratie et suggere plutot que les nouvelles litteraties offrent un potentiel sur lequel il y a lieu de reflechir. Mots cles : multilitteraties, technologie, jeux video, composition, textes alternatifs

82 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This article explored several sources of information (peer-reviewed literature, government websites, parent surveys, and interviews with professionals) to investigate issues in transition to kindergarten for children with special needs, and found that administrative issues like lack of integration and the evaluation of services available to children and families were recurring themes in all sources.
Abstract: To investigate issues in transition to kindergarten for children with special needs, we explored several sources of information (peer‐reviewed literature, government websites, parent surveys, and interviews with professionals). We found that administrative issues like lack of integration and the evaluation of services available to children and families, and parent support issues like promoting advocacy were recurring themes in all sources. Although some barriers are very clear, more systematic research is needed to identify factors facilitating successful adjustment to kindergarten among children with special needs.

81 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a qualitative study was conducted to examine reading in an elementary classroom in a co-educational government school in Western Australia, where the authors adopted a social constructivist perspective of learning (Rogoff, 1990; Vygotsky, 1986).
Abstract: In this qualitative study, that took place in a coeducational government school in Western Australia, I adopt a social ‐ constructivist perspective of learning (Rogoff, 1990; Vygotsky, 1986) to examine reading in an elementary classroom. The focus of this article is Nicholas, a grade ‐ 7 boy, who was identified as challenged by the literacy curriculum. The analysis utilizes a multiliteracies framework (The New London Group, 2000) and the four resources reading model (Luke & Freebody, 1999) to interpret Nicholas’ progress during reading circles. Results suggest that multiliteracies, which interweave scaffolding, diverse texts, and meaningful tasks, can encourage agency for student learning. Key words: literacy identity, scaffolding, reading, pedagogy of multiliteracies, reading resources model, socio ‐ economically disadvantaged students, school literacy ‐ assessment Dans cette etude quantitative, qui a ete menee dans une ecole gouvernementale mixte en Australie ‐ Occidentale, l’auteure adopte un point de vue socioconstructiviste sur l’apprentissage (Rogoff, 1990 ; Vygotsky, 1986) en vue d’analyser l’aptitude a la lecture dans une classe du primaire. L’article porte essentiellement sur Nicholas, un garcon de 7e annee, aux prises avec des difficultes par rapport au programme de litteratie. L’analyse fait appel a un cadre de multilitteraties (The New London Group, 2000) et a un modele de lecture axe sur quatre ressources (Luke & Freebody, 1999) en vue d’interpreter les progres de Nicholas au cours des cercles de lecture. Les resultats donnent a penser que les multilitteraties, qui combinent soutien a l’apprentissage, textes divers et tâches interessantes, peuvent encourager les eleves a apprendre. Mots cles : litteratie, soutien a l’apprentissage, lecture, pedagogie des multilitteraties, eleves defavorises, evaluation de la litteratie a l’ecole

71 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This article investigated the relationship between the number of students with special needs (designated as exceptional or receiving special education services) in grade-3 classrooms in 1997-1998 and their achievement scores in reading, writing, and mathematics on Ontario's provincial assessment with their peers without special needs.
Abstract: This study investigates the relationship between the number of students with special needs (designated as exceptional or receiving special education services) in grade‐3 classrooms in 1997‐1998 and their achievement scores in reading, writing, and mathematics on Ontarioʹs provincial assessment with their peers without special needs. When the variance due to differences in class size and socio‐economic status was removed, the correlations between the number of students with special needs and the average class achievement scores were slightly, but significantly, positive (.05 to .07), suggesting that the presence of students with special needs does not adversely affect achievement of other students.

71 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors report on grade 1 children's preferences for narrative and/or information books, and their perceptions of what boys and girls like to read, concluding that children's perceptions reflect gendered stereotypes.
Abstract: In this article, we report on grade ‐ one children’s preferences for narrative and/or information books, and their perceptions of what boys and girls like to read. Data include responses on two book preference tasks by 40 children in four schools. Children chose books and explained the reasons for their choices. One task was a closed, force ‐ choice task, the other, an open ‐ ended task. Boys and girls had similar interests, either preferring stories or liking information books and stories to the same degree. Yet boys and girls perceived that boys prefer information texts and girls prefer narratives. The children’s perceptions reflect gendered stereotypes . Key words: literacy, reading, motivation, genre, gender Dans cet article, les auteurs signalent que les eleves de 1re annee preferent les livres qui racontent des histoires ou donnent de l’information et presentent ce que, selon de ces eleves, les garcons et les filles aiment lire. Les donnees comprennent les reponses de 40 enfants dans quatre ecoles a deux questionnaires, l’un a reponses libres et l’autre a choix multiples, sur les preferences en matiere de livres. Les enfants ont choisi des livres et donne les raisons de leur choix. Les garcons et les filles avaient des interets similaires, preferant soit les histoires, soit les livres d’information et les histoires au meme degre. Et pourtant, les garcons comme les filles avaient l’impression que les garcons aimaient mieux les livres d’information et les filles, les histoires. Les perceptions des enfants refletent les stereotypes marques par le sexe. Mots cles : litteratie, lecture, motivation, genre

69 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper explored gender differences or similarities in linguistic competence in writing, highlighting the repeated pattern of differences in boys' writing, mirroring parallel patterns in able writers, and discussed the prevalent discourse of difference that permeates academic, professional, and political consideration of gender and writing.
Abstract: Set in the context of international concerns about boys’ achievements in writing, this article presents research that explores gender differences or similarities in linguistic competence in writing. Drawing on the results of a large ‐ scale analysis of the linguistic characteristics of secondary ‐ aged writers, we outline gender difference in the sample. The article explains the limited differences revealed through this analysis but highlights the repeated pattern of differences in boys’ writing, mirroring parallel patterns in able writers. The findings are discussed light of the prevalent discourse of difference that permeates academic, professional, and political consideration of gender and writing. Keywords: linguistic development, writing processes, identity Dans le droit fil des inquietudes que suscite le rendement scolaire des garcons en ecriture, cet article presente une recherche sur les differences et les similitudes selon le sexe quant a l’aptitude a ecrire. Analysant les resultats d’une vaste etude portant sur les caracteristiques linguistiques d’eleves du secondaire, les auteurs tiennent compte des differences selon le sexe dans l’echantillon. Ils expliquent les differences limitees qu’a revelees cette analyse tout en soulignant le profil repetitif des differences dans les ecrits des garcons, faisant en cela echo a des caracteristiques paralleles chez les eleves ayant une aptitude a ecrire. Les auteurs discutent des conclusions a la lumiere du discours sur la difference partout present dans les considerations pedagogiques, professionnelles et politiques sur le genre et l’ecriture. Mots cles : developpement linguistique, processus d’ecriture, identite

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors have conceptualized union management relations using an organizational justice framework, including distributive, procedural, interactional, and relational justice perspectives, and illustrate and discuss various forms of organizational justice operating in school systems and influencing teachers' perspectives and union actions.
Abstract: In this article, I have conceptualized union ‐ management relations using an organizational justice framework I consider organizational justice theory, including distributive, procedural, interactional, and what I call relational justice perspectives Utilizing examples from my experience and research, I illustrate and discuss various forms of organizational justice operating in school systems and influencing teachers’ perspectives and union actions I urge researchers and practising educational leaders to use an organizational justice perspective to better understand teachers’ per ‐ spectives and union ‐ management relations in education Key words: teacher identity, educational leadership, teacher unions, school leadership, board ‐ teacher relations, government ‐ teacher relations, relational justice Dans cet article, l’auteure analyse les relations patronales ‐ syndicales a l’aide d’un cadre axe sur la justice organisationnelle Elle fait appel a des theories sur la justice organisationnelle, notamment les theories sur la justice distributive, procedurale et interactionnelle, et a ce qu’elle appelle la justice relationnelle A l’aide d’exemples tires de son experience et de ses recherches, elle illustre et analyse diverses formes de justice organisationnelle a l’œuvre dans des systemes scolaires et ayant une influence sur les points de vue des enseignants et les actions des syndicats Elle incite fortement les chercheurs et les leaders dans le monde de l’education a adopter le point de vue de la justice organisationnelle afin de mieux comprendre les points de vue des enseignants et les relations patronales ‐ syndicales dans les milieux de l’enseignement Mots cles : identite des enseignants, leadership et education, syndicats d’enseignants, direction d’ecole, relations entre la commission scolaire et les enseignants, justice relationnelle

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: For centuries, Canadian First Nations education has been a substandard, abusive means of dealing with the "Indian Problem" as discussed by the authors, and many are surprised when these efforts fail another cohort of children.
Abstract: For centuries Canadian First Nations education has been a substandard, abusive means of dealing with the “Indian Problem” In recent decades Native education has been under ‐ funded and employed non ‐ indigenized models Despite these facts, many are surprised when these efforts fail another cohort of children This article outlines Canadian Native education including attainment and attrition, curriculum, Native epistemology, and Indigenous practice and theory Finally, a Curriculum Model designed from a 2004 mixed ‐ method study based on Haudenosaunee student and educator responses is offered as a means to achieve reparative or equitous educa ‐ tional outcomes through the creation of in ‐ classroom coalitions between educators and students Key words: Haudenosaunee/Iroquois, authenticity, equitous, Indigenous Knowledge, educational models, coalition Depuis des siecles, l’education des Premieres nations canadiennes est un moyen abusif et insuffisant de faire face au « probleme des Indiens » Au cours des dernieres decennies, l’education des autochtones a ete sous ‐ financee et a fait appel a des modeles non autochtones En depit de ces faits, bien des personnes sont surprises lorsque les efforts deployes ne donnent encore pas a une cohorte d’enfants ce a quoi on est en droit de s’attendre d’un systeme d’enseignement Cet article fait l’esquisse de l’education des autochtones canadiens en abordant les aspects suivants: rendement scolaire et deperdition d’effectifs scolaires, programmes d’etudes, epistemologie ainsi que theorie et pratiques Suit un modele d’enseignement tire d’une etude effectuee en 2004 a l’aide d’une methode de recherche mixte et basee sur les reponses d’eleves et d’enseignants haudenosaunees ; ce modele est propose comme un moyen d’atteindre des resultats reparateurs ou equitables par la creation de coalitions en classe entre les enseignants et les eleves Mots cles : haudenosaunee/iroquois, authenticite, equite, savoir autochtone, modeles d’enseignement, coalition

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the effects of gender and curricular track for nine sub-scores of reading achievement were investigated using data from the reading component of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (N = 113,050), and the results suggest that any observed differences may be of little practical consequences, and that the notion of under-performance of boys reading achievement has been greatly overstated.
Abstract: Using data from the reading component of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (N = 113,050), the effects of gender and curricular track for nine sub ‐ scores of reading achievement were investigated. Only students indicating that they did not receive additional programming support were included in the analysis. Gender accounted for less than one per cent of variance in reading achievement. Gender differences for each curricular track were in the close ‐ to ‐ zero and small range. The results suggest that any observed differences may be of little practical consequences, and that the notion of under ‐ achievement of boys’ reading achievement has been greatly overstated. Key words : reading achievement, gender, curricular track, Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test Utilisant des donnees tirees du volet lecture du Test de competences linguistiques de l’Ontario au secondaire (N = 113 050), l’auteure analyse les effets du genre et de la repartition en classes homogenes sur neuf sous ‐ scores ayant trait a la lecture. Seuls les eleves ayant indique qu’ils n’avaient pas recu un soutien supplementaire ont ete inclus dans l’analyse. Le sexe representait moins de 1 % de l’ecart dans les resultats. Les differences selon le sexe pour chaque groupement selon les aptitudes s’approchaient de zero ou etaient tres faibles. Les resultats semblent indiquer que toute difference observee peut n’avoir que peu de consequences pratiques et que la notion de sous ‐ performance des garcons en matiere de lecture a ete grandement exageree. Mots cles : rendement en lecture, genre, repartition en classes homogenes, ecoles secondaires de l’Ontario

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors explore the instructional decision making of a graduate of an intensive social studies teacher education program, who articulated a sophisticated conception of historical thinking and appeared to possess exemplary pedagogical content knowledge.
Abstract: In this study, we explore the instructional decision making of Charlotte, a graduate of an intensive social studies teacher education program. Charlotte articulated a sophisticated conception of historical thinking and appeared to possess exemplary pedagogical content knowledge. Her classroom practice did not incorporate the approaches to historical thinking and inquiry that were discussed in her methods course. She possessed a clear view of her purpose of history teaching, which was to impart a particular set of moral values; her practices were consistent with her purpose; and she controlled her class to accomplish that purpose. Key words: instructional decision making, history teaching, social studies, historical inquiry, document ‐ based instruction, methods courses, beginning teachers Dans cet article, les auteures analysent une decision pedagogique de Charlotte, diplomee d’un programme de formation a l’enseignement specialise en sciences humaines. Charlotte, qui a developpe une conception avant ‐ gardiste de la pensee historique, semble posseder une connaissance exemplaire du sujet. Ses pratiques pedagogiques n’incluent pas les approches discutees dans son cours de methodologie quant a la pensee et a la recherche historiques. Elle a une notion claire du but qu’elle poursuit en enseignant l’histoire, a savoir la transmission d’un ensemble precis de valeurs morales. Ses pratiques vont de pair avec ce but et elle controle sa classe de maniere a atteindre son objectif. Mots cles : decision pedagogique, enseignement de l’histoire, sciences humaines, recherche historique, enseignement a l’aide de documents, cours de methodologie, jeunes enseignants

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors discuss Learning Through The Arts ™, describing conflicting expectations as artists and teachers learn from each other, and explore the relationship of artists' growth and learning to teacher development using participants' narratives.
Abstract: Artist‐in‐residence programs frequently act as professional development initiatives for teachers Little understanding of the relational nature of artist‐teacher learning exists In this article, we discuss Learning Through The Arts ™, describing conflicting expectations as artists and teachers learn from each other, and explore the relationship of artists’ growth and learning to teacher development Using participants’ narratives, we illustrate existing tensions and challenges for visual art education We present the need to open spaces for artists to construct new understandings of themselves as teachers in relation to themselves as artists, and for teachers to develop artist selves alongside their teacher selves

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors examined practices and challenges of educators in areas of southern Ontario in fostering immigrant parents' support for their children's literacy and found that teachers learn about the language and culture of their students, modify homework assigned to their ESL students, and encourage parents to read to their children in their mother tongue.
Abstract: This research, using questionnaire and interview data, examined practices and challenges of educators in areas of southern Ontario in fostering immigrant parents’ support for their children’s literacy. Results showed that teachers learn about the language and culture of their students, modify homework assigned to their ESL students, and encourage parents to read to their children in their mother tongue. Teachers need to increase their awareness of parents’ perceptions of authority and the role of their first language for success in their children’s English literacy. Teachers also need to understand parents’ role as co‐teachers at home.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors present an analysis of boys' own capacities for interrogating gender normalisation in their school lives, and set this analysis against a critique of the public media debates about boys education, which continue to be fuelled by a moral panic about the status of boys as the new disadvantaged.
Abstract: In drawing on selected interviews with adolescent boys from both Australia and North America, we present an analysis of boys’ own capacities for interrogating gender normalisation in their school lives. We set this analysis against a critique of the public media debates about boys’ education, which continue to be fuelled by a moral panic about the status of boys as the new disadvantaged. Our aim is to raise questions about boys’ existing capacities for problematizing social relations of masculinity and how these might be mobilized in schools to support a counter‐ hegemonic practice committed to interrogating gender oppression. Key words: gender reform, boys’ education, masculinities, normalization A partir d’un choix d’entrevues effectuees aupres d’adolescents venant de l’Australie et de l’Amerique du Nord, les auteurs presentent une analyse des capacites de ces garcons de remettre en question la normalisation en fonction des sexes dans leur vie scolaire. Les auteurs opposent cette analyse a une critique des debats dans les medias sur l’education des garcons, lesquels continuent a etre alimentes par une panique morale au sujet du statut des garcons consideres comme les nouveaux defavorises. L’objectif vise est de soulever des questions sur les capacites des garcons de problematiser les relations sociales masculines et de voir comment ces aptitudes pourraient etre mobilisees dans les ecoles pour appuyer une demarche antihegemonique visant a remettre en question l’oppression basee sur le sexe. Mots cles : reforme et sexes, education des garcons, masculinites, normalisation

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors showed that factors such as the home environment and parental encouragement contribute to academic success of Black students in Alberta, who have achieved academic success in spite of considerable adversity, such as bullying and bullying.
Abstract: This article focuses on the educational experiences of African ‐ Canadian youth Traditionally, researchers have tended to emphasize the poor academic performance of Black students, or issues and problems related to their academic failure, or to stereotype them as loud, lazy, criminal, athletic, deprived, dangerous, and deviant In contrast, this article looks at Black students in Alberta who have achieved academic success in spite of considerable adversity The data presented here show that factors such as the home environment and parental encouragement contribute to academic success Key words: Black students, school success, family status, Alberta education Cet article porte sur les experiences scolaires de jeunes Africano ‐ Canadiens D’habitude, les chercheurs ont tendance a souligner le pietre rendement scolaire des eleves noirs ou les problemes relies a leur echec scolaire ou encore a les presenter de facon stereotypee comme des personnes bruyantes, paresseuses, portees a commettre des crimes, athletiques, demunies, dangereuses ou ayant un comportement deviant Cet article decrit plutot des eleves noirs albertains qui reussissent bien leurs etudes en depit de conditions tres difficiles Les donnees presentees indiquent que les facteurs comme le milieu familial et les encouragements des parents contribuent au succes scolaire Mots cles : eleves noirs, succes scolaire, milieu familial, education en Alberta

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examine how Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of non-violent resistance (Satyagraha) can be applied to decolonize schooling and education practices in Ghana.
Abstract: In this article, I examine how Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of non ‐ violent resistance (Satyagraha) can be applied to decolonize schooling and education practices in Ghana. Satyagraha consists of three fundamental elements: appeal to the oppressor, non ‐ cooperation, and civil disobedience. Part of an anti ‐ racist and anti ‐ colonial dis ‐ course, Satyagraha is a strategy, epistemology, and methodology for creating spaces for inclusion of Ghanaian Indigenous knowledge and worldview in school curricula and pedagogy. This article is also informed by my lived experiences and observations as an Indigenous student from Ghana. I conclude the article with a discussion of the benefits and dangers inherent in such transformative work. Key words: anti ‐ racism, anti ‐ colonial, non ‐ violence, spirituality Dans cet article, l’auteur montre comment la philosophie de non ‐ violence (satyagraha) de Gandhi peut etre mise a profit pour decoloniser l’ecole et les pratiques pedagogiques au Ghana. Le satyagraha comprend trois elements essentiels : l’appel a l’oppresseur, la non ‐ cooperation et la desobeissance civile. Partie integrante d’un discours antiraciste et anticolonial, le satyagraha est une strategie, une epistemologie et une methodologie visant a creer des espaces pour l’inclusion d’une vision du monde et d’un savoir proprement ghaneens quant aux programmes scolaires et a la pedagogie. Cet article repose aussi sur l’experience personnelle et les observations de l’auteur en tant qu’etudiant ghaneen. L’article se termine par une discussion des bienfaits et des dangers inherents a un tel travail de transformation. Mots cles : antiracisme, anti ‐ colonial, non ‐ violence, spiritualite

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a three-year study of educational decision-making of youth living in a coastal community in Atlantic Canada was carried out using interview data from a three year study of education decision making.
Abstract: This analysis draws on interview data from a three‐year study of educational decision making of youth living in a coastal community in Atlantic Canada. Students whose educational and mobility aspirations extend outside the known spaces of the community develop the ability to negotiate multiple social spaces in and out of school. The school‐successful ʺ floaterʺ identity position is assumed by youth comfortable in a variety of social groups and situations ranging from peer cliques to interactions with teachers and other institutional authority figures. This contrasts with more localized identity positions, marked by strong and exclusive identification with local networks. Dans cet article, l’auteur analyse les donnees tirees d’entrevues effectuees dans le cadre d’une etude de trois ans portant sur les decisions de jeunes d’une localite cotiere du Canada atlantique quant a leurs etudes. Les eleves dont les aspirations en matiere d’education et de mobilite depassent les espaces connus de la communaute developpent l’aptitude a negocier de multiples espaces sociaux a l’ecole et en dehors de l’ecole. Les jeunes qui sont a l’aise dans plusieurs groupes sociaux et situations, allant des cliques de camarades aux interactions avec les enseignants et autres figures d’autorite, adoptent la position du « migrant » qui reussit a l’ecole. D’autres, au contraire, s’identifient fortement et de maniere exclusive a des cercles ou reseaux locaux.

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TL;DR: The authors investigated the transition from elementary to junior high school at a developmental stage where numerous changes have an impact on students and found no differences in academic achievement between students who transitioned to grade seven from an elementary school in comparison to those who remained in the same school.
Abstract: There has been abundant research examining how early life experiences affect achievement. In this article, we investigate the transition from elementary to junior high school at a developmental stage where numerous changes have an impact on students. Using nationally representative survey data, we found no differences in academic achievement between students who transitioned to grade seven from an elementary school in comparison to those who remained in the same school. We did find a significant decline in mathematics achievement between grade five and grade seven for children, regardless of their transition status. We present a developmental, rather than environmental, explanation.

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TL;DR: The authors examined how a drama-based practicum had an impact on learning in meaningful ways for preservice teachers and grade-6 students during a three-week alternative teaching placement.
Abstract: In this article, I have examined how a drama-based practicum had an impact on learning in meaningful ways for preservice teachers and grade-6 students during a three-week alternative teaching placement. Because the nature of drama-based teaching and learning invites participants to think and feel with ideas and emotions continually intersecting, I investigated cognitive and affective learning moments during a collective play development unit. Participants' recorded responses indicate that using this process to address social justice issues created a conducive and

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TL;DR: In this paper, the authors report a study in which 137 parents and caregivers were asked to evaluate a year-long family literacy program in which they participated and reported that they learned from each other as well as from the program facilitators; valued especially the structure of the program wherein they spent time working with children in classrooms; felt more included in the school community; and enhanced their self-esteem and their ability to advocate for their families.
Abstract: In this article, we report a study in which we asked 137 parents and caregivers to evaluate a year ‐ long family literacy program in which they participated. Parents valued the insights they gained about children’s learning in general and literacy development in particular. They reported that they learned from each other as well as from the program facilitators; valued especially the structure of the program wherein they spent time working with children in classrooms; felt more included in the school community; and enhanced their self ‐ esteem and their ability to advocate for their families. Key words: families, literacy, school, family literacy, Parents As Literacy Supporters (PALS) Les auteurs presentent les resultats d’une recherche durant laquelle ils ont demande a 137 parents et ou tuteurs d’evaluer un programme de litteratie familiale auquel ils avaient participe durant un an. Les parents se sont dits heureux d’avoir pu ainsi mieux comprendre comment leurs enfants apprennent en general et en particulier comment leur litteratie se developpe. Ils ont signale qu’ils ont appris de leur enfant et vice versa ainsi que des facilitateurs. Ils ont aime la structure du programme qui leur a permis de travailler avec les enfants en classe. Ils se sentent ainsi davantage impliques dans l’ecole et l’experience leur a permis d’avoir plus confiance en eux ‐ memes et en leur aptitude a se faire les avocats de leur famille. Mots cles : familles, litteratie, ecole, litteratie familiale, Parents As Literacy Supporters (PALS)

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors explored community service learning as a pedagogy and philosophy in an introductory sociology class at the University of British Columbia during the 2001-2002 academic year, and analyzed the class experiences with community service that emerged from students' contributions to a database of community organizations, concept maps, and a student driven course evaluation.
Abstract: This research, conducted with an introductory sociology class at the University of British Columbia during the 2001 ‐ 2002 academic year, explored community service ‐ learning as a pedagogy and philosophy. The theoretical focus of this paper is Nancy Fraser’s (1997) criticisms of Jurgen Habermas’ (1992) bourgeois liberal model of the public sphere. We analyzed the class experiences with community service that emerged from students’ contributions to a database of community organizations, concept maps, and a student ‐ driven course evaluation. The outcomes of this research include a description of potentially useful course strategies and a narrative of a unique type of community ‐ service learning. Key words: community ‐ service learning, public sphere, citzenship, learning Cette recherche menee dans le cadre d’un cours d’introduction a la sociologie a l’Universite de Colombie ‐ Britannique au cours de l’annee universitaire 2001 ‐ 2002 portait sur l’apprentissage par l’engagement communautaire en tant que pedagogie et philosophie. La theorie sous ‐ jacente a cet article est tiree des critiques de Nancy Fraser (1997) au sujet du modele liberal bourgeois de la sphere publique de Jurgen Habermas (1992). Les auteurs ont analyse les experiences du service communautaire qu’ont pu vivre les etudiants a travers leurs contributions a une base de donnees d’organisations communautaires, a des cartes conceptuelles et a une evaluation du cours. Les resultats de cette recherche comprennent une description de strategies pedagogiques potentiellement utiles et un recit portant sur un type unique d’apprentissage par l’engagement communautaire Mots cles: apprentissage par l’engagement communautaire, sphere publique, citoyennete, apprentissage

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TL;DR: In this paper, two teacher educators examine two curriculum moments they have experienced, one with children and the other with pre-service teachers, and find possibilities for shifts in their understandings and insights into their own identity making and that of students.
Abstract: In this article, two teacher educators examine two curriculum moments they have experienced, one with children and the other with pre ‐ service teachers. They find possibilities for shifts in their understandings and insights into their own identity making and that of students. Drawing upon Connelly and Clandinin’s (1992) notion of teachers as curriculum makers, they consider how students shape curriculum alongside teachers in classrooms. Students’ and teachers’ actions and words shape not only events of the classroom but also ways that they compose and recompose their lives in school. In this way, curriculum making and identity making become intertwined. Key words : narrative inquiry, curriculum, teacher education, teacher knowledge, student learning, identity Dans cet article, deux professeurs de pedagogie analysent deux experiences qu’elles ont vecues, l’une avec des enfants et l’autre avec des etudiants en formation a l’enseignement. Elles trouvent des avenues pouvant favoriser l’evolution de la perception de leur propre identite et de celle des etudiants. S’inspirant d’une notion de Connelly et de Clandinin (1992) voulant que les enseignants soient des bâtisseurs de curriculum, elles voient comment des eleves faconnent le curriculum en meme temps que les enseignants. Les actions et les propos des eleves et des enseignants modelent non seulement les evenements qui ont lieu en classe, mais aussi les facons qu’ils composent et recomposent leur vie a l’ecole. De ce point de vue, l’evolution du curriculum et l’evolution de l’identite sont etroitement liees. Mots cles: recherche narrative, curriculum, formation a l’enseignement, connaissances de l’enseignant, apprentissage des eleves, identite

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors focus on issues related to boys, literacies, and schooling as played out in the Australian context and provide more nuanced analyses of the debates surrounding the disputed territory of boys, literacy achievement and schooling.
Abstract: This article focuses on issues related to boys, literacies, and schooling as played out in the Australian context. It reflects on the swathe of populist discourse centring on boys, and on literacy, that drives a potentially divisive education agenda. In providing more nuanced analyses of the debates surrounding the disputed territory of boys, literacies, and schooling, the article offers examples of disaggregated literacy test data to demonstrate the importance of adopting a “which boys” and “which girls” approach to the issues. The article also provides brief coverage of the Success for Boys program, introduced in Australia in 2006, that encourages teachers to swim against the tide of populism by embracing the agenda in all of its complexity. Key words : gender, literacy achievement, schooling Cet article porte sur des questions reliees aux garcons, aux litteraties et a l’ecole dans un contexte australien. L’auteure etudie les multiples discours populistes sur les garcons et la litteratie susceptibles d’entrainer une approche fractionnelle en education. Tout en fournissant une analyse nuancee des debats entourant le territoire conteste des garcons, les litteraties et l’ecole, l’article fournit des exemples de donnees de tests de litteratie non regroupees qui demontrent l’importance de distinguer de « quels garcons » et de « quelles filles » il s’agit. En outre, l’article presente brievement un programme lance en 2006, Success for Boys, qui incite les enseignants a nager a contre ‐ courant du populisme en adoptant un point de vue qui tient compte de toute la complexite de l’education. Mots cles : genre, rendement en litteratie, education

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TL;DR: This article investigated secondary students' perceptions of, and experiences with, school codes of conduct and their application and found that students are “already caught” within the dominant language that frames the rules and their top-down application, with little sense of themselves as potent political actors.
Abstract: Drawing on nine focus groups with secondary students in southern Ontario, we investigated secondary students’ perceptions of, and experiences with, school codes of conduct and their application While generally supporting the ‘big’ rules such as no weapons, students engaged more critically with minor ones We drew on Foucault’s governmentality studies to discuss students’ successful compliance We evaluated students’ contestation of the rules, rule ‐ breaking as potential resistance, and rule breaking as a manifestation of students’ desire Although students challenge school rules, they are “already caught” within the dominant language that frames the rules and their top ‐ down application, with little sense of themselves as potent political actors Key words : discipline, citizenship, resistance, secondary education D’apres neuf groupes de disccusion d’etudiants au niveau secondaire du sud de l’Ontario, nous avons enquete leurs points de vue et leurs experiences au sujet des reglements de leurs ecoles et leurs methodes d’application Generalement, les etudiants sont en faveur des ‘grands’ reglements, tel que armes interdites, mais ils sont plus critiques envers les moins importants D’apres les etudes de gouvernementalite de Foucault, nous discutons comment les etudiants reussissent a se conformer Nous avons evalue la contestation des reglements par les etudiants, l’evasion des reglements comme resistance potentielle, et l’evasion des reglements comme manifestation des desirs des etudiants Meme si les etudiants resistent les reglements, ils sont “deja pris” a l’interieur d’un language dominant qui encadre les reglements et leur application par les haut ‐ places Ainsi, ils ont l’impression d’etre impuissants comme acteurs politiques Mots cles: discipline, citoyennete, resistance, education secondaire

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TL;DR: In this paper, a case study addressed a middle class family's role in their son's literacy development through an investigation of the socio-cultural practices that support his literacy acquisition, and explored how community, interpersonal and personal literacy activities connect to form holistic literacy practices for him.
Abstract: This case study addresses a middle class family ʹ s role in their son ʹ s literacy development through an investigation of the socio ‐ cultural practices that support his literacy acquisition Rogoff ʹ s socio ‐ cultural framework, which proposes three planes of analysis for observation of human development, is used for the analysis The literacy practices of Max (age 8) are the central focus The analysis explores how community, interpersonal, and personal literacy activities connect to form holistic literacy practices for him Insights into the nature of peer interactions around literacy, gender considerations in family literacy, and boys ʹ out ‐ of ‐ school literacy practices emerge from this analysis Key words: socio ‐ cultural perspectives on literacy; multiliteracies; family literacy; gender and literacy L’etude de cas presentee ici porte sur le role de parents de classe moyenne dans le developpement de la litteratie de leur fils Le cadre socioculturel de Rogoff, qui propose trois axes d’analyse pour l’observation du developpement de l’etre humain, est utilise dans l’analyse des pratiques socioculturelles qui favorisent la litteratie L’article porte essentiellement sur les pratiques de litteratie de Max (8 ans) L’auteur analyse le lien entre diverses activites communautaires, interpersonnelles et personnelles en matiere de litteratie et l’apparition subsequente de pratiques de litteratie holistiques chez Max L’analyse fournit des points de repere sur la litteratie et les interactions entre des pairs, les differences entre les sexes et la litteratie familiale ainsi que les pratiques de litteratie chez les garcons en dehors du milieu scolaire Mots cles : perspectives socioculturelles sur la litteratie, multilitteraties, litteratie familiale, litteratie et sexes

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TL;DR: The authors examined the self-constructed narratives of three participants in a graduate class representing diverse cultural backgrounds who traced their complex and shifting teacher stories as a construct to understand the complex shifts in their identities.
Abstract: The concept of diaspora describes the dispersal of persons from their traditional homeland, across national and cultural borders. We explore disasporic (dis)location as it disrupts and recreates teacher identity. The nomadic movement across borders in professional development is best understood through narrative; hence we examine the self‐constructed narratives of three participants in a graduate class representing diverse cultural backgrounds who traced their complex and shifting teacher stories as a construct to understand the complex shifts in their identities. In a rapidly changing global migration, these narratives provide insight into the navigations and negotiations of diasporic journeys and shifting, evolving perceptions of teacher identities.