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Showing papers in "Canadian Journal of Education in 2009"

Journal Article
TL;DR: This paper used four data points from Canada's National Longitudinal Study of Children and Youth (NLSCY) to examine how the academic achievement gap attributed to socio-economic status changes from childhood to adolescence (ages 7 to 15).
Abstract: Although a positive relationship between socio‐economic status and academic achievement is well‐established, how it varies with age is not. This article uses four data points from Canada’s National Longitudinal Study of Children and Youth (NLSCY) to examine how the academic achievement gap attributed to SES changes from childhood to adolescence (ages 7 to 15). Estimates of panel data and hierarchical linear models indicate that the gap remains fairly stable from the age of 7 to 11 years and widens at an increasing rate from the age of 11 to the age of 15 years. Theoretical arguments and policy implications surrounding this finding are discussed. Key words: SES, academic achievement, early adolescence, growth model Bien qu’on sache depuis longtemps qu’il existe un lien entre le statut socioeconomique et le rendement scolaire, il reste encore a determiner dans quelle mesure ce lien varie en fonc‐ tion de l’âge. Cet article a recours a quatre points de donnees tires de l’Enquete longitudi‐ nale nationale sur les enfants et les jeunes (ELNEJ) du Canada en vue de mesurer comment les differences dans le rendement scolaire attribuees au statut socioeconomique changent de l’enfance a l’adolescence (de 7 a 15 ans). Des estimations tirees de donnees recueillies au moyen d’un panel ainsi que des modeles hierarchiques lineaires indiquent que les diffe‐ rences demeurent relativement stables entre 7 ans et 11 ans et deviennent de plus en plus marquees entre 11 ans et 15 ans. Les auteurs font l’analyse des arguments theoriques et des incidences sur les politiques entourant cette conclusion. Mots cles : statut socioeconomique, rendement scolaire, debut de l’adolescence, modele de croissance.

256 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors examined the racial diversity of the teacher population in Canada and explored ways to understand the gap between the proportion of Canadian educators and students of colour by interrogating the leaky pipeline metaphor that scholars commonly employ to account for labour shortages.
Abstract: This article examines the racial diversity of the teacher population in Canada. In particular, we compare the number of teachers of colour in Canadian elementary and secondary schools from the 2001 and 2006 Census data with the diversity of the student and general populations. We also explore ways to understand the gap between the proportion of Cana ‐ dian educators and students of colour by interrogating the leaky pipeline metaphor that scholars commonly employ to account for labour shortages. We contend that the pipeline metaphor, frequently used to account for supply and demand balances in various profes ‐ sions, does not sufficiently explain this disparity, and we explore others. Key words: diversity, teacher workforce, equity, metaphor Les auteurs se penchent sur la diversite raciale d’effectif enseignant au Canada. Ils exami ‐ nent en particulier le nombre d’enseignants de couleur dans les ecoles primaires et se ‐ condaires canadiennes selon les donnees de recensement de 2001 et de 2006 et les compa ‐ rent a la diversite raciale de la population scolaire et de la population en general. Cet arti ‐ cle explore en outre les facons de comprendre l’ecart entre la proportion d’enseignants et d’eleves de couleur en analysant la metaphore du pipeline qui fuit souvent employee par les universitaires pour expliquer les penuries de main ‐ d’œuvre. Les auteurs soutiennent que cette metaphore, frequemment utilisee pour rendre compte des deficits entre l’offre et de la demande dans diverses professions, ne suffit pas a expliquer la disparite observee et proposent d’autres metaphores. Mors cles : diversite, effectif enseignant, equite

172 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors investigate benefits and challenges to engage teacher candidates in Japanese lesson study, defined as a collaborative, reflective, and iterative teacher development pro- cess, analyzed reflective papers submitted by 60 teacher candidates studying at an Ontario faculty of education, engaged 20 practicum associate teachers in a group discussion, and considered the reflective notes of the course instructor.
Abstract: To investigate benefits and challenges to engage teacher candidates in Japanese lesson study, defined as a collaborative, reflective, and iterative teacher development pro ‐ cess, we analyzed reflective papers submitted by 60 teacher candidates studying at an Ontario faculty of education, engaged 20 practicum associate teachers in a group dis ‐ cussion, and considered the reflective notes of the course instructor (first author). Findings suggest that Japanese lesson study provides opportunities for teacher candi ‐ dates to build professional learning communities, to deepen understanding of curric ‐ ulum and pedagogy, and to develop habits of critical observation, analysis, and ref ‐ lection. Although benefits of lesson study are numerous and significant, our research identified implementation challenges related to time, practicum placements, and the professional development of associate teachers. Key Words: professional learning communities, reflective practice, teacher collabora ‐ tion En vue d’analyser les avantages et les defis relies a l’etude de lecon japonaise, une methode de formation a l’enseignement axee sur la collaboration, la reflexion et l’iteration, les auteurs ont (1) analyse les reflexions ecrites de 60 candidats a l’enseignement etudiant dans une Faculte d’education en Ontario, (2) reuni 20 ensei ‐ gnants associes pour une discussion en groupe et (3) analyse les notes de l’instructeur du cours. Les observations ainsi colligees donnent a penser que l’etude de lecons japonaises permet aux futurs enseignants de creer des communautes d’apprentissage professionnelles, de mieux comprendre le curriculum et la pedagogie et de develop ‐ per des habitudes d’observation, d’analyse et de reflexion critiques. Bien que les avantages de l’etude de lecon soient nombreux et importants, cette recherche met en lumiere les difficultes que pose sa mise en œuvre, notamment le temps requis, les endroits a trouver pour les stages et le perfectionnement professionnel des ensei ‐ gnants associes. Mots cles : communautes d’apprentissage professionnelles, pratique reflexive, colla ‐ boration du personnel enseignant.

98 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, a survey and interpretation of professional development literature related to professional learning communities (PLCs) in schools is presented, with a focus on four different theoretical models of professional ism.
Abstract: This study is a survey and interpretation of professional development literature related to professional learning communities (PLCs) in schools. Current K‐12 trade publications focusing on PLCs were analyzed against four different theoretical models of professional‐ ism. Each model encourages and legitimates a different understanding of the knowledge content and practices that make teachers and their schools “professional.” The article con‐ cludes that PLC learning presently embraces the technical and managerial dimensions of teachers’ work at the expense of craft knowledge and critical perspectives, resulting in narrow and impoverished understandings of teacher professionalism, and limiting poten‐ tial contributions of PLCs to teachers’ professional growth and learning. Key words: PLCs, teacher learning, neo‐liberalism, school reform L’auteure presente un inventaire et une interpretation de la litterature sur le perfectione‐ ment professionnel en lien avec les communautes d’apprentissage professionnelles (CAP) dans les ecoles. Des publications specialisees portant sur les CAP de la maternelle au se‐ condaire ont ete analysees a l’aide de quatre modeles theoriques de professionnalisme distincts. Chaque modele favorise et justifie une comprehension differente du contenu du savoir et des pratiques qui donnent un caractere professionnel aux enseignants et a leurs ecoles. L’auteure conclut que l’apprentissage dans les CAP englobe presentement les di‐ mensions techniques et administratives du travail des enseignants au detriment de la connaissance du metier et des perspectives critiques, ce qui entraine une comprehension etroite et appauvrie du professionnalisme de l’enseignant et limite l’apport potentiel des CAP a la croissance professionnelle et a l’apprentissage des enseignants. Mots cles : CAP, apprentissage chez l’enseignant, neoliberalisme, reforme scolaire

77 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article explored the mentorship experiences of Saskatchewan beginning teachers and identified three themes: assigned/unassigned mentors, engaged/disengaged mentors, and single/multiple mentors, based on the concepts of strong and weak ties and the constructivist model of knowledge.
Abstract: Induction programs, including mentorship, serve to bridge the transition from pre‐ service to in‐service teaching. This study explored the mentorship experiences of Saskatchewan beginning teachers. Analysis of interviews identified three themes: assigned/unassigned mentors, engaged/disengaged mentors, and single/multiple mentors. One moderating theme also emerged: the compatibility of the mentor and beginning teacher. The combination of themes provides preliminary support for an alternative model of mentoring based on learning communities and founded on the concepts of strong and weak ties and the constructivist model of knowledge.

68 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors investigated the features of 32 senior physical education courses from 22 school districts in British Columbia that have successfully achieved high enrollments of female students and identified the following themes: focus on lifetime physical activities, student involvement in course development, authentic assessment, gender as a course design feature, value added options and positive and respectful class environment.
Abstract: The purpose of this investigation was to gain insight into the features of 32 senior physical education courses from 22 school districts in British Columbia that have successfully main‐ tained high enrollments of female students Analysis of course outlines, interviews with teachers, and student questionnaires were used to collect data The following themes emerged: (a) focus on lifetime physical activities, (b) student involvement in course devel‐ opment, (c) authentic assessment, (d) gender as a course design feature, (e) value added options, and (f) positive and respectful class environment Findings offer considerations for the design of physical education courses to address the learning needs of female high school students

41 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated the relationship between knowledge about homosexuality and negative attitudes towards gay males in high school counselors and found that higher levels of knowledge may be accompanied by more positive attitudes.
Abstract: In this study we investigated Alberta high school counsellors’ knowledge about homo ‐ sexuality and their attitudes toward gay males. Three questionnaires were mailed to 648 high school counselling centres; 223 individuals returned the completed questionnaires. Most counsellors attained low scores in measured homo ‐ negativity and high scores regard ‐ ing knowledge of homosexuality. Results from a Pearson correlational analysis indicated a negative significant relationship between the level of knowledge about homosexuality and homo ‐ negativity, supporting other researchers’ findings that higher levels of knowledge may be accompanied by more positive attitudes. Key words: homosexual males, beliefs, mental health professionals Les auteurs ont analyse les connaissances de conseillers d’orientation scolaire du second ‐ aire au sujet de l’homosexualite et leurs attitudes vis ‐ a ‐ vis des gais. Trois questionnaires ont ete postes a 648 centres d’orientation ; 223 personnes ont retourne les questionnaires dument remplis. La plupart des conseillers d’orientation ont obtenu des scores faibles pour l’homonegativite et des scores eleves pour les connaissances au sujet de l’homosexualite. Les resultats d’une analyse correlationnelle indiquent un net lien negatif entre le niveau de connaissances sur l’homosexualite et l’homonegativite, ce qui corrobore les conclusions d’autres chercheurs selon lesquelles de meilleures connaissances peuvent s’accompagner d’attitudes plus positives. Mots cles : homosexuels, croyances, professionnels de la sante mentale

31 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the hidden curriculum of Ontario's New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) was investigated with interviews with 47 teacher educators from eight faculties of education and found that the structure of NTIP may discourage new teachers from critiquing the system that employs them thus decreas ing the likelihood of their taking a critical democratic stance in their teaching.
Abstract: This article investigates the hidden curriculum of Ontario’s New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP). The study involved interviews with 47 teacher educators from eight faculties of education. Responses revealed concerns about (a) who chooses the men ‐ tors, (b) the probationary status of new teachers, and (c) the evaluation of new teach ‐ ers’ competence. In the opinion of some teacher educators, the structure of NTIP may discourage new teachers from critiquing the system that employs them thus decreas ‐ ing the likelihood of their taking a critical democratic stance in their teaching. These findings have implications for any induction or mentorship program for new teach ‐ ers. Key Words: teacher education, mentorship, social justice, critical democratic, Ontario New Teacher Induction Program Cet article porte sur les objectifs caches du Programme d ʹ insertion professionnelle du nouveau personnel enseignant (PIPNPE) de l’Ontario. Pour cette recherche, les au ‐ teurs ont interviewe 47 professeurs de pedagogie dans huit facultes d’education. Ces entrevues revelent des inquietudes au sujet (a) du mode de selection des mentors, (b) du statut probatoire du nouveau personnel enseignant, (c) de l’evaluation des compe ‐ tences du nouveau personnel enseignant. Selon certains des repondants, la structure du PIPNPE peut dissuader certains nouveaux enseignants de critiquer le systeme qui les emploie, ce qui diminue les chances qu’ils prennent une orientation democratique critique dans leur enseignement. Ces observations ont des implications pour tout programme d’insertion professionnelle ou de mentorat s’adressant au nouveau per ‐ sonnel enseignant. Mots cles : formation a l’enseignement, mentorat, justice sociale, critique, democrati ‐ que, Programme d ʹ insertion professionnelle du nouveau personnel enseignant de l’Ontario.

30 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article explored the experiences of students in a teacher education program designed to promote the effective teaching of global education and found that teachers often lack confidence in their abilities to bring global education into their future classrooms.
Abstract: In this article, we have explored the experiences of students in a teacher education programme designed to promote the effective teaching of global education. Research to date indicates that, although interest is high among teacher candidates, they often lack confidence in their abilities to bring global education into their future classrooms. By examining their understanding of global education, we explored whether the complexity and conceptual breadth of global education contributes to this lack of confidence. Although there are similarities between teacher candidates’ understand ‐ ings of global education and those supported by teacher education programmes, teacher candidates tend to view global education in broader, more vague terms. By limiting the broad concept of global education and encouraging a progressively more nuanced understanding, teacher education programmes can better assist teacher can ‐ didates to implement their understanding of global education with confidence. Key words: teacher education, global issues, development education, conceptual complexity Les auteures se penchent sur la promotion de l’education planetaire dans un pro ‐ gramme de formation a l’enseignement. Les donnees reunies jusqu’ici indiquent que, bien que les etudiants en pedagogie soient tres interesses par la question, ils ont sou ‐ vent peu confiance dans leur aptitude a traiter de l’education planetaire dans leurs salles de classe futures. Les auteures se sont demande si la complexite et l’envergure de l’education planetaire contribuent a ce manque d’assurance ; pour ce faire, elles ont examine la conception qu’ont ces etudiants en pedagogie de l’education planetaire. Bien qu’il y ait des similitudes entre la comprehension de l’education planetaire chez les etudiants en pedagogie et dans les programmes de formation a l’enseignement, les futurs enseignants ont tendance a considerer l’education planetaire en des termes plus vastes et plus vagues. En circonscrivant le concept de l’education planetaire et en en favorisant peu a peu une comprehension plus nuancee, les programmes de formation a l’enseignement peuvent mieux aider les etudiants en pedagogie a transposer avec confiance leur conception de l’education planetaire dans leurs salles de classe futures. Mots cles : formation a l’enseignement, dossiers mondiaux, education pour le deve ‐ loppement, complexite conceptuelle.

27 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The Scriptura research project on reading and writing, which was conducted in secondary history and science classes in Quebec, studied students' relationship to writing and reading and found a significant difference between boys' and girls' relationships to writing, at least in the affective aspects as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: Comprendre le rapport a l’ecrit des eleves est essentiel pour agir sur le developpement de leurs capacites langagieres, cle de voute du developpement intellectuel, de la reussite sco‐ laire et de l’epanouissement personnel et social. La recherche Scriptura sur les activites de lecture et d’ecriture menees dans les classes d’histoire et de science du secondaire au Que‐ bec a explore le rapport a l’ecrit des eleves. Les reponses de 1 150 eleves a un questionnaire et d’entretiens avec sept eleves de 4e secondaire permet de decrire, du moins en partie, une des dimensions de ce rapport a multiples facettes, la dimension affective. Il ressort une nette difference entre le rapport a l’ecrit des filles et celui des garcons, du moins dans sa dimension affective. Par ailleurs, le manque d’interet de tous les eleves pour la lecture et l’ecriture en histoire et sciences est manifeste. Mots cles : adolescence, affectivite, competences langagieres, enseignement secondaire literacie, rapport a l’ecrit Understanding students’ relationship to writing and reading is essential to the develop‐ ment of their language abilities, the keystone of their intellectual growth and academic success, as well as their social and personal well‐being. The Scriptura research project on reading and writing, which was conducted in secondary history and science classes in Quebec, studied students’ relationship to writing and reading. Results from 1150 question‐ naire responses, and in‐depth interviews with seven tenth‐grade students, allow a partial description of one of the many facets of this relationship, the affective dimension. Our study shows a significant difference between boys’ and girls’ relationships to writing and reading, at least in the affective aspects. Furthermore, all students show a marked lack of interest in writing and reading in history and science classes. Key words: adolescence, affectivity, language skills, literacy, relationship to writing and reading, secondary education

25 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors identified six core frames and one broader frame in the discourse on student learning: measureable academic achievement, personalized preparation for post-secondary destinations, well-rounded education, personal development, faith/values-based education, social identity development, and developing the whole child.
Abstract: Our analysis explores the agenda for student learning communicated in interviews with school district officials from four Ontario districts. Using research methods drawn from collective action framing theory, we identified six core frames and one broader frame in the discourse on student learning: (a) measureable academic achievement, (b) personalized preparation for post‐secondary destinations, (c) a well‐rounded education, (d) personal development, (e) faith/values‐based education, (f) social identity development, and (g) developing the whole child (the broader frame). The analysis highlights the administrators’ advocacy for a more encompassing educa‐ tional agenda than that mandated by government curriculum and accountability policies, and the utility of framing theory for education policy analysis.

Journal Article
TL;DR: Smart But Scattered: The Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare falls within a unique subsection of this self-help/advice giving genre as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: P Dawson & R Guare (2009) Smart But Scattered: The Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential New York: The Guildford Press 314 pages ISBN: 978 1 59385 445 4 If you have stopped by your local bookstore lately, you may have noticed that there is no shortage of self-help books Parents, in particular, are a vulnerable target audience for quasi-scientific writers aiming to offer anything from childrearing advice to boosting their children's brainpower The book in question, Smart But Scattered: The Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare falls within a unique subsection of this self-help/advice giving genre It promises readers that it "will show you how you can modify the daily experience of a child aged 4 to 14 to build the executive skills that will make it possible for the child to get on track and get things done" (p 2) An attractive sales pitch indeed, without falling into the diagnostic dilemma of targeting only individuals with specific disorders of attention Instead the authors choose to use a more inclusive approach, where prospective readers may be left wondering who would not benefit from boosting their own powers of self-control and organization, never mind their children's The authors exude credibility, with Drs Dawson and Guare reporting to have had over 30 years of field experience working with children who have difficulties with learning, attention, and behavior disorders Not to diminish Peg Dawson's worthy accomplishments, it is comforting to note that Richard Guare is a neuropsychologist because their book addresses issues of executive functioning in general, and brain-based behavior paradigms in particular Just so the reader does not confuse "executive skills" with preparing their child for life in the corporate world, the authors make it clear that they are referring to "brain-based skills that are required for humans to execute, or perform tasks" (p 13) More specifically, their model is subdivided into a set of 11 developmentally and functionally differentiated skills that range from response inhibition and working memory to flexibility and metacognition Thankfully you do not need a medical dictionary or neuroscience textbook to gain at least a perfunctory understanding of these 11 skills The authors provide ample definitions along with corresponding examples to illustrate each skill's meaning and purpose To simplify matters even more, their model and overall motis operandi for the book is based on two basic principle of learning The first is an acknowledgement that most individuals have an array of executive skills that range from areas considered to be strengths to those that are less well developed or areas of weakness Second, the authors rationalize that areas of weakness need to be identified so that intervention plans can be developed The road to success is a combination of building skills and manipulating the environment so that problems related to skill weaknesses are minimized or prevented The book itself is divided into three distinct but related sections The first part promises to explain why you are smart but scattered A tall order, indeed, but four chapters are all that is needed to identify individual strengths and weaknesses so that one can "match the child to the task" (p …

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, Bilodeau et al. examined the retention in Manitoba of new teachers qualified to teach in French and found that the attrition rate was minimal for these graduates, indicating that support from their colleagues and their experience-based pre-service training program facilitated their integration into the profession.
Abstract: There is a shortage of teachers in Canada qualified to teach in French; some researchers have suggested that this shortage is due to attrition. This study examined the retention in Manitoba of new teachers qualified to teach in French. Participants were 130 graduates from the only French teacher education program in the province. Attrition was minimal for these graduates. Through questionnaires and a small set of interviews, participants indicated that support from their colleagues and their experience-based pre-service training program facilitated their integration into the profession. They recommended mentorship programs and more attentive administrators to further enhance integration. Key words: beginning teachers, teacher retention, pre-service training, mentorship, French Education Il y a une penurie de professeurs de francais qualifies au Canada; certains chercheurs l'expliquent par l'attrition. Cette etude porte sur le maintien en poste des nouveaux professeurs de francais qualifies au Manitoba. Les participants etaient 130 etudiants diplomes du seul programme de formation a l'enseignement du francais dans cette province. L'attrition etait minimale pour ces etudiants. Dans les questionnaires et les quelques entrevues effectuees, les participants ont indique que l'appui de leurs collegues et leur programme de formation initiale avaient facilite leur integration dans la profession. Ils ont recommande que des programmes de mentorat soient instaures et que les directions d'ecole soient plus attentives aux besoins des nouveaux professeurs en vue d'ameliorer leur integration. Mots cles: enseignants debutants, maintien en poste des enseignants, stage de formation, mentorat, enseignement du francais ********** Although English and French are the official languages in Canada, reflecting its linguistic duality, a shortage exists of teachers qualified for minority, French first-language schools (Gilbert, LeTouze, Theriault, & Landry, 2005) and for French immersion programs (Canadian Parents for French, 2004; Veilleux et Trites, 2005). However, almost no literature explains the penury in these two particular contexts. Some U.S. researchers such as Darling-Hammond (2003) and Ingersoll and Smith (2003) suggest that teacher shortages are related to new teachers leaving the profession in the first five years of their career. Considering the importance of these two programs in contributing to the development of Canada's linguistic duality, it is important that educators begin to better understand the reality surrounding the availability of teachers. The current study examined the challenges facing new teachers who graduated from the only French teacher education program in Manitoba: their attrition rate, the factors that facilitated their integration into the profession, and ways to better support them. In Manitoba, the College universitaire de Saint-Boniface (CUSB) has the provincial mandate to prepare all new teachers who will teach in French in the province. As a result, the majority of new teachers hired in Manitoba to teach in minority French first-language schools and in French immersion programs are graduates of the French pre-service teacher education program offered at the CUSB (M. Bilodeau, personal communication, June 3, 2009). Graduates from 2001 to 2005 were asked to complete questionnaires and some were selected to participate in follow-up interviews. Minority French language schools are for French first-language students living in anglophone dominated Canada, whereas French immersion programs are for non-French-speaking students in French language schools. Ali provinces except Alberta and Nova Scotia report shortages of qualified teachers in French immersion (Canadian Parents for French, 2006). Shortages of qualified teachers in minority French first-language schools are reported particularly in rural areas and in specialized fields such as special education and guidance (Gilbert, LeTouze, Theriault, & Landry, 2005). …

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article examined the relationship between the after-school literacy activities and test performance of students who passed and students who failed the 2003 administration of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSL).
Abstract: This study examined relationships between the after?school literacy activities and test performance of students who passed and students who failed the 2003 administration of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. It included both students who have been in the Canadian school system for most of their school lives and mostly use English as a first language (L1), and students who have recently entered the Canadian school system and use English as a second language (L2). This study demonstrates the relatively small yet complex relationship between the test performance of these different groups of students on this literacy test and their after-school reading and writing activities.

Journal Article
TL;DR: This paper investigated senior educators' viewpoints on teacher professional development (PD) and found that participants' current and prior experiences predisposed them to support profession-driven PD, as well as PD for systemic-accountability purposes.
Abstract: This study investigated senior educators' viewpoints on teacher professional development (PD). To examine the nature and source of participants' perspectives, the study employed Bourdieu's notion of practice as socially constituted and contested. Interviews were conducted in southern Ontario with 24 senior Ministry officials, principals, and academics. Participants' current and prior experiences predisposed them to support profession-driven PD, as well as PD for systemic-accountability purposes. The study suggests PD policy directives for provincial foci should (a) incorporate approaches that begin with teachers' existing knowledge and understanding, (b) address specific school circumstances, and (c) be cognizant of broader conceptions of students' needs.

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article examined two Canadian teacher education programs in relation to reflec- tion based principles identified in the Association of Canadian Deans of Education's Accord on Initial Teacher Education and concluded that when reflection-enhancing practices are prominent, teachers education programs more likely generate humanistic and authentic effective out-comes consistent with reflection-based principles.
Abstract: This study examines two Canadian teacher education programs in relation to reflec ‐ tion ‐ based principles identified in the Association of Canadian Deans of Education’s Accord on Initial Teacher Education . In one program, data analysis indicated a strong link between the practice and beliefs of pre ‐ service teachers: they became more hu ‐ manistic and their practices were more authentic. In the other program, the relation ‐ ship between practice and beliefs was weak; practice tended to become more imita ‐ tive of custodial mentor teachers, more accurately described as inauthentic. The study concludes that when reflection ‐ enhancing practices are prominent, teacher education programs more likely generate humanistic and authentic effective out ‐ comes consistent with reflection ‐ based Accord principles. Key Words: beliefs about education, authentic practice, pupil control ideologies, educational effectiveness paradigms, reflective practice. Dans cet article, les auteurs analysent deux programmes de formation a l’enseignement canadiens en lien avec les principes – axes sur la reflexion – mis de l’avant dans l’ Accord sur la formation initiale a l’enseignement de l’Association canadien ‐ ne des doyens et des doyennes d’education. Pour l’un des programmes, l’analyse des donnees indique un lien etroit entre la pratique et les croyances des futurs ensei ‐ gnants, leur approche devenant plus humaniste et leurs pratiques etant plus authen ‐ tiques. Pour l’autre programme, la relation entre la pratique et les croyances etait tenue ; leur pratique avait tendance a imiter davantage les mentors et pourrait etre decrite comme inauthentique. Les auteurs en concluent que lorsque des pratiques favorisant la reflexion jouent un role important, les programmes de formation a l’enseignement sont plus susceptibles de donner des resultats humanistes et authenti ‐ ques et ce, dans la logique des principes de l’Accord axes sur la reflexion. Mots cles : croyances au sujet de l’education, pratique authentique, ideologies quant au controle des eleves, paradigme en matiere d’efficacite pedagogique, pratique re ‐ flexive.

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors investigated the infusion of intercultural inquiry into subject-area curriculum courses in a teacher education program and found that most student teachers had limited prior experiences with diversity, leading to anxiety and uncertainty about their preparedness to work in diverse classrooms.
Abstract: This study investigates the infusion of intercultural inquiry into subject-area curriculum courses in a teacher education program. Drawing from data that include questionnaires, student assignments, and interviews, the research focuses on how student teachers responded to critical explorations of diversity within curriculum courses in second language education, early childhood education, and art education. The findings indicate that most student teachers had limited prior experiences with diversity, leading to anxiety and uncertainty about their preparedness to work in diverse classrooms. Although many were receptive to intercultural inquiry and perceived its value, some resisted efforts to critically challenge social inequality and privilege. Key words: teacher education, diversity, multicultural education, intercultural inquiry Cet article porte sur l'integration de la recherche interculturelle dans un programme de formation a l'enseignement. Puisant dans des donnees tirees entre autres de questionnaires, de travaux d'etudiants et d'entrevues, les auteurs cherchent essentiellement a examiner comment des etudiants-maitres reagissent aux explorations critiques de la diversite dans des cours en enseignement d'une langue seconde, en education prescolaire et en education artistique. D'apres les resultats obtenus, la plupart des etudiants-maitres avaient au depart peu d'experience de la diversite ; ils se sentaient donc anxieux et peu surs d'eux par rapport a la perspective de travailler dans des classes heterogenes. Si certains voyaient d'un bon oeil la recherche interculturelle et etaient conscients de sa valeur, d'autres se montraient reticents a defier de facon critique des inegalites et des privileges sociaux. Mots cles: formation a l'enseignement, diversite, education multiculturelle, recherche interculturelle ********** Given the cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity present in Canadian schools, institutions of higher education have the responsibility to prepare the next generation of teachers to meet the needs of diverse student populations. One means to work toward this goal has been for teacher education programs to adopt an "additive approach" by offering specialized courses that focus on topics such as diversity, multiculturalism, and anti-racist education (e.g., Goodwin, 1997; Schick & St. Denis, 2003). Some faculties of education have instituted a program-wide "infusion approach" to address diversity across various components of their teacher education program (e.g., Clark, 2002; Vavrus, 1994). However, change at the program level can be difficult to implement and may require years of development as well as movement through various levels of institutional approval. Evidence indicates that the additive approach alone is not sufficient to prepare teachers for diversity (e.g., Grant, 1994; Murrell & Foster, 2003; Sleeter, 2001). Consequently, it is important to explore alternative approaches. This study was carried out by a group of teacher educators working to promote intercultural inquiry among the preservice teachers enrolled in their subject-area curriculum, or "teaching methods," courses. Situating intercultural inquiry within subject-area curriculum courses offers several advantages compared with other approaches. First, it provides a means to address cultural diversity specifically in relation to the everyday teaching practices of various school subjects. Second, it can be implemented by individual instructors without the need for program-wide change. Third, it offers the potential for infusion across the teacher education curriculum, but without the need for a lengthy process of program-level adoption. DEFINING INTERCULTURAL INQUIRY Central to this study is the term intercultural inquiry, which we use to refer to processes that assist preservice teachers to respond optimally to all children, understanding both the richness and the limitations reflected by their own socio-cultural context, as well as the socio-cultural contexts of the students they are teaching (Barrera & Kramer, 1997). …

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article explored dimensions of instructional practice in teacher education through online forums and drew upon online interactivity as the basis for reflexive inquiry, and coded key themes to create a four-part rendering involving a hyperlinked poem, a video, a parallaxic research model, and a tagcloud.
Abstract: As two teacher educators and researchers, we explored dimensions of instructional practice in teacher education through online forums. In the course of this research, we drew upon our online interactivity as the basis for reflexive inquiry. Analysis entailed coding key themes to create a four-part rendering involving a hyperlinked poem, a video, a parallaxic praxis research model, and a tagcloud. Interpreting experience through integrated multimedia examples potentially increases learning engagement and provides insights to our belief that teacher education must be deeply mindful, reflective, and interconnected to living.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors had conversations with 30 beginning First Nations teachers, graduates of a teacher education program in Saskatchewan, as they reflected on their university preparation and their beginning years in band controlled environments, identifying issues and challenges that teach- ing faced in making the transition from the academy to the classroom and in applying theory to practice.
Abstract: Compelling evidence points to the need for higher education, and especially teacher education, to become better informed about the concerns of Aboriginal peoples and to be more responsive to their needs. With this focus in mind, we had conversations with 30 beginning First Nations teachers, graduates of a teacher education program in Saskatchewan, as they reflected on their university preparation and their beginning years in band‐controlled environments. We identify issues and challenges that teach‐ ers faced in making the transition from the academy to the classroom and in applying theory to practice. We stress that much of what we report is not new to teacher educa‐ tion. What we want to convey is that in most cases, the weaknesses of our current teacher education programs and the challenges of beginning teachers appear to be even more relevant to the experiences of beginning First Nations teachers in band‐ controlled schools. The teachers in our study spoke positively about their experiences as students in their teacher preparation programs. A particular strength was their cohort experience. Although feeling well‐prepared in some professional areas, these teachers all indicated that they could be better prepared for working with the day‐to‐ day realities of band‐controlled schools, the lack of collegial support, and the high demands and expectations placed on them. Many expressed a desire to have formal mentorship and all wanted more “hands on” experiences. They also expressed uncer‐ tainty about how to deal with the complexity of working in tightly knit communities.

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article examined the effects of the gender of reading tutors on 173 third and fourth grade mainly inner city boys identified as struggling readers and found that the tutors' gender had no significant effect on reading achievement in either group.
Abstract: This study examined the effects of the gender of reading tutors on 173 third and fourth grade mainly inner ‐ city boys identified as struggling readers. Reading achievement ( Alberta Diagnostic Reading Program) and reader self ‐ perceptions ( Readers’ Self ‐ Perception Scale ) were monitored over a 22 ‐ week reading intervention. Findings indicated that the gender of the reading tutors had no effect on reader self ‐ perceptions in boys who viewed reading as masculine or gender neutral; boys who viewed reading as feminine responded better to female tutors than to male tutors in developing their self ‐ perceptions as readers. The gender of the tutor had no significant effect on boys’ reading achievement in either group. Key words: same gender role models, reading attitudes, reading perceptions Dans cet article, les auteurs analysent les effets du sexe du tuteur en lecture sur 173 garcons en 3 e ou en 4 e annee, provenant principalement de quartiers defavorises et identifies comme ayant des difficultes en lecture. Le rendement en lecture ( Alberta Diagnostic Reading Program) et les autoper ‐ ceptions des lecteurs ( Readers’ Self ‐ Perception Scale ) ont ete observes tout au long des 22 semaines de l’intervention. Les resultats indiquent que le sexe de la personne qui assure le tutorat en lectu ‐ re n’avait aucun effet sur les autoperceptions du lecteur chez les garcons qui considerent la lectu ‐ re comme une activite s’adressant tout autant aux garcons qu’aux filles ; par contre, les garcons pour qui la lecture est une activite feminine reussissent mieux a s’identifier comme des lecteurs s’ils travaillent avec des tutrices plutot qu’avec des tuteurs. Le sexe de la personne qui assurait le tutorat n’avait aucun effet significatif sur le rendement en lecture des garcons dans l’un ou l’autre groupe. Mots cles : tuteurs de lecture, tutrices de lecture, attitudes envers la lecture, rendement en lecture, eleves en difficulte de lecture, lecteurs de sexe masculin.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examine the impact of new guidelines emphasizing the development of professional competency on the structure of teacher education programs in Quebec, and reveal that many courses focussing on intervention show a kind of content hybridization that is closer to the logic of competence development.
Abstract: En reponse a une operation de revision des programmes quebecois de formation a l’enseignement prescolaire et primaire, cet article examine les incidences des nou ‐ velles orientations visant le developpement de competences professionnelles sur la structure des programmes. Une analyse des descripteurs de cours offerts dans les douze universites quebecoises revelent que, en depit des appels a une defragmenta ‐ tion des formations, la structure des programmes continue d’adopter une forme assez morcelee et organisee en fonction de domaines disciplinaires. Les resultats montrent des variations importantes d’une institution a l’autre quant au poids des differents types d’activites. Ils revelent que plusieurs cours axes sur l’intervention affichent une forme de metissage des contenus, plus proches d’une logique de developpement de competences. Mots ‐ cles: formation a l’enseignement, enseignement superieur, programme, competences In response to a review of Quebec teacher education programs for kindergarten and elementary schools, this article examines the impact on program structure of new guidelines emphasizing the development of professional competency. An analysis of course descriptions in 12 Quebec universities shows that, in spite of calls for les frag‐ mentation, the program structure is still divided into small components and organ‐ ized according to discipline. The results show major variations across institutions in the weighting on various kinds of activities and reveal that many courses focussing on intervention show a kind of content hybridization that is closer to the logic of com‐ petency development. Key words: teacher education, higher education, program, competencies

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors investigated what grade-3 teachers would do if faced with common test administration dilemmas and why they would not follow the test administration instructions and highlighted the ethical dilemma teachers may experience when proctoring tests.
Abstract: This study investigates what grade ‐ 3 teachers say they would do if faced with common test administration dilemmas – and why. Grade ‐ 3 teachers with experience administering On ‐ tario’s provincially mandated assessment were recruited through professional association newsletters and Toronto ‐ area newspapers. They responded to an on ‐ line questionnaire ( n = 98) or an hour ‐ long interview ( n = 40). Many teachers predicted that they would not follow the test administration instructions. Their rationales included (a) supporting the students to do their best work, (b) ensuring a positive testing experience for the students, and (c) main ‐ taining their pedagogical routines and their relationships with the students. The findings highlight the ethical dilemmas teachers may experience when proctoring tests. Key words: large ‐ scale assessment, standardized testing, test administration, Ontario edu ‐ cation Les auteures analysent ce que des enseignants de 3 e annee feraient selon eux s’ils etaient confrontes avec les dilemmes courants relies a l’administration de tests et les raisons pour lesquelles ils agiraient ainsi. Des enseignants de 3 e annee habitues a faire passer des tests provinciaux en Ontario ont ete recrutes par le biais d’annonces dans des bulletins d’associations professionnelles et des journaux de la region de Toronto. Ils ont repondu a un questionnaire en ligne ( n = 98) ou participe a une entrevue d’une heure ( n = 40) ; pres de 80 % des enseignants dans les deux groupes provenaient de la Region du Grand Toronto. De nombreux enseignants ont indique qu’ils ne suivraient pas les directives au sujet de l’administration des tests parce qu’ils veulent, entre autres : (a) aider les eleves a faire de leur mieux, (b) faire en sorte que les eleves aient une experience positive des tests et (c) suivre leurs methodes pedagogiques habituelles et conserver leurs liens avec les eleves. Les conclusions des auteures mettent en evidence les dilemmes ethiques auxquels les ensei ‐ gnants peuvent faire face lorsqu’ils surveillent l’administration de tests. Mots cles : tests communs, tests normalises, administration de tests, education en Ontario.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the main ethical concerns of teachers in the Francophone college sys-tem in Quebec, focusing on the students, colleagues, and teaching itself (choice of content, maintaining expertise).
Abstract: Apres avoir presente la demarche generale du projet de recherche et situe l’objectif et la methodologie, cet article rapporte et discute les principales preoccupations ethiques d’enseignantes et d’enseignants du collegial quebecois francophone, telles que degagees de huit groupes de discussion (focus groups) auxquels ont participe 63 enseignantes et enseig‐ nants en 2006‐2007. Il s’agit de preoccupations ethiques en rapport aux etudiants (finalite, evaluation, encadrement), aux collegues (comportements deplorables, difficulte a interve‐ nir) et a l’enseignement proprement dit (choix des contenus, maintien de l’expertise). Mots cles : preoccupations ethiques; profession enseignante; collegial; groupe de discussion (focus group) After outlining this research study’s general approach, objectives and methodology, we identify and discuss the main ethical concerns of teachers in the Francophone college sys‐ tem in Quebec. The data were gathered in 2006—2007 from 63 teachers who took part in eight focus groups. Their ethical concerns were with students (goals, evaluation, educa‐ tional environment), colleagues (regrettable behaviour, difficulty of intervening), and teaching itself (choice of content, maintaining expertise). Keywords: ethical concerns, teaching profession, college, focus group

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors distinguish three types of de-vices in relation with the method and process, the theoretical foundations, and the purpose of practice analysis in group setting.
Abstract: Le developpement professionnel des enseignants s’appuie de plus en plus sur des structures invitant les enseignants, en groupe, a analyser leurs propres pratiques. Si ces dispositifs de professionnalisation se multiplient, ils ne se ressemblent pas pour autant. A partir de descriptions de differentes demarches d’analyse de pratiques en groupe, cet article caracterise trois types de dispositifs qui se distinguent quant a leur methode et leur deroulement, leurs assises conceptuelles et leurs visees. Il decoule de cette analyse que chaque type de dispositifs peut contribuer au developpement pro-fessionnel des enseignants en privilegiant une dimension de leur professionnalite. Teachers’ professional development is increasingly based on structures that invite them to analyse their practice in group. Although these devices for professionaliza-tion are more numerous, they are all different. Starting from descriptions of various procedures for practice analysis in group, this article distinguishes three types of de-vices in relation with the method and process, the theoretical foundations, and the purpose. As a result, each type of devices may contribute to a teachers’ professional development by focusing on a particular dimension of the professionality.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors present the results of a case study of 24 Quebec families, each with a disabled child, and evaluate the richness of all views while preserving their subtlety and complexity.
Abstract: Que peut‐on apprendre de l’experience des parents d’enfants ayant une incapacite? Il apparait important de prendre en consideration les perceptions des parents relativement au processus et a la qualite de l’integration scolaire de leur enfant, d’autant plus que la reforme scolaire quebecoise fait de la collaboration ecole‐famille l’une des six voies d’action en matiere d’adaptation scolaire, donc porteuse de transformations des pratiques. Cet article presente les resultats d’une etude de cas realisee aupres de 24 familles quebecoises dont un enfant presente une incapacite. S’inspirant du codage par reseau, le traitement des donnees a permis de faire ressortir la richesse de la totalite du discours de facon inductive tout en preservant la subtilite et la complexite du discours. Mots cles: inclusion scolaire, integration scolaire, incapacite, perceptions des parents, experience dʹintegration What can we learn from the experience of parents of disabled children? It seems important to consider parental perceptions about the process and quality of their child’s integration into the school, especially since the Quebec school reform has made school‐family cooperation one of the six avenues for action in special education, which transforms practices. We present the results of a case study of 24 Quebec families, each with a disabled child. Drawing upon network analysis, our evaluation of the data brought out inductively the richness of all views while preserving their subtlety and complexity. Key words: school inclusion, school integration, disability, parents’ perceptions, integration experience

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, a content analysis of 89 scientific articles published between 1985 and 2004 identifies the objectives and ideas about teaching practice dominating the research, as well as the stages and dimensions of the educational initiatives studied.
Abstract: L'article presente les resultats d'une analyse de recherches bresiliennes portant sur les pratiques enseignantes Par le biais d'une analyse de contenu de 89 articles scientifiques publies entre 1985 et 2004, l'etude degage les intentions et les conceptions de la pratique enseignante qui president aux recherches ainsi que les phases et les dimensions de l'intervention educative etudiees Centrees sur le discours des enseignants a l'egard de leurs pratiques, ces etudes comportent plusieurs lacunes susceptibles d'entraver sa transposition en dispositif de formation Si l'article n'apporte pas de reponses definitives aux questions qu'il souleve, il permet de degager des pistes theorico-methodologiques permettant d'alimenter les reflexions des chercheurs partout ou l'analyse des pratiques represente un enjeu majeur pour l'actualisation des reformes Mots cles : analyse critique, recherche scientifique, pratique enseignante We present the results of an analysis of Brazilian research on teaching practices Through content analysis of 89 scientific articles published between 1985 and 2004 we identify the objectives and ideas about teaching practice dominating the research, as well as the stages and dimensions of the educational initiatives studied Focusing on teachers' discourse about their practices, these studies have several shortcomings likely to hinder the transformation from research to teaching strategy The article does not provide definitive answers to the questions raised, but we do identify some theoretical and methodological lines of inquiry that allow us to fuel the reflections of researchers everywhere for whom the analysis of practices is a major issue in achieving reforms Key words: critical analysis, scientific research, teaching practice INTRODUCTION A l'instar du Quebec ainsi que des pays tels le Chili, la Tunisie, la France et le Canada, le Bresil a mis en oeuvre une reforme educative qui commande plusieurs ruptures avec le passe: nouvelle vision de l'enseignement-apprentissage nourrie par les approches constructivistes; nouvelle logique d'organisation de la scolarite par cycles biennaux; nouvelles facons d'organiser les contenus d'apprentissage, etc (Congresso Nacional, 1996; Ministerio da Educacao, 1997) Au regard des nouvelles directives, la formation a l'enseignement doit dorenavant s'orienter vers le developpement d'un processus reflexif de l'enseignant autour de sa pratique (Dias & Engers, 2003; Peres, Pereira, D'agua, Duarte, Mercadante, & Feldmann, 2003) Pour mener a bien une reforme educative, Gauthier, Desbiens et Martineau (1999) soulignent qu'il ne suffit pas de compter exclusivement sur son talent ou son experience; l'enseignant a besoin de recourir aux savoirs issus des recherches scientifiques Cependant, l'adaptation des pratiques enseignantes (1) en regard des nouvelles orientations est loin d'etre acquise D'une part, les enseignants, meme s'ils adherent aux nouvelles orientations, les interpretent et les adaptent en fonction de leur contexte de travail D'autre part, pour de nombreux enseignants, les innovations sont une source d'insecurite et d'inquietude puisqu'elles s'inscrivent en rupture avec les pratiques deja instaurees ou, a tout le moins, peuvent etre percues ainsi Pour Perrenoud (1996), abandonner ces pratiques > (p 16) Des lors, les enseignants peuvent, comme l'affirme Santos (2002), reagir et resister aux changements proposes par la reforme en cristallisant des pratiques traditionnelles et en creant des obstacles a l'emergence de pratiques nouvelles et creatives A ce sujet d'ailleurs, maints auteurs d'un peu partout dans le monde (Crahay, 1988, 1989; Gage, 1986; Lebrun & Lenoir, 2001; Spallanzani, Biron, Larose, Lebrun, Lenoir, Masselter, & Roy, 2001) constatent la persistance d'un enseignement de type transmissif …

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors analyzed the recently observed pan-canadien convergence in K-12 educational policy and identified, for the period from 2000 to 2005, the principal agents of this convergence, the mechanisms they used, and the principle themes emerging from their discourse and actions.
Abstract: Cet article analyse la convergence pancanadienne des politiques observee depuis quelques annees dans le champ de l’education de base (M ‐ 12). Pour la periode de 2000 a 2005, nous avons identifie les principaux agents de cette convergence, les mecanismes de convergence mobilises par ces derniers et les principales thematiques qui se degagent de leurs discours et de leurs actions. La multiplicite des agents, l’ampleur des mecanismes de convergence et l’eventail des thematiques soutiennent l’hypothese de l’institutionnalisation d’un « regime » pancanadien dans les politiques d’education de base (M ‐ 12). Mots cles: politiques educatives, convergence, agents, mecanismes, influence This paper analyses the recently observed pan ‐ Canadian convergence in K ‐ 12 educational policy. We identified, for the period from 2000 to 2005, the principal agents of this conver ‐ gence, the mechanisms they used, and the principle themes emerging from their discourse and actions. The number of agents, the breadth of the convergence mechanisms and the range of shared themes support the hypothesis that a pan ‐ Canadian approach in K ‐ 12 edu ‐ cational policy is being institutionalized. Key words: educative policies, convergence, agents, mechanisms, influence

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors explored and described the contribution of self-training in professional insertion and steadiness among Quebec teachers in regular classes and special education in elementary and high schools, those who are concerned with the influence of reforms on their professional environment and the growing complexity of tasks and classes.
Abstract: Cette recherche explore et decrit l’apport de l’autoformation dans l’insertion et le maintien en emploi d’enseignants quebecois aux ordres primaire et secondaire et en adaptation scolaire, ceux ‐ la meme dont l’environnement professionnel se conjugue aux reformes et a la complexification des tâches et des eleves. Elle contribue a mieux comprendre la persistance dans la profession que pres de 20% desertent dans les cinq premieres annees et a degager des pistes d’amelioration de la formation universitaire offerte aux enseignants par l’etude d’une dimension peu etudiee de la reussite profes ‐ sionnelle : l’autoformation. Les resultats sont degages de 20 entrevues en profondeur avec des enseignants novices, experimentes ou deserteurs et couvrent trois dimen ‐ sions : la formation a la profession, l’accompagnement a l’insertion professionnelle et le recours a l’autoformation. Les resultats revelent que tous les enseignants rencontres recourent a l’autoformation par necessite pour repondre a des besoins de formation que suscite la pratique enseignante. Des pistes sont suggerees concernant la formation initiale des enseignants. Mots cles : Autoformation, formation initiale, pratique enseignante, insertion socio ‐ professionnelle This research explores and describes the contribution of self training in professional insertion and steadiness among Quebec teachers in regular classes and special educa ‐ tion in elementary and high schools – those who are concerned with the influence of reforms on their professional environment and the growing complexity of tasks and classes. It should help to understand the persistence in the profession in the context of a 20 per cent attrition rate during the first five years and to find new ways to improve the training that is offered by the university, through the study of a fairly unknown dimension of professional success: self ‐ training. Results emerge from 20 extensive interviews with novice, experimented, and drop ‐ out teachers around three dimensions: professional training, guidance for professional insertion, and use of self training. Results reveal that every teacher has to use self‐training to meet the needs that are raised by the teaching activity. Some directions are proposed in relation with pre‐service teacher education. Key words: self ‐ directed learning, initial training, teaching practice, socio ‐ professional integration

Journal Article
TL;DR: This paper examined the social representations of sexual health equity using interview data from 30 Ontario secondary school teachers from the Ottawa region, which includes five peripheral municipalities east of the city, and confirmed the omnipresence of a biomedical notion of sexuality that fails to address both pleasure and auto-erotism as well as the integration of sexual and racial/ethnic differences.
Abstract: Cet article examine les representations sociales de l’equite en sante sexuelle a partir de donnees d’entrevues aupres de 30 enseignantes et enseignants des ecoles secondaires de la region d’Ottawa, incluant cinq municipalites peripheriques de l’est et du centre ‐ est onta ‐ riens. Partant d’un cadre d’interpretation feministe des principaux ecueils des interventions en education sexuelle, notamment l’âgisme, le naturalisme, l’essentialisme, l’heterosexisme et l’ethnocentrisme, l’analyse revele l’omnipresence d’une conception biomedicale de la sexualite qui, nourrie par l’imaginaire du risque, parvient difficilement a rompre les resis ‐ tances en matiere de plaisir, d’autoerotisme et d’integration des differences sexuelles, « ra ‐ ciales » ou ethniques. Mots cles: equite, education, sante, droits, sexualite This article examines the social representations of sexual health equity using interview data from 30 Ontario secondary school teachers from the Ottawa region, which includes five peripheral municipalities east of the city. Based on a feminist interpretation of the main pitfalls in sexual education—ageism, naturalism, essentialism, heterosexism, and ethnocen ‐ trism—our analysis confirms the omnipresence of a biomedical notion of sexuality that, driven by the perception of risk, fails to address both pleasure and auto ‐ eroticism as well as the integration of sexual and racial/ethnic differences. Key words: equity, education, health, rights, sexuality

Journal Article
TL;DR: This paper conducted a content analysis of Quebec's official discourse and found that the official justifications for the cultural change in direction are based on a composite of various notions of culture and education.
Abstract: Depuis 1992, le gouvernement du Quebec developpe des politiques et des programmes afin de renforcer l’education culturelle des eleves. Comment le discours officiel justifie ‐ t ‐ il ce tournant culturel? Comment definit ‐ il la culture et l’education dans le cadre de ce dernier? Pour repondre a ces questions, nous avons eu recours au cadre theorique de la sociologie de la justification et avons examine le discours officiel a l’aide d’une analyse de contenu. Nos resultats suggerent que le discours officiel se base sur un composite constitue de conceptions plurielles de la culture et de l’education pour justifier le tournant culturel. Mots ‐ cles: education culturelle, sociologie de la justification, reforme quebecoise des programmes de formation, analyse de contenu, politiques educatives et culturelles Since 1992, the Quebec’s provincial government has been implementing policies and programs designed to improve students’ cultural education. How does the official discourse justify this cultural change? How does it define culture and education in this context? To answer these questions, we relied on a theoretical framework from the sociology of justification and carried out a content analysis of Quebec’s official discourse. Our results suggest that the official justifications for the cultural change in direction are based on a composite of various notions of culture and education. Key words: cultural education, sociology of justification, Quebec curricular reform, content analysis, cultural and educational policies.