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Showing papers in "Communication Theory in 2008"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A growing body of research indicates that entertainment-education programming can be an effective way to deliver prosocial and health messages, and some have even speculated that entertainment education may be more effective than overtly persuasive messages in certain circumstances as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: A growing body of research indicates that entertainment-education programming can be an effective way to deliver prosocial and health messages. Some have even speculated that entertainment-education may be more effective than overtly persuasive messages in certain circumstances. Despite empirical advances in this area, more work is needed to understand fully what makes entertainment-education unique from a message-processing standpoint. To this end, the present article has three objectives. First, the article examines the involvement with narrative storylines and characters that is fostered by entertainment programming. This includes a much-needed explication and separation of several related constructs, such as identification, parasocial interaction, similarity, and others. Second, the article reviews and synthesizes existing theories that have addressed entertainment-education message processing. Third, the article builds on these theories, presenting an expanded theoretical framework. A set of propositions is advanced and directions for future research are discussed. In total, the article offers a clarification of existing concepts that are critical to the study of entertainment-education, a synthesis of relevant theory, and a set of propositions to guide future research in entertainment-education message effects.

1,004 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors propose a theoretical framework to explain circumstances under which perceptions of "unrealness" affect engagement in narratives and subsequent perceived realism judgments, and propose a model that integrates narrative comprehension and phenomenological experiences such as transportation and identification.
Abstract: This article offers a theoretical framework to explain circumstances under which perceptions of “unrealness” affect engagement in narratives and subsequent perceived realism judgments. A mental models approach to narrative processing forms the foundation of a model that integrates narrative comprehension and phenomenological experiences such as transportation and identification. Three types of unrealness are discussed: fictionality, external realism (match with external reality), and narrative realism (coherence within a story). We gather evidence that fictionality does not affect narrative processing. On the other hand, violations of external and narrative realism are conceived as inconsistencies among the viewer’s mental structures as they construct mental models of meaning to represent and comprehend the narrative. These inconsistencies may result in negative online evaluations of a narrative’s realism, may disrupt engagement, and may negatively influence postexposure (reflective) realism judgments as well as lessen a narrative’s persuasive power. Resume « Fictionnalite» et realisme percu des histoires : Un modele de comprehension et d'implication narratives Cet article propose un cadre theorique visant a expliquer les circonstances dans lesquelles les perceptions d’« irrealite» affectent l’implication dans les narratifs et les jugements subsequents de perception de realisme. Une approche par modeles mentaux du traitement des narratifs forme la base d’un modele qui integre la comprehension narrative et les experiences phenomenologiques telles que le transport et l’identification. Trois types d’irrealite sont commentes : la « fictionnalite», le realisme externe (concordance avec une realite externe) et le realisme narratif (coherence d’une histoire). Nous reunissons ici des preuves a l’effet que la fictionnalite n’affecte pas le traitement narratif. D’autre part, les violations des realismes externe et narratif sont percues comme des incoherences dans les structures mentales des spectateurs, puisque ceux-ci construisent des modeles mentaux de significations afin de representer et comprendre le narratif. Ces incoherences peuvent avoir pour resultats des evaluations negatives du realisme d’un narratif sur le coup. Elles peuvent egalement interrompre l’implication, influencer negativement les jugements de realisme a posteriori (jugements reflexifs) et amoindrir la puissance persuasive d’un narratif. Abstract Fiktionalitat und wahrgenommener Realismus beim Erleben von Geschichten: Ein Modell zum narrativen Verstehen und Erleben Dieser Artikel bietet einen theoretischen Rahmen, um Bedingungen zu erklaren unter denen die Wahrnehmung von Unwirklichkeit die Art und Weise des Erlebens von Geschichten und daraus resultierend Realismusurteile beeinflusst. Unter Ruckgriff auf einen Mentale-Modelle-Ansatz zur Verarbeitung von Narrationen werden narratives Verstehen und phanomenologische Erlebensweisen wie Transportation und Identifikation im Modell integriert. Drei Typen von Unwirklichkeit werden diskutiert: Fiktionalitat, externaler Realismus (Passung mit der externalen Realitat) und narrativer Realismus (Stimmigkeit mit der Geschichte). Unsere Daten zeigen, dass Fiktionalitat die narrative Verarbeitung nicht beeinflusst. Allerdings wird deutlich, dass Verletzungen des externalen und narrativen Realismus als Inkonsistenzen in den mentalen Strukturen der Zuschauer wahrgenommen werden, da Zuschauer mentale Bedeutungsmodelle konstruieren, um die Geschichte abzubilden und zu verstehen. Diese Inkonsistenzen konnten in negativen Ad-Hoc-Bewertungen von narrativem Realismus resultieren, konnten Erleben storen oder postrezeptive (reflektierende) Realismusurteile negativ beeinflussen - und letztendlich die persuasive Kraft der Narration verringern. Resumen La Ficcion y el Realismo Percibido en la Experiencia de las Historias: Un Modelo de la Comprension y el Compromiso Narrativo Este articulo ofrece un marco teorico para explicar las circumstancias bajo las cuales las percepciones de “irrealismo” afectan el compromiso de las narrativas y los juicios de las percepciones de realismo subsequente. Un modelo mental de aproximacion de los procesamientos narrativos forma un modelo fundacional que integra la comprension narrativa y las experiencias fenomenologicas como por ejemplo la transportacion y la identificacion. Tres tipos de irrelismo son discutidos: ficcion, realismo externo (correspondencia con la realidad externa), y realismo narrativo (coherencia dentro de una historia). Juntamos evidencia que la ficcionalidad no afecta el procesamiento narrativo. Por otro lado, las violaciones al realismo externo y narrativo son concebidas como inconsistencias entre las estructuras mentales de la audiencia dado que ellos construyen modelos mentales de significacion para representar y comprender la narrativa. Estas inconsistencias pueden resultar en evaluaciones online negativas de una narrativa de realismo, pueden trastornar el compromiso, e influir negativamente sobre los juicios de realismo despues de la exposicion (reflectiva) asi como tambien disminuir el poder persuasivo de la narrativa. ZhaiYao Yo yak

573 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors propose that informal and non-purposive everyday political talk, the practical form of dialogic deliberation, is the fundamental underpinning of deliberative democracy.
Abstract: The paradox of deliberative democracy is that the prerequisites of deliberation must be produced through deliberation itself. This essay, thus, proposes that deliberative democracy requires two levels of deliberation: One is instrumental deliberation, a procedural tool, through which people negotiate and make decisions; the other is dialogic deliberation, or dialogue, through which people construct the concept of the self and other, the sense of community, and public reason. Relying on Habermas’s theory of communicative action, Buber’s concept of dialogue, and Giddens’s theory of structuration, we propose that informal and nonpurposive everyday political talk, the practical form of dialogic deliberation, is the fundamental underpinning of deliberative democracy. Through everyday political talk, citizens construct their identities, achieve mutual understanding, produce public reason, form considered opinions, and produce rules and resources for deliberative democracy. Resume Theoriser la deliberation dialogique : Les conversations politiques quotidiennes en tant qu‘action communicationnelle et dialogue Le paradoxe de la democratie deliberative est que les conditions prealables a la deliberation doivent etre produites a travers la deliberation elle-meme. Cet article soumet donc que la democratie deliberative requiert deux niveaux de deliberation : l’un est la deliberation instrumentale, un outil procedural par lequel les gens negocient et prennent des decisions; l‘autre est la deliberation dialogique, ou le dialogue, par lequel les gens construisent le concept du soi et de l’autre, le sens de la communaute et la raison publique. Nous appuyant sur la theorie de l‘action communicationnelle de Habermas, le concept de dialogue de Buber et la theorie de la structuration de Giddens, nous proposons que la conversation politique quotidienne informelle et sans but, la forme pratique de deliberation dialogique, est le pilier fondamental de la democratie deliberative. C’est a travers la conversation politique quotidienne que les citoyens construisent leurs identites, atteignent une comprehension mutuelle, produisent une raison publique, forment des opinions reflechies et produisent des regles et des ressources pour la democratie deliberative. Abstract Theoretische Uberlegungen zur dialogischen Deliberation: Taglicher Polittalk als kommunikative Handlung und Dialog Das Paradox einer deliberativen Demokratie ist, dass die Voraussetzungen der Deliberation durch Deliberation selbst hergestellt werden mussen. Dieser Aufsatz untersucht die Annahme, dass deliberative Demokratie zwei Ebenen der Deliberation benotigt: Zum einen die instrumentelle Deliberation, ein verfahrensorientiertes Werkzeug, mit dessen Hilfe Menschen verhandeln und Entscheidungen treffen; zum anderen die dialogische Deliberation, oder der Dialog, durch welchen Menschen ein Konzept ihrer selbst und anderer sowie den Sinn einer Gemeinschaft und offentlicher Vernunft konstruieren. Basierend auf Habermas' Theorie des Kommunikativen Handelns, Bubers Konzept des Dialogs und Giddens Theorie der Strukturation argumentieren wir, dass informeller und unbestimmter taglicher Polittalk als praktische Form der dialogischen Deliberation die fundamentale Basis einer deliberativen Demokratie darstellt. Durch taglichen Politiktalk konstruieren Burger ihre Identitat, erreichen gegenseitiges Verstandnis, produzieren offentliche Vernunft, formen beachtete Meinungen und produzieren Regeln und Mittel fur eine deliberative Demokratie. Resumen Teorizando sobre la Deliberacion Dialogica: La Charla Politica Diaria como una Accion Comunicativa y de Dialogo La paradoja de la democracia deliberativa es que los prerrequisitos de deliberacion deben ser producidos a traves de la deliberacion misma. Este ensayo, asi, propone que la democracia deliberativa requiere 2 niveles de deliberacion: Uno es la deliberacion instrumental, una herramienta de procedimiento, a traves de la cual la gente negocia y toma decisiones; la otra es la deliberacion dialogica, o dialogo, a traves del cual la gente construye el concepto de uno mismo y del otro, el sentido de comunidad, y la razon publica. Contando con la teoria de la accion comunicativa de Habermas, el concepto de dialogo de Buber, y la teoria de estructuracion de Giddens, proponemos que la charla politica diaria informal y sin proposito, la forma practica de deliberacion dialogica, es el pilar fundamental de la democracia deliberativa. A traves de la charla politica diaria, los ciudadanos construyen sus identidades, obtienen entendimiento mutuo, producen razones publicas, forman opiniones consideradas, y producen reglas y recursos para la democracia deliberativa. ZhaiYao Yo yak

216 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
Laura W. Black1
TL;DR: The authors argue that personal storytelling can be a bridge between dialogue and discussion by inviting group members to experience dialogic moments in the midst of deliberative conversation, and they argue that storytelling can help group members negotiate the tension of self-other.
Abstract: Dialogue theory promotes communication practices that help groups understand and productively manage their differences. Yet, by conceptualizing dialogue as a distinct way of communicating, scholars tend to overlook how dialogue can co-occur with other ways groups deal with difference. This conceptual separation can also limit groups’ abilities to see the potential for dialogue while they are engaged in discussion. This essay argues that personal storytelling can be a bridge between dialogue and discussion by inviting group members to experience dialogic moments in the midst of deliberative conversation. Stories invite dialogic moments because they help group members negotiate the tension of self–other. This negotiation occurs because through telling and responding to personal stories, group members craft their identities and take on others’ perspectives. This argument is illustrated through the analysis of a storytelling interaction that occurred in an online deliberative group discussing how to rebuild the former World Trade Center site after its destruction on September 11, 2001. Conceptualizing storytelling as an invitation for dialogic moments has implications for dialogue theory, research, and practice.

197 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors present a variety of conceptual tools for applying evolutionary theory to organizations, organizational communities, and their networks, including the notions of relational carrying capacity and linkage fitness.
Abstract: Organizational communities are typically defined as populations of organizations that are tied together by networks of communication and other relations in overlapping resource niches. Traditionally, evolutionary theorists and researchers have examined organizational populations that comprise organizational communities by focusing on their properties rather than on the networks that link them. However, a full understanding of the evolution of organizational communities requires insight into both organizations and their networks. Consequently, this article presents a variety of conceptual tools for applying evolutionary theory to organizations, organizational communities, and their networks, including the notions of relational carrying capacity and linkage fitness. It illustrates evolutionary principles, such as variation, selection, and retention, that lead to the formation, growth, maintenance, and eventual demise of communication and other network linkages. This perspective allows us to understand the ways in which community survival and success are as dependent on their communication linkages as they are on the organizations they connect. The article concludes with suggestions for potential applications of evolutionary theory to other areas of human communication.

126 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a mesolevel communicative model of collaboration is proposed, which reveals that the bulk of collaborative communication occurs at the team level, where relationships among individuals and organizations are revealed and acted upon.
Abstract: Generally theorized and empirically examined as an organization phenomenon, collaboration may be more productively explored from a mesolevel model that simultaneously addresses group, organizational, and public frames. Examining how individuals communicate in those frames revealed four discursive productions of collaboration, which were previously undertheorized. Thus, we propose a communicative model that details the simultaneously occurring communication at multiple levels that gives rise to the emergence and effectiveness of collaborating talk. In this model, communication is no longer described as one of the component(s) of collaboration; communication is elevated to the essence of collaboration. Working from observations and records of a 9-month interorganizational collaboration, this article develops a mesolevel communicative model of collaboration and demonstrates that the bulk of collaborative communication occurs at the team level—indeed, the level where relationships among individuals and organizations is revealed and acted upon. Resume Un modele communicationnel de la collaboration a moyenne echelle Bien qu’elle soit generalement theorisee et examinee empiriquement en tant que phenomene organisationnel, la collaboration pourrait etre exploree de facon plus productive a partir d‘un modele a moyenne echelle qui s’interesse simultanement aux cadres de groupe, aux cadres organisationnels ainsi qu‘aux cadres publics. Un examen de la facon dont les individus communiquent dans ces cadres a revele quatre productions discursives de collaboration dont la theorisation etait jusqu’a aujourd‘hui tres faible. Ainsi, nous proposons un modele communicationnel exposant en detail la communication a plusieurs niveaux qui se produit simultanement et qui met en evidence l’emergence et l‘efficacite des discussions de collaboration. Dans ce modele, la communication n’est plus decrite comme l‘une des composantes de la collaboration : elle est elevee au statut d’essence de la collaboration. A partir d‘observations et d’enregistrements d‘une collaboration interorganisationnelle de neuf mois, cet article developpe un modele communicationnel de la collaboration a moyenne echelle et demontre que la majeure partie de la communication de collaboration se produit a l’echelle du groupe, niveau ou les relations entre les individus et les organisations se revelent et sont mises a execution. Abstract Ein Meso-Ebenen-Kommunikationsmodell der Zusammenarbeit Theoretisch und empirisch im Allgemeinen als ein Organisationsphanomen betrachtet, kann Zusammenarbeit auch ertragbringend von einer Meso-Ebene untersucht werden, die gleichzeitig Gruppen, Organisation und offentliche Rahmen anspricht. Die Untersuchung, wie Personen in diesen Rahmen kommunizieren zeigte 4 diskursive Entstehungsarten von Zusammenarbeit, welche vorher nicht ausreichend theoretisch betrachtet wurden. Daher schlagen wir ein Kommunikationsmodell vor, welches die gleichzeitig auftretende Kommunikation auf verschiedenen Ebenen als Ursache fur das Vorkommen und die Effektivitat von gemeinschaftlicher Unterhaltung genau beschreibt. In diesem Modell wird Kommunikation gerade nicht als eine Komponente von Zusammenarbeit betrachtet; vielmehr wird Kommunikation zur Essenz von Zusammenarbeit erhoben. Auf Basis von Beobachtungen und Protokollen einer 9-Monate dauernden Zusammenarbeit erarbeitet dieser Artikel ein Meso-Ebenen-Kommunikationsmodell der Zusammenarbeit und zeigt, dass sich der Hauptteil kollaborativer Kommunikation auf der Team-Ebene ereignet – und damit auf der Ebene, wo sich Beziehungen zwischen Individuen und Organisationen zeigen und handlungsleitend sind. Resumen Un Modelo de Colaboracion Comunicativa de Nivel Intermedio Generalmente teorizada y empiricamente examinada como un fenomeno organizacional, la colaboracion puede ser explorada mas productivamente desde un modelo de nivel intermedio que trate simultaneamente los marcos grupales, organizacionales y publicos. Examinando como los individuos comunican estos marcos revelo 4 producciones de discurso de colaboracion, que no fueron previamente teorizados. Asi, proponemos un modelo comunicativo que detalla la comunicacion simultanea en multiples niveles que da surgimiento y efectividad a la conversacion colaboradora. En este modelo la comunicacion ya no es descripta como uno de los componente(s) de la colaboracion; la comunicacion es elevada a la esencia de la colaboracion. Trabajando con 9 meses de observaciones y registros de una colaboracion inter-organizacional, este ensayo desarrolla un modelo comunicativo de la colaboracion de nivel intermedio y demuestra que el volumen de la comunicacion colaborativa ocurre a nivel grupal—efectivamente, el nivel donde las relaciones entre los individuos y las organizaciones son reveladas y puestas en efecto. ZhaiYao Yo yak

118 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Deetz and Simpson as discussed by the authors argued that discourses of color blindness hinder, rather than advance, dialogue about race in the United States, and illustrated the subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which a color-blind stance can narrow the discursive space in which interracial dialogue might occur.
Abstract: This essay affirms the position of a politically responsive constructionist theory of communication (PRCT) in arguing that radical encounters with otherness are critical to the dialogic project (S. Deetz & J. Simpson, 2004). It also engages M. McPhail’s (2004) critique that White racism and the blinders it produces significantly and perhaps irreparably inhibit the possibility of meaningful dialogue about race across the “color line” (W. E. B. DuBois, 1903). This article examines the viability of the PRCT model as it applies specifically to the possibility of dialogue across racial lines and argues that discourses of “color blindness” hinder, rather than advance, dialogue about race in the United States. Illustrations from efforts of one university campus to foster dialogue and to build a welcoming and diverse community illustrate subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which a color-blind stance can narrow the discursive space in which interracial dialogue might occur. Resume La double impasse daltonienne : La blancheur et l'(im)possibilite du dialogue Cet essai affirme la position d‘une theorie de la communication constructiviste et politiquement reactive (politically responsive constructionist theory of communication, PRCT) en soumettant que des rencontres radicales avec l’alterite sont cruciales pour le projet dialogique (Deetz & Simpson, 2004). Il implique aussi la critique de McPhail (2004) selon qui le racisme blanc et les oeilleres qu‘il produit inhibe de facon importante et peut-etre irreparable la possibilite d’un dialogue significatif a propos de la race au travers de la « barriere de couleur » (DuBois, 1903). Cet article examine la viabilite du modele PRCT en tant qu‘il s’applique specifiquement a la possibilite de dialogue au-dela des barrieres de couleurs, et soutient que les discours de « daltonisme » (colorblindness) bloquent le dialogue sur la race aux Etats-Unis au lieu de le faire progresser. Des illustrations tirees des efforts d‘un campus universitaire pour encourager le dialogue et construire une communaute accueillante et variee demontrent des facons subtiles et moins subtiles par lesquelles une position daltonienne peut restreindre l’espace discursif dans lequel le dialogue interracial pourrait se produire. Abstract Die farbenblinde Doppel-Verknupfung: Whiteness und die (Un-)Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Dialogs Dieser Artikel stutzt die Position einer politisch responsiven konstruktivistischen Theorie der Kommunikation (PRCT) und argumentiert, dass radikale Begegnungen mit dem Anderen fur ein Dialog-Projekt kritisch sind (Deetz & Simpson, 2004). Ebenso betrachtet wird McPhails (2004) Kritik, dass weiser Rassismus und die Blindheiten, die er produziert, einen bedeutungsvollen Dialog uber Rassen uber die ”color line“ (DuBois, 1902) hinaus signifikant und moglicherweise irreparabel blockiert. Dieser Artikel untersucht das PRCT-Modell auf seine Anwendbarkeit hinsichtlich der Moglichkeit eines bedeutungsvollen Dialogs uber Rassenlinien hinaus und argumentiert, dass Diskurse von ”Farbenblindheit“ Dialoge uber Rasse in den Vereinigten Staaten eher behindern und nicht befordern. Illustriert werden diese Annahmen anhand der Bemuhungen eines Universitatscampus den Dialog zu fordern und eine offene und diverse Gemeinschaft zu schaffen. Dargestellt werden subtile und weniger subtile Varianten wie eine farbenblinde Einstellung den diskursiven Raum, in dem ein Dialog zwischen den Rassen stattfindet, einengen kann. Resumen El Dilema Doble del Daltonico: La Blancura y la (Im)Posibilidad del Dialogo Este ensayo afirma la posicion de una respuesta politica receptiva constructivista de la teoria de la comunicacion (PRCT) al argumentar que los encuentros radicales con el otro son criticos para el proyecto de dialogo (Deetz & Simpson, 2004). Trata tambien la critica de McPhail (2004) de que el racismo blanco, y lo que lo tapa, producen inhibiciones significativas y tal vez irreparables en la posibilidad de dialogo significativo sobre la raza a traves de la “linea de color” (DuBois, 1903). Este articulo examina la viabilidad del modelo PRCT dado que se aplica especificamente a la posibilidad de dialogo a traves de las lineas raciales y arguye que los discursos sobre “el daltonismo” dificultan, en vez de avanzar, el dialogo sobre la raza en los Estados Unidos. Ilustraciones de los esfuerzos de un campus universitario para crear dialogo y para construir una comunidad diversa y bienvenida ilustran las formas sutiles y no tan sutiles en las que la postura daltonica puede estrechar el espacio discursivo en el cual el dialogo interracial puede ocurrir. ZhaiYao

91 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the anthropologist Clifford Geertzian theory can rejuvenate global communication studies by providing a foundation to build a theory of translocalism, which can serve as a context for a new understanding of power in Global Communication Studies.
Abstract: Though the anthropologist Clifford Geertz has been tremendously influential across the humanities and social sciences, his impact on media and communication scholarship remains unclear. Geertzian theory, this article argues, can rejuvenate global communication studies by providing a foundation to build a theory of translocalism. The article first highlights the theoretical affinities between Geertz’s interpretive anthropology and communication studies. The following sections explicate Geertz’s perspectives on the local and on meaning. Then, we explore how Geertz’s notion of the local can serve as a context for a new understanding of power in global communication studies. In light of this, the article then turns to an analysis of the notion of translocalism as it transpires in Geertz’s work. The final section elaborates the implications of translocalism for global communication studies through a discussion of global television formats and foreign news correspondents.

82 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, Stille argued that silence can be seen as a mating of the phenomenal and existential bodies of the human body and that it can be interpreted as a gesture, rather than simply a background for expressed thought.
Abstract: Silence and speech are often defined in relation to each other. In much scholarship, the two are perceived as polar opposites; speech enjoys primacy in this dichotomy, with silence negatively perceived as a lack of speech. As a consequence of this binary thinking, scholars remain unable to study the full range of the meanings and uses of silence in human interactions or even to fully recognize its communicative power. Merleau-Ponty described language as a gesture, made possible by the fact that we are bodies in a physical world. Language does not envelop or clothe thought; ideas materialize as embodied language, whether spoken or written. If silence is, as I argue here, as like speech as it is different, perhaps silence, too, can be a gesture. Rather than simply a background for expressed thought, if we considered silence to be embodied, to be a mating of the phenomenal and existential bodies, how might that affect current misconceptions of silence and subsequent limitations on the study of communicative silences? Resume Le silence comme geste : Repenser la nature des silences communicationnels Le silence et la parole sont souvent definis en relation l’un avec l’autre. Dans une grande partie de la recherche, les deux phenomenes sont percus comme etant des poles opposes. La parole jouit de la primaute dans cette dichotomie, le silence etant percu negativement comme une absence de parole. Consequence de cette pensee binaire, les chercheurs demeurent incapables d’etudier toute la complexite des significations et des usages du silence dans les interactions humaines, ni meme d’en reconnaitre completement le pouvoir communicationnel. Merleau-Ponty decrivait le langage comme un geste, rendu possible par le fait que nous sommes des corps dans un monde physique. Le langage n’enveloppe ni ne vet la pensee; les idees se materialisent comme un langage incarne, qu’il soit parle ou ecrit. Si, tel que je le soumets ici, le silence est aussi semblable a la parole qu’il n’en est different, peut-etre alors le silence peut-il etre, lui aussi, un geste. Plutot qu’un simple arriere-plan pour l’expression de la pensee, si nous considerions le silence comme etant incarne, comme etant un accouplement des corps phenomenaux et existentiels, quelles consequences cela pourrait-il avoir sur les idees fausses que l’on se fait actuellement du silence et sur les limites subsequentes a l’etude des silences communicationnels? Abstract Stille als Geste. Neue Uberlegungen zum Wesen kommunikativer Stille Stille und Rede werden oft in Abhangigkeit voneinander definiert und haufig als Gegensatze wahrgenommen, wobei Rede in dieser Dichotomie Vorrang geniest, wahrend Stille eher negativ als das Fehlen von Rede wahrgenommen wird. Als eine Konsequenz dieses binaren Denkens, bleibt es Wissenschaftlern unmoglich, das volle Ausmas von Bedeutungen und Verwendungen von Stille in menschlicher Interaktion zu untersuchen und deren kommunikative Macht zu verstehen. Merleau-Ponty beschrieb Sprache als eine Geste moglich gemacht durch die Tatsache, dass wir Korper in einer physischen Welt sind. Sprache verhullt oder bekleidet Gedanken nicht, Ideen materialisieren sich als Sprache, gesprochen oder geschrieben. Wenn Stille, und so argumentiere ich hier, vergleichbar aber auch verschieden von Sprache ist, kann man Stille moglicherweise auch als Geste verstehen. Verstanden wir Stille als verkorpert, anstatt einfach nur als einen Hintergrund fur ausgedruckte Gedanken, als eine Verbindung zwischen phanomenalen und existentiellen Korpern, wie kann dies dann die aktuelle Misskonzeptualisierungen von Stille beeinflussen und daraus folgend Einschrankungen bei der Untersuchung von kommunikativer Stille aufzeigen? Resumen El Silencio como un Gesto: Repensando la Naturaleza de los Silencios Comunicativos El silencio y el habla son a menudo definidos en relacion de uno con otro. En muchos estudios, los 2 son percibidos como polarmente opuestos; el habla disfruta de la primacia en esta dicotomia, mientras que el silencio es percibido negativamente como la falta del habla. Como una consecuencia de este pensamiento binario, los estudiosos permanecen inhabilitados para estudiar el rango completo de los significados y usos del silencio en las interacciones humanas, y para reconocer su poder comunicativo. Merleau-Ponty describio el lenguaje como un gesto, hecho posible por el hecho de que somos cuerpos en un mundo fisico. El lenguaje no desarrolla o viste ese pensamiento; las ideas se materializan como personificados en el lenguaje ya sea hablado o escrito. Si el silencio es, como yo expongo aqui, como el habla asi como es diferente del habla, tal vez el silencio pueda ser un gesto tambien. En vez de ser simplemente un antecedente del pensamiento expresado, si consideramos al silencio como un ser personificado, como una pareja de los cuerpos fenomenales y existentes, como podria eso afectar las concepciones corrientes equivocadas sobre el silencio y sus limitaciones subsecuentes para el estudio de los silencios comunicativos? ZhaiYao Yo yak

76 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a message-flow typology is used to identify abusive message types and illustrate how organizing occurs in confluences or synergies among the communication flows in which specific messages occur.
Abstract: Given the range of destruction wrought by persistent employee abuse, it is crucial to understand how employee-abusive organizations (EAOs) come into being and persist. It is also essential to look beyond individualistic “bad apple” explanations to understand the phenomenon’s complexity but, to date, little scholarship does so. Indeed, there is insufficient theorizing about the phenomenon. To address this issue, we theorize how EAOs come into being, persist, and change though a confluence of communication flows. This article takes as a starting point and builds upon a message-flows typology from which we create a new theory that explains how EAOs develop and change. The theory identifies abusive message types and underscores how organizing occurs in confluences or synergies among the communication flows in which specific messages occur. We present a case study that drives the theory and illustrates the dynamism among communication flows. The case also illustrates change and the impact of worker resistance.

75 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This article found that gender and other demographic differences are poor predictors of jurors' satisfaction with their service experience, including their perceptions of deliberation, and that emotion is important for both men and women.
Abstract: Despite increasing enthusiasm for political deliberation as a rejuvenating tonic for representative democracy, some theorists question the extent to which deliberative forums adequately incorporate diverse individuals and communication styles. Unfortunately, the theoretical debate between the deliberative theory and the “difference critique” has reached an impasse. To advance this important literature, we derive two formal propositions from each perspective and test these rival claims in the context of the jury system, the most prominent institutionalized deliberative practice in the United States. Surveys of over 3,000 jurors who served in local courthouses indicate that gender and other demographic differences are poor predictors of jurors’ satisfaction with their service experience, including their perceptions of deliberation. The study also shows that emotion—a dimension of deliberative experience presumed to be gendered—is important for both men and women. On balance, the results call into question the power of the difference critique, at least in the context of modern jury deliberation.

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TL;DR: In this paper, the authors focus on the problem-responsive dimension of pragmatic theories in their relevance for the reconceptualization of public participation in communication theory and propose that we reconstruct pragmatism as a tradition of communication theory in light of this fact.
Abstract: This article aims to retrieve the problem-responsive dimension of pragmatist theories in their relevance for the reconceptualization of public participation in communication theory. This dimension is central to pragmatist perspectives on the formation and functioning of publics and I propose that we reconstruct pragmatism as a tradition of communication theory in light of this fact. First, I reexamine the historical emergence of pragmatism in communication theory and I suggest James Carey was unable to challenge positivism or objectivism from within a pragmatist tradition. Second, I retrieve John Dewey’s account of inquiry in a manner anticipating its implications for his theory of publics. Third, I resituate the Dewey–Lippmann debate within the context of a pragmatist tradition to demonstrate how deeply their differences turn on problem formulation. In conclusion, I connect the pragmatist tradition to contemporary work on problematization to address the limitations of each perspective. Resume Dans un public, obscurement : Reconstruire les perspectives pragmatiques des theories de la communication Cet article vise a extraire des theories pragmatistes la dimension adaptee aux problemes dans leur pertinence pour la reconceptualisation de la participation publique dans les theories de la communication. Cette dimension est centrale aux perspectives pragmatistes dans la formation et le fonctionnement des publics. Je propose que nous reconstruisions le pragmatisme comme tradition des theories communicationnelles en vue de ce fait. D’abord, je reexamine l’emergence historique du pragmatisme dans les theories de la communication et je soumets que James Carey etait incapable de contester le positivisme ou l’objectivisme a partir d’une tradition pragmatiste. Ensuite, je recupere l’explication que fait John Dewey de l’interrogation d’une maniere qui anticipe ses implications pour sa theorie des publics. Puis, je replace le debat Dewey-Lippman dans le contexte d’une tradition pragmatiste afin de demontrer combien profondes sont leurs differences a propos de la formulation des problemes. En conclusion, je relie la tradition pragmatiste aux travaux contemporains sur la problematisation afin d’aborder les limites de chaque perspective. Abstract Durch ein offentliches Dunkel: Die Rekonstruktion von pragmatischen Ansichten in der Kommunikationstheorie Dieser Artikel untersucht die problem-responsive Dimension pragmatischer Theorien hinsichtlich ihrer Relevanz fur die Rekonzeptualisierung von offentlicher Teilhabe in der Kommunikationstheorie. Diese Dimension ist zentral innerhalb pragmatischer Ansichten der Formation und des Funktionierens von Offentlichkeiten. Im Lichte dieser Tatsache schlage ich deshalb vor, den Pragmatismus als eine Tradition der Kommunikationstheorie zu betrachten. Erstens untersuche ich die historische Entstehung von Pragmatismus in der Kommunikationstheorie und schlage vor, dass James Carey auserstande war, den Positivismus oder Objektivismus aus einer pragmatischen Tradition heraus herauszufordern. Zweitens betrachte ich John Dewey’s Herangehensweise auf eine Art, die seine Implikationen fur seine Theorie der Offentlichkeiten antizipiert. Drittens, verorte ich die Dewey-Lippman Debatte neu im Kontext einer pragmatischen Tradition, um zu zeigen wie tief greifend sich ihre Unterschiede auf die Problemformulierung auswirken. Zusammenfassend, verbinde ich die pragmatische Tradition mit aktuellen Arbeiten zur Problematisierung, um die Beschrankungen jeder Perspektive aufzuzeigen. Resumen A Traves de un Publico Misterioso: Reconstruyendo Perspectivas Pragmaticas de la Teoria de la Comunicacion Este articulo tiene por objetivo recuperar la dimension problema-respuesta de las teorias pragmaticas en su relevancia para la reconceptualizacion de la participacion publica en la teoria de la comunicacion. Esta dimension es central en las perspectivas pragmaticas sobre la formacion y el funcionamiento de los publicos, y propongo que reconstruyamos el pragmatismo como una tradicion de la teoria de la comunicacion en respuesta a ese hecho. Primero, re-examino la emergencia historica del pragmatismo en la teoria de la comunicacion y sugiero que James Carey fue incapaz de desafiar el positivismo u objetivismo dentro de la tradicion pragmatica. Segundo, recupero la explicacion de investigacion de John Dewey anticipando sus implicancias en su teoria de los publicos. Tercero, restituyo el debate de Dewey–Lippmann dentro del contexto de la tradicion pragmatica para demonstrar como sus profundas diferencias se convierten en problemas de formulacion. En conclusion, conecto la tradicion pragmatica con el trabajo contemporaneo sobre la problematizacion para tratar las limitaciones de cada perspectiva. ZhaiYao Yo yak

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TL;DR: In this paper, the authors argue that dialogue is central to all of these worlds (that we build together), not in the sense of control, which a positivist ontology naturally favors, but in a sense of dialoguing an ongoing process that respects the autonomy of different reality constructions, enables each participant to interrogate his or her history and grow beyond it.
Abstract: Communication is central to all of these worlds (that we build together), not in the sense of control, which a positivist ontology naturally favors, but in the sense of dialoguing an ongoing process that respects the autonomy of different reality constructions, enables each participant to interrogate his or her history and grow beyond it. Dialogue probably is the most noble form of human interaction, and communication scholars should be the first to appreciate its outstanding human qualities.

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TL;DR: The authors discusses the implications of a concept of strategy for dialogical perspectives on communication and explores the paradox of Habermas's idea of communicative rationality in terms of the prisoner's dilemma of game theory.
Abstract: This essay discusses the implications of a concept of strategy for dialogical perspectives on communication. It begins by locating in the dialogical perspective a “longing for the other” that equates communication with communion or mutuality. It draws from the theory of communicative action of Jurgen Habermas to discuss strategy as the “other” of communication and explores the paradox of Habermas’s idea of communicative rationality in terms of the prisoner’s dilemma of game theory. The essay considers the extent to which the strategic and the dialogic are woven together in communication and argues that the communicative orientations of interlocutors at any given instance are rightfully regarded as the product of situational logics conditioned by social and cultural commitments extant in that instance. Given that the impetus for strategy stems in part from concerns about social solidarity in the face of the exigences of everyday life, the essay concludes by directing attention to the interplay of the management of social fears and the expression of otherness in shaping the course of communicative encounters.

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TL;DR: The authors discussed some of those challenges and examined a form of invention drawn from sophistic rhetoric for its potential to contribute to the theory and practice of facilitated dialogue on public issues, and extended illustration is drawn from an actual multilogue on a public issue.
Abstract: Although the dialogical nature of publics and public deliberation has been acknowledged frequently in recent years, several scholars have challenged the viability of dialogue as an instrument of public deliberation. This study discusses some of those challenges and examines a form of invention drawn from sophistic rhetoric for its potential to contribute to the theory and practice of facilitated dialogue on public issues. An extended illustration is drawn from an actual multilogue on a public issue.

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TL;DR: The authors examines two aspects of Kierkegaard's philosophy of communication, namely, the distinction between the communication of knowledge and the communications of capability, and presents a variety of possibilities for exploring this line of thought further within the communication discipline.
Abstract: Despite his claim that his work was rooted in Socratic dialogue, little attention has been given to the implications of Kierkegaard’s ideas for communication. This article examines two aspects of Kierkegaard’s philosophy of communication. First, it considers Kierkegaardian critiques of chatter, everyday talk, and the press and considers how these activities are involved in a process of objectification he called leveling. Second, this essay investigates Kierkegaard’s distinction between the communication of knowledge (Videns Meddelelse) and the communication of capability (Kunnis Meddelelse). Finally, it situates Kierkegaard within the dialogic tradition and presents a variety of possibilities for exploring Kierkegaardian thought further within the communication discipline.

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TL;DR: The Differend: Phrases in Dispute as discussed by the authors is a philosophy of phrasing and the differend, which is a way of thinking about dialogue that communication theorists have largely neglected.
Abstract: Jean-Francois Lyotard’s philosophy of phrasing and the differend presents a way of thinking about dialogue that communication theorists have largely neglected. In this essay, the author draws on Lyotard’s magnum opus, The Differend: Phrases in Dispute, to conceive of dialogue as a concatenation of genres encompassing narrative, poetic, and deliberative forms, rather than a single genre (ontologically or epistemologically). Such a distinction is useful for conducting inquiry on communicative practices in authoritarian regimes, where the advent of the dialogical is evident in dissident acts that phrase damages and wrongs in the face of authorities who attempt to cancel the debt of these “differends.” Rather than pitting partisans of dialogue against partisans of agonistics, or discussing ways in which dialogue draws upon agonistics for rational argumentation or relational development, the author proposes that thinking about and engaging dialogue under authoritarian social, political, and economic constraints is impossible without agony, demanding time, respect, sorrow, outrage, and a feeling for the sublime (pain, pleasure, and their mix). Implications for dialogue theory are considered along with suggestions for research in authoritarian and other fields. Resume Dialogue a l‘agonie : Le probleme de la communication dans les regimes autoritaires La philosophie de la phrase et du differend de Jean-Francois Lyotard presente une maniere de penser au dialogue que les theoriciens de la communication ont largement negligee. Dans cet essai, l’auteur puise dans l‘oeuvre maitresse de Lyotard, Le differend, afin de concevoir le dialogue comme une concatenation de genres comprenant les formes narrative, poetique et deliberative, plutot qu’un seul genre (ontologiquement ou epistemologiquement). Une telle distinction est utile pour la conduite d'etudes sur les pratiques communicationnelles dans les regimes autoritaires, ou l‘avenement du dialogique est evident dans les actes dissidents qui phrasent des dommages et des injustices en depit d’autorites qui tentent d‘annuler la dette de ces « differends ». Plutot que d’opposer les partisans du dialogue aux partisans agonistiques, ou de discuter des facons par lesquelles le dialogue puise dans l‘agonistique pour l’argumentation rationnelle ou le developpement relationnel, l‘auteur propose que penser au dialogue et s’y impliquer sous des contraintes autoritaires sociales, politiques et economiques est impossible sans l‘agonie, car cela demande du temps, du respect, de la peine, de l’outrage et de l'attachement au sublime (douleur, plaisir et leur combinaison). Les implications pour la theorie du dialogue sont abordees, ainsi que des suggestions pour la recherche dans le domaine autoritaire, entre autres. Abstract Dialog im Todeskampf: Das Problem der Kommunikation in autoritaren Regimen Jean-Francois Lyotards Philosophie des Phrasing und des Differend offenbaren eine Moglichkeit der Reflexion uber den Dialog, die von Kommunikationswissenschaftler bislang weitestgehend vernachlassigt wurde. Bezug nehmend auf Loytards Werk The Differend: Phrases in Dispute, argumentiert der Autor die Konzeption des Dialogs als eine Konzentration von Genres einbezuglich narrativen, poetischen und deliberativen Formen, anstelle einer Konzeption als singulares Genre (ontologisch oder epistomologisch). Eine derartige Unterscheidung erweist sich als besonders brauchbar fur die Untersuchungen kommunikativer Praktiken in autoritaren Regimen. Da namlich, wo ein Aufkommen des Dialogischen in regimekritische Aktionen evident ist und so die Verfehlungen der Autoritaten gegenuber diesen artikuliert werden und die Autoritaten wiederum versuchen, die Schuld dieser ”Abweichenden“ (differends) aufzuheben. Anstatt die Vertreter des Dialogs gegen die Vertreter der Streitlust antreten zu lassen oder Moglichkeiten zu diskutieren, wie sich der Dialog fur rationale Argumentation oder relationale Entwicklung auf Streitlust stutzt, argumentiert der Autor, dass ein Nachdenken uber und sich einlassen auf einen Dialog unter autoritaren sozialen, politischen und okonomischen Beschrankungen ohne Agonie unmoglich ist, und Zeit, Respekt, Schmerz, Entrustung und ein Gefuhl fur das Hehre (Schmerz, Genuss und der Mix aus beiden) erfordern. Implikationen fur Dialogtheorie werden zusammen mit Vorschlagen fur Forschung in autoritaren und anderen Gebieten diskutiert. Resumen El Dialogo en la Agonia: El Problema de la Comunicacion en los Regimenes Autoritarios La filosofia de la expresion y la diferencia de Jean-Francois Lyotard presenta una forma de pensar acerca del dialogo que los teoricos de la comunicacion han desatendido largamente. En este ensayo, el autor recurre a la obra maestra de Lyotard, La Diferencia: Frases en Disputa, para concebir el dialogo como una concatenacion de generos abarcadores de la narrativa, la poetica, y las formas de deliberacion mas que de un solo genero (ontologica o epistemologicamente). Esa distincion es util para conducir investigacion sobre las practicas comunicativas en los regimenes autoritarios, donde el advenimiento del dialogo es evidente en los actos de disension ya que formulan danos y equivocos a la cara de las autoridades que intentan cancelar la deuda de esos “diferentes.” En vez de apiadarse de los partidarios del dialogo contra los partidarios agonisticos o de discutir las formas en las que el dialogo recurre a argumentos racionales agonisticos o de desarrollo de relacion, el autor propone que el pensar y entablar dialogo bajo las constricciones sociales, politicas, y economicas autoritarias es imposible sin agonia, demandando tiempo, respeto, pena, ira, y un sentimiento por lo sublime (dolor, placer y su mezcla). Implicaciones para la teoria del dialogo fueron consideradas, junto con las sugerencias para la investigacion sobre autoritarismo y otros campos. ZhaiYao Yo yak

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TL;DR: This article propose a discursive approach for exploring how practitioners intelligently respond and create a sense of coherence in their linguistic practice, which is able to account for the role of meaning making in conversation, address how communication constructs the context in which skillful activity originates, and recognize the co-created flavor of skillful practice.
Abstract: We propose a discursive approach for exploring how practitioners intelligently respond and create a sense of coherence in their linguistic practice. A discursive approach to skillful activity is able to account for the role of meaning making in conversation, address how communication constructs the context in which skillful activity originates, and recognize the co-created flavor of skillful practice. We offer an account of skillful linguistic performance that turns on practitioners acting with sensibility by paying close attention to the reflexive relationships among: (a) moral-aesthetic commitments; (b) conversational abilities in the form of utterances, methods, and techniques; (c) practical reasoning and the process of invention; and (d) context. We conclude by exploring the implications of a discursive approach for meaning making, identity construction, and managing the tensions emerging from different traditions or communities of practice.

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TL;DR: This article proposed the concept of mondialisation as a strategic translation of the term "globalization" for the development of a theoretically sophisticated, empirically grounded, and truly "translocal" approach.
Abstract: Keeping in mind the political nature of academic endeavors “where intellectual discourses are never insulated from the national and global environment in which they develop” (M. Kraidy, 2005, p. 17), this essay addresses the politics of representation of globalization in American intellectual discourse through a critical analysis of some of the common axes on which much academic work is organized. Employing a brief analysis of the development of French rap as an example, it illustrates how American academic conceptualization of the world along East–West or North–South lines fail to fully address the complexity of transcultural influence and leaves significant power relations unexplored. As an alternative to such conceptualizations, this essay proposes the concept of “mondialisation” adopted by francophone scholars as a strategic translation of the term “globalization.” It concludes that because of its greater focus on the socially constructed and potentially fragmentary nature of global influence, mondialisation might be better suited for the development of a theoretically sophisticated, empirically grounded, and truly “translocal” approach. Resume Se remettre de notre illusion d‘optique : De la globalisation a la mondialisation (par le rap francais) Gardant a l’esprit la nature politique des travaux universitaires « ou les discours intellectuels ne sont jamais isoles de l‘environnement national et global dans lequel ils sont developpes » (Kraidy, 2005, p. 17), cet article s’interesse aux politiques de representation de la globalisation dans le discours intellectuel americain a travers une analyse critique de certains des axes courants sur lesquels reposent une grande part des travaux theoriques. Utilisant comme exemple une breve analyse du developpement du rap francais, l‘article illustre la facon dont la conceptualisation universitaire americaine du monde sur des axes est-ouest ou nord-sud n’aborde pas completement la complexite de l‘influence transculturelle et laisse inexplorees d’importantes relations de pouvoir. Comme alternative a une telle conceptualisation, cet article propose le concept de « mondialisation » [NDLT : en francais dans le texte] tel qu‘adopte par des chercheurs francophones, comme traduction strategique du terme anglais « globalisation ». L’article conclut que grâce a l‘attention plus particuliere portee sur la nature socialement construite et potentiellement fragmentee de l’influence mondiale, le concept de mondialisation pourrait etre plus adequat pour le developpement d’une approche theoriquement sophistiquee, fondee empiriquement et reellement « translocale ». Abstract Uberwinden wir unsere Illusion d’Optique” (optische Illusion): Von Globalisierung zu Mondialisierung (durch franzosischen Rap) Unter Ruckbezug auf die politische Natur akademischer Bestrebungen, namlich den Aspekt, ”dass intellektuelle Diskurse niemals isoliert vom nationalen und globalen Umfeld, in welchen sie sich entwickeln, stattfinden“ (Kraidy, 2005, p. 17), betrachtet dieser Artikel die Politik der Reprasentation von Globalisierung im amerikanischen intellektuellen Diskurs auf Basis einer kritischen Analyse von einigen der ublichen Achsen entlang derer akademische Arbeit organisiert ist. Am Beispiel einer kurzen Analyse der Entwicklung des franzosischen Rap wird illustriert, wie die amerikanische wissenschaftliche Konzeptualisierung der Welt entlang der Ost-West, Nord-Sud Linie scheitert, die Komplexitat von transkulturellen Einflussen adaquat abzubilden und dabei zentrale Machtbeziehungen nicht betrachtet werden. Als eine Alternative zu diesen Konzepten schlagt dieser Aufsatz das Konzept der ”Mondialisierung” als eine von franzosischen Wissenschaftlern genutzte strategische Ubersetzung des Begriffs Globalisierung vor. Durch den breiteren Fokus auf die sozial konstruierte und potentiell fragmentierte Natur eines globalen Einflusses, konnte Mondialisierung besser geeignet sein, theoretisch durchdachte, empirisch fundierte und wahrlich ”translokale“ Ansatze zu entwickeln. Resumen Recuperandose de nuestra “Illusion d’Optique”: De la Globalizacion a la Mondialisation (A traves del Rap Frances) Teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza politica de los esfuerzos academicos “donde los discursos intelectuales nunca son aislados del contexto nacional y global que los desarrollo” (Kraidy, 2005, p. 17), este ensayo trata las politicas de representacion de la globalizacion en el discurso intelectual Americano a traves de un analisis critico de algunos de los ejes que organizan la mayoria del trabajo academico. Usando un analisis breve del desarrollo del Rap Frances como ejemplo, se ilustra como la conceptualizacion academica Americana del mundo a lo largo de las lineas Este-Oeste o Norte-Sur fallan en su trato de la complejidad de la influencia transcultural y dejan inexploradas relaciones de poder significativas. Como una alternativa a esas conceptualizaciones, este ensayo propone el concepto de “mondialisation” adoptado por los estudiosos francofilos como traduccion estrategica del termino “globalizacion.” Se concluye que debido a su enfoque mayor sobre la construccion social y la naturaleza fragmentaria potencial de la influencia global, la mondialisation puede adaptarse mejor para el desarrollo de un abordaje teorico mas sofisticado, conectado empiricamente, y verdaderamente “mas alla de lo local.” ZhaiYao Yo yak

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TL;DR: In this paper, the authors extend organization and communication theory to conceptualize property as an interorganizational discourse and apply it to the Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument case.
Abstract: In this article, I extend organization and communication theory to conceptualize property as an interorganizational discourse. As an analytic of discourse’s capacity to gain and defend stakeholder rights in the public domain, property discourses provide a rigorous, language-centered approach to organizational conflict over environmental spaces by conceptualizing how material–symbolic tensions play out diachronically. I ground this theoretical terrain through a discourse analysis of a decade-long conflict over public lands in the southern part of the U.S. state of Utah. The case—Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument—constitutes a significant clash of politics between environmental preservation and extraction and especially what political regime ought to control roads accessing this 1.9-million-acre national monument. The analysis and interpretation indicate that property politics involve a complex interplay of symbolic and material forces among stakeholders. Conceptualized in this way property discourses provide considerable insight as many nations and societies face escalating struggles over increasingly scarce resources.

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors analyze the applicability of Habermasian communication theories in second-track diplomacy and show that they can be applied in new ways, such as negotiation and state diplomacy.
Abstract: Many critics have called Jurgen Habermas’s concepts of communicative action theoretically interesting but not practically viable. Traditional conflict management in the form of negotiation and state diplomacy leaves little room for Habermasian communication theory and could count as another example of the inapplicability of his ideas. However, with the advent of new conflict resolution practices in the form of second-track diplomacy, Habermasian communication theories seem to be applied in new ways, which this article will analyze.

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors examine key insights from a particular strand of complexity science whose discoveries about living activity are significant for social scientists interested in the organizing processes of human interaction and explore the fruitfulness of using transformative insights as source analogies to reconceptualize communicative interaction.
Abstract: This article examines key insights from a particular strand of complexity science whose discoveries about living activity are significant for social scientists interested in the organizing processes of human interaction. This transformative strand of complexity science establishes a link between the organizing forces of living activity and life’s nondeterministic coherence, thus breaking with deterministic views of causality that prevail within Western science. To demonstrate the relevance of these insights and to stimulate the engagement of communication researchers with them, this article is organized around two purposes. First, the transformative strand of complexity science is identified and its paradigm of causality is explained so that we might discover its potential significance for communication research. Second, the fruitfulness of using transformative insights as source analogies to reconceptualize communicative interaction is explored through a consideration of six research shifts warranted by these insights. This reconceptualization lays the foundation for a comprehensive, rigorous, and viable explanatory frame that accounts for all organization at a single level. Resume Une exploration du lien entre l’incertitude et les processus organisants : Les idees des sciences de la complexite au service des chercheurs en communication Cet article explore certaines des idees cles d‘une branche particuliere des sciences de la complexite, dont les decouvertes portant sur l’activite vivante sont importantes pour les chercheurs en sciences sociales qui s‘interessent aux processus organisants de l’interaction humaine. Cette branche transformatrice des sciences de la complexiteetablit un lien entre les forces organisantes de l‘activite vivante et la coherence non deterministe de la vie, s’eloignant ainsi de la vision deterministe de la causalite qui domine la science occidentale. Afin de demontrer la pertinence de ces idees et pour encourager les chercheurs en communication a les etudier, cet article est structure autour de deux objectifs. D‘abord, la branche transformatrice des sciences de la complexite est identifiee et son paradigme de causalite est explique, de facon a ce qu’il soit possible de decouvrir sa possible importance pour la recherche en communication. Ensuite, par l‘examen de six changements dans la recherche justifies par les idees transformatrices, la richesse de l’utilisation de ces dernieres comme analogies d‘origine pour reconceptualiser l’interaction communicationnelle est exploree. Cette reconceptualisation pose les bases d’un cadre explicatif complet, rigoureux et viable qui explique toutes les organisations sur un seul niveau. Abstract Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Unsicherheit und der Organisation von Prozessen. Erkenntnisse der Komplexitatswissenschaft fur Kommunikationswissenschaftler In diesem Artikel betrachten wir Schlusselerkenntnisse eines spezifischen Zweigs der Komplexitatswissenschaft, dessen Entdeckungen zu lebende Aktivitaten zentral fur Sozialwissenschaftler sind, welche sich mit der Organisation von Prozessen menschlicher Interaktion beschaftigen. Dieser transformative Zweig der Komplexitatswissenschaft begrundet einen Zusammenhang zwischen den organisierenden Kraften lebender Aktivitat und der nicht-deterministischen Koharenz von Leben und bricht damit mit deterministischen Ansichten uber Kausalitat, welche in der westlichen Wissenschaft vorherrschend sind. Um die Relevanz dieser Ansichten aufzuzeigen und das Interesse von Kommunikationswissenschaftlern zu stimulieren, hat dieser Artikel zwei Ziele: Erstens soll der transformative Zweig der Komplexitatswissenschaft erlautert und sein Paradigma von Kausalitat erklart werden, um die potentielle Wichtigkeit fur die Kommunikationsforschung aufzuzeigen. Zweitens, wird die Brauchbarkeit dieser transformativen Ansichten als Herkunftsanalogien zur Rekonzeptualisierung kommunikativer Interaktion anhand der Betrachtung von 6 Forschungsverschiebungen aufgrund dieser Einsichten, untersucht. Diese Rekonzeptualisierung manifestiert sich in der Fundierung eines ubergreifenden, entscheidenden und brauchbaren Erklarungsrahmens fur samtliche Organisation auf einem individuellen Level. Resumen Explorando el Vinculo entre la Incertidumbre y los Procesos Organizacionales: Los Entendimientos de la Complejidad de la Ciencia para los Eruditos en Comunicacion Este articulo examina los entendimientos claves de una tendencia particular de la complejidad de la ciencia cuyos descubrimientos sobre la actividad de la vida son significativos para los cientificos sociales interesados en los procesos de organizacion de la interaccion humana. Esta tendencia transformadora de la complejidad de la ciencia establece un vinculo entre las fuerzas de organizacion de la actividad de la vida y de la coherencia no deterministica de la vida, quebrando asi con las visiones deterministicas de causalidad que prevalecen en la ciencia occidental. Para demostrar la relevancia de estos entendimientos y estimular el compromiso de los investigadores de la comunicacion para con ellos, este articulo es organizado alrededor de dos propositos. Primero, la tendencia transformadora de la complejidad de la ciencia es identificada y su paradigma de causalidad es explicado de manera que pudieramos descubrir su significado potencial para la investigacion en comunicacion. Segundo, la productividad del uso de los entendimientos transformativos como recursos analogicos para reconceptualizar la interaccion comunicativa es explorada a traves de la consideracion de 6 cambios de la investigacion justificados por esos entendimientos. Esta reconceptualizacion siembra los cimientos para un marco explicativo comprensivo, riguroso, y viable que da cuenta de toda la organizacion en un solo nivel. ZhaiYao Yo yak

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TL;DR: The concept of communication relief was introduced by Habermas as discussed by the authors, who identified three media forms that are necessary for coordinating different types of social action: linguistic agreement, steering media, and generalized communication.
Abstract: This commentary calls attention to a topic neglected in the scholarly reception of Habermas’s work—the concept of communication relief. In his recent public sphere theory, he classifies different media forms that are necessary for coordinating different types of social action. He identifies three such media forms: linguistic agreement, steering media, and generalized communication. Although communication scholars acknowledge his ideas on linguistic agreement, they have overlooked those on steering media and generalized communication. Accordingly, this analysis focuses more on the latter two media forms, which fall under the broader concept of relief mechanisms. Extending the media theories of Talcott Parsons, Habermas identifies four types of relief mechanisms: money, power, influence, and value commitment. Money and power perform steering media functions that promote efficiency. Influence and value commitment perform generalized communication functions that promote not only efficiency but also understanding. Implications for normative theories of mass-mediated democratic communication are discussed.