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Showing papers in "Journal of International Relations in 2010"

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors analyze the nature and features of the knowledge regions and their emergence in the international system as strategic players in the process of glocalization, strongly anchored in the creation of dense knowledge networks and the development of an active paradiplomacy which enables the regions to project externally their specific interests and to strengthen their influence in multilevel governance functioning as strategic broker between the global and the local.
Abstract: The paper analyses the nature and features of the Knowledge Regions and their emergence in the international system as strategic players in the process of glocalization, strongly anchored in the creation of dense knowledge networks and the development of an active paradiplomacy which enables the regions to project externally their specific interests and to reinforce their influence in the process of multilevel governance functioning as strategic brokers between the global and the local. In this context the paper discusses the implications of the paradiplomacy of sub-national governments to the foreign policies of central governments and argues that not only paradiplomacy does not present a risk to the coherence of foreign policy but constitutes a major factor for the consolidation of the soft power of states.

7 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: Operational concepts of security and of security complex are proposed, namely regarding competitive security, common security, cooperative security, collective security, and security community.
Abstract: Security is one of the most ambiguous, contested, and debated ideas in the conceptual framework of international relations. The "traditional" perspective has been severely contested as new approaches develop, and the concept of security has been reworked in all its fundamental components and dimensions, from object and reference to range and security instruments. Likewise, the discussion over the definition and characterization of international security systems, namely regarding competitive security, common security, cooperative security, collective security, and security community, continues to be very lively. Starting from these debates, and in the light of the current international situation, we propose operational concepts of security and of security complex.

4 citations

Posted Content
TL;DR: In this paper, Slovensko clanku analyzuje trendy v strukture prilevu PZI, keeş sa postupne venuje analýze povodu, odvetvoveho a regionalneho smerovanie.
Abstract: Cieľom tohto clanku je zmapovať najnovsie trendy v prileve PZI na Slovensko. Prva casť clanku sa venuje hodnoteniu celkoveho prilevu PZI na Slovensko v rokoch 2008 a 2009, pricom specialna pozornosť sa venuje vplyvu globalnej hospodarskej krizy. Druha casť clanku analyzuje trendy v strukture prilevu PZI, keď sa postupne venuje analýze povodu, odvetvoveho a regionalneho smerovanie prilevu PZI. Z metodickej stranky je clanok postavený na analýze casových radov prilevu PZI na Slovensko, ktorých zber a publikaciu zabezpecuje Narodna banka Slovenska.

3 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors offer a reflection on the propositions of property rights, as well as on the forms of gaining that right, ranging from land seizure, conquest, or land development.
Abstract: portuguesO acesso, a propriedade e o uso da terra, para fins tanto agricolas como habitacionais, sofreram alteracoes significativas ao longo do tempo, sendo particularmente transformados com a emergencia da Economia-Mundo capitalista. Neste texto propoe-se uma reflexao sobre os pressupostos do direito de propriedade da terra, bem como das formas de obtencao desse direito, desde a apropriacao a autorizacao legal, por conquista ou por �desenvolvimento da terra�. No contexto da Economia-Mundo capitalista, o processo de legitimacao pela via do direito de propriedade legal e um processo basilar. Contudo, emergem movimentos sociais, libertarios e de resistencia, em relacao aos direitos restritivos de propriedade de terra, que revestem contornos culturais e politicos, alem de economicos, com efeitos ecologicos de relevo. No decurso da reflexao, sao apresentados exemplos, com destaque para os movimentos sociais que tem adquirido grande importância em paises do Sul e para os recursos naturais que sofrem um maior impacto. EnglishAccess, ownership, and land use for agricultural and living purposes have undergone major changes over time, particularly with the emergence of the capitalist World-Economy. The present text offers a reflection on the propositions of property rights, as well as on the forms of gaining that right, ranging from land seizure, conquest, or �land development�. In the context of the capitalist World-Economy, the process of legitimization by means of right to legal ownership is a fundamental process. However, the emergence of social, libertarian, and resistance movements opposing restrictive property rights has had significant cultural, political, and economic impacts, in addition to major ecological consequences. This article offers several examples of the above, with special mention to the important social movements that have arisen in countries of the global south, and to the natural resources where impact is mostly felt.

1 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In an integrated approach system to conflict, the aim is that military forces attain and ensure safety conditions, and guarantee the necessary support so that other agents can come up with the most appropriate solutions to address the causes of conflict.
Abstract: The characteristics of current armed conflicts have g rown in complexity, and the operations carried out to solve them are often performed without the agreement of all of those involved. Accordingly, the traditional use of military forces in the resolution of conflicts seems to be undergoing a rapid evolution. In face of this mounting complexity, peace operations began to be considered as broader "military operations" guided by principles that in the past were limited to the execution of combat operations, materialized by the implementation and application of a complex set of techniques and activities. In this new paradigm, the same "peace" operation may comprise a wide range of activities, ranging from conflict prevention to medium and high intensity fighting operations, and including also parallel humanitarian support activities. For this reason, and in accordance with the concept of employment and the functions to be carried out, the performance of the military forces in current peacekeeping operations is based on the simultaneous completion of a set of tasks that are required to attain the required final military goal. In the presence of the wide range of tasks that need to be performed, a military force should have the resources and be organized based on multiple capacities and characteristics. Areas that in the past used to support the actual force have now assumed increased relevance and are perceived as being crucial, given that the main role of military forces is that of creating and maintaining a safe and stable atmosphere that enables the remaining sectors participating in the process to act. In an integrated approach system to conflict, the aim is that military forces attain and ensure safety conditions, and guarantee the necessary support so that other agents can come up with the most appropriate solutions to address the causes of conflict.

1 citations

Posted Content
TL;DR: In this article, a rezolucii bola zdoraznena „nepripustnosť nadobudnutnutnutia uzemia vojnou“ a objavila sa v nej aj formulacia, ktora odvtedy sprevadza vsetky mierove iniciativy, uzemie za mier Za stiahnutie vojsk z egyptskeho, jordanskeho a sýrskeho
Abstract: Prijatie rezolucie c 242 Bezpecnostnej rady OSN 22 novembra 1967, bolo významným diplomatickým uspechom v arabsko-izraelskom konflikte V rezolucii bola zdoraznena „nepripustnosť nadobudnutia uzemia vojnou“ a objavila sa v nej aj formulacia, ktora odvtedy sprevadza vsetky mierove iniciativy – uzemie za mier Za stiahnutie vojsk z egyptskeho, jordanskeho a sýrskeho uzemia okupovaneho vo vojne v roku 1967, arabske staty sľubili Izraelu mier Tato rezolucia tvori bazu, na ktorej sa mohli viesť mierove rozhovory medzi Izraelom a Arabmi

Journal Article
TL;DR: The reflection presented here summarizes the discussions around conceptual differences, advantages, and risks associated with strategies inherent to Hard Power and Soft Power, as well as the emergent concept of Smart Power.
Abstract: The reflection presented here summarizes the discussions around conceptual differences, advantages, and risks associated with strategies inherent to Hard Power and Soft Power, as well as the emergent concept of Smart Power. The opportunity for this reflection was provided by the participation in the conference “Hard Vs. Soft Power: Foreign Policy Strategies in Contemporary International Relations” organised by the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, at Cambridge University, in June 2010.

Posted Content
TL;DR: Americký prezident Barack Obama vstupil do Bieleho domu s viziou stabilnejsieho sveta a spoluprace s tradicnými partnermi as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: Americký prezident Barack Obama vstupil do Bieleho domu s viziou stabilnejsieho sveta a spoluprace s tradicnými partnermi. Narodna bezpecnostna strategia, ktoru jeho administrativa zverejnila v maji 2010, sa može stať symbolom tejto politiky. Text sa rozchadza s pristupom jeho predchodcu, odmieta unilateralizmus, hlasi sa k sucinnosti krokov s partnermi a vyzýva nove mocenske centra na prevzatie vacsieho dielu zodpovednosti za udalosti vo svete. Zda sa, že Barack Obama sa definitivne prihlasil k politike spoluprace. Ale až buducnosť ukaže, ako budu hesla predstavene v strategii pretavene do praktickej politiky.

Posted Content
TL;DR: In this article, the authors present a study on migracie trendov, migracnej politiky, pohľadu politických stran na tuto oblasť verejnej politicaliky vo Svajciarska.
Abstract: Studia predstavuje vývoj migracných trendov, migracnej politiky a pohľadu politických stran na tuto oblasť verejnej politiky vo Svajciarsku. Svajciarsko v sucasnosti patri k europskym krajinam s najvyssim poctom cudzincov. Problematika migracie patri k aktualnym temam celospolocenskej diskusie s dopadom na volebne a hlasovacie spravanie svajciarskych obcanov. Clanok najskor predstavuje migraciu v politickej teorii, nasledne znazorňuje vývoj medzinarodnej migracie na uzemi Svajciarska a nasledne analyzuje sucasný stav svajciarskej migracnej politiky. Zaroveň odpoveda na otazku, ako na migraciu nazeraju politicke strany so zastupenim v Spolkovej rade.

Posted Content
TL;DR: Konzularne aktivity boli rozvinute už v stredoveku a povodne sa spajali s podporou obchodu.
Abstract: Konzularne aktivity boli rozvinute už v stredoveku a povodne sa spajali s podporou obchodu. V sucasnosti predstavuju specificku dimenziu diplomacie statu, ktora je asociovana hlavne s poskytovanim pomoci a asistencie obcanom. V praxi medzi ulohy konzularnych uradov patria najma: notarske a matricne služby, vydavanie cestovných dokladov, poradenstvo v pravnych veciach a ine ulohy. Osobitnou ulohou konzularnych uradov je vydavanie viz. V obdobi globalizacie, v suvislosti s rastucou mobilitou obyvateľstva, sa význam konzularnych funkcii v ramci diplomacie zvysuje. Výkon konzularnych aktivit je zaroveň pre bežných obcanov najviditeľnejsou sucasťou diplomatickej cinnosti statu. Konzularna služba sa tak stava nastrojom budovania prestiže, a to nielen ministerstva zahranicných veci (doma), ale aj celeho statu (v zahranici).

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors used descriptive-analytic method with neoliberalism perpective to approach the issue of child labour in Ivory Coast and found that some of the child laborers are a victims of human smuggling and come from neighboring countries such as Ghana, Burkina Faso and Mali.
Abstract: Ivory Coast is the largest cocoa producer in the world, but in the process of production there are child labour incident that occur due to several factors. Children under the age of 17 do work like cutting cocoa beans using a machete or a large knife in Ivory Coast's cocoa plantation. Some of the child laborers in Ivory Coast are a victims of human smuggling and come from neighboring countries such as Ghana, Burkina Faso and Mali. Child slavery is an act that violates the rights of children and adversely affects the child's physical, mental, and future. Cocoa certification is a way to ensure the quality of cocoa plantation production. This research using descriptive-analytic method with neoliberalism perpective to approach the issue. International relations is important in order to find a solution. UTZ Certified has a sustainable program that is followed by cocoa farmers in Ivory Coast and in the program the problem of child labour is also a matter of concern. UTZ Certified as non-profit international organization works with communities, international organizations and chocolate companies to reduce the practice of child slavery in Ivory Coast.

Posted Content
TL;DR: Cieľom prispevku as discussed by the authors analyzovať pritomnosť geopolitiky v ruskej bezpecnostnej politike po roku 1991 Rozpadom ZSSR a zanikom marxizmu-leninizmu, ako oficialnej statnej doktriny a ideologie, sa nielen ruský stat a jeho prislusne vladne zložky, ale aj vedci posobiac
Abstract: Cieľom prispevku je analyzovať pritomnosť geopolitiky v ruskej bezpecnostnej politike po roku 1991 Rozpadom ZSSR a zanikom marxizmu-leninizmu, ako oficialnej statnej doktriny a ideologie, sa nielen ruský stat a jeho prislusne vladne zložky, ale aj vedci posobiaci v spolocensko-vednom diskurze, ocitli bez ideoveho ramca, prostrednictvom ktoreho by mohli v teoretickej dimenzii konstruovať (zdovodňovať a legitimizovať) zahranicno-politicke a bezpecnostne koncepcie Prva polovica 90 rokov minuleho storocia sa v tomto kontexte vyznacovala priklonom k prozapadnej bezpecnostnej koncepcii Ruska (tzv Atlantizmus), ale taktiež geopolitikou ako historickou a specifickou ruskou filozoficko-politickou koncepciou (zahranicnopolitickej skoly) Prave geopolitika sa pocas rozhodujcej casti posledneho decenia 20 storocia stala v mnohých smeroch východiskovým bodom v medzinarodných vzťahoch pre kreovanie ruských zahranicno-politických a bezpecnostných koncepcii, a to najma z dovodu, že geopolitika historicky reflektuje a „tiahne“ k realistickej, resp jej reanimovanej neorealistickej paradigme

Journal Article
TL;DR: One of these tools is the concept of structure, which is extensively used in everyday language and in scientific discourse, particularly by the large majority of authors aptly described as structuralists as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: One of these tools is the concept of structure, which is extensively used in everyday language and in scientific discourse, particularly by the large majority of authors aptly described as structuralists. The idea of structure appears to correspond to the endeavour of searching for the framework that confers consistency to the social reality, which is important to examine beyond its observable forms. This search presupposes that, in the same way the skeleton supports the group of organs in living organisms; in human societies we also have a network of relationships and a mesh of interactions that sustain the social construction.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors argue the need to "put Portugal on the map" in a double sense: in a prospective way, in order to place the country on the required map(s), something which entails strategic vision and capacity for action; and in an analytical way, to enable us to understand Portugal from the map (s) it is part of, which presupposes a capacity to analyse and understand the current state of affairs.
Abstract: This paper argues the need to "put Portugal on the map" in a double sense: in a prospective way, in order to place the country on the required map(s), something which entails strategic vision and capacity for action; and in an analytical way - to enable us to understand Portugal from the map(s) it is part of, which presupposes a capacity to analyse and understand the current state of affairs. By drawing inspiration from the polymorphic vision on the spatialities of contemporary societies and economies defended by Jessop, Brenner and Jones (2008), we propose the creation of a unifying reference framework to "put Portugal on the map", using a combination of five elements: territory as a geographic location; territory as a unit of reference of the nation-state; places; geographic scales; and networks. The polymorphic nature of the spatialities that characterize, or should characterize, Portugal's place in the world reflects several, and even contradictory, ethical values, interests, preferences, and options. Accordingly, the supported polymorphic spatialities ought to stir up controversy based on knowledge and arguments that are solid from a theoretical and empirical stance, and should make explicit the objectives and values they are based on.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors analyzed the roles of UNHCR in handling sexual and gender-based violence in Lebanon. But they used the international organization theory by Clive Archer and humanitarian diplomacy concept by Larry Minear and Hazel Smith to identify the presence of each activities of humanitarian diplomacy in Lebanon and analyze the role of UNHCR according to the international organisation theory.
Abstract: Sexual and gender-based violence is a violence directed against someone based on their gender or sex. SGBV can happen not only in times of peace but also in times of war. This is also what happens in Lebanon to the refugees from Syria. These Syrian refugees have to face and deal with sexual violence and harrassment like rape, survival sex, and early marriage. This research will analyze the roles UNHCR have in handling SGBV victims in Lebanon using the international organization theory by Clive Archer and humanitarian diplomacy concept by Larry Minear and Hazel Smith. This research aims to identify the presence of each activities of humanitarian diplomacy in Lebanon and analyze the role of UNHCR according to the international organization theory. This research uses the literature study method with 2012-2016 set as its timeframe. The result of this research is that humanitarian diplomacy activities are present in Lebanon, and UNHCR has played its role as an international organization in Lebanon.