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Showing papers in "Physica Status Solidi B-basic Solid State Physics in 1970"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The critical shear stress τc to move a dislocation through a random array of obstacles in the glide plane is calculated using a statistical theory and the theory provides a definite prescription how to combine the concentrations and interaction forces of obstacles of different kinds.
Abstract: The critical shear stress τc to move a dislocation through a random array of obstacles in the glide plane is calculated using a statistical theory. The result is an expression for τc in terms of the obstacle concentration, the line tension of the dislocation, and of the interaction force between the dislocation and a single obstacle. Fleischer's solution of the same problem is not reproduced by the statistical theory. Quantitatively the two results are not very different, but our new result is supported by some recent experimental evidence. Furthermore the theory provides a definite prescription how to combine the concentrations and interaction forces of obstacles of different kinds in the expression for τc.

910 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the energy coordinate of the point at which the linear increase in the Kubelka-Munk function starts gives the energy value of the forbidden energy gap is discussed.
Abstract: Diffuse reflectance technique for the measurement of forbidden energy gap, Eg, is discussed. The energy coordinate of the point at which the linear increase in the Kubelka-Munk function starts gives the Eg-value. The Eg-values of fifteen semiconductors are reported. These Eg-values are found to be in good agreement with those measured by other methods. Es wird die Methode der diffusen Reflexion fur die Messung der Breite Eg der verbotenen Zone diskutiert. Der Energiewert des Punktes, an dem der lineare Anstieg der Kubelka-Munk-Funktion beginnt, ergibt den Eg-Wert. Die Eg-Werte fur funfzehn Halbleiter werden mitgeteilt. Diese Eg-Werte befinden sich mit denen, die mit anderen Methoden gemessen wurden, in guter Ubereinstimmung.

322 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Gorsky effect measurements on vanadium, niobium, and tantalum-samples loaded with different concentrations (0.2 to 4.3 at%) of hydrogen or deuterium are reported.
Abstract: Gorsky-effect measurements on vanadium-, niobium-, and tantalum-samples loaded with different concentrations (0.2 to 4.3 at%) of hydrogen or deuterium are reported. From the relaxation strength the trace of the dipole-moment tensor of hydrogen and deuterium was determined and found to be consistent with the lattice parameter changes. From the relaxation time of the Gorsky effect the diffusion coefficients of hydrogen and deuterium in vanadium, niobium, and tantalum were determined in the temperature range from 600 to about 270° K (in the case of hydrogen in niobium down to 120° K). The diffusion coefficients are very large and show only a weak exponential temperature dependence, which moreover decreases for hydrogen in niobium below 300° K. In contrast to classical rate theory the activation energies are isotope dependent whereas the pre-exponential factors are isotope independent within the experimental errors. Es wird uber Gorsky-Effekt-Messungen an Vanadium-, Niob- und Tantal-Proben, beladen mit Wasserstoff bzw. Deuterium in verschiedenen Konzentrationen (0.2 bis 4.3 At%), berichtet. Aus der Relaxationsstarke wurde die Spur des Dipolmomenttensors von Wasserstoff bzw. Deuterium berechnet. Die berechneten Werte sind konsistent mit der Anderung des Gitterparameters. Aus der Relaxationszeit des Gorsky-Effektes wurden die Diffusionskoeffizienten von Wasserstoff bzw. Deuterium in Vanadium, Niob und Tantal im Temperaturbereich von 600 bis etwa 270° K, im Falle von Wasserstoff in Niob bis 120° K bestimmt. Die Diffusionskoeffizienten sind sehr gros und zeigen nur eine schwache exponentielle Temperaturabhangigkeit, die unterhalb von 300° K im Falle von Wasserstoff in Niob noch weiter abnimmt. Im Gegensatz zur klassischen Ratentheorie sind die Aktivierungsenergien isotopieabhangig. wahrend die praexponentiellen Faktoren innerhalb der Fehlergrenzen isotopieunabhangig sind.

215 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, an exponential optical tail is attributed to the influence of the random force field present in a disordered system and the interband absorption coefficient is calculated for the frequency range, ω, below the threshold value (optical tail).
Abstract: The interband absorption coefficient is calculated for the frequency range, ω, below the threshold value (“optical tail”). The tail is attributed to the influence of the random force field present in a disordered system. Two cases are considered: that of the “smooth” random field possessing a correlation function which is continuous and differentiable as many times as needed and that of the Coulomb field produced, for example, by randomly distributed charged centres. In both cases an exponential optical tail is obtained for a sample which is in a certain sense nearly intrinsic: In α ∼ – (Δ – ħ ω)/ω, where Δ is the band gap that would have been observed without fluctuations of the force field and ω is some characteristic energy. The tail is correlated with the density of states tail but does not reproduce it, the latter being Gaussian in the same energy range. In the most interesting case the formation of an optical tail is due to quantum effects in contrast to the density of states tail which may be obtained in a purely classical approximation as well. In the Coulombic case an explicit form of the dependence of ω on impurity concentration n is obtained ω ∼ n2/5. This seems to be in agreement with the experimental data available. Der Interband-Absorptionskoeffizient wird fur den Frequenzbereich unterhalb des Schwellwertes (optischer Auslaufer) berechnet. Der Auslaufer wird dem Einflus des „random-force” Feldes, das in fehlgeordneten Systemen vorhanden ist, zugeschrieben. Zwei Falle werden berucksichtigt: der eines „glatten” „Random”-Feldes mit einer Korrelationsfunktion, die kontinuierlich und beliebig oft differenzierbar ist, und der eines Coulombfeldes, das zum Beispiel durch beliebig verteilte geladene Zentren verursacht wird. In beiden Fallen wird ein exponentieller optischer Auslaufer fur eine Probe erhalten, die in einem gewissen Sinne nahezu grundgitterahnlich ist: In α ∼ – (Δ – ħ ω)/ω, wobei Δ die Bandlucke, die ohne Fluktuationen des Kraftfeldes beobachtet werden wurde, und ω eine charakteristische Energie ist. Der Auslaufer ist mit dem Auslaufer der Zustandsdichte verknupft, reproduziert diesen, der in dem gleichen Energiebereich vom Gausstyp ist, jedoch nicht. In dem am meisten interessierenden Fall wird die Bildung eines optischen Auslaufers durch Quanteneffekte verursacht im Gegensatz zum Auslaufer der Zustandsdichte, der auch in der rein klassischen Naherung erhalten wird. Fur den Coulomb-Fall wird eine explizite Form der ω-Abhangigkeit von der Defektkonzentration n zu ω ∼ n2/5 erhalten. Diese scheint mit den erhaltlichen experimentellen Werten ubereinzustimmen.

107 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
A. Hubert1
TL;DR: In this paper, it was shown that Neel walls are stable for all thicknesses; they may be symmetric or asymmetric, depending on film thickness and the magnitude of the field.
Abstract: In Part I [2] it was shown that Bloch walls in thin magnetic films should have a vortex-like asymmetric and largely stray-field-free structure. A rigorous proof of the existence of an analogous asymmetric model for the Neel wall has not yet been given. Therefore, the earlier calculations have been extended in two directions: (i) Bloch walls are calculated also for applied fields. These walls lose the remaining (y) symmetry found in the 180° Bloch walls. The calculations show that their energy increases with increasing applied field. (ii) Neel walls are constructed for the entire interesting range of film thicknesses and applied field values, thus forming a continuous transition from the symmetrical Neel wall at small thicknesses and high fields to the walls with an asymmetric core at large thicknesses and small fields. In fields larger than 0.3 (2 K/Is) only Neel walls are stable for all thicknesses; they may be symmetrical or asymmetric, depending on film thickness and the magnitude of the field. For all walls wall widths are calculated for the purpose of comparison with electron microscope observations. In Teil I [2] konnte nachgewiesen werden, das die Blochwande in dunnen Schichten eine asymmetrische, wirbelartige und weitgehend streufeldfreie Struktur aufweisen mussen. Dagegen konnte noch nicht endgultig bewiesen werden, das auch ein analoges Modell der Neelwand in der Natur realisiert ist. Dieser Beweis wird durch zwei Erweiterungen der fruheren Rechnungen gefuhrt: I. Blochwande werden auch in angelegten Feldern konstruiert. Diese Wande verlieren die letzte (y-) Symmetrie, die 180° -Blochwande noch aufweisen. Ihre Energie nimmt den Rechnungen zufolge mit zunehmendem Feld zu. 2. Neelwande werden fur den gesamten interessierenden Bereich von Schichtdicken und Feldstarken berechnet, so das sich ein stetiger Ubergang von den symmetrischen Neelwanden bei kleinen Dicken und in grosen Feldern zu den Wanden mit einem asymmetrischen Kern bei grosen Dicken und in kleinen Feldern ergibt. In Feldern groser als 0,3 (2 K/Is) erweisen sich fur alle Dicken Neelwande als stabil, die symmetrisch oder asymmetrisch sein konnen. Fur samtliche Wande werden die Wanddicken zum Zwecke des Vergleichs mit elektronenmikroskopischen Beobachtungen berechnet.

106 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the simultaneous diffusion of 105Ag and 110Ag in silver single crystals has been measured over the temperature range 640 to 955 °C, and the least squares Arrhenius line is described by D0 = 0.639 ± 0.013 at 937 °C.
Abstract: The simultaneous diffusion of 105Ag and 110Ag in silver single crystals has been measured over the temperature range 640 to 955 °C. The strength of the isotope effect has a constant value of 0.718 ± 0.011 for T < 750 °C, but decreases with further increases in temperature to a value of 0.639 ± 0.013 at 937 °C. This temperature dependence is significant at the 90% confidence level. Although one may explain the observed decrease by the temperature dependence of ΔK, we consider it more likely that the decrease results from the simultaneous operation of vacancy and divacancy mechanisms. At the melting point, the contribution of divacancies is from 11 to 45% of the total self-diffusivity. The diffusion coefficient of 110Ag in Ag single crystals over the same temperature range was also obtained from these experiments. The least squares Arrhenius line is described by D0 = 0.67 cm2/s, Q = (45.2 ± 0.2) kcal/mol ( = (1.97 ± 0.1) eV). The values of D deviate systematically from this line in the manner expected for simultaneous vacancy and divacancy diffusion, although the statistical significance of these deviations is not certain. Die simultane Diffusion von 105Ag und 110Ag in Silbereinkristallen wurde zwischen 640 und 955 °C gemessen. Der Isotopeneffekt E hat einen konstanten Wert von 0,718 ± 0.011 fur T < 750 °C und nimmt mit wachsender Temperatur bis zu 0,639 ± 0,013 bei 937 °C ab. Diese Temperaturabhangigkeit ist signifikant mit einer Sicherheit von 90%. Obwohl man die beobachtete Anderung von E mit einer Temperaturabhangigkeit von ΔK erklaren kann, halten wir es fur wahrscheinlicher, das die Abnahme von E auf die gleichzeitige Betatigung des Leerstellen- und Doppelleerstellenmechanismus zuruckzufuhren ist. Am Schmelzpunkt betragt der Beitrag der Doppelleerstellen zur gesamten Selbstdiffusion 11 bis 45%. In demselben Temperaturbereich ergibt sich fur den Diffusionskoeffizienten von 110Ag in Silbereinkristallen aus diesen Experimenten eine Arrhenius-Ausgleichsgerade mit D0 = 0,67 cm2/s und Q = (45,2 ± 0,2) kcal/Mol ( = (1,97 ± 0,1) eV). Die systematischen Abweichungen von der Arrheniusgeraden entsprechen den Erwartungen fur gleich-zeitige Leerstellen- und Doppelleerstellendiffusion, die statistische Sicherheit dieser Abweichungen ist jedoch ungeklart.

100 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, an Ising model with an interaction between neighbouring transition ions can explain the magnetic behavior of six-coordinated transition-ion complexes and delimit an area of existence of a first-order transition between low-spin and high-spin states.
Abstract: Certains complexes hexacoordonnes d'ion de transition 3d presentent une variation anormale du nombre effectif de magnetons de Bohr avec la temperature. Ces complexes possedent deux etats d'equilibre stable caracterises simultanement par des rayons ioniques distincts et par des niveaux fondamentaux distants de quelques centaines de degres Kelvin, qui appartiennent a des representations differents. Les champs cristallins, associes a ces deux etats d'equilibre, sont de part et d'Autre de Δπ, pour lequel les energies correspondantes aux deux representations sont egales. Un modele d'Ising, faisant intervenir une interaction entre ions de transition voisins, permet et de rendre compte des differents comportements magnetiques de ces complexes, et de delimiter un domaine d'existence d'une transition du premier ordre entre les etats „low spin” et „high spin”. Some six-coordinated transition-ion complexes show an anormal variation of the number of Bohr-magnetons with temperature. These complexes have two stable equilibrium states simultaneously characterized by two different ionic radii and by fundamental states of a few hundred degrees Kelvin apart, which belong to two different representations. The crystalline fields associated with these two equilibrium states are on both sides of Δπ, the mean pairing energy. An Ising model with an interaction between neighbouring transition ions can explain the magnetic behaviour of these complexes and delimit an area of existence of a first-order transition between “low-spin” and “high-spin” states.

97 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The crystal structure, the magnetic properties, and the phase relations of cerium-iron compounds have been investigated in this article, where lattice constants are given for CeFe2, α-Ce2Fe17, and β-ce2fe17.
Abstract: The crystal structure, the magnetic properties, and the phase relations of cerium-iron compounds have been investigated. A phase diagram is presented. Lattice constants are given for CeFe2, α-Ce2Fe17, and β-Ce2Fe17. The compound CeFe2 is ferromagnetic with Tc = 230° K. Investigations by means of the Mossbauer effect and bulk magnetization indicate an antiferromagnetic–ferromagnetic transition near 70° K and an antiferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition close to 270° K for the compound β-Ce2Fe17. The ordering temperatures and saturation moments for the CeFe compounds are compared with magnetic data presented for the isostructural YFe compounds. Die Kristallstruktur, die magnetischen Eigenschaften und die Phasenbeziehungen von Cerium–Eisen-Legierungen wurden untersucht. Ein Phasendiagramm wird angegeben. Die Gitterkonstanten werden fur CeFe2, α-Ce2Fe17 und β-Ce2Fe17 mitgeteilt. Die Verbindung CeFe2 ist ferromagnetisch mit Tc = 230° K. Untersuchungen mittels Mosbauereffekt und Volumenmagnetisierung zeigen einen antiferromagnetischen–ferromagnetischen Ubergang bei 70° K und einen antiferromagnetischen–paramagnetischen Ubergang bei 270° K fur die Verbindung β-Ce2Fe17. Die Ordnungstemperaturen und Sattigungsmomente fur die CeFe-Verbindungen werden mit magnetischen Daten verglichen, die fur die isostrukturellen YFe-Verbindungen angegeben werden.

90 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the first determination of the acoustical branch throughout the entire Brillouin zone and the first observation of the optical branch were reported, and the latter shows little dispersion throughout the zone, and has an energy of 1125° K (97 meV) at the zone centre.
Abstract: Spin waves in antiferromagnetic α-Fe2O3 have been studied at temperatures of 240 and 290° K by means of inelastic neutron scattering. We report here the first determination of the acoustical branch throughout the entire Brillouin zone and the first observation of the optical branch. The latter shows little dispersion throughout the zone, and has an energy of 1125° K (97 meV) at the zone centre. At the zone boundaries a gap of 20 to 70° K exists between the two branches. Heisenberg interaction parameters Jm defined through a Hamiltonian were obtained through fitting of the data to theoretical expressions for the dispersion relations. The following values were obtained for the first five nearest neighbours: J1 = 6.0 ± 1.6° K, J2 = 1.6 ± 0.6° K, J3 = −29.7 ± ± 2.0° K, J4 = −23.2 ± 1.0° K and J5 = −1.0 ± 1.0° K. Interactions to farther neighbours were found to be weak. Neutron intensity data were partly invoked in obtaining the interaction parameters, as two sets of parameters could fit the energy data almost equally well, but they predicted different relative intensities for the two branches in certain regions of the reciprocal space. All spin waves of energy larger than 80° K, including the entire optical branch, were found to be unaffected by the Morin spin-flip transition at 261° K temperature. The spin-wave data were used to calculate the sublattice magnetization, the Neel and the Curie-Weiss temperatures, the perpendicular susceptibility at low temperatures and the density of spin-wave state spectrum. [Russian Text Ignored]

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a theory for relaxation strength and relaxation time of the elastic diffusion relaxation is derived, where strain relaxation, stress relaxation, and internal friction are considered, and the interaction between the diffusing particles is taken into account.
Abstract: A theory for relaxation strength and relaxation time of the elastic diffusion relaxation is derived. Strain relaxation, stress relaxation, and internal friction are considered. Interaction between the diffusing particles is taken into account. The behaviour of relaxation strength and relaxation time in the region of a critical point has been discussed. It is shown that at a critical point the static compressibility of the host lattice approaches infinity. Furthermore it is suggested, that the orientation and diffusion relaxation processes may cause strong dispersion and damping of phonons close to the Brillouin zone boundary. Es wird eine Theorie fur Relaxationsstarke und Relaxationszeit der elastischen Diffusionsrelaxation abgeleitet. Es werden Dehnungsrelaxation, Spannungsrelaxation und innere Reibung behandelt. Wechselwirkung zwischen den diffundierenden Teilchen wird berucksichtigt. Das Verhalten von Relaxationsstarke und Relaxationszeit im Bereich eines kritischen Punktes wird diskutiert. Es wird gezeigt, das am kritischen Punkt die statische Kompressibilitat des Wirtsgitters gegen unendlich geht. Weiterhin wird vorgeschlagen, das der Orientierungs- und Diffusions-Relaxationsprozess starke Dispersion und Dampfung fur Phononen nahe der Brillouingrenze verursachen kann.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, Coulomb-attractive centers due to a deformation of the potential around the center and induced by the external field are estimated, using a classical model, and are given as a function of the external force.
Abstract: At field strengths which can lie markedly below the critical values for impact ionization and Zener extraction, field induced changes in the capture cross section, barrier height, and frequency factor of Coulomb-attractive centers due to a deformation of the potential around the center and induced by the external field can cause a marked redistribution of carriers over these centers (field-enhanced ionization). These changes in the kinetic parameters of the centers are estimated, using a classical model, and are given as a function of the external field. For a typical semiconductor at T = 200 °K, a possible decrease of trap-occupation up to a factor of two, already, at fields of the order of 102 V/cm is calculated. Fur Feldstarken, die betrachtlich unterhalb der kritischen Werte fur Stosionisation und fur Feldemission liegen, konnen feldbedingte Anderungen des Einfangquerschnittes, der Barrierenhohe und des Frequenzfaktors von Coulomb-attraktiven Zentren, verursacht durch eine Potentialdeformation in der Nahe des Zentrums durch das ausere elektrische Feld, eine merkliche Umverteilung von Ladungstragern uber diese Zentren hervorrufen („field-enhanced ionization”). Die Anderungen der kinetischen Parameter dieser Zentren werden in einem klassischen Modell und als Funktion des auseren Feldes angegeben. Es wird ausgerechnet, das fur einen typischen Halbleiter bei T = 200 °K die Hafttermbesetzung bis um einen Faktor zwei schon bei Feldstarken in der Nahe von 100 V/cm absinken kann.

Journal ArticleDOI
U. Krägeloh1
TL;DR: In this article, Trauble et al. showed that the binding energy between flux-lines is estimated from the boundary energy S. This boundary energy and boundary energy between Meissner and normal domains for type I superconductors were determined as a function of χ in the range 0.43 ≦ χ ≦ 0.82, using the models for domain structures of Landau, Lifshits, and Sharvin; S does not vanish for χ = 2−1/2.
Abstract: Mittels der Dekorationstechnik von Trauble und Essmann wurde an Blei-Thallium-Legierungen mit Werten des Ginzburg-Landau-Parameters χ etwas groser als 2−1/2 bei T = 1,2 °K ein Zwischenzustand beobachtet, bei dem Meissner-Bereiche und Shubnikov-Bereiche mit konstanten Gitterparametern nebeneinander vorkommen, was auf eine positive Grenzflachenenergie S ihrer Phasengrenzen schliesen last. Die Grenzflachenenergie S der Phasengrenzen zwischen Meissner- und Shubnikov-Bereichen bzw. normalleitenden Bereichen wurde in Abhangigkeit vom GL-Parameter χ im Bereich 0,43 ≦ χ ≦ 0,82 aus den magnetischen Strukturen des Zwischenzustandes unter Anwendung der Modelle von Landau, Lifshits und Sharvin bestimmt; S verschwindet bei χ = 2−1/2 nicht. Das Auftreten isolierter Shubnikov-Bereiche in dem sie umgebenden feldfreien Meissner-Gebiet wird mit einer noch unbekannten Wechselwirkung zwischen den Fluslinien erklart, die zusammen mit deren besser bekannten abstosenden Wechselwirkung zu einem Gitter mit bestimmtem Gitterparameter fuhren kann. Die Bindungsenergie EB zwischen Fluslinien wird aus der Grenzflachenenergie S abgeschatzt. For disks of lead-thallium-alloys with Ginzburg-Landau-parameters χ slightly exceeding 2−1/2 observed, by means of the decoration technique of Trauble and Essmann, intermediate state patterns at T = 1.2 °K consisting of Meissner domains and Shubnikov domains with a constant lattice parameter. The coexistence of these domains indicates a positive boundary energy between them. This boundary energy and the boundary energy between Meissner and normal domains for type I superconductors were determined as a function of χ in the range 0.43 ≦ χ ≦0.82, using the models for domain structures of Landau, Lifshits, and Sharvin; S does not vanish for χ = 2−1/2. Shubnikov domains appearing as isolated domains surrounded by field-free material in the Meissner state are explained as a result of a hitherto unknown attractive interaction between flux-lines, which, together with the better known repulsive interaction, leads to a flux-line lattice with definite lattice parameter. The binding energy EB between flux-lines is estimated from the boundary energy S.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a polycrystalline NiAl which had been plastically deformed at a high temperature has been examined using transmission electron microscopy and it has been shown that dislocations of b = 〈100〉 and b ǫ = Ãǫ 0.5 Ã 0.1 contributed to the high temperature plasticity.
Abstract: Polycrystalline NiAl which had been plastically deformed at a high temperature has been examined using transmission electron microscopy It is shown that, in addition to the dislocations of b = 〈100〉, which have been identified by other workers, dislocations of b = 〈110〉 and 〈111〉 contribute to the high temperature plasticity Bei hohen Temperaturen plastisch verformtes, polykristallines NiAl wurde mit Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie untersucht Es wird gezeigt, das zusatzlich zu den von anderen Autoren identifizierten b = 〈100〉-Versetzungen Versetzungen mit b = 〈110〉 und 〈111〉 zur Plastizitat bei hohen Temperaturen beitragen

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a comparison of transmission electron micrographs obtained from the centre and the surface regions shows that the dislocation arrangement in the surface region corresponds to a lower stress than that in the centre.
Abstract: Copper single crystals oriented for single glide were deformed in tension at 78 °K to various resolved shear stresses and were then neutron-irradiated at 4 to 20 °K before stress-removal in order to pin the dislocations in the stress-applied state. A comparison of transmission electron micrographs obtained from the centre and the surface regions shows that, from early stage II onwards, the dislocation arrangement in the surface region corresponds to a lower stress than that in the centre. At the same time the dislocation density is distinctly lower in the surface region than in the interior. Furthermore, X-ray investigations show that during deformation the primary glide plane is bent characteristically near the surface in the direction of the slip vector. Details of these results, which are in good qualitative agreement with flow stress measurements and electron microscope work of Fourie, are discussed and compared with the literature.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the dislocation structure of high purity molybdenum single crystals after weak tensile deformation at 293 and 493 °K was studied by transmission electron microscopy.
Abstract: The dislocation structure of high purity molybdenum single crystals after weak tensile deformation at 293 and 493 °K is studied by transmission electron microscopy. The transition from parabolic stress—strain behaviour to three-stage hardening which occurs between the considered temperatures is associated with a basic change in the deformation substructure. Crystals deformed at 293 °K contain a uniform distribution of long primary and secondary screw dislocations. On the contrary, the dislocation structure in stage I at 493 °K consists mainly of isolated clusters of primary edge dipoles. It is concluded that the effect of temperature on the mobility of screw dislocations is responsible for the change observed both in work-hardening characteristics and related dislocation structures. Die Versetzungsstruktur hochreiner Molybdan-Einkristalle nach schwacher Zugverformung bei 293 und 493 °K wurde mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Der sich in diesem Temperaturbereich vollziehende Ubergang von parabolischen Spannungs—Dehnungs-Kurven zur Drei-Bereichs-Verfestigung wird von einer grundlegenden Anderung der Verformungssubstruktur begleitet. Bei 293 °K verformte Kristalle enthalten eine gleichmasige Verteilung langer primarer und sekundarer Schraubenversetzungen. Im Gegensatz dazu besteht die Versetzungsstruktur im Bereich I bei 493 °K hauptsachlich aus voneinander getrennten Nestern primarer Stufenversetzungsdipole. Die Untersuchungen fuhren zu dem Ergebnis, das die beobachteten Veranderungen im Verfestigungsverhalten sowie in den Verformungssubstrukturen durch den Einflus der Temperatur auf die Beweglichkeit der Schraubenversetzungen hervorgerufen werden.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the space group of the trigonal phase of the Fe-Cl, Fe-Br, FeI, Co-Cl and Zn-Cl boracites is established as C63v.
Abstract: The space group of the trigonal phase of the Fe-Cl, Fe-Br, Fe-I, Co-Cl, and Zn-Cl boracites is established as C63v. Ferroelectricity is evidenced by domain switching. High coercive fields at room temp. (up to 8000 kV/cm) are found. Polarization-microscopic studies show that the polarization vector is not reversible by 180°, but can jump only from, e.g., [111] to [111], [111], or [111], etc., in accord with crystal-structure and group-theoretical symmetry considerations. Two twinning "laws" are observed: (a) head-head (tail-tail), domains with {110}cub as compn. plane and (b) head-tail domains with {100}cub as compn. plane. The domain structure and the relevant twinning operations are discussed. The onset of ferromagnetism at low temp. in Fe-Cl, Fe-Br, Fe-I, and Co-Cl boracites leads to ferromagnetoelectricity. In the case of Co-Cl boracite, the ferromagnetoelec. point group is m.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the Mossbauer effect has been measured on powder samples of the h.p.c. iron nitride ϵ-Fe3.2N at 295 °K.
Abstract: The Mossbauer effect has been measured on powder samples of the h.c.p. iron nitride ϵ-Fe3.2N at 295 °K. The measurements indicate, that there are two kinds of Fe-atoms with different environments in this material. This is in accordance with previous X-ray investigations by which it was found that in ϵ-iron nitrides the N-atoms are highly ordered in such a way that e.g. in ϵ-Fe3.2N the Fe-atoms have either one or two N-atoms within their nearest neighbourhood. Furthermore the average magnetic moment of the Fe-atoms in ϵ-Fe3.2N has been measured to be 1.97 μB. Using this value together with the Mossbauer data the magnetic moments of the Fe-atoms are estimated. The moments obtained are 2.4 μB and 1.9 μB respectively. These values are interpreted by similar considerations by which the magnetic structure of the f.c.c. γ′-iron nitride Fe4N has been explained previously in the literature.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the role of the persistent slip bands in fatigue process is discussed, and the overall dislocation structure, typical for the whole volume of fatigued crystals, strongly depends on the degree of difficulty of cross slip.
Abstract: Dislocation structures in CuZn alloy single crystals were examined by means of transmission electron microscopy. The overall dislocation structure, typical for the whole volume of fatigued crystals, strongly depends on the degree of difficulty of cross slip. In crystals with sufficiently easy cross slip the surface extrusions and intrusions were found to be related to the persistent slip band structure, differing from that in the remaining volume, while in crystals with very difficult cross slip no persistent slip bands lying under the surface relief were found. Further, the role of the persistent slip bands in fatigue process is discussed. Die Versetzungsanordnung in Einkristallen von CuZn-Legierungen wurde mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Die gesamte Versetzungsanordnung, die fur das ganze Volumen der ermudeten Kristalle typisch ist, hangt stark vom Quergleiten ab. Bei Kristallen mit genugend leichtem Quergleiten sind die Extrusionen und Intrusionen mit den persistenten Gleitbandern unterhalb der Oberflache verbunden; die Anordnung der Versetzungen in persistenten Gleitbandern ist von dem ubrigen Volumen verschieden. In Kristallen mit sehr schwierigem Quergleiten wurden dagegen keine persistenten Gleitbander unter dem Oberflachenrelief gefunden. Auserdem wurde die Rolle der persistenten Gleitbander im Ermudungsprozes diskutiert.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, an effective field model of an amorphous antiferromagnet is developed assuming a distribution of near neighbour distances and hence the distribution of effective field coefficients between interacting atom pairs.
Abstract: An effective field model of an amorphous antiferromagnet is developed assuming a distribution of near neighbour distances and hence a distribution of effective field coefficients between interacting atom pairs. It is shown that such a material is characterized by a symmetrical distribution of the total effective field, which, in the absence of any spin correlation, is approximately Gaussian. The model predicts a precise critical or Neel temperature proportional to the square root of the average number of interacting near neighbours, and an unusual downward curvature of the reciprocal susceptibility variation with decreasing temperature (see Fig. 5 and 6). Two classes of amorphous antiferromagnet are examined: those with and those without magnetically isolated paramagnetic atoms. The limited experimental data support the former class. Es wird ein Modell des effektiven Feldes eines amorphen Antiferromagneten entwickelt, wobei eine Verteilung der Abstande der nachsten Nachbarn und damit eine Verteilung der effektiven Feldkoeffizienten zwischen wechselwirkenden Atompaaren angenommen wird. Es wird gezeigt, das solches Material durch eine symmetrische Verteilung des totalen effektiven Feldes, das wegen Fehlen irgendeiner Spinkorrelation naherungsweise gaussformig ist, charakterisiert wird. Das Modell sagt eine genaue kritische oder Neel-Temperatur, die proportional zur Quadratwurzel der mittleren Zahl der wechselwirkenden nachsten Nachbarn ist, und eine ungewohnliche, abwarts gerichtete Krummung der reziproken Suszeptibilitatsanderung mit fallender Temperatur voraus. Zwei Klassen amorpher Antiferromagneten werden untersucht; solche mit und solche ohne magnetisch isolierte paramagnetische Atome. Die begrenzten experimentellen Daten unterstutzen den ersten Fall.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the energy band calculations of the solid rare gases Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe and the conduction band density of states of Xe were presented based on the relativistic formulation of the Green's function method.
Abstract: Energy band calculations of the solid rare gases Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe and calculations of the conduction band density of states of Kr and Xe are presented. Except for Ne the calculations are based on the relativistic formulation of the Green's function method. Exciton states of the valence Γ-excitons in Ar, Kr, and Xe have been computed using the pseudopotential formalism of the exciton problem proposed by Hermanson and Phillips and on the basis of the calculated energy bands. The dependence of the exciton binding energies on certain band parameters has been studied. The results are discussed in connection with the optical spectra of the solid rare gases measured by Baldini and the DESY group.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the structure of iron in the liquid state has been studied by neutron diffraction at 1620 °C and the value of the magnetic moment of iron was derived from the correction for the paramagnetic neutron scattering was 1.2 μB.
Abstract: The structure of iron in the liquid state has been studied by neutron diffraction at 1620 °C. After calculation of the interference function (Fourier analysis), the atomic radial distribution function was evaluated from which interatomic distance and coordination number were obtained. The value of the magnetic moment of iron in the liquid state which was derived from the correction for the paramagnetic neutron scattering was 1.2 μB. Die Struktur von Eisen im flussigen Zustand wurde durch Neutronenbeugung bei 1620 °C untersucht. Nach der schon mehrfach dargestellten Methode (Fourier-Analyse) wurde die Interferenzfunktion in eine radiale Atomverteilungsfunktion transformiert, aus der sich der mittlere Abstand nachster Atome und die Koordinationszahl ergeben. Aus der Korrektur der paramagnetischen Neutronenstreuung ergibt sich der Wert des magnetischen Moments von Eisen im flussigen Zustand zu 1,2 μB.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the electronic band structures of PbS, PbSe, and PbTe have been calculated using the relativistic Green's function method and a good agreement of calculated band separations with results from reflectivity, electroreflectance, and photoemission measurements is achieved.
Abstract: The electronic band structures of PbS, PbSe, and PbTe have been calculated using the relativistic Green's function method. The choice of a relativistic atomic potential for Pb and of nonrelativistic atomic potentials for S, Se, and Te inthe muffin-tin spheres results in similar band models for the lead salts. Thus a nearly uniform interpretation of experimental data for these materials can be presented. A good agreement of calculated band separations with results from reflectivity, electroreflectance, and photoemission measurements is achieved. Die elektronischen Bandstrukturen von PbS, PbSe und PbTe wurden mit Hilfe der Methode der Greenschen Funktion in ihrer relativistischen Formulierung berechnet. Mit einem relativistischen Atompotential fur Pb und nichtrelativistischen Atompotentialen fur S, Se und Te in den “muffin-tin”-Kugeln ergeben sich fur die drei Bleisalze ahnliche Bandstrukturen. Diese Ergebnisse erlauben eine nahezu einheitliche Interpretation der experimentellen Daten fur diese Substanzen. Dabei ergibt sich eine gute Ubereinstimmung zwischen berechneten Bandabstanden und den Ergebnissen aus Reflexions-, Elektroreflexions- und Photoemissionsmessungen.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the velocity derivatives for uniformly moving dislocations are known to be related to such quantities as kinetic energy or mass, and the angular derivatives can be used for the calculation of the elastic field from a curved dislocation loop.
Abstract: Derivatives of straight dislocation data are developed using standard perturbation theory and a six-dimensional formulation of the eigenvalue problem. The angular derivatives can be used for the calculation of the elastic field from a curved dislocation loop. The velocity derivatives for uniformly moving dislocations are known to be related to such quantities as kinetic energy or mass. Es werden die Ableitungen einer geraden Versetzung mit der normalen Storungstheorie und einer sechsdimensionalen Formulierung des Eigenwertproblems entwickelt. Die Winkelableitungen konnen zur Berechnung des elastischen Feldes einer gekrummten Versetzungsschleife benutzt werden. Die Geschwindigkeitsableitungen sind, wie bekannt ist, mit solchen Grosen wie kinetischer Energie oder Masse verknupft.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, it was suggested that there is a relationship between the energy of the stacking fault on the prismatic plane and the temperature of the phase transformation h.c.p.
Abstract: The macroscopic C.R.S.S. for prismatic slip in Beryllium is found to increase with increasing temperature in the range −100 to +50 °C while the microyield limit decreases regularly. Slip is initiated on the prism planes from the edge dislocations present in the annealed material. Evidences of a thermally activated locking of screw dislocations are presented. This locking is thought to occur by the usual splitting in the basal plane. The assumption that the a dislocations can also dissociate in the prismatic plane seems necessary to account for the activation of this locking. Possible dissociations in the prismatic plane are proposed; the most probable of them is a a/3 + 2 a/3. It gives a ribbon of stacking fault corresponding to the transformation of two {1010} h.c.p. “flat planes” into two {112} b.c.c. planes. It is suggested that there is a relationship between the energy of the stacking fault on the prismatic plane and the temperature of the phase transformation h.c.p. b.c.c. This relationship permits to account for the relative ease of slip in h.c.p. metals.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the surface anisotropy of thin layers of nickel on epitaxial permalloy films has been investigated by stationary spin wave resonances at 17 and 35 GHz.
Abstract: The dynamical pinning induced by thin layers of nickel on epitaxial permalloy films is investigated by stationary spin wave resonances at 17 and 35 GHz. The effective surface anisotropy is determined by comparing the location of resonance peaks for films without layer and for composite films. The high value and the d.c. field dependence of the effective surface anisotropy are attributed to the presence of exchange coupling between the films.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the influence of the interference of different relaxation channels on the intensity, width, and shape of the lines is considered, and it is shown that the interference plays an essential role in the problem of the classification of the resonant Raman scattering and hot luminescence.
Abstract: For an impurity centre the resonant secondary radiation spectrum, consisting of luminescence, Raman scattering, hot luminescence, and interference terms, is studied at low temperatures using the model of one local or pseudolocal mode, active in the electronic transition and taking into account the change of the equilibrium position and frequency of this mode. It is shown that the latter plays an essential role in the problem of the classification of the resonant Raman scattering and hot luminescence. The anti-Stokes region of the spectrum is analysed in detail for three cases of excitation: monochromatic, “white”, and intermediate excitation. The influence of the interference of different relaxation channels on the intensity, width, and shape of the lines is considered. [Russian Text Ignored.]