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Showing papers in "Psicologica in 2001"

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, two experimentos were conducted to compare the performance of memoria prospectiva and vigilancia, and the results showed that the former depend más on the recuperación automatica de the asociación clave-accion, while the latter depend more on the procesos de busqueda activa activa del objetivo.
Abstract: En dos experimentos se explora si se puede distinguir entre los procesos de recuperacion que subyacen a la memoria prospectiva basada en eventos y aquellos que son responsables de la vigilancia. Los sujetos realizaban una tarea de forma continua (decision lexica en el Experimento 1 y categorizacion en el Experimento 2), pero al mismo tiempo (tarea de fondo) debian recordar que siempre que apareciese en la pantalla un determinado estimulo objetivo, debian dejar de realizar la tarea continua. Habia dos estimulos objetivo que aparecian 4 veces a lo largo de la tarea continua. Mediante las instrucciones y la practica se inducia a los sujetos a codificar la tarea de fondo como una tarea prospectiva o como una tarea de vigilancia. Los resultados mostraron importantes diferencias entre memoria prospectiva y vigilancia. El tiempo de respuesta en la tarea continua fue sistematicamente mas lento en las condiciones de vigilancia que en las de memoria prospectiva. Sin embargo, las condiciones de memoria prospectiva no diferian de las de control (la tarea continua sola). Los datos de precision en la tarea de fondo fueron complementarios a los de tiempo de reaccion ya que se observo un mayor numero de errores en las condiciones prospectivas que en las de vigilancia Estas diferencias no se debieron a un intercambio de velocidad y precision entre las tareas continua y de fondo ni tampoco a las diferencias en entrenamiento. Aun mas importante fue que en las condiciones de memoria prospectiva se observaron efectos de facilitacion (priming) a traves de las cuatro repeticiones de los objetivos y que esto efectos no aparecieron en las condiciones de vigilancia. Estos resultados son consistentes con la hipotesis de que las tareas de memoria prospectiva basada en claves y las de vigilancia difieren en el grado en que requieren monitorizacion consciente. La memoria prospectiva depende mas de la recuperacion automatica de la asociacion clave-accion, mientras que la vigilancia depende de procesos de busqueda activa del objetivo.

66 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors proposed that a mental model is a dynamic representation created in WM by combining information stored in LTM (the Conceptual Model of the system) and characteristics extracted from the environment.
Abstract: Up until now there has been no agreement on what a mental model of a physical system is and how to infer the mental model a person has. This paper describes research aimed at solving these problems by proposing that a Mental Model is a dynamic representation created in WM by combining information stored in LTM (the Conceptual Model of the system) and characteristics extracted from the environment. Three experiments tested hypotheses derived from this proposal. Implications for research on Mental Model are discussed.

46 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The authors investigated the relationship between rapid serial naming and phoneme awareness, and reading and spelling ability, and found that rapid serial names are particularly important for the development of the ability to read by phonological recoding.
Abstract: The study investigates the relationship between rapid serial naming and phoneme awareness, and reading and spelling ability. Participants were 146 North-American children and adolescents varying in age from seven to 18 years. Approximately half of the participants (N = 71) had reading difficulties. The results suggest that rapid serial naming contributes variation to reading and spelling ability that is independent of the contribution of phoneme awareness. However, relative to this skill, rapid serial naming makes a rather modest contribution to learning to read and spell in an alphabetic writing system. Further analyses suggested that rapid serial naming is particularly important for the development of the ability to read texts rapidly and accurately, whereas phoneme awareness is particularly important for the development of the ability to read by phonological recoding, that is, by translating letters or group of letters into their phonological codes. Finally, there was little indication that the role played by either phoneme awareness or rapid serial naming interacts with age or reading ability

38 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: A number of principles for content-oriented cognitive psychology will be presented in the context of research into chess players’ information processing, and it will be argued that the analysis of contents is metascientifically closer to linguistics with its basic method of explication and content analysis than natural sciences.
Abstract: In this paper a number of principles for content-oriented cognitive psychology will be presented in the context of research into chess players’ information processing. It will be argued that modern theoretical concepts of attention, imagery and memory are based on underlying concepts of capacity and format and that these concepts are not sufficiently powerful to express all phenomena associated with mental contents. Instead, one must develop a genuinely content-oriented theoretical language to discuss, for example, contents and their integration into thinking. The main problem is how to explain the contents of representations. Why do representations have precisely the contents that they have. Here the main attention will be focussed on the question how can one explain the selection of content elements in representations. To formulate the basic concepts of contentoriented thought research several issues must be discussed. Firstly, it will be shown that traditional attention and memory research is capacity-oriented and therefore unable to express mental contents. Secondly, it will be argued that there are content phenomena which must be explained by properties of other content phenomena. Thirdly, it will be shown that in chess, people integrate information into representations by using functional rules or reasons, i.e. concepts and rules, which tell why some information contents must be included in a representation. It will then be shown that people integrate information around learned ‘thought models’ whose contents, together with functional rules or reasons, explain and clarify the contentstructure of a mental representation. It will also be argued that the analysis of contents is metascientifically closer to linguistics with its basic method of explication and content analysis than natural sciences, which form the most common underlying model in current experimental psychology. Finally, content-oriented cognitive psychology and its presuppositions will be compared with neural and computational approaches to show that it gives an additional and alternative theoretical resource, but not a contradictory conceptual platform, to the previous theoretical ways of working with human thinking.

37 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, a revision of rendimiento is presented, in which diferentes definiciones of the constructo are discussed and posibilidades in the construccion of tests for their medida are explorado.
Abstract: En esta revision se analizan diferentes definiciones de rendimiento y se exploran posibilidades en la construccion de tests para su medida. Una primera caracterizacion del rendimiento se consigue a traves del analisis de la representacion del constructo. Desde esta perspectiva, la aproximacion conductual, se centra mas en el resultado final, mientras el enfoque cognitivo se centra mas en el proceso. En segundo lugar, esta revision analiza los datos sobre amplitud nomotetica: relacion entre rendimiento y aptitudes, status socioeconomico y cambios en el tiempo. La seccion final ofrece una vision de las posibilidades y dificultades implicadas en el intento de sustituir los metodos tradicionalmente utilizados en la evaluacion del rendimiento. Dada su dificultad y coste en terminos del tiempo necesario para desarrollarlos, puntuarlos y otras variables, se concluye atribuyendo un peso mayor a las aplicaciones informaticas en evaluacion, para que la evaluacion conductual pueda tener mayor difusion.

29 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the effects of practice on the early facilitation and later inhibition of return (IOR) effects of cueing in detection and color-discrimination tasks were examined, and it was shown that cueing effects were more positive in the discrimination task than in the detection task.
Abstract: We report two experiments that examine the effects of practice on the early facilitation and later inhibition of return (IOR) effects of cueing in detection and color-discrimination tasks. In the first experiment a short and a long SOA were mixed within a block of trials, so that there was temporal uncertainty. In the second experiment SOA was manipulated between subjects, to eliminate temporal uncertainty. Facilitation and IOR effects were obtained in the short and long SOAs respectively, in both detection and discrimination tasks, and they consistently decreased with practice. The cueing effects were more positive (i.e., bigger facilitation and smaller IOR) in the discrimination task than in the detection task. Cueing and practice effects were modulated by temporal uncertainty (Experiment 1 vs. Experiment 2). Our results go some way to resolving some of the contradictory findings in the literature.

27 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the effect of environmental context on episodic memory was examined in two free recall experiments with groups of old and young subjects, where all subjects studied a list of unrelated words and were subsequently tested in the same room or in a different room.
Abstract: The effect of environmental context on episodic memory was examined in two free recall experiments with groups of old and young subjects. All subjects studied a list of unrelated words and were subsequently tested in the same room or in a different room. The results of Experiment 1 showed an advantage of being tested in the same context for the old subjects, but no effects of the context manipulation for the young subjects. Experiment 2 replicated this finding and additionally showed that old subjects (but not young subjects) benefited from instructions to mentally reinstate the learning context. The results of both experiments are discussed in terms of the relative value of contextual cues for subjects in each of the two age groups.

26 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, a modelo de recuerdo libre "generacion-reconocimiento" is proposed, in which the efecto de "actuacion", i.e., the recurdo superior of acciones that uno mismo ha realizado (AUR) sobre las accione realizadas por otros (ARO) or sobre the tareas verbales (TV) se debe al fortalecimientos de la informacion relacional and/or de item
Abstract: Partiendo del modelo de recuerdo libre "generacion-reconocimiento", abordamos dos puntos. En primer lugar discutiremos si el efecto de "actuacion", es decir, el recuerdo superior de acciones que uno mismo ha realizado (AUR) sobre las acciones realizadas por otros (ARO) o sobre las tareas verbales (TV) se debe al fortalecimiento de la informacion relacional y/o de item en las condiciones de AUR. En segundo lugar, proponemos que es necesario distinguir entre, al menos, dos tipos de informacion relacional: categorica y episodica (de orden). Mostraremos a) que la informacion categorica se utiliza por igual en AUR, ARO y TV, b) que la informacion episodica relacional es mas eficaz en la condicion ARO pura que en la AUR. c) que esta ventaja se pierde cuando las dos condiciones de codificacion se mezclan y d) que la informacion episodica relacional se puede utilizar de forma efectiva con listas cortas , pero no con listas largas. Esta variabilidad de la informacion episodica relacional determina que la condicion AUR produzca mejor recuerdo que la ARO.

10 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: This article explored the patterns of attention to semantic and spatial information in younger adults, older adults, and patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and found that both older adults and AD patients were less likely than younger adults to generate controlled attention-dependent expectancies for semantically related information.
Abstract: In two experiments we explored the patterns of attention to semantic and spatial information in younger adults, older adults, and patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In the first experiment, a semantic priming task measured age- and AD-related changes in attentional sensitivity to semantic information. In the second experiment, the semantic priming task was modified to additionally serve as a spatial inhibition of return (IOR) task. The combined semantic and spatial task measured (a) age- and AD-related changes in sensitivity to spatial cues as well as to semantic primes, and (b) interactions between the networks that subserve attention to semantic and spatial information. The results of both experiments revealed group differences in the utilization of semantic primes as a function of prime validity, suggesting that both older adults and AD patients were less likely than younger adults to generate controlled attention-dependent expectancies for semantically related information. Spatial IOR effects in Experiment 2 were evident in the performance of all three groups, but were of reduced magnitude in AD patients. Younger adults’ performance reflected interactions between semantic priming and spatial cuing effects. These findings are consistent with conclusions that (a) selectivity via semantic primes and via spatial cues reflect separate attentional mechanisms, and (b) semantic and spatial aspects of attention are mediated by different but closely interconnected neural networks.

9 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, a study of irregularización de verbos in espanol has been conducted, showing that the irregularizaciones disminuye a medida que avanza el curso escolar, se emiten mas veces como irregulares the verbos of alta que los de baja frecuencia de uso.
Abstract: El objetivo de esta investigacion ha sido determinar algunos factores que pueden explicar las inconsistencias encontradas en los modelos y tipos de regularizacion e irregularizacion de verbos en espanol. Hemos generado una relacion de pseudoverbos a partir de la manipulacion fonologica de doce verbos que hacen irregular el presente de indicativo (seis de alta y seis de baja frecuencia) y se la hemos presentado a los sujetos experimentales (117 ninos/as de los cursos escolares comprendidos entre 2o y 6o de educacion primaria) para que, ante la presentacion de cada pseudoverbo en infinitivo dijeran la primera persona del singular de dicho pseudoverbo (ej., de tember - tembo o tiembo). En general, los resultados que hemos obtenido indican que: a) el numero de irregularizaciones disminuye a medida que avanza el curso escolar, b) se emiten mas veces como irregulares los verbos de alta que los de baja frecuencia de uso, c) el numero de irregularizaciones depende de la proporcion entre la frecuencia categorial (type) y la frecuencia de uso (token). Si esta proporcion es alta se adopta con mayor probabilidad la forma irregular del pseudoverbo que la forma regular, lo contrario que sucede en el caso de que esta proporcion sea baja y d) el numero de irregularizaciones depende de la similitud fonologica entre el pseudoverbo y el verbo-origen. Se interpretan los resultados en terminos de las demandas de procesamiento que requieren la adopcion de las formas regulares e irregulares de pseudoverbos o de verbos desconocidos.

3 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examine the effect of the regularidad of a figura on the recall of a person's perception of a given figura in comparison with the regularity of the image generated by the same person.
Abstract: Se ha constatado que la regularidad de una figura ayuda tanto a su percepcion como a su recuerdo. Este articulo examina la manera en que la regularidad de un patron puede influir en el recuerdo de la figura en comparacion con el de imagenes generadas. Tambien se examina como configuraciones especificas pueden afectar el recuerdo. Se asume que un trazo visual y una imagen implican mecanismos psicologicos parcialmente diferentes y que el recuerdo de una imagen se ve afectado por la manera en que se construyo. En los cuatro experimentos que se presentan, se pidio a diferentes grupos de sujetos que dibujaran figuras simples basandose en su presentacion pictorica (TV= Trazo Visual) o en la imagen generada mediante el seguimiento de instrucciones (IG= imagen generada). El experimento 1 muestra que la condicion TV produce generalmente peor recuerdo que la condicion IG , aunque esta diferencia solo ocurre con alguna figuras. El experimento 2 muestra que las dificultades y peculiaridades de la condicion IG dependen de hasta que punto el sujeto puede encontrar regularidades parciales durante la construccion de la figura. Este resultado no se observo en la condicion VTC (Trazo visual construido) en la que de forma progresiva se mostraban segmentos de la figura. (Exp. 3). El efecto aparecia pero en menor magnitud que en la condicion IG cuando se presentaban simples segmentos y se pedia al sujeto que imaginase el patron global resultante (Exp. 4).