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Showing papers in "Stads- en Streeksbeplanning in 2008"

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors argue that it is important for planners to engage with the complexity of the socio-spatial dynamics of the city and suggest that planners need a deeper understanding of urban economic space and a more conscious consideration of the way in which planning relates to markets.
Abstract: In South Africa, broad spatial frameworks have become a standard form of planning, but have been critiqued on various grounds. This paper focuses on three lines along which spatial planning may be reconsidered. First, it argues that it is important for planners to engage with the complexity of the socio-spatial dynamics of the city. Secondly, it suggests that planners need a deeper understanding of urban economic space and a more conscious consideration of the way in which planning relates to markets. Thirdly, spatial planning could be enhanced by a stronger link to infrastructure planning. Herdink ruimtelike beplanning Bree ruimtelike raamwerke het 'n standaard vorm van beplanning in Suid-Afrika geword, maar hierdie is op verskeie gronde gekritiseer. Hierdie artikel fokus op drie lyne waarvolgens ruimtelike beplanning oorweeg mag word. Eerstens, word geargumenteer dat dit belangrik is vir beplanners om die kompleksiteit van die sosio-ruimtelike dinamiek van die stad te hanteer. Tweedens, word voorgestel dat beplanners 'n sterker begrip van stedelike ekonomiese ruimte en 'n meer bewustelike oorweging van die manier waarop beplanning met markte geassosieer word, benodig. Derdens, kan ruimtelike beplanning versterk word deur 'n sterker band met infrastruktuurbeplanning te he. Moralo wa tikoloho wa tekolobotjha Meralo e pharalletseng ya tikoloho Afrika Borwa e bile mokgwa o amohelehang wa ho rala, empa hona ho ile ha sehollwa mabakeng a mmalwa. Pampiri ena e itshetlehile hodima mela e meraro eo moralo wa tikoloho o lokelang ho shejwa ka yona. Ntlheng ya pele, e leka ho bontsha bohlokwa ba diradi ho tshwarahana le ho rarahana ho pharalletseng ha tikoloho ya boahi ya motsemoholo. Ntlha ya bobedi, e sisinya hore diradi di hloka kutlwisiso e batsi ya sebaka sa moruo wa toropong le ho ela hloko ka moo ho rala ho amanang le mebaraka ka teng. Ntlha ya boraro, moralo wa tikoloho o ka matlafatswa ke kgokahano e matla ho boradi ba infrastratjha.

33 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The influence of location on the efficiency of manufacturers in South Africa is investigated in this paper, where the authors consider both the traditional factors that influence location and the modern factors, especially those emphasised by the 'New Economic Geography'.
Abstract: This article investigates the influence of location on the efficiency of manufacturers in South Africa. Locational decisions are important when entrepreneurs decide on the location of a new plant, as well as for the design of industrial development policies by government and industry. This article considers both the traditional factors that influence location and the modern factors, especially those emphasised by the 'New Economic Geography'. This is followed by an account of empirical findings of a survey conducted among South African manufacturers regarding the location of their premises and its influence on their competitiveness and industrial efficiency. Die invloed van ligging op die doeltreffendheid van vervaardigingsnywerhede in Suid-Afrika Die invloed van ligging op die doeltreffendheid van vervaardigingsnywerhede in Suid-Afrika word in hierdie artikel ondersoek. Besluite rakende ligging is belangrik wanneer entrepreneurs die plasing van nuwe aanlegte moet bepaal, asook vir die ontwerp van nywerheidsontwikkelingsbeleid deur die owerheid en industriee. Hierdie artikel evalueer die tradisionele asook moderne faktore wat ligging beinvloed, in besonder die wat deur die sogenaamde 'Nuwe Ekonomiese Geografie' benadruk word. Daar word ook verslag gelewer oor 'n opname wat onder Suid-Afrikaanse vervaardigers gedoen is, ten opsigte van die ligging van hul aanlegte en die invloed daarvan op hul mededingendheid en vervaardigingsdoeltreffendheid. Khuetso ya bokgoni bja batsweletsi mo Afrika Borwa Khuetso ya peyo ya bokgoni bja batsweletsi mo Afrika Borwa e nyakisiswa mo temaneng ye. Diphetho tsa peyo di bohlokwa ge boragwebo ba tsea sephetho ka ga moo plante ye mpsha e swanetsego go ba gona, le ka mokgwa woo sebopego sa ka moo melawana/ dipholisi tsa Mmuso le kgwebo di swanetsego go ba ka gona go lebeletswe tlhabollo ya di industri. Temana ye e tseela hlogong dilo tsa sekgale le tsa sebjalebjale tseo di huetsago peo, kudu tseo di gatelelwago ka mo go "Geography'e mpsha ya ekonomi". Se se latelwa ke tsitsinkelo yeo e tseneletsego ya dikutullo tseo di dirilwego ba tsweletsing ba Afrika Borwa go lebeletswe pego ya ditsha tsa bona le khuetso phadisanong le go soma botse ga tsona.

7 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The first phase of the N2 Gateway project in Cape Town as mentioned in this paper was designed as a pilot to demonstrate the principles of the Breaking New Ground policy paper produced by the National Department of Housing in September 2004.
Abstract: The article primarily provides a critique of current South African housing policy based on a review of the first phase of the N2 Gateway project in Cape Town. This project was designed as a pilot to demonstrate the principles of the Breaking New Ground policy paper produced by the National Department of Housing in September 2004. The article is structured into five sections. The first is introductory. The second briefly describes recent changes in housing policy intention and practice. The third introduces the N2 Gateway project. The fourth is a critique of current housing policy raised by the review. The final section is more speculative. It raises the question of the commonalities imposed by context on the practice of spatial and policy planning in African Cities. 'n Kritiek oor Suid-Afrikaanse behuisingsbeleid en sekere aanames oor beplanning en beleidvorming in Afrika-stede Hierdie artikel gee primer kritiek oor huidige Suid-Afrikaanse behuisingsbeleide gebaseer op 'n oorsig van die eerste fase van die N2 Gateway projek in Kaapstad. Hierdie projek is ontwerp as 'n eerste om die beginsels van die Breaking New Ground beleidsdokument van die Nasionale Departement van Behuising wat in September 2004 saamgestel is, te demonstreer. Die artikel is in vyf dele gestruktureer. Die eerste deel is inleidend. Die tweede omskryf kortliks die huidige veranderinge in behuisingsbeleid en praktyk. Die derde stel die N2 Gateway projek bekend. Die vierde is kritiek op huidige behuisingsbeleid geopper in die oorsig. Die finale deel is meer spekulerend. Dit opper die vraag van kommonaliteite wat deur konteks op die praktyk van ruimetlike en beleidsbeplanning in Afrika-stede afgewing word. Bothata ba molao wa matlo a Afrika Borwa le dintlha tse ding tsa ho theha le ho rala molao wa matlo diteropong tsa Afrika Tshwantshiso e qalang e fana ka bothata ba Afrika Borwa ho na jwale ho tsa molao wa matlo a itshetlehileng ho ntshafatso ya karolo ya ho qala ya projeke ya N2 Gateway (E ho fetwang ka yona) ka hara Cape Town (Motse Kapa). Ena porojeke e ile ya thewa ho leka ho bona hore e tla hlahisa dintlhakgolo tsa pampiri ya molao wa Breaking New Ground, ho hlahisitsweng ke ba Lefapha la Kaho ya matlo ka kgwedi ya phuphujana 2004. Tshwantshiso ena e bopilwe ka dikarolo tse hlano.Ya pele ke hlekelo. Ya bobedi e hlalosa ha khutswanyane diphetoho tsa hona jwale tsa maikemisetso a kwetliso ya molao wa matlo. Ya boraro e tsebisa porojeke ya N2 Gateway (E ho fetwang ka yona). Ya bone ke bothata ba molao wa matlo wa ho na jwale bo hodisitsweng ke ntshafatso. Karolo ya ho qetela ke yona e shebahalang ha holo. E tsosa potso ya dintho tse hlahellang ha ngata, tse laetsweng ke hlakiso ya kwetliso ya sebaka le ho theha molao mo ditoropong tsa Sechaba sa Afrika Borwa.

4 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors explore some of the emerging meanings, representations, understandings and visualisations of the rapidly changing urban condition in the 21st century with particular reference to South Africa.
Abstract: This article had its origins in an interest with the disjuncture between the way people think things are and should be, and the way things 'really are'. Pursuing this notion took place with an appreciation of the inventive role that language can play in exploring and reporting on these different worlds. The article explores some of the emerging meanings, representations, understandings and visualisations of the rapidly-changing urban condition in the 21st century with particular reference to South Africa. The particular case in point, the City of Tshwane, is contextualised and expounded upon by making use of post-modern writings on the contemporary urban condition, urban planning thought and personal interpretations/signage of the local spatial scenery. In a personal re-interpretation of the spatial conditions of the city, i.e. the 'spaces of recognition', an open dialogue is entered into with the prevailing 'spaces of reflection', i.e. planners' documentary portrayals of the current 'spatialities' and their views and wishes for a better future. Through employing a deconstructive mode of reading the mounting disjuncture, tension and irony in and between the recognisable urban reality and the conceptualised spatial scenery is revealed. The primary argument put forward in the article resonates around planners' stubborn persistence to hang onto outdated and inappropriate language to make sense of and respond to the world in which they live/function. The authors subsequently argue a case for a far more vivid, fluid, responsive and innovative planning vocabulary, and discourse. In the process they suggest that it is not only the lack of new words/ideas that is of concern, but also the limiting effect that the lack of 'new words/concepts' have on what planners can see and are willing to see and navigate into existence. Ruimtelike konneksies en diskonneksies : kritiek op die konseptualisering van Tshwane (2000 tot 2004) Hierdie artikel het sy oorsprong in 'n belangstelling in die verskil in die wyse waarop mense dink dinge is en behoort te wees, en hoe dinge 'werklik is'. Hierdie gedagte is ondersoek met 'n volle waardering van die kreatiewe rol wat taal kan speel in die studie van, en rapportering op hierdie verskillende werelde. Die artikel ondersoek sommige van die betekenisse, voorstellings, begrippe van en visualiserings van die vinnig-veranderende stedelike konteks in die 21st eeu, met spesifieke verwysing na Suid-Afrika. Die spesifieke geval, die Stad van Tshwane, is gekontekstualiseer en bespreek deur gebruik te maak van post-moderne tekste oor die kontemporere stedelike aard, stedelike beplanningsdenke en persoonlike interpretasies/beelde van die plaaslike ruimtelike kwaliteite. In 'n persoonlike her-interpretasie van die ruimtelike konteks van die stad, d.i. die 'ruimtes van herkenning', word 'n oop dialoog geskep met die heersende 'ruimtes van refleksie', d.i. beplanners se dokumentere beskrywings van die huidige 'ruimtelikhede' en hul beskouings van en wense vir 'n beter toekoms. Deur gebruik van 'n dekonstruktiewe lees-metodiek word die groeiende verskil, spanning en ironie in en tussen die waarneembare stedelike realiteit en die gekonsepsualiseerde ruimtelike beelde verwoord. Die sentrale argument in die artikel resoneer rondom beplanners se koppige vasklou aan uitgedateerde en ontoereikende taal in hul poging om sin te maak van en te reageer op die wereld waarin hulle leef/funksioneer. Dienooreekomstig maak die outeurs 'n saak vir 'n meer dinamiese, vloeibare en innoverende beplanningswoordeskat en diskoers. In hierdie proses stel hulle dat dit nie net die gebrek aan nuwe woorde/idees is wat saak maak nie, maar beaam hulle ook die beperkende effek wat die afwesigheid van 'nuwe woorde/konsepte' het op wat beplanners kan sien, en bereid is om 'gestalte te gee' in en deur hul woorde. Ku khomana ni ku hambana hi kuya hi tindzhawu : swisolo ehenhla ka mavonele ya Tshwane (2000 - 2004) Tsalwa lere ri tumbuluke eka ku tsakela loku nga kon aeka ku hambana ka mavonelo hi ndlela leyi vanhu va ehleketaka leswi swilo swinga xiswona, leswi a swi fanele ku va xiswona, ni leswi swi nga xiswona entiyisweni. Ndzavisiso wa vonele leri wu endleka ku ri karhi ku ri ni ku twisisa xiave lexi ririmi ri nga va ka na xona eka ndzavisiso ni xiviko ehenhleni ka ku hambana ka matlhelo. Tsalwa leri ri langutisa swin'wana swa leswi kuvurowaka swon, swikombiso, matwisiselo ni mavonelo yak u hundzuka ka xihatla ka xiyimo xa le madorobeni eka lembe xidzana ra makume-mbirhi n'we (21st) hi ku kongomisa lokukulu eka Afrika-Dzonga. Mhaka-nkulu, doroba ra Tshwane, ku nga rona ri langutisisiwaku ni ku burisana hi rona ku ri karhi ku tirhisiwa matsalwa ya ximanguva lawa ehenhleni ka xiyimo xa sweswi xa madoroba, miehleketo ehenhleni ka makunguhatelo ya madoroba ni matwisiselo/maveikelo ya swilo endzhawini hi vatsari. Eka matwisiselo mantshwa hi vatsari va xiyimo xa tindzhawu tale dorobeni (leswi ku vuriwaka "Tindzhawu leti ti tivekaka"), ku khomiwe mburisano wa lerivaleni mayelana ni tindzhawu leti kombisiweke tiri kona sweswi, leswi ku vuriwaka tinhlamuselo ta va kunguhati hi maphepha ta tindzhawu leti ti nga ko0na sweswi ni mavonele ni ku navela ka vumundzuku byo antswa. Hi ku tirhisa mahlayelo ya ku sola ku ya ehenhla hi ku hambana, ku tshukiselana mahlo ni swigego endzeni ni lexikarhi ka ntiyiso lowu vonakaka emadorobeni ni mavonelo mayela ni mavekelo ya tindzhawu swa paluxiwa. Vonelo ro sungula ra nkoka leri humelerisiwaka emahlweni ka tsalwa leriritshikelela ri vuyelela eka leswi va kunguhati va xindisaka ku omelela eka ririmi ra xikhale ro ka ringa fanelangiki ku kota ku twisisa ni ku hlamula eka xivandla lexi vahanyaka kumbe ku tirha eka xona. Lexi landzelaka, vatsari va koxa leswaku ku fanele ku tirhisiwa marito ni mbulavurisano wa nkunguhato lowu wu twisisekaka, wo hundzuka hi ku olova, wo tisa swintshuxo no tisa maendlele mantswa. Loko vari karhi va endla leswi va vona leswaku a hi ku pfumaleka ka marito/mavonele mantshwa ntsena leswi swi vilerisaka, kambe ni ntshikelelo, lowu ku pfumaleka ka marito/ maendlelo mantshwa wu nga na wona eka leswi va kunguhati va nga kotaka ku swi vona ni ku kongoma leswi swinga kona.

3 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors conducted a study in the Cape Town metropolitan area and found that most of the transactions happening with the subsidised housing are illegal transactions and that the benefits gained by homeownership in the low-income communities does not lend to secure tenure and does not render the same benefits as higher income groups.
Abstract: One of the primary benefits of homeownership in an expanding market economy is that of wealth creation through the capital appreciation of the dwelling unit. In many market economies, homeowners have most of their personal wealth tied up in the house in which they live, making homeownership preferable to rental. The housing subsidy in South Africa is built on the premise of building units for the amount of the subsidy using the model of one-house one-plot, and making the subsidy available to people in the lowest income group. While the selling of non-subsidised properties is an accepted practice in the property market, it does raise important and new questions in the case of the subsidised housing. Selling of subsidised units, in many instances, starts within months of taking possession of the unit and at a price below the replacement value. The article attempts to respond to the following questions : How prevalent are the sales of subsidised housing? How are the units sold : legally or illegally? The study was conducted in the Cape Town Metropolitan area. One important finding was that most of the transactions happening with the subsidised housing are illegal transactions. The research also shows that the benefits gained by homeownership in the low-income communities does not lend to secure tenure and does not render the same benefits as higher income groups. The findings should encourage the government to introduce more appropriate housing options and alternatives to homeownership. Kommentaar oor informeel gesubsidieerde behuising in Kaapstad Een van die primere voordele van huiseienaarskap in 'n groeiende ekonomiese mark is die skepping van rykdom deur die kapitale waardasies van die wooneenheid. In baie ekonomiese markte het huiseienaars al hulle persoonlike rykdom in die huis waarin hulle woon bele en verkies hulle om huiseienaars te wees in plaas daarvan om 'n woning te huur. Die behuisings-subsidie in Suid-Afrika is baseer op die veronderstelling dat bou-eenhede vir die bedrag van die subsidie volgens die model van een-huis een-erf bereken word, en die subsidie dan gegee word aan mense in die laagste-inkomste groep. Terwyl die verkoop van nie-gesubsidieerde eiendom 'n aanvaarbare praktyk in die eiendomsmark is, veroorsaak dit belangrike en nuwe vrae in die geval van gesubsidieerde eiendom. Die verkoop van gesubsidieerde eenhede, in baie gevalle, begin binne maande nadat die eiendom in besit geneem is en teen 'n prys laer as die vervangingswaarde. Die artikel poog om antwoorde te gee op die volgende vrae : Hoe algemeen is die verkoop van gesubsidieerde huise? Hoe word hierdie eenhede verkoop - wettig of onwettig? Die ondersoek is gedoen in die Kaapstad Metropolitiaanse area. Een belangrike bevinding was dat die meeste van die transaksies wat plaasvind met die gesubsidieerde huise onwettig is. Die navorsing wys verder dat die voordele gekry uit huiseienaarskap in die lae-inkomste gemeenskappe waarborg nie versekerde eiendomsreg nie en lewer nie dieselfde voordele as vir die hoer inkomste groepe nie. Die bevindinge behoort die regering aan te spoor om meer toepaslike behuisingsopsies en alternatiewe aan eienaars beskikbaar te stel. Ezinye zengqwalasela kwezoqoqosho lophohliso lwezindlu e kapa Enye yeenzuzo eziphambili kubantu abanemizi kuqoqosho okukhulayo kukwakhiwa kobutyebi ngokukhulisa ixabio lendlu leyo. Kwindawo ezininzi zoqoqoshooluvulelekileyo, abanini zindlu bayebazifumane bekwimeko yokuba bonke ubutyebi babo bubopheleke kwindlu leyo, nto leyo ethi yenze ukuba banyanzeleke ukuba indlu leyo baqashise ngayo. Ubonelelo ngezindlu e Mzantsi Afrika Iwenziwa ngokuthi kwakhiwe indlu elingana nexabiso lobonelelo kwinto ebizwa ngokuba "yindlu enye kwisiza esinye", izeke lonto yenze ukuba abantu abarhola kancinci baxhamle kubonelelo ngezindlu. Lo gama intengiso yezindlu ezingaphandle kobonelelo ngezindlu iyinto eyamkelekileyo kwi marike zezindlu, ithi iveze imibuzo ebalulekileyo nemitsha kwimiba yentengiso yezindlu eziphantsi kwesibonelelo. Intengiso yezindlu eziphantsi kwesibonelelo, kumathuba amaninzi, iqalisa kwisithuba seenyangana emva kokuba buqalile ubunini bendlu ngexabiso eliphantsi. Eli ngoku lilinge lokuphendula le mibuzo ilandelayo : Kuxhaphake kangakanani ukuthengiswa kwezindlu zesibonelelo? Zithi ezizindlu zithengiswe njani? Ngokusemthethweni okanye ngokungekho mthethweni? Uphando luthe lwenziwa ku Masipala Ombaxa wase Kapa. Uphando lufumanise ukuba inkoliso yentengiso yezindlu zesibonelelo iye yenziwe ngokungekho mthethweni. Uphando lukwafumanise ukuba abanini-zindlu zesibonelelo kuluntu olunemivuzo ephantsi alude lubengabaninimhlaba yaye abona bantu baxhamlayo ngokubabanzi ngabantu abanemivuzo engcono. Eziziphumo zophando zimele ukuba zimkhuthaze u Rhulumente okokuba avelise ezinye iindlela ngendlela ezingezinye ngokufanelekileyo zobunini zindlu.

2 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examined and analyzed the progress made against these targets using the data from the City of Johannesburg, and evaluated the possibility of achieving both the 2012 and the 2022 targets.
Abstract: The concept of sustainable waste management has increased in momentum as it attempts to deal with society's waste in an environmentally efficient, economically affordable and socially acceptable manner. Rapid population growth, the use of high-tech materials and the tendency to concentrate in large cities have resulted in increasing amounts of waste being generated. The resultant effect is increasing pressure on waste management resources, such as landfills, collection and disposal services and the environment. The Polokwane Declaration set targets of zero waste to landfills by 2022 and to reduce the same by 50% by the year 2012. The set target of zero waste to landfills was recently revised to 70% waste to landfills by 2022. It is four years before the first target date, and progress made thus far has not been very encouraging. This article examines and analyses the progress made against these targets using the data from the City of Johannesburg, and evaluates the possibility of achieving both the 2012 and the 2022 targets. Evidence presented in the article points to the following possibilities : the set targets are too ambitious and may not be achieved in the set time frames and, if these targets are to be achieved, significant resources and effort will need to be expanded to make the necessary progress. The article ends by drawing certain conclusions and making recommendations aimed at assisting the authorities in South Africa to make reasonable progress in this noble intention. Die bereiking van die Polokwane afvalverminderingdoelwitte - hoe vorder ons? Die konsep van volhoubare afvalverminderingsbestuur wat poog om die gemeenskap se afval te hanteer op 'n manier wat omgewingseffektief, ekonomies bekostigbaar en sosiaal aanvaarbaar is, het in momemtum toegeneem. Merkbare populasiegroei, die gebruik van hoe-tegniese materiaal en die geneigdheid om in groot stede te bly het gelei tot die vermeerdering van die hoeveelhede afval wat gegenereer word. Die gevolg is toenemende druk op afvalbestuurhulpbronne, soos opvullings, versamel- en verwyderingsdienste asook die omgewing. Die Polokwane Verklaring het doelwitte van geen afval-stortings teen 2022 gestel asook 'n vermindering van stortings met 50% teen die jaar 2012. Die gestelde doelwit van geen afvalstortings is onlangs aangepas tot 70% minder afvalstortings teen 2022. Dit is vier jaar voor die eerste doelwitdatum en vordering gemaak tot hede is nie baie bemoedigend nie. Hierdie artikel ondersoek en analiseer die vordering wat gemaak is wat gemeet is teen hierdie gestelde doelwitte deur die data van die Stad van Johannesburg te gebruik asook die moontlikheid om die 2012 en 2022 doelwitte te evalueer. Die bewyse wat gebruik is in die artikel wys die volgende moontlikhede uit : die gestelde doelwitte is te ambisieus en gaan moontlik nie in die gestelde tyd bereik word nie; indien hierdie doelwitte wel bereik word, sal merkbare hulpbronne en pogings nodig wees om die nodige vordering te maak. Die artikel eindig deur sekere gevolgtrekkings te maak en aanbevelings voor te stel wat daarop gemik is om die betrokke Suid-Afrikaanse owerhede by te staan om redelike vordering te maak. Usebenzela ekufikeleleni kumnqweno osekwe ePolokwane wokuciphisa ukungcola nemfungumfungu - sindawoni ngoku? Umba wokunciphisa ukungcola ngendlela ezinzileyo uya uqwalaselwa kakhulu, ngakumbi amalinge okucoca amadlelo omphakathi ngendlela efanelekileyo, efikelelekayo (ngokwendleko) kunye nevumelekileyo.Ukukhula komphakathi ngokukhawuleza, ukusetyenziswa kweemashini kunye nokuxinana kwabantu ezidolophini zezinye zezinto ezidala ukongezeka kokungcola.Zonke ezizinto ziba ngoyena nobangela wokutshutshiseka kwenkonzo zogcino lococeko, ezifana nemingxunya yokulahla ukungcola, uqokelelo nokutshiswa kokungcola kunye nendalo ubuqu bayo. Isiseko esabekwa ePolokwane sakhetha unyaka ka2022 ekubeni kufikelelwe kwelona zinga liphantsi lokungcola okufakwa emingxunyeni, nalapho kuyakube sekunciphiseke ngeepesenti ezimashumi mahlanu ukungcola ngonyaka u2012. Esi sigqibo siphinde sajikwa kwaza kwagqitywa ekubeni kufikelelwe kwiipesenti ezimashumi asixhenxe kwangaloo nyaka ka 2022. Sekufikeleleke koonyaka abane ekubeni lo mthetho abe sele ufezekisa isiqendu sokuqala solu nciphiso, kodwa izinga lenkqubela eyenziweyo alikonelisi. Le ncwadi iqwalasela, ide icalu-calule inkqubela eyenziwayo ngalo mba, iyijonga ngokwamazinga ekufuneke kusetyenzelwe kuwo ngokwengxelo ethathwe kwiSixeko saseGoli, nangelinge lokuzama ukuba kufikelelwe kuloo mazinga abekelwe u2012 no2022 ngaxeshanye. Ubungqina obufumanekayo bukhokhelisa ekubeni : Okokuqala, amazinga abekiweyo aphakeme kakhulu kwaye angangafikeleleki ngamaxesha abekiweyo. Okwesibini, ukuba kuyenzeka ukuba lamazinga namaxesha abekiweyo afikeleleke, loo nto iyakubangela ekubeni kongezwe izinga lamandla nezixhobo ekuya kusetyenzwa ngazo ukuze kubonakale inkqubela phambili.Le ncwadi igqiba ngelokuba kubekwe izphumela kunye neengcebiso ezijonge ukuncedisana neenkonzo eziphethe lo mba ukuze kude kufumaneke impumelelo ngawo.

2 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the City Improvement District as a recent phenomenon in urban South Africa, and compare with an international study conducted in 2003, as basis for their study. The findings, based on a survey conducted in the second half of 2004 and including all the improvement districts in operation in the country at that time, are presented in three key areas of the concept - land use profiles, financial aspects and services rendered.
Abstract: This article discusses the City Improvement District as a recent phenomenon in urban South Africa. The reason for doing so stems from a lack of basic information on the concept in the local literature. The findings, based on a study conducted in the second half of 2004 and including all the Improvement Districts in operation in the country at that time, are presented in three key areas of the concept - land use profiles, financial aspects and services rendered. This is done within the context of the international situation with regards to the concept, and compared with an international study conducted in 2003, as basis. STEDELIKE OPGRADERINGSDISTRIK IN SUID-AFRIKA: 'N VERKENNENDE OORSIG In hierdie artikel word die Stedelike Opgraderingsdistrik as 'n onlangse fenomeen in stedelike Suid-Afrika bespreek. Die rede hiervoor is 'n gebrek aan basiese inligting oor die konsep in die plaaslike literatuur. Die bevindinge, gebaseer op 'n studie wat in die tweede helfte van 2004 gedoen is, en wat al die Stedelike Opgraderingsdistrikte wat op daardie stadium in die land in werking was, ingesluit het, word aangebied op drie sleutelaspekte van die konsep - grondgebruiksprofiele, finansiele aspekte en dienste gelewer. Dit word gedoen in die konteks van die internasionale situasie met betrekking tot die konsep, asook op 'n vergelykende manier, met 'n internasionale studie, onderneem in 2003, as basis. NTLAFATSO YA METSE YA DITEREKE AFRIKA BORWA: TLHALOSO E KGUTSHWANE Tokomaneng ena Ntlafatso ya Metse ya Ditereke e leng taba e ntjha Afrika Borwa e sekasekilwe. Lebaka la ho etsa sena ke hobane ho na le tlhokahalo ya mantlha ya tlhahisoleseding kgopolong ena dingolweng tsa selehae. Ditshibollo, tse ipapisitseng le boithuto bo entsweng karolong ya bobedi ya selemo sa 2004, tse bileng di kenyeleditseng le Ditereke tsa Ntlafatso tse seng di ntse di sebetsa ka hare ho naha hona jwale, di behilwe ka mekgahlelo e meraro: tshebediso ya mobu, dintlha tsa moruo le phano ya ditshebeletso. Taba ena e etswa ho shejuwe le ho ikamahanya le boemo ba matjhaba malebana le morero ona, hape e etswa ka ho bapisa le boithuto ba matjhaba bo entsweng ka 2003, e le motheo.

2 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The Namibian Freehold System is well designed, appropriate and effective in providing security of tenure to higher-income households, although it is very legalistic and complex by nature as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: The Namibian Freehold System is well designed, appropriate and effective in providing security of tenure to higher-income households, although it is very legalistic and complex by nature. A community-driven process might offer an alternative to the present Land Delivery Systems that are criticised for being too expensive and thereby excluding the urban poor from land and housing ownership. Two alternative solutions arose in direct response to the inadequacy of the formal system of land delivery to provide for the specific needs of the urban poor in Windhoek, Namibia. At grassroots level an own solution was sought. A community-driven process enables Self-Help Groups to own blocks of land with the most basic services whilst, at a legislative level, the Flexible Land Tenure Bill creates a parallel interchangeable property registration system. Sekerheid van eienaarskap vir arm stedelinge : lesse geleer uit die gemeenskapsgebaseerde grondeienaarskap-benadering in Windhoek, Namibie Alhoewel Namibie se vrypag sisteem goed ontwerp, toepaslik en effektief is in verskaffing van sekuriteit ten opsigte van eiendomsreg vir hoer-inkomste huishoudings, is dit baie kompleks. 'n Gemeenskapsgedrewe proses mag 'n alternatief bied tot die huidige Grondoordragsisteme wat gekritiseer word as te duur en gevolglik die stedelike armes van grond- en huiseienaarskap uitsluit. Twee alternatiewe oplossings het in direkte reaksie op die ondoeltreffendheid van die formele eiendomsregsisteem ontstaan om aan die spesifieke behoeftes van die stedelike armes in Windhoek, Namibie te voldoen. Op grondvlak is daar na 'n eie oplossing gesoek. 'n Gemeenskapsgedrewe proses bemagtig Selfhelp Groepe om stukke grond met die mees basiese dienste te besit, terwyl die Buigbare Eiendomskonsepwet op wetgewende vlak 'n verwisselbare paralelle-eiendomsregistrasiesisteem daarstel. Lilua la mubu leli bukulelizwe mwa libaka za bukuwa : tuto ye zwelela kwa mikwa ya kuluwa mubu ye zamiswa ki sicaba mwa muleneni wa Windhoek, Namibia Mukwa wa sikuwa wa kuluwa mubu kuya kuile wo u sebeliswa mwa naha ya Namibia u bakanyizwe hande, mi u sebeza ku sina butata. Mukwa wo, u fa mata kwa batu ba ba I pumanela ku luwa mubu. Ni ha kuli cwalo, mukwa wo (wona u zibahala ka "Freehold System" mwa puo ya sikuwa) wa tula, mi u ketulula batu ba ba shebehile kuba ni mata a kuluwa mubu kapa mandu mwa libaka za bukuwa. Ka libaka le, kufumanwi kuli, linzila zenwi za ku luwa mubu zeo li zamaiswa ki sicaba li kona kutatulula butata bo. Patisiso ya ku talima linzila zenwi ze fa mata kwa batu ba ba shebehile kuluwa mubu kamba mandu mwa libaka za bukuwa, ne i fumani linzila ze peli ze kona ku tatulula butata bo. Nzila ya pili i zamaiswa ki sicaba, mi i susueza batu ku kopana hamoho ka swalisano ni ciseho ni ku bupa tu tengo to tu itusa tona tuni (to tu zibala ka "Self-Help Groups" mwa puo ya sikuwa). Tutengo to tu cwalo, tu kona kuluwa mubu (block erven) ni kufiwa li selezo ze bweshafalizwe, fa halimu a limembala za tona. Nzila ya bubeli, i sebelisa mulao wa sikuwa wo bukeleza ni ku susueza batu ba ba shebehile kuba ni mata a kuluwa mubu. Mulao nyana wo, u zibahala ka "Flexible Land Tenure Systems" mwa puo ya sikuwa.

1 citations