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Showing papers in "Stads- en Streeksbeplanning in 2016"

Journal ArticleDOI
Abstract: This article engages the concepts of urban sprawl and density, as the foundations for a discussion on South Africa's informal backyard rental sector. This research attempts to relate some of the spatial impacts levied by the backyard sector in post-apartheid South Africa, based on case study research in Oudtshoorn, Western Cape, the Rose Valley formalisation project, as well as the Bridgton and Bongolethu townships. This article employs both qualitative and quantitative analyses and arrives at several key findings. Results show that informal backyard rentals increase dwelling unit and population densities substantially in the case study, accommodating households who would otherwise occupy land illegally on the urban periphery, contributing to urban sprawl. Findings also suggest that these backyard tenants enjoy excellent access to services, placing increased pressure on Oudtshoorn's already overcapacitated infrastructure network. This article posits that informal backyarding has to be encouraged and supported based on the sector's contribution to urban compaction, but that related impacts on infrastructure be addressed in future planning interventions. Die weg na meer kompakte Suid-Afrikaanse nedersettings deur informele behuising : die geval van agterplaas verdigting in Bridgton en Bongolethu, Oudthsoorn Hierdie artikel betrek konsepte soos stedelike randsprei en digtheid as die grondslag vir 'n bespreking oor Suid-Afrika se informele agterplaasverhuringssektor. Die navorsing poog om die ruimtelike impak van die agterplaassektor uit te lig in die era na apartheid in Suid-Afrika, gebaseer op veldwerk in Oudtshoorn in die Wes-Kaap, die dorp se Rose Valley formaliseringsprojek en die Bridgton en Bongolethu nedersettings. Hierdie artikel maak gebruik van beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe analises om tot 'n gevolgtrekking te kom. Resultate toon aan dat informele agterplaasstrukture wooneenheid- en bevolkingsdigthede merkwaardig verhoog in die gevallestudie, terwyl die sektor huishoudings huisves wat andersins onwettig op die stedelike periferie sou vestig en randsprei bevorder. Resultate wys ook dat agterplaashuurders goeie toegang tot dienste geniet, wat meer druk op Oudtshoorn se reeds oorlaaide infrastruktuurnetwerk teweeg bring. Hierdie artikel voer dus aan dat informele agterplaasverhuring aangemoedig en ondersteun word, gebaseer op die sektor se bydrae tot stedelike kompaktheid, maar dat verwante impakte op infrastruktuur in toekomstige beplanning aangespreek word. Malebana le bodulo bo petetsaneng haholo Afrika Borwa ka matlo a seng molaong : qaka ya teteano ya matlo dijareteng tse ka morao Bridgton le Bongolethu, Oudtshoorn Atikele ena e sebedisa mehopolo ya ho se tswellepele ha toropo le ho teteana. Tsena di sebediswa jwalo ka metheo bakeng sa puisano ya lekala la khiriso e seng molaong ya dijarete tse ka morao matlong Afrika Borwa. Dipatlisiso tsena di leka ho amanya tse ding tsa dikgahlamelo tsa tefo ho ya ka lekala la khiriso ya dijarete tse ka morao matlong nakong ya dilemo tsa kgethollo Afrika Borwa. Dipatlisiso tsena ke ho ya ka Western Cape Town ya Oudtshoorn, projeke ya ho etsa dintho semolao ya Rose Valley le makeishene a Bridgton le Bongolethu. Atikele ena e sebedisa manollo ya lebadi le ya boleng (quantitative and qualitative analysis), mme hape e fihlella diphumano tse mmalwa tsa sehlooho. Thutong ena ya mehlala (the case study), diphetho di bontsha hore khiro e seng molaong ya dijarete tsa ka morao matlong e eketsa diyuniti tsa bodulo le bongata ba baahi, e fana ka bodulo ho malapa ao a neng a ka inkela dibaka tsa bodulo ntle le molao toropong; mme sena se bapala karolo ho se tswelleng pele ha toropo. Diphetho hape di bontsha hore bahiri ba matlo a ka morao dijareteng ba fumana ditshebeletso tsa boemo bo hodimo, mme sena se beya boima bo eketsehileng hodima marangrang a meralo ya motheo Oudtshoorn; e seng e sena bokgoni. Atikele ena e paka hore ho dula matlong a ka morao dijareteng ka ntle ho molao ho tlameha ho kgothalletswa le ho tshehetswa ho ya ka kabelo ya lekala bakeng sa ho fokotsa toropo, empa dikgahlamelo hodima meralo ya motheo di tlamehile ho sekasekwa nakong e tlang ha ho etswa merero.

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the alignment of planning work procedures in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) in ensuring that development planning is 'on track' is examined, while contextualising long-term development planning and implementation as the NDP-PGDP-IDP praxis.
Abstract: Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) are the planning instruments directed at strategies for enhancing service delivery in local government. As a consequence, capacity initiatives are driven by these plans to address prioritised developmental needs. The key to establishing such initiatives is informed by the National Development Plan (NDP). This Plan changed the planning regime in South Africa, culminating in a comprehensive planning hierarchy for local, provincial and national spheres of government. In light thereof, the paper theoretically examines the alignment of planning work procedures in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) in ensuring that development planning is 'on track'. To this end, the KZN Provincial Planning Commission (PPC) developed a Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS) aligned with the National Plan. It follows then that District Municipalities formulated a District Growth and Development Plan (DGDP) with the same time horizon as the National Plan leading to 2030. Municipal Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) then become instruments to implement the Provincial Strategy in five-year periods. Against the background of action-based Batho-Pele Principles as necessary determinants, key issues may be addressed, whilst contextualising long-term development planning and implementation as the NDP-PGDP-IDP praxis. Cumulatively, planners in KZN must respond to this new plan hierarchy innovatively by integrating and aligning with the NDP at other planning levels in an ethical, accountable and socially responsible manner addressing poverty, inequality and unemployment. The article concludes that the trajectory of development planning in KZN is strategically linked to national and long-term initiatives and work procedures for enhanced service delivery. Konseptualisering van die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan vir verbeterde dienslewering : oorwegings vir beplanning in KwaZulu-Natal Geintegreerde Ontwikkelingsplanne (GOPPE) is die beplanninginstrumente wat strategiee vir die bevordering van dienslewering op plaaslike regeringsvlak bevat. Gevolglik word kapasiteitsinitiatiewe deur hierdie planne uiteengesit om geprioritiseerde ontwikkelingsbehoeftes aan te spreek. Die sleutel vir die totstandbring van sulke inisiatiewe is in die Nasionale Onwikkelingsplan (NOP) te vinde. Die Plan het die beplanningsraamwerk in Suid-Afrika verander om sodoende 'n omvattende beplanningshierargie vir plaaslike, provinsiale en nasionale regeringsvlakke daar te stel. Teen hierdie agtergrond, teoretiseer die artikel oor die belyning van beplanningswerksprosedures in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) om te verseker dat ontwikkelingsbeplanning 'op die regte spoor is'. Gevolglik het die KwaZulu-Natalse Provinsiale Beplanningskommissie (PBK) 'n Provinsiale Groei- en Ontwikkelingstrategie (PGOS) ontwikkel, wat in lyn is met die nasionale plan. Dit word gevolg deurdat distriksmunisipaliteite Distriksgroei- en Ontwikkelingsplanne (DGOPe) opgestel het, wat dieselfde tydshorison van 2030 het as die van die NOP. Die instrumente om die DGOPe te implementer, is die GOPPE van munisipaliteite, wat 'n vyf jaar lewensduur het. Teen die agtergrond van noodsaaklike aksie-gedrewe Batho Pelebeginsels kan sleutelvraagstukke binne die langtermyn beplanning en implementering van die NOP-DGOP-GOP raamwerk aangespreek word. Beplanners in KZN moet innoverend en gesamentlik op hierdie nuwe beplanningshierargie reageer deur integrering en belyning met die NOP op alle beplanningsvlakke op 'n etiese, toerekeningsvatbare en sosiaal verantwoordelike manier om sodoende armoede, ongelykheid en werkloosheid aan te spreek. Die artikel sluit af met die gevolgtrekking dat die ontwikkelingstrajek van ontwikkelingsbeplanning in KZN strategies met die nasionale en langtermyn inisiatiewe en werksprosedures vir verbeterde dienslewering verbind is. Usaukanya plane ya shango la Afrika Tshipembe (NDP) huuitela u khwinisa ndisedzo ya tshumelo lushakani nga vhupulani KwaZulu-Natal Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) ndi zwishumiswa zwo pikwaho ukhwinisa ndisedzo yatshumelao nga mivhuso yapo. Ngauralo, dzithandela dza umandafhadza dzi ndisedwa nga idzi plane hu uitela u fhelisa thodea dza mveledziso dzo tiwaho. Zwihulwane u tumbulwani ha idzothandela, ndi khwathisedzo ibvaho kha Plane Khulu ya Afrika Tshipembe(NDP) ine yoshandukisa ndila yau pulana Afrika Tshipembe. Hezwo zwotou tutuwedza ngau angaredza mitevhe yavhupulani ineyavha mivhuso yapo, ya vundu naya ntha ha ya vundu. Ngau dodombedza, heyi gandiso ithathuvha vhutumani ha ndila dza vhupulani kha vundu la KwaZulu-Natal ukhwathisedza uri vhupulani ha mvelaphanda vhukhou bvelaphanda. Uswika zwino, khomishini ya vhupulani ya vundu la KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) yo bveledzisa plane ya u alusa vundu (PGDS) yo di sendekaho nga pulane khulwane ya Afrika Tshipembe. Itevhelwa nga pulane dzamivhuso ya ntha yapo (DGDP) yobadekanwaho na pulane khulwane yo pimelwaho uswika nga nwaha wa 2030. Pulane dza mivhuso yapo (IDPs) ngauraro dzi vha zwishumiswa zwau implimentha pulane ya vundu nga minwaha mitanu(5). Hezwo azwi ngo thudzela kule dzi tenwa zwa Batho-Pele saizwi zwi tshi tandulula dzikhaedu khulwane nau dzeula pulane ya tshifinga tshilapfu ya mveledziso na u implimenthwa ha NDP-PGDP-IDP. Ngauralo, vhapulani vha KZN tevhela mitevhe iyo ngavhukoni, tanganyisa, na u ubadekanya kha mivhuso yothe ya Afrika tshpembe ngaufhulufhedzea, udzhiela zhele na vhudifhinduleli tshitshavhani. Zwothe zwi kwinisa vhushayi, ndinganyiso, nau shayiwa ha mishumo sa zwo tiwaho nga pulane ya tshifhinga tshilapfu. Heyi gandiso ikhunyeledza ngauri, mutalambalo wa vhupulani ha mbvela phanda KZN ho dzudzanyea nau badekanywa na dzi thandela dza khulwane na maitele a u khinisa ndisedzo ya tshumelo.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examine how best a collaborative approach could foster diversity in entertainment precincts and suggest intimate collaborative planning that enables communities and local government to communicate effectively without squandering opportunities to diversify mixed-use precincts.
Abstract: Entertainment precincts are typically packed with a dynamic mix of people and land uses that create areas with economic and social benefits. However, for a naturally occurring precinct such as Florida Road, Durban, the social disharmony emanating from the placement of the land uses makes the area vulnerable. The aim of the research was to examine how best a collaborative approach could foster diversity. Both quantitative and qualitative primary data, collected by means of questionnaires and interviews drawn from the various stakeholders in the precinct, were conducted in order to assess the nature of the issues. The research also drew data from the lived experience of temporary/long-term residents and visitors and/or users of the precinct to maintain an inhibited view outside of the private interests involved. The research found that there have been minor changes to the spatial land-use pattern since 2007. There is, however, a higher intensity of land-use activity such as restaurants operating as nightclubs at close proximity to residential flats. The study results showed that, while the Florida Road precinct management has made great progress since its inception in 2012, there is dialectic tension between the relevant stakeholders relating to planning and the decision-making processes. The authors recommend intimate collaborative planning that enables communities and local government to communicate effectively without squandering opportunities to diversify mixed-use precincts. Die bereiking van diversiteit deur gesamentlike beplanning in gemengde gebruiksbuurte : 'n gevallestudie van Florida Road, Durban (Suid-Afrika) Vermaaklikheidsbuurte is tipies verpak met 'n dinamiese mengsel van mense en grondgebruike wat gebiede ekonomiese en maatskaplike voordele bied. Maar vir 'n natuurlik-aangetrefde buurt soos Florida Road, Durban het die sosiale disharmonie wat voortspruit uit die plasing van die grondgebruike, die gebied kwesbaar gemaak. Die doel van die navorsing was om te ondersoek hoe die beste van 'n gesamentlike benadering diversiteit kan bevorder. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe primere data ingesamel deur middel van vraelyste en onderhoude onder die verskillende rolspelers in die buurt is uitgevoer ten einde die aard van die kwessies te evalueer. Die navorsing het ook data verkry uit die ervaring van tydelike/langtermyn inwoners asook besoekers en/of gebruikers van die buurt om 'n geinhibeerde opinie buite die private belange van betrokkenes te verkry. Die navorsing het bevind dat daar geringe veranderinge aan die ruimtelike grondgebruikpatroon sedert 2007 plaasgevind het, maar dat daar 'n hoer intensiteit van grondgebruikaktiwiteit soos byvoorbeeld restaurante wat as nagklubs dien naby woonstelle is. Die studieresultate toon dat, alhoewel die Florida Road buurtbestuur groot vooruitgang sedert sy ontstaan in 2012 gemaak het, is daar dialektiese spanning tussen die betrokke belanghebbendes met betrekking tot die beplanning en die besluitnemingsprosesse. Intieme gesamentlike beplanning wat gemeenskappe en plaaslike regering in staat stel om effektief te kommunikeer sonder vermorsde geleenthede om gemengde gebruikbuurte te diversifiseer, word deur die skrywers aanbeveel. Malebana le ho fihlella ho se tshwane ka ho sebedisa morero o kopanetsweng dibakeng tsa tshebediso e kopakopaneng ka : thuto ya mehlala ya Florida Road, Durban (Afrika Borwa) Ho tlwaelehile hore dibaka tsa boithabiso di tlale batho ba sa tshwaneng le disebediswa tse etsang melemo ya moruo hape le boithabiso ba batho. Le ha ho le jwalo, mabapi le sebaka se leng teng ka tlhaho jwalo ka Florida Road, Durban; kgutso ha e be teng ka lebaka la ho bewa ha disebediswa lefatsheng leo. Di etsa ho be bobebe hore sebaka seo se senyehe. Sepheo sa dipatlisiso tsena e ne e le ho hlahloba hore mokgwa wa tshebedisanommoho ke ofe o ka etsang hore ho be le ntlafatso. Ho entswe dipatlisiso ka pokello ya dintlha tsa sehlooho tsa lebadi le boleng (quantitative and qualitative) ka mokgwa wa pampiri e nang le lenane la dipotso le ka ho botsa batho ba amehang dipotso sebakeng seo e le ho lekola/ho lekanyetsa sebopeho sa mathata. Dipatlisiso tsena di entswe hape ka pokello ya dintlha ho tswa ho baahi, le baeti ba nakwana/nako tsohle le/kapa basebedisi ba sebaka seo, ba nang le boitsebelo; hore ba kgone ho baballa pono ya baahi ba sebaka seo; ntle le ditabatabelo tsa batho ba bang ba amehang. Tse fumanweng (diphumano) dipatlisisong di bontsha hore ho bile le diphetoho tse nyenyane mokgweng wa tshebediso ya lefatshe ho tloha ka 2007, le ha ho le jwalo, ho na le ho nyoloha ho matla diketsahalong tsa tshebediso ya lefatshe. Mohlala, direstjhurente tse ding di sebetsa jwalo ka ditlelapo tsa bosiu empa di le haufinyana haholo le difolete tsa bodulo. Tse fumanweng (diphumano) di bontsha hore bolaodi ba sebaka sa Florida Road bo ile ba etsa kgatelopele e kgolo ho tloha qalehong ya bona ya tshebetso ka 2012. Ho na le ho se utlwane ka puo pakeng tsa batho ba amehang mabapi le ketso ya merero le tsweletso ya ho etsa diqeto. Re itshetlehile hodima diphetho tsa thuto ya mehlala (the case study), ho hlokahala morero o kopanetsweng, o fang setjhaba le mmuso wa selehae bokgoni ba ho buisana hantle ntle le ho senya menyetla ya ntlafatso ditshebetsong tse fapaneng tsa dibaka.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Engelbrecht et al. as mentioned in this paper studied the impact of climate change on the South African city of Durban and recommended appropriate measures, based on the specific climatic zone.
Abstract: Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die effek van klimaatverandering op die Suid-Afrikaanse stad te ondersoek en toepaslike maatreels aan die hand te doen, gebaseer op die spesifieke klimaatstreek. Met toenemende klimaatverandering word dit al hoe belangriker dat Suid-Afrikaanse stede veerkragtig (resilient) moet wees. Onlangs is nuwe klimaat- en energiekaarte by die WNNR geproduseer om die huidige SANS 204 (2011) Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Boustandaard ses sonekaart te vervang. Ten einde die langtermyn toepaslikheid van die kaart te verseker, is daar bo en behalwe die gebruik van historiese klimaatdata ook data oor klimaatverandering in berekening gebring om die kaart te skep. 'n A2 klimaatverandering van die Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) vir die periode 1961-2100 (Engelbrecht, Landman, Engelbrecht, Landman, Bopape, Roux, McGregor & Thatcher, 2011: 649) is gebruik. 'n A2 scenario kan beskryf word as besigheid soos gewoon. Volgens onlangse navorsing kan suidelike Afrika 'n temperatuurstyging van tussen 4°C tot 6°C verwag in die westelike warm woestyngebiede van suidelike Afrika (Engelbrecht & Engelbrecht, 2016: 247-261). Terselfdertyd verhoog die hoeveelheid energie in die atmosfeer wat lei tot 'n verhoogde intensiteit van storms (Emanuel, 2005: 686-688). Die toenemende verwarming sal 'n groot impak op stede he waar die sogenaamde Stedelike Hitte Eiland (SHE)-effek veroorsaak dat die stede heelwat warmer word as die omliggende landelike gebiede. Al bogenoemde faktore toon aan dat klimaatverandering 'n aansienlike impak op die Suid-Afrikaanse stad sal he. The impact of climate change on the South African city and recommended mitigating measures The purpose of this article is to research the effect of climate change on the South African city and to recommend appropriate measures, based on the specific climatic zone. With increased climate change, it is getting increasingly important that the South African city should be resilient. Recently, the CSIR produced new climate and energy maps to replace the SANS 204 (2011) South African National Building Standards six zone climatic region map. To ensure the long-term applicability of the new climate map, it was decided that, over and above the use of historic climatic data, climate change should also be considered. An A2 climate change scenario of the Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) for the period 1961-2100 (Engelbrecht et al., 2011: 649) was used. An A2 scenario can be described as business as usual. Recent research predicts that southern Africa can expect a temperature increase of between 4°C to 6°C in hot western dessert areas (Engelbrecht & Engelbrecht, 2016: 247-261). Simultaneously, the amount of energy in the atmosphere increases, causing higher intensity storms (Emanuel, 2005: 686-688). The significant warming will have a severe impact on cities where the so-called Urban Heat Island (UHI) causes cities to be significantly warmer than surrounding rural areas. These factors indicate that climate change will have a significant impact on the southern African city. Kgahlamelo ya phetoho maemong a lehodimo motsetoropong wa Afrika Borwa le mekgwa ya pebofatso e kgothalleditsweng Sepheo sa atikele ena ke ho batlisisa dikgahlamelo tsa phetoho ya maemo a lehodimo motsetoropong wa Afrika Borwa le ho kgothalletsa mekgwa e tshwanelehileng ho ya ka maemo a kgethehileng a lehodimo. Ka baka la ho eketseha ha phetoho ya boemo ba lehodimo, ho ntse ho eba bohlokwa le ho feta hore motsetoropo wa Afrika Borwa o elwe hloko. Haufinyana, CSIR e entse di mmepe tse ntjha tsa maemo a lehodimo le tsa matla a motlakase ho tlosa mmapa wa SANS 202 (2011) South African National Building Standards six zone climate region. Ho etsa bonnete ba hore ho na le mmapa o motjha wa maemo a lehodimo o tshwanelehileng bakeng sa nako e telele, ho entswe qeto ya hore ka hodima tshebetso ya pokello ya dintlha tsa nalane; phetoho maemong a lehodimo le yona e tlameha ho elwa hloko. Ho sebedisitswe A2 ya tlhaloso ya diketsahalo tse tla etsahala tsa nako e tlang mabapi le phetoho ya maemo a lehodimo ya Special Report on Emission Senarios (SRES) nakong ya 1961 ho fihlela 2100 (Engelbrecht et al., 2011: 649). Tlhaloso ya A2 ya diketsahalo tse tla etsahala nakong e tlang e ka hlaloswa e le mosebetsi wa tlwaelo. Dipatlisiso tsa nakwana e fetileng di lepa hore Afrika e ka Borwa e ka lebella nyoloho ya themphereitjha pakeng tsa 4 ho ya ho 6 °C dibakeng tse chesang tsa lehwatata le ka Bophirima (Engelbrecht et al., 2016: 247-261). Nakong yona eo, palo ya matla sepakapakeng/sebakeng e a nyoloha, hona ho etsa hore hobe le difefo tse matla (Emanuel, 2005: 686-688). Mofuthu o matla o tla ba le kgahlamelo e mpe haholo bakeng sa metsetoropo moo Urban Heat Island (UHI) e etsang hore e be mofuthu haholo, ho feta dibaka tsa mapolasi tse e potapotileng. Dintlha tse boletsweng ka hodimo di bontsha hore ho tla ba le kgahlamelo e kgolo bakeng sa metsetoropo e Borwa ba Afrika ka baka la phetoho ya maemo a lehodimo.

3 citations