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3DMatch: Learning Local Geometric Descriptors from RGB-D Reconstructions

3DMatch is presented, a data-driven model that learns a local volumetric patch descriptor for establishing correspondences between partial 3D data that consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches by a significant margin.
Matching local geometric features on real-world depth images is a challenging task due to the noisy, low-resolution, and incomplete nature of 3D scan data. These difficulties limit the performance of current state-of-art methods, which are typically based on histograms over geometric properties. In this paper, we present 3DMatch, a data-driven model that learns a local volumetric patch descriptor for establishing correspondences between partial 3D data. To amass training data for our model, we propose a self-supervised feature learning method that leverages the millions of correspondence labels found in existing RGB-D reconstructions. Experiments show that our descriptor is not only able to match local geometry in new scenes for reconstruction, but also generalize to different tasks and spatial scales (e.g. instance-level object model alignment for the Amazon Picking Challenge, and mesh surface correspondence). Results show that 3DMatch consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches by a significant margin. Code, data, benchmarks, and pre-trained models are available online at

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3DMatch: Learning Local Geometric Descriptors from RGB-D Reconstructions
Andy Zeng
Shuran Song
Matthias Nießner
Matthew Fisher
Jianxiong Xiao
Thomas Funkhouser
Princeton University
Stanford University
Adobe Systems
Matching local geometric features on real-world depth
images is a challenging task due to the noisy, low-
resolution, and incomplete nature of 3D scan data. These
difficulties limit the performance of current state-of-art
methods, which are typically based on histograms over ge-
ometric properties. In this paper, we present 3DMatch, a
data-driven model that learns a local volumetric patch de-
scriptor for establishing correspondences between partial
3D data. To amass training data for our model, we propose
a self-supervised feature learning method that leverages the
millions of correspondence labels found in existing RGB-D
reconstructions. Experiments show that our descriptor is
not only able to match local geometry in new scenes for re-
construction, but also generalize to different tasks and spa-
tial scales (e.g. instance-level object model alignment for
the Amazon Picking Challenge, and mesh surface corre-
spondence). Results show that 3DMatch consistently out-
performs other state-of-the-art approaches by a significant
margin. Code, data, benchmarks, and pre-trained models
are available online at
1. Introduction
Matching 3D geometry has a long history starting in
the early days of computer graphics and vision. With the
rise of commodity range sensing technologies, this research
has become paramount to many applications including ob-
ject pose estimation, object retrieval, 3D reconstruction, and
camera localization.
However, matching local geometric features in low-
resolution, noisy, and partial 3D data is still a challeng-
ing task as shown in Fig.
1. While there is a wide range
of low-level hand-crafted geometric feature descriptors that
can be used for this task, they are mostly based on signa-
tures derived from histograms over static geometric prop-
erties [
18, 21, 27]. They work well for 3D models with
complete surfaces, but are often unstable or inconsistent in
real-world partial surfaces from 3D scanning data and dif-
ficult to adapt to new datasets. As a result, state-of-the-
Figure 1. In this work, we present a data-driven local descriptor
3DMatch that establishes correspondences (green) to match geo-
metric features in noisy and partial 3D scanning data. This figure
illustrates an example of bringing two RGB-D scans into align-
ment using 3DMatch on depth information only. Color images are
for visualization only.
art 3D reconstruction methods using these descriptors for
matching geometry require significant algorithmic effort to
handle outliers and establish global correspondences [
In response to these difficulties, and inspired by the re-
cent success of neural networks, we formulate a data-driven
method to learn a local geometric descriptor for establish-
ing correspondences between partial 3D data. The idea is
that by learning from example, data-driven models can suf-
ficiently address the difficulties of establishing correspon-
dences between partial surfaces in 3D scanning data. To this
end, we present a 3D convolutional neural network (Con-
vNet), called 3DMatch, that takes in the local volumetric
region (or 3D patch) around an arbitrary interest point on a
3D surface and computes a feature descriptor for that point,
where a smaller distance between two descriptors indicates
a higher likelihood of correspondence.
However, optimizing a 3D ConvNet-based descriptor for
this task requires massive amounts of training data (i.e.,
ground truth matches between local 3D patches). Obtaining

Figure 2. Learning 3DMatch from reconstructions. From existing RGB-D reconstructions (a), we extract local 3D patches and corre-
spondence labels from scans of different views (b). We collect pairs of matching and non-matching local 3D patches and convert into a
volumetric representation (c) to train a 3D ConvNet-based descriptor (d). This geometric descriptor can be used to establish correspon-
dences for matching 3D geometry in various applications (e) such as reconstruction, model alignment, and surface correspondence.
this training data with manual annotations is a challenging
endeavor. Unlike 2D image labels, which can be effectively
crowd-sourced or parsed from the web, acquiring ground
truth correspondences by manually clicking keypoint pairs
on 3D partial data is not only time consuming but also prone
to errors.
Our key idea is to amass training data by leveraging cor-
respondence labels found in existing RGB-D scene recon-
structions. Due to the importance of 3D reconstructions,
there has been much research on designing algorithms and
systems that can build high-fidelity reconstructions from
RGB-D data [
24, 25, 8]. Although these reconstructions
have been used for high-level reasoning about the environ-
ment [38, 39], it is often overlooked that they can also serve
as a massive source of labeled correspondences between 3D
surfaces of aligned depth frames. By training on corre-
spondences from multiple existing RGB-D reconstruction
datasets, each with its own properties of sensor noise, oc-
clusion patterns, variance of geometric structures, and va-
riety of camera viewpoints, we can optimize 3DMatch to
generalize and robustly match local geometry in real-world
partial 3D data.
In this paper, we train 3DMatch over 8 million corre-
spondences from a collection of 62 RGB-D scene recon-
structions [
36, 30, 39, 20, 15] and demonstrate its abil-
ity to match 3D data in several applications. Results
show that 3DMatch is considerably better than state-of-
the-art methods at matching keypoints, and outperforms
other algorithms for geometric registration when combined
with standard RANSAC. Furthermore, we demonstrate that
3DMatch can also generalize to different tasks and spatial
resolutions. For example, we utilize 3DMatch to obtain
instance-level model alignments for 6D object pose esti-
mation as well as to find surface correspondences in 3D
meshes. To facilitate further research in the area of 3D
keypoint matching and geometric registration, we provide
a correspondence matching benchmark as well as a surface
registration benchmark similar to [
5], but with real-world
scan data.
2. Related Work
Learning local geometric descriptors for matching 3D
data lies at the intersection of computer vision and graph-
ics. We briefly review the related work in both domains.
Hand-crafted 3D Local Descriptors. Many geometric
descriptors have been proposed including Spin Images [
Geometry Histograms [
12], and Signatures of Histograms
34], Feature Histograms [28]. Many of these descriptors
are now available in the Point Cloud Library [
3]. While
these methods have made significant progress, they still
struggle to handle noisy, low-resolution, and incomplete
real-world data from commodity range sensors. Further-
more, since they are manually designed for specific appli-
cations or 3D data types, it is often difficult for them to gen-
eralize to new data modalities. The goal of our work is to
provide a new local 3D descriptor that directly learns from
data to provide more robust and accurate geometric feature
matching results in a variety of settings.
Learned 2D Local Descriptors. The recent availability
of large-scale labeled image data has opened up new op-
portunities to use data-driven approaches for designing 2D
local image patch descriptors. For instance, various works
32, 31, 40, 16, 41, 16] learn non-linear mappings from local
image patches to feature descriptors. Many of these prior
works are trained on data generated from multi-view stereo
datasets [4]. However, in addition to being limited to 2D
correspondences on images, multi-view stereo is difficult to

scale up in practice and is prone to error from missing corre-
spondences on textureless or non-Lambertian surfaces, so it
is not suitable for learning a 3D surface descriptor. A more
recent work [
29] uses RGB-D reconstructions to train a 2D
descriptor, while we train a 3D geometric descriptor.
Learned 3D Global Descriptors. There has also been
rapid progress in learning geometric representations on 3D
data. 3D ShapeNets [
38] introduced 3D deep learning for
modeling 3D shapes, and several recent works [
22, 11, 33]
also compute deep features from 3D data for the task of ob-
ject retrieval and classification. While these works are in-
spiring, their focus is centered on extracting features from
complete 3D object models at a global level. In contrast,
our descriptor focuses on learning geometric features for
real-world RGB-D scanning data at a local level, to provide
more robustness when dealing with partial data suffering
from various occlusion patterns and viewpoint differences.
Learned 3D Local Descriptors. More closely related to
this work is Guo et al. [
14], which uses a 2D ConvNet de-
scriptor to match local geometric features for mesh label-
ing. However, their approach operates only on synthetic
and complete 3D models, while using ConvNets over input
patches of concatenated feature vectors that do not have any
kind of spatial correlation. In contrast, our work not only
tackles the harder problem of matching real-world partial
3D data, but also properly leverages 3D ConvNets on volu-
metric data in a spatially coherent way.
Self-supervised Deep Learning. Recently, there has
been significant interest in learning powerful deep models
using automatically-obtained labels. For example, recent
works show that the temporal information from videos can
be used as a plentiful source of supervision to learn em-
beddings that are useful for various tasks [
13, 26]. Other
works show that deep features learned from egomotion su-
pervision perform better than features using class-labels as
supervision for many tasks [
2]. Analogous to these recent
works in self-supervised learning, our method of extract-
ing training data and correspondence labels from existing
RGB-D reconstructions online is fully automatic, and does
not require any manual labor or human supervision.
3. Learning From Reconstructions
In this paper, our goal is to create a function ψ that maps
the local volumetric region (or 3D patch) around a point on
a 3D surface to a descriptor vector. Given any two points, an
ideal function ψ maps their local 3D patches to two descrip-
tors, where a smaller
distance between the descriptors in-
dicates a higher likelihood of correspondence. We learn the
function ψ by making use of data from existing high quality
RGB-D scene reconstructions.
The advantage of this approach is threefold: First, re-
construction datasets can provide large amounts of train-
ing correspondences since each reconstruction contains mil-
lions of points that are observed from multiple different
scanning views. Each observation pair provides a training
example for matching local geometry. Between different
observations of the same interest point, its local 3D patches
can look very different due to sensor noise, viewpoint vari-
ance, and occlusion patterns. This helps to provide a large
and diverse correspondence training set. Second, recon-
structions can leverage domain knowledge such as temporal
information and well-engineered global optimization meth-
ods, which can facilitate wide baseline registrations (loop
closures). We can use the correspondences from these chal-
lenging registrations to train a powerful descriptor that can
be used for other tasks where the aforementioned domain
knowledge is unavailable. Third, by learning from mul-
tiple reconstruction datasets, we can optimize 3DMatch to
generalize and robustly match local geometry in real-world
partial 3D data under a variety of conditions. Specifically,
we use a total of over 200K RGB-D images of 62 differ-
ent scenes collected from Analysis-by-Synthesis [
36], 7-
Scenes [
30], SUN3D [39], RGB-D Scenes v.2 [20], and
Halber et al. [
15]. 54 scenes are used for training and 8
scenes for testing. Each of the reconstruction datasets are
captured in different environments with different local ge-
ometries at varying scales and built with different recon-
struction algorithms.
3.1. Generating Training Correspondences
To obtain training 3D patches and their ground truth cor-
respondence labels (match or non-match), we extract local
3D patches from different scanning views around interest
points randomly sampled from reconstructions. To find cor-
respondences for an interest point, we map its 3D position
in the reconstruction into all RGB-D frames for which the
3D point lies within the frame’s camera view frustum and
is not occluded. The locations of the cameras from which
the RGB-D frames are taken are enforced to be at least
1m apart, so that the views between observation pairs are
sufficiently wide-baselined. We then extract two local 3D
patches around the interest point from two of these RGB-D
frames, and use them as a matching pair. To obtain non-
matching pairs, we extract local 3D patches from randomly
picked depth frames of two interest points (at least 0.1m
apart) randomly sampled from the surface of the reconstruc-
tion. Each local 3D patch is converted into a volumetric
representation as described in Sec.
Due to perturbations from depth sensor noise and im-
perfections in reconstruction results, the sampled interest
points and their surrounding local 3D patches can experi-
ence some minor amounts of drift. We see this jitter as an
opportunity for our local descriptor to learn small amounts

of translation invariance. Since we are learning from RGB-
D reconstruction datasets using different sensors and algo-
rithms, the jitter is not consistent, which enables the de-
scriptor to generalize and be more robust to it.
4. Learning A Local Geometric Descriptor
We use a 3D ConvNet to learn the mapping from a vol-
umetric 3D patch to an 512-dimensional feature represen-
tation that serves as the descriptor for that local region.
During training, we optimize this mapping (i.e., updating
the weights of the ConvNet) by minimizing the
between descriptors generated from corresponding interest
points (matches), and maximize the
distance between de-
scriptors generated from non-corresponding interest points
(non-matches). This is equivalent to training a ConvNet
with two streams (i.e., Siamese Style ConvNets [
6]) that
takes in two local 3D patches and predicts whether or not
they correspond to each other.
4.1. 3D Data Representation
For each interest point, we first extract a 3D volumet-
ric representation for the local region surrounding it. Each
3D region is converted from its original representation (sur-
face mesh, point cloud, or depth map) into a volumetric
30 × 30 × 30 voxel grid of Truncated Distance Function
(TDF) values. Analogous to 2D pixel image patches, we
refer to these TDF voxel grids as local 3D patches. In our
experiments, these local 3D patches spatially span 0.3m
where voxel size is 0.01m
. The voxel grid is aligned with
respect to the camera view. If camera information is un-
available (i.e. for pre-scanned 3D models), the voxel grid
is aligned to the object coordinates. The TDF value of each
voxel indicates the distance between the center of that voxel
to the nearest 3D surface. These TDF values are truncated,
normalized and then flipped to be between 1 (on surface)
and 0 (far from surface). This form of 3D representation is
cross-compatible with 3D meshes, point-clouds, and depth
maps. Analogous to 2D RGB pixel matrices for color im-
ages, 3D TDF voxel grids also provide a natural volumetric
encoding of 3D space that is suitable as input to a 3D Con-
The TDF representation holds several advantages over its
signed alternative TSDF [
7], which encodes occluded space
(values near -1) in addition to the surface (values near 0) and
free space (values near 1). By removing the sign, the TDF
loses the distinction between free space and occluded space,
but gains a new property that is crucial to the robustness of
our descriptor on partial data: the largest gradients between
voxel values are concentrated around the surfaces rather
than in the shadow boundaries between free space and oc-
cluded space. Furthermore, the TDF representation reduces
the ambiguity of determining what is occluded space on 3D
data where camera view is unavailable.
Figure 3. t-SNE embedding of 3DMatch descriptors for local
3D patches from the RedKitchen test scene of 7-Scenes [24 ]. This
embedding suggests that our 3DMatch ConvNet is able to cluster
local 3D patches based on local geometric features such as edges
(a,f), planes (e), corners (c,d), and other geometric structures (g,
b, h) in the face of noisy and partial data.
4.2. Network Architecture
3DMatch is a standard 3D ConvNet, inspired by AlexNet
9]. Given a 30×30×30 TDF voxel grid of a local 3D patch
around an interest point, we use eight convolutional layers
(each with a rectified linear unit activation function for non-
linearity) and a pooling layer to compute a 512-dimensional
feature representation, which serves as the feature descrip-
tor. Since the dimensions of the initial input voxel grid
are small, we only include one layer of pooling to avoid
a substantial loss of information. Convolution parameters
are shown in Fig.
2 as (kernel size, number of filters).
4.3. Network Training
During training, our objective is to optimize the local de-
scriptors generated by the ConvNet such that they are sim-
ilar for 3D patches corresponding to the same point, and
dissimilar otherwise. To this end, we train our ConvNet
with two streams in a Siamese fashion where each stream
independently computes a descriptor for a different local 3D
patch. The first stream takes in the local 3D patch around
a surface point p
, while the second stream takes in a sec-
ond local 3D patch around a surface point p
. Both streams
share the same architecture and underlying weights. We use
norm as a similarity metric between descriptors, mod-
eled during training with the contrastive loss function [
This loss minimizes the
distance between descriptors of
corresponding 3D point pairs (matches), while pulling apart
distance between descriptors of non-corresponding
3D point pairs. During training, we feed the network with
a balanced 1:1 ratio of matches to non-matches, a strategy
which has shown to be effective for efficiently learning dis-
criminative descriptors [
16, 31, 40]. Fig.3 shows a t-SNE
embedding [
37] of local 3D patches based on their 3DMatch
descriptors, which demonstrates the ConvNet’s ability to
cluster local 3D patches based on their geometric structure
as well as local context.

Figure 4. Which 3D patches are matched by 3DMatch? On
the left, we show two fused fragments (A and B) taken at different
scan view angles, as well as their registration result using 3DMatch
+ RANSAC. On the right, each row shows a local 3D patch from
fragment A, followed by three nearest neighbor local 3D patches
from fragment B found by 3DMatch descriptors. The bounding
boxes are color coded to the keypoints illustrated on fragment A.
5. Evaluation
In this section, we first evaluate how well our learned lo-
cal 3D descriptor (3DMatch) can match local 3D patches of
interest point pairs (Sec. 5.1). We then evaluate its practical
use as part of geometric registration for matching 3D data
in several applications, such as scene reconstruction (Sec.
5.2) and 6D object pose estimation (Sec. 5.3).
5.1. Keypoint Matching
Our first set of experiments measure the quality of a 3D
local descriptor by testing its ability to distinguish between
matching and non-matching local 3D patches of keypoint
pairs. Using the sampling algorithm described in Sec. 3, we
construct a correspondence benchmark, similar to the Photo
Tourism dataset [4] but with local 3D patches extracted
from depth frames. The benchmark contains a collection
of 30, 000 3D patches, with a 1:1 ratio between matches
and non-matches. As in [
4, 16], our evaluation metric is the
false-positive rate (error) at 95% recall, the lower the better.
Is our descriptor better than others? We compare our
descriptor to several other state-of-the-art geometric de-
scriptors on this correspondence benchmark. For Johnson
et al. (Spin-Images) [
18] and Rusu et al. (Fast Point Feature
Histograms) [
27], we use the implementation provided in
the Point Cloud Library (PCL). While 3DMatch uses local
TDF voxel grids computed from only a single depth frame,
we run Johnson et al. and Rusu et al. on meshes fused from
50 nearby depth frames to boost their performance on this
benchmark, since these algorithms failed to produce reason-
able results on single depth frames. Nevertheless, 3DMatch
outperforms these methods by a significant margin.
Method Error
Johnson et al. (Spin-Images) [18] 83.7
Rusu et al. (FPFH) [
27] 61.3
2D ConvNet on Depth 38.5
Ours (3DMatch) 35.3
Table 1. Keypoint matching task error (%) at 95% recall.
What’s the benefit of 3D volumes vs. 2D depth patches?
We use TDF voxel grids to represent 3D data, not only be-
cause it is an intermediate representation that can be eas-
ily converted from meshes or point clouds, but also because
this 3D representation allows reasoning over real-world spa-
tial scale and occluded regions, which cannot be directly
encoded in 2D depth patches. To evaluate the advantages
of this 3D TDF encoding over 2D depth, we train a variant
of our method using a 2D ConvNet on depth patches. The
depth patches are extracted from a 0.3m
crop and resized
to 64x64 patches. For a fair comparison, the architecture
of the 2D ConvNet is similar to our 3D ConvNet with two
extra convolution layers to achieve a similar number of pa-
rameters as the 3D ConvNet. As shown in Table
1, this 2D
ConvNet yields a higher error rate (38.5 vs. 35.3).
Should we use a metric network? Recent work [
16] pro-
poses the joint learning of a descriptor and similarity metric
with ConvNets to optimize matching accuracy. To explore
this idea, we replace our contrastive loss layer with three
fully connected layers, followed by a Softmax layer for bi-
nary classification of ”match” vs ”non-match”. We evaluate
the performance of this network on our keypoint matching
benchmark, where we see an error of 33.1% (2.2% improve-
ment). However, as noted by Yi et al. [
40], descriptors that
require a learned metric have a limited range of applica-
bility due to the O(n
) comparison behaviour at test time
since they cannot be directly combined with metric-based
acceleration structures such as KD-trees. To maintain run-
time within practical limits, we use the version of 3DMatch
trained with an
metric in the following sections.
5.2. Geometric Registration
To evaluate the practical use of our descriptor, we com-
bine 3DMatch with a RANSAC search algorithm for geo-
metric registration, and measure its performance on stan-
dard benchmarks. More specifically, given two 3D point
clouds from scanning data, we first randomly sample n
keypoints from each point cloud. Using the local 3D
30 × 30 × 30 TDF patches around each keypoint (aligned to
the camera axes, which may be different per point cloud),

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