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Journal ArticleDOI

A Comparative Survey of VANET Clustering Techniques

TL;DR: This paper explores the design choices made in the development of clustering algorithms targeted at VANETs and presents a taxonomy of the techniques applied to solve the problems of cluster head election, cluster affiliation, and cluster management, and identifies new directions and recent trends in the design of these algorithms.
Abstract: A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a mobile ad hoc network in which network nodes are vehicles—most commonly road vehicles. VANETs present a unique range of challenges and opportunities for routing protocols due to the semi-organized nature of vehicular movements subject to the constraints of road geometry and rules, and the obstacles which limit physical connectivity in urban environments. In particular, the problems of routing protocol reliability and scalability across large urban VANETs are currently the subject of intense research. Clustering can be used to improve routing scalability and reliability in VANETs, as it results in the distributed formation of hierarchical network structures by grouping vehicles together based on correlated spatial distribution and relative velocity. In addition to the benefits to routing, these groups can serve as the foundation for accident or congestion detection, information dissemination and entertainment applications. This paper explores the design choices made in the development of clustering algorithms targeted at VANETs. It presents a taxonomy of the techniques applied to solve the problems of cluster head election, cluster affiliation, and cluster management, and identifies new directions and recent trends in the design of these algorithms. Additionally, methodologies for validating clustering performance are reviewed, and a key shortcoming—the lack of realistic vehicular channel modeling—is identified. The importance of a rigorous and standardized performance evaluation regime utilizing realistic vehicular channel models is demonstrated.
Figures (18)

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A Comparative Survey of VANET Clustering
Craig Cooper
, Daniel Franklin
, Montserrat Ros
, Farzad Safaei
, and Mehran Abolhasan
ICT Research Institute University of Wollongong, Wollongong NSW 2500, Australia
email: {cc808|farzad}
School of Computing and Communications University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway NSW 2007, Australia
email: {daniel.franklin|mehran.abolhasan}
School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering University of Wollongong, Wollongong
NSW 2500, Australia
Abstract—A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a mobile
ad hoc network (MANET) in which network nodes are vehicles
most commonly road vehicles. VANETs present a unique range
of challenges and opportunities for routing protocols due to the
semi-organised nature of vehicular movements subject to the
constraints of road geometry and rules, and the obstacles which
limit physical connectivity in urban environments. In particular,
the problems of routing protocol reliability and scalability across
large urban VANETs are currently the subject of intense re-
search. Clustering can be used to improve routing scalability
and reliability in VANETs, as it results in the distributed
formation of hierarchical network structures by grouping vehicles
together based on correlated spatial distribution and relative
velocity. In addition to the benefits to routing, these groups
can serve as the foundation for accident or congestion detection,
inforomation dissemination and entertainment applications. This
paper explores the design choices made in the development
of clustering algorithms targeted at VANETs. It presents a
taxonomy of the techniques applied to solve the problems of
cluster head election, cluster affiliation and cluster management,
and identifies new directions and recent trends in the design
of these algorithms. Additionally, methodologies for validating
clustering performance are reviewed, and a key shortcoming
the lack of realistic vehicular channel modelling is identified.
The importance of a rigorous and standardised performance
evaluation regime utilising realistic vehicular channel models is
Index Terms—Clustering, VANET, comparative analysis
In a Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET), participating
vehicles are equipped with wireless transceiver which allow
them to exchange data with other neighbouring vehicles, and,
where necessary, to route packets via neighbouring vehicles
to destinations that are not within direct communications
range. One-hop connectivity to external infrastructure is not
necessary, although stationary roadside units may also partic-
ipate in a VANET. Such an architecture potentially enables
the creation of applications ranging from improved traffic
safety and congestion avoidance to in-car information and
entertainment systems.
VANETs operate in a challenging communications environ-
ment, which to date have limited the practical deployment
of the technology. VANETs are particularly susceptible to
the hidden node problem; in addition, they must contend
with limited spectral bandwidth and a highly variable channel
influenced by both stationary and mobile obstructions and
interference sources. In such an environment, infrastructure-
based networks hold a significant advantage over ad hoc
networks: access points allows optimal scheduling of channel
access and distribution of network resources in a relatively
simple manner, at the cost of needing to deploy a large number
of access points throughout the intended coverage area. To
achieve some of the benefits of an infrastructure-based network
without the need for physical infrastructure, researchers have
investigated the idea of clustering in VANETs, whereby a
hierarchical network structure forms in a distributed manner
throughout the network via some sort of clustering algorithm.
Since the introduction of the earliest clustering algorithms
in the late 1980s, a wide range of approaches to the problem
have been proposed in the context of MANETs in general
and VANETs in particular. Each approach is directed toward
different classes of problems and often towards specific appli-
cations envisioned for VANET technology. From the literature,
it is apparent that attempts to validate proposed protocols
often utilise simple channel and mobility models that do
not realistically reflect the VANET environment; they also
frequently compare new VANET clustering techniques to well-
known MANET approaches that have not been designed for
the characteristics of the VANET scenario, resulting in a
favourable comparison but without direct reference to other
state-of-the art approaches. In this paper, we intend to address
these problems in the literature and provide a clear taxonomy
and comparative performance review for all clustering strate-
gies presently employed in VANETs.
A. Structure and Contributions
This review paper makes three significant contributions to
the field of VANET clustering:
1) The main applications of clustering are described, with
general purpose clustering algorithms being considered
separately to application-specific algorithms; this discus-
sion is presented in Section III.
2) The methods by which the major contemporary and
historical algorithms approach the main aspects of the

clustering problem are discussed in detail, in particular:
how the cluster head is elected, how unclustered nodes
affiliate with a head, and how cluster heads manage inter-
actions with other clusters. This review suggests a taxon-
omy of VANET clustering techniques which is structured
around these design questions; although VANET clus-
tering taxonomies have previously been described in the
literature, most notably in [1] and [2], these taxonomies
have combined application and design approach within
their classification system. This publication makes a clear
distinction between application and design. The proposed
taxonomy classifies protocols according only to how the
algorithm solves the facets of the clustering problem,
which is a novel approach to the subject. The survey is
presented in Section IV.
3) Finally, the problem of evaluating and comparing the per-
formance of clustering algorithms is considered. Section
V discusses the simulator frameworks, channel models,
and approaches for comparing protocols against compet-
ing algorithms. To the knowledge of the authors, this is
the first such analysis of clustering benchmarking.
A number of potential new directions for clustering research
are identified. The paper concludes with a call for standardised
verification methodologies, and a commentary regarding the
approach to VANET research.
A. Development of VANET technology
Serious interest in VANET technology started to develop
in the early 1990s, and has increased in recent years. The
need for standards in this area become apparent after the
emergence of electronic road tolling systems based on a variety
of proprietary active RFID transponder systems. Realising that
this simple concept could be generalised to support a vari-
ety of vehicular communications applications, several major
manufacturers of electronic toll collection systems established
the Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) Industry
Consortium, which worked towards a common physical layer
standard for short-range vehicular communication. This effort
led to the development of a physical layer based on the ad
hoc mode of IEEE 802.11 operating in the 5.9 GHz band; this
is known as the Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments
(WAVE) / Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)
standard and has been formalised by the IEEE as 802.11p
[3], [4]. Building on this physical layer, a range of standards
for various other parts of the network stack are currently
under development by the IEEE, ISO, ETSI and other bodies
in particular, the IEEE 1609 working group is developing
standards for security and applications for VANETs built on
top of 802.11p [5]–[8].
Over the last few years, projects such as Keystone Architec-
ture Required for European Networks (KAREN) [9] attempted
to provide a framework whereby policies and plans regarding
vehicular technology could be translated into system specifi-
cations. The EU co-funded Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure
Systems (CVIS) project aims to construct a VANET architec-
ture for the provision of a number of services, with considera-
tion of roll-out and public adoption of the technology [10]. The
Cooperative Systems for Intelligent Road Safety (COOPERS)
project aims to develop telematics applications for vehicular
communication systems, and construct a cooperative traffic
management between vehicle and infrastructure [11]. Another
project, SAFESPOT, works toward developing systems for
reoad and vehicle safety [12]. Meanwhile, the NSF Project is
focused on developing safety-specific applications in Vehicular
Networks [13].
VANETs offer exciting opportunities in the areas of traffic
safety and road network efficiency. Cars can avoid collisions
by conversing and exchanging information regarding driver
intention at a level not possible with basic communication
mechanisms such as turn signals. Emergency vehicles can
alert cars ahead, potentially well beyond the human visual
or auditory range, so that a path can be cleared ahead of
the vehicle, thereby reducing response times of ambulences
and police cars. Traffic conditions can be monitored and
congestion alerts issued in real time to enable vehicle flows to
be re-routed around obstructions. When merged with emerging
technologies in driver awareness monitoring, vehicles could
alert a central authority when a driver is tired or intoxicated
or when another vehicle appears to be driving abnormally;
most importantly of all, VANETs offer a form of real-time
accountability when accidents do occur. VANET technology
may also be able to reduce the environmental impact of vehicle
emissions, by selecting routes that result in less fuel consump-
tion and lower emissions [14]. However, a number of technical
and ethical issues arise when considering such applications,
such as security and privacy of a driver, and the ability to
prevent malicious agents from interfering with the network’s
operation, e.g. through modification, jamming or fraudulent
generation of vehicular traffic data. These issues will become
even more critical with the roll-out of autonomous or semi-
autonomous vehicles such as Google Car [15], especially with
respect to accountability when the autonomous navigation
systems fail. Several detailed studies of these issues have
previously been presented in the literature [16], [17].
B. Development of Clustering
A VANET clustering algorithm works by associating mobile
nodes into groups clusters according to some rule set,
and selecting a node known as the cluster head (CH) to
mediate between the cluster and the rest of the network in
much the same way as an infrastructure wireless access point.
The specific functions of the cluster head differ depending
on the application, as does the method by which it is selected.
The clustering algorithm used to associate nodes with clusters
should ideally be robust to node mobility and sudden changes
in network and cluster topology, and should provide reliable
end-to-end communication across the VANET.
The earliest notable work on clustering began with the
DARPA packet-radio network [19], the intention being to
autonomously form subnets within a Mobile Ad hoc NETwork
(MANET) to facilitate the distribution of network resources.
This work was built upon by Gerla et al., who proposed the
popular Lowest ID and Highest Degree (LID/HD) clustering
algorithms for MANETs [18]. Mobility Clustering (MOBIC)

Fig. 1: Lineage of VANET clustering algorithms. LID/HD [18] is noted as the earliest significant VANET clustering scheme,
as can be seen from its influence on subsequent algorithms
was later presented in [20], attempting to incorporate mo-
bility considerations into the clustering phase. Several other
algorithms including Distributed Group Mobility Adaptive
(DGMA) clustering [21] and MobHiD [22] were later pro-
posed, each designed for clustering in MANETs and demon-
strating progressive improvements in performance under sim-
ple mobility models such as random wayoint. As a result of
this practice of building upon earlier designs, a lineage of
various algorithms developed, which is shown in Figure 1.
As a result of the mobility and channel conditions of
VANETs which distinguish them from MANET scenarios
the approaches to clustering have been adapted to these unique
properties. Methods for establishing clusters, detecting and
affiliating with established clusters, and maintaining existing
clusters in VANETs range from channel monitoring, mobility
prediction, machine learning, and security assessment. More
recently, methods of grouping vehicles according to their shape
profile, dimensions, and classification have arisen, e.g. [23],
[24]. Methods of extending cluster lifetime by monitoring
changes in vehicle topology have been investigated e.g. [25].
As VANET research slowly moved away from its MANET
origins, the methodologies whereby a cluster was formed di-
versified. Algorithms were designed with specific applications
in mind, including peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing and channel
access management. Specific cluster head selection and mem-
ber affiliation schemes were adapted to or invented for these
applications. The diversity in clustering strategies has grown
to the point where adequately classifying these algorithms and
identifying new avenues for research is difficult.
C. Anatomy of a Clustering Algorithm
A series of fundamental procedures are involved in the
formation and maintenance of clusters, which may need to
be repeated depending on the rules of the algorithm and the
mobility dynamics of the network. The general procedural
flow of a clustering algorithm is shown in Figure 2. Nodes
participating in or seeking to participate in a cluster will
typically perform some or all of the procedures described
below, with references to Figure 2.
1) Neighbourhood Discovery: When a vehicle initially
joins the road network and decides that it is willing
to participate in a VANET, its communications system
will be turned on and the node is considered to have
entered a network, initially with only itself as a member.
A node will begin by announcing its existence to its
neighbours through a periodic broadcast, while simul-
taneously gathering similar information from its n-hop
neighbours either passively by listening for broadcasts,
or actively through neighbour solicitation requests (1).
This information typically includes position information
for the neighbouring nodes, and is stored in a neighbour
table for use by the clustering algorithm.
2) Cluster Head Selection: After gathering data about its
environment, a node will then examine the neighbour
table to find a suitable node to act as its CH (2). The
role of the cluster head varies depending on the clustering
algorithm it may include routing or relaying functions,
and it may also be responsible for determination of cluster
membership. During this process a node will also assess
its own suitability to be a CH. If the chosen CH is found
within the neighbour table (3), a node will proceed to
step 3; otherwise, if the node itself is best suited to be
CH, it will proceed to step 4.
3) Affiliation: The node will contact the neighbour it deter-
mined to be the optimal CH from its own perspective, and
attempt to become a member of that cluster (4). Some
algorithms may require the addressee to already be an
established CH, while others may allow the addressee
to be an unclustered or regular cluster member. There
may be an additional step where a positive or negative
acknowledgement of the affiliation request is returned to
the joining node, possibly followed by an authentication

Scan for
Found a
CH? (3)
neighbour CH
suitability (2)
Affiliate with
CH (4)
Monitor CH
link (5)
Lost CH
link? (6)
Make CH
Announcement (7)
Received Affiliation
Request? (12)
Add new
member to
cluster (13)
Monitor current
members (8)
Lost CM? (9)
Drop member from
cluster record (10)
No more
Resign from
CH role (14)
Fig. 2: The basic flow of a clustering algorithm. There are variations on this method, but each algorithm in this survey follows
this conceptual flow.
step in the case of algorithms targeted toward security-
sensitive applications. Once a node has become a cluster
member (12,13), it will enter step 5b.
4) Announcement: The node, having determined itself to be
the most suitable CH, may then send out an announce-
ment message to its neighbours to begin the formation
and affiliation process (7). When the node has accrued
cluster members, it proceed to step 5a.
5) Maintenance: This step is different based on whether the
node has become a CH or member:
a) As a Head: the node will poll the members of its
cluster and assess the status of the cluster (8). Several
algorithms have multi-step maintenance processes that
allow clusters to change heads, merge with neighbour-
ing clusters, and track lost links to members, e.g. due
to transient disconnections (9,10). A number of events
may change the state of the cluster: if a CH loses all
of its members (11), the cluster is said to have died
(14), and the node returns to step 1; alternatively, one
cluster may merge with another, and the CH of the
smaller cluster may become an ordinary member of
the new, larger cluster. This is common in algorithms
that place an emphasis on creating large clusters for
increased coverage. In this case, the node will go to
step 5b.
b) As a Member: the node will periodically evaluate its
link to its CH (5), either by waiting for a poll frame
from the CH, or by actively sending “alive” messages.
If the node’s link to its CH fails (6), it will return to
step 1. If the node receives an affiliation request from
an unclustered node, it may withdraw from its parent
cluster to become a CH and continue to step 5a; or in
the case of hierarchical algorithms, it may transition
to a combined state where it is a head of a nested
cluster. In this case, it may perform steps 5b and 5a
These steps are common across clustering algorithms for
MANETs and VANETs. The key difference between algo-
rithms for the two classes of network is in the methods of
selecting the CH. MANET clustering algorithms use generic
methods of CH selection that typically consider location,
velocity, or node density. In practice, there are many clustering
algorithms that work well in generic unconstrained MANET
scenarios, but which perform poorly in vehicular scenarios due
to the unique channel and mobility dynamics of such environ-
ments. By contrast, VANET-specific clusterng algorithms are
aware of the restrictions on node movement imposed by the
road network and normal traffic flow behaviour, and therefore
utilise information such as traffic mobility metrics and lane
structure which are useful in characterising the position and
behaviour of vehicles on a road. For instance, although two
vehicles may be well within theoretical free-space communi-
cation range, they may be unable to communicate because a
building, large vehicle, or some other obstacle is in the way.
Clustering algorithms that are effective in achieving steps 3
and 5 in a vehicular scenario may therefore be quite different
from those which are used in MANETs.
The question of how to optimally design algorithms to
carry out the affiliation and maintenance steps in a generic
vehicular network is not yet settled. Most published work

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper is the first to present the state-of-the-art of the SAGIN since existing survey papers focused on either only one single network segment in space or air, or the integration of space-ground, neglecting the Integration of all the three network segments.
Abstract: Space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN), as an integration of satellite systems, aerial networks, and terrestrial communications, has been becoming an emerging architecture and attracted intensive research interest during the past years. Besides bringing significant benefits for various practical services and applications, SAGIN is also facing many unprecedented challenges due to its specific characteristics, such as heterogeneity, self-organization, and time-variability. Compared to traditional ground or satellite networks, SAGIN is affected by the limited and unbalanced network resources in all three network segments, so that it is difficult to obtain the best performances for traffic delivery. Therefore, the system integration, protocol optimization, resource management, and allocation in SAGIN is of great significance. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present the state-of-the-art of the SAGIN since existing survey papers focused on either only one single network segment in space or air, or the integration of space-ground, neglecting the integration of all the three network segments. In light of this, we present in this paper a comprehensive review of recent research works concerning SAGIN from network design and resource allocation to performance analysis and optimization. After discussing several existing network architectures, we also point out some technology challenges and future directions.

661 citations

Cites methods from "A Comparative Survey of VANET Clust..."

  • ...Oubbati et al. [96] proposed a connectivity-based traffic density aware routing algorithm for VANETs using UAVs....


  • ...• UAV-enhanced VANET: VANET aims at enhancing safety and efficiency in future ITS....


  • ...Specifically, in SAGIN, various heterogeneous communication systems such as satellite networks, FANETs, VANETs, and mobile communications are coexisting in a dynamic integration....


  • ...For the past decades, several new kinds of ad hoc network architectures have been proposed and applied, including terrestrial networks such as VANET [140], wireless mesh network (WMN) [141], WSN [142] and aerial networks like flying ad hoc network (FANET) [143]....


  • ...What’s more, the topology of FANET is more dynamic than that of MANET and typical VANET, the available routing protocols applied in MANET, such as optimized link-state routing (OLSR), may partly fail in tracking network topology changes....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A conceptual, generic, and expandable framework for classifying the existing PLS techniques against wireless passive eavesdropping is proposed, and the security techniques that are reviewed are divided into two primary approaches: signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio- based approach and complexity-based approach.
Abstract: Physical layer security (PLS) has emerged as a new concept and powerful alternative that can complement and may even replace encryption-based approaches, which entail many hurdles and practical problems for future wireless systems. The basic idea of PLS is to exploit the characteristics of the wireless channel and its impairments including noise, fading, interference, dispersion, diversity, etc. in order to ensure the ability of the intended user to successfully perform data decoding while preventing eavesdroppers from doing so. Thus, the main design goal of PLS is to increase the performance difference between the link of the legitimate receiver and that of the eavesdropper by using well-designed transmission schemes. In this survey, we propose a conceptual, generic, and expandable framework for classifying the existing PLS techniques against wireless passive eavesdropping. In this flexible framework, the security techniques that we comprehensively review in this treatise are divided into two primary approaches: signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio-based approach and complexity-based approach. The first approach is classified into three major categories: first, secrecy channel codes-based schemes; second, security techniques based on channel adaptation; third, schemes based on injecting interfering artificial (noise/jamming) signals along with the transmitted information signals. The second approach (complexity-based), which is associated with the mechanisms of extracting secret sequences from the shared channel, is classified into two main categories based on which layer the secret sequence obtained by channel quantization is applied on. The techniques belonging to each one of these categories are divided and classified into three main signal domains: time, frequency and space. For each one of these domains, several examples are given and illustrated along with the review of the state-of-the-art security advances in each domain. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of each approach alongside the lessons learned from existing research works are stated and discussed. The recent applications of PLS techniques to different emerging communication systems such as visible light communication, body area network, power line communication, Internet of Things, smart grid, mm-Wave, cognitive radio, vehicular ad-hoc network, unmanned aerial vehicle, ultra-wideband, device-to-device, radio-frequency identification, index modulation, and 5G non-orthogonal multiple access based-systems, are also reviewed and discussed. The paper is concluded with recommendations and future research directions for designing robust, efficient and strong security methods for current and future wireless systems.

457 citations

Cites background from "A Comparative Survey of VANET Clust..."

  • ...17For obtaining more background information about VANET communication systems, we refer the reader to [397]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper surveys the networking and communication technologies in autonomous driving from two aspects: intra- and inter-vehicle.
Abstract: The development of light detection and ranging, Radar, camera, and other advanced sensor technologies inaugurated a new era in autonomous driving. However, due to the intrinsic limitations of these sensors, autonomous vehicles are prone to making erroneous decisions and causing serious disasters. At this point, networking and communication technologies can greatly make up for sensor deficiencies, and are more reliable, feasible and efficient to promote the information interaction, thereby improving autonomous vehicle’s perception and planning capabilities as well as realizing better vehicle control. This paper surveys the networking and communication technologies in autonomous driving from two aspects: intra- and inter-vehicle. The intra-vehicle network as the basis of realizing autonomous driving connects the on-board electronic parts. The inter-vehicle network is the medium for interaction between vehicles and outside information. In addition, we present the new trends of communication technologies in autonomous driving, as well as investigate the current mainstream verification methods and emphasize the challenges and open issues of networking and communications in autonomous driving.

335 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors provide a comprehensive overview of vehicular communications from the network layer perspective and identify the challenges confronted by the current vehicular networks and present corresponding research opportunities.
Abstract: Vehicular communications, referring to information exchange among vehicles, infrastructures, etc., have attracted a lot of attention recently due to great potential to support intelligent transportation, various safety applications, and on-road infotainment. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of a recent research on enabling efficient and reliable vehicular communications from the network layer perspective. First, we introduce general applications and unique characteristics of vehicular communication networks and the corresponding classifications. Based on different driving patterns, we categorize vehicular networks into manual driving vehicular networks and automated driving vehicular networks, and then discuss the available communication techniques, network structures, routing protocols, and handoff strategies applied in these vehicular networks. Finally, we identify the challenges confronted by the current vehicular networks and present the corresponding research opportunities.

210 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper discusses the opportunities and challenges that face the implementation of fog computing and real-time big data analytics in the IoV environment, and merges three dimensions including intelligent computing (i.e. cloud and fog computing) dimension, real- time big data Analytics dimension, and IoV dimension.
Abstract: The intelligent transportation system (ITS) concept was introduced to increase road safety, manage traffic efficiently, and preserve our green environment. Nowadays, ITS applications are becoming more data-intensive and their data are described using the “5Vs of Big Data”. Thus, to fully utilize such data, big data analytics need to be applied. The Internet of vehicles (IoV) connects the ITS devices to cloud computing centres, where data processing is performed. However, transferring huge amount of data from geographically distributed devices creates network overhead and bottlenecks, and it consumes the network resources. In addition, following the centralized approach to process the ITS big data results in high latency which cannot be tolerated by the delay-sensitive ITS applications. Fog computing is considered a promising technology for real-time big data analytics. Basically, the fog technology complements the role of cloud computing and distributes the data processing at the edge of the network, which provides faster responses to ITS application queries and saves the network resources. However, implementing fog computing and the lambda architecture for real-time big data processing is challenging in the IoV dynamic environment. In this regard, a novel architecture for real-time ITS big data analytics in the IoV environment is proposed in this paper. The proposed architecture merges three dimensions including intelligent computing (i.e. cloud and fog computing) dimension, real-time big data analytics dimension, and IoV dimension. Moreover, this paper gives a comprehensive description of the IoV environment, the ITS big data characteristics, the lambda architecture for real-time big data analytics, several intelligent computing technologies. More importantly, this paper discusses the opportunities and challenges that face the implementation of fog computing and real-time big data analytics in the IoV environment. Finally, the critical issues and future research directions section discusses some issues that should be considered in order to efficiently implement the proposed architecture.

183 citations

Cites background from "A Comparative Survey of VANET Clust..."

  • ...Over a decade ago, the conceptual idea of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) was introduced, where vehicles equipped with wireless communication devices can form networks [7]....


  • ...and since then it has been a highly active area of research [7], [20]....


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Proceedings ArticleDOI
25 Feb 1999
TL;DR: An ad-hoc network is the cooperative engagement of a collection of mobile nodes without the required intervention of any centralized access point or existing infrastructure and the proposed routing algorithm is quite suitable for a dynamic self starting network, as required by users wishing to utilize ad- hoc networks.
Abstract: An ad-hoc network is the cooperative engagement of a collection of mobile nodes without the required intervention of any centralized access point or existing infrastructure. We present Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), a novel algorithm for the operation of such ad-hoc networks. Each mobile host operates as a specialized router, and routes are obtained as needed (i.e., on-demand) with little or no reliance on periodic advertisements. Our new routing algorithm is quite suitable for a dynamic self starting network, as required by users wishing to utilize ad-hoc networks. AODV provides loop-free routes even while repairing broken links. Because the protocol does not require global periodic routing advertisements, the demand on the overall bandwidth available to the mobile nodes is substantially less than in those protocols that do necessitate such advertisements. Nevertheless we can still maintain most of the advantages of basic distance vector routing mechanisms. We show that our algorithm scales to large populations of mobile nodes wishing to form ad-hoc networks. We also include an evaluation methodology and simulation results to verify the operation of our algorithm.

11,360 citations

"A Comparative Survey of VANET Clust..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...PC was compared with LID-assisted AODV....


  • the classic MANET routing protocol Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) [84], piggy-backing their control data on existing traffic....


  • ...PC significantly improves packet delivery ratio while reducing end-to-end delay for a given node density (or conversely, maintaining high throughput with low delay for higher node densities) compared to LID-assisted AODV....


  • ...The protocol is also built on top of AODV, but discards the “first declaration wins” selection approach in favour of cluster head selection based on channel quality measurements, which results in better performance than PC....


  • ...These have been designed as extensions to the classic MANET routing protocol Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) [84], piggy-backing their control data on existing traffic....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Circos uses a circular ideogram layout to facilitate the display of relationships between pairs of positions by the use of ribbons, which encode the position, size, and orientation of related genomic elements.
Abstract: We created a visualization tool called Circos to facilitate the identification and analysis of similarities and differences arising from comparisons of genomes. Our tool is effective in displaying variation in genome structure and, generally, any other kind of positional relationships between genomic intervals. Such data are routinely produced by sequence alignments, hybridization arrays, genome mapping, and genotyping studies. Circos uses a circular ideogram layout to facilitate the display of relationships between pairs of positions by the use of ribbons, which encode the position, size, and orientation of related genomic elements. Circos is capable of displaying data as scatter, line, and histogram plots, heat maps, tiles, connectors, and text. Bitmap or vector images can be created from GFF-style data inputs and hierarchical configuration files, which can be easily generated by automated tools, making Circos suitable for rapid deployment in data analysis and reporting pipelines.

8,315 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A multi-cluster, multi-hop packet radio network architecture for wireless adaptive mobile information systems is presented that supports multimedia traffic and relies on both time division and code division access schemes.
Abstract: A multi-cluster, multi-hop packet radio network architecture for wireless adaptive mobile information systems is presented. The proposed network supports multimedia traffic and relies on both time division and code division access schemes. This radio network is not supported by a wired infrastructure as conventional cellular systems are. Thus, it can be instantly deployed in areas with no infrastructure at all. By using a distributed clustering algorithm, nodes are organized into clusters. The clusterheads act as local coordinators to resolve channel scheduling, perform power measurement/control, maintain time division frame synchronization, and enhance the spatial reuse of time slots and codes. Moreover, to guarantee bandwidth for real time traffic, the architecture supports virtual circuits and allocates bandwidth to circuits at call setup time. The network is scalable to large numbers of nodes, and can handle mobility. Simulation experiments evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme in static and mobile environments.

1,610 citations

"A Comparative Survey of VANET Clust..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...3) Link Expiration Time: Modified Distributed Mobility Aware Clustering (MDMAC) [28] extends the LID/HD ranking scheme used by DMAC [26] through the addition of an estimate of expected link lifespan or link expiration time between a cluster-head-seeking node and a potential cluster head....


  • ...This work was built upon by Gerla and Tsai [19]...


  • ...Gerla and Tsai [19] LID/HD is an early example of general purpose MANET clustering....


  • ...While it is reasonable to use older but well-understood approaches like LID/HD and MOBIC as a basis for performance comparisons, one can only make this statement if the simulation scenarios are identical between publications, or if the older approaches are re-simulated under the same road and network conditions as the proposed VANET clustering scheme....


  • ...This work was built upon by Gerla and Tsai [19] who proposed the popular Lowest ID and Highest Degree (LID/HD) clustering algorithms for MANETs....


Proceedings ArticleDOI
01 Jul 1998
TL;DR: The paper describes the GloMoSim library, addresses a number of issues relevant to its parallelization, and presents a set of experimental results on the IBM 9076 SP, a distributed memory multicomputer.
Abstract: A number of library based parallel and sequential network simulators have been designed. The paper describes a library, called GloMoSim (Global Mobile system Simulator), for parallel simulation of wireless networks. GloMoSim has been designed to be extensible and composable: the communication protocol stack for wireless networks is divided into a set of layers, each with its own API. Models of protocols at one layer interact with those at a lower (or higher) layer only via these APIs. The modular implementation enables consistent comparison of multiple protocols at a given layer. The parallel implementation of GloMoSim can be executed using a variety of conservative synchronization protocols, which include the null message and conditional event algorithms. The paper describes the GloMoSim library, addresses a number of issues relevant to its parallelization, and presents a set of experimental results on the IBM 9076 SP, a distributed memory multicomputer. These experiments use models constructed from the library modules.

1,462 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The basic characteristics of vehicular networks are introduced, an overview of applications and associated requirements, along with challenges and their proposed solutions are provided, and the current and past major ITS programs and projects in the USA, Japan and Europe are provided.
Abstract: Vehicular networking has significant potential to enable diverse applications associated with traffic safety, traffic efficiency and infotainment. In this survey and tutorial paper we introduce the basic characteristics of vehicular networks, provide an overview of applications and associated requirements, along with challenges and their proposed solutions. In addition, we provide an overview of the current and past major ITS programs and projects in the USA, Japan and Europe. Moreover, vehicular networking architectures and protocol suites employed in such programs and projects in USA, Japan and Europe are discussed.

1,422 citations

"A Comparative Survey of VANET Clust..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Several detailed studies of these issues have previously been presented in [16] and [17]....


Frequently Asked Questions (13)
Q1. What contributions have the authors mentioned in the paper "A comparative survey of vanet clustering techniques" ?

This paper explores the design choices made in the development of clustering algorithms targeted at VANETs. 

Due to the time-varying nature of the channel – fast and deep fading due to signal reflections from buildings and other vehi-cles – and transient interference from other localised sources of electromagnetic radiation, RSS or SNR measurements may vary significantly from packet to packet; therefore it is often necessary to perform some sort of low-pass filtering on SNR and RSS metrics to avoid undesirable thrashing of the network topology. 

Routing algorithms employ cluster membership as a requirement for gateway status, while algorithms targeted at securitysensitive applications additionally require gateway nodes to have a sufficient trust level to guard against attack from malicious nodes. 

Because the architecture waits for data to be sent from the upper layers, vehicles running active data-generating services are more likely to be chosen as cluster heads. 

When merged with emerging technologies in driver awareness monitoring, vehicles could alert a central authority when a driver is tired or intoxicated or when another vehicle appears to be driving abnormally; most importantly of all, VANETs offer a form of real-time accountability when accidents do occur. 

The criteria used to rank potential cluster heads are usually chosen with the objective of mitigating the adverse effects of mobility on communications reliability and throughput, the performance of some particular application, or both. 

Rigorous experimental evaluation of proposed VANET protocols and applications in urban environments requires the deployment of hundreds or thousands of wireless vehicular nodes. 

Since the index representing a node’s suitability9 to lead the entire cluster is based on its relationship with its entire neighbourhood, a node may be identified as the best candidate as a cluster head for a particular node even when its connectivity is quite marginal, because it has good connectivity with the other nodes in the cluster. 

Both the choice of channel model and the choice of simulation framework itself have a significant impact on the accuracy of the results of simulations. 

Numerous authors – for example [87], [104], [105] – have previously demonstrated the need for accurate modelling of channel dynamics for meaningful evaluation of the performance of VANET protocols and applications. 

While these opportunities are significant, meaningful progress in advancing the state of the art in VANET clustering technique is hampered by a number of significant and fundamental shortcomings in the existing literature, which are summarised below, and which need to be adequately addressed if robust and reliable VANETs are to move beyond simulations and into large scale practical deployment. 

The sum is then divided by the total number of neighbours to normalise the degree of mobility in the vicinity of the node: therefore, nodes with lower values for this metric are located in a relatively stable environment, indicating that such nodes are good candidates for the cluster head role. 

Despite these limits, very large simulations can be run in a reasonable period of time with a modest amount of commodity computing hardware, with the additional benefit of being able to quickly and easily modify the simulated environment.