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A comparison of two approaches for achieving flexible and adaptive security middleware

A bus-based architecture for integrating security middleware services is proposed and a qualitative comparison of the flexibility of the approach with an alternative AO-middleware-based approach is presented.
Open and dynamic business environments require flexible middleware that can be customized, adapted and reconfigured dynamically to face the changing environment and requirements. In this respect, the mechanism for composing middleware services with application code has an important impact on the kinds of adaptations that can be supported. This paper studies this problem in the context of security middleware. A bus-based architecture for integrating security middleware services is proposed and a qualitative comparison of the flexibility of the approach with an alternative AO-middleware-based approach is presented.

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A Comparison of Two Approaches for Achieving Flexible
and Adaptive Security Middleware
Tom Goovaerts Bart De Win Wouter Joosen
{tom.goovaerts, bart.dewin, wouter.joosen}
DistriNet Research Group
Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Celestijnenenlaan 200A
3001-B Leuven, Belgium
Open and dynamic business environments require flexible
middleware that can be customized, adapted and reconfig-
ured dynamically to face the changing environment and re-
quirements. In this respect, the mechanism for composing
middleware services with application code has an important
impact on the kinds of adaptations that can be supported.
This paper studies this problem in the context of security
middleware. A bus-based architecture for integrating secu-
rity middleware services is proposed and a qualitative com-
parison of the flexibility of the approach with an alternative
AO-middleware-based approach is presented.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
C.2.4 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Distributed
Systems—Distributed Applications; D.2.11 [Software En-
gineering]: Software Architectures; K.6.5 [Management
of Computing and Information Systems]: Security and
General Terms
Security, Design
Composition, Middleware, Security Service Bus, Messaging,
Aspect-Oriented Programming
It is common practice to implement distributed enterprise
applications on container-based middleware platforms such
as Java EE or .NET. Security enforcement is one of the
many services that are offered by these middleware plat-
forms. However, due to the increasingly dynamic nature
of typical modern enterprise settings, it must be possible
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MidSec ’08 December 1-5, 2008 Leuven, Belgium
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-60558-363-1/08/12 ...$5.00.
to customize and adapt the security mechanisms, even at
runtime. Vendors of middleware platforms strive to make
their systems easy to configure and applicable to many dif-
ferent application domains at the same time. A consequence
thereof is that the default security enforcement mechanisms
of these systems are often too simple to use in practice.
The one size fits all model of middleware security in which
the vendor provides a single black box security service for
all possible environments is not (or no longer) feasible. Ob-
viously, resorting to rebuilding security enforcement from
scratch as part of the application is both insecure and costly
at the same time. Instead, it is desirable to have a highly
customizable security architecture that can enforce policies
for many different applications. In this respect, an impor-
tant challenge is how to compose the enforcement architec-
ture with the applications in a flexible and adaptable way.
During the past decade of middleware research, techniques
such as reflection [7], message interception [10] and compo-
nent based development [4] have been used to make mid-
dleware more customizable and adaptable. More recently,
enterprise middleware platforms such as JBoss and Spring
have incorporated aspect-oriented techniques to achieve the
same goal.
This paper studies the kinds of adaptations that can be
supported by these flexibility mechanisms in the context of
security middleware. The contributions of this paper are
1. We propose an architecture that uses a combination of
message interception and a contract-enhanced message
bus as a method for offering flexible security support.
2. We analyze the differences between the above approach
for flexible security and an approach that is based on
AO middleware.
Section 2 motivates the need for flexibility by discussing
a case study and a set of adaptation scenarios. In Section 3,
our architecture is briefly discussed. Section 4 investigates
the advantages and disadvantages of our approach with re-
spect to an AO middleware-based approach. Section 5 dis-
cusses related work and Section 6 concludes the paper.
In this section, we motivate the need for adaptation and
we identify the kinds of adaptations that are analyzed in
this work.

2.1 Case study: a Personal Content Manage-
ment System.
Nowadays, people acquire gigabytes of personal digital
content (documents, pictures, videos, ...) and store it on
many different locations (on desktops, hard disks, online
services, ...). As the amount of content increases, its man-
agement and organization becomes very hard, which makes
it a time consuming task to find specific content. More-
over, users want to be able to easily share their content with
other users. The PeCMan project [6] aims at developing
a platform that offers users a uniform interface for manag-
ing (reading, modifying, searching, storing, ...) and sharing
their personal content that is scattered over various devices.
A deployment view of the PeCMan architecture is shown
in Figure 1. The architecture follows a client-server pattern.
The user interacts with the system via a client component
(either a web client, a full desktop client or a client on a
smartphone), via which he/she can add, remove, tag, mod-
ify or search for documents. The server component is a
facade towards the system that processes incoming requests
from the client. The Metadata Repository component is
responsible for storing the metadata of documents. This
metadata can be extracted from the documents or it can be
user-generated in the form of tags and it is used for quickly
finding back documents. The server-side components are
deployed on an enterprise middleware platform.
PeCMan App Server
3rd party server
3rd Party
3rd party server
3rd Party
3rd party server
3rd Party
Figure 1: Deployment view of the PeCMan architec-
ture. The dashed arrows represent dependencies.
A core feature of the system is that it is open and exten-
sible by service providers that can enhance the core system
with value-added services such as online storage, web pub-
lishing, face recognition or social network integration. It is
the intention to use existing popular online services such as
flickr, Youtube or Riya that fall outside of the control of the
provider of the PeCMan service.
The PeCMan system is a multi-user system and it allows
users to share their content with each other. Therefore, the
system has the following high level security requirements:
Users should be authenticated.
Because of privacy reasons, access control for docu-
ments is required. The authorization policy can be
influenced by an administrator or by the user itself.
Authorization decisions can depend on attributes of a
user or on metadata of the documents.
Security-sensitive events should be audited.
2.2 Supporting Adaptation of Security Mid-
dleware Services
The main reason for performing adaptations to middle-
ware security services is to deal with changes in the environ-
ment. The two most important changes are changes in the
security requirements of the applications (eg. a new threat
is identified) and changes in the application itself (eg. a new
component is introduced). In a highly dynamic system such
as PeCMan that is frequently extended with third party ser-
vices, both of these classes of changes occur relatively often.
Moreover, it is no longer sufficient to merely support these
adaptations at configuration or deployment time. Instead, it
must be possible to reconfigure the middleware dynamically
while the application is running.
In the rest of the paper, we make the distinction between
a security service and a security component. By security
service, we denote the presence of a certain security feature.
A security service is implemented by a one or more security
components, which are the software components that pro-
vide the service at runtime. The following scenarios are the
adaptations that are discussed in this paper:
S1 Change a local parameter of a security component (eg.
the encryption method for an audit service).
S2 Introduce new security functionality (eg. add a secure
logging component).
S3 Compose/recompose a deployed security component with
one or more application components. Application com-
ponents depend on the security component but the se-
curity component can also depend on the application
component(s) (eg. for context-based access control).
S4 Replace a security component with another one (eg. re-
place authorization decision engine with a different
S5 Compose a security component with a (new) third-party
component that is deployed elsewhere.
S6 Change a security policy. Since the security policy ex-
plicitly depends on application-level concepts, a change
in a security policy can require adaptations to the com-
position of security with the applications.
Our approach, which is called the Security Service Bus
(SSB), relies on a communication bus for providing flexible
composition between application components and security
components and mutually between security components. In
this section, we briefly discuss our architecture and we illus-
trate how it supports the adaptation scenarios from Section
2.2. For a broader discussion of the SSB, we refer to [5].
3.1 Architecture
Figure 2 gives an overview of our architecture. In the bot-
tom side of the figure, three remote security components are
shown that realize the security requirements for the PeC-
Man system. The Authentication (ACN) component is used
to verify user credentials, the PDP is used as an autho-
rization policy engine that evaluates access requests and re-
turns access decisions, and the Secure Logger provides au-
diting functionality. Each of these components is deployed

on a separate host. In order to correctly cover the secu-
rity requirements, these components need to be placed in a
composition with the application components and with each
3.1.1 Component Model
We use a simple component model for representing the
various parts of the security enforcement infrastructure. There
are two classes of components: security components and ap-
plication bindings. We discuss each of them in this section.
Security Components.
The security functionality is offered by security compo-
nents. Security components are reusable modules that can
be invoked, managed and composed with applications and
with each other. Security components have a well-defined
security interface that specifies its core security functional-
ity. For instance, for the PDP, it contains operations for
making authorization decisions given certain contextual in-
formation. Furthermore, a security component contains a
management interface that specifies operations that can be
invoked to configure and manage the security components,
such as loading a certain policy or enabling/disabling the
service. In a central registry service, the SSB keeps track of
all security components that are registered and it can invoke
their functionality when it is needed. The security compo-
nents themselves can use the SSB for obtaining application-
level context information from application components.
Application Bindings.
Application components are bound to the SSB by means
of adapter components that are called application bindings.
The application binding has two responsibilities: it pro-
cesses, transforms and enforces decisions for invocations that
are intercepted by the middleware and it provides an at-
tribute function that can be invoked by security compo-
nents to obtain policy information. When a security-relevant
event happens in the application component, the interceptor
blocks and requests the SSB for an access decision for the
event. This is illustrated in Figure 3. Likewise, whenever a
security component needs a particular piece of context infor-
mation, the SSB mediates the request and ensures that the
application binding that offers the information is queried.
The SSB uses a data model for representing policies and
policy evaluation requests that is compatible with many
state-of-the-art policy technologies. Application Bindings
translate concrete application requests into requests in terms
of the abstract data model. The data model defines subjects,
resources and their actions, and it defines which actions can
be performed by a subject on a resource.
3.1.2 Composition
Security Contracts.
Besides having a general interface for performing security
logic, components on the SSB can be enriched by security
contracts. Each security contract explicitly states the types
of events or requests that the particular component will ex-
change on the SSB. In the required part of the contract, the
required functionality of the SSB is listed. In the provided
part, the provided functionality is listed. Contracts are ex-
pressed in terms of the data model. Currently, there are
two types of contracts: authorization contracts between en-
pdp: Security
azn request(t'.X'())
Figure 3: Sequence diagram for the enforcement of
an access decision.
forcement points and PDPs and attribute contracts between
PDPs and attribute functions. An example of a simple se-
curity contract for the Metadata Service Binding is shown
SecurityContract MetadataService {
AttributeContract {
provided {
AuthorizationContract {
required {;
This contract states that the Metadata Service provides the
Document.owner and the Document.sensitivity attributes
as sources for policy evaluation and that the service requires
policy decisions for the abstract read and write actions.
Composing Security Services with Applications.
The composition of application components with security
components happens at two levels. The application compo-
nent and its binding are composed with each other by means
of interception (the solid arrows in Figure 2), and the ap-
plication bindings are composed with security components
by means of the SSB (the dashed arrows in Figure 2). The
SSB keeps track of all interfaces and contracts in the registry
service. When messages are forwarded to the SSB, it auto-
matically mediates the messages to one or more components
that expect the message, according to their contract and it
sends the response(s) back.
The broadcast domain for messages is constrained by plac-
ing each component in a domain hierarchy. There is one
domain hierarchy per type of contract. Within each do-
main, there are membership constraints on the components
that can join or leave the domain. These constraints guar-
antee that the SSB can always validly route requests and
responses. Constraints for authorization and attribute con-
tracts require that there is always a single provider of a
given attribute type or authorization decision. If there is
no provider within a domain, it is possible to make a com-

Authentication Server Audit Server Policy Server
PeCMan App Server
3rd party server
3rd Party
3rd party server
3rd Party
3rd party server
3rd Party
Figure 2: SSB-based Composition of the Application with Security Components.
ponent in the parent or in a child domain responsible for
certain requests.
3.2 Supporting Adaptation
The core flexibility mechanism of our approach is the bus
architecture, which allows decisions about which component
receives which request to be delayed until runtime. In this
section, we illustrate how our architecture supports flexibil-
ity by illustrating how the adaptation scenarios from Section
2.2 can be realized.
S1 Changing local parameters is straightforward by directly
invoking an operation on a security component.
S2 To support a new class of security components, an imple-
mentation of the component has to be deployed on the
SSB. When additional guarantees on the composition
are to be supported for the new class of components,
a new class of security contracts has to be developed.
S3 Composition of a security component with other secu-
rity components or with application bindings is auto-
matically realized based on a combination of contract
specification and domain membership. An item from
the provided part of the contract causes the service
to receive messages from all services that specify that
they require that item, under the domain constraint.
Composition with application components depends on
the application binding. Making changes to this com-
ponent is costly, but still remains significantly more
straightforward than changing the application code it-
self because only public interfaces of the application
components are used.
S4 Replacing an existing security component with a differ-
ent one is performed at runtime in three steps. First, a
new component is deployed that implements the same
interface than the original component and that holds
a contract that is equal or more general than the con-
tract of the original component. Second, the original
component is deactivated, and finally, the new compo-
nent is activated. Due to the fact that the contract
is more general than the original one, the new com-
ponent is able to provide at least the same required
functionality as the old one.
S5 Requests to and from external services are processed and
policed by deploying an application binding that inter-
cepts traffic to and from the remote components.
S6 In our framework, the contents of the contracts depend
on the policies that are deployed within the security
components. Therefore, a policy change causes a change
in the contract. Whenever the change in the contract
is allowed according to the domain rules, our frame-
work guarantees that the new policy will be correctly
evaluated. Our architecture can be integrated with
the policy specification tool to help the policy specifier
reason about whether the policy he/she is specifying
can be evaluated in practice.
Many middleware platforms offer AO support not only as
a programming model, but also as a middleware customiza-
tion mechanism. The AO-based customization of these pop-
ular platforms is a likely candidate for the integration of
custom security enforcement with applications. In this sec-
tion we analyze the integration of security enforcement using
AO middleware and we compare the differences with our ap-
proach with respect to the adaptation scenarios.
The features of the AO middleware directly influence the
kinds of adaptations that can be supported. More specifi-
cally, the dynamic runtime adaptations to the composition
of the security enforcement components we focus on, require
two important features. First, the AO model must support
dynamic weaving to allow runtime deployment/undeployment
of aspects. Second, it must be possible for software to change
aspect compositions at runtime. Many popular AOP sys-
tems such as JBoss and Spring support these features.
4.1 AO-based Composition
There are two levels of components that need to be com-
posed with each other (see Figure 4). First, the application

components need to be mapped to their bindings. Second,
the bindings need to be composed with the security com-
ponents. Both of these compositions can be implemented
using AO middleware.
Figure 4: Composing Security Components with
Application Components Using AO Middleware.
The application bindings represent the abstract data model
as interfaces in one of the supported middleware languages.
For instance, if the PeCMan service has the operations up-
dateDocument(document), getDocument(document) and get-
DocumentMetadata(document), the application binding can
have a Document type with read() and write() operations.
AO-based composition can then map the application-level
operations on the abstract operations in the binding.
The second kind of composition that can be performed is
the composition between the application binding and the se-
curity components. On AO middleware, this can be realized
by defining an AO-based composition between these com-
ponents in which an invocation to the appropriate security
operation is inserted before the execution of the security-
sensitive operation on the binding. For instance, before the
invocation of read() and write() operations, an invocation
to the checkPermission operation of the authorization com-
ponent is inserted. The pointcut of the aspectual composi-
tion controls when security functionality is invoked. Other
security components can be bound by including the relevant
application joinpoints in the composition for that security
We have illustrated one possible AO-based composition
approach for integrating security components. However,
in more advanced scenarios, such as when mappings get
more complex or when application bindings need to main-
tain state, it might be better to introduce new adaptation
aspects between the composition. Nevertheless, we believe
that in most cases, the approach mentioned above is suffi-
4.2 Supporting Adaptation
In this section, we revisit the adaptation scenarios for the
case of AO composition.
S1 Adapting local parameters of security components is per-
formed similarly to our approach by invoking an oper-
ation on the security component.
S2 To support a new class of security components, a new se-
curity component implementation should be provided.
S3 (Re-)Composition of a security aspect with other secu-
rity components or with application components is re-
alized by setting or changing the pointcut of the secu-
rity aspect for that component. The kinds of compo-
sitions that can be performed depend on the joinpoint
model of the AO middleware. Due to the very pow-
erful composition model of AOP, it is hard to control
or restrict which security component can be composed
with which application component.
Table 1: Summary of Flexibility Support for Both
Approaches. Legend: support for adaptations is well
(+), neutral (0), bad () or bad when a new contract
type needs to e defined (NC:-).
S1 S2 S3(AB) S3(SS) S4 S5 S6
- + + + +
AO + + + 0 0 + -
S4 Replacing an existing security component by one that
adheres to the same interface is done by undeploying
the composition for the original component and replac-
ing it with an advice for the new component that has
the same pointcut(s) as the original aspect.
S5 Since external services fall outside of the control of the
policy enforcing party, proxy components for the ex-
ternal services are needed. If these proxies are not
explicitly part of the application, they typically exist
internally at the middleware level as an endpoint for
the communication protocol. By weaving the security
aspects to these proxy components, security policies
can be enforced.
S6 AO-based composition of security enforcement does not
take into account the effectively required information
from the policies. Therefore, it is hard to support pol-
icy changes. If the new policy needs new application-
level attributes, the policy evaluating component still
needs to invoke the application binding directly.
4.3 Comparison
In this section, we compare how well the adaptation sce-
narios can be supported in both approaches. Table 1 sum-
marizes this. The most straightforward adaptions S1 and
S2 are supported well in both approaches. However, when
a new contract type needs to be defined on the SSB, sub-
stantial manual effort is needed, with the gain of having
additional guarantees on compositions with the new class of
security components. Changes to the composition between
the application component with its binding (S3(AB)) are
harder to support using the SSB approach. In the best case,
only the message interceptions need to be reconfigured, but
it is also possible that the binding component itself has to
be changed. The composition of the binding with the se-
curity components (S3(SS)) is more flexible and easier to
change at runtime using the SSB approach (although this
depends on the runtime changes that are possible on the
AO middleware), and it makes it also easier to reason about
the compositions. The replacement of a security compo-
nent (S4) is possible in both approaches, but in typical AO
middleware platforms, it still requires manual intervention.
Intercepting traffic towards external services (S5) is easy us-
ing interception, but the translation to the abstract policy
model limits its flexibility. In the AO approach, this can
only be supported when there is a local proxy for the remote
component. The security contracts ensure that changes in a
security policy (S6) are easier to support using the SSB.
The conclusions from this comparison are twofold. First,
for the composition between application components and
their bindings, AO is the more powerful alternative over
middleware-level interception. Simple AO platforms often

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Frequently Asked Questions (2)
Q1. What are the contributions mentioned in the paper "A comparison of two approaches for achieving flexible and adaptive security middleware" ?

This paper studies this problem in the context of security middleware. A bus-based architecture for integrating security middleware services is proposed and a qualitative comparison of the flexibility of the approach with an alternative AO-middleware-based approach is presented. 

In future work, the authors want to study other qualities of the composition mechanisms, such as security and performance.