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A complex hyperbolic Riley slice

TL;DR: In this article, the authors studied subgroups of groups generated by two noncommuting unipotent maps and showed that the boundary of the quotient orbifold associated to the latter group gives a spherical CR uniformisation of the Whitehead link complement.
Abstract: We study subgroups of ${\rm PU}(2,1)$ generated by two non-commuting unipotent maps $A$ and $B$ whose product $AB$ is also unipotent. We call $\mathcal{U}$ the set of conjugacy classes of such groups. We provide a set of coordinates on $\mathcal{U}$ that make it homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^2$ . By considering the action on complex hyperbolic space $\mathbf{H}^2_{\mathbb{C}}$ of groups in $\mathcal{U}$, we describe a two dimensional disc ${\mathcal Z}$ in $\mathcal{U}$ that parametrises a family of discrete groups. As a corollary, we give a proof of a conjecture of Schwartz for $(3,3,\infty)$-triangle groups. We also consider a particular group on the boundary of the disc ${\mathcal Z}$ where the commutator $[A,B]$ is also unipotent. We show that the boundary of the quotient orbifold associated to the latter group gives a spherical CR uniformisation of the Whitehead link complement.

Summary (5 min read)

1.1 Context and motivation

  • This question has been addressed in many different contexts.
  • When is discrete, such deformations are called quasi-Fuchsian.

1.2 Main definitions and discreteness result

  • The direct analogue of the Riley slice in complex hyperbolic plane would be the set of conjugacy classes of groups generated by two noncommuting, unipotent parabolic elements A and B of SU.2; 1/. (Note that in contrast to PSL.2;C/, there exist parabolic elements in SU.2; 1/ that are not unipotent.
  • The authors shall also indicate various other interesting discrete groups in U but these will not be their main focus.
  • 1Parker has one of Riley’s printouts of this picture dated 26th March 1979.
  • When ˛1 and ˛2 are both zero, that is, at the origin of the square, the group hA;Bi is R–Fuchsian.
  • The quotient of the Lagrangian plane preserved by hA;Bi is a hyperbolic thrice-punctured sphere where the three (homotopy classes of) peripheral elements are represented by (the conjugacy classes of) A, B and AB .

1.3 Decompositions and triangle groups

  • Deformations of triangle groups in PU.2; 1/ have been considered in many places, including Goldman and Parker [16], Parker, Wang and Xie [25], Pratoussevitch [28] and Schwartz [32].
  • Groups generated by complex reflections of higher order are also interesting; see Mostow [22] for example, but the authors do not consider them here.
  • Schwartz [32] develops a series of conjectures about which points in this space yield discrete and faithful representations of the triangle group.
  • The gap between the vertical segment in Figure 1 and the curve where ŒA;B is parabolic illustrates the nonoptimality of the result of [37].

1.5 Ideas of the proofs

  • The Ford domain is invariant by the subgroup generated by A and the authors obtain a fundamental domain for the group by intersecting the Ford domain with a fundamental domain for the subgroup generated by A.
  • The authors believe that it should be possible to mimic Riley’s approach and to construct regions in their parameter space where the Ford domain is more complicated.
  • As with Riley’s work, this may only be accessible via computer experiments.
  • In order to prove this result, the authors analyse in detail their fundamental domain, and show that it gives the classical description of the Whitehead link complement from an ideal octahedron equipped with face identifications.

1.6 Further remarks

  • Other discrete groups appearing in U As well as the ideal triangle groups and bending groups discussed above, there are some other previously studied discrete groups in this family.
  • There is, conjecturally, one extremely significant difference between the classical Riley slice and their complex hyperbolic version.
  • This curve provides a one-parameter family of (conjecturally discrete) representations that connects Schwartz’s uniformisation of the Whitehead link complement to ours.
  • Possibly, this is because deformations of fundamental domains with tangencies between bisectors are complicated.

1.7 Organisation of the article

  • In Section 2 the authors present the necessary background facts on complex hyperbolic space and its isometries.
  • The authors state and apply the Poincaré polyhedron theorem in Section 5.
  • The authors would like to thank Miguel Acosta, Martin Deraux, Elisha Falbel and Antonin Guilloux for numerous interesting discussions.
  • Will thanks Craig Hodgson, Neil Hoffman and Chris Leininger for kindly answering his naïve questions.
  • Will had the pleasure to share a very useful discussion with Lucien Guillou on a sunny June afternoon in Grenoble.

2.1 The complex hyperbolic plane

  • The standard reference for complex hyperbolic space is Goldman’s book [15].
  • A lot of information can also be found in Chen and Greenberg’s paper [3]; see also the survey articles [24; 38].
  • The complex hyperbolic plane is endowed with the Bergman metric ds2 D 4 hz; zi2 det hz; zi hdz; zi hz; dzi hdz; dzi : The Bergman metric is equivalent to the Bergman distance function defined by cosh2 .m; n/ 2 D hm;nihn;mi hm;mihn;ni ; where m and n are lifts of m and n to C3 .
  • Horospherical coordinates give a model of complex hyperbolic space analogous to the upper half-plane model of the hyperbolic plane.
  • The Cygan metric dCyg on @H 2C fq1g plays the role of the Euclidean metric on the upper half-plane.

2.2 Isometries

  • Since the Bergman metric and distance function are both given solely in terms of the Hermitian form, any unitary matrix preserving this form is an isometry.
  • Define U.2; 1/ to be the group of unitary matrices preserving the Hermitian form and PU.2; 1/ to be the projective unitary group obtained by identifying nonzero scalar multiples of matrices in U.2; 1/.
  • It is Geometry & Topology, Volume 21 (2017) A complex hyperbolic Riley slice 3403 called elliptic when it has (at least) one fixed point inside H 2C .
  • The following criterion distinguishes the different isometry types: Proposition 2.3 [15, Theorem 6.2.4].
  • This implies that T is upper triangular with each diagonal element equal to 1. Lemma 2.5 [15, Section 4.2].

2.3 Totally geodesic subspaces

  • Maximal totally geodesic subspaces of H 2C have real dimension 2, and they fall into two types.
  • A more general description of cross-products in Hermitian vector spaces can be found in [15, Section 2.2.7].
  • The other type of maximal totally geodesic subspace is a Lagrangian plane.
  • In particular, real planes are fixed points sets of antiholomorphic isometric involutions (sometimes called real symmetries).

2.4 Isometric spheres

  • Using the characterisation (4) of the Cygan metric in terms of the Hermitian form, the following lemma is obvious: Lemma 2.9 Suppose that B 2 SU.2; 1/ written in the form (7) does not fix q1 .
  • Therefore their method will be to guess the Ford polyhedron and check this using the Poincaré polyhedron theorem.

2.5 Cygan spheres and geographical coordinates

  • The authors now give some geometrical results about Cygan spheres.
  • They are, in particular, applicable to isometric spheres.
  • The Cygan sphere SŒw;s .r/ of radius r with centre Œw; s is the image of SŒ0;0 .r/ under the Heisenberg translation TŒw;s .
  • The intersection of two Cygan spheres is connected.

3.1 Coordinates

  • In fact, a slightly stronger statement will follow from Theorem 3.2 below.
  • The conditions A.pBA/D pAB and B.pAB/D pBA imply that there exist two nonzero complex numbers and satisfying ApBA D pAB and BpAB D pBA: Indeed, once this quadruple is fixed, A and B are uniquely determined by Proposition 2.6.
  • Provided that ST and TS are unipotent, this suffices to prove the second item by Proposition 2.6.
  • The authors will use the notation S and T for these order-three symmetries throughout the paper.
  • This follows directly from the following: Proposition 3.4 Proof.

3.3 Symmetries of the moduli space

  • There is an antiholomorphic involution with the properties: (1) interchanges pA and pB and interchanges pAB and pBA .
  • Hence all three conditions in the first part are equivalent.
  • The properties of R– and C–decomposability have also been studied (in the special case of pairs of loxodromic isometries) from the point of view of traces in SU.2; 1/ in [36], and (in the general case) using cross-ratios in [27].

3.4 Isometry type of the commutator

  • The isometry type of the commutator will play an important role in the rest of this paper.
  • It is easily described using the order-three elliptic maps given by Proposition 3.3.
  • This would mean that A and B commute, which cannot be because their fixed point sets are disjoint.

4.1 Isometric spheres for S , S 1 and their A–translates

  • The polyhedron D is their guess for the Ford polyhedron of , subject to the combinatorial restriction discussed in Section 4.2.
  • The authors start with the isometric spheres I.S/ and I.S 1/ for S and its inverse.
  • The authors now fix some notation: Geometry & Topology, Volume 21 (2017) 3416 John R Parker and Pierre Will Definition 4.1 Similarly, the isometric sphere I k has radius 1 and centre the point with Heisenberg coordinates Œk`AC p cos˛1ei˛2 ; sin˛1 .
  • This gives the part about centres by a straightforward verification.

4.2 A combinatorial restriction

  • The following section is the crucial technical part of their work.
  • It relies on Proposition 4.6, describing the set of points where D.x4 1 ;x4 2 / > 0, and on Proposition 4.7, which gives geometric properties of the triple intersection.
  • The following fact will be crucial in their study; compare Figure 5.
  • Then the isometric sphere IC0 is contained in the exterior of the isometric spheres.
  • The proof of Proposition 4.8 will be detailed in Section 7.4.

5.2 Application to our examples

  • The authors are now going to apply Theorem 5.1 to the group generated by S and A. Explicit matrices for these transformations are provided in (13) and (16).
  • The authors can now verify that satisfies the first condition of being a side pairing.
  • The intersection of D with UC 0 is the same as the intersection of UC 0 with the Ford domain DS for the order-three group hSi.
  • Thus the Poincaré polyhedron theorem gives the presentation (19).
  • This follows from the fact (Chuckrow’s theorem) that the algebraic limit of a sequence of discrete and faithful representations of a nonvirtually nilpotent group in Isom(H nC ) is discrete and faithful (see for instance [4, Theorem 2.7] or [21] for a more general result in the framework of negatively curved groups).

6 The limit group

  • This polyhedron is slightly more complicated than the one in the previous section due to the appearance of ideal vertices that are the points in VS 1T and VST 1 .
  • Geometry & Topology, Volume 21 (2017) 3426 John R Parker and Pierre Will (2) We analyse the combinatorics of the ideal boundary @1D of this polyhedron.the authors.the authors.
  • More precisely, the authors will see that the quotient of @1Dn.

6.2 The Poincaré theorem for the limit group

  • The limit group has extra parabolic elements.
  • Therefore, in order to apply the Poincaré theorem, the authors must construct a system of consistent horoballs at these parabolic fixed points (see Section 5.1).
  • Lemma 6.1 Proof Projecting vertically — see Remark 2.13 — the authors see that the projections of I 1 and IC 1 are tangent discs and, as they are strictly convex, their intersection contains at most one point.
  • The other tangency is along the same lines.

6.3 The boundary of the limit orbifold

  • The manifold at infinity of the group lim is homeomorphic to the Whitehead link complement.
  • Recall that the (ideal boundary of) the side s˙ k is the part of @I˙ k which is outside (the ideal boundary of) all other isometric spheres.
  • As a consequence, the two connected components of the common exterior are either exchanged or both preserved.
  • Applying powers of A gives the other quadrilaterals and bigons.
  • The following result, which will be proved in Section 7.5, is crucial for proving Theorem 6.4.

7.2 The region Z is an open disc in the region L: proof of Proposition 4.6

  • Likewise, it is negative in the part below the zero locus, that is, containing the point .x;y/D 3; 3 2 .
  • A complex hyperbolic Riley slice 3439 continuous bijection connecting the points .

7.3 Condition for no triple intersections: proof of Proposition 4.5

  • The numerical condition given in the statement of Proposition 4.5 will follow from the next lemma.
  • This implies that it is not possible to pass from one of the above types to another without passing through a polynomial having a double root.
  • The authors saw in the second part of Lemma 7.7 that on both these intervals L˛1;˛2.T / has no real roots, that is its roots are of type (a).
  • This completes the proof of Proposition 4.5.

7.4 Pairwise intersection: proof of Proposition 4.8

  • Proposition 4.8 will follow from the next lemma.
  • To prove the disjointness of the given isometric spheres the authors calculate the Cygan distance between their centres.
  • This will not be the case in their examples.).
  • The authors will show that dCyg. Ak. A complex hyperbolic Riley slice 3443 7.5.
  • The part about intersections of fans and isometric spheres is proved easily by projecting vertically onto C , as in the proof of Proposition 4.8 .

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Parker, John R. and Will, Pierre (2017) 'A complex hyperbolic Riley slice.', Geometry and topology., 21 (6).
pp. 3391-3451.
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Geometry & Topology 21 (2017) 3391–3451
A complex hyperbolic Riley slice
We study subgroups of
PU.2; 1/
generated by two noncommuting unipotent maps
whose product
is also unipotent. We call
the set of conjugacy classes of
such groups. We provide a set of coordinates on
that make it homeomorphic to
By considering the action on complex hyperbolic space
of groups in
, we
describe a two-dimensional disc
that parametrises a family of discrete groups.
As a corollary, we give a proof of a conjecture of Schwartz for
.3; 3; 1/
groups. We also consider a particular group on the boundary of the disc
the commutator
is also unipotent. We show that the boundary of the quotient
orbifold associated to the latter group gives a spherical CR uniformisation of the
Whitehead link complement.
20H10, 22E40, 51M10; 57M50
1 Introduction
1.1 Context and motivation
The framework of this article is the study of the deformations of a discrete subgroup
of a Lie group
in a Lie group
. This question has been addressed in
many different contexts. A classical example is the one where
is a Fuchsian group,
H DPSL.2; R/
G DPSL.2; C/
. When
is discrete, such deformations are called
quasi-Fuchsian. We will be interested in the case where
is a discrete subgroup of
H D SO.2; 1/
is the group
SU.2; 1/
(or their natural projectivisations over
, respectively). The geometrical motivation is very similar: In the classical case
mentioned above,
PSL.2; C/
is the orientation-preserving isometry group of hyperbolic
and a Fuchsian group preserves a totally geodesic hyperbolic plane
. In our case
G DSU.2; 1/
is (a triple cover of) the holomorphic isometry group
of complex hyperbolic
, and the subgroup
H D SO.2; 1/
preserves a
totally geodesic Lagrangian plane isometric to
. A discrete subgroup
SO.2; 1/
is called
–Fuchsian. A second example of this construction is where
is again
SU.2; 1/
but now
H DS.U.1/ U.1; 1//
. In this case
preserves a totally geodesic
complex line in
. A discrete subgroup of
is called
–Fuchsian. Deformations of
Published: 31 August 2017 DOI: 10.2140/gt.2017.21.3391

3392 John R Parker and Pierre Will
–Fuchsian or
–Fuchsian groups in
SU.2; 1/
are called complex hyperbolic
quasi-Fuchsian. See Parker and Platis [24] for a survey of this topic.
The title of this article refers to the so-called Riley slice of Schottky space (see [19; 1]).
Riley considered the space of conjugacy classes of subgroups of
PSL.2; C/
by two noncommuting parabolic maps. This space may be identified with
C f0g
under the map that associates the parameter
2 C f0g
with the conjugacy class of
the group
, where
1 1
0 1
1 0
Riley was interested in the set of those parameters
for which
is discrete. He was
particularly interested in the (closed) set where
is discrete and free, which is now
called the Riley slice of Schottky space; see Keen and Series [19]. This work has been
taken up more recently by Akiyoshi, Sakuma, Wada and Yamashita. In their book [1]
they illustrate one of Riley’s original computer pictures,
Figure 0.2a, and their version
of this picture, Figure 0.2b. Riley’s main method was to construct the Ford domain
. The different combinatorial patterns that arise in this Ford domain correspond
to the differently coloured regions in these figures from [1]. Riley was also interested
in groups
that are discrete but not free. In particular, he showed that when
a complex sixth root of unity then the quotient of hyperbolic
–space by
is the
figure-eight knot complement.
1.2 Main definitions and discreteness result
The direct analogue of the Riley slice in complex hyperbolic plane would be the set
of conjugacy classes of groups generated by two noncommuting, unipotent parabolic
SU.2; 1/
. (Note that in contrast to
PSL.2; C/
, there exist
parabolic elements in
SU.2; 1/
that are not unipotent. In fact, there is a
family of parabolic conjugacy classes; see for instance Goldman [15, Chapter 6].) This
choice would give a four-dimensional parameter space, and we require additionally
that AB be unipotent, making the dimension drop to 2. Specifically, we define
(1) U D f.A; B/ 2 SU.2; 1/
W A; B; AB all unipotent and AB ¤ BAg=SU.2; 1/:
Following Riley, we are interested in the (closed) subset of
where the group
hA; Bi
is discrete and free and our main method for studying this set is to construct the Ford
domain for its action on complex hyperbolic space
. We shall also indicate various
other interesting discrete groups in U but these will not be our main focus.
Parker has one of Riley’s printouts of this picture dated 26th March 1979.
Geometry & Topology, Volume 21 (2017)

A complex hyperbolic Riley slice 3393
In Section 3.1, we will parametrise
so that it becomes the open square
The parameters we use will be the Cartan angular invariants
of the triples of
(parabolic) fixed points of
.A; AB; B/
.A; AB; BA/
, respectively (see Section 2.6
for the definitions). Note that the invariants
are defined to lie in the closed
. Our assumption that
don’t commute implies that neither
nor ˛
can equal ˙
(see Section 3.1).
are both zero, that is, at the origin of the square, the group
hA; Bi
–Fuchsian. The quotient of the Lagrangian plane preserved by
hA; Bi
is a hyperbolic
thrice-punctured sphere where the three (homotopy classes of) peripheral elements are
represented by (the conjugacy classes of)
. The space
can thus be
thought of as the slice of the
SU.2; 1/
–representation variety of the thrice-punctured
sphere group defined by the conditions that the peripheral loops are mapped to unipotent
We can now state our main discreteness result.
Theorem 1.1
Suppose that
DhA; Bi
is the group associated to parameters
; ˛
satisfying D.4 cos
; 4 cos
/ > 0, where D is the polynomial given by
D.x; y/ D x
C81xy 27x 27:
Then is discrete and isomorphic to the free group F
. This region is Z in Figure 1.
Note that at the centre of the square, we have
D.4; 4/ D 1225
for the
representation. The region
D > 0
consists of groups
whose Ford domain has
the simplest possible combinatorial structure. It is the analogue of the outermost region
in the two figures from Akiyoshi, Sakuma, Wada and Yamashita [1] mentioned above.
1.3 Decompositions and triangle groups
We will prove in Proposition 3.3 that all pairs
.A; B/
admit a (unique) decompo-
sition of the form
(2) A D ST and B D TS;
are order-three regular elliptic elements (see Section 2.2). In turn, the
group generated by
has index three in the one generated by
. When
D 0
D 0
there is a further decomposition making
hA; Bi
a subgroup
of a triangle group.
Deformations of triangle groups in
PU.2; 1/
have been considered in many places,
including Goldman and Parker [16], Parker, Wang and Xie [25], Pratoussevitch [28]
and Schwartz [32]. A complex hyperbolic
.p; q; r /
–triangle is one generated by three
complex involutions about (complex) lines with pairwise angles
, and
, where
Geometry & Topology, Volume 21 (2017)

3394 John R Parker and Pierre Will
7 7
0 R–Fuchsian representation of the 3–punctured sphere group.
Horizontal segment corresponding to even word subgroups of ideal triangle groups; see
Goldman and Parker [16] and Schwartz [30; 31; 33].
Last ideal triangle group, contained with index three in a group uniformising the White-
head link complement obtained by Schwartz [30; 31; 33].
Vertical segment corresponding to bending groups that have been proved to be discrete
by Will [37].
4 .3; 3; 4/
–group uniformising the figure-eight knot complement. Obtained by Deraux
and Falbel [8].
5 .3; 3; n/
–groups, proved to be discrete by Parker, Wang and Xie [25]. On this picture,
4 6 n 6 8.
6 Uniformisation of the Whitehead link complement we obtain in this work.
7 Subgroup of the Eisenstein–Picard lattice; see Falbel and Parker [14].
Figure 1: The parameter space for
. The exterior curve
corresponds to
classes of groups for which
is parabolic. The central dashed curve
bounds the region
where we prove discreteness. The labels correspond
to various special values of the parameters. Points with the same labels are
obtained from one another by symmetries about the coordinate axes. The
results of Section 3.3 imply that they correspond to groups conjugate in
are integers or
(when one of them is
the corresponding angle
). Groups generated by complex reflections of higher order are also interesting;
see Mostow [22] for example, but we do not consider them here. For a given triple
.p; q; r /
minfp; q; r g > 3
, the deformation space of the
.p; q; r /
–triangle group
Geometry & Topology, Volume 21 (2017)

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors obtained all the discrete and faithful complex hyperbolic (3,3,n) triangle groups for n ≥ 4n≥4, where n is the number of generators.
Abstract: Let p,q,rp,q,r be positive integers. Complex hyperbolic (p,q,r)(p,q,r) triangle groups are representations of the hyperbolic (p,q,r)(p,q,r) reflection triangle group to the holomorphic isometry group of complex hyperbolic space H2CHℂ2, where the generators fix complex lines. In this paper, we obtain all the discrete and faithful complex hyperbolic (3,3,n)(3,3,n) triangle groups for n≥4n≥4. Our result solves a conjecture of Schwartz in the case when p=q=3p=q=3.

25 citations

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors consider the discrete representations of 3-manifold groups into that appear in the Falbel-Koseleff-Rouillier census such that the peripheral subgroups have cyclic unipotent holonomy.
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24 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a 1-parameter family of representations of the fundamental group of the figure eight knot complement was constructed, such that peripheral subgroups are mapped to parabolic elements.
Abstract: We construct a 1-parameter family of representations of the fundamental group of the figure eight knot complement into PU(2,1), such that peripheral subgroups are mapped to parabolic elements. We show that for small values of the twist of these parabolic elements, these representations are the holonomy of a spherical CR uniformization of the figure eight knot complement.

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TL;DR: In this article, an expository article about groups generated by two isometries of the complex hyperbolic plane is presented, where the authors show that the groups can be expressed as follows:
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15 citations

Cites background from "A complex hyperbolic Riley slice"

  • ...spherical CR structure on a closed hyperbolic 3 manifold. Recently, in [15] Deraux and Falbel have described a spherical CR structure on the complement of the figure eight knot. In the article to come [87], Parker and Will produce an example of a spherical CR structure on the complement of the Whitehead link that is not conjugate to Schwartz’s one. The question of knowing which hyperbolic 3 manifolds a...


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the spherical CR Dehn surgery was applied to obtain infinitely many Dehn surgeries of the Whitehead link complement that carry spherical CR structures in the complex hyperbolic plane ℍℂ2.
Abstract: We apply a spherical CR Dehn surgery theorem in order to obtain infinitely many Dehn surgeries of the Whitehead link complement that carry spherical CR structures. We consider as a starting point the spherical CR uniformization of the Whitehead link complement constructed by Parker and Will, using a Ford domain in the complex hyperbolic plane ℍℂ2. We deform the Ford domain of Parker and Will in ℍℂ2 in a one-parameter family. On one side, we obtain infinitely many spherical CR uniformizations on a particular Dehn surgery on one of the cusps of the Whitehead link complement. On the other side, we obtain spherical CR uniformizations for infinitely many Dehn surgeries on the same cusp of the Whitehead link complement. These manifolds are parametrized by an integer n≥4, and the spherical CR structure obtained for n=4 is the Deraux–Falbel spherical CR uniformization of the figure eight knot complement.

15 citations

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Posted Content
TL;DR: The theory of complex hyperbolic discrete groups is still in its childhood but promises to grow into a rich subfield of geometry as mentioned in this paper, and some recent progress has been made on complex-hyperbolic deformations of the modular group and, more generally, triangle groups.
Abstract: The theory of complex hyperbolic discrete groups is still in its childhood but promises to grow into a rich subfield of geometry. In this paper I will discuss some recent progress that has been made on complex hyperbolic deformations of the modular group and, more generally, triangle groups. These are some of the simplest nontrivial complex hyperbolic discrete groups. In particular, I will talk about my recent discovery of a closed real hyperbolic 3-manifold which appears as the manifold at infinity for a complex hyperbolic discrete group.

87 citations

"A complex hyperbolic Riley slice" refers background in this paper

  • ...In [32], Schwartz develops a series of conjectures about which points in this space yield discrete and faithful representations of the triangle group....


  • ...Deformations of triangle groups in PU(2, 1) have been considered in many places, among which ([16, 28, 32, 26])....


  • ...1 of [32] states that a complex hyperbolic...


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors classified all non-hyperbolic Dehn fillings of the complement of the chain-link with 3 components, conjectured to be the smallest hyperbolic 3-manifold with 3 cusps.
Abstract: We classify all the non-hyperbolic Dehn fillings of the complement of the chain-link with 3 components, conjectured to be the smallest hyperbolic 3-manifold with 3 cusps. We deduce the classification of all non-hyperbolic Dehn fillings of infinitely many 1-cusped and 2-cusped hyperbolic manifolds, including most of those with smallest known volume. Among other consequences of this classification, we mention the following: - for every integer n we can prove that there are infinitely many hyperbolic knots in the 3-sphere having exceptional surgeries n, n+1, n+2, n+3, with n+1, n+2 giving small Seifert manifolds and n, n+3 giving toroidal manifolds; - we exhibit a 2-cusped hyperbolic manifold that contains a pair of inequivalent knots having homeomorphic complements; - we exhibit a chiral 3-manifold containing a pair of inequivalent hyperbolic knots with orientation-preservingly homeomorphic complements; - we give explicit lower bounds for the maximal distance between small Seifert fillings and any other kind of exceptional filling.

85 citations

Journal ArticleDOI

82 citations

"A complex hyperbolic Riley slice" refers background in this paper

  • ...The title of this article refers to the so-called Riley slice of Schottky space (see [19; 1])....


  • ...The boundary of the classical Riley slice is not a smooth curve and has a dense set of points where particular group elements are parabolic (see for instance the beautiful picture in the introduction of Keen and Series [19])....


  • ...He was particularly interested in the (closed) set where € is discrete and free, which is now called the Riley slice of Schottky space; see Keen and Series [19]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a general geometrical construction of representations of fundamental groups of 3-manifolds into PU(2, 1) and eventually of spherical CR structures defined on those 3-Manifolds is described.
Abstract: We describe a general geometrical construction of representations of fundamental groups of 3-manifolds into PU(2, 1) and eventually of spherical CR structures defined on those 3-manifolds. We construct branched spherical CR structures on the complement of the figure eight knot and the Whitehead link. They have discrete holonomies contained in PU(2, 1,Z[ω]) and PU(2, 1,Z[i]) respectively.

66 citations

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Q1. What is the quotient of H 2C by the group hI1I2?

When I2I1I3I1 is parabolic, the quotient of H 2C by hA;Si is a complex hyperbolic orbifold with isolated singularities whose boundary is a spherical CR uniformisation of the Whitehead link complement. 

It should be noted that the image of the holonomy representation of their uniformisation of the Whitehead link complement is the group generated by S and T , which is isomorphic to Z3 Z3 . 

Since all the isometric spheres have radius 1, if the authors can show their centres are a Cygan distance at least 2 apart, then the spheres are disjoint.