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Book ChapterDOI

A computational framework for certificate policy operations

10 Sep 2009-pp 17-33
TL;DR: The PKI Policy Repository, PolicyBuilder, and PolicyReporter improve the consistency of certificate policy operations as actually practiced in compliance audits, grid accreditation, and policy mapping for bridging PKIs.
Abstract: The trustworthiness of any Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) rests upon the expectations for trust, and the degree to which those expectations are met. Policies, whether implicit as in PGP and SDSI/SPKI or explicitly required as in X.509, document expectations for trust in a PKI. The widespread use of X.509 in the context of global e-Science infrastructures, financial institutions, and the U.S. Federal government demands efficient, transparent, and reproducible policy decisions. Since current manual processes fall short of these goals, we designed, built, and tested computational tools to process the citation schemes of X.509 certificate policies defined in RFC 2527 and RFC 3647. Our PKI Policy Repository, PolicyBuilder, and PolicyReporter improve the consistency of certificate policy operations as actually practiced in compliance audits, grid accreditation, and policy mapping for bridging PKIs. Anecdotal and experimental evaluation of our tools on real-world tasks establishes their actual utility and suggests how machine-actionable policy might empower individuals to make informed trust decisions in the future.

Summary (3 min read)

1 Introduction

  • The fundamental purpose of PKI is to allow relying parties to trust users based upon a set of credentials the user has proven they have control over.
  • Federations and bridges ensure that the requirements for trust are met through such audits, whether for accreditation or cross-certification respectively.
  • This section presents their contributions in the context of previous work on the identification, representation, and manipulation of certificate policies.
  • CTS-URNs enable the tools the authors built to compute with respect to a policy's reference structure, identifying individual security provisions 1 or the document in its entirety.
  • Algorithms are unambiguous and when their implementations are open-source, the underlying process is transparent to the user.

2 Problems with Manual Certificate Policy Processes

  • This section discusses three real-world X.509 processes which directly use certificate policy: PKI compliance audits, IGTF accreditation, and policy mapping for bridging PKIs.
  • Reproducibility Compliance audits, as currently practiced, are difficult to reproduce because they are so dependant upon auditors' individual observations.
  • The IGTF uses X.509 PKI to ensure that grid authentication mechanisms meet a defined level of assurance.
  • Since organizational practices change rapidly and policies should reflect practice, policies need to be able to change rapidly to mirror the actual organization.
  • As such, diligent organizations keeping their policy statement up to date pose a challenge to bridge CAs who must manually map a member CP into their own.

3 Computational Tools: Design and Implementation

  • The authors designed and implemented the PKI Policy Repository, PolicyBuilder, and PolicyReporter to improve the efficiency and consistency of policy retrieval, creation, and comparison.
  • Each of these tools rests upon their formalization of certificate policy: the authors identify and reference policy via CTS-URNs and represent policy in TEI-XML.
  • Each tool fully or partially automates one or more of the policy operations and improves their frequency, transparency, and reproducibility.
  • These tools will be released in an open source distribution following publication.
  • The authors then present each of their solutions in the context of current actual practice and prior research on policy formalization.

PKI Policy Repository

  • The PKI Policy Repository stores certificate policies for retrieval by their reference structure.
  • PKI audits, accreditation, and policy mapping depend upon the reference, and retrieval of certificate policies and yet little work has been done to automate or partially automate these fundamental processes.
  • Reference Certificate policies are reference works by design.
  • Policy comparison proceeds much more quickly between two policies sharing the same reference structure.
  • In actual practice, people are interested in referencing meaningful sets of security requirements.


  • Trcek et al.'s DNS-like system used machineactionable, human-readable references to security policy domains, allowing one to reference meaningful sets of security requirements [34] .
  • Using OID-encoded CTS-URNs allow multiple versions of a policy, whether plain text, XML, or code to be uniformly referenced through a parallel citation scheme.
  • For digital editions of reference works, the authors claim that page numbers are an unnecessary artifact of print.
  • The PolicyBuilder fills the need for machine-assisted policy creation while facilitating the review and evaluation of newly-created policies.
  • Policy content currently includes assertions, or security requirements qualified by MUST, SHOULD, or other adjectives from RFC 2119.


  • The PolicyReporter helps users obtain more, higherquality information useful for comparing certificate policies.
  • For a person with a lot of experience, this can take 80-120 hours depending upon the reference structure of the policies compared.
  • For it allows a standard set of analyses for comparing CPs to develop.
  • The PolicyReporter aggregates information about a set of policy provisions (the criteria for comparison) into a report by walking the citation structure 7 of each text.
  • The generated RFC 3647 policy can then be loaded into the PKI Policy Repository and used like any other document.

4 Evaluation

  • This section demonstrates that their tools, in particular the PolicyReporter, actually address current limitations of compliance audits, IGTF accreditation, and policy mapping.
  • The authors experimental evaluations compare the duration of two common certificate policy operations when performed manually and when using their PolicyReporter.
  • In the automated case, the authors timed the steps necessary to generate a report using the SourceTextAnalysis and RFC2119Analysis and to view each of the sections in that report.
  • The authors have experimentally demonstrated that the PolicyReporter does make CP comparison more efficient and consistent.
  • The authors used the mapping defined in RFC 3647 and in three time trials the PolicyReporter enabled us to complete the mapping in 50, 39, and 35 seconds respectively.

7 Conclusions

  • To conclude, their PKI Policy Repository, PolicyBuilder, and PolicyReporter make real-world CP operations more efficient and consistent.
  • The authors have empirically demonstrated their utility in aggregating information for policy comparison and policy mapping, two common tasks performed in compliance audits, grid accreditation, and bridging PKIs.
  • The authors tools streamline these processes, making them more efficient and provide auditors with more, higher quality information.
  • The authors tools allow people to to specify a set of provisions that mimic how they actually make trust decisions.
  • While the authors hope that their tools will reduce the costs associated with creating and maintaining a PKI, more importantly they hope to empower to make their own trust decisions through a usable policy framework.

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A Computational Framework
for Certificate Policy Operations
Gabriel A. Weaver, Scott Rea, Sean W. Smith
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, USA
Abstract. The trustworthiness of any Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
rests upon the expectations for trust, and the degree to which those ex-
pectations are met. Policies, whether implicit as in PGP and SDSI/SPKI
or explicitly required as in X.509, document ex pectations for trust in a
PKI. The widespread use of X.509 in the context of global e-Science
infrastructures, financial insti tutions, and the U.S. Federal government
demands efficient, transparent, and reproducible policy decisions. Since
current manual processes fall short of these goals, we designed, built,
and tested computational tools to process the citation schemes of X.509
certificate policies defined in RFC 2527 and RFC 3647. Our PKI Policy
Repository, PolicyBuilder, and PolicyReporter improve the consistency
of certificate policy operations as actually practiced in compliance au-
dits, grid accreditation, and policy mapping for bridging PKIs. Anecdotal
and experimental evaluation of our tools on real-world tasks establishes
their actual util ity and suggests how machine-actionable policy might
empower individuals to make informed trust decisions in the future.
Keywords: PKI; Certificate Policy Formalization; XML
1 Introduction
The fundamental purpose of PKI is to allow relying parties to trust use rs based
upon a set of credentials the user has proven they have control over. Confidence in
these user credentials re quires the relying party to evaluate the trustworthiness of
an association between a public key and one or more attributes. These attributes
may serve to identify a person, machine, or organization, or they may simply
associate an arbitrary property with a public key.
Foundations for Trust in a X.509 PKI In X.509, these associations are
expressed in a machine-actionable document called a certificate and a certificate
authority (CA) attests to the validity of these associations. The certificate policy
(CP) of an organization contains a set of expectations that define its notion
of a trustworthy public key certificate and how it may be used. The Certifica-
tion Practices Statement (CPS) state s how a CA actually implements a CP. In
principle, the trustworthiness of a certificate is a function of the s imilarity of
stated policy to personal trust expectations (measured in the Policy Compari-
son process) and the similarity of stated policy to actual practice (Compliance
Evaluating the similarity of policies depends upon the comparison of CPs.
Ideally users should e valuate trusted roots based on their personal expectations.
In actual practice, the average user blindly adopts the trust expectations of their
This work was supported in part by the NSF (under grant CNS-0448499), the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security (under Grant Award Number 2006-CS-001-000001), and AT&T. The views and conclusions contained
in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official
policies, either expressed or implied, of any of the sponsors.

employers, application vendors, or of companies like Thawte and VeriSign. Until
user-friendly policy becomes a reality, requirements for trust will continue to be
expressed for organizations, by organizations.
Currently, people manually compare the two policies involved, reading both
documents line by line. Bridge CAs relieve organizations of much of this burden,
employing this same manual process to establish trust relationships between
member organizations. Bridge CAs attest that the expectations of trust for all
of its member organizations are logically consistent. If a member organization
issues a certificate, that certificate is viewed as trustworthy among all members
of the bridge at a predetermined level of assurance [20].
A policy is probably useless unless it is followed in practice. Compliance
audits determine whether a CA issues certificates according to a CP in actual
practice. Federations and bridges ensure that the requirements for trust are met
through such audits, whether for ac creditation or cross-certification respectively.
For example, the current approach to accreditation at the International Grid
Trust Federation (IGTF) defines a mostly manual process; one step involves
Policy Management Authority (PMA) members reviewing a CP in detail, com-
paring its contents against requirements in an authentication profile (AP) [21].
Auditing PKIs within financial institutions also involves following a manual pro-
cess described in ISO 21188 [22] [25]. Cross-certification, the operation necessary
to establish a bridge, similarly requires comparing CPs.
We claim that informed trust decisions should be based on processes that
consistently estimate actual organizational behavior. Consistent processes occur
frequently in a manner transparent to the user; their results are both repro-
ducible and auditable. Currently-practiced, manual CP operations are costly,
time-consuming, lack end-user transparency, and are difficult to reproduce. We
claim that computationally processing machine-actionable certificate policies
would be more efficient and consistent.
Our Contributions to Certificate Policy Formalization Our PKI
Policy Repository, PolicyBuilder, and PolicyReporter codify certificate policy
processes used in PKI compliance audits, grid accreditation, and bridging PKIs.
We claim that these tools improve the efficiency and consistency of policy re-
trieval, creation, and comparison. This section presents our contributions in the
context of previous work on the identification, representation, and manipulation
of certificate policies.
Identification Our tools identify certificate policies using a hierarchical,
human-readable, machine-actionable reference string called a Canonical Text
Services Uniform Resource Name (CTS-URN) [14]. CTS-URNs emerge from
some of our previous work on the Multitext of Homer Project [15] to perform
computations on Classic al Greek texts [32]. One of this paper’s contributions
is to use CTS-URNs encoded as Object Identifiers (OID)s to identfy individual
CPs, arbitrary sets of policy documents, or other versions or translations of that
same document.
CTS-URNs also identify sets of policy requirements organized within a cita-
tion (or reference) scheme. RFC 3647, Section 6 [12] explicitly defines a citation

scheme organized in terms of policy requirements to facilitate the comparison of
CPs and CPSs. CTS-URNs enable the tools we built to compute with respect to
a policy’s reference structure, identifying individual security provisions
or the
document in its entirety.
Our identification scheme increases the expressiveness of policy related cer-
tificate extensions by encoding CTS-URNs as OIDs. Accepting or rejecting CPs
is currently a binary decision; policy documents must be “completely acc epted
or forbidden” [24]. CTS-URNs let people and machines reference arbitrary sec-
tions of a policy; rather than accepting or rejecting an entire policy document,
users may whitelist or blacklist agreeable or offending provisions.
Representation We encode certificate policies using Text Encoding Initiative
(TEI) P5 Lite, an XML standard for representing texts in digital form [5]. Like
previous efforts to encode policies using XML [8] [7], we model a security policy
as a tree.
Given a policy’s text, we only mark up its citation scheme, the outline
of provisions defined in Section 6 of RFC 3647 or Section 5 of RFC 2527 [11]. This
results in a semi-formal [7] policy representation that is both machine-actionable
and human-readable. This approach simplifies the overhead of encoding a policy.
The Federal PKI Policy Authority (FPKIPA) Technical Specification recom -
mends writing CPs and CPSs in a natural language [12]. Our representation
honors that recommendation and leaves the natural language of the policy un-
changed. Alternate representations of policies such as data-centric XML
, matri-
ces, or ASN.1 require a person to read the source text and fit their interpretation
of that text to a data format. Such representations are unsuitable for relying par-
ties to easily understand the meaning of a policy [7] [19] [12]. Our contribution
is a policy representation that humans can use as a primary source for informed
policy decisions and which computers can process.
Manipulation Computing on certificate policies overcomes many of the
drawbacks and limitations of manual processes. We claim that implementations
of algorithms are efficient and consistent processes for explicitly imposing a
model on policy content. Algorithms may be run frequently. Unlike deriving a
model of policy content from text and encoding it by hand, algorithms can be
run on demand any time as CPs change. Algorithms are unambiguous and when
their implementations are open-source, the underlying process is transparent to
the user. Finally, the output of algorithms may be reproduced by running the
same input and interpreted to make informed trust decisions.
This Paper This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 desc ribes some
real-world use cases for certificate policy and the reliability of current practices .
Section 3 introduces the design and implementation of the tools we built for
processing certificate policy and illustrates how they address real-world needs
while improving actual practice. We evaluate these tools in Section 4, using
anecdotal and experimental evidence. Section 5 reviews related work. Section
6 describes future research directions building upon this work, and Section 7
Trcek et. al’s DNS-like system organized the set of all possible security requirements hierarchically into domains
that were referenced by human-readable, machine-actionable strings [34].
Our approach is inspired by current approaches to digitizing Classical texts [15] [13].
Document-centric XML is the type of documents “written by hand, by an author” like a letter or chapter. Data-centric
XML is used to transport data between computers [30].

2 Problems with Manual Certificate Policy Processes
Certificate p olicy defines the trustworthiness of a CA and therefore is funda-
mental to the trust one places in a PKI. This section discusses three real-world
X.509 processes which directly use certificate policy: PKI compliance audits,
IGTF accreditation, and policy mapping for bridging PKIs. In each case, we’ll
describe the process in principle and its importance to the trustworthiness of a
PKI. Then we’ll describe how the current implementation of this process limits
trustworthiness and motivate the need for consistent operations on certificate
PKI Compliance Audits Like accreditation processes, PKI audits verify
that the certificate policies and certification practice statements are consistent
with a “framework of requirements.” In the financial services industry, ISO 21188
specifies such a framework that evolved from WebTrust and ANSI X9.79 [25].
Audits for WebTrust compliance should occur at least every 6 months [18]. Dur-
ing these audits, PKIs are evaluated with respect to five objectives: security,
availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. Each of these objec-
tives are defined using principles, “broad statements of objectives,” and criteria,
“benchmarks that should be objective, measurable, complete, and relevant” [35].
Through Assurance Services, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) may express
a WebTrust opinion on whether an objective is met. By keeping objective obser-
vations separate from opinion, WebTrust audits are an important and objective
process for certifying that actual practice reflects written policy. Additionally,
the International Collaborative Identity Management Forum (ICIDM) and Four
Bridges Forum (4BF) [1] are working to define a standard PKI audit process.
The IGTF also publishes a set of auditing guidelines [33].
Frequency Compliance audits are expensive in time and money, and lim-
ited by the bottleneck of human observation. Although compliance audits like
WebTrust are suppose d to occur at least every 6 months, in actual practice
they usually happen less often. Even when these audits occur on schedule, au-
ditors’ observations only sample a glimpse of much larger, continuous business
processes. By necessity, PKI audits require human intervention; expressing an
opinion based upon observed criteria requires human judgement. However, the
criteria themselves, measureable and objective by definition, do not require hu-
man judgement to measure.
Transparency Current auditing schemes lack transparency. Users cannot
evaluate an organization’s observed behavior in terms of their own trust require-
ments. Instead users implicitly delegate trust decisions to a CPA or other audit
professional. Furthermore, because ISO 21188 and ANSI X9.79 are not freely
available, the average user has no way of knowing the trust decisions being del-
These institutional and economic walls ensure that trust evaluation
resides at the organizational level in spite of trust’s personal nature. Through
combining documentation with computational methods, measurements of trust
Anecdotally, we believe the costs of ISO 21188 and ANSI X9.79 may discourage organizations from following
these standards in actual practice.

criteria could be made accessible to users to individually decide the degree of
trust they place in an organization.
Reproducibility Compliance audits, as currently practiced, are difficult to
reproduce because they are so dependant upon auditors’ individual observations.
Certainly audits attest to an organization’s trustworthiness at the time of the
last audit; however they say nothing about the current state of the organization.
Were an auditor to try to reproduce an audit, the conditions under which the
original audit occurred may be extremely difficult or impossible to reproduce
because organizations are dynamic, changing entities. Audits rely upon the past
as the sole indicator of current and future performance.
IGTF Accreditation Researchers using computational grids employ many
thousands of distributed nodes to solve complex computational problems by
sharing resources. Grids often group users under very large Virtual Organizations
(VOs) which usually reflect real-world collaborations between researchers and
institutions. Computational power, data storage, and network bandwidth all
must be shared between members of a VO. Since these resources are valuable,
access is limited based on the requested resource and the user’s identity. Each
grid must enforce these limits by providing secure authentication of users and
applications. Unauthorized access to resources is unacceptable, especially given
the large size of a VO [29]. The IGTF use s X.509 PKI to ensure that grid
authentication mechanisms meet a defined level of assurance.
A distributed architecture like the grid requires compatible, non-contradictory
policies among member organizations. An IGTF-accredited member should is-
sue policy consistent with all other members, and thereby satisfy the IGTF’s
standard for trust. The purpose of the IGTF is to “harmonize the work on au-
thentication for e-Science production infrastructures.”[21] It accomplishes this
by establishing common p olicie s and guidelines between PMAs as well as ensur-
ing compliance to the resulting Federation Document amongst the participating
PMAs. Currently, the IGTF maintains a set of authentication profiles (AP)
which specify the policy and technical requirements. During accreditation the
prospective member sends the Certificate Policy (CP) around to other members
for comments and asks multiple PMA members to review it in detail. Eventu-
ally this CP, along with recommendations from the reviewers, is presented at
the PMA meeting for immediate approval or deferral.
The IGTF defines accreditation in terms of manual procedures, institution-
alizing bottlenecks that might be eliminated through technology. Accreditation
should be defined in terms of functional requirements, not in terms of a particular
implementation of those functions.
Frequency The IGTF’s requirement that any change in policy requires reac-
creditation may penalize organizations that change policy to reflect actual prac-
tice. Since organizational practices change rapidly and policies should reflect
practice, policies need to be able to change rapidly to mirror the actual orga-
nization. So as not to penalize organizations for reporting their actual prac-
tices, reaccreditation should be defined to accommodate frequent organizational

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Evaluation of CA-TMS with real world data shows that an attack surface reduction by more than 95% is achievable and is complemented by an optional reputation system that allows to utilize the knowledge of other entities while maintaining the minimal set of trusted CAs.
Abstract: The steadily growing number of certification authorities (CAs) assigned to the Web Public Key Infrastructure (Web PKI) and trusted by current browsers imposes severe security issues. Apart from being impossible for relying entities to assess whom they actually trust, the current binary trust model implemented with the Web PKI makes each CA a single point of failure and creates an enormous attack surface. In this article, we present CA-TMS, a user-centric CA trust management system based on trust views. CA-TMS can be used by relying entities to individually reduce the attack surface. CA-TMS works by restricting the trust placed in CAs of the Web PKI to trusting in exactly those CAs actually required by a relying entity. This restriction is based on locally collected information and does not require the alteration of the existing Web PKI. CA-TMS is complemented by an optional reputation system that allows to utilize the knowledge of other entities while maintaining the minimal set of trusted CAs. Our evaluation of CA-TMS with real world data shows that an attack surface reduction by more than 95% is achievable.

26 citations

Cites background from "A computational framework for certi..."

  • ...Obviously, these two opinions carry some conflict as they cannot both be correct at the same time....


13 Oct 2011
TL;DR: In this paper, a certificate policy management tool (100) targets the automated creation of customized certificate policies and the management of these policies within a public key infrastructure (PKI) using a certificate parser 108, a certificate creation engine (110), a certificate query engine (112), and an audit engine (114).
Abstract: A certificate policy management tool (100) is provided which targets the automated creation of customized certificate policies and the management of these policies within a public key infrastructure (PKI). A certificate policy parser 108, a certificate policy creation engine (110), a policy query engine (112),and an audit engine (114) interoperate to automate certificate policy creation, interpretation, and enforcement.

11 citations

Book ChapterDOI
12 Sep 2013
TL;DR: This paper presents the concept of trust views to manage variable trust levels for exactly those CAs actually required by a relying entity, which reduces the set of trusted CAs and minimizes the risk to rely on malicious certificates issued due to CA failures or compromises.
Abstract: The steadily growing number of certification authorities (CAs) assigned to the Web Public Key Infrastructure (Web PKI) and trusted by current browsers imposes severe security issues. Apart from being impossible for relying entities to assess whom they actually trust, the current binary trust model implemented with the Web PKI makes each CA a single point of failure. In this paper, we present the concept of trust views to manage variable trust levels for exactly those CAs actually required by a relying entity. This reduces the set of trusted CAs and minimizes the risk to rely on malicious certificates issued due to CA failures or compromises.

11 citations

Posted Content
TL;DR: In this article, the authors present the concept of trust views to manage variable trust levels for exactly those certification authorities that are required by a relying entity, which reduces the set of trusted CAs and minimizes the risk to rely on malicious certificates issued due to CA failures or compromises.
Abstract: The steadily growing number of certification authorities (CAs) assigned to the Web Public Key Infrastructure (Web PKI) and trusted by current browsers imposes severe security issues. Apart from being impossible for relying entities to assess whom they actually trust, the current binary trust model implemented with the Web PKI makes each CA a single point of failure. In this paper, we present the concept of trust views to manage variable trust levels for exactly those CAs actually required by a relying entity. This reduces the set of trusted CAs and minimizes the risk to rely on malicious certificates issued due to CA failures or compromises.

9 citations

Proceedings Article
29 Mar 2011
TL;DR: Hierarchical change mining is proposed, drawing upon the tools of software engineering and data mining, to help practitioners introduce fewer errors when they update policy.
Abstract: Managing the security of complex cloud and networked computing environments requires crafting security policy--ranging from natural-language text to highly-structured configuration rules, sometimes multi-layered--specifying correct system behavior in an adversarial environment. Since environments change and evolve, managing security requires managing evolution of policies, which adds another layer, the change log. However, evolution increases complexity, and the more complex a policy, the harder it is to manage and update, and the more prone it is to be incorrect. This paper proposes hierarchical change mining, drawing upon the tools of software engineering and data mining, to help practitioners introduce fewer errors when they update policy. We discuss our approach and initial findings based on two longitudinal real-world datasets: low-level router configurations from Dartmouth College and high-level Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate policies from the International Grid Trust Federation (IGTF).

7 citations

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01 Mar 1997
TL;DR: This document defines these words as they should be interpreted in IETF documents as well as providing guidelines for authors to incorporate this phrase near the beginning of their document.
Abstract: In many standards track documents several words are used to signify the requirements in the specification. These words are often capitalized. This document defines these words as they should be interpreted in IETF documents. Authors who follow these guidelines should incorporate this phrase near the beginning of their document:

3,501 citations

"A computational framework for certi..." refers background in this paper

  • ...RFC 2119 Analysis The RFC2119Analyzer counts the number of occurrences of words in one of three categories defined in RFC 2119 [4] to indicate the significance of a requirement....


Proceedings ArticleDOI
06 May 1996
TL;DR: This paper presents a comprehensive approach to trust management, based on a simple language for specifying trusted actions and trust relationships, and describes a prototype implementation of a new trust management system, called PolicyMaker, that will facilitate the development of security features in a wide range of network services.
Abstract: We identify the trust management problem as a distinct and important component of security in network services. Aspects of the trust management problem include formulating security policies and security credentials, determining whether particular sets of credentials satisfy the relevant policies, and deferring trust to third parties. Existing systems that support security in networked applications, including X.509 and PGP, address only narrow subsets of the overall trust management problem and often do so in a manner that is appropriate to only one application. This paper presents a comprehensive approach to trust management, based on a simple language for specifying trusted actions and trust relationships. It also describes a prototype implementation of a new trust management system, called PolicyMaker, that will facilitate the development of security features in a wide range of network services.

2,247 citations

"A computational framework for certi..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Blaze [3], Mendes [26], and Grimm [19] all use ASN....


  • ...One exception is PolicyMaker which allows one to query policy actions using a database-like syntax [3]....


01 Jan 1994

861 citations

"A computational framework for certi..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...Representation We encode certificate policies using Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) P5 Lite, an XML standard for representing texts in digital form [5]....


  • ...TEI P5 [5] represents 15 years of research in encoding texts with XML....


11 Jan 2001
TL;DR: In this article, the authors present a short-term disposable certificate to a verifier for authentication and demonstrate that the subject has knowledge of a private key corresponding to the public key in the short-time disposable certificate.
Abstract: A PKI (30) includes an off-line registration authority (38) that issues a first unsigned certificate (60) to a subject (34) that binds a public key (62) of the subject to long-term identification information (63) related to the subject and maintains a certificate database (40) of unsigned certificates in which it stores the first unsigned certificate. An on-line credentials server (42) issues a short-term disposable certificate (70) to the subject that binds the public key of the subject from the first unsigned certificate to the long-term identification information related to the subject from the first unsigned certificate. The credentials server maintains a table (44) that contains entries corresponding to valid unsigned certificates stored in the certificate database. The subject presents the short-term disposable certificate to a verifier (36) for authentication and demonstrates that the subject has knowledge of a private key corresponding to the public key (46) in the short-term disposable certificate.

268 citations

S. Chokhani, W. Ford, R. Sabett, C. Merrill, S. Wu 
01 Mar 1999
TL;DR: In this article, the authors present a framework to assist the writers of certificate policies or certification practice statements for participants within public key infrastructures, such as certification authorities, policy authorities, and communities of interest that wish to rely on certificates.
Abstract: This document presents a framework to assist the writers of certificate policies or certification practice statements for participants within public key infrastructures, such as certification authorities, policy authorities, and communities of interest that wish to rely on certificates. In particular, the framework provides a comprehensive list of topics that potentially (at the writer's discretion) need to be covered in a certificate policy or a certification practice statement. This document supersedes RFC 2527.

246 citations

Frequently Asked Questions (9)
Q1. What are the contributions mentioned in the paper "A computational framework for certificate policy operations" ?

In this paper, the authors present a set of tools for the verification of X.509 certificate policies, including Policy Repository, PolicyBuilder, and PolicyReporter. 

In future work, the authors plan to package their tools for release in an open source distribution hosted at OpenCA Research Labs [ 28 ]. Most urgently the authors need to extend the automated policy mapping to include all security provisions, not just policy units in Section 1. Their first experiment also revealed the need to extend the tools to resolve references to other sections of text that occur within a policy statement. Given that high-level policy statements can be mapped into software, the authors also plan to investigate how they might be explictly mapped into hardware. 

The authors performed ten time trials to control for variables which could affect the time necessary to collect the information specified by the evaluation criteria9. 

Federations and bridges ensure that the requirements for trust are met through such audits, whether for accreditation or cross-certification respectively. 

trials 8, 9, and 10 in the timing data reveals that the speed of consolidating information for policy reviews depends less on the number of unit policies to compare and more upon the proximity of those passages to one another in the text. 

Their contribution is a policy representation that humans can use as a primary source for informed policy decisions and which computers can process. 

Extracting the content from CP sections8 pertaining to issuing new certificates (RFC 3647, Section 3.1), revocation requests (3.4), certificate issuance (4.3), and certificate7 The FPKIPA recommends all members use 3647 format for all cross-certified CPs [2]. 

The authors used the mapping defined in RFC 3647 and in three time trials the PolicyReporter enabled us to complete the mapping in 50, 39, and 35 seconds respectively. 

Retrieval Retrieving referenced sections of security policy traditionally involves turning printed pages or scrolling through a PDF.