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Journal ArticleDOI

A hybrid piezoelectric/fiber optic diagnostic system for structural health monitoring

A hybrid piezoelectric/fiber optic diagnostic system has been developed for quick non-destructive evaluation and long term health monitoring of aerospace vehicles and structures as discussed by the authors, which consists of three major parts: a diagnostic layer with a network of pieziolectric elements and fiber gratings to offer a simple and efficient way to integrate a large network of transducers onto a structure; diagnostic hardware consisting of an arbitrary waveform generator and a high speed fiber grating demodulation unit together with a high-speed data acquisition card to provide actuation input, data collection,
A hybrid piezoelectric/fiber optic diagnostic system has been developed for quick non-destructive evaluation and long term health monitoring of aerospace vehicles and structures. The hybrid diagnostic system uses piezoelectric actuators to input a controlled excitation to the structure and fiber optic sensors to capture the corresponding structural response. The system consists of three major parts: a diagnostic layer with a network of piezoelectric elements and fiber gratings to offer a simple and efficient way to integrate a large network of transducers onto a structure; diagnostic hardware consisting of an arbitrary waveform generator and a high speed fiber grating demodulation unit together with a high speed data acquisition card to provide actuation input, data collection, and information processing; and diagnostic software to determine the condition of the structure. This paper presents key development issues related to the manufacturing of the hybrid piezoelectric/fiber optic diagnostic layer and integration of a highly portable diagnostic hardware. Validation and proof testing of this integrated diagnostic system are also presented.

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Journal ArticleDOI

A review of vibration-based structural health monitoring with special emphasis on composite materials

TL;DR: Structural health monitoring and damage detection techniques are tools of great importance in the off-shore, civil, mechanical and aeronautical engineering communities, both for safety reasons and because of the economic benefits that can result.
Journal ArticleDOI

Strategies for guided-wave structural health monitoring

TL;DR: It is shown that the number of sensors required per unit area to reliably detect a prescribed type of damage is prohibitively high, even in the presence of modest temperature fluctuations, hence some form of temperature compensation is absolutely essential for guided-wave SHM systems to be viable.
Journal ArticleDOI

Fiber optic sensors for structural health monitoring of air platforms.

TL;DR: This review paper covers the aerospace SHM requirements and an overview of the fiber optic sensor technologies and recommendations on the implementation and integration of FBG sensors into an SHM system are provided.
Journal ArticleDOI

Built-in sensor network for structural health monitoring of composite structure

TL;DR: In this paper, a method for integrating piezoelectric sensor networks into a composite structure during different fabrication processes, including the resin transfer molding (RTM) and filament winding processes, is examined.
Journal ArticleDOI

Predicting delamination of composite laminates using an imaging approach

TL;DR: A Lamb-wave-based imaging approach with the capacity to visually pinpoint structural damage, if any, in terms of the probability of damage occurrence at all spatial positions of the structure under inspection is developed.
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Journal ArticleDOI

Distributed optical fibre Raman temperature sensor using a semiconductor light source and detector

TL;DR: In this paper, the first experimental measurements of the temperature distribution along silica-based optical fibres using a semiconductor laser source and an avalanche photodiode detector were reported.
Proceedings ArticleDOI

SMART Layer and SMART Suitcase for structural health monitoring applications

TL;DR: Acellent Technologies as mentioned in this paper developed a system for actively and passively interrogating the health of a structure through an integrated network of sensors and actuators, which can be used for monitoring structural condition and for detecting damage while the structures are in service.

Manufacturing of composite structures with a built-in network of piezoceramics

TL;DR: In this paper, a manufacturing method was developed for integrating a network of distributed piezoceramic actuators/sensors onto laminated carbon/epoxy composite structures.
Proceedings ArticleDOI

Acoustic emission detection using fiber Bragg gratings

Abstract: A systematic study of acoustic emission detection using fiber Bragg grating sensors has been carried out over the last year. In this, we attempt to use the fiber Bragg grating to sense the dynamic strain created by a passing ultrasonic wave signal. Our goal here is to see if such a sensor is possible, and if so, what the detection sensitivity and limitations will be. To answer these questions, we carried out several experiments involving the detection of simulated acoustic emission events. In the first experiment, we attach fiber Bragg grating to the surface of a piezoceramic resonator which is driven by a signal generator. We were able to detect the resulting surface vibration of the resonator up to 2.1 MHz. In the second experiment, we attach a fiber Bragg grating to the surface of an aluminum plate. We excite an acoustic wave using an ultrasonic transducer located at various positions of the aluminum plate. In this way, we demonstrated that the fiber Bragg Grating sensor is capable of picking up the signal coming from a distance (up to 30 cm) for up to 2.5 MHz. In a third experiment, we use the same fiber Bragg grating on aluminum plate set up, but set up an acoustic signal by either a gentle knock on the plate by a pin, or by breaking a pencil lead on the plate. We were able to detection acoustic emission set up by pencil lead breaking up to a frequency of 30 kHz. Higher frequency components were not detected mainly due to the limitation of available electronic equipment at this time (higher frequency band-pass filters and amplifiers. In all the above-mentioned experiments we use a match Bragg grating to demodulate the detected optical signal and use a dual channel scheme for electronic data acquisition and processing (a signal channel and a reference channel).
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