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A Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck framework for modeling large scale extracellular electrodiffusion surrounding morphologically detailed neurons

TL;DR: A 3-dimensional version of the Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck framework is introduced and used to model the electrodiffusion of ions surrounding a morphologically detailed neuron and demonstrates the efficiency of the 3-D KNP framework.
Abstract: Many pathological conditions, such as seizures, stroke, and spreading depression, are associated with substantial changes in ion concentrations in the extracellular space (ECS) of the brain. An understanding of the mechanisms that govern ECS concentration dynamics may be a prerequisite for understanding such pathologies. To estimate the transport of ions due to electrodiffusive effects, one must keep track of both the ion concentrations and the electric potential simultaneously in the relevant regions of the brain. Although this is currently unfeasible experimentally, it is in principle achievable with computational models based on biophysical principles and constraints. Previous computational models of extracellular ion-concentration dynamics have required extensive computing power, and therefore have been limited to either phenomena on very small spatiotemporal scales (micrometers and milliseconds), or simplified and idealized 1-dimensional (1-D) transport processes on a larger scale. Here, we present the 3-D Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck (KNP) framework, tailored to explore electrodiffusive effects on large spatiotemporal scales. By assuming electroneutrality, the KNP-framework circumvents charge-relaxation processes on the spatiotemporal scales of nanometers and nanoseconds, and makes it feasible to run simulations on the spatiotemporal scales of millimeters and seconds on a standard desktop computer. In the present work, we use the 3-D KNP framework to simulate the dynamics of ion concentrations and the electrical potential surrounding a morphologically detailed pyramidal cell. In addition to elucidating the single neuron contribution to electrodiffusive effects in the ECS, the simulation demonstrates the efficiency of the 3-D KNP framework. We envision that future applications of the framework to more complex and biologically realistic systems will be useful in exploring pathological conditions associated with large concentration variations in the ECS.

Summary (3 min read)


  • The brain mainly consists of a dense packing of neurons and neuroglia, submerged in the cerebrospinal fluid which fills the extracellular space (ECS).
  • A better understanding of the electrodiffusive interplay between ECS ion dynamics and ECS potentials may be a prerequisite for understanding the mechanisms behind many pathological conditions linked to substantial concentration shifts in the ECS, such as epilepsy and spreading depression [3, 5–7].
  • In most computational models in neuroscience ionconcentration dynamics are only partially modeled, or are ignored altogether.
  • In these schemes, concentration dynamics are simulated under the simplifying assumption that ions move due to diffusion only.
  • The authors compare results obtained with the VC- and KNP-schemes to highlight their similarities and differences.

Materials and methods

  • This section is thematically split into three parts.
  • The authors begin by explaining the necessary physical theory, stating and deriving the equations which they implemented.
  • Finally, the authors give the specific details on each of the three applications used in the study.
  • The source code can be found online, at
  • KNPsim, and the results in this study can be reproduced by checking out the tag PLoS.


  • The diffusion constants of the ion species are modified as ~Dk ¼ Dk l 2 ; ð6Þ where λ is the tortuosity, which accounts for various hindrances to free diffusion and electrical migration through the ECS.
  • Several frameworks that assume the system to be electroneutral at all interior points have been developed to overcome the limitations of the PNP framework [23, 36–41].
  • October 4, 2018 6 / 26 exclusively stems from the capacitive current across a neuronal membrane.


  • The solver for the above modeling schemes was implemented utilizing FEniCS, an opensource platform for solving partial differential equations using the finite element method [51].
  • The authors chose to use this method as the PNP equations are highly unstable, and the implicit Euler step offers superior stability to other methods [33].
  • For the second and third application, the authors assumed a concentration-clamp boundary condi- tion, ck ¼ ck;out; at @O; ð22Þ where ck,out was set to typical ECS baseline concentrations, see Table 2.
  • This can be interpreted as their system interacting with a larger reservoir of ions (the rest of the brain).
  • In order to compare the PNP- and KNP-schemes directly, the authors chose the same boundary condition for the potential in the PNP-scheme.

Application details

  • In the first application, which was implemented using the PNP-, KNP-, and DO-schemes, the authors used an idealized 1-D mesh with a resolution sufficiently fine for PNP to be stable.
  • Ij denotes the sum of all ionic and capacitive membrane current at compartment j, Ij ¼ Ijcap þ X k2ions Ijk: ð41Þ.
  • The NEURON simulation was nearly identical to that used by us previously, and the authors refer to the original implementation for further details [4].
  • Two measurement points were chosen for creating time series of the concentrations.


  • Below the authors present the results obtained with the three different applications listed in the introduction and methodology.
  • For this final application, the authors also compared the predictions of the KNP-scheme to those of the simpler DO- and VC-schemes, and analyzed their differences.
  • As the simulation progressed, the local build-up of ion concentrations evoked a shift in the KNP-simulated potential ϕ, but left ϕVC unaffected.
  • The diffusion component had a sort of screening effect, reducing the potential difference between the source and sink compared to what the authors would predict in the absence of diffusion (i.e. |ϕ|< |ϕVC|).


  • In the current work the authors presented a 3-D version of the electrodiffusive KNP-scheme, and used it to simultaneously simulate the dynamics of ion concentrations and the electrical potential in the ECS of a piece of tissue containing a morphologically realistic distribution of neuronal current sources/sinks.
  • The authors demonstrated the applicability of this simulation framework by comparing it to the more physically detailed, but more computationally demanding PNP-scheme PLOS Computational Biology |
  • To their knowledge, the presented model is the first in the field of computational neurosci- ence that can handle electrodiffusive processes in 3-D on spatiotemporal scales spanning over millimeters and seconds without demanding an insurmountable amount of computer power.
  • Even the most resource-demanding simulations presented here could be performed in about 15 hours on a normal stationary computer, and the authors believe that simulation efficiency can be improved even further if they select an optimal numerical scheme for KNP.
  • This choice was mainly based on the requirements of the PNP-scheme, which requires an implicit scheme in order to not become unstable.

Model limitations

  • The presented implementation of the 3-D KNP-scheme was limited to a relatively small piece of neural tissue, which included only a single pyramidal neuron modeled with the NEURON simulator.
  • Thirdly, the neuron model used in their study did not include the Na+/K+-exchanger pump [43].
  • For a biophysical modeling scheme that derives the transmembrane transport through channels and pumps from first principles, see e.g., [57, 58].
  • In the presence of such mechanisms, the single-neuron contribution to ECS concentration shifts would likely be smaller than in the simulations presented here, or would require a higher neural activity level in order to occur.
  • The model limitations mentioned above were also present in the previous 1-D implementation of the KNP-scheme, and the authors refer to this previous work for a more thorough discussion [4].

Previous models of ECS electrodiffusion

  • Several previous studies have explored ECS electrodiffusion on small spatiotemporal scales [23, 28–34, 36–39].
  • The authors have previously used a 1-D implementation of the KNP-scheme to explore the effect of diffusive currents on ECS potentials [4].
  • Clearly, this is would not apply to most biological scenarios, which means that the results obtained with the 3-D implementation are generally more reliable.
  • These diffusion potentials are unrelated to filtering effects hypothesized to arise due to diffusion in the vicinity of the membrane when electric charge is transferred from the intracellular to the extracellular space [60, 61].


  • The presented version of the KNP-scheme was developed for use in a hybrid simulation setup where the dynamics of ion concentrations and the electrical potential in the ECS were computed with KNP, while the neurodynamics was computed with the NEURON simulator tool.
  • By necessity, this scheme shares the limitations of the NEURON simulator in terms of handling intracellular ion dynamics, which by default is not electrodiffusive in the NEURON environment [14].
  • This being said, the hybrid KNP/NEURON version presented here is valuable in its own right, since it allows the KNP framework to be combined with the many models that are already available in the NEURON software.
  • In such applications, however, the hybrid KNP framework would need to be expanded to also account for the effect of ECS concentration dynamics on neuronal reversal potentials.

Author Contributions

  • Andreas Solbrå, Gaute T. Einevoll, Geir Halnes, also known as Conceptualization.
  • Andreas Solbrå, Geir Halnes, also known as Formal analysis.
  • Andreas Solbrå, Geir Halnes, also known as Investigation.
  • Andreas Solbrå, Aslak Wigdahl Bergersen, Jonas van den Brink, also known as Software.
  • Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, Gaute T. Einevoll, Geir Halnes, also known as Supervision.

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A Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck framework for
modeling large scale extracellular
electrodiffusion surrounding morphologically
detailed neurons
Andreas Solbrå
, Aslak Wigdahl Bergersen
, Jonas van den Brink
Anders Malthe-Sørenssen
, Gaute T. Einevoll
, Geir Halnes
1 Center for Integrative Neuroplasticity, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 2 Department of Physics, University
of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 3 Simula Research Laboratory, Fornebu, Norway, 4 Department of Mathematical
Sciences and Technology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
Many pathological conditions, such as seizures, stroke, and spreading depression, are
associated with substantial changes in ion concentrations in the extracellular space (ECS)
of the brain. An understanding of the mechanisms that govern ECS concentration dynamics
may be a prerequisite for understanding such pathologies. To estimate the transport of ions
due to electrodiffusive effects, one must keep track of both the ion concentrations and the
electric potential simultaneously in the relevant regions of the brain. Although this is cur-
rently unfeasible experimentally, it is in principle achievable with computational models
based on biophysical principles and constraints. Previous computational models of extracel-
lular ion-concentration dynamics have required extensive computing power, and therefore
have been limited to either phenomena on very small spatiotemporal scales (micrometers
and milliseconds), or simplified and idealized 1-dimensional (1-D) transport processes on a
larger scale. Here, we present the 3-D Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck (KNP) framework, tailored
to explore electrodiffusive effects on large spatiotemporal scales. By assuming electroneu-
trality, the KNP-framework circumvents charge-relaxation processes on the spatiotemporal
scales of nanometers and nanoseconds, and makes it feasible to run simulations on the
spatiotemporal scales of millimeters and seconds on a standard desktop computer. In the
present work, we use the 3-D KNP framework to simulate the dynamics of ion concentra-
tions and the electrical potential surrounding a morphologically detailed pyramidal cell. In
addition to elucidating the single neuron contribution to electrodiffusive effects in the ECS,
the simulation demonstrates the efficiency of the 3-D KNP framework. We envision that
future applications of the framework to more complex and biologically realistic systems will
be useful in exploring pathological conditions associated with large concentration variations
in the ECS.
PLOS Computational Biology | October 4, 2018 1 / 26
Citation: Solbrå A, Bergersen AW, van den Brink J,
Malthe-Sørenssen A, Einevoll GT, Halnes G (2018)
A Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck framework for modeling
large scale extracellular electrodiffusion
surrounding morphologically detailed neurons.
PLoS Comput Biol 14(10): e1006510. https://doi.
Editor: Ernest Barreto, George Mason University,
Received: February 6, 2018
Accepted: September 12, 2018
Published: October 4, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Solbra
et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All model code will be
available at
Funding: This work was funded by the Research
Council of Norway (BIOTEK2021 Digital Life project
‘DigiBrain’, project 248828). The funders had no
role in study design, data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.

Author summary
Many pathological conditions, such as epilepsy and cortical spreading depression, are
linked to abnormal extracellular ion concentrations in the brain. Understanding the
underlying principles of such conditions may prove important in developing treatments
for these illnesses, which incur societal costs of tens of billions annually. In order to inves-
tigate the role of ion-concentration dynamics in the pathological conditions, one must
measure the spatial distribution of all ion concentrations over time. This remains chal-
lenging experimentally, which makes computational modeling an attractive tool. We have
previously introduced the Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck framework, an efficient framework
for modeling electrodiffusion. In this study, we introduce a 3-dimensional version of this
framework and use it to model the electrodiffusion of ions surrounding a morphologically
detailed neuron. The simulation covered a 1 mm
cylinder of tissue for over a minute and
was performed in less than a day on a standard desktop computer, demonstrating the
framework’s efficiency. We believe this to be an important step on the way to understand-
ing phenomena involving ion concentration shifts at the tissue level.
The brain mainly consists of a dense packing of neurons and neuroglia, submerged in the
cerebrospinal fluid which fills the extracellular space (ECS). Neurons generate their electrical
signals by exchanging ions with the ECS through ion-selective channels in their plasma
membranes. During normal signaling, this does not lead to significant changes in local ion
concentrations, as neuronal and glial transport mechanisms work towards maintaining ion
concentrations close to baseline levels. However, endured periods of enhanced neuronal activ-
ity or aberrant ion transport may lead to changes in ECS ion concentrations. Local concentra-
tion changes often coincide with slow shifts in the ECS potential [13], which may be partly
evoked by diffusive electrical currents, i.e., currents carried by charged ions moving along ECS
concentration gradients [2, 4]. While concentration gradients can influence electrical fields,
the reverse is also true, since ions move not only by diffusion but also by electric drift. A better
understanding of the electrodiffusive interplay between ECS ion dynamics and ECS potentials
may be a prerequisite for understanding the mechanisms behind many pathological conditions
linked to substantial concentration shifts in the ECS, such as epilepsy and spreading depres-
sion [3, 57].
A simultaneous and accurate knowledge of the concentration of all ion species is needed to
make reliable estimates of electrodiffusive effects in the ECS. Although this is currently unfea-
sible experimentally, it is in principle achievable with computational models based on biophys-
ical principles and constraints. However, in most computational models in neuroscience ion-
concentration dynamics are only partially modeled, or are ignored altogether. One reason for
this is the challenge involved in keeping track of all ion concentrations and their spatiotempo-
ral dynamics. Another reason may be the strong focus within the community on modeling the
neuronal membrane dynamics at short timescales, during which both intra- and extracellular
concentration changes are relatively small and putatively negligible. Although there exist mod-
els that account for ion concentration shifts and their effects on neuronal and glial reversal
potentials [811], the most common computational models for excitable cells, the multi-com-
partmental models and the cable equation, are based on the assumptions that (i) the ECS
potential is constant (ground), and (ii) the ion concentrations are constant [12, 13]. The
NEURON simulator [14, 15] is based on these assumptions, and although they are physically
Modelling large scale electrodiffusion surrounding morphologically detailed neurons
PLOS Computational Biology | October 4, 2018 2 / 26

incorrect, they still allow for efficient and fairly accurate predictions of the membrane-poten-
tial dynamics.
Because of assumption (i), multi-compartmental models are unsuited for modeling ECS
dynamics, and several approaches have been taken to construct models which include ECS
effects. A majority of computational studies of ECS potentials are based on volume conductor
(VC) theory [1621]. VC-schemes link neuronal membrane dynamics to its signatures in the
ECS potential. In contrast to the multi-compartmental models, VC-schemes are derived by
allowing the ECS potential to vary, but still assuming that the ion concentrations are constant.
VC-schemes are attractive, because they offer closed-form solutions, and allow the calculation
of the electric field for arbitrarily large systems. Although it may be reasonable to neglect varia-
tions in ECS ion concentrations on short timescales, the accumulative effects of endured neu-
ronal activity may lead to significant concentration changes in the ECS, which are related to
the aforementioned pathological conditions. Naturally, models that do not include ion-con-
centration dynamics are not applicable for exploring such pathologies. Furthermore, VC-
schemes neglect the effects from diffusive currents on the ECS potentials [4, 22, 23], and in
previous computational studies we have found the low-frequency components of the ECS
potential to be dominated by diffusion effects [4, 24].
A simplified approach to modeling concentration dynamics in brain tissue, is to use reac-
tion-diffusion schemes (see e.g., [2527]). In these schemes, concentration dynamics are simu-
lated under the simplifying assumption that ions move due to diffusion only. This approach
has been used for many specific applications, giving results in close agreement with experi-
mental data [26]. However, the net transport of abundant charge carriers such as Na
, K
, and Cl
, is also influenced by electric forces, which is not incorporated in diffusion only
(DO)-schemes. Furthermore, DO-schemes do not include the influence that diffusing ions can
have on the electrical potential.
To account for the electric interactions between the different ion species, as well as the effect
of such electric forces on the ECS potential, an electrodiffusive modeling framework is needed.
The most detailed modeling scheme for electrodiffusion is the Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP)
scheme [2834]. The PNP-scheme explicitly models charge-relaxation processes, that is, tiny
deviations from electroneutrality involving only about 10
of the total ionic concentration
[35]. This requires a prohibitively high spatiotemporal resolution, which makes the PNP-
scheme too computationally expensive for modeling the ECS on the tissue scale. Even the
state-of-the-art simulations in the literature are on the order of milliseconds on computational
domains of micrometers. The PNP-scheme is therefore not suited for simulating processes tak-
ing place at the tissue scale [23].
A series of modeling schemes have been developed that circumvent the brief charge-relaxa-
tion processes, and solve directly for the ECS potential when the system is in a quasi-steady
state [4, 23, 3642]. Circumventing charge-relaxation allows for simulations on spatiotemporal
scales which are larger, compared to what is possible with the PNP-scheme, by several orders
of magnitude. The charge-relaxation can be bypassed by replacing Poisson’s equation with the
constraint that the bulk solution is electroneutral. These schemes have been shown to deviate
from the PNP-scheme very close to the cell membrane (less than 5 I
¼m), but to give a good
agreement in the bulk solution [23]. The simplest electroneutral modeling scheme is the
Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck (KNP) scheme, previously developed in our group [41, 42]. A similar
scheme was developed in parallel in the heart cell community [40].
The KNP-scheme has previously been used to study electrodiffusive phenomena such as
spatial K
buffering by astrocytes [41], effects of ECS diffusion on the local field potential [4],
and the implication for current-source density analysis [24]. For simplicity, these previous
applications were limited to idealized 1-D setups with a relatively coarse spatial resolution.
Modelling large scale electrodiffusion surrounding morphologically detailed neurons
PLOS Computational Biology | October 4, 2018 3 / 26

Furthermore, a comparison between the KNP framework and other simulation frameworks
was not included in previous studies.
In the present study, we introduce a 3-D version of the KNP framework which can be used
to simulate the electrodiffusive dynamics of ion-concentrations and the electrical potential
in the ECS on large spatiotemporal scales. We establish in which situations the assumptions
used in the KNP scheme are warranted by comparing it to the more physically detailed PNP
scheme. Furthermore, we identify the conditions under which an electrodiffusive formalism is
needed by comparing the KNP scheme to the VC and DO schemes. The simplified schemes
can be derived from the KNP scheme by assuming, respectively, that (for VC) diffusive effects
on the membrane potential and (for DO) migratory effects on the concentration dynamics are
negligible. Accordingly, the accuracy of the simplifying assumptions can be assessed by com-
paring how close their predictions come to the KNP scheme.
We present the results of three distinct simulation setups, which we will refer to as Applica-
tion 1, Application 2, and Application 3 for the remainder of this study:
In Application 1, we consider an idealized 1-D domain filled with a salt solution, starting
with a nonzero ion concentration gradient. We solve the system using the PNP-scheme, the
KNP-scheme, and a DO-scheme. We compare results on short and long timescales (nanosec-
onds and seconds), to highlight the similarities and differences between the schemes.
In Application 2, we consider a 3-D domain with an ion concentration point source and a
point sink, of equal magnitude, embedded in a standard ECS ion solution. We compare results
obtained with the VC- and KNP-schemes to highlight their similarities and differences.
In Application 3, we consider a morphologically realistic pyramidal neuron model [43])
embedded in a 3-D ECS solution. The neuronal morphology is inserted as a 1-D branching
tree, which means that it does not occupy any volume, but gives rise to a morphologically real-
istic spatial distribution of neuronal membrane current sources or sinks. The ECS dynamics is
computed using the KNP-scheme, and show how concentration gradients gradually build up
in the ECS due to the neural activity, and how this influences the local potential in the ECS.
We compare results obtained with the VC-, DO-, and KNP-schemes to highlight their similari-
ties and differences.
The first two applications are simplified simulation setups, used to better understand the
differences between the schemes introduced above, while the third application is the main
result of this study, as it illustrates the scales at which the KNP-scheme can be used.
To our knowledge, the KNP-scheme is the first simulation framework which can handle
3-D electrodiffusion in neuronal tissue at relatively large spatiotemporal scales without
demanding an insurmountable amount of computer power. For Application 3, the long-term
ECS ion-concentration dynamics (about 100 s) in a spatial region of about 1 mm
was run on
a standard desktop computer within a day. We expect that the presented simulation frame-
work will be of great use for future studies, especially for modeling tissue dynamics in the con-
text of exploring pathological conditions associated with large shifts in ECS ion concentrations
[3, 57].
Materials and methods
This section is thematically split into three parts. We begin by explaining the necessary physi-
cal theory, stating and deriving the equations which we implemented. Then, we explain in
more detail how the models were implemented, including details such as numerical schemes
and boundary conditions. Finally, we give the specific details on each of the three applications
used in the study. The source code can be found online, at
KNPsim, and the results in this study can be reproduced by checking out the tag PLoS.
Modelling large scale electrodiffusion surrounding morphologically detailed neurons
PLOS Computational Biology | October 4, 2018 4 / 26

The Nernst-Planck equation for electrodiffusion. The ion concentration dynamics of an
ion species in a solution is described by the continuity equation:
¼ r J
þ f
; in O;
where c
is the concentration of ion species k, f
represent any source terms in the system, O is
the domain for which the concentrations are defined, and J
is the concentration flux of ion
species k. In the applications in this study, f
is implemented as a set of point sources at speci-
fied coordinates in the ECS. In the Nernst-Planck equation, J
consists of a diffusive and an
electric component:
¼ J
þ J
: ð2Þ
The diffusive component is given by Fick’s first law,
¼ D
; ð3Þ
where D
is the diffusion coefficient of ion species k. The electric component is
where ϕ is the electric potential, z
is the valency of ion species k, and ψ = RT/F is defined by
the gas constant (R), Faraday’s constant (F) and the temperature (T) which we assume to be
constant (cf. Table 1). Inserting Eqs 24 into Eq 1, yields the time evolution of the concentra-
tion of ion species k:
¼ r D
þ f
; in O: ð5Þ
We model the ECS as a continuous medium, while in reality, the ECS only takes up roughly
20% of the tissue volume [44] in the brain. To compensate for this, we use the porous medium
approximation [45]. This involves two changes to the model. The diffusion constants of the
ion species are modified as
where λ is the tortuosity, which accounts for various hindrances to free diffusion and electrical
migration through the ECS. We used the value λ = 1.6 [46]. We denote the fraction of tissue
volume belonging to the ECS by α, and set the value α = 0.2. The sources in the system are
Table 1. The physical parameters used in the simulations.
symbol explanation value
R gas constant 8.314 J/(K mol)
T temperature 300 K
F Faraday’s constant 9.648 × 10
vacuum permittivity 8.854 × 10
relative permittivity 80
Modelling large scale electrodiffusion surrounding morphologically detailed neurons
PLOS Computational Biology | October 4, 2018 5 / 26

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The creation of this NEURON interface provides a pathway for interoperability that can be used to automatically export this class of models into complex intracellular/extracellular simulations and future cross-simulator standardization.
Abstract: Development of credible clinically-relevant brain simulations has been slowed due to a focus on electrophysiology in computational neuroscience, neglecting the multiscale whole-tissue modeling approach used for simulation in most other organ systems. We have now begun to extend the NEURON simulation platform in this direction by adding extracellular modeling. The extracellular medium of neural tissue is an active medium of neuromodulators, ions, inflammatory cells, oxygen, NO and other gases, with additional physiological, pharmacological and pathological agents. These extracellular agents influence, and are influenced by, cellular electrophysiology, and cellular chemophysiology-the complex internal cellular milieu of second-messenger signaling and cascades. NEURON's extracellular reaction-diffusion is supported by an intuitive Python-based where/who/what command sequence, derived from that used for intracellular reaction diffusion, to support coarse-grained macroscopic extracellular models. This simulation specification separates the expression of the conceptual model and parameters from the underlying numerical methods. In the volume-averaging approach used, the macroscopic model of tissue is characterized by free volume fraction-the proportion of space in which species are able to diffuse, and tortuosity-the average increase in path length due to obstacles. These tissue characteristics can be defined within particular spatial regions, enabling the modeler to account for regional differences, due either to intrinsic organization, particularly gray vs. white matter, or to pathology such as edema. We illustrate simulation development using spreading depression, a pathological phenomenon thought to play roles in migraine, epilepsy and stroke. Simulation results were verified against analytic results and against the extracellular portion of the simulation run under FiPy. The creation of this NEURON interface provides a pathway for interoperability that can be used to automatically export this class of models into complex intracellular/extracellular simulations and future cross-simulator standardization.

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper introduces and numerically evaluates a new, finite element-based numerical scheme for the KNP-EMI model, capable of efficiently and flexibly handling geometries of arbitrary dimension and arbitrary polynomial degree and studies ephaptic coupling induced in an unmyelinated axon bundle.
Abstract: Mathematical models for excitable cells are commonly based on cable theory, which considers a homogenized domain and spatially constant ionic concentrations. Although such models provide valuable insight, the effect of altered ion concentrations or detailed cell morphology on the electrical potentials cannot be captured. In this paper, we discuss an alternative approach to detailed modeling of electrodiffusion in neural tissue. The mathematical model describes the distribution and evolution of ion concentrations in a geometrically-explicit representation of the intra- and extracellular domains. As a combination of the electroneutral Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck (KNP) model and the Extracellular-Membrane-Intracellular (EMI) framework, we refer to this model as the KNP-EMI model. Here, we introduce and numerically evaluate a new, finite element-based numerical scheme for the KNP-EMI model, capable of efficiently and flexibly handling geometries of arbitrary dimension and arbitrary polynomial degree. Moreover, we compare the electrical potentials predicted by the KNP-EMI and EMI models. Finally, we study ephaptic coupling induced in an unmyelinated axon bundle and demonstrate how the KNP-EMI framework can give new insights in this setting.

25 citations

Cites background or methods from "A Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck framework..."

  • ...On this background, a series of electroneutral models for ionic electrodiffusion have been developed, both for homogenized domains (Mori et al., 2008; Halnes et al., 2013, 2016, 2017; Niederer, 2013; Pods, 2017; Solbrå et al., 2018), and for domains including an explicit geometrical representation of the cells and of the extracellular space (Mori and Peskin, 2009)....


  • ...In addition, diffusion along extracellular ion concentration gradients can generate so-called diffusion potentials (Halnes et al., 2016; Savtchenko et al., 2017; Solbrå et al., 2018), which may constitute an additional ephaptic effect on membrane potentials....


  • ...The framework can be viewed as a combination of the EMI framework and the electroneutralKirchhoff-Nernst-Planck (KNP) framework (Solbrå et al., 2018), and will henceforth be referred to as the KNP-EMI framework....


  • ..., 2020), or components within a hybridmodeling scheme to compute extracellular dynamics (Halnes et al., 2016, 2017; Solbrå et al., 2018)....


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TL;DR: This study examines more detailed connectomes with edge weighting and orientation properties, in which reciprocal neuronal connections are also considered, and finds that demyelination modeling by connectivity weight modulation changes the oscillations of the target region of the mechanosensitive pathway.
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1 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Tracking neuronal activity through calcium dynamics is nevertheless ambitious, and there is an enhanced need for modeling to resolve what can be seen as an inverse problem: finding from experimental recordings the markers of synaptic activity, and distinguish in the calcium signals the different calcium sources.
Abstract: How do neuronal dendrites collect, process and transmit information? What is the role of neurons’ specific geometry on neuronal activity? The old postulate that dendrites serve mainly to connect neurons and to convey information, with no specific role in cognitive processes, is currently challenged by the emergence of novel experimental techniques (London & Husser, 2005 ; Basak & Narayanan, 2018). Hence, the role of the dendritic tree in transforming synaptic input into neuronal output is now a leading question in developmental neuroscience. In particular, using genetically-encoded Caindicators, state-of-the-art techniques have been developed to track the calcium dynamics within the entire dendritic tree, at high spacial and temporal scales (Sakaki et al., 2020). Tracking neuronal activity through calcium dynamics is nevertheless ambitious. Calcium concentration fluctuations are known to reflect neuronal activity in a very complex way, as ions can flow from many sources that interact non-linearly with each other. There is thus an enhanced need for modeling to resolve what can be seen as an inverse problem: finding from experimental recordings the markers of synaptic activity, and distinguish in the calcium signals the different calcium sources.

1 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The Reaction-Diffusion (rxd) module in Python as mentioned in this paper provides specification and simulation for these dynamics, coupled with the electrophysiological dynamics of the cell membrane, allowing arbitrary reaction formulas to be specified using Python syntax, which are then transparently compiled into bytecode that uses NumPy for fast vectorized calculations.
Abstract: In order to support research on the role of cell biological principles (genomics, proteomics, signaling cascades and reaction dynamics) on the dynamics of neuronal response in health and disease, NEURON has developed a Reaction-Diffusion (rxd) module in Python which provides specification and simulation for these dynamics, coupled with the electrophysiological dynamics of the cell membrane. Arithmetic operations on species and parameters are overloaded, allowing arbitrary reaction formulas to be specified using Python syntax. These expressions are then transparently compiled into bytecode that uses NumPy for fast vectorized calculations. At each time step, rxd combines NEURON's integrators with SciPy’s sparse linear algebra library.

63 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A computational method that implements a reduced set of Maxwell's equations to allow simulation of cells under realistic conditions: sub-micron cell morphology, a conductive non-homogeneous space and various ion channel properties and distributions is presented.
Abstract: Objective We present a computational method that implements a reduced set of Maxwell's equations to allow simulation of cells under realistic conditions: sub-micron cell morphology, a conductive non-homogeneous space and various ion channel properties and distributions Approach While a reduced set of Maxwell's equations can be used to couple membrane currents to extra- and intracellular potentials, this approach is rarely taken, most likely because adequate computational tools are missing By using these equations, and introducing an implicit solver, numerical stability is attained even with large time steps The time steps are limited only by the time development of the membrane potentials Main results This method allows simulation times of tens of minutes instead of weeks, even for complex problems The extracellular fields are accurately represented, including secondary fields, which originate at inhomogeneities of the extracellular space and can reach several millivolts We present a set of instructive examples that show how this method can be used to obtain reference solutions for problems, which might not be accurately captured by the traditional approaches This includes the simulation of realistic magnitudes of extracellular action potential signals in restricted extracellular space Significance The electric activity of neurons creates extracellular potentials Recent findings show that these endogenous fields act back onto the neurons, contributing to the synchronization of population activity The influence of endogenous fields is also relevant for understanding therapeutic approaches such as transcranial direct current, transcranial magnetic and deep brain stimulation The mutual interaction between fields and membrane currents is not captured by today's concepts of cellular electrophysiology, including the commonly used activation function, as those concepts are based on isolated membranes in an infinite, isopotential extracellular space The presented tool makes simulations with detailed morphology and implicit interactions of currents and fields available to the electrophysiology community

62 citations

"A Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck framework..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...Such a scheme will represent a 513 generalization of the previously developed extracellular-membrane-intracellular (EMI) model [52,58], 514 which in a consistent way couples the intra- and extracellular electrodynamics, but so far does not 515 include ion-concentration dynamics and thus not diffusive currents....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A systematic study of the bifurcation structure and thus the phase space structure helps to understand activation and inhibition of a new excitability in ion homeostasis which emerges in such extended models as time-dependent ion concentrations, pumps, and buffers.
Abstract: The classical Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model neglects the time-dependence of ion concentrations in spiking dynamics. The dynamics is therefore limited to a time scale of milliseconds, which is determined by the membrane capacitance multiplied by the resistance of the ion channels, and by the gating time constants. We study slow dynamics in an extended HH framework that includes time-dependent ion concentrations, pumps, and buffers. Fluxes across the neuronal membrane change intra- and extracellular ion concentrations, whereby the latter can also change through contact to reservoirs in the surroundings. Ion gain and loss of the system is identified as a bifurcation parameter whose essential importance was not realized in earlier studies. Our systematic study of the bifurcation structure and thus the phase space structure helps to understand activation and inhibition of a new excitability in ion homeostasis which emerges in such extended models. Also modulatory mechanisms that regulate the spiking rate can be explained by bifurcations. The dynamics on three distinct slow times scales is determined by the cell volume-to-surface-area ratio and the membrane permeability (seconds), the buffer time constants (tens of seconds), and the slower backward buffering (minutes to hours). The modulatory dynamics and the newly emerging excitable dynamics corresponds to pathological conditions observed in epileptiform burst activity, and spreading depression in migraine aura and stroke, respectively.

59 citations

Additional excerpts

  • ...This 475 is the case for most neuron models currently available in NEURON (for a model with ion pumps, 476 see [53])....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A general electrodiffusive formalism for modeling of ion concentration dynamics in a one-dimensional geometry that ensures that the membrane potential and ion concentrations are in consistency, it ensures global particle/charge conservation and it accounts for diffusion and concentration dependent variations in resistivity.
Abstract: The cable equation is a proper framework for modeling electrical neural signalling that takes place at a timescale at which the ionic concentrations vary little. However, in neural tissue there are also key dynamic processes that occur at longer timescales. For example, endured periods of intense neural signaling may cause the local extracellular K+-concentration to increase by several millimolars. The clearance of this excess K+ depends partly on diffusion in the extracellular space, partly on local uptake by astrocytes, and partly on intracellular transport (spatial buffering) within astrocytes. These processes, that take place at the time scale of seconds, demand a mathematical description able to account for the spatiotemporal variations in ion concentrations as well as the subsequent effects of these variations on the membrane potential. Here, we present a general electrodiffusive formalism for modeling of ion concentration dynamics in a one-dimensional geometry, including both the intra- and extracellular domains. Based on the Nernst-Planck equations, this formalism ensures that the membrane potential and ion concentrations are in consistency, it ensures global particle/charge conservation and it accounts for diffusion and concentration dependent variations in resistivity. We apply the formalism to a model of astrocytes exchanging ions with the extracellular space. The simulations show that K+-removal from high-concentration regions is driven by a local depolarization of the astrocyte membrane, which concertedly (i) increases the local astrocytic uptake of K+, (ii) suppresses extracellular transport of K+, (iii) increases axial transport of K+ within astrocytes, and (iv) facilitates astrocytic relase of K+ in regions where the extracellular concentration is low. Together, these mechanisms seem to provide a robust regulatory scheme for shielding the extracellular space from excess K+.

59 citations

"A Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck framework..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...67 The KNP-scheme has previously been used to study electrodiffusive phenomena such as spatial K 68 buffering by astrocytes [37], effects of ECS diffusion on the local field potential [4], and the implication 69 for current-source density analysis [20]....


  • ...The simplest 65 electroneutral modeling scheme is the Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck (KNP) scheme, previously developed in 66 our group [37,38]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A hybrid simulation framework is presented that accounts for diffusive effects on the ECS potential and explores the effect that ECS diffusion has on the electrical potential surrounding a small population of 10 pyramidal neurons.
Abstract: Recorded potentials in the extracellular space (ECS) of the brain is a standard measure of population activity in neural tissue. Computational models that simulate the relationship between the ECS potential and its underlying neurophysiological processes are commonly used in the interpretation of such measurements. Standard methods, such as volume-conductor theory and current-source density theory, assume that diffusion has a negligible effect on the ECS potential, at least in the range of frequencies picked up by most recording systems. This assumption remains to be verified. We here present a hybrid simulation framework that accounts for diffusive effects on the ECS potential. The framework uses (1) the NEURON simulator to compute the activity and ionic output currents from multicompartmental neuron models, and (2) the electrodiffusive Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck framework to simulate the resulting dynamics of the potential and ion concentrations in the ECS, accounting for the effect of electrical migration as well as diffusion. Using this framework, we explore the effect that ECS diffusion has on the electrical potential surrounding a small population of 10 pyramidal neurons. The neural model was tuned so that simulations over ∼100 seconds of biological time led to shifts in ECS concentrations by a few millimolars, similar to what has been seen in experiments. By comparing simulations where ECS diffusion was absent with simulations where ECS diffusion was included, we made the following key findings: (i) ECS diffusion shifted the local potential by up to ∼0.2 mV. (ii) The power spectral density (PSD) of the diffusion-evoked potential shifts followed a 1/f2 power law. (iii) Diffusion effects dominated the PSD of the ECS potential for frequencies up to several hertz. In scenarios with large, but physiologically realistic ECS concentration gradients, diffusion was thus found to affect the ECS potential well within the frequency range picked up in experimental recordings.

58 citations

"A Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck framework..." refers background or methods or result in this paper

  • ...The NEURON simulation was 257 nearly identical to that used by us previously, and we refer to the original implementation for further 258 details [4]....


  • ...This conclusion is in line with what we found 436 in previous studies based on simpler, 1-D implementations of the KNP-scheme [4,20]....


  • ...The 480 model limitations mentioned above were also present in the previous 1-D implementation of the 481 KNP-scheme, and we refer to this previous work for a more thorough discussion [4]....


  • ...486 We have previously used a 1-D implementation of the KNP-scheme to explore the effect of diffusive 487 currents on ECS potentials [4]....


  • ...67 The KNP-scheme has previously been used to study electrodiffusive phenomena such as spatial K 68 buffering by astrocytes [37], effects of ECS diffusion on the local field potential [4], and the implication 69 for current-source density analysis [20]....


Frequently Asked Questions (1)
Q1. What are the contributions mentioned in the paper "A kirchhoff-nernst-planck framework for modeling large scale extracellular electrodiffusion surrounding morphologically detailed neurons" ?

Here, the authors present the 3-D Kirchhoff-Nernst-Planck ( KNP ) framework, tailored to explore electrodiffusive effects on large spatiotemporal scales. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. This work was funded by the Research Council of Norway ( BIOTEK2021 Digital Life project ‘ DigiBrain ’, project 248828 ). The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. In the present work, the authors use the 3-D KNP framework to simulate the dynamics of ion concentrations and the electrical potential surrounding a morphologically detailed pyramidal cell.