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A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations

TL;DR: A local potential is derived to represent the Fock exchange operator in electronic single-particle equations in density functional theory (DFT) and yields robust and accurate results for a variety of systems where Hartree-Fock and popular approximations of DFT typically fail.
Abstract: We derive and employ a local potential to represent the Fock exchange operator in electronic single-particle equations. This local Fock-exchange (LFX) potential is very similar to the exact exchange (EXX) potential in density functional theory (DFT). The practical software implementation of the two potentials (LFX and EXX) yields robust and accurate results for a variety of systems (semiconductors, transition metal oxides) where Hartree Fock and popular approximations of DFT typically fail. This includes examples traditionally considered qualitatively inaccessible to calculations that omit correlation.

Summary (5 min read)

1. Introduction

  • The exchange symmetry in quantum mechanics refers to the invariance of a quantum system when two identical particles exchange positions.
  • The N -electron system is represented by a Slater determinant (Φ) built on the set of spin-orbitals {φi} and the electrons do not interact directly with each other but each electron lies in the effective field of the other N −1 electrons.
  • The two principal examples of such effective, independent-particle descriptions are the Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation [1] and the Kohn-Sham (KS) scheme [2] in density functional theory (DFT) [3].
  • The two different definitions lead naturally to different representations of the exchange term (local in KS, nonlocal in HF) in the corresponding single-particle equations.
  • In HF the nonlocal Fock exchange term acts in a different way on the occupied and on the virtual orbitals and this asymmetry can lead to counterintuitive and unphysical behaviour of the HF orbitals and their energies.

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 3

  • Theory there are no unfilled shells, i.e., the highest occupied and the lowest unoccupied orbitals are never degenerate, even in systems with odd number of electrons[9].
  • Finally, it seems counterintuitive that all the occupied HF orbitals turn out to have the same asymptotic decay[10].
  • In fact, the enforcement of the correct asymptotic behaviour is sufficient to improve considerably the accuracy of singleparticle properties in these approximations [19].
  • This question will be investigated in the following, after obtaining the local exchange potential (“local Fock exchange”, LFX) corresponding optimally to HF’s nonlocal Fock exchange term.

2. The local Fock exchange potential

  • The KS system is a virtual system of noninteracting electrons defined to have the same ground state charge density as the interacting system of interest.
  • The KS system is determined by solving single-particle (KS) equations featuring the KS potential, which forces the noninteracting electrons to have the required density.
  • In DFT, the KS potential (functional derivative w.r.t. density of the noninteracting kinetic energy functional) is the sum of the electron-nuclear attraction, ven(r), the Hartree potential ∫ dr′ρ(r′)/|r− r′|, and the exchange and correlation potential, vxc(r); the latter is the functional derivative w.r.t. the density of the exchange and correlation energy.
  • In particular the xOEP is the functional derivative of the exact exchange energy,.

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 4

  • Ref. [20] gives an alternative (to DFT) and direct way to obtain ab initio approximations for the KS potential, by minimizing an appropriate energy difference (TΨ[v], see the variational principle (4) in [20]).
  • In the following, to derive the local potential that best simulates the nonlocal Fock exchange term, the authors follow Ref. [20], and use the HF ground state Slater determinant ΦHF in place of the interacting state Ψ.
  • Then, the authors search among all effective Hamiltonians Hv characterised by a local potential v(r), Hv = N∑ i=1 { −∇ 2 i 2 + v(ri) } , (2) for the one (HvMP0) which adopts optimally ΦHF as its own approximate ground state.
  • (5) Compared with the exchange optimised effective potential (xOEP) case, the functional derivative in (4) is easier to obtain, as it does not involve the calculation of the orbital shifts[18, 21].
  • The local potential with the HF density was studied in the past but also recently, in Ref. [22, 23], where it was found that it provides an almost perfect approximation to xOEP, avoiding mathematical issues in the implementation of xOEP with finite basis sets.

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 5

  • It follows that both the LFX potential and the xOEP simulate optimally the nonlocal Fock exchange term in the HF single-particle Hamiltonian.
  • Hence, in the MP expansion of the KS potential, the zero-order term is vMP0 and the first-order correction vanishes.
  • The same holds true for xOEP [25, 26] in DFT PT [27]: the sum of the xOEP, the Hartree potential and ven, form the local potential in the zero-order effective Hamiltonian Hv, where, if the authors switch on electronic repulsion the electronic density will not change to first order.
  • This result was re-derived in Ref. [20], using a general version of the variational principle (3).

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 6

  • This explains the nearly perfect exchange-virial results in Ref. [22, 23].
  • The authors conclude that the difference between the xOEP and the LFX potential is analogous to the difference in the definitions of the exact exchange energy in wave function theory and in DFT.
  • They describe the same physics and consequently the authors expect the results of calculations employing these two potentials to be similar, at least in systems where exchange dominates over correlation (weakly interacting).

3. Algorithm to construct the LFX potential

  • The authors now discuss their practical implementation method to calculate the LFX potential.
  • It can be shown that for small enough , the change in (11) reduces also the Coulomb energy UρHF [v] in every iteration.
  • In fact, the algorithm is general and for any target density ρ, the minimisation using (11) of Uρ[v] (the Coulomb energy of the density difference ρ−ρv), can be employed to invert ρ and obtain the minimising local potential with ground state density equal to ρ.
  • The functional derivative, δTHF[v]/δv(r), represents a charge density (4) with zero net charge (as does the functional derivative, δE[v]/δv(r), of any energy expression E[v] that is a functional of a local potential v(r); the net charge, ∫ dr δE[v]/δv(r), vanishes because the potential is defined up to a constant).

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 7

  • In Ref. [18] the authors had employed a different algorithm, where the potential was corrected in the opposite direction of the functional derivative, δE[v]/δv(r), rather than the Coulomb potential of the functional derivative (see Fig. 1 in Ref. [18]).
  • The authors found that this algorithm too converges to the same LFX potential, but is less stable and suffers from slow convergence rate in regions of low density.

3.1. Implementation and Convergence

  • The LFX potential has been implemented in the electronic-structure, plane-wave code CASTEP [36, 37], using the algorithm described above.
  • The procedure to calculate the LFX potential, requires first a HF calculation to determine the target density (ρHF).
  • The difference of the Coulomb potentials of the densities, ρHF−ρv (see Eq. 4), is used to correct the potential using (11) in a line search, where in the latter case, is chosen to minimise UρHF [v].
  • This procedure gives a downhill direction allowing implementation of a Fletcher-Reeved based conjugate gradients algorithm with a line search based on a parabolic two-step fit.
  • In plane-wave DFT implementations the orbitals, density, and potentials are represented on rectilinear grids.

3.2. Finite basis OEP errors and CEDA potential

  • The implementation of the OEP method involves the expansion of the orbitals and the potential in finite basis sets.
  • This procedure may introduce spurious oscillations in OEP, caused by a discontinuity in the solution of the finite-basis OEP equations [38].
  • In practice, the authors find that with the large orbital basis sets they use, containing several thousands of plane-waves, this discontinuity is negligible.
  • (The discontinuity of finitebasis OEP [38] is expected to diminish with increasing size of orbital basis [38, 39, 40].).

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 8

  • CEDA is equivalent [42] to the “effective local potential” [43] and to the “localised Hartree Fock” potential [44].
  • These approximate xOEPs are related to the Krieger-Li-Iafrate (KLI) approximation [45], since they are all based on the Unsöld approximation [46].

4. Results

  • The differences in total energies, from the HF total energy, for the xOEP, LFX and CEDA potentials are shown in Table 1, for a selection of semiconductors, insulators and anti-ferromagnetic transition metal monoxides (TMOs).
  • Also included in Table 1 are the Kohn-Sham band-gaps for each material, calculated as the difference between the conduction band minimum and valence band maximum.
  • The experimental bandgaps and magnetic moments (Tables 1, 2) for the TMOs are from Ref. [47] and references therein.
  • The calculations on the semiconductors and insulators used experimental lattice constants in the zincblende structure for Ge, Si, GaAs, CdTe, ZnSe, C, the wurtzite structure for InN, GaN and ZnO and the rocksalt structure for CaO and NaCl.
  • The HF energy is the lowest among all the methods due to the greater variational freedom of the orbitals compared to the local potential.

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 9

  • CdTe FeO to the xOEP and LFX potentials are higher by 0.5 eV and within 15 meV of each other, with the largest difference observed in GaN.
  • Of these the LFX energy is slightly higher, in accord with the definition of xOEP as the minimum among effective schemes with a local potential.
  • As expected, the CEDA total energies are significantly higher.
  • For materials not considered “highly correlated” the largest difference of 0.15 eV for CaO would be barely visible on the same scale.
  • The authors results agree well with EXX/xOEP results in the literature, showing that KS bandgaps (without a discontinuity correction) predict the fundamental bandgaps of semiconductors and insulators rather accurately, but with the quality of the agreement generally deteriorating with increasing width of the insulator bandgap [16, 17, 48, 12].

4.1. Transition metal oxides

  • Calculations for the TMOs were performed in the experimental rocksalt structure without any rhombohedral distortion.
  • The simulation cell was the primitive rhombohedral cell of the AFM II magnetic structure, which is consistent with antiferromagnetic order between alternating cubic (111) planes.
  • All four methods (HF, xOEP, LFX, CEDA) predict the four materials to be antiferromagentic insulators.
  • The xOEP total energy is slightly below the LFX total energy, differing by at most 0.16eV for FeO ; both of these.

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 10

  • Methods give energies very close to the HF minimum.
  • As shown in Tables 1, 2, the exchange-only Kohn-Sham bandgaps and the calculated magnetic moments are close to the experimental values.
  • For the TMOs studied here, antiferromagnetism allows the opening of a gap in the single particle spectrum, although semi-local approximations (LDA/GGA) predict a gap that is too small or zero.
  • The better treatment of self-interaction in hybrid functionals[49, 50], the Perdew-Zunger SIC[51], LDA+U [52], or previous EXX calculations[47] all yield improved agreement with experiment.
  • The authors exchange-only results in TMOs are in good agreement with EXX results by Engel[47] which included LDA correlation.

5. Discussion

  • To conclude, the authors have presented a thorough study and comparison of two very similar but mathematically distinct local, single-particle, exchange potentials.
  • The authors applied their methods to a variety of systems, ranging from semiconductors, to wide-band insulators and to TMOs.
  • For most systems, the results from the two calculations were very similar and almost indistinguishable.
  • The main message of their paper is the robustness of their results, which bolsters confidence on the computational/numerical aspect of the results, since two entirely different calculations of the same underlying physical quantity turn out to agree in the end [54].
  • The results of the common energy denominator approximation (CEDA).

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 11

  • Demonstrate the inferiority of the approximate treatment of exchange, compared with the more accurate treatment afforded by xOEP and LFX.
  • The larger differences between LFX and xOEP in some systems, especially the TMOs, suggests that correlation plays a more significant role in those systems.
  • The authors argue that the disparity between LFX and xOEP can be taken as a measure of the strength of correlation, as in principle, there is no a priori guarantee that xOEP and LFX should give the same result.
  • Only in materials where the XC energy is dominated by the exchange term would the authors expect the two methods to agree.


  • T.W.H. acknowledges the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for financial support, the UK national supercomputing facility , Durham HPC , the facilities of N8 HPC, provided and funded by the N8 consortium and (Grant No.EP/K000225/1) and finally the UK Car-Parrinello Consortium for support under Grant No. EP/F037481/1. [1].
  • Bartlett RJ, Lotrich VF, Schweigert IV, J. Chem.

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Hollins, T.W. and Clark, S.J. and Refson, K. and Gidopoulos, N.I. (2017) 'A local Fock-exchange potential in
KohnSham equations.', Journal of physics : condensed matter., 29 (4). 04LT01.
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A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham
T.W. Hollins
, S.J. Clark
, K. Refson
and N.I. Gidopoulos
Department of Physics, Durham University, South Road,
Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom.
Department of Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London,
Egham TW20 0EX, United Kingdom.
ISIS Facility, Science and Technology Facilities Council,
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot OX11 0QX, United
We derive and employ a local potential to represent the Fock exchange operator in
electronic single-particle equations. This local Fock-exchange (LFX) potential is very
similar to the exact exchange (EXX) potential in density functional theory (DFT). The
practical software implementation of the two potentials (LFX and EXX) yields robust
and accurate results for a variety of systems (semiconductors, transition metal oxides)
where Hartree Fock and popular approximations of DFT typically fail. This includes
examples traditionally considered qualitatively inaccessible to calculations that omit

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 2
1. Introduction
The exchange symmetry in quantum mechanics refers to the invariance of a quantum
system when two identical particles exchange positions. For electronic systems in
particular, this symmetry leads to Pauli’s exclusion principle that makes necessary the
use of antisymmetric, or fermionic, wave functions.
However, in the theory of electronic structure, the term “exchange” is often used in
the narrower context of an effective description that treats the interacting electrons as
independent particles, assigning a spin-orbital (φ
) to each one of them. The N-electron
system is represented by a Slater determinant (Φ) built on the set of spin-orbitals {φ
and the electrons do not interact directly with each other but each electron lies in the
effective field of the other N 1 electrons. The two principal examples of such effective,
independent-particle descriptions are the Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation [1] and the
Kohn-Sham (KS) scheme [2] in density functional theory (DFT) [3]. Based on the
reference state Φ of the model, the definition of the exchange energy is given in the
context of such an independent-particle theory,
[Φ] =
dr dr
(r, r
|r r
. (1)
where ρ
(r, r
) with σ =, is the one-particle reduced density matrix of the reference
Slater determinant Φ.
Hence, the exchange energy is defined differently in HF theory, where Φ is the HF
Slater determinant Φ
, from DFT where Φ is the KS Slater determinant Φ
. The
two different definitions lead naturally to different representations of the exchange term
(local in KS, nonlocal in HF) in the corresponding single-particle equations.
In HF the nonlocal Fock exchange term acts in a different way on the occupied and
on the virtual orbitals and this asymmetry can lead to counterintuitive and unphysical
behaviour of the HF orbitals and their energies. For example, the virtual HF orbitals
appear to be repelled by a charge of N rather than N 1 electrons[4], a fact that has led
to the interpretation of the virtual orbital energies as (negative) electron affinities, in an
obvious extension of Koopmans’ theorem [5]. On the other hand, if we view that a virtual
HF orbital represents an excitation of a ground state orbital, then the repulsion of the
virtual orbital by a charge of N rather than N 1 electrons becomes a qualitative error
arising from the self-repulsion of the occupied orbital accommodating the electron
before excitation with the virtual orbital hosting to the electron after excitation.
Ref.[6] discusses a similar case of self-repulsion (“ghost-interaction”) in ensemble DFT
for excited states.
The self-repulsion of the virtual orbitals and the asymmetry of the action of the
Fock operator on occupied and virtual orbitals leads to too high single-particle excitation
energies and to poor band-structures with too large band gaps. In metals, the density of
states of the uniform electron gas is found to vanish at the Fermi energy[7], predicting
wrongly the behaviour of an ideal metal to be almost insulating. (However, see Ref. [8].)
Another qualitative error of these spurious self-repulsions is that in unrestricted HF

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 3
theory there are no unfilled shells, i.e., the highest occupied and the lowest unoccupied
orbitals are never degenerate, even in systems with odd number of electrons[9]. Finally,
it seems counterintuitive that all the occupied HF orbitals turn out to have the same
asymptotic decay[10].
The asymmetry in the HF treatment of occupied and virtual orbitals is well known
and there is significant work to correct it, e.g. by making rotations in the Hilbert space of
virtual orbitals[11]. An elegant solution to this problem is to employ a common, local,
multiplicative, single-particle exchange potential ˆv
= v
(r), that treats all orbitals,
occupied and virtual, in a symmetric way. Indeed, with the self-interaction-free “exact
exchange” (EXX) potential in KS theory (see Ref.[12] and references therein) single-
particle properties, such as ionisation potentials[12, 15], electron affinities[12], single-
particle excitation energies and band structures[12, 16, 17, 18] are obtained accurately.
We note that the EXX potential cannot be written explicitly in terms of the electron
density, but it must be obtained indirectly from the density, by solving a Fredholm
integral equation of the first kind, known as the equation for the optimized effective
potential (OEP) method [13, 14, 12]. In the terminology of KS theory, when correlation
is omitted the EXX potential is also referred to as the exchange optimized effective
potential (xOEP).
By comparison, in semi-local KS approximations (such as the local density
approximation, LDA, and other related approximations) the cancellation of self-
interactions is incomplete making the asymptotic decay of the exchange potential too
fast, thus leading to inferior single-particle properties. In fact, the enforcement of the
correct asymptotic behaviour is sufficient to improve considerably the accuracy of single-
particle properties in these approximations [19].
Given that the exchange energy and exchange potential are not measurable
quantities, the question arises about their dependence on the reference state of the
effective model. For example, are there physical limits where this dependence can be
expected to be either strong or weak? This question will be investigated in the following,
after obtaining the local exchange potential (“local Fock exchange”, LFX) corresponding
optimally to HF’s nonlocal Fock exchange term.
2. The local Fock exchange potential
The KS system is a virtual system of noninteracting electrons defined to have the same
ground state charge density as the interacting system of interest. The KS system is
determined by solving single-particle (KS) equations featuring the KS potential, which
forces the noninteracting electrons to have the required density.
In DFT, the KS potential (functional derivative w.r.t. density of the noninteracting
kinetic energy functional) is the sum of the electron-nuclear attraction, v
(r), the
Hartree potential
)/|r r
|, and the exchange and correlation potential, v
the latter is the functional derivative w.r.t. the density of the exchange and correlation
energy. In particular the xOEP is the functional derivative of the exact exchange energy,

A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 4
given by the Fock expression (1) in terms of the KS orbitals.
Ref. [20] gives an alternative (to DFT) and direct way to obtain ab initio
approximations for the KS potential, by minimizing an appropriate energy difference
[v], see the variational principle (4) in [20]). We note that the formalism in [20]
assumes some knowledge of the interacting ground state Ψ. Also, we point out that
although the theoretical scheme developed in Ref. [20], is based on wave function theory
rather than DFT, it still results in the usual KS single-particle equations employing the
(exact or approximate) KS potential.
In the following, to derive the local potential that best simulates the nonlocal Fock
exchange term, we follow Ref. [20], and use the HF ground state Slater determinant Φ
in place of the interacting state Ψ. Then, we search among all effective Hamiltonians
characterised by a local potential v(r),
+ v(r
, (2)
for the one (H
) which adopts optimally Φ
as its own approximate ground
state. The optimisation is achieved using the Rayleigh Ritz variational principle and
minimising, over all local potentials v(r), the non-negative energy difference,
[v] 0, with T
= hΦ
i E
. (3)
is the ground state energy of H
. The functional derivative of T
[v] is equal to the
difference of the HF density and the density of the effective system [20],
= ρ
(r) ρ
(r). (4)
At the minimum, the two densities are equal and the optimal potential v
has the
same density as HF. The difference of v
and the sum of the Hartree potential and
the electron-nuclear attraction defines the local Fock-exchange (LFX) potential:
= v
(r) v
|r r
. (5)
Compared with the exchange optimised effective potential (xOEP) case, the functional
derivative in (4) is easier to obtain, as it does not involve the calculation of the orbital
shifts[18, 21].
The local potential with the HF density was studied in the past but also recently,
in Ref. [22, 23], where it was found that it provides an almost perfect approximation to
xOEP, avoiding mathematical issues in the implementation of xOEP with finite basis
However, from our variational derivation we argue that LFX is actually more than
a mere approximation to xOEP: both potentials are optimal in Rayleigh-Ritz energy
minimizations where we search for the effective Hamiltonian H
that, either adopts the
HF ground state Φ
optimally as its own approximate ground state (LFX), or, whose
ground state minimizes the HF total energy (xOEP). In either case, if the restriction
of a local potential were relaxed, the HF Hamiltonian would be the minimizing one.

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Frequently Asked Questions (8)
Q1. What contributions have the authors mentioned in the paper "A local fock-exchange potential in kohn-sham equations" ?

The authors derive and employ a local potential to represent the Fock exchange operator in electronic single-particle equations. This local Fock-exchange ( LFX ) potential is very similar to the exact exchange ( EXX ) potential in density functional theory ( DFT ). The practical software implementation of the two potentials ( LFX and EXX ) yields robust and accurate results for a variety of systems ( semiconductors, transition metal oxides ) where Hartree Fock and popular approximations of DFT typically fail. A local Fock-exchange potential in Kohn-Sham equations 2 

The exchange symmetry in quantum mechanics refers to the invariance of a quantum system when two identical particles exchange positions. 

The iterative optimisation scheme the authors developed is performed explicitly on these real space grids by direct variation, so that the effective basis used to represent v(r) is the set of grid points {G} : |G| ≤ 2Gmax. 

The HF energy is the lowest among all the methods due to the greater variationalfreedom of the orbitals compared to the local potential. 

The simulation cell was the primitive rhombohedral cell of the AFM II magnetic structure, which is consistent with antiferromagnetic order between alternating cubic (111) planes. 

In the terminology of KS theory, when correlation is omitted the EXX potential is also referred to as the exchange optimized effective potential (xOEP). 

with the self-interaction-free “exact exchange” (EXX) potential in KS theory (see Ref.[12] and references therein) singleparticle properties, such as ionisation potentials[12, 15], electron affinities[12], singleparticle excitation energies and band structures[12, 16, 17, 18] are obtained accurately. 

The authors note that the EXX potential cannot be written explicitly in terms of the electron density, but it must be obtained indirectly from the density, by solving a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind, known as the equation for the optimized effective potential (OEP) method [13, 14, 12].