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A model of compound heterozygous, loss-of-function alleles is broadly consistent with observations from complex-disease GWAS datasets

It is demonstrated that the model of gene action, relating genotype to phenotype, has a qualitative effect on several relevant aspects of the population genetic architecture of a complex trait, and the genetic model impacts genetic variance component partitioning across the allele frequency spectrum and the power of statistical tests.
The genetic component of complex disease risk in humans remains largely unexplained. A corollary is that the allelic spectrum of genetic variants contributing to complex disease risk is unknown. Theoretical models that relate population genetic processes to the maintenance of genetic variation for quantitative traits may suggest profitable avenues for future experimental design. Here we use forward simulation to model a genomic region evolving under a balance between recurrent deleterious mutation and Gaussian stabilizing selection. We consider multiple genetic and demographic models, and several different methods for identifying genomic regions harboring variants associated with complex disease risk. We demonstrate that the model of gene action, relating genotype to phenotype, has a qualitative effect on several relevant aspects of the population genetic architecture of a complex trait. In particular, the genetic model impacts genetic variance component partitioning across the allele frequency spectrum and the power of statistical tests. Models with partial recessivity closely match the minor allele frequency distribution of significant hits from empirical genome-wide association studies without requiring homozygous effect-sizes to be small. We highlight a particular gene-based model of incomplete recessivity that is appealing from first principles. Under that model, deleterious mutations in a genomic region partially fail to complement one another. This model of gene-based recessivity predicts the empirically observed inconsistency between twin and SNP based estimated of dominance heritability. Furthermore, this model predicts considerable levels of unexplained variance associated with intralocus epistasis. Our results suggest a need for improved statistical tools for region based genetic association and heritability estimation.

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A Model of Compound Heterozygous, Loss-of-
Function Alleles Is Broadly Consistent with
Observations from Complex-Disease GWAS
Jaleal S. Sanjak
*, Anthony D. Long
, Kevin R. Thornton
1 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California, USA,
2 Center for Complex Biological Systems, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California, USA
* (JSS); (KRT)
The genetic component of complex disease risk in humans remains largely unexplained. A
corollary is that the allelic spectrum of genetic variants contributing to complex disease risk
is unknown. Theoretical models that relate population genetic processes to the maintenance
of genetic variation for quantitative traits may suggest profitable avenues for future experi-
mental design. Here we use forward simulation to model a genomic region evolving under a
balance between recurrent deleterious mutation and Gaussian stabilizing selection. We
consider multiple genetic and demographic models, and several different methods for identi-
fying genomic regions harboring variants associated with complex disease risk. We demon-
strate that the model of gene action, relating genotype to phenotype, has a qualitative effect
on several relevant aspects of the population genetic architecture of a complex trait. In par-
ticular, the genetic model impacts genetic variance component partitioning across the allele
frequency spectrum and the power of statistical tests. Models with partial recessivity closely
match the minor allele frequency distribution of significant hits from empirical genome-wide
association studies without requiring homozygous effect sizes to be small. We highlight a
particular gene-based model of incomplete recessivity that is appealing from first principles.
Under that model, deleterious mutations in a genomic region partially fail to complement
one another. This model of gene-based recessivity predicts the empirically observed incon-
sistency between twin and SNP based estimated of dominance heritability. Furthermore,
this model predicts considerable levels of unexplained variance associated with intralocus
epistasis. Our results suggest a need for improved statistical tools for region based genetic
association and heritability estimation.
Author Summary
Gene action determines how mutations affect phenotype. When placed in an evolutionary
context, the details of the genotype-to-phenotype model can impact the maintenance of
genetic variation for complex traits. Likewise, non-equilibrium demographic history may
PLOS Genetics | DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006573 January 19, 2017 1 / 30
Citation: Sanjak JS, Long AD, Thornton KR (2017)
A Model of Compound Heterozygous, Loss-of-
Function Alleles Is Broadly Consistent with
Observations from Complex-Disease GWAS
Datasets. PLoS Genet 13(1): e1006573.
Editor: Simon Gravel, McGill University, CANADA
Received: April 18, 2016
Accepted: January 5, 2017
Published: January 19, 2017
Copyright: © 2017 Sanjak et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: Our simulation code
and code for downstream analyses are freely
available at:
buRden,, and
Funding: This work was supported by NIH grant
R01-GM115564 to KRT. This work was supported
by NIH grant R01-GM115562 to ADL. This material
is based upon work supported by the National
Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
Program under Grant No. DGE-1321846. Any

affect patterns of genetic variation. Here, we explore the impact of genetic model and pop-
ulation growth on distribution of genetic variance across the allele frequency spectrum
underlying risk for a complex disease. Using forward-in-time population genetic simula-
tions, we show that the genetic model has important impacts on the composition of
variation for complex disease risk in a population. We explicitly simulate genome-wide
association studies (GWAS) and perform heritability estimation on population samples. A
particular model of gene-based partial recessivity, based on allelic non-complementation,
aligns well with empirical results. This model is congruent with the dominance variance
estimates from both SNPs and twins, and the minor allele frequency distribution of
GWAS hits.
Risk for complex diseases in humans, such as diabetes and hypertension, is highly heritable yet
the causal DNA sequence variants responsible for that risk remain largely unknown. Genome-
wide association studies (GWAS) have found many genetic markers associated with disease
risk [1]. However, follow-up studies have shown that these markers explain only a small por-
tion of the total heritability for most traits [2, 3].
There are many hypotheses which attempt to explain the ‘missing heritability’ problem [2
5]. Genetic variance due to epistatic or gene-by-environment interactions is difficult to identify
statistically because of, among other reasons, increased multiple hypothesis testing burden [6,
7], and could artificially inflate estimates of broad-sense heritability [8]. Well-tagged interme-
diate frequency variants may not reach genome-wide significance in an association study if
they have smaller effect sizes [9, 10]. One appealing verbal hypothesis for this ‘missing herita-
bility’ is that there are rare causal alleles of large effect that are difficult to detect [4, 11, 12].
These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive, and it is probable that a combination of models
will be needed to explain all heritable disease risk [13].
The standard GWAS attempts to identify genetic polymorphisms that differ in frequency
between cases and controls. A complementary approach is to estimate the heritability
explained by genotyped (and imputed) markers (SNPs) under different population sampling
schemes [14, 15]. Stratifying markers by minor allele frequency (MAF) prior to performing
SNP-based heritability estimation allows the partitioning of genetic variation across the allele
frequency spectrum to be estimated [16], which is an important summary of the genetic archi-
tecture of a complex trait [1623]. This approach has inferred a contribution of rare alleles to
genetic variance in both human height and body mass index (BMI) [16], consistent with theo-
retical work showing that rare alleles will have large effect sizes if fitness effects and trait effects
are correlated [18, 2025]. Yet, simulations of causal loci harboring multiple rare variants with
large additive effects predict an excess of low-frequency significant markers relative to empiri-
cal findings [4, 26].
SNP-based heritability estimates have concluded that there is little missing heritability for
height and BMI, and that the causal loci simply have effect sizes that are too small to reach
genome-wide significance under current GWAS sample sizes [14, 16]. Further, extensions to
these methods decompose genetic variance into additive and dominance components and find
that dominance variance is approximately one fifth of the additive genetic variance on average
across seventy-nine complex traits [27]. When taken into account together with results from
GWAS, these observations can be interpreted as evidence that the genetic architecture of
human traits is best-explained by a model of small additive effects. However, a recent large
Compound Heterozygosity and Complex Traits
PLOS Genetics | DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006573 January 19, 2017 2 / 30
opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation. The
funders had no role in study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of
the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.

twin study found a substantial contribution of dominance variance for fourteen out of eighteen
traits [28]. The reason for this discrepancy in results remains unclear. One possibility is a sta-
tistical artifact; for example, twin studies may be prone to mistakenly infer non-additive effects
when none exist. Another possibility, which we return to later, is that this apparently contra-
dictory results are expected under a different model of gene action.
The design, analysis, and interpretation of GWAS are heavily influenced by the “standard
model” of quantitative genetics [29]. This model assigns an effect size to a mutant allele, but
formally makes no concrete statement regarding the molecular nature of the allele. Early appli-
cations of this model to the problem of human complex traits include Risch’s work on the
power to detect causal mutations [30, 31] and Pritchard’s work showing that rare alleles under
purifying selection may contribute to heritable variation in complex traits [17]. When applied
to molecular data, such as SNP genotypes in a GWAS, these models treat the SNPs themselves
as the loci of interest. For example, influential power studies informing the design of GWAS
assign effect sizes directly to SNPs and assume Risch’s model of multiplicative epistasis [32].
Similarly, the single-marker logistic regression used as the primary analysis of GWAS data
typically assumes an additive or recessive model at the level of individual SNPs [33]. Finally,
recent methods designed to estimate the heritability of a trait explained by genotyped markers
assigns additive and dominance effects directly to SNPs [14, 16, 27, 34]. Naturally, the results
of such analyses are interpreted in light of the assumed model of gene action.
A weakness of the multiplicative epistasis model [30, 31] when applied to SNPs is that the
concept of a gene, defined as a physical region where loss-of-function mutations have the same
phenotype [35], is lost. Specifically, under the standard model, the genetic concept of a failure
to complement is a property of SNPs and not “gene regions” (see [36] for a detailed discussion
of this issue). We have recently introduced an alternative model of gene action, one in which
risk mutations are unconditionally deleterious and fail to complement at the level of a “gene
region” [36]. This model, influenced by the standard operational definition of a gene [35],
gives rise to the sort of allelic heterogeneity typically observed for human Mendelian diseases
[37], and to a distribution of GWAS “hit” minor allele frequencies [4, 26] consistent with
empirical results [36]. In this article, we explore this “gene-based” model under more complex
demographic scenarios as well as its properties with respect to the estimation of variance com-
ponents using SNP-based approaches [34] and twin studies. We also compare this model to
the standard models of strictly additive co-dominant effects, and multiplicative epistasis with
We further explore the power of several association tests to detect a causal gene region
under each genetic and demographic model. We find significant heterogeneity in the perfor-
mance of burden tests [36, 38, 39] across models of the trait and demographic history. We find
that population expansion reduces the power to detect causal gene-regions due to an increase
in rare variation, in agreement with work by [22, 23]. The behavior of the tests under different
models provides us with insight as to the circumstances in which each test is best suited.
In total, our results show that modeling gene action is key to modeling GWAS, and thus
plays an important role in both the design and interpretation of such studies. Further, the
model of gene-based recessivity best explains the differences between estimates of additive and
dominance variance components from SNP-based methods [27] and from twin studies [28]
and is consistent with the distribution of frequencies of significant associations in GWAS [4,
26]. Further, the genetic model plays a much more important role than the demographic
model, which is expected based on previous work on additive models showing that the genetic
load is approximately unaffected by changes in population size over time, [21, 22]. Consistent
with recent work by [23], we find that rapid population growth in the recent past increases the
contribution of rare variants to total genetic variance. However, we show here that different
Compound Heterozygosity and Complex Traits
PLOS Genetics | DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006573 January 19, 2017 3 / 30

models of gene action are qualitatively different with respect to the partitioning of genetic vari-
ance across the allele frequency spectrum. We also show that these conclusions hold under the
more complex demographic models that have been proposed for human populations [21, 40].
Results and Discussion
The models
As in [36],we simulate a 100 kilobase region of human genome, contributing to a complex dis-
ease phenotype and fitness. The region evolves forward in time subject to neutral and deleteri-
ous mutation, recombination, selection, and drift. To perform genetic association and
heritability estimation studies in silico, we need to impose a trait onto simulated individuals. In
doing so, we introduce strong assumptions about the molecular underpinnings of a trait and
its evolutionary context.
How does the molecular genetic basis of a trait under natural selection influence population
genetic signatures in the genome? This question is very broad, and therefore it was necessary
to restrict ourselves to a small subset of molecular and evolutionary scenarios. We analyzed a
set of approaches to modeling a single gene region experiencing recurrent unconditionally-
deleterious mutation contributing to a quantitative trait subject to Gaussian stabilizing selec-
tion. The expected fitness effect of a mutation is always deleterious because trait effects are
sampled from an exponential distribution. Therefore, we do not allow for compensatory muta-
tions that may occur in more general models of stabilizing selection. Specifically, we studied
three different genetic models and two different demographic models, holding the fitness
model as a constant. Parameters are briefly described in Table 1.
We implemented three disease-trait models of the phenotypic form P = G + E. G is the
genetic component, and E ¼ Nð0; s
Þ is the environmental noise expressed as a Gaussian ran-
dom variable with mean 0 and variance s
. In this context, s
should be thought of as both the
contribution from the environment and from the remaining genetic variance at loci in linkage
equilibrium with the simulated 100kb region. The genetic models are named the additive co-
dominant (AC) model, multiplicative recessive (Mult. recessive; MR) model and the gene-
based recessive (GBR) model. The MR model has a parameter, h, that controls the degree of
Table 1. Description of parameters used in the models.
Parameter Description
N Population size
P Phenotype
Optimum phenotype
G Genetic contribution to phenotype
E Environmental contribution to phenotype
λ Mean and standard deviation of trait effects
Specific trait effect of site i
h Dominance coefficient for trait effects
w Fitness, based on Gaussian function
The total inverse selection intensity
Environmental variance
Additive genetic variance
Dominance genetic variance
Genetic variance
A;q x
Additive variance explained by variance below frequency q
Compound Heterozygosity and Complex Traits
PLOS Genetics | DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006573 January 19, 2017 4 / 30

recessivity; we call this model the complete MR (cMR) when h = 0 and the incomplete MR
(iMR) when 0 h 1. Here, h = 1 corresponds to co-dominance, which is different from the
typical formulation used when modeling the fitness effects of mutations directly. It is also
important to note that here recessivity is being defined in terms of phenotypic effects; this may
be unusual for those more accustomed to dealing directly with recessivity for fitness effects.
An idealized relationship between dominance for fitness effects and trait effects of a mutation
on an unaffected genetic background is shown in S15 Fig.
The critical conceptual difference between recessive models is whether dominance is a
property of a locus (nucleotide/SNP) in a gene or the gene overall. Mathematically, this
amounts to whether one first determines diploid genotypes at sites (and then multiplies across
sites to get a total genetic effect) or calculates a score for each haplotype (the maternal and
paternal alleles). For completely co-dominant models, this distinction is irrelevant, however
for a model with arbitrary dominance one needs to be more specific. As an example, imagine a
compound heterozygote for two biallelic loci, i.e. genotype Ab/aB. In the case of traditional
multiplicative recessivity the compound heterozygote is wild type for both loci and therefore
wild-type over all; this implies that these loci are in different genes (or independent functional
units of the same gene) because the mutations are complementary. However, in the case of
gene-based recessivity [36], neither haplotype is wild-type and so the individual is not wild-
type; the failure of mutant alleles to complement defines these loci as being in the same gene
For a diploid with m
causative mutations on the i
haplotype, we may define the additive
model as
; ð1Þ
where c
is the effect size of the j
mutation on the i
haplotype. Each c
is sampled from an
exponential distribution with mean of λ, to reflect unconditionally deleterious mutation. In
other words, when a new mutation arises its effect c is drawn from an exponential distribution,
and remains constant throughout its entire sojourn in the population.
The GBR model is the geometric mean of the sum of effect sizes on each haplotype [36].
We sum the causal mutation effects on each allele (paternal and maternal) to obtain a haplo-
type score. We then take the square root of the product of the haplotype scores to determine
the total genetic value of the diploid.
Finally, the MR model depends on the number of positions for which a diploid is heterozy-
gous (m
) or homozygous (m
) for causative mutations,
ð1 þhc
ð1 þ 2c
1: ð3Þ
Thus, h = 0 is a model of multiplicative epistasis with complete recessivity (cMR), and h = 1
closely approximates the additive model when effect sizes are small.
Here, phenotypes are subject to Gaussian stabilizing selection with an optimum at zero and
standard deviation of σ
= 1 such that the fitness, w, of a diploid is proportional to a Gaussian
Compound Heterozygosity and Complex Traits
PLOS Genetics | DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006573 January 19, 2017 5 / 30

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