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A multistage representation of the Wiener filter based on orthogonal projections

It is demonstrated that the cross-spectral metric is optimal in the sense that it maximizes mutual information between the observed and desired processes and is capable of outperforming the more complex eigendecomposition-based methods.
The Wiener filter is analyzed for stationary complex Gaussian signals from an information theoretic point of view. A dual-port analysis of the Wiener filter leads to a decomposition based on orthogonal projections and results in a new multistage method for implementing the Wiener filter using a nested chain of scalar Wiener filters. This new representation of the Wiener filter provides the capability to perform an information-theoretic analysis of previous, basis-dependent, reduced-rank Wiener filters. This analysis demonstrates that the cross-spectral metric is optimal in the sense that it maximizes mutual information between the observed and desired processes. A new reduced-rank Wiener filter is developed based on this new structure which evolves a basis using successive projections of the desired signal onto orthogonal, lower dimensional subspaces. The performance is evaluated using a comparative computer analysis model and it is demonstrated that the low-complexity multistage reduced-rank Wiener filter is capable of outperforming the more complex eigendecomposition-based methods.

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A Multistage Representation of the Wiener
Filter Based on Orthogonal Projections
J. Scott Goldstein, Senior Member, IEEE, Irving S. Reed, Fellow, IEEE, and Louis L. Scharf,
Fellow, IEEE
AbstractThe Wiener filter is analyzed for stationary complex
Gaussian signals from an information-theoretic point of view. A
dual-port analysis of the Wiener filter leads to a decomposition
based on orthogonal projections and results in a new multistage
method for implementing the Wiener filter using a nested chain
of scalar Wiener filters. This new representation of the Wiener
filter provides the capability to perform an information-theoretic
analysis of previous, basis-dependent, reduced-rank Wiener fil-
ters. This analysis demonstrates that the recently introduced
cross-spectral metric is optimal in the sense that it maximizes
mutual information between the observed and desired processes.
A new reduced-rank Wiener filter is developed based on this new
structure which evolves a basis using successive projections of the
desired signal onto orthogonal, lower dimensional subspaces. The
performance is evaluated using a comparative computer analysis
model and it is demonstrated that the low-complexity multistage
reduced-rank Wiener filter is capable of outperforming the more
complex eigendecomposition-based methods.
Index TermsAdaptive filtering, mutual information, orthog-
onal projections, rank reduction, Wiener filtering.
HIS paper is concerned with the discrete-time Wiener
filter. Here the desired signal, also termed a reference
signal, is assumed to be a scalar process and the observed
signal is assumed to be a vector process. By contrast, a
scalar Wiener filter is described by a desired signal and an
observed signal which are both scalar processes. The so-called
matrix Wiener filter, which is not addressed in this paper, is
characterized by both a desired signal and an observed signal
which are vector processes.
A new approach to Wiener filtering is presented and ana-
lyzed in this paper. The process observed by the Wiener filter
is first decomposed by a sequence of orthogonal projections.
This decomposition has the form of an analysis filterbank,
whose output is shown to be a process which is characterized
by a tridiagonal covariance matrix. The corresponding error-
synthesis filterbank is realized by means of a nested chain of
scalar Wiener filters. These Wiener filters can be interpreted as
well to be a Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization which results in
Manuscript received February 22, 1997; revised March 25, 1998. This work
was supported in part under a Grant from the Okawa Research Foundation.
J. S. Goldstein was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni-
versity of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2565 USA. He is
now with MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA 02173-9108 USA (e-mail:
I. S. Reed is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2565 USA.
L. L. Scharf is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0425 USA.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9448(98)06747-9.
an error sequence for the successive stages of the decomposed
Wiener filter. This new multistage filter structure achieves the
identical minimum mean-square error that is obtained by the
original multidimensional Wiener filter.
The advantages realized by this new multistage Wiener
filter are due to the decomposition being designed from a
point of view in which the Wiener filter is treated as a dual-
port problem. The multistage decomposition of the Wiener
filter in the space spanned by the observed-data covariance
matrix utilizes all of the information available to determine a
“best” basis representation of the Wiener filter. Since all full-
rank decompositions of the space spanned by the observed-
data covariance matrix are simply different representations
of the same Wiener filter, the term “best” is used here to
describe that basis representation which comes the closest
to most compactly representing the estimation energy in the
lowest rank subspace without knowledge of the observed-data
covariance matrix inverse. Clearly, if the covariance matrix
inverse were known then also the Wiener filter would be
known, and the rank-one subspace spanned by the Wiener
filter would itself be the optimal basis vector.
Previous decompositions of the space spanned by the
observed-data covariance matrix only consider the Wiener
filtering problem from the perspective of a single-port problem.
In other words, the decompositions considered were based on
Gram–Schmidt, Householder, Jacobi, or principal-components
analyses of the observed-data covariance matrix (for example,
see [1]–[5] and the references contained therein). Treating the
Wiener filter as a dual-port problem, however, seems more
logical since the true problem at hand is not determining the
best representation of the observed data alone, but instead
finding the best representation of the useful portion of the
observed data in the task of estimating one scalar signal from
a vector observed-data process. Here, the projection of the
desired signal onto the space spanned by the columns of the
observed-data covariance matrix is utilized to determine the
basis set. This basis set is generated in a stage-wise manner
which maximizes the projected estimation energy in each
orthogonal coordinate.
An interesting decomposition which at first appears sim-
ilar in form to that presented in this paper is developed
for constrained adaptive Wiener filters in [6] and [7]. This
decomposition also treats the constrained Wiener filter as a
single-port problem and does not use the constraint (in place
of the desired signal, as detailed in Appendix B) in basis
determination; in fact, the technique proposed in [6] and [7]
removes the constraint itself from the adaptive portion of
1998 IEEE

the processor. In addition, this method decomposes a rank-
reduction matrix as opposed to the Wiener filter itself and
results in a modular structure which is not a nested recursion.
Thus while the modular structure in [6] and [7] is very
interesting in its own right, neither the decomposition nor the
recursion technique are similar to the new multistage Wiener
filter presented here.
Reduced-rank Wiener filtering is concerned with the com-
pression, or reduction in dimensionality, of the observed data
prior to Wiener filtering. The purpose of rank reduction is
to obtain a minimum mean-square error which is as close as
possible to that obtainable if all of the observed data were
available to linearly estimate the desired signal. The new
multistage Wiener filter structure leads to a natural means to
obtain rank reduction.
The performance of such a reduced-rank multistage Wiener
filter is compared by computer analysis to the well-known
principal components and the lesser known cross-spectral
methods of rank reduction. This analysis demonstrates that
the new method of rank reduction, using quite simply a
truncated version of the above-described nested chain of scalar
Wiener filters, is capable of outperforming these previous
approaches. Also an information-theoretic analysis of entropy
and mutual information is now possible due to this new
structure, which provides insight into these results. In partic-
ular, it is demonstrated that the cross-spectral method of rank
reduction maximizes the mutual information as a function of
rank relative to the eigenvector basis. The new reduced-rank
multistage Wiener filter does not utilize eigendecomposition
or eigenvector-pruning techniques.
Section II provides a brief description of the Wiener filter
in terms of the framework to be used in the remainder of this
paper. An introduction and analysis of this new representation
of the Wiener filter is presented in Section III. A summary of
previous reduced-rank Wiener filtering techniques is provided
in Section IV, where the reduced-rank multistage Wiener filter
is presented and its performance is evaluated via a comparative
computer analysis. Concluding remarks are given in Section V.
The classical Wiener filtering problem is depicted in Fig. 1,
where there is a desired scalar signal
,an -dimensional
observed-data vector
, and an -dimensional Wiener
. The error signal is denoted by . The Wiener
filter requires that the signals be modeled as wide-sense-
stationary random processes, and the information-theoretic
analysis to be considered makes as well the complex Gaussian
assumption. Thus in both cases there is no loss in generality
to assume that all signals are zero-mean, jointly stationary,
complex Gaussian random processes. The covariance matrix
of the input vector process
is given by
denotes the expected-value operator and
is the complex conjugate transpose operator. Similarly, the
Fig. 1. The classical Wiener filter.
variance of the desired process is
The complex cross-correlation vector between the processes
and is given by
is the complex conjugate operator. The optimal
linear filter, which minimizes the mean-square error between
the desired signal
and its estimate,
is the classical Wiener filter
for complex stationary processes. The resulting error is
The minimum mean-square error (MMSE) is
where the squared canonical correlation
[8]–[11] is
As will be seen in Section III-D, the squared canonical
correlation provides a measure of the information present in
the observed vector random process
that is used to
estimate the scalar random process
Because of the assumed Gaussianity, the self-information or
entropy of the signal process
is given by (see [12]–[15])
and the entropy of the vector input process
denotes the determinant operator. Next define an
augmented vector
Then, using (1)–(3) and (11), the covariance matrix associated

with the vector process is given by
so that, by (10), the joint entropy of the random processes
and is given by
Thus by Shannon’s chain rule the conditional entropy
, or what Shannon called the equivocation of
given , is given by
Now the mutual information
is the relative en-
tropy between the joint distribution and the product distribu-
tion. That is,
represents the reduction in uncertainty
due to the knowledge of . This mutual infor-
mation is given by
By definition the Wiener filter minimizes the mean-square
error between the desired process and the filtered observed
process. Therefore, the operation of this filter must determine
that portion of the observed process which contains the most
information about the desired process. Intuitively for Gaussian
processes one expects that a minimization of the mean-square
error and a maximization of the mutual information are equiv-
alent. This insight is mathematically realized through the
multistage representation of the Wiener filter presented next
in this paper.
The analysis developed herein emphasizes the standard, un-
constrained Wiener filter. It is noted that an identical approach
also solves the problem of quadratic minimization with linear
constraints [16] and the joint-process estimation problem, both
of which can be interpreted as a constrained Wiener filter.
The partitioned solution presented in [16] decomposes the
constraint in such a manner that the resulting Wiener filter
is unconstrained, as is further explored in the example given
in Section IV-C and Appendix B. It is further noted that
other constraints also may be decomposed similarly [17]. Thus
the constrained Wiener filter can be represented as an uncon-
strained Wiener filter with a prefiltering operation determined
by the constraint. It is seen next that the unconstrained Wiener
filter can also be represented as a nested chain of constrained
Wiener filters.
This new representation of the Wiener filter is achieved by
a multistage decomposition. This decomposition forms two
subspaces at each stage; one in the direction of the cross-
correlation vector at the previous stage and one in the subspace
orthogonal to this direction. Then the data orthogonal to the
cross-correlation vector is decomposed again in the same
manner, stage by stage. This process reduces the dimension of
the data vector at each stage. Thus a new coordinate system
for Wiener filtering is determined via a pyramid-like structured
decomposition which serves as an analysis filterbank. This
decomposition decorrelates the observed vector process at lags
greater than one, resulting in a tridiagonal covariance matrix
associated with the transformed vector process.
A nested chain of scalar Wiener filters form an error-
synthesis filterbank, which operates on the output of the
analysis filterbank to yield an error process with the same
MMSE as the standard multidimensional Wiener filter. It is
demonstrated also that the error-synthesis filterbank can be
interpreted as an implementation of a Gram–Schmidt orthog-
onalization process.
A. An Equivalent Wiener Filtering Model
To obtain this new multistage decomposition, note that
the preprocessing of the observation data by a full-rank,
nonsingular, linear operator prior to Wiener filtering does not
modify the MMSE. This fact is demonstrated in Appendix A.
Now consider the particular nonsingular operator
with the
is the normalized cross-correlation vector, a unit
vector in the direction of
, given by
is an operator which spans the nullspace of
; i.e., is the blocking matrix which annihilates those
signal components in the direction of the vector
[19] such that
Two fast algorithms for obtaining such a unitary matrix
are described in [20] which use either the singular-
value decomposition or the QR decomposition. For a
which is nonsingular, but not unitary, a new, very efficient,
implementation of the blocking matrix
is presented in
Appendix A.
Let the new transformed data vector, formed by
ing on the observed-data vector, be given by
The transform-domain Wiener filter with the preprocessor
is shown in Fig. 2. The Wiener filter for the transformed
process is computed now to have the form
Next, the covariance matrix
, its inverse , and the
cross-correlation vector
are expressed as

Fig. 2. The transform-domain Wiener filter.
where denotes the standard matrix transpose operator and,
by (16)–(18), the scalar
in (22) is obtained as
The variance of
in (18) is calculated to be
The covariance matrix
is given by
The cross-correlation vector
is computed to be
and the matrix
in (21) is determined by the matrix
inversion lemma for partitioned matrices [16]. In terms of the
joint-process covariance matrix
in (12), the transformations
described above in (20)–(26) may be represented by
The structure of the matrix
in (20), its inverse in
(21), and the diagrams in Figs. 1 and 2 suggest that a new
-dimensional “weight” vector be defined by
which is the Wiener filter for estimating the scalar
the vector
. Then a new error , given by
can be defined for the new Wiener filter
which is similar
in form to the Wiener filter depicted in Fig. 1. The variance
of the error
in (30) is computed readily to be
is the covariance of the scalar process , the
identical MMSE,
, is achieved by the filtering diagram in
Fig. 3. The first stage of the decomposition.
Fig. 4. The first chain in the nested recursion.
Fig. 3, where the new scalar Wiener filter is defined by
and where by (18), (22), (23), and (30) the identity of the
correlation between the scalar processes
and with
is shown by
It is evident by (19)–(21) that the filtering diagrams in Figs.
2 and 3 are identical since
Note that the scalar
is also the MMSE of the nested
lower dimensional Wiener filter with a new scalar signal
and a new observed signal vector . The first stage of
this decomposition partitions the
-dimensional Wiener filter
into a scalar Wiener filter and an
-dimensional vector
Wiener filter, where the reduced-dimension vector filter spans
a space which is orthogonal to the space spanned by the
scalar filter. Also note that the nested filtering structure in
Fig. 3, which uses
to estimate from , may be
interpreted as a constrained Wiener filter which minimizes the
subject to the constraint that the desired signal
has the gain and phase provided by the filter .
B. A Multistage Representation of the Wiener Filter
The first stage decomposition results in the structure de-
picted in Fig. 3. The new
-dimensional vector Wiener
operates on the transformed -dimensional data
to estimate the new scalar signal , as shown
in Fig. 4. This represents a Wiener filter which is identical
in form to the original
-dimensional Wiener filter, except
that it is one dimension smaller. Thus a recursion of scalar
Wiener filters can be derived by following the outline given
in Section III-A until the dimension of both the data and the
corresponding Wiener filter is reduced to one at level
in the tree. The error signal at each stage serves as the scalar
observed process for the Wiener filter at the next stage. At

each stage , , the normalized cross-correlation
is computed in the same manner as (17) to be
The blocking matrix,
, may be computed using
the method detailed in Appendix A, that presented in [20], or
any other method which results in a valid
. The covariance
is computed corresponding to (25) as follows:
and the cross-correlation vector
is found recursively in
the manner of (26) to be
The scalar signal
and the -dimensional
observed-data vector
at the th stage are found in
accordance with (18) as follows:
The error signals at each stage, in analogy to (30), are given by
where it is notationally convenient to define the scalar output
of the last signal blocking matrix in the chain
be the
th element of both the sequences and as
The variances associated with the signals
, are defined by
. The scalar cross-correlations are
computed in the same manner as (33) to be
where, using (41), the last term of the recursion in (43) is
provided by the identity
The scalar Wiener filters
are found from the Wiener–Hopf
equation to be
where, for
, the MMSE recursion yields
similar to the results of (29), (31), and (32). In accordance
with (41), the MMSE of the last stage is given by
The complete series of required recursion relationships are
listed in Table I. An example of this decomposition for
is provided in Fig. 5. Note that this new multistage Wiener
filter does not require an estimate of the covariance matrix
or its inverse when the statistics are unknown since the only
requirements are for estimates of the cross-correlation vectors
and scalar correlations, which can be calculated directly from
the data.
C. Analysis of the Multistage Wiener Filter
This new Wiener filter structure is naturally partitioned
into an analysis filterbank and a synthesis filterbank. The
analysis filterbank is pyramidal, and the resulting tree structure
successively refines the signal
in terms of , its
component in the direction of the cross-correlation vector,
, its components in the orthogonal subspace. The
subspaces formed at level
and level in the tree satisfy
the direct-sum relationship
denotes the linear subspace spanned by the columns
of the covariance matrix
and represents a direct
The operation of the analysis filterbanks are combined next
into one lossless
transfer matrix , which is given

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Frequently Asked Questions (9)
Q1. What are the contributions in "A multistage representation of the wiener filter based on orthogonal projections" ?

A dual-port analysis of the Wiener filter leads to a decomposition based on orthogonal projections and results in a new multistage method for implementing the Wiener filter using a nested chain of scalar Wiener filters. This new representation of the Wiener filter provides the capability to perform an information-theoretic analysis of previous, basis-dependent, reduced-rank Wiener filters. This analysis demonstrates that the recently introduced cross-spectral metric is optimal in the sense that it maximizes mutual information between the observed and desired processes. A new reduced-rank Wiener filter is developed based on this new structure which evolves a basis using successive projections of the desired signal onto orthogonal, lower dimensional subspaces. 

The optimal linear filter, which minimizes the mean-square error between the desired signal and its estimate,(4)is the classical Wiener filter(5)for complex stationary processes. 

A final justification for the reduced-rank multistage Wiener filter is that the covariance matrix of the process tends tobecome white as the filter structure increases in stages. 

The error covariance matrix , which is associated with the error process in (51), is a diagonal matrix given by(57)where the operator , with a vector operand, represents a diagonal matrix whose only nonzero elements are along the main diagonal and provided by the corresponding element of the operand. 

In particular, it is demonstrated that the unconstrained Wiener filter can always be constructed via a chain of constrained Wiener filters. 

This cross-spectral metric is recognized in [31] to be a vector which has components that are the weighted squared magnitudes of the direction cosines between each basis vector and the cross-correlation vector for the two aforementioned correlated random processes. 

For this example the number of jammers is five, which corresponds to the effective rank of the signal subspace for that covariance matrix. 

It is demonstrated also that the error-synthesis filterbank can be interpreted as an implementation of a Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization process. 

This method utilizes a measure, termed the cross-spectral metric, to determine the smallestnumber of degrees of freedom to linearly estimate with little loss a scalar random process from a set of correlated complex random processes.