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Journal ArticleDOI

A note on uniqueness of clearing prices in financial systems

TL;DR: In this article, the authors disentangle the role of network topology from the way defaults are solved and show uniqueness of the clear- ing prices on regular financial networks for the class of equal sacrifice rules by Young (1988), and many variations of the proportional rule as in Csoka and Herings (2018).
Abstract: The Eisenberg and Noe (2001) model of the financial system is general- ized to the case where default is solved by means of a bankruptcy rule. For regular financial networks a unique vector of clearing prices exists if only the bankruptcy rule is strongly monotonic. This shows uniqueness of the clear- ing prices on regular financial networks for the class of equal sacrifice rules by Young (1988), and many variations of the proportional rule as in Csoka and Herings (2018). This paper disentangles the role of network topology from the way defaults are solved.

Summary (2 min read)

1 Introduction

  • In the aftermath of the financial crisis in 2008 the delicate ways the players in the financial industries are intertwined is seen as the main source of the world wide spread of the shock caused by the subprime mortgage crises.
  • The major lesson for the architecture of the financial network is that it cannot only be seen as a means by which institutions and firms may diversify their risk exposures, but that instead it may also be the main cause for the amplification of risk.
  • More specifically, given such payment scheme, there are two types of nodes – the ones with a positive net value who will be able to pay all their liabilities and those with a negative net value that cannot.
  • The analysis for other monotonic bankruptcy rules is similar as the induced games also show strategic complementarities.
  • The question of uniqueness of clearing prices is also addressed by Csósak and Herings (2018), who present a discrete model that allows for decentralized clearing of the financial system.

2.1 Mathematical prerequisities

  • Let Rn denote the n-dimensional Euclidean vector space.
  • Special vector is the zero vector 0 with all zero coordinates.

2.2 Bankruptcy rules

  • 1Here I chose to use the term bankruptcy problem, but in fact the rationing problems as in Moulin (2002) or taxation problems in Young (1988) are of the same mathematical structure.
  • Well-known in the literature on taxation problems (see Young (1988), Lambert and Naughton (2009)) is the class of strictly monotonic rules which are referred to as equal sacrifice rules.
  • Basically, strong monotonicity rules out a kind of exotic rules which are strictly monotonic and do allow for zero derivatives.

2.3 The economic model

  • Where the connections or relations of agents within the network are shaped through the nominal liabilities an agent has to other agents in the system.the authors.
  • Let τ ∈ Rn+ be the vector that summarizes the total nominal obligations of the agents in the system, i.e., for i ∈ N let τi := n∑ j=1 Lij. (4) This total obligation vector τ summarizes agent-wise the payment levels required to satisfy all the contractual liabilities in the network.
  • The authors will assume that all liabilities have the same maturity date at which they become due and should be paid for.
  • On the other hand, each agent i has some justified claim Lji on pj.
  • This means that from payment pj by agent j, agent i obtains ri(Lj, pj).

2.4 Clearing payment vectors for a financial system

  • Below the authors will focus on the question whether payment vectors exist, that see to a clearing of the financial system such that two minimal requirements are satisfied.
  • First the authors will require from a payment vector that it expresses the idea of limited liability: no agent should pay more than the total of his cash inflow.
  • This holds for the partially ordered set [0, τ ].
  • For part (b) let p′ be any clearing vector.

3 Characterizing the clearing prices

  • Eisenberg and Noe (2001) characterize vectors of clearing prices using the notion of a surplus set, i.e., a set of agents S with no external obligations and a positive aggregate operation cash flow: Definition 2 Then Lemma 1 shows O(i) should contain an agent with positive equity.
  • If the set of defaulting agents is larger under pk+1 than under pk, then it must be that some agents pay their obligations in full under pk and default under pk+1, and the other agents either default or not both under pk+1 and pk.
  • And this concludes their proof by induction as also the authors have shown that {pj} is a weakly decreasing sequence.

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A note on uniqueness of clearing prices in financial systems
Koster, M.
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Koster, M. (2019).
A note on uniqueness of clearing prices in financial systems
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A note on uniqueness of clearing prices in
financial systems
Maurice Koster
July 26, 2019
The Eisenberg and Noe (2001) model of the financial system is general-
ized to the case where default is solved by means of a bankruptcy rule. For
regular financial networks a unique vector of clearing prices exists if only the
bankruptcy rule is strongly monotonic. This shows uniqueness of the clear-
ing prices on regular financial networks for the class of equal sacrifice rules
by Young (1988), and many variations of the proportional rule as in Cs´oka
and Herings (2018). This paper disentangles the role of network topology
from the way defaults are solved.
Keywords: Financial networks, Systemic risk, Contagion, Clearing algorithm,
Rationing, Proportional Rule, Constrained Equal Award Rule
JEL Classification: C79, D31, D81, M41.
1 Introduction
In the aftermath of the financial crisis in 2008 the delicate ways the players in the
financial industries are intertwined is seen as the main source of the world wide
spread of the shock caused by the subprime mortgage crises. And still the intricate
way these players are connected is a main concern amongst economists and policy-
makers. Governments and central banks took extraordinary measures to bend the
impact of the crisis through monetary stimulation programmes and quantitative
easing, leaving society with costs exceeding 10 trillion dollars. Now these economic
accommodations are at the verge of being revoked, the induced outflow (or lack of
inflow) may result in liquidity disruptions which could eventually lead to similar
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Economics/CeNDEF, A: Roetersstraat 11,
1018WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, E:
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detrimental effects to the financial institutions as surfaced in the years after 2008.
And it is believed that the impact of those disruptions be amplified by the fact
that worldwide debts levels hit an all-time high.
The major lesson for the architecture of the financial network is that it cannot
only be seen as a means by which institutions and firms may diversify their risk
exposures, but that instead it may also be the main cause for the amplification
of risk. The dependencies within the network may cause shocks to spread by
contagion, and lead to a cascade of defaults if not (again) prevented by public
institutions. See for instance the overview of Glasserman and Young (2016) or
Caccioli et al. (2018) which try to disentangle the problem by discussing various
ways correlations between nodes in the financial system play a role. In this paper
we will further investigate the rather simple yet seminal model of a financial system
due to Eisenberg and Noe (2001). Here a financial system is characterized by the
liability structure (who is liable to whom, and to what extent) and a description
of the aggregate external cash inflow per node, say firm or financial institution.
The authors aim at clearing this market, by determining a scheme of simultaneous
clearing prices that define the payments of each of the nodes to others. In this way
a net value for each node is defined. More specifically, given such payment scheme,
there are two types of nodes the ones with a positive net value who will be able
to pay all their liabilities and those with a negative net value that cannot. A node
is said to default in the latter case, if the total inflow of cash, i.e., the external
cashflow plus the payments to the node by others, minus the total sum of liabilities
of the node is negative. These Eisenberg and Noe clearing prices are constructed
such that (i) no node pays more than it has available, and (ii) a defaulting node
will make a maximal payment equal to its total cash inflow. Eisenberg and Noe
(2001) also propose an iterative procedure by which the clearing prices may be
calculated, and in this process defaults may occur at different stages mimicking
the indirect way financial institutions may be affected by earlier defaults. The
model allows to interpret the phase in which a financial institution defaults as a
measure of its resilience to default; the earlier a node defaults if at all the more
financial instability it can be credited. Other measures of financial instability and
assessment of systemic risk are found in Elsinger et al. (2006), Acemoglu et al.
(2015), Battiston et al. (2012).
Crucial assumption in Eisenberg and Noe (2001) is the principle of propor-
tionality; in case of a defaulting node, the corresponding clearing price is shared
proportional to the liabilities of the node to the others. Groote-Schaarsberg et al.
(2018) and Cs´oka and Herings (2018) show in a continuous and discrete setting,
respectively, that the assumption of proportionality in solving defaulting situa-
tions is not crucial at all, as the idea of clearing prices is still meaningful for other
bankruptcy rules. In accordance with Eisenberg and Noe (2001) both aforemen-
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tioned works stress the fact that clearing prices may not be unique but the
resulting allocation is. This means that the net equity for an agent is the same for
each of those vectors of clearing prices. Besides that, the set of vectors of clearing
prices is well-structured as it is a completely ordered lattice with a smallest and a
largest element.
Groote-Schaarsberg et al. (2018) show that within the continuous formulation
of the model uniqueness of clearing prices is guaranteed for hierarchical structures,
i.e., problems that relate to an upper triangular matrix of liabilities. Supply chains
may have this hierarchical structure. In particular this means that uniqueness of
clearing prices is related to a network specific characteristic. In this paper, I show
that the clearing prices related to strictly monotonic bankruptcy rules are unique
for the regular financial networks discussed by Eisenberg and Noe (2001). The set
of rules that are strictly monotonic in the estate component is rich and includes
for example the equal sacrifice rules introduced by Young (1988) whereas in the
context of taxation. Regularity of the network requires for each specific node that
the aggregate operating cash flow corresponding to the set of nodes it can reach
through the liability network is positive. Importantly, regularity is a pure network
characteristic, independent from the bankruptcy rule that is used. So the contribu-
tion of this paper is also that in studying for vulnerabilities of the financial system,
network driven effects are disentangled from the way defaults are settled. Next, I
will show that for bankruptcy rules that are even strongly monotonic the iterative
procedure suggested by Eisenberg and Noe (2001) is converging in finitely many
steps so that it may be used to calculate the vector of clearing prices. A strongly
monotonic bankruptcy rule sees to it that an agent with a positive claim on a
specific agent is always credited with a minimal but positive fraction of additional
available payment under default. Basically this monotonicity property makes the
iterated mapping contracting, so that on the domain of prices there will be the
one fixed point we are looking for. The monotonicity property is a sufficient con-
dition for the results, though not necessary. As an example I discuss the financial
systems corresponding to the constrained equal award rule, which is not strictly
monotonic, and show that clearing prices may still be unique.
The uniqueness result also has some say in papers that explore other general-
izations of Eisenberg and Noe’s model. Consider for example the model including
defaulting costs by Rogers and Veraart (2013), or the model where financial insti-
tutes reinsure themselves through credit default swaps as in Schuldenzucker et al.
(2016) (see also Elliott et al. (2014)). Also it allows to generalize the characteriza-
tion of Nash equilibria in the 2 stage game proposed by Allouch and Jalloul (2018),
where the players have the choice in the first period to save or invest an amount of
capital. This game is easily generalized to general bankruptcy rules. Uniqueness
of the clearing prices assures that the players do not need to overcome a possible
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coordination problem and the equilibria may be characterized in the way that is
done in Allouch and Jalloul (2018) for the proportional rule. The Nash equilibria
are characterized by the choice in the first period, to default or not. The analysis
for other monotonic bankruptcy rules is similar as the induced games also show
strategic complementarities.
The question of uniqueness of clearing prices is also addressed by Cs´osak and
Herings (2018), who present a discrete model that allows for decentralized clearing
of the financial system. This model accommodates practical situations where it
is hard to retrieve all necessary information or where defaults are not filed simul-
taneously due to timing elements. The authors concentrate on methods used in
practice, which are often a mixture of priority and proportional rules. The authors
also conclude that uniqueness of clearing prices is not guaranteed for the discrete
and decentralized model - and not for the limiting continuous framework that re-
sults from letting the smallest unit of account go to zero. A procedure is discussed
which calculates the smallest vector of clearing prices in finitely many steps for the
discrete model which may not converge in the limiting continuous model. The
result in this paper may be used to study for decentralized pricing schemes in a
continuous setup.
2 The general framework and results
2.1 Mathematical prerequisities
Let R
denote the n-dimensional Euclidean vector space. Special vector is the
zero vector 0 with all zero coordinates. Denote the set of all non-negative vectors
by R
:= {x R
: x 0}. Below we will use N = {1, 2, . . . , n} for some
integer n > 1 as notation for a set of agents. With slight abuse of notation we will
sometimes choose to denote R
by R
. For any two vectors x, y R
we define
vectors x y, x y R
such that for all i
(x y)
:= min{x
, y
(x y)
:= max{x
, y
In addition we define x
:= x 0 where 0 is the zero vector in R
such that 0
= 0
for all i. We will write x y iff x
for all i, and x < y if x
< y
for all i.
Then using this, we define R
:= {x R
: x 0} as the set of all non-negative
vectors, whereas R
= {x R
: x > 0}.
Denote by k · k the `
norm on R
so that for all x R
we have
kxk :=
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TL;DR: This work considers a situation in which agents have mutual claims on each other, summarized in a liability matrix, and analyzes decentralized clearing processes and shows the convergence of any such process in finitely many steps to the least clearing payment matrix.
Abstract: We consider a situation in which agents have mutual claims on each other, summarized in a liability matrix. Agents' assets might be insufficient to satisfy their liabilities leading to defaults. We assume the primitives to be denoted in some unit of account. In case of default, bankruptcy rules are used to specify the way agents are going to be rationed. We present a convenient representation of bankruptcy rules. A clearing payment matrix is a payment matrix consistent with the prevailing bankruptcy rules that satisfies limited liability and priority of creditors. Both clearing payment matrices and the corresponding values of equity are not uniquely determined. We provide bounds on the possible levels equity can take. We analyze decentralized clearing processes and show the convergence of any such process in finitely many steps to the least clearing payment matrix. When the unit of account is sufficiently small, all decentralized clearing processes lead essentially to the same value of equity as a centralized clearing procedure. As a policy implication, it is not necessary to collect and process all the sensitive data of all the agents simultaneously and run a centralized clearing procedure.

45 citations

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors model contagions and cascades of failures among organizations linked through a network of financial interdependencies and identify how the network propagates discontinuous changes in asset values triggered by failures.
Abstract: We model contagions and cascades of failures among organizations linked through a network of financial interdependencies. We identify how the network propagates discontinuous changes in asset values triggered by failures (e.g., bankruptcies, defaults, and other insolvencies) and use that to study the consequences of integration (each organization becoming more dependent on its counterparties) and diversification (each organization interacting with a larger number of counterparties). Integration and diversification have different, nonmonotonic effects on the extent of cascades. Initial increases in diversification connect the network which permits cascades to propagate further, but eventually, more diversification makes contagion between any pair of organizations less likely as they become less dependent on each other. Integration also faces tradeoffs: increased dependence on other organizations versus less sensitivity to own investments. Finally, we illustrate some aspects of the model with data on European debt cross-holdings.

760 citations

"A note on uniqueness of clearing pr..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...Consider for example the model including defaulting costs by Rogers and Veraart (2013), or the model where financial institutes reinsure themselves through credit default swaps as in Schuldenzucker et al. (2016) (see also Elliott et al. (2014))....


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TL;DR: DebtRank, a novel measure of systemic impact inspired by feedback-centrality, is introduced, finding that a group of 22 institutions, which received most of the funds, form a strongly connected graph where each of the nodes becomes systemically important at the peak of the crisis.
Abstract: Systemic risk, here meant as the risk of default of a large portion of the financial system, depends on the network of financial exposures among institutions. However, there is no widely accepted methodology to determine the systemically important nodes in a network. To fill this gap, we introduce, DebtRank, a novel measure of systemic impact inspired by feedback-centrality. As an application, we analyse a new and unique dataset on the USD 1.2 trillion FED emergency loans program to global financial institutions during 2008–2010. We find that a group of 22 institutions, which received most of the funds, form a strongly connected graph where each of the nodes becomes systemically important at the peak of the crisis. Moreover, a systemic default could have been triggered even by small dispersed shocks. The results suggest that the debate on too-big-to-fail institutions should include the even more serious issue of too-central-to-fail.

757 citations

"A note on uniqueness of clearing pr..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Other measures of financial instability and assessment of systemic risk are found in Elsinger et al. (2006), Acemoglu et al. (2015), Battiston et al. (2012)....


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TL;DR: It is found that correlation in banks' asset portfolios dominates contagion as the main source of systemic risk and the “value at risk” for a lender of last resort is surprisingly small.
Abstract: We propose a new approach to assess the financial stability of an entire banking system using standard tools from modern risk management in combination with a network model of inter-bank loans. Rather than looking at banks individually, we analyze risk at the level of the banking system as a whole. We apply our model to a unique dataset of all Austrian banks. We find that correlation in banks' asset portfolios dominates contagion as the main source of systemic risk. Contagion occurs rarely but can wipe out a major part of the banking system. Low bankruptcy costs and an efficient crisis resolution policy are crucial to limit the system wide impact of contagious default events. We compute the "value at risk" for a lender of last resort and find the necessary funds to prevent contagion to be surprisingly small. More diversification in the inter-bank market does not necessarily reduce the risk of contagion.

634 citations

"A note on uniqueness of clearing pr..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Other measures of financial instability and assessment of systemic risk are found in Elsinger et al. (2006), Acemoglu et al. (2015), Battiston et al. (2012)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is found that, in general, many different clearing vectors can arise, among which there is a greatest clearing vector, arrived at by letting banks fail in succession until only solvent banks remain, and such a collapse should be prevented if at all possible.
Abstract: This paper is concerned with systemic risk in an interbank market, modelled as a directed graph of interbank obligations. This builds on the modelling paradigm of Eisenberg and Noe [Eisenberg L, Noe TH 2001 Systemic risk in financial systems. Management Sci. 472:236--249] by introducing costs of default if loans have to be called in by a failing bank. This immediately introduces novel and realistic effects. We find that, in general, many different clearing vectors can arise, among which there is a greatest clearing vector, arrived at by letting banks fail in succession until only solvent banks remain. Such a collapse should be prevented if at all possible. We then study situations in which consortia of banks may have the means and incentives to rescue failing banks. This again departs from the conclusions of the earlier work of Eisenberg and Noe, where in the absence of default losses there would be no incentive for solvent banks to rescue failing banks. We conclude with some remarks about how a rescue consortium might be constructed. This paper was accepted by Wei Xiong, finance.

369 citations

"A note on uniqueness of clearing pr..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...Consider for example the model including defaulting costs by Rogers and Veraart (2013), or the model where financial institutes reinsure themselves through credit default swaps as in Schuldenzucker et al. (2016) (see also Elliott et al. (2014))....


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Hervé Moulin1
TL;DR: In this article, the authors review the normative literature on additive cost-sharing and rationing, and emphasize their deep structural link via the additive axiom for cost sharing: individual cost shares depend additively upon the cost function.
Abstract: The equitable division of a joint cost (or a jointly produced output) among agents with different shares or types of output (or input) commodities, is a central theme of the theory of cooperative games with transferable utility. Ever since Shapley's seminal contribution in 1953, this question has generated some of the deepest axiomatic results of modern microeconomic theory. More recently, the simpler problem of rationing a single commodity according to a profile of claims (reflecting individual needs, or demands, or liabilities) has been another fertile ground for axiomatic analysis. This rationing model is often called the bankruptcy problem in the literature. This chapter reviews the normative literature on these two models, and emphasizes their deep structural link via the Additivity axiom for cost sharing: individual cost shares depend additively upon the cost function. Loosely speaking, an additive cost-sharing method can be written as the integral of a rationing method, and this representation defines a linear isomorphism between additive cost-sharing methods and rationing methods. The simple proportionality rule in rationing thus corresponds to average cost pricing and to the Aumann-Shapley pricing method (respectively for homogeneous or heterogeneous output commodities). The uniform rationing rule, equalizing individual shares subject to the claim being an upper bound, corresponds to serial cost sharing. And random priority rationing corresponds to the Shapley-Shubik method, applying the Shapley formula to the Stand Alone costs. Several open problems are included. The axiomatic discussion of non-additive methods to share joint costs appears to be a promising direction for future research.

320 citations

"A note on uniqueness of clearing pr..." refers background in this paper

  • ...For overviews, see Thomson (2015) and Moulin (2002)....


  • ...(1)Here I chose to use the term bankruptcy problem, but in fact the rationing problems as in Moulin (2002) or taxation problems in Young (1988) are of the same mathematical structure....


  • ...(1)Here I chose to use the term bankruptcy problem, but in fact the rationing problems as in Moulin (2002) or taxation problems in Young (1988) are of the same mathematical structure. Solution concepts within these fields of the literature on distributive justice can usually easily be transfered and interpreted. For overviews, see Thomson (2015) and Moulin (2002)....


  • ...1Here I chose to use the term bankruptcy problem, but in fact the rationing problems as in Moulin (2002) or taxation problems in Young (1988) are of the same mathematical structure....
