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Acetylcholine production by group 2 innate lymphoid cells promotes mucosal immunity to helminths

TL;DR: In this paper, the cholinergic phenotype of pulmonary ILC2s was associated with their activation state, could be induced by in vivo exposure to extracts of Alternaria alternata or the alarmin cytokines interleukin-33 (IL-33) and IL-25, and was augmented by IL-2 in vitro.
Abstract: Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are critical mediators of immunological and physiological responses at mucosal barrier sites. Whereas neurotransmitters can stimulate ILCs, the synthesis of small-molecule neurotransmitters by these cells has only recently been appreciated. Group 2 ILCs (ILC2s) are shown here to synthesize and release acetylcholine (ACh) during parasitic nematode infection. The cholinergic phenotype of pulmonary ILC2s was associated with their activation state, could be induced by in vivo exposure to extracts of Alternaria alternata or the alarmin cytokines interleukin-33 (IL-33) and IL-25, and was augmented by IL-2 in vitro. Genetic disruption of ACh synthesis by murine ILC2s resulted in increased parasite burdens, lower numbers of ILC2s, and reduced lung and gut barrier responses to Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection. These data demonstrate a functional role for ILC2-derived ACh in the expansion of ILC2s for maximal induction of type 2 immunity.

Summary (4 min read)


  • Acetylcholine (ACh) is best known as a small-molecule neurotransmitter, but its role in cholinergic signaling also regulates the immune system.
  • T cell expression of ChAT induced by IL-21 is essential for tissue trafficking required for T cell-mediated control of viral infection (6) .
  • ILC2s have been shown recently to be both positively and negatively regulated by neurotransmitters such as neuromedin U (NMU) (10) (11) (12) and noradrenaline (13) , whereas group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s) upregulate lipid mediator synthesis in response to vagally-derived ACh (14) .
  • These data demonstrate that the production and release of ACh by ILC2s is an important factor in driving type 2 immunity.

ILC2s synthesize and release acetylcholine during type 2 immunity

  • The cholinergic phenotype of immune cells was monitored across the time course of a primary infection with N. brasiliensis using ChAT-eGFP BAC mice (3) .
  • In these experiments, cells were isolated from infected animals at D11 p.i. to maximize the number of ACh-producing ILC2s obtained.
  • A similar analysis of marker expression of the very few ChAT-eGFP + cells in naïve ChAT-eGFP BAC lungs revealed that these cells clearly showed a nILC2-like profile, with no obvious differences in marker expression to that of total ChAT neg ILC2s, including ICOS and ST2 (Figure 2F , 2G, 2H).
  • A different scenario was observed in infected mice however, with a disparate profile for total ChAT-eGFP + ILC2s relative to total ChAT neg ILC2s (Figure 2F , 2G, 2H), corroborating the findings of previous analyses (Figure 1G, 1H) .
  • Challenge with Alternaria induced a small increase in ChAT-eGFP expression in some lymphocyte populations, including CD4 +.

IL-25 and IL-33 induce the cholinergic phenotype of pulmonary ILC2s

  • The authors data suggested that ChAT expression was associated with cellular activation, leading us to investigate whether known activators of ILC2s could induce this phenotype.
  • Ex vivo stimulation of CD45 + cells isolated from naïve ChAT BAC -eGFP reporter mice with IL-33, but not IL-7, enhanced ILC2 ChAT-eGFP expression, suggesting that activation through alarmin signaling pathways specifically drives the ILC2 cholinergic phenotype (Figure 4A ).
  • Lung ILC2s predominantly express the IL-33 receptor in naïve animals at immunological baseline, whereas iILC2s expressing the IL-25 receptor are thought to migrate to the lung from sites such as the gut following tissue damage such as that caused by helminth infection (18) .
  • To assess the capacity of lung-resident ILC2s to upregulate ChAT-eGFP, the authors isolated CD45 + cells from the lungs of naïve ChAT BAC -eGFP reporter mice and stimulated them in vitro with different combinations of recombinant IL-33, IL-25, and IL-2, which are known to function as alarmins or promote proliferation and cytokine production (20, 21) .
  • The authors assayed ChAT-eGFP expression by ILC2s after 24 h, and stimulation with IL-25 and IL-33 enhanced ChAT-eGFP expression.

RoRα-driven disruption of ChAT expression impairs pulmonary type 2 immunity to N. brasiliensis

  • To determine whether synthesis of ACh by ILC2s played a role in immunity to helminth infection, the authors generated Rora Cre+ Chat LoxP mice in which a portion of the coding domain of the Chat gene is floxed (22) and excised by Cre-recombinase expressed under the control of Rora regulatory elements ( 23) (Figure S2A-B ).
  • Chat deletion in Rora Cre+ Chat LoxP ILC2s was confirmed by PCR analysis and sequencing (Figure S2C , S2D, S2E).
  • Infection of Rora Cre+ Chat LoxP and Chat LoxP littermate controls with N. brasiliensis revealed that the number of larvae recovered from the lungs were not significantly different between genotypes at 2 dpi, but higher intestinal worm burdens were observed at day 6 p.i. in Rora Cre+.
  • During the anti-helminth immune response, IL-13 drives goblet cell hyperplasia and mucin production at epithelial barrier sites including the lung, where the predominant gel-forming mucins secreted by goblet cells are Muc5b and Muc5ac (25) .
  • Infected Rora Cre+ Chat LoxP at D6 p.i. demonstrated reduced expression of Muc5b and Muc5ac in total lung tissue (Figure 5D ).

ILC2-derived ACh promotes autocrine population expansion of ILC2s to facilitate optimal antihelminth type 2 immunity.

  • ILC2s are the major innate source of IL-13 during helminth infection, and ILC2-derived IL-13 is critical for expulsion of N. brasiliensis and induction of mucin expression in response to helminth infections (8, 9, 26) .
  • Slightly fewer ILC2s were also observed in Rora Cre+ Chat LoxP lungs compared with Chat LoxP lungs at baseline (Figure 7A ), and the fold change for infection-induced increases in ILC2 numbers at this timepoint was not significantly different between genotypes (Figure S3A ).
  • Interestingly, there appeared to be a degree of differential expression between ChAT-eGFP + and ChAT-eGFP neg with regards to AChR subtypes (Figure 7H, 7I ).
  • In order to determine whether ACh might act as an autocrine factor to influence proliferation and activation of the cells, the authors isolated WT ILC2s from the lungs of N. brasiliensis-infected C57BL/6J mice and cultured them in vitro with IL-7 and IL-2 alone or in the presence of the mAChR antagonist 1,1dimethyl-4-diphenylacetoxypiperidinium iodide (4-DAMP) or the nAChR antagonist mecamylamine.
  • Addition of 4-DAMP restricted the proliferative capacity of the cells, whereas mecamylamine had no effect when compared with vehicle-treated control cultures (Figure 7J, 7K, 7L ).


  • ILC2s play a pivotal role in translating epithelial cell cytokine production into robust type 2 immune responses.
  • IL-25 was also a major regulator of ChAT expression, demonstrating that MyD88-dependent signaling is not essential for this in ILC2s.
  • In support of this, the authors demonstrated that ILC2s express a range of nicotinic and muscarinic ACh receptors, and expression of the α7 nAChR by ILC2s has also been previously described (27) .
  • A surprising observation was that ChAT expression by ILC2s was maintained several weeks after helminth eradication from the host (D21 p.i.).
  • It will be interesting to determine whether ACh production by ILC2s plays a role during later, pro-repair activities in addition to the acute inflammatory phase of infection.

Materials and Methods

  • The aim of this study was to determine the role of cholinergic signalling in the immune response to infection with a helminth parasite.
  • The authors utilised ChAT-eGFP BAC reporter mice and flow cytometry to determine which cells synthesized acetylcholine (ACh), and conducted a kinetic analysis on their cholinergic phenotype throughout infection with the nematode parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis.
  • Real-time qPCR was used to verify alterations in expression of Chat, and mass spectrometry used to confirm cellular secretion of ACh.
  • Parasite recoveries and histological scores were conducted in blinded conditions.
  • Chat LoxP mice were generated as previously described (22) and were backcrossed to F6-F10 generations on a B6 background with Rora Cre+ (23) a kind gift from Andreas Zembrzycki (Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA) to generate the Rora Cre+ Chat Loxp mice used in this study.

Murine model of allergic airway inflammation.

  • Extracts of Alternaria alternata were obtained as a gift from Henry McSorley (University of Edinburgh) or purchased as lyophilized protein extract from Greer Laboratories (USA).
  • Mice were lightly dosed with isoflurane before intranasal administration with 50 μg A. alternata extract in a final volume of 50 µl PBS.
  • For isolation of bronchoalveolar cells, lungs were lavaged twice in a total of 2 ml PBS with 0.2% BSA and 2 mM EDTA.
  • Samples were passed through 100 μm cell strainers and erythrocytes lysed.
  • For intracellular staining, cells were fixed for 30 min at room temperature, then permeabilized using the FoxP3/transcription factor staining buffer kit and stained with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies.

Ki67 and intracellular cytokine staining.

  • To assess proliferative capacity of cells directly ex vivo, samples were processed to single cell suspension as described and rested in cDMEM (DMEM + 10% FCS, + 2mM L-glutamine + 100U ml -1 Penicillin + 100ug ml -1 streptomycin) for 1 hour at 37 o C/5%CO2, before extracellular staining, fixing and permeabilization as detailed.
  • For each experimental run, lungs from 5 mice were pooled and sorted as a single sample and isolated ILC2 were then split equally between experimental treatment conditions.
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out in a 20 μl reaction volume containing: 0.25 pmol forward and reverse primers, 1.25 mM dNTPs, 0.5 U Taq polymerase (New England Biolabs), 1x Thermopol reaction buffer (New England Biolabs), 2 µl cDNA and dH20.
  • Sections were stained with periodic acid-Schiff's and Haematoxylin and Eosin reagents, photographed at 40x or 100x magnification using a Zeiss Primo Star microscope and analyzed using Image J to determine the Histological Mucus Index (HMI) by established methods (49) .
  • Subsequently, tissue slides were heated and boiled in pH 6 citrate buffer for 15 min using a microwave.

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University of Birmingham
Acetylcholine production by group 2 innate
lymphoid cells promotes mucosal immunity to
Roberts, Luke B; Schnoeller, Corinna; Berkachy, Rita; Darby, Matthew; Pillaye, Jamie;
Oudhoff, Menno J; Parmar, Naveen; Mackowiak, Claire; Sedda, Delphine; Quesniaux,
Valerie; Ryffel, Bernhard; Vaux, Rachel; Gounaris, Kleoniki; Berrard, Sylvie; Withers, David
R; Horsnell, William G C; Selkirk, Murray E
None: All rights reserved
Document Version
Peer reviewed version
Citation for published version (Harvard):
Roberts, LB, Schnoeller, C, Berkachy, R, Darby, M, Pillaye, J, Oudhoff, MJ, Parmar, N, Mackowiak, C, Sedda,
D, Quesniaux, V, Ryffel, B, Vaux, R, Gounaris, K, Berrard, S, Withers, DR, Horsnell, WGC & Selkirk, ME 2021,
'Acetylcholine production by group 2 innate lymphoid cells promotes mucosal immunity to helminths', Science
Immunology, vol. 6, no. 57, eabd0359.
Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal
Publisher Rights Statement:
This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the AAAS for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive
version was published in Science Immunology on 05 Mar 2021:
Vol. 6, Issue 57, eabd0359, DOI: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abd0359.
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Science Immunology Manuscript Template Page 1 of 54
Acetylcholine production by type 2 innate lymphoid cells promotes mucosal immunity to helminths
Luke B. Roberts
, Corinna Schnoeller
, Rita Berkachy
, Matthew Darby
, Jamie Pillaye
, Menno J
, Naveen Parmar
, Claire Mackowiak
, Delphine Sedda
, Valerie Quesniaux
, Bernhard Ryffel
Rachel Vaux
, Kleoniki Gounaris
, Sylvie Berrard
, David R. Withers
, William G. C. Horsnell
, and
Murray E. Selkirk
Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, London, UK.
School of Immunology and Microbial Sciences, King’s College London, Great Maze Pond, London SE1
9RT, UK.
Wellcome Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Africa, Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular
Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
CEMIR Centre of Molecular Inflammation Research, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine,
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Laboratory of Molecular and Experimental Immunology and Neurogenetics, UMR 7355, CNRS-University
of Orleans and Le Studium Institute for Advanced Studies, Rue Dupanloup, 45000 Orléans, France.
Université de Paris, NeuroDiderot, Inserm, 75019 Paris, France
Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by
the Lead Contact, Murray E. Selkirk (
*Correspondence: ME Selkirk,; WGC Horsnell,

Science Immunology Manuscript Template Page 2 of 54
Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are critical mediators of immunological and physiological responses at mucosal
barrier sites. Whereas neurotransmitters can stimulate ILCs, the synthesis of small-molecule
neurotransmitters by these cells has only recently been appreciated. Type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s)
are shown here to synthesize and release acetylcholine (ACh) during parasitic nematode infection. The
cholinergic phenotype of pulmonary ILC2s was associated with their activation state, could be induced by
in vivo exposure to extracts of Alternaria alternata or the alarmin cytokines interleukin (IL)-33 and IL-25,
and was augmented by IL-2 in vitro. Genetic disruption of ACh synthesis by murine ILC2s resulted in
increased parasite burdens, lower numbers of ILC2s, and reduced lung and gut barrier responses to
Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection. These data demonstrate a functional role for ILC2-derived ACh in
the expansion of ILC2s for maximal induction of type 2 immunity.
One-sentence summary
Synthesis of acetylcholine by type 2 innate lymphoid cells is important for optimal immune responses to
helminth infection.
Acetylcholine (ACh) is best known as a small-molecule neurotransmitter, but its role in cholinergic signaling
also regulates the immune system. This is best described in the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway
(CAIP), in which sensory perception of inflammatory stimuli leads to a vagal reflex culminating in α7
nicotinic receptor (nAChR) subunit-dependent inhibition of TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-18 production by splenic
macrophages (1, 2) . The identification of cells that synthesize ACh has been facilitated by the use of reporter
mice to visualize expression of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the enzyme which synthesizes ACh (3).
T cells with an effector/memory (CD44
) phenotype were identified as the source of ACh in
the spleen responsible for signaling to macrophages in the CAIP (4), and B cell-derived ACh inhibited
neutrophil recruitment during sterile endotoxemia (5). Additionally, CD4
and CD8
T cell expression of

Science Immunology Manuscript Template Page 3 of 54
ChAT induced by IL-21 is essential for tissue trafficking required for T cell-mediated control of viral
infection (6). Adaptive immunity is also regulated by ACh, and optimal type 2 effector responses to the
nematode parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis require signaling through the M3 muscarinic receptor
(mAChR) (7).
Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) play an important role in initiating type 2 immune responses,
producing cytokines such as IL-13 and IL-5, which drive allergic inflammation and immunity to helminth
infection (8, 9). ILC2s have been shown recently to be both positively and negatively regulated by
neurotransmitters such as neuromedin U (NMU) (1012) and noradrenaline (13) , whereas group 3 innate
lymphoid cells (ILC3s) upregulate lipid mediator synthesis in response to vagally-derived ACh (14).
Interestingly, ILCs expressing receptors responsive to neurotransmitters colocalize with neurons in mucosal
tissues, forming neuroimmune cell units (NICUs) (15). ILC2s also express the neuropeptide calcitonin gene-
related protein, CGRP (16). ILC2s have been shown to express tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (Tph1), which is
the rate-limiting enzyme for the synthesis of the small-molecule neurotransmitter serotonin and have also
been shown to produce serotonin (17).
In this study, we demonstrate that pulmonary ILC2s upregulate their capacity to synthesize and release ACh
during infection with N. brasiliensis, and we show that the cholinergic phenotype of ILC2s is induced by
the alarmin cytokines IL-33 and IL-25. Rora
transgenic mice, which have ILC2s that do not
synthesize ACh, have impaired immunity to N. brasiliensis, reduced expression of type 2 cytokines IL-5 and
IL-13 in the lung, the mucins Muc5b and Muc5ac in the lung, and altered intestinal barrier responses. These
data demonstrate that the production and release of ACh by ILC2s is an important factor in driving type 2


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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors identify that activated group 2 innate lymphoid cells up-regulate choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-the enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of acetylcholine (ACh)-after infection with the helminth parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis or treatment with alarmins or cytokines including IL-25, IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP).
Abstract: Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) reside in multiple tissues, including lymphoid organs and barrier surfaces, and secrete type 2 cytokines including interleukin-5 (IL-5), IL-9, and IL-13. These cells participate in multiple physiological processes including allergic inflammation, tissue repair, metabolic homeostasis, and host defense against helminth infections. Recent studies indicate that neurotransmitters and neuropeptides can play an important role in regulating ILC2 responses; however, the mechanisms that underlie these processes in vivo remain incompletely defined. Here, we identify that activated ILC2s up-regulate choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-the enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of acetylcholine (ACh)-after infection with the helminth parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis or treatment with alarmins or cytokines including IL-25, IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP). ILC2s also express acetylcholine receptors (AChRs), and ACh administration promotes ILC2 cytokine production and elicits expulsion of helminth infection. In accordance with this, ChAT deficiency in ILC2s leads to defective ILC2 responses and impaired immunity against helminth infection. Together, these results reveal a previously unrecognized role of the ChAT-ACh pathway in promoting type 2 innate immunity to helminth infection.

50 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss how the enteric nervous system (ENS) can regulate and be regulated by immune responses and how such interactions control whole tissue physiology, and address the requirements for the proper regeneration of the ENS and restoration of GI function following the resolution of infection.

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article , the authors discuss how the enteric nervous system (ENS) can regulate and be regulated by immune responses and how such interactions control whole tissue physiology, and address the requirements for the proper regeneration of the ENS and restoration of GI function following the resolution of infection.

27 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: An updated view on intestinal epithelial tuft cells, their physiology, immunological hub function, and their involvement in human disease is presented and a discussion on how tuFT cells may have potential therapeutic value in a clinical context is discussed.
Abstract: The interests in intestinal epithelial tuft cells, their basic physiology, involvement in immune responses and relevance for gut diseases, have increased dramatically over the last fifteen years. A key discovery in 2016 of their close connection to helminthic and protozoan infection has further spurred the exploration of these rare chemosensory epithelial cells. Although very sparse in number, tuft cells are now known as important sentinels in the gastrointestinal tract as they monitor intestinal content using succinate as well as sweet and bitter taste receptors. Upon stimulation, tuft cells secrete a broad palette of effector molecules, including interleukin-25, prostaglandin E2 and D2, cysteinyl leukotriene C4, acetylcholine, thymic stromal lymphopoietin, and β-endorphins, some of which with immunomodulatory functions. Tuft cells have proven indispensable in anti-helminthic and anti-protozoan immunity. Most studies on tuft cells are based on murine experiments using double cortin-like kinase 1 (DCLK1) as a marker, while human intestinal tuft cells can be identified by their expression of the cyclooxygenase-1 enzyme. So far, only few studies have examined tuft cells in humans and their relation to gut disease. Here, we present an updated view on intestinal epithelial tuft cells, their physiology, immunological hub function, and their involvement in human disease. We close with a discussion on how tuft cells may have potential therapeutic value in a clinical context.

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is highlighted how neuroimmune crosstalk orchestrates physiological processes such as host defense, tissue repair, metabolism, and thermogenesis in organismal physiology.
Abstract: Interactions between the nervous and immune systems were recognized long ago, but recent studies show that this crosstalk occurs more frequently than was previously appreciated. Moreover, technological advances have enabled the identification of the molecular mediators and receptors that enable the interaction between these two complex systems and provide new insights on the role of neuroimmune crosstalk in organismal physiology. Most neuroimmune interaction occurs at discrete anatomical locations in which neurons and immune cells colocalize. Here, we describe the interactions of the different branches of the peripheral nervous system with immune cells in various organs, including the skin, intestine, lung, and adipose tissue. We highlight how neuroimmune crosstalk orchestrates physiological processes such as host defense, tissue repair, metabolism, and thermogenesis. Unraveling these intricate relationships is invaluable to explore the therapeutic potential of neuroimmune interaction. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Neuroscience, Volume 45 is July 2022. Please see for revised estimates.

20 citations

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19 Dec 2002-Nature
TL;DR: The discovery that cholinergic neurons inhibit acute inflammation has qualitatively expanded understanding of how the nervous system modulates immune responses, and the opportunity now exists to apply this insight to the treatment of inflammation through selective and reversible 'hard-wired' neural systems.
Abstract: Inflammation is a local, protective response to microbial invasion or injury. It must be fine-tuned and regulated precisely, because deficiencies or excesses of the inflammatory response cause morbidity and shorten lifespan. The discovery that cholinergic neurons inhibit acute inflammation has qualitatively expanded our understanding of how the nervous system modulates immune responses. The nervous system reflexively regulates the inflammatory response in real time, just as it controls heart rate and other vital functions. The opportunity now exists to apply this insight to the treatment of inflammation through selective and reversible 'hard-wired' neural systems.

3,146 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
23 Jan 2003-Nature
TL;DR: It is reported that the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor α7 subunit is essential for inhibiting cytokine synthesis by the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway.
Abstract: Excessive inflammation and tumour-necrosis factor (TNF) synthesis cause morbidity and mortality in diverse human diseases including endotoxaemia, sepsis, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. Highly conserved, endogenous mechanisms normally regulate the magnitude of innate immune responses and prevent excessive inflammation. The nervous system, through the vagus nerve, can inhibit significantly and rapidly the release of macrophage TNF, and attenuate systemic inflammatory responses. This physiological mechanism, termed the 'cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway' has major implications in immunology and in therapeutics; however, the identity of the essential macrophage acetylcholine-mediated (cholinergic) receptor that responds to vagus nerve signals was previously unknown. Here we report that the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha7 subunit is required for acetylcholine inhibition of macrophage TNF release. Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve inhibits TNF synthesis in wild-type mice, but fails to inhibit TNF synthesis in alpha7-deficient mice. Thus, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha7 subunit is essential for inhibiting cytokine synthesis by the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway.

2,900 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
29 Apr 2010-Nature
TL;DR: The identification and functional characterization of a new innate type-2 immune effector leukocyte that is named the nuocyte is presented, which represents a critically important innate effector cell in type- 2 immunity.
Abstract: Innate immunity provides the first line of defence against invading pathogens and provides important cues for the development of adaptive immunity. Type-2 immunity-responsible for protective immune responses to helminth parasites and the underlying cause of the pathogenesis of allergic asthma-consists of responses dominated by the cardinal type-2 cytokines interleukin (IL)4, IL5 and IL13 (ref. 5). T cells are an important source of these cytokines in adaptive immune responses, but the innate cell sources remain to be comprehensively determined. Here, through the use of novel Il13-eGFP reporter mice, we present the identification and functional characterization of a new innate type-2 immune effector leukocyte that we have named the nuocyte. Nuocytes expand in vivo in response to the type-2-inducing cytokines IL25 and IL33, and represent the predominant early source of IL13 during helminth infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. In the combined absence of IL25 and IL33 signalling, nuocytes fail to expand, resulting in a severe defect in worm expulsion that is rescued by the adoptive transfer of in vitro cultured wild-type, but not IL13-deficient, nuocytes. Thus, nuocytes represent a critically important innate effector cell in type-2 immunity.

1,896 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A critical role for lung ILCs in restoring airway epithelial integrity and tissue homeostasis after infection with influenza virus is demonstrated.
Abstract: Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), a heterogeneous cell population, are critical in orchestrating immunity and inflammation in the intestine, but whether ILCs influence immune responses or tissue homeostasis at other mucosal sites remains poorly characterized. Here we identify a population of lung-resident ILCs in mice and humans that expressed the alloantigen Thy-1 (CD90), interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptor a-chain (CD25), IL-7 receptor a-chain (CD127) and the IL-33 receptor subunit T1-ST2. Notably, mouse ILCs accumulated in the lung after infection with influenza virus, and depletion of ILCs resulted in loss of airway epithelial integrity, diminished lung function and impaired airway remodeling. These defects were restored by administration of the lung ILC product amphiregulin. Collectively, our results demonstrate a critical role for lung ILCs in restoring airway epithelial integrity and tissue homeostasis after infection with influenza virus.

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Abstract: Pulmonary defense against environmental injury depends on airway mucus, which traps inhaled toxins that are then cleared from the lungs by ciliary beating and cough. This review examines the normal and abnormal formation and clearance of mucus, as well as the therapy of mucus dysfunction.

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In this paper, the authors reported that Acetylcholine production by group 2 innate lymphoid cells promotes mucosal immunity to helminths.