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Adaptive Robust Optimization for the Security Constrained Unit Commitment Problem

TL;DR: In this paper, a two-stage adaptive robust unit commitment model for the security constrained unit commitment problem in the presence of nodal net injection uncertainty is proposed, which only requires a deterministic uncertainty set, rather than a hard-to-obtain probability distribution on the uncertain data.
Abstract: Unit commitment, one of the most critical tasks in electric power system operations, faces new challenges as the supply and demand uncertainty increases dramatically due to the integration of variable generation resources such as wind power and price responsive demand. To meet these challenges, we propose a two-stage adaptive robust unit commitment model for the security constrained unit commitment problem in the presence of nodal net injection uncertainty. Compared to the conventional stochastic programming approach, the proposed model is more practical in that it only requires a deterministic uncertainty set, rather than a hard-to-obtain probability distribution on the uncertain data. The unit commitment solutions of the proposed model are robust against all possible realizations of the modeled uncertainty. We develop a practical solution methodology based on a combination of Benders decomposition type algorithm and the outer approximation technique. We present an extensive numerical study on the real-world large scale power system operated by the ISO New England. Computational results demonstrate the economic and operational advantages of our model over the traditional reserve adjustment approach.

Summary (3 min read)


  • The objective of the UC problem is to find a unit commitment schedule that minimizes the commitment and dispatch costs of meeting the forecast system load, taking into account various physical, inter-temporal constraints for generating resources, transmission, and system reliability requirements.
  • This framework could also be integrated into the robust optimization formulation proposed below.
  • The method of uncertainty quantification (UQ) proposed in [11] can be integrated into the robust optimization UC model, where the UQ module updates the uncertainty model as more information is obtained in time.


  • The deterministic SCUC problem is extensively studied in the power system literature (e.g., [24], [25]).
  • The binary variable is a vector of commitment related decisions including the on/off and start-up/shut-down status of each generation unit for each time interval of the commitment period, usually 24 h in an ISO setting.
  • By convention, generation, reserve, and flow take positive sign, whereas load takes negative sign.
  • Constraint (3) couples the commitment and dispatch decisions, including minimum and maximum generation capacity constraints.


  • The authors first discuss the uncertainty set, which is a key building block of the robust model.
  • Then, the authors introduce the two-stage adaptive robust SCUC formulation and provide a detailed explanation.
  • Furthermore, in their formulation the optimal second-stage decision is a function of the uncertain net injection , therefore,fully adaptive to any realization of the uncertainty.
  • Notice that the worst case dispatch cost has a max-min form, where determines the economic dispatch cost for a fixed commitment and net injection , which is then maximized over the uncertainty set .
  • Due to the bilinear structure of the objective function, the optimal solution of problem (9) is an extreme point of the polyhedron , and similarly the optimal solution is an extreme point of .


  • As analyzed in the previous section, the adaptive robust formulation (7) is a two-stage problem.
  • The second-stage is to find the worst-case dispatch cost under a fixed commitment solution.
  • Naturally, the authors will have a two-level algorithm.
  • The outer level employs a Benders decomposition (BD) type cutting plane algorithm to obtain using the information (i.e., cuts) generated from the inner level, which approximately solves the bilinear optimization problem (9).

A. Outer Level: Benders Decomposition Algorithm

  • The Benders decomposition algorithm is described below.
  • To speed up the convergence of the above BD algorithm, the authors find it helpful to add dispatch constraints to the BD master problem (11) at certain iteration when or has improved slowly.
  • Choose an inner level convergence tolerance level .
  • Since the uncertainty set is assumed to be polyhedral, is a linear program.
  • The next theorem shows that the Benders cuts generated by the inner level are valid cuts.


  • The authors present a computational study to evaluate the performance of the adaptive robust approach and the reserve adjustment approach.
  • If the authors relax the BD convergence tolerance to and set the MIP gap of the BD master problem to be , the average computation time to solve the robust UC problem significantly decreases to 1.46 h with an average of 0.17% increase in terms of the worst-case total cost.
  • The computational results for normally and uniformly distributed loads are similar in illustrating a) and b).
  • A. Cost Efficiency and the Choice of the Budget Level Table I reports the average dispatch costs and total costs of AdptRob and ResAdj solutions for normally distributed load when the uncertainty budget varies from 0 to .
  • Therefore, a proper level of uncertainty budget in the uncertainty set (5) should be chosen as .

B. Reliability of Dispatch Operation

  • The adaptive robust approach also greatly reduces the volatility of the real-time dispatch costs.
  • Recall that the dispatch cost is the sum of the production cost and penalty cost.
  • The system operator has to take expensive emergency actions such as dispatching fast-start units or load-shedding to maintain system reliability.
  • In particular, for different levels of uncertainty budget, Tables I and II characterize the economic efficiency obtained by the robust solutions, whereas Table III shows the risk of the robust solutions in terms of the standard deviations of the cost.
  • Using these tables, a proper tradeoff can be made by decision makers.

C. Robustness Against Load Distributions

  • In practice, it is not easy to accurately identify the probability distribution of the load uncertainty for each node, especially in a large-scale power system.
  • Thus, it is important for a UC solution to have stable economic and operational performance over different distributions of the uncertain load.
  • The absolute difference between the two curves is between $6.32 k and $15.80 k for the entire range of .
  • The authors also study the effect of the load distribution on the standard deviation of dispatch costs.
  • As shown in the table, the relative change of the std is around 18.8% for the AdptRob approach, and is around 59.6% for the ResAdj approach, which is more than three times higher.

D. Cases for Higher Level of Load Variation

  • The authors also test the performance of the robust adaptive UCmodel at a higher level of load variation, namely .
  • Again, the authors can see that the ResAdj approach has extremely high std on dispatch costs at high reserve adjustment levels due to high levels of violations.
  • Comparing to the previous results of times higher std (see Table III), this demonstrates that the AdptRob approach has an even more significant reduction in cost volatility at higher level of demand variation.
  • Table VIII lists the penalty costs of the two approaches, where the penalty costs of the AdptRob approach are on average less than 0.06% of the dispatch costs, while the numbers are more than two orders of magnitude higher for the ResAdj approach (from 5.14% to 13.98% for , and as high as 61.74% for ).
  • To be compact, the authors omit the plots and tables, but summarize the key statistics.


  • The adaptive robust model and its solution technique presented in this paper provide a novel and practical approach to handle uncertainties in the unit commitment process.
  • The second stage dispatch solution is adaptive to not only the demand uncertainty, but also generator outage uncertainty.
  • How to build the associated uncertainty set and how to deal with the more complicated robust counterpart are important questions in this direction.
  • Equation (20) is the transmission line constraint for the th contingency where transmission line is tripped.
  • Equation (21) is the constraint that the sum of the production output and the reserve should be within the upper and lower bounds for each generator.

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Adaptive Robust Optimization for the Security
Constrained Unit Commitment Problem
Dimitris Bertsimas, Member, IEEE, Eugene Litvinov, Senior Member, IEEE,Xu
Andy Sun, Member, IEEE,
Jinye Zhao, Member, IEEE, and Tongxin Zheng, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—Unit commitment, one of the most critical tas
ks in
electric power system operations, faces new challenges as the
supply and demand uncertainty increases dramatically due to
the integration of variable generation resour
power and price responsive demand. To meet these challenges, we
propose a two-stage adaptive robust unit commitment m od el for
the security constrained u nit commitment p
roblem in the presence
of nodal net injection uncertainty. Compared to the conventional
stochastic programming approach, the proposed m odel is more
practical in that it only requires a deter
ministic uncertainty
set, rather than a hard-to-obtain probability distribution on the
uncertain data. The unit commitment solutions of the proposed
model are robust against all possib
le realizations of the modeled
uncertainty. We develop a practical solution methodology based
on a combination of Benders decomposition type algorithm and
the outer approximation techniq
ue. We present an extensive nu-
merical study on the real-world large scale power system operated
by the ISO New England. Computational results demonstrate
the economic and operational a
dvantages of our model over the
traditional reserve adjustment approach.
Index Terms—Bilevel mixed-integer optimization, power system
control and reliability, robust and adaptive optimization, security
constrained unit commitm
NIT commitm ent (UC) is one of the most critical deci-
sion processes performed by system operators in deregu-
lated electricity markets as w ell as in vertically integrated util-
ities. The objective of the UC problem is to nd a unit com -
mitment schedule that minimizes the com m itment and dispatch
costs of meeting t he forecast system load, taking into account
various physical, inter-temporal constraints for generating re-
sources, transm ission , and system reliabili ty requirem ents.
During the normal real-time operation, system operator dis-
patches the committed generation resources to satisfy the actual
demand and reliability r equirem ents. In the event that the actual
system condition signicantly deviates from the expected con-
dition, system operator n eeds to t ake corrective actions such as
Manuscript recei ved March 16, 2011; revised September 18, 2011 and April
02, 2012; accepted May 25, 2012. Date of publication July 24, 2012; date of
current version January 17, 2013. Paper no. TPWRS-00231-2011.
D. Bertsimas is with the Sloan School of Managem en t an d the O p erations
Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139
USA (e-mail: .
E. Litvinov, J. Zhao, and T. Zheng are with the Department of Business Ar-
chitecture & Technology, ISO New England, Holyoke, MA 01040 USA (e-mail:;;
X. A. Sun is with the H. Milton Stewart Schoo l of Indu strial and Systems
Engineering, Georgia Institu te of Technology, Atlanta, GA 3 0332 USA (e-mail:
sunx@mit.ed u).
ital Object Identier 10.1109/TPWRS.2012.2205021
committing expensive fast-start generators, voltage
or load shedding in emergency situation to maintain sy
stem se-
curity. The main causes of the unexpected events come
the uncertainties associated with the load f o
recast error, changes
of system interchange schedules, generator
s failure to follow
dispatch signals, and unexpected transmis
sion and generation
In recent y ears, higher penetration of vari
able generation re-
sources (such as wind power, solar power, an
d distributed gen-
erators) and more price-responsive d
emand participation have
posed new challenges to the unit comm
itment process, espe-
cially in the independent system ope
rator (ISO) managed elec-
tricity markets. It becom es import
ant for the ISOs t o have an
effective methodology that produ
ces robust unit commitment
decisions and ensures the system
reliability in the p resence of
increasing real-time uncertai
Previous studies of uncertain
ty management in the UC
problem can be divided into tw
ogroups.Therst group
commits and dispatches gene
rating resources to meet a deter-
ministic forecast load, an
d h andles uncertainty by im posing
conservative reserve requ
irements. The second group relies
on stochastic optimizati
on techniques. The rst group, the
so-called reserve adju
stment method, is widely used in today’s
power industry. Much o
f research along this vein, including
[1]–[4], has focused
on analyzing the levels of reserve require-
ments based on determ
inistic criteria, such as loss of the largest
import change. Such an approach is easy to
implement in pract
ice. However, committing extra generation
resources as reser
ves could be an economically inefcient way
to handle uncert
ainty, especially when the reserve requirement
is determined l
argely by some ad-hoc rules, rather than by a
systematic ana
lysis. Also, since the UC decision only considers
the expected o
perating condition, even w ith eno ugh reserve
available, t
he power system m ay still suffer capacity inade-
quacy when th
e real-time condition , such as load, dev iates
tly from the expected value. This is conrmed b y
the I SOs o
perational experience as well as by the numerical
on shown later.
The stocha
stic opti mi zation approach explicitly incorporates
a probabi
lity distribution of the uncertainty, and often relies o n
ling discrete scenarios of the uncertainty realizations
[5]–[9 ]
. This approach has some practical limitations in the ap-
ion to large scale power systems. First, it may be dif-
cult to
identify an accurate probability distribution of the un-
inty. Second, stochastic UC solutions only provide proba-
tic guarantees to the system reliability. To obtain a reason-
high guarantee requires a large number of scenario sam-
s, which results i n a problem that is computat ion a lly inten-
0885-8950/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

EM 53
sive. To i mprove the robustness of stoch astic UC solutions, Ru iz
et al. [10] proposed a hybrid approach combining the reserve re-
quirement and stochastic optimization methods. A recent work
[11] proposed a framework that combines uncertainty quanti-
cation with stochastic optimization. This framew ork could also
be integr ated into the robu st optimization formulation proposed
Robust optimization has recently gained substantial pop-
ularity as a modeling framework for optimization und er
parameter uncertainty, led by the w ork in [12]–[18]. Th e ap-
proach is attractive in several aspects. First, it only requires
moderate info rmation about the underlying u ncertainty, such as
the m ean and the range of the uncertain data; and the framework
is exible enough that the modeler can always incorporate more
probabilistic information such a s correlati on to the uncerta int y
model, when such inform ation is available. For instance, the
method of uncer tai nty quanti cation (UQ) proposed in [11] can
be integrated into th e ro bust optimization UC m o d el, where the
UQ module updates the uncer tain ty m odel as more information
is obtained in time. Second, the robust model constructs an
optimal solutio n that immuni zes against all realizations of
the uncer tain data within a determin istic uncertainty set. This
robustness is a d esirable feature, especially when the penalty
associated with infeasible solutions is very high, as the case
in the power system operations. Hence, the concept of robust
optimization is con sistent with the risk-averse fashion in which
the power systems are operated. Robust optimization has been
broadly applied in engineering and managemen t sciences,
such as structural design, integrated cir cuit design, statistics,
inventory management, to name a few. See [19] and references
In this paper, w e propose a two -stage adaptiv e robust opti-
mization model for the security constrained unit commitmen t
(SCUC) problem, where the rst-stage UC decision and the
second-stage dispatch decision are robust against all uncertain
nodal net injection realizations. F urthermo re, the second-stage
dispatch solu tion has full adaptability to the uncertainty. T he
critical constraints such as network co nstraints, ramp rate con-
straints and transmission security constraints are incorporated
into the proposed model as w ell. It is key to design a proper
uncertainty set to contr ol the conservatism of th e robust solu-
tion. We use a special techniq ue p roposed in [17] and [18] for
this purpose. We develop a practical solution method, and ex-
tensively test the method on a real-world power system. Papers
[20] and [21] proposed similar robust optim ization U C models.
However, their proposals ignored reserve constraints and did
not study critical issues such as th e impact of robust solutions
on system efciency, operational stability, and ro bust ness of the
UC solutions. Our research was cond ucted independently of the
work in [20] and [21 ]. The main contributions of our paper are
summarized below.
1) We formulate a tw o-stage adaptive robust optimizatio n
model for the SCUC problem. Given a pre-specied nodal
net injection uncertainty set, the two-stage adaptive robust
UC model obtains an “immunized against uncertainty”
rst-stage commitment decision and a second-stage
adaptive dispatch actions by minimizing the sum of the
unit commitment cost and the dispatch cost under the
worst-case realization of uncertain nodal net injection.
The nodal net injection un certainty set models variable
resources such as non-dispatchable wind generation,
real-time demand variation, and interchan ge uncertainty.
The parameters in the uncertainty set provide control over
the conservatism of the robust solution.
2) We develop a practical solution methodo log y to solve the
adaptive robust model. In particular, w e design a two-level
decomposition a pproach. A B enders decomposition type
algorithm is employed to decompose the ov erall pro blem
into a master problem involving the rst- stage commit-
ment decisions at the outer level and a bilinear subproblem
associated with the second-stage dispatch actions at the
inner level, which is solved by an outer approx im a tio n ap -
proach [22], [23]. The proposed so lution m etho d applies to
general polyhedral uncertainty sets. Computation al study
shows the efciency of the method.
3) We condu ct extensive numerical experim ents on the real-
world large scale power system operated by the ISO New
England. We study the performance of the adaptive robust
model and provide detailed comparison w ith the current
practice, the reserve adjustment approach. Specically, we
analyze the merit of the adaptive robust model from three
aspects: economic efciency, contribution to real-time op-
eration reliability, and robustness to probability distribu-
tions o f the uncertainty.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II d escribes the de-
terministic SCU C formulation. Secti on III introduces the two-
stage adaptive robust SCUC formulatio n. Section IV discusses
the solution m ethodology. Section V presents computational re-
sults, including a discussion on the proper way to choose the
level of conservatism in the robust model. Section VI concludes
with discussions.
The deterministic SCUC problem is extensively studied in
the power system literature (e.g.,[24],[25]).PleaseseetheAp-
pendix for a detailed m odel. Here w e present a compact matrix
The binary v ariable
is a vector of commitment related deci-
sions including the on/off and start-up/shut-down status of each
generation unit for each time interval of the comm itment pe-
riod, usually 24 h in an ISO settin g. The continuous variable
is a vector of dispatch related decision including the generation
output, load consumption levels, resource reserve levels, and
power ows in the transmission network for each time interval.
By conven tio n, generation, reserve, and ow tak e positive sign,
whereas load takes n egative sign.

The objective function is to minimize the sum o f comm itment
(including start-up, no-load, and shut-d own costs)
over th e planning horizon. Constrain t
(1), involving only com mitment v ar iables, contain s minim um
up and down, and start-up/shut-dow n co nstraints. Constrain t
(2) includes dispatch related constraints such as energy balance
(equality can always be w ritten as two opposite inequalities),
reserve requirement, reserve capacity, transmission limit, and
ramping constraints. Constraint ( 3) couples the commitment
and dispatch decisions, including minimum and m aximum
generation capacity constraints. Constraint (4) emphasizes the
fact that the uncertain nodal ne t injections are xed at expected
values in the deterministic model (
selects t he components
that correspond to uncertain resources).
In this section, we rst discuss the uncertainty set, which is
a key building blo ck of the robust model. Then, we introduce
the two-stage adaptive robust SCUC f ormulation and provide a
detailed explanation.
The rst step to build a ro bust model is to construct an un -
certainty set. Unlike the stochastic optimization approach, the
uncertainty mode l in a robust optim izat ion f ormulation is not
a probability distrib ution, but rather a deterministic set. In this
paper, the uncertain parameter is the no dal net injection. We
consider the fol lowing uncertain ty set of n odal net injection at
each time period
in the planning horizon :
is the set of nodes that have uncertain inj ections,
is the number of such nodes, is the vector
of uncertain net injections at time
, is the nominal va lue of
the net injection o f node
at time , is the deviation from
the nominal n et injection value of node
at time ,theinterval
is the range of the uncertain ,andthein-
equality in (5) controls the total deviation of all injections from
their nominal values at time
. The parameter is the “budget
of uncertainty”, taking values between 0 and
.When ,
the uncertainty set
is a singleton, correspon ding to
the nominal determinis tic case. As
increases, the size of the
uncertainty set
enlarges. This means that larger total devia-
tion from the expected net injection is considered, s o that the
resulting robust UC solutio ns are more conservative and the
system is protected against a higher degree of uncertainty. Wh en
, equals to the entire hypercube denedbythein-
tervals for each
for .
Now we formu late the two-stage adaptive robust SC UC
model as follows:
and . The objective
function has two parts, reecting the two-stage nature of the
decision. The rst part is the commitment cost. T he second part
is the worst case second-stage dispatch cost.
From this formulation, we can see that the commitm ent deci-
takes into account all possible future net injection repre-
sented in the uncertainty set. Such a U C solution remains fea-
sible, thus robust, for any realization of the uncertain net in-
jection. In compariso n, the traditional UC solution only guar-
antees feasibility for a single nominal net injection, whereas
the s tochastic o pti mization UC solution only c onsi ders a nite
set of preselected scenarios of the uncertain net injection. Fur-
thermore, in our formulation t he optimal second-stage decision
is a function of th e uncertai n net injectio n , theref ore,fully
adaptive to any realization of the uncertainty. Notice that
also a function of the rst-stage decision
. However, we write
it as
to emphasize the adaptability of the second-stage de-
cision to the uncertai nty
. The functional form of is de-
termined im p lici tly by the opt imization prob lem , as opposed to
beingpresumedasinthecaseofafnely adaptive policies (see
[26] and discussion in the conclusion part of this paper).
The full
adaptability properly models the economic d ispatch procedure
in the real-time opera tion.
The above formulation can be recast in the following
equivalent form, which is suitable for developing numerical
is the
set of feasible dispatch solutions for a xed commitment deci-
and nodal net injection realization . Notice that the worst
case dispatch cost has a max-min form, w here
determines the economic dispatch cost for a xed commitment
and net injection , which is then maximized over the un-
certainty set
. A slack variable is included in the energy bal-
ance constraints in the inner max-min problem to ensure its
It is useful to write out the dual of the disp atch problem
. Denote its cost by :
, ,and are the multipliers of the constraints (2)–(4),
Now, the secon d-stage problem
equivalent to a bilinear op tim ization problem given as follows:
where the constraints involving variable
ne a polyhedral set, deno ted as
. Due to the bilinear struc-
ture of the objective function, the optimal solution o f pro blem

EM 55
(9) is an extreme point of the polyhedron
, and similarly the optimal s olution is an extreme point
. T herefore, if we denote all the extreme points of as
, and all the extrem e points of as ,
can be written equivalently as
which shows that
is the maximum of a nitely many afne
functions in
, hence is a convex piecewise linear func-
tion in
. However, in general we h ave no knowledge of the
extreme points of
and , and computing is non-trivial.
To see this, notice that the objective fun ctio n of (9 ) contains
a non-concave bilinear term
, and b ilinear programs are in
general NP-hard to solve. Another way to see this is from the
formulation (7), where
can be written equivalently as
Notice that the objective value of the inner problem
is a convex fu nction i n . Therefore, e val -
needs to maxim ize a convex function, which
is generally NP-h a rd. Throughout the paper, we assume
for all feasible . This can be ensured by adding
penalty terms in the dispatch constraints. We omit the penalty
terms here for a clear presentation.
As analyzed in the previous section, the adaptive robust for-
mulation ( 7) is a two-stag e problem. The rst-stage is to nd
an optimal comm itment decision
. The second-stage is to nd
the worst -case dispatch cost under a xed co mm itment solution.
Naturally, we w ill have a two-level algorithm. T he outer level
employs a Benders decomposition (BD) type cutting plane al-
gorithm to obtain
using the information (i.e., cuts) generated
from the inner level, which appr oxi mat e ly solves the bilinear
optimization pro blem (9 ).
A. Outer Level: Benders D ecomposition Algorithm
The Benders decomposition algorithm is described below.
Initialization: Let
beafeasiblerst-stage solution.
dened by (9) to get an initial solu-
. Set the outer level lower bound
, upper bound and the number
of iteration
. Choose an outer level convergence
tolerance level
Step 1) Solve BD master problem.
The m aster problem of BD is the following mixed
integer program (MIP):
be the optimum. S et
Step 2) Solve B D subproblem
We will discuss the m e tho dology to
in the next subsection. Let
be the optimal solu-
tion. Set
Step 3) Check the outer level convergence.
, stop and return .Other-
wise, let
, and go to step 1.
To speed up the convergence of the ab ove BD alg orithm, we
nd it helpful to add dispatch constraints
to the BD
master problem (11) at certain iteration
when or
has im proved slo wly .
B. Inner Level: Solve
An outer approximation (OA) algorithm [22], [23] is used to
solve the bilinear program (9), where the bilinear term in the
objective is linearized around intermediate solutio n poi nts and
linear approximations are added to t he OA formulation. Since
the problem (9) is nonconcave, only a lo cal optim um is guar-
anteed by the OA algorith m. To verify the quality of the solu-
tion, we test on different initial conditions and observe fast con-
vergence and consistent results. The OA algorithm is described
Initialization: Fix the unit com mitment decisio n
from the
th iteration of the outer level BD algorithm.
Find an initial n et inj ection
. S et the inner level
lower bound
, upper bo und and
number of iter a tion
. Choose an inner l evel conver-
gence tolerance level
Step 1) Solve OA su bprob lem
, the dual dispatch problem de-
ned by (8). Let
be the optimal solu-
tion. Set
.Dene ,the
linearization of the bilinear term
at ,
as follows:
Step 2) Check the inner level convergence. If
, then s top and o utp ut the current solu-
OA algorith m.
Step 3) Solve OA master problem.
Solve the linearized version of
,dened in
the following:
Since the uncertainty set isassumedtobe
is a linear program. De-
as the op-

Fig. 1. Flow chart of the proposed two-level algorithm. SFT stands for simul-
taneous feasibility test, where security constraints, such as
are tested at current solutions and violated constrain ts are added seq uentially.
timal solution. Set the inner level upper bound as
We want to remark th at the above inner level algorithm works
for general polyhedral uncertainty set
, not restricted to the
budgeted uncertainty set of (5). T he nex t theorem shows that
the Benders cuts generated b y the inner level are valid cuts.
Theorem 1: The dual solutions,
,ofthe th
inner level problem generate valid in equal iti es for the second-
stage value function
, i.e.,
Proof: The dual solutions generated by
the OA subproblem
are extreme points o f the dual
, because is a linear optimizatio n problem
. Therefore, using (10), we have
which shows that the Benders cuts added to the BD master
problem are valid cuts, i.e., the epigraph of
is above the
Benders cuts.
The overall algorithmic framework is summarized in Fig. 1.
In our implementation, we include all co ntingen cy tran smissio n
constraints in the BD subproblem.
V. C
In this section, we present a computat ional study to evalu ate
the perform ance of the ad a ptive robust (AdaptRob) approach
and the reserve adjustment (ResAdj) approach. We test on the
power system operated by the ISO New Eng land Inc. (ISO-NE).
We have the following data and uncertainty model.
The system and market data: The system has 312 generating
units, 174 loads, and 2816 nodes. We select 4 representative
transmission constraints that interconnect four major load zones
in the ISO -NE’s system (we also demonstrate the performance
of our algorithms with 1876 transmission constraints). The
market dat a is taken from a normal winter day of the ISO- N E s
day-ahead energy market. In particular, we have 24-h data
of generators’ offer curves, reserve offers, expected nodal
load, system r eserve requirement (10-min spinning reserve,
10-min n on-spin ning reserve, and 30-min reserve), an d various
network param eters. The average total generation capacity per
hour is 31 929 MW and the average forecast load per hour is
16 232 MW.
The uncertainty model: We use the b udgeted uncertainty set
is the nominal load given in the data.
We set the range of load variation to be
for each
at time . The budget of uncertainty takes values in
the entire range of 0 to
. We will discuss the proper way to
within this range th at results in the best performance
of the r obust solution in t he follo wing subsection.
For the ResAdj approach, we solve the deterministic UC
problems presented in Section II at the expected load level
with adjusted reserve requirement. In particular, w e model the
reserve adjustment as follows:
where is the system reserve req uir ement of type at time ,
composed of the basic reserve level
and an adjustment part
proportional to the total variation of lo ad. Here, the uncertainty
also controls the level of conservatism of the ResAdj
The com putational experiments proceed as follows.
1) Obtain UC solutions: Solve the ResAdj and AdaptRob UC
models, respectively, for different uncertainty budg ets:
2) Dispatch simulation: For each UC solution, solve the dis-
patch problem repeatedly for two sets of 1000 rando mly
generated loads.
One set of randomly sampled load follows a un ifo rm distri-
bution in the interval
for each load at tim e
. The other set follow s a n ormal distribution with mean and
standard dev iation
, which results in an 85 percentile
of load falling between
and the load is trun-
cated for nonnegative values. Notice that samples from both sets
may fall o utsid e of the budgeted uncertainty set, especially when
the budget
is close to 0. I n this way, we can test the perfor-
mance of the robu st formulation when the uncertainty mode l is
To mimic the high cost of dispatching fast-start units or load
shedding in the real-time operation , we introduce a slack vari-
to energy balance, reserve requirement, and transm issio n
constraints in the dispatch simulation. If the real-time dispatch
incurs any energy deciency, reserve shortage, or transmission
violation, at least one component of
will be po sitiv e. The dis-
patch cost is the sum of production cost and penalty cost, i.e.,
,where is set to $5000/MWh for each component.
The proposed tw o-level algorithm for the two-stage adap-
tive robust model is imp lemented in GAMS. The mixed integer
program and linear program in the alg orithm are s olved with
CPLEX 12 .1 .0 on a PC laptop w ith an Intel Core(TM) 2Duo
2.50-GHz CPU an d 3 GB of memory . We set the convergence
tolerance for the outer level BD algorithm to be
the convergence tolerance for the inner level algorithm to be
. The MIP gap for the BD master problem is set to
. The average computation time to solve the robust UC
problem is 6.14 h. The average computation time for the re-
serve adjustm ent approach is 1.65 h. The compu tational results

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A computational study on a two-stage robust location-transportation problem shows that the column-and-constraint generation algorithm performs an order of magnitude faster than existing Benders-style cutting plane methods.

1,010 citations

Cites background or methods from "Adaptive Robust Optimization for th..."

  • ...This is the first presentation of this cutting plane algorithm with the column-and-constraint generation strategy in a general setup and the first systematic comparison of its computational performance with the Benders-dual cutting plane method....


  • ...These algorithms gradually construct the value function of the first-stage decisions using dual solutions of the second-stage decision problems [18, 19, 10, 14, 12]....


  • ...However, two-stage RO models are very difficult to compute....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: An overview of developments in robust optimization since 2007 is provided to give a representative picture of the research topics most explored in recent years, highlight common themes in the investigations of independent research teams and highlight the contributions of rising as well as established researchers both to the theory of robust optimization and its practice.

742 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: To address the intrinsically stochastic availability of renewable energy sources (RES), a novel power scheduling approach is introduced that involves the actual renewable energy as well as the energy traded with the main grid, so that the supply-demand balance is maintained.
Abstract: Due to its reduced communication overhead and robustness to failures, distributed energy management is of paramount importance in smart grids, especially in microgrids, which feature distributed generation (DG) and distributed storage (DS). Distributed economic dispatch for a microgrid with high renewable energy penetration and demand-side management operating in grid-connected mode is considered in this paper. To address the intrinsically stochastic availability of renewable energy sources (RES), a novel power scheduling approach is introduced. The approach involves the actual renewable energy as well as the energy traded with the main grid, so that the supply-demand balance is maintained. The optimal scheduling strategy minimizes the microgrid net cost, which includes DG and DS costs, utility of dispatchable loads, and worst-case transaction cost stemming from the uncertainty in RES. Leveraging the dual decomposition, the optimization problem formulated is solved in a distributed fashion by the local controllers of DG, DS, and dispatchable loads. Numerical results are reported to corroborate the effectiveness of the novel approach.

718 citations

Cites background from "Adaptive Robust Optimization for th..."

  • ...Without DSM, robust scheduling problems with penalty-based costs for uncertain supply and demand have been investigated in [6]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The works that have contributed to the modeling and computational aspects of stochastic optimization (SO) based UC are reviewed to help transform research advances into real-world applications.
Abstract: Optimization models have been widely used in the power industry to aid the decision-making process of scheduling and dispatching electric power generation resources, a process known as unit commitment (UC). Since UC’s birth, there have been two major waves of revolution on UC research and real life practice. The first wave has made mixed integer programming stand out from the early solution and modeling approaches for deterministic UC, such as priority list, dynamic programming, and Lagrangian relaxation. With the high penetration of renewable energy, increasing deregulation of the electricity industry, and growing demands on system reliability, the next wave is focused on transitioning from traditional deterministic approaches to stochastic optimization for unit commitment. Since the literature has grown rapidly in the past several years, this paper is to review the works that have contributed to the modeling and computational aspects of stochastic optimization (SO) based UC. Relevant lines of future research are also discussed to help transform research advances into real-world applications.

519 citations

Cites background or methods from "Adaptive Robust Optimization for th..."

  • ...In the power system literature, RUCmodels have been used to address uncertainties mainly from nodal net electricity injection [29], wind power availability [28], [35], power systems component contingencies [32]–[34], and demand-side management [87]....


  • ...Outer approximation algorithms have been used to solve this bilinear program when is assumed to be uncertain within a polyhedral set [29]....


  • ...contingency models [32], [33]; the total allowed number of wind output cases can be varied [35]; the linear coefficients of the polyhedral sets also can be varied, such as in [28] and [29]....


  • ...For wind output uncertainty, polyhedral or ellipsoidal constraints can be used instead [29]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The aim of this paper is to help practitioners to understand robust optimization and to successfully apply it in practice, and to use many small examples to illustrate the discussions.
Abstract: Robust optimization is a young and active research field that has been mainly developed in the last 15 years. Robust optimization is very useful for practice, since it is tailored to the information at hand, and it leads to computationally tractable formulations. It is therefore remarkable that real-life applications of robust optimization are still lagging behind; there is much more potential for real-life applications than has been exploited hitherto. The aim of this paper is to help practitioners to understand robust optimization and to successfully apply it in practice. We provide a brief introduction to robust optimization, and also describe important do׳s and don׳ts for using it in practice. We use many small examples to illustrate our discussions.

470 citations

Cites background from "Adaptive Robust Optimization for th..."

  • ...There have been many publications that show the value of RO in many fields of application including finance (Lobo 2000), energy (Bertsimas et al. 2013b, Babonneau et al. 2010), supply chain (Ben-Tal et al. 2005, Lim 2013), healthcare (Fredriksson et al. 2011), engineering (Ben-Tal and Nemirovski…...


  • ...Bertsimas et al. (2013a) show how to construct uncertainty sets based on historical data and statistical tests....


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Book ChapterDOI


01 Jan 2012

139,059 citations

"Adaptive Robust Optimization for th..." refers background in this paper

  • ...The deterministic SCUC problem is extensively studied in the power system literature [22], [23]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors propose an approach that attempts to make this trade-off more attractive by flexibly adjusting the level of conservatism of the robust solutions in terms of probabilistic bounds of constraint violations.
Abstract: A robust approach to solving linear optimization problems with uncertain data was proposed in the early 1970s and has recently been extensively studied and extended. Under this approach, we are willing to accept a suboptimal solution for the nominal values of the data in order to ensure that the solution remains feasible and near optimal when the data changes. A concern with such an approach is that it might be too conservative. In this paper, we propose an approach that attempts to make this trade-off more attractive; that is, we investigate ways to decrease what we call the price of robustness. In particular, we flexibly adjust the level of conservatism of the robust solutions in terms of probabilistic bounds of constraint violations. An attractive aspect of our method is that the new robust formulation is also a linear optimization problem. Thus we naturally extend our methods to discrete optimization problems in a tractable way. We report numerical results for a portfolio optimization problem, a knapsack problem, and a problem from the Net Lib library.

3,364 citations

01 Jan 2004
TL;DR: An approach is proposed that flexibly adjust the level of conservatism of the robust solutions in terms of probabilistic bounds of constraint violations, and an attractive aspect of this method is that the new robust formulation is also a linear optimization problem, so it naturally extend to discrete optimization problems in a tractable way.
Abstract: A robust approach to solving linear optimization problems with uncertain data was proposed in the early 1970s and has recently been extensively studied and extended. Under this approach, we are willing to accept a suboptimal solution for the nominal values of the data in order to ensure that the solution remains feasible and near optimal when the data changes. A concern with such an approach is that it might be too conservative. In this paper, we propose an approach that attempts to make this trade-off more attractive; that is, we investigate ways to decrease what we call the price of robustness. In particular, we flexibly adjust the level of conservatism of the robust solutions in terms of probabilistic bounds of constraint violations. An attractive aspect of our method is that the new robust formulation is also a linear optimization problem. Thus we naturally extend our methods to discrete optimization problems in a tractable way. We report numerical results for a portfolio optimization problem, a knapsack problem, and a problem from the Net Lib library.

3,359 citations

01 Jan 1997
TL;DR: p. 27, l.
Abstract: p. 27, l. −11, replace “Schwartz” by “Schwarz” p. 69, l. −13: “ai∗x = bi” should be “ai∗x = bi∗” p. 126, l. 16, replace “inequality constraints” by “linear inequality constraints” p. 153, l. −8, replace aix 6= bi by aix 6= bi p. 163, Example 4.9, first line: replace “from” with “form” p. 165, l. 11, replace p′Ax ≥ 0 by p′Ax ≥ 0 p. 175, l. 1, replace “To this see” by “To see this” p. 203, l. 12: replace x ≥ 0 by x ≥ 0, xn+1 ≥ 0 p. 216, l. −6: replace “≤ c}” by “≤ c′}” p. 216, l. −3: replace c′ by (c1)′ p. 216, l. −2: replace c′ by (c2)′ p. 216, l. −1: right-hand side should be λ(c1)′ + (1− λ)(c2)′ p. 220, l. −12: replace “added to the pivot row” by “added to the zeroth row”

2,780 citations

"Adaptive Robust Optimization for th..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...A nonconvex cost function can also be approximated by a nonconvex piecewise linear function with binary variable techniques as shown in [27]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: If U is an ellipsoidal uncertainty set, then for some of the most important generic convex optimization problems (linear programming, quadratically constrained programming, semidefinite programming and others) the corresponding robust convex program is either exactly, or approximately, a tractable problem which lends itself to efficientalgorithms such as polynomial time interior point methods.
Abstract: We study convex optimization problems for which the data is not specified exactly and it is only known to belong to a given uncertainty set U, yet the constraints must hold for all possible values of the data from U. The ensuing optimization problem is called robust optimization. In this paper we lay the foundation of robust convex optimization. In the main part of the paper we show that if U is an ellipsoidal uncertainty set, then for some of the most important generic convex optimization problems (linear programming, quadratically constrained programming, semidefinite programming and others) the corresponding robust convex program is either exactly, or approximately, a tractable problem which lends itself to efficientalgorithms such as polynomial time interior point methods.

2,501 citations

"Adaptive Robust Optimization for th..." refers background in this paper

  • ...Robust optimization has recently gained substantial popularity as a modeling framework for optimization under parameter uncertainty, led by the work in [12]–[18]....


Frequently Asked Questions (13)
Q1. What contributions have the authors mentioned in the paper "Adaptive robust optimization for the security constrained unit commitment problem" ?

To meet these challenges, the authors propose a two-stage adaptive robust unit commitment model for the security constrained unit commitment problem in the presence of nodal net injection uncertainty. The authors present an extensive numerical study on the real-world large scale power system operated by the ISO New England. Computational results demonstrate the economic and operational advantages of their model over the traditional reserve adjustment approach. 

Many interesting directions are open for future research. For example, it would be interesting to study re-commitment that is adaptive to load forecast. It would be interesting to study the extent that the volatility in the energy price is reduced. The authors can easily adjust the parameters such as in the uncertainty set and re-run their model for future re-commitment when a better estimation of uncertainty is available. 

The proposed robust model includes basic reserve requirement in order to cover generator contingencies, since generator contingency is not considered in the uncertainty model. 

The variable production cost, or the supply curve in a market setting, is an increasing convex piece-wise linear function of the production output . 

Other types of reserves exist, such as regulation service (automatic generation control) which responds to frequency changes in the system second by second, and supplement reserve. 

The framework of the proposed solution methodology, especially the outer approximation technique to solve the second-stage problem, is not restricted to the budgeted uncertainty set and can be applied to general polyhedral uncertainty sets. 

In conclusion, the low volatility of the dispatch cost and the zero penalty cost of the adaptive robust approach demonstratesits operational effectiveness in reducing costly emergency actions and improving system reliability. 

In the current practice, the SFT runs iteratively with the unit commitment procedure by gradually adding violated transmission security constraints to the economic dispatch problem. 

The reserve capacity will be available to the system operator in the real-time operation to prepare for unexpected loss of generators or other system disruptions. 

The system operator has to take expensive emergency actions such as dispatching fast-start units or load-shedding to maintain system reliability. 

The set of reserve products needed to satisfy reserve requirement :, , .• : Reserve capacity of generator , requirement , time .• : System reserve requirement of , time . 

A nonconvex cost function can also be approximated by a nonconvex piecewise linear function with binary variable techniques as shown in [27]. 

The authors consider the following uncertainty set of nodal net injection at each time period in the planning horizon :(5)where is the set of nodes that have uncertain injections, is the number of such nodes, is the vector of uncertain net injections at time , is the nominal value of the net injection of node at time , is the deviation from the nominal net injection value of node at time , the interval is the range of the uncertain , and the inequality in (5) controls the total deviation of all injections from their nominal values at time .