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Adiabatic dynamics of edge waves in photonic graphene

TL;DR: In this paper, the propagation of localized edge modes in photonic honeycomb lattices, formed from an array of adiabatically varying periodic helical waveguides, is considered.
Abstract: The propagation of localized edge modes in photonic honeycomb lattices, formed from an array of adiabatically varying periodic helical waveguides, is considered. Asymptotic analysis leads to an explicit description of the underlying dynamics. Depending on parameters, edge states can exist over an entire period or only part of a period; in the latter case an edge mode can effectively disintegrate and scatter into the bulk. In the presence of nonlinearity, a 'time'-dependent one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation describes the envelope dynamics of edge modes. When the average of the 'time varying' coefficients yields a focusing NLS equation, soliton propagation is exhibited. For both linear and nonlinear systems, certain long lived traveling modes with minimal backscattering are found; they exhibit properties of topologically protected states.

Summary (2 min read)

1. Introduction

  • Recently there has been significant effort directed towards understanding the wave dynamics in photonic lattices arranged in a honeycomb structure cf. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
  • The pseudo-magnetic fields used in the experiments [26] are created by periodic changes in the index of refraction of the waveguides in the direction of propagation.
  • However the dispersion relations also exhibit sensitive behavior in which small gaps in the spectrum appear when the small parameter ǫ characterizing the slow evolution increases in size.
  • Further, the authors find that when edge modes exist there are two important cases.
  • The results in this and previous papers show that nonlinear photonic graphene can also be thought of as a topological insulator.

2. Discrete Equations

  • This generalizes [33] where purely stationary edge modes are obtained.
  • The function C(Z, ω) is determined below.

3. Linear system

  • The authors first return to investigate the properties of the edge solution (20-21).
  • In the case where the topological index is nontrivial, i.e.
  • Interestingly, the dispersion relation of edge modes in Fig. 2(a) breaks up into multiple segments near ω = 0, π. Also, in Fig. 2(b) there are scattered eigenvalues near α = 0 for ω immediately outside Ip = (ω−, ω+).
  • To illustrate the possibility of an I = 0 (topologically trivial) dispersion relation in Case (II), the authors take the pseudo-field A(Z) to be Eq. (7).
  • Thus the initial condition (28) with δ = 1 remains localized for part of the period before disintegrating into the bulk with power distributed into both an and bn.

3.1. Numerical Computation of Dispersion Relations

  • It is interesting to see where the dispersion relations of pure edge modes as shown in Fig. 2 lie in the full Floquet spectra.
  • The Floquet spectrum is computed using Eqs. (12– 13) with a finite number of lattice sites, taken to be d/2, for each vector a and b and zig-zag boundary conditions on both ends.
  • From this, the authors can determine each eigenvalue λj up to an integer multiple of 2π/T ; this represents an ambiguity that cannot be resolved by studying Q(T ) alone.
  • Let us consider the particular choice f = Vj(z0) where z0 is arbitrary.
  • For either ρ < 1/2 or ρ > 1/2, the overall structure of the spectrum is similar to the case where the pseudo-field A is absent [33], though in their case the bulk spectrum no longer consists of regular bands.

3.2. Length Scales Associated with Quasi-Edge States

  • The scales of the problem suggest that both pure and quasi- edge modes might be observable in experiments.
  • A discussion of potential scales for such an observation follows.
  • In the introduction it was shown that the typical length scale in the longitudinal direction is z∗ = 2k0l 2, where k0 = 2πn0 λ , λ being the input wavelength.
  • It is useful to compare this length scale with the fast evolution problem discussed in [26, 28].
  • As in the slow evolution case, a perfect HC lattice with ρ = 1 was taken, while the strength of the pseudo-field was κ = 1.4.

4. Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Localized Edge Modes

  • Importantly, nonlinear edge modes can also be constructed via the same asymptotic analysis used in Sec. 3.
  • In all cases, it can be seen that the localized mode is eventually destroyed by dispersion after sufficient evolution.
  • Figure 10 shows the nonlinear evolution at the same parameters as Fig. 8 but with σ 6= 0. As shown in Fig. 10(a,b), when the NLS equation has third order dispersion due to ᾱ′′(ω0) = 0, weak nonlinearity enhances dispersion somewhat.
  • As in the linear case, the 2D evolution becomes somewhat weaker than predicted by the NLS equation beyond the time scale z ∼ 1/(ǫν3) for panels (a,b) and z ∼ 1/(ǫν2) for panels (c–f).
  • This absence of backscattering in the presence of nonlinearity suggests that the edge soliton is indeed topologically protected in the same parameter regime as topologically protected linear modes.

5. Conclusion

  • A method is developed which describes the propagation of edge modes in a semi-infinite honeycomb lattice in the presence of a periodically and relatively slowly varying pseudo-field with weak nonlinearity.
  • In the linear case, the dispersion relations of pure edge modes indicate that some modes may exhibit topological protection.
  • With weak nonlinearity included, it is shown that in the narrow band approximation, a time-dependent NLS equation is obtained.
  • These 1D NLS solitons correspond to true edge solitons propagating on the edge of the semi-infinite honeycomb lattice.
  • On the other hand when the NLS equation is defocusing significant dispersion occurs.

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arXiv:1411.6598v1 [physics.optics] 24 Nov 2014
Adiabatic Dynamics of Edge Waves in Photonic
Mark J. Ablowitz
, Christopher W. Curtis
, and Yi-Ping Ma
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
80309, USA
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University, San Diego,
California 92182, USA
Abstract. The propagation of localized edge modes in photonic honeycomb lattices,
formed from an array of adiabatically varying periodic helical waveguides, is considered.
Asymptotic analysis leads to an explicit description of the underlying dynamics.
Depending on parameters , edge states can exist over an entire p eriod or only par t
of a period; in the latter case an edge mode can effectively disinteg rate and scatter
into the bulk. In the presence of nonlinearity, a ‘time’-dependent one-dimens ional
nonlinear Schr¨odinger (NLS) equation describes the envelope dynamics of edge modes.
When the average of the ‘time varying’ coefficie nts yields a focusing NLS equation,
soliton propagation is exhibited. For both linear and nonlinear systems, certain long
lived traveling modes with minimal backscattering are found; they exhibit prope rties
of topologically protec ted states.
PACS numbers: 42.70.Qs, 42.65.Tg, 05.45.Yv

Adiabatic Dynamics of Edge Waves in Photonic Graphene 2
1. Introduction
Recently there has been significant effort directed towards understanding the wave
dynamics in photonic lattices arranged in a honeycomb structure cf. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
Due to the extra symmetry of the honeycomb lattice, Dirac points, or conical
intersections between dispersion bands, exist. This is similar to what occurs in carbon-
based graphene [9 ] where the existence of Dirac points is a key reason for many of
its exceptional pro perties. Because o f the correspondence with carbon-based graphene,
the optical analogue is often termed ‘photonic graphene’. In latt ices without edges the
wave dynamics exhibit conical, elliptic, and straight line diffraction cf. [1, 3, 10, 6].
However when edges and a ‘pseudo-field’ are present, remarkable changes occur and
long lived, persistent linear and nonlinear traveling edge waves with little backscatter
appear. These localized waves exhibit the hallmarks of topologically protected states,
thus indicating photonic graphene is a topological insulato r [12, 13, 8].
Substantial attentio n has been paid to the understanding of edge modes in both
condensed matter physics and optics. Interest in such modes goes back to the first
studies of the Quantum Hall Effect (QHE) where it was found that the edge current
was quantized [14, 15, 16]. Investigations related to the existence of edge states and the
geometry of eigenspaces of Schr¨odinger operators has also led to considerable interesting
research [17, 18, 19, 20, 21 , 22]. Suppo r t for the possible existence of linear unidirectional
modes in optical honeycomb lattices was provided in [23, 24]. These unidirectional
modes were found to be related to symmetry breaking perturbations which separated
the Dira c points in the dispersion surface. The modes are a consequence of a nontrivial
integer “topological” charge associated with the separated bands.
Unidirectional electromagnetic edge modes were first found experimentally in the
microwave r egime [25]. These modes were found on a square lattice which have no
associated Dirac points. Recently though, for photonic gra phene, it was shown in [26]
that by intr oducing edges and spatially varying waveguides that unidirectional edge wave
propagation at optical frequencies occurs. The waveguides play the role of a pseudo-
magnetic field, and in certain parameter regimes, the edge waves are found to be nearly
immune to backscattering. The pseudo-magnetic fields used in the experiment s [26] are
created by periodic changes in the index of refraction of the waveguides in the direction
of propagation. The variation in the index of refraction has a well defined helicity and
thus breaks ‘time’-reversal symmetry; here the direction of the wave propagation plays
the role of time.
The a nalytical description begins with the la t tice nonlinear Schr¨odinger (NLS)
equation [26] with cubic Kerr contribution
ψ =
ψ +
ψ γ |ψ|
ψ, (1)
where k
is the input wavenumber, n
is the ambient refractive index, n/n
, referred to
as the potential, is the linear index change relative to n
, and γ represents the nonlinear
index contribution. The scalar field ψ is the complex envelope of the electric field, z is

Adiabatic Dynamics of Edge Waves in Photonic Graphene 3
the direction of propagation and takes on the role of time, (x, y) is the transverse plane,
and (
). Below, in Section 3.2, concrete va lues are given for the parameters in
Eq. (1). n is taken to be a 2D lattice potential in the (x, y) -plane which ha s a prescribed
path in the z-direction. This path is characterized by a function a(z) = (a
(z), a
(z)) ,
such that after the coo rdinate transformation
= x a
(z), y
= y a
(z), z
= z,
the transformed potential n = n(x
, y
) is independent of z
Exp erimentally, the path represented by a(z) can be written into the optical
material (e.g. fused silica) [26] via the femtosecond laser writing technique [27]. Since
this technique enables waveguides to be written along general paths, we only require
a(z) to be a smooth function. Introducing a transformed field
ψ =
ψ exp
where A is induced by the path function a via the formula
A(z) = k
(z), (2)
Eq. (1) is transformed to
ψ =
+ iA(z
ψ +
ψ γ
ψ. (3)
In Eq. (3), A appears in the same way as if one had added a magnetic field to Eq. (1);
hence A is referred to as a pseudo-magnetic field.
Taking l to be a typical lattice scale size, employing the dimensionless coordinates
= lx, y
= ly, z
= z
z, z
= 2k
ψ =
, where P
is input peak power,
defining V (r
) = 2k
with r
, y
), rescaling A accordingly, and dropping
the primes, we get the following norma lized lattice NLS equation
ψ = ( + iA(z))
ψ + V (r)ψ σ
ψ. (4)
The potential V (r) is taken to be of ho neycomb (HC) type. The dimensionless coefficient
= 2γk
is the strength of the nonlinear change in the index of refraction. We also
note that after dropping primes, the dimensionless variables x, y, z, ψ are used; these
dimensionless variables should not be confused with the dimensional variables in Eq.
In contrast to [28], which in turn wa s motivated by the experiments in [2 6], this
paper examines t he case of periodic pseudo-fields which vary adiabatically, o r slowly,
throughout the photonic graphene la t t ice. We develop a n asymptotic theory which
leads to explicit formulas for isolated curves in the dispersion relation describing how
the structure of edge modes depends on a given pseudo-field A( z). Therefore, we can

Adiabatic Dynamics of Edge Waves in Photonic Graphene 4
theoretically predict for general pseudo-fields when unidirectional traveling waves exist
and the speed with which they propagate.
To exemplify the different classes of dispersion relations allowed in our problem, we
take the pseudo-magnetic field to be the following function (“ Lissajous” curves)
A(z) = (A
(z), A
(z)) = (κ sin (D
z), λ sin (D
z + φ)), (5)
where κ, λ, Ω, D
, j = 1, 2, and φ a r e constant. Below we will consider two cases
in detail. In the first case we choose D
= 1, D
= 1, φ = π/2, and κ = λ. This
corresponds to the pseudo-field employed in [26], and in most parts of this paper. In
this case the above function becomes a perfect circle given by
A(z) = (A
(z), A
(z)) = κ(sin z, cos z), (6)
where κ and are constant. In t he second case we choose D
= 2, D
= 1, φ = π/2,
and κ = λ. In this case the above Lissajous curve becomes a figure-8 curve given by
A(z) = (A
(z), A
(z)) = κ(sin (2Ωz), cos (Ωz)), (7)
where κ and are constant. For these classes of pseudo-fields, the numerically computed
dispersion relatio ns and the asymptotic pr ediction of the isolated curves agree very well.
However the dispersion relations also exhibit sensitive behavior in which small gaps in
the spectrum appear when the small parameter ǫ characterizing the slow evolution
increases in size.
Further, we find that when edge modes exist there are two impo r t ant cases. The
first is the case where pure edge modes exist in the entire periodic interval. The second
case is where quasi-edge mo des persist only for part o f the period. Quasi-edge modes
do not exist in the rapidly varying case studied in [28], and so we have shown adiabatic
variation of the pseudo-field allows for new dynamics even at the linear level. We also
present potentia l scaling regimes where these cases mig ht be observed experimentally;
see Section 3.2.
We are also able to analyze the effect of nonlinearity on these slowly varying
traveling edge modes. A nonconstant coefficient (‘time’-dependent) one-dimensional
nonlinear Schr¨odinger (NLS) equation governing the envelope of the edge modes is
derived and is found to be an effective description o f nonlinear traveling edge modes.
In the rapidly varying case [28], the associated NLS equation had constant coefficients,
and so we see adia batic va riation introduces new dynamics into the nonlinear evolution
of edge modes.
Using this new NLS equation, in the focusing case, we find analytically, and confirm
numerically, that unidirectionally propagat ing edge solitons are present in nonlinear
photonic graphene lat t ices. Computation of the NLS equation is compared with direct
simulation of the coupled discrete tight binding mo del with very good agreement
obtained. As with the traditional, constant coefficient, focusing NLS equation,
nonlinearity balances dispersion to produce nonlinear edge solitons. Depending on

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Topological photonics is a rapidly emerging field of research in which geometrical and topological ideas are exploited to design and control the behavior of light as mentioned in this paper, which holds great promise for applications.
Abstract: Topological photonics is a rapidly emerging field of research in which geometrical and topological ideas are exploited to design and control the behavior of light. Drawing inspiration from the discovery of the quantum Hall effects and topological insulators in condensed matter, recent advances have shown how to engineer analogous effects also for photons, leading to remarkable phenomena such as the robust unidirectional propagation of light, which hold great promise for applications. Thanks to the flexibility and diversity of photonics systems, this field is also opening up new opportunities to realize exotic topological models and to probe and exploit topological effects in new ways. This article reviews experimental and theoretical developments in topological photonics across a wide range of experimental platforms, including photonic crystals, waveguides, metamaterials, cavities, optomechanics, silicon photonics, and circuit QED. A discussion of how changing the dimensionality and symmetries of photonics systems has allowed for the realization of different topological phases is offered, and progress in understanding the interplay of topology with non-Hermitian effects, such as dissipation, is reviewed. As an exciting perspective, topological photonics can be combined with optical nonlinearities, leading toward new collective phenomena and novel strongly correlated states of light, such as an analog of the fractional quantum Hall effect.

3,052 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
21 Mar 2016
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors consider a family of Schrodinger Hamiltonians consisting of a bulk honeycomb potential and a perturbing edge potential, and show that the topologically protected edge state bifurcation is seeded by the zero-energy eigenstate of a one-dimensional Dirac operator.
Abstract: Edge states are time-harmonic solutions to energy-conserving wave equations, which are propagating parallel to a line-defect or 'edge' and are localized transverse to it. This paper summarizes and extends the authors' work on the bifurcation of topologically protected edge states in continuous two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb structures. We consider a family of Schrodinger Hamiltonians consisting of a bulk honeycomb potential and a perturbing edge potential. The edge potential interpolates between two different periodic structures via a domain wall. We begin by reviewing our recent bifurcation theory of edge states for continuous 2D honeycomb structures ( The topologically protected edge state bifurcation is seeded by the zero-energy eigenstate of a one-dimensional Dirac operator. We contrast these protected bifurcations with (more common) non-protected bifurcations from spectral band edges, which are induced by bound states of an effective Schrodinger operator. Numerical simulations for honeycomb structures of varying contrasts and 'rational edges' (zigzag, armchair and others), support the following scenario: (a) for low contrast, under a sign condition on a distinguished Fourier coefficient of the bulk honeycomb potential, there exist topologically protected edge states localized transverse to zigzag edges. Otherwise, and for general edges, we expect long lived edge quasi-modes which slowly leak energy into the bulk. (b) For an arbitrary rational edge, there is a threshold in the medium-contrast (depending on the choice of edge) above which there exist topologically protected edge states. In the special case of the armchair edge, there are two families of protected edge states; for each parallel quasimomentum (the quantum number associated with translation invariance) there are edge states which propagate in opposite directions along the armchair edge.

31 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
Yu-Liang Tao1, Ning Dai1, Yan-Bin Yang1, Qi-Bo Zeng1, Yong Xu1 
TL;DR: In this article, the existence of stable solitons localized on the hinges of a second-order topological insulator in three dimensions was theoretically demonstrated when nonlinearity is involved.
Abstract: A second-order topological insulator in three dimensions refers to a topological insulator with gapless states localized on the hinges, which is a generalization of a traditional topological insulator with gapless states localized on the surfaces. Here we theoretically demonstrate the existence of stable solitons localized on the hinges of a second-order topological insulator in three dimensions when nonlinearity is involved. By means of systematic numerical study, we find that the soliton has strong localization in real space and propagates along the hinge unidirectionally without changing its shape. We further construct an electric network to simulate the second-order topological insulator. When a nonlinear inductor is appropriately involved, we find that the system can support a bright soliton for the voltage distribution demonstrated by stable time evolution of a voltage pulse.

12 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
Yu-Liang Tao1, Ning Dai1, Yan-Bin Yang1, Qi-Bo Zeng1, Yong Xu1 
TL;DR: In this article, the existence of stable solitons localized on the hinges of a second-order topological insulator in three dimensions was shown by means of a systematic numerical study, and the soliton propagates along the hinge unidirectionally without changing its shape.
Abstract: Higher-order topological insulators have recently witnessed rapid progress in various fields ranging from condensed matter physics to electric circuits. A well-known higher-order state is the second-order topological insulator in three dimensions with gapless states localized on the hinges. A natural question in the context of nonlinearity is whether solitons can exist on the hinges in a second-order topological insulator. Here we theoretically demonstrate the existence of stable solitons localized on the hinges of a second-order topological insulator in three dimensions when nonlinearity is involved. By means of systematic numerical study, we find that the soliton has strong localization in real space and propagates along the hinge unidirectionally without changing its shape. We further construct an electric network to simulate the second-order topological insulator. When a nonlinear inductor is appropriately involved, we find that the system can support a bright soliton for the voltage distribution demonstrated by stable time evolution of a voltage pulse.

10 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors studied a symmetry breaking process that leads to the formation of vortices in a dissipative version of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a parabolic trap under rotation.
Abstract: For a dissipative variant of the two-dimensional Gross--Pitaevskii equation with a parabolic trap under rotation, we study a symmetry breaking process that leads to the formation of vortices. The first symmetry breaking leads to the formation of many small vortices distributed uniformly near the Thomas--Fermi radius. The instability occurs as a result of a linear instability of a vortex-free steady state as the rotation is increased above a critical threshold. We focus on the second subsequent symmetry breaking, which occurs in the weakly nonlinear regime. At slightly above threshold, we derive a one-dimensional amplitude equation that describes the slow evolution of the envelope of the initial instability. We show that the mechanism responsible for initiating vortex formation is a modulational instability of the amplitude equation. We also illustrate the role of dissipation in the symmetry breaking process. All analyses are confirmed by detailed numerical computations.

4 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Self-localized wave packets forming topological edge states residing in the bulk of a nonlinear photonic topological insulator exhibit the property of unidirectional transport, similar to the transport their linear counterparts display on the edge of a topology insulator.
Abstract: We propose solitons in a photonic topological insulator: self-localized wave packets forming topological edge states residing in the bulk of a nonlinear photonic topological insulator. These self-forming entities exhibit, despite being in the bulk, the property of unidirectional transport, similar to the transport their linear counterparts display on the edge of a topological insulator. In the concrete case of a Floquet topological insulator, such a soliton forms when a wave packet induces, through nonlinearity, a defect region in a honeycomb lattice of helical optical waveguides, and at the same time the wave packet populates a continuously rotating outer (or inner) edge state of that region. The concept is universal and applicable to topological systems with nonlinear response or mean-field interactions.

261 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A topological transition in photonic graphene is experimentally and theoretically demonstrated by applying a uniaxial strain to transform the system from one that supports states localized on the edge to one that does not.
Abstract: We experimentally demonstrate a topological transition of classical light in ``photonic graphene'': an array of waveguides arranged in the honeycomb geometry. As the system is uniaxially strained (compressed), the two unique Dirac points (present in the spectrum of conventional graphene) merge and annihilate each other, and a band gap forms. As a result, edge states are created on the zigzag edge and destroyed on the bearded edge. These results are applicable for any 2D honeycomb-type structure, from carbon-based graphene to photonic lattices and crystals.

259 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, it was shown that the Schroedinger operator with a potential having the symmetry of a honeycomb structure has dispersion surfaces with conical singularities at the vertices of its Brillouin zone.
Abstract: We prove that the two-dimensional Schroedinger operator with a potential having the symmetry of a honeycomb structure has dispersion surfaces with conical singularities (Dirac points) at the vertices of its Brillouin zone. No assumptions are made on the size of the potential. We then prove the robustness of such conical singularities to a restrictive class of perturbations, which break the honeycomb lattice symmetry. General small perturbations of potentials with Dirac points do not have Dirac points; their dispersion surfaces are smooth. The presence of Dirac points in honeycomb structures is associated with many novel electronic and optical properties of materials such as graphene.

256 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the edge states on both the zig-zag and bearded edges of a photonic honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms were directly image and measured their dispersion properties, and most importantly, one residing on the bearded edge which was unknown and cannot be explained through conventional tight-binding theory.
Abstract: The intriguing properties of graphene, a two-dimensional material composed of a honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms, have attracted a great deal of interest in recent years. Specifically, the fact that electrons in graphene behave as massless relativistic particles gives rise to unconventional phenomena such as Klein tunneling, the anomalous quantum Hall effect, and strain-induced pseudo-magnetic fields. Graphene edge states play a crucial role in the understanding and use of these electronic properties. However, the coarse or impure nature of the edges hampers the ability to directly probe the edge states and their band structure. Perhaps the best example is the edge states on the bearded edge (also called the Klein edge) that have thus far never been observed - because such an edge is unstable in graphene. Here, we use the optical equivalent of graphene - a photonic honeycomb lattice - to experimentally and theoretically study edge states and their properties. We directly image the edge states on both the zig-zag and bearded edges of this photonic graphene, measure their dispersion properties, and most importantly, find a new type of edge state: one residing on the bearded edge which was unknown and cannot be explained through conventional tight-binding theory. Such a new edge state lies near the van-Hove singularity in the edge band structure and can be classified as a Tamm state lacking any surface defect. Our photonic system offers the opportunity to probe new graphene-related phenomena that are difficult or impossible to access in conventional carbon-based graphene. Edge states in graphene-type structures play the central role in achieving photonic topological insulation, in which light can propagate along the edges of photonic structures without any parasitic scattering whatsoever.

207 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a traveling unidirectional localized edge states in optical honeycomb lattices are constructed analytically and conditions on whether a given pseudofield supports a traveling edge mode are discussed.
Abstract: Traveling unidirectional localized edge states in optical honeycomb lattices are analytically constructed. They are found in honeycomb arrays of helical waveguides designed to induce a periodic pseudomagnetic field varying in the direction of propagation. Conditions on whether a given pseudofield supports a traveling edge mode are discussed; a special case of the pseudofields studied agrees with recent experiments. Interesting classes of dispersion relations are obtained. Envelopes of nonlinear edge modes are described by the classical one-dimensional nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation along the edge. Nonlinear states termed edge solitons are predicted analytically and are found numerically.

121 citations

Frequently Asked Questions (14)
Q1. What are the contributions in "Adiabatic dynamics of edge waves in photonic graphene" ?

In this paper, the propagation of localized edge modes in photonic honeycomb lattices, formed from an array of adiabatically varying periodic helical waveguides, is considered. 

Due to the z-dependence of the coefficients of the NLS equation, the edge soliton exhibits slow modulation in its amplitude and width. 

As with the traditional, constant coefficient, focusing NLS equation, nonlinearity balances dispersion to produce nonlinear edge solitons. 

The waveguides play the role of a pseudomagnetic field, and in certain parameter regimes, the edge waves are found to be nearly immune to backscattering. 

The authors also note that after dropping primes, the dimensionless variables x, y, z, ψ are used; these dimensionless variables should not be confused with the dimensional variables in Eq. (1). 

A nonconstant coefficient (‘time’-dependent) one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation governing the envelope of the edge modes is derived and is found to be an effective description of nonlinear traveling edge modes. 

However when edges and a ‘pseudo-field’ are present, remarkable changes occur and long lived, persistent linear and nonlinear traveling edge waves with little backscatter appear. 

4. Thus the localization interval IZ(ω) corresponds to the vertical slice through the shaded region at fixed ω, and the existence interval Ip = (ω−, ω+) of pure edge modes is bounded by the two solid white lines. 

For the pseudo-field Eq. (6)A = (A1(z), A2(z)) = κ(sinΩz,− cosΩz) = κ(sinZ,− cosZ), Z = ǫz,taking Ωz∗ = ǫ where ǫ = 0.1 leads to Ω = 14.8 rad/m and the period T = 2π Ω = 42 cm. 

Taking a discrete Fourier transform in m, i.e. letting amn = ane imω and bmn = bne imω, yields the simplified systemi∂zan + e id·AL−bn + σ|an|2an = 0, (12) i∂zbn + e −id·AL+an + σ|bn|2bn = 0, (13)whereL−bn = (bn + ργ∗(z;ω)bn−1) (14) L+an = (an + ργ(z;ω)an+1) (15)γ(z;ω) = 2eiϕ+(z) cos(ϕ−(z)− ω) andϕ+(z) = (θ2(z) + θ1(z))/2, ϕ−(z) = (θ2(z)− θ1(z))/2.Since γ(z;ω + π) = −γ(z;ω), if (an(z), bn(z)) is a solution of Eqs. (12–13) at any given ω, then (−1)n(an(z), bn(z)) is a solution of Eqs. (12–13) at ω + π. 

the dispersion relation of edge modes in Fig. 2(a) breaks up into multiple segments near ω = 0, π. Also, in Fig. 2(b) there are scattered eigenvalues near α = 0 for ω immediately outside Ip = (ω−, ω+). 

In the rapidly varying case [28], the associated NLS equation had constant coefficients, and so the authors see adiabatic variation introduces new dynamics into the nonlinear evolution of edge modes. 

The authors note that since no pure edge mode exists for any range of frequencies ω in Case (III), this case will be omitted in the following discussion of pure edge modes. 

Quasi-edge modes do not exist in the rapidly varying case studied in [28], and so the authors have shown adiabatic variation of the pseudo-field allows for new dynamics even at the linear level.