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Journal ArticleDOI

An analysis of real-Fourier domain-based adaptive algorithms implemented with the Hartley transform using cosine-sine symmetries

01 Feb 2005-IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)-Vol. 53, Iss: 2, pp 622-629
TL;DR: This paper is based on the cosine and sine symmetric implementation of the discrete Hartley transform (DHT), which is the key in reducing the computational complexity of the FBNLMS by 33% asymptotically (with respect to multiplications).
Abstract: The least mean squared (LMS) algorithm and its variants have been the most often used algorithms in adaptive signal processing. However the LMS algorithm suffers from a high computational complexity, especially with large filter lengths. The Fourier transform-based block normalized LMS (FBNLMS) reduces the computation count by using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and exploiting the fast algorithms for implementing the DFT. Even though the savings achieved with the FBNLMS over the direct-LMS implementation are significant, the computational requirements of FBNLMS are still very high, rendering many real-time applications, like audio and video estimation, infeasible. The Hartley transform-based BNLMS (HBNLMS) is found to have a computational complexity much less than, and a memory requirement almost of the same order as, that of the FBNLMS. This paper is based on the cosine and sine symmetric implementation of the discrete Hartley transform (DHT), which is the key in reducing the computational complexity of the FBNLMS by 33% asymptotically (with respect to multiplications). The parallel implementation of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) in turn can lead to more efficient implementations of the HBNLMS.

Summary (2 min read)


  • THE ability of an adaptive filter to operate effectively inan unknown environment and track time variations of the input statistics makes it a powerful device.
  • The authors exploit the symmetry of the Hartley transform in being decomposed into a cosine and a sine transform of reduced order and the symmetrical structure of the HBNLMS to significantly reduce the computational complexity of the FBNLMS.
  • The authors also note that the HBNLMS requires almost the same order of memory as that of the FBNLMS implementation.

A. Notation

  • The authors assume real inputs, real “desired” outputs and they start with a real .
  • This will ensure that the weight vectors over all iterations are real.
  • The operation refers to elementwise multiplication of two sequences.
  • The superscripts in and refer, respectively, to “circulant” and “circulant symmetric.” , , and refer to the Fourier, the Hartley, the inverse Fourier and the inverse Hartley matrices, respectively.
  • The filter output y(n) is given by the convolution sum (1) This output y(n) is used to estimate the desired response d(n).


  • The Fourier transform-based block normalized least mean square algorithm [12], [13] is an efficient way of im- plementing the block normalized least mean squares algorithm [12].
  • The following algebraic manipulations then follow trivially: (8) It can be seen that diag , where the authors exploit the realness of the input vector and the fact that Fourier matrices diagonalize circulant matrices [14].
  • This, therefore, leads to (9) where the symbol denotes the elementwise multiplication of the two N-point sequences.
  • Equation (11) can then be rewritten similarly as (12) Authorized licensed use limited to: Eindhoven University of Technology.
  • The authors would like to comment that, since the FBNLMS algorithm is an exact transformation of the BNLMS algorithm, the dynamic behavior of both of them will be essentially the same [12].


  • The HBNLMS would be computationally disadvantageous when compared to the FBNLMS (if the symmetries in the sequences are not used), as is done in [8], where a Hartley transform of order 2N is implicitly used.
  • The symmetry in the sequences helps us in replacing a 2N-point Hartley transform with cosine transforms of order of N/2 down until 1 [17], [18].
  • The DST-II of order L can be computed from the DCT-II of the alternate sequence as shown below: (26) Authorized licensed use limited to: Eindhoven University of Technology.


  • The algorithm to be used for the DFT depends on the application Authorized licensed use limited to: Eindhoven University of Technology.
  • Instead of going into the specifics of algorithms and applications, the authors use the radix-2 versions of DCT and DFT to illustrate the advantages of the two implementation schemes.
  • Their choice for the real algorithms is restricted to the radix-2 counterparts on both sides since their motive is in showing the relative advantages rather than comparing the individual algorithms.
  • To find the DCT-I of and the DCT-I of the 2N-point sequence, an additional (3/2 N) additions are required.
  • The savings in Table II are computed with respect to multiplications, as they are more prominent for small N. For , using the FBNLMS, the authors require 3 727 390 additions and 1 433 620 multiplications, for a total of 5 161 010 computations.


  • Computation count is just one of the many parameters that reflect the ‘desiredness’ of an algorithm.
  • The algorithm would not serve much purpose if the memory requirements of the same were to far exceed that of the original algorithm.
  • The memory requirements of the FBNLMS are the incoming data, (length N) and (length M), two buffer registers of length N to store the intermediate results (like forward transforms etc.), a desired data register of length B, and twiddle factors that can be stored in a register of length less than N if the authors use their complex conjugate symmetry.
  • Unit register locations are needed to store the adaptation constants and the variance estimator.
  • Thus, the HBNLMS requires an order of memory units.


  • The HBNLMS has been implemented using the DCT-DST symmetric decomposition.
  • Many computation reduction techniques that can be employed with the DFT, like higher-radix and split-radix algorithms, pruning [24]–[26], block transforms [27], and slide transforms [28] can be easily extended to the DHT, DCT and DST, thereby resulting in an almost equivalent reduction in complexity of the HBNLMS over the FBNLMS with such techniques.
  • Besides, the memory requirements of the HBNLMS are of the same order as that of the FBNLMS.
  • The stability of the HBNLMS algorithm vis-à-vis rounding off errors can Authorized licensed use limited to: Eindhoven University of Technology.

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An analysis of real-Fourier domain based adaptive algorithms
implemented with the Hartley transform using cosine-sine
Citation for published version (APA):
Raghavan, V., Prabhu, K. M. M., & Sommen, P. C. W. (2005). An analysis of real-Fourier domain based
adaptive algorithms implemented with the Hartley transform using cosine-sine symmetries.
IEEE Transactions
on Signal Processing
(2), 622-629.
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Published: 01/01/2005
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An Analysis of Real-Fourier Domain-Based Adaptive
Algorithms Implemented with the Hartley Transform
Using Cosine-Sine Symmetries
Vasanthan Raghavan, Student Member, IEEE, K. M. M. Prabhu, Senior Member, IEEE, and
Piet C. W. Sommen, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—The least mean squared (LMS) algorithm and its
variants have been the most often used algorithms in adaptive
signal processing. However the LMS algorithm suffers from a
high computational complexity, especially with large filter lengths.
The Fourier transform-based block normalized LMS (FBNLMS)
reduces the computation count by using the discrete Fourier trans-
form (DFT) and exploiting the fast algorithms for implementing
the DFT. Even though the savings achieved with the FBNLMS
over the direct-LMS implementation are significant, the compu-
tational requirements of FBNLMS are still very high, rendering
many real-time applications, like audio and video estimation,
infeasible. The Hartley transform-based BNLMS (HBNLMS) is
found to have a computational complexity much less than, and
a memory requirement almost of the same order as, that of the
FBNLMS. This paper is based on the cosine and sine symmetric
implementation of the discrete Hartley transform (DHT), which is
the key in reducing the computational complexity of the FBNLMS
by 33% asymptotically (with respect to multiplications). The
parallel implementation of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) in
turn can lead to more efficient implementations of the HBNLMS.
Index Terms—Adaptive algorithms, DCT, DST, FBNLMS, FFT,
FHT, frequency domain algorithms, LMS algorithms.
HE ability of an adaptive filter to operate effectively in
an unknown environment and track time variations of the
input statistics makes it a powerful device. It finds wide applica-
tions in diverse fields such as interference and echo cancellation,
channel equalization, linear prediction, and spectral estimation.
The adaptive filter is implemented in the time domain by
algorithms like the least mean squared (LMS) algorithm [1],
the gradient adaptive lattice [2], or the least squares algorithms
[3], [4]. However, as the number of computations per sample
needed to implement the LMS algorithm grows linearly with the
Manuscript received June 16, 2003; revised January 9, 2004. The associate
editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was
Prof. Trac D. Tran.
V. Raghavan is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 USA (e-mail:;
K. M. M. Prabhu was with Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. He is now with the Department of Electrical Engi-
neering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India (e-mail:
P. C. W. Sommen is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Eind-
hoven University of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2004.838983
filter order, it is less useful in real-time applications like audio
and video estimation. Many techniques have been proposed to
reduce this burgeoning computation count. Transforming the
LMS algorithm to the frequency domain [5], [6] has been the
classical approach, as we can exploit the various forms of fast
Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms to reduce the number of
computations. With the generalization of the transform domain
LMS algorithm [7], we find that we can use orthogonal trans-
forms to yield better computation counts.
et al. [8]
have introduced the implementation of the
FBNLMS in the Hartley domain (the so-called “HBNLMS”).
This method involves extending the data matrices to circulant
symmetric matrices and then using the Hartley transform to di-
agonalize them. The main motive of [8] is to find the com-
monality between adaptive filters using multidelay concepts and
those using filterbanks, whereas in this paper, our main motive
is the efficient implementation of the HBNLMS algorithm. We
exploit the symmetry of the Hartley transform in being decom-
posed into a cosine and a sine transform of reduced order and the
symmetrical structure of the HBNLMS to significantly reduce
the computational complexity of the FBNLMS. This is possible
entirely because the sine transform of a sequence can be imple-
mented using the cosine transform of its alternate sequence [9].
The asymptotic computational savings with the HBNLMS is
20% with respect to multiplications and additions and 33% with
respect to multiplications alone. Since fast cosine transforms
are commonly used in MPEG coding and are efficiently im-
plemented in special VLSI chips, decomposition of the Hartley
transform to a cosine and a sine transform also has other inherent
advantages that are associated with VLSI designs. We also note
that the HBNLMS requires almost the same order of memory as
that of the FBNLMS implementation.
The Hartley transform has been used in the literature for fil-
tering in [10] and [11], but the authors are not aware of an ef-
ficient implementation of the Hartley transform routines based
on sine and cosine symmetric decompositions in the context of
LMS filters. Merched et al. [8] use the regular Hartley trans-
form in their work without exploiting the symmetries of the
sequences involved. Thus, this work is an efficient implemen-
tation of the proposed Hartley transform-based frequency do-
main LMS. The paper is organized as follows. The Fourier do-
main-based block normalized LMS algorithm is described in
We would like to thank one of the reviewers for introducing us to the results
of [8].
1053-587X/05$20.00 © 2005 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: Eindhoven University of Technology. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 04:32 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Section II. The Hartley transform-based BNLMS (HBNLMS) is
introduced in Section III. Sections IV and V deal with the imple-
mentation issues of the HBNLMS and the computation counts
of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and discrete Hartley
transform (DHT)-based algorithms, respectively. The memory
requirements of both the algorithms are compared in Section VI
and concluding remarks are provided in Section VII.
A. Notation
We assume real inputs, real desired outputs and we start
with a real
. This will ensure that the weight vectors
over all iterations are real. The operations
, and
refer, respectively, to the transpose, Hermitian, and the
conjugate of
, respectively. The operation refers to ele-
mentwise multiplication of two sequences. The superscripts in
and refer, respectively, to circulant and cir-
culant symmetric.
, , and refer to the Fourier, the
Hartley, the inverse Fourier and the inverse Hartley matrices,
respectively. X(k) and X_H(k) refer, respectively, to the DFT
and the DHT of the sequence x(n). The computation count of
an algorithm is dened as the number of multiplications and
additions, since in most modern-day digital signal processors
(DSPs), the time needed for implementing an addition is almost
the same as that for a multiplication.
The tap inputs of the LMS lter are denoted by
and the tap weights by .
The output, the desired output, and the error in the output are de-
noted by y(n), d(n), and e(n), respectively. Here, M is the order
of the lter used. The lter output y(n) is given by the convolu-
tion sum
This output y(n) is used to estimate the desired re-
sponse d(n). Let
. We do not use an explicit
dependence of the weight vector and the error vector on the
discrete-time variable n as we are dealing with a particular
iteration, and for that iteration, these vectors can be assumed to
be constant. In the block algorithm (where B is the lter block
length), we dene the block input
(an M B matrix) as
Then, the block output
is dened as ,
The estimation error
is dened as
refers to the adaptation constant in the adaptive algorithm.
The Fourier transform-based block normalized least mean
square (FBNLMS) algorithm [12], [13] is an efcient way of im-
plementing the block normalized least mean squares (BNLMS)
algorithm [12]. The weight update equation of the BNLMS al-
gorithm is
is an estimate of block variance of . The structure
allows us to extend it circulantly as follows:
, , and are chosen appropriately. The rst row of
is given as
Here, the size of
(a square matrix of N N), which is
denoted by N, is constrained by
. Usually,
N is chosen to be a power of two so that the FFTs can be used
to reduce computation (described later in this section). Further
manipulation is made easy if we notice that
is a sub-
matrix of
, where . This
submatrix can then be extracted from the product
premultiplication with a M
N windowing matrix dened
. The following algebraic manipu-
lations then follow trivially:
It can be seen that
diag , where we exploit the realness of the input vector
and the fact that Fourier matrices diagonalize circulant matrices
[14]. This, therefore, leads to
where the symbol
denotes the elementwise multiplication of
the two N-point sequences. The weight update equation of the
BNLMS algorithm then becomes
can be written as follows:
, and .
Equation (11) can then be rewritten similarly as
Authorized licensed use limited to: Eindhoven University of Technology. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 04:32 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Since is a sequence that is well-known even before the start
of iterations, we can assume that it is a constant sequence and
is a known sequence (or can be computed of-
ine). We therefore need three forward Fourier transforms, two
inverse Fourier transforms, two elementwise multiplications, a
variance estimator and two windows for each iteration. We do
not concern ourselves with the dynamic behavior (convergence
or tracking properties) of the FBNLMS or the Hartley trans-
form-based algorithm that will be introduced in Section III, be-
cause both the algorithms are in principle the same when real
inputs and weights are used. The main motive of this paper is
to exploit the structure that lies hidden in the vectors used in
HBNLMS, in order to reduce the computation count. However,
we would like to comment that, since the FBNLMS algorithm is
an exact transformation of the BNLMS algorithm, the dynamic
behavior of both of them will be essentially the same [12].
The DHT [15], [16] of a real valued N-point sequence x(n) is
dened as follows:
where, cas
. A circulant matrix can be
diagonalized by a Fourier matrix, viz.
diag ,
is the DFT of the rst column of [14]. A circulant
symmetric matrix
can be diagonalized by a Hartley matrix.
diag (14)
is the rst column of C. The FBNLMS algorithm can
then be implemented by extending all data matrices to be cir-
culant and symmetric and using
to diagonalize them [8]. The
order of all circulant symmetric matrices should satisfy the con-
. We will abuse notation and use
(where N stands for the size of the extended circulant
matrix in the FBNLMS) henceforth. The following equations
can then be seen to be true for HBNLMS [8].
where and
, ,
is the DHT of the rst column of . We then
is a sequence that is well known even before the
start of iterations, we can assume that its transform is a known
sequence. Thus, three Hartley transforms and two inverse
Hartley transforms are needed to compute
in the
frequency domain. These Hartley transforms can be computed
using the more efcient DCT and discrete sine transform (DST)
systems. It might initially appear that the HBNLMS has an
inherent disadvantage because of the order of the transforms
needed here. For every Fourier transform (and inverse) of order
N, we need a Hartley transform (and inverse) of order 2N. The
HBNLMS would be computationally disadvantageous when
compared to the FBNLMS (if the symmetries in the sequences
are not used), as is done in [8], where a Hartley transform
of order 2N is implicitly used. The main motive of this work
is to exploit the symmetries inherent in the sequences to use
the computationally more efcient DCT and DST systems to
recursively compute the needed transforms. In this process, we
reduce the needed computations even below that needed by the
FBNLMS (with
real-FFTs used for a fair comparison). The
symmetry in the sequences helps us in replacing a 2N-point
Hartley transform with cosine transforms of order of N/2 down
until 1 [17], [18].
When real data vectors are used, the HBNLMS is just another
mathematically equivalent way of implementing the FBNLMS.
The basic idea of our implementation is that the recursive imple-
mentation of the DCT-I, DST-I, DCT-II and DST-II involve the
same building blocks with signs changed appropriately to give
the needed transforms. The rst column of
, sat-
ises the following properties:
This then implies the following about
Authorized licensed use limited to: Eindhoven University of Technology. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 04:32 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Here, is dened as
This implies that all we need to do to nd the 2N-point Hartley
transform is to nd the DCT-I [19] of the sequences
and .
The DCT-I of an N-point sequence is computed recursively
using the DCT-I of the even sampled sequence and the DCT-II
of the odd sampled sequence [19], as follows:
If A and B are the DCT-I of the even samples and DCT-II of
the odd samples of
and and are the last
points of A and B in the same order, respectively,
for to can be written as follows:
The DCT-I of
can be calculated using A, B,
and as follows:
This method is employed recursively to obtain A, B, and thus
. Thus, we will need DCT-II of order N/2 down until 1
to compute
. The block diagram of an N-point DCT-I
transformer is shown in Fig. 1. The restructured block diagram
for computing the DCT-I of an alternate sequence is also shown
in Fig. 1.
can be computed using a similar approach. Let
and .
can be written as the sum of two symmetric vec-
tors (
and ), can be computed using an N-point
transform as follows:
where .
From (24), it can be seen that
can be computed from
the DCT-I and DST-I [20] of the two sequences,
. Let and represent the DCT-I and
the DCT-II of the even and the odd samples, respectively, of
. The sufx R shall denote reordering. [The reordering
(which is an point sequence) of an N-point se-
quence Y(n) is dened as
for to
.] Then, the 2N-point Hartley transform of is
The DST-I of a sequence can also be obtained from the
DCT-II of that sequence [9]. The DST-I is computed using the
DST-I and DST-II of the even and the odd samples, respec-
tively. Thus, a DST-I of order N requires DST-IIs of order N/2
down until 1. The DST-II of order L can be computed from the
DCT-II of the alternate sequence as shown below:
Authorized licensed use limited to: Eindhoven University of Technology. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 04:32 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

More filters
A. Jain1
01 Sep 1976
TL;DR: The Karhunter-Loeve transform for a class of signals is proven to be a set of periodic sine functions and this Karhunen- Loeve series expansion can be obtained via an FFT algorithm, which could be useful in data compression and other mean-square signal processing applications.
Abstract: The Karhunen-Loeve transform for a class of signals is proven to be a set of periodic sine functions and this Karhunen-Loeve series expansion can be obtained via an FFT algorithm. This fast algorithm obtained could be useful in data compression and other mean-square signal processing applications.

211 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A systematic method for developing a binary version of a given transform by using the Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT) is proposed and it is shown that the resulting BDCT corresponds to the well-known sequency-ordered WHT, whereas the BDHT can be considered as a new Hartley-ordering WHT.
Abstract: In this paper, a systematic method for developing a binary version of a given transform by using the Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT) is proposed. The resulting transform approximates the underlying transform very well, while maintaining all the advantages and properties of WHT. The method is successfully applied for developing a binary discrete cosine transform (BDCT) and a binary discrete Hartley transform (BDHT). It is shown that the resulting BDCT corresponds to the well-known sequency-ordered WHT, whereas the BDHT can be considered as a new Hartley-ordered WHT. Specifically, the properties of the proposed Hartley-ordering are discussed and a shift-copy scheme is proposed for a simple and direct generation of the Hartley-ordering functions. For software and hardware implementation purposes, a unified structure for the computation of the WHT, BDCT, and BDHT is proposed by establishing an elegant relationship between the three transform matrices. In addition, a spiral-ordering is proposed to graphically obtain the BDHT from the BDCT and vice versa. The application of these binary transforms in image compression, encryption and spectral analysis clearly shows the ability of the BDCT (BDHT) in approximating the DCT (DHT) very well.

83 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A new reciprocal-orthogonal parametric discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is proposed by appropriately replacing some specific twiddle factors in the kernel of the classical DFT by independent parameters that can be chosen arbitrarily from the complex plane.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new reciprocal-orthogonal parametric discrete Fourier transform (DFT) by appropriately replacing some specific twiddle factors in the kernel of the classical DFT by independent parameters that can be chosen arbitrarily from the complex plane. A new class of parametric unitary transforms can be obtained from the proposed transform by choosing all its independent parameters from the unit circle. One of the special cases of this class is then exploited for developing a new one-parameter involutory discrete Hartley transform (DHT). The proposed parametric DFT and DHT can be computed using the existing fast algorithms of the DFT and DHT, respectively, with computational complexities similar to those of the latter. Indeed, for some special cases, the proposed transforms require less number of operations. In view of the fact that the transforms of small sizes are used in some image and video compression techniques and employed as building blocks for larger size transform algorithms, we develop new algorithms for the proposed small-size transforms. The proposed parametric DFT and DHT, in view of the introduction of the independent parameters, offer more flexibility in achieving better performance compared to the classical DFT and DHT. As examples of possible applications of the proposed transforms, image compression, Wiener filtering, and spectral analysis are considered.

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Cites result from "An analysis of real-Fourier domain-..."

  • ...Moreover, the proposed may be employed in adaptive algorithms in a way similar to that reported in [4]....


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TL;DR: The role of SMEs play in an economy cannot be over emphasized in both developed and developing countries and so their existence and survival is a concern not only to the governments but to scholars as well.
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Book ChapterDOI
06 May 2020
TL;DR: The proposed multiplier less convolution algorithm is employed in the Richardson-Lucy filter for the Deblurring analysis and it is stated that the novel multiplier less deconvolution algorithm provides better performance in terms of PSNR.
Abstract: Since the Surveillance camera came into the market, the advanced digital image processing is getting more research importance. One of the major issues of digital photographing is motion and image blur. This can be occurring when the camera is in motion, the shape of the blurring is constant, but only the spatial extent is varying. Here, a novel algorithm is proposed for deconvoluting the image samples in the filtering process. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is successfully useful for compressed domain operations such as downsampling, translation, and filtering, etc. The recommended deconvolution algorithm produces the approximated output images that are perceptually closer to the actual image with reduced computational complexity. In this paper, the proposed multiplier less convolution algorithm is employed in the Richardson-Lucy filter for the Deblurring analysis. Also, this proposed method was compared with the existing techniques and stated that the novel multiplier less deconvolution algorithm provides better performance in terms of PSNR.

9 citations

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01 Jan 1986
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors propose a recursive least square adaptive filter (RLF) based on the Kalman filter, which is used as the unifying base for RLS Filters.
Abstract: Background and Overview. 1. Stochastic Processes and Models. 2. Wiener Filters. 3. Linear Prediction. 4. Method of Steepest Descent. 5. Least-Mean-Square Adaptive Filters. 6. Normalized Least-Mean-Square Adaptive Filters. 7. Transform-Domain and Sub-Band Adaptive Filters. 8. Method of Least Squares. 9. Recursive Least-Square Adaptive Filters. 10. Kalman Filters as the Unifying Bases for RLS Filters. 11. Square-Root Adaptive Filters. 12. Order-Recursive Adaptive Filters. 13. Finite-Precision Effects. 14. Tracking of Time-Varying Systems. 15. Adaptive Filters Using Infinite-Duration Impulse Response Structures. 16. Blind Deconvolution. 17. Back-Propagation Learning. Epilogue. Appendix A. Complex Variables. Appendix B. Differentiation with Respect to a Vector. Appendix C. Method of Lagrange Multipliers. Appendix D. Estimation Theory. Appendix E. Eigenanalysis. Appendix F. Rotations and Reflections. Appendix G. Complex Wishart Distribution. Glossary. Abbreviations. Principal Symbols. Bibliography. Index.

16,062 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Fast transversal filter (FTF) implementations of recursive-least-squares (RLS) adaptive-filtering algorithms are presented in this paper and substantial improvements in transient behavior in comparison to stochastic-gradient or LMS adaptive algorithms are efficiently achieved by the presented algorithms.
Abstract: Fast transversal filter (FTF) implementations of recursive-least-squares (RLS) adaptive-filtering algorithms are presented in this paper. Substantial improvements in transient behavior in comparison to stochastic-gradient or LMS adaptive algorithms are efficiently achieved by the presented algorithms. The true, not approximate, solution of the RLS problem is always obtained by the FTF algorithms even during the critical initialization period (first N iterations) of the adaptive filter. This true solution is recursively calculated at a relatively modest increase in computational requirements in comparison to stochastic-gradient algorithms (factor of 1.6 to 3.5, depending upon application). Additionally, the fast transversal filter algorithms are shown to offer substantial reductions in computational requirements relative to existing, fast-RLS algorithms, such as the fast Kalman algorithms of Morf, Ljung, and Falconer (1976) and the fast ladder (lattice) algorithms of Morf and Lee (1977-1981). They are further shown to attain (steady-state unnormalized), or improve upon (first N initialization steps), the very low computational requirements of the efficient RLS solutions of Carayannis, Manolakis, and Kalouptsidis (1983). Finally, several efficient procedures are presented by which to ensure the numerical Stability of the transversal-filter algorithms, including the incorporation of soft-constraints into the performance criteria, internal bounding and rescuing procedures, and dynamic-range-increasing, square-root (normalized) variations of the transversal filters.

724 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A new algorithm is introduced for the 2m-point discrete cosine transform that reduces the number of multiplications to about half of those required by the existing efficient algorithms, and it makes the system simpler.
Abstract: A new algorithm is introduced for the 2m-point discrete cosine transform. This algorithm reduces the number of multiplications to about half of those required by the existing efficient algorithms, and it makes the system simpler.

661 citations

"An analysis of real-Fourier domain-..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...We do not use an explicit dependence of the weight vector and the error vector on the discrete-time variable “n” as we are dealing with a particular iteration, and for that iteration, these vectors can be assumed to be constant....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A new implementation of the real-valued split-radix FFT is presented, an algorithm that uses fewer operations than any otherreal-valued power-of-2-length FFT.
Abstract: This tutorial paper describes the methods for constructing fast algorithms for the computation of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a real-valued series. The application of these ideas to all the major fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms is discussed, and the various algorithms are compared. We present a new implementation of the real-valued split-radix FFT, an algorithm that uses fewer operations than any other real-valued power-of-2-length FFT. We also compare the performance of inherently real-valued transform algorithms such as the fast Hartley transform (FHT) and the fast cosine transform (FCT) to real-valued FFT algorithms for the computation of power spectra and cyclic convolutions. Comparisons of these techniques reveal that the alternative techniques always require more additions than a method based on a real-valued FFT algorithm and result in computer code of equal or greater length and complexity.

489 citations

"An analysis of real-Fourier domain-..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...The filter output y(n) is given by the convolution sum (1) This output y(n) is used to estimate the desired response d(n)....


  • ...In the block algorithm (where B is the filter block length), we define the block input (an M B matrix) as (2) Then, the block output is defined as , where (3) The estimation error is defined as (4) refers to the adaptation constant in the adaptive algorithm....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper presents a recursive algorithm for DCT with a structure that allows the generation of the next higher order DCT from two identical lower order D CT's.
Abstract: The discrete cosine transform (DCT) is widely applied in various fields, including image data compression, because it operates like the Karhunen-Loeve transform for stationary random data. This paper presents a recursive algorithm for DCT with a structure that allows the generation of the next higher order DCT from two identical lower order DCT's. As a result, the method for implementing this recursive DCT requires fewer multipliers and adders than other DCT algorithms.

483 citations

"An analysis of real-Fourier domain-..." refers background in this paper

  • ...This, therefore, leads to (9) where the symbol denotes the elementwise multiplication of the two N-point sequences....


Frequently Asked Questions (14)
Q1. What is the main motive of this paper?

The main motive of this paper is to exploit the structure that lies hidden in the vectors used in HBNLMS, in order to reduce the computation count. 

The main motive of this work is to exploit the symmetries inherent in the sequences to use the computationally more efficient DCT and DST systems to recursively compute the needed transforms. 

The memory requirements of the FBNLMS are the incoming data, (length N) and (length M), two buffer registers of length N to store the intermediate results (like forward transforms etc.), a desired data register of length B, and twiddle factors that can be stored in a register of length less than N if the authors use their complex conjugate symmetry. 

The Fourier transform-based block normalized least mean square (FBNLMS) algorithm [12], [13] is an efficient way of im-plementing the block normalized least mean squares (BNLMS) algorithm [12]. 

The computation count of an algorithm is defined as the number of multiplications and additions, since in most modern-day digital signal processors (DSPs), the time needed for implementing an addition is almost the same as that for a multiplication. 

The HBNLMS would be computationally disadvantageous when compared to the FBNLMS (if the symmetries in the sequences are not used), as is done in [8], where a Hartley transform of order 2N is implicitly used. 

In the block algorithm (where B is the filter block length), the authors define the block input (an M B matrix) as(2)Then, the block output is defined as , where(3)The estimation error is defined as(4)refers to the adaptation constant in the adaptive algorithm. 

The basic idea of their implementation is that the recursive implementation of the DCT-I, DST-I, DCT-II and DST-II involve the same building blocks with signs changed appropriately to give the needed transforms. 

Since the inverse DST-II can be computed using the inverse DCT-II [9], the inverse Hartley transform of order 2N actually needs the same order of computations as a forward transform of length N. can be computed in exactly a similar way as , as is similar in structure to . 

The FBNLMS algorithm can then be implemented by extending all data matrices to be circulant and symmetric and using to diagonalize them [8]. 

Many computation reduction techniques that can be employed with the DFT, like higher-radix and split-radix algorithms, pruning [24]–[26], block transforms [27], and slide transforms [28] can be easily extended to the DHT, DCT and DST, thereby resulting in an almost equivalent reduction in complexity of the HBNLMS over the FBNLMS with such techniques. 

the 2N-point Hartley transform of is(27)Since the DCT-II of x(n) is implemented recursively using an even and an odd breakup [21], [22], the DCT-II of (and thus the DST-II and the DST-I) can be easily computed. 

The HBNLMS, on the other hand, has to incorporate the inherent symmetry of the data sequences if the authors want to reduce the number of memory units used. 

The savings in Table II are computed with respect to multiplications, as they are more prominent for small N.For , using the FBNLMS, the authors require 3 727 390 additions and 1 433 620 multiplications, for a total of 5 161 010 computations.