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An Ecosystem-Scale Flux Measurement Strategy to Assess Natural Climate Solutions.

TL;DR: In this paper, the authors propose three deployment types for ecosystem-scale flux measurements at various NCS scales to constrain wide uncertainties and chart a workable path forward: "pilot", "upscale", and "monitor".
Abstract: Eddy covariance measurement systems provide direct observation of the exchange of greenhouse gases between ecosystems and the atmosphere, but have only occasionally been intentionally applied to quantify the carbon dynamics associated with specific climate mitigation strategies. Natural climate solutions (NCS) harness the photosynthetic power of ecosystems to avoid emissions and remove atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), sequestering it in biological carbon pools. In this perspective, we aim to determine which kinds of NCS strategies are most suitable for ecosystem-scale flux measurements and how these measurements should be deployed for diverse NCS scales and goals. We find that ecosystem-scale flux measurements bring unique value when assessing NCS strategies characterized by inaccessible and hard-to-observe carbon pool changes, important non-CO2 greenhouse gas fluxes, the potential for biophysical impacts, or dynamic successional changes. We propose three deployment types for ecosystem-scale flux measurements at various NCS scales to constrain wide uncertainties and chart a workable path forward: "pilot", "upscale", and "monitor". Together, the integration of ecosystem-scale flux measurements by the NCS community and the prioritization of NCS measurements by the flux community, have the potential to improve accounting in ways that capture the net impacts, unintended feedbacks, and on-the-ground specifics of a wide range of emerging NCS strategies.

Summary (2 min read)


  • Stabilizing global temperature at 1.5 °C will require, in addition to rapid decarbonization, significant removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.
  • The majority of IPCC emission pathways consistent with keeping global temperatures below 2 °C rely on biological CO2 removal practices,11 even though many of them are unproven at scale.
  • They can be labor intensive, typically only focus on CO2, may miss important carbon pools, and have low spatial and temporal representativeness.
  • Fortunately, eddy covariance measurement systems, de- ployed on what are known as flux towers, allow for the most direct observation of the net exchange−or flux−between ecosystems and the atmosphere at a management-relevant scale.
  • The authors examine the role that ecosystem-scale flux measurements could play in evaluating, prioritizing, and implementing NCS.


  • While many conventional carbon inventories consider changes to only one or a few dominant pools of carbon,22 ecosystem-scale flux measurements have the ability to simultaneously measure changes in multiple pools.
  • Many emerging NCS strategies involve changes to “hidden” and spatially heterogeneous carbon pools (e.g., soil), important above and belowground pools (e.g., perennial grasslands), hard to access biomass (e.g., in mangroves), or saturated sediments (e.g., in peatlands).
  • NCS are typically designed to preserve or increase carbon stocks, but these ecosystem modifications also have the potential to alter emissions of other important GHGs, especially nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4).
  • 40,41 Eddy covariance’s ability to measure all of the major trace gases exchanged by ecosystems make it a powerful option for understanding the entire GHG budget both for NCS strategies that intentionally modify CH4 and N2O regimes and for those that may unintentionally impact net fluxes.
  • XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX C Potential for Biophysical Feedbacks.


  • Deployment of ecosystem-scale flux measurements for NCS could fall into one of three (nonmutually exclusive) use-cases: “pilot”, “upscale”, and “monitor”.
  • Research-driven “pilot” deployments can capture high quality new data about the performance of a particular NCS, under a specific management practice.
  • Pilot eddy covariance deployment for NCS may utilize experimental techniques like space-for-time chronosequences (e.g., ref 33), paired control-treatments (e.g., ref 35) that may include ecosystem manipulation (e.g., ref 83), environmental gradients (e.g., ref 50) or even “natural” experiments to critically test the potential of a specific NCS strategy compared to business-as-usual.
  • To achieve widespread and spatially explicit NCS quantification, gridded products derived from the current Fluxnet database100−102 could quantify the baseline potential carbon uptake.
  • If every NCS project could be constantly monitored with ecosystemscale flux measurements, compliance schemes would be able to precisely quantify the year-to-year carbon performance of each project, compared to a nonintervention baseline, and align financial rewards accordingly.


  • Climate change solutions that harness natural and working lands hold much promise and major uncertainties.
  • As the most complete and direct method to measure ecosystem-scale fluxes, eddy covariance has an important role to play in prioritizing, measuring, and monitoring the implementation of NCS.
  • The authors framework describes three deployment types that serve different needs and scales (Table 2).
  • “Pilot” deployments, combined with complementary measurements, already allow for high precision emission reduction potentials for specific NCS activities.
  • The need for accurate, affordable, and accessible accounting of the true impact of NCS, in the face of widespread ecosystem heterogeneity and ongoing climate change, is a key priority if NCS are to realize their potential.

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UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley Previously Published Works
An Ecosystem-Scale Flux Measurement Strategy to Assess Natural Climate Solutions.
Environmental science & technology, 55(6)
Hemes, Kyle S
Runkle, Benjamin RK
Novick, Kimberly A
et al.
Publication Date
Peer reviewed Powered by the California Digital Library
University of California

An Ecosystem-Scale Flux Measurement Strategy to Assess Natural
Climate Solutions
Kyle S. Hemes,* Benjamin R. K. Runkle, Kimberly A. Novick, Dennis D. Baldocchi,
and Christopher B. Field
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ABSTRACT : Eddy covariance measurement systems provide
direct observation of the exchange of greenhouse gases between
ecosystems and the atmosphere, but have only occasionally been
intentionally applied to quantify the carbon dynamics associated
with specic climate mitigation strategies. Natural climate
solutions (NCS) harness the photosynthetic power of ecosystems
to avoid emissions and remove atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO
sequestering it in biological carbon pools. In this perspective, we
aim to determine which kinds of NCS strategies are most suitable
for ecosystem-scale ux measurements and how these measure-
ments should be deployed for diverse NCS scales and goals. We
nd that ecosystem-scale ux measurements bring unique value
when assessing NCS strategies characterized by inaccessible and
hard-to-observe carbon pool changes, important non-CO
greenhouse gas uxes, the potential for biophysical impacts, or dynamic
successional changes. We propose three deployment types for ecosystem-scale ux measurements at various NCS scales to constrain
wide uncertainties and chart a workable path forward: pilot, upscale, and monitor. Together, the integration of ecosystem-scale
ux measurements by the NCS community and the prioritization of NCS measurements by the ux community, have the potential
to improve accounting in ways that capture the net impacts, unintended feedbacks, and on-the-ground specics of a wide range of
emerging NCS strategies.
Stabilizing global temperature at 1.5 °C will require, in
addition to rapid decarbonization, signi cant removal of
carbon dioxide (CO
) from the atmosphere.
This goal can
be achieved through a combination of engineered and
biological CO
removal strategies.
Earth slandsurface
currently removes more than a quarter of anthropogenic
carbon emissions through biological processes.
managing ecosystems for additional climate mitigation is a
critical component of many climate stabilization pathways.
Despite their prominence in international and subnational
climate change agreements and policy proposals,
and a
recent urry of public and private investment,
there is an
incomplete understanding of the climate impacts and trade-os
inherent in biological climate mitigation activities.
Natural climate solutions (NCS) provide climate benets
through two broad pathways: avoiding greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions that would otherwise occur from ecosystems, or
removing CO
from the atmosphere through photosynthesis
and sequestering it in biological carbon pools
(Figure 1).
The majority of IPCC emission pathways consistent with
keeping global temperatures below 2 °C rely on biological CO
removal practices,
even though many of them are unproven
at sc ale.
Compared to other more engineered CO
removal technologies that rely on capture (biological or direct
air) and injection of CO
into geological reservoirs,
NCS are
considered to be low cost,
immediately ready for large-scale
and not reliant on substantial energy inputs.
They are also generally assumed to achieve environmental and
social cobenets, although ecological and social trade-os will
need attention as NCS projects scale.
Despite these high expectations, there are gaps in our
understanding of where, when, and how NCS strategies will be
eective components of a climate-solutions portfolio, especially
given the urgency with which activities must scale from current
levels (much less than 1 Gt CO
e) to the 10s or hundreds of
gigatons necessary for meaningful negative emissions.
Received: September 23, 2020
© XXXX American Chemical Society
Environ. Sci. Technol. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
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many types of NCS,
9, 20,21
traditional carbon inventory
approaches are incomplete or impractical. These traditional
approaches periodically measure the C stocks in biomass
in an eort to quantify rel atively smal l changes
associated with an NCS activity. They can be labor intensive,
typically only focus on CO
, may miss important carbon pools,
and have low spatial and temporal representativeness. In many
cases, current accounting relies on incomplete, or outdated
A signicant portion of the global potential (Table 1)
for NCS could come from ecosystem modications that
require a more sophisticated understanding of the changes in
multiple ecosystem carbon pools and thus require a dierent
set of tools (Figure 1).
Fortunately, eddy covariance measurement systems, de-
ployed on what are known as ux towers, allow for the most
direct observation of the net exchangeor uxbetween
ecosystems and the atmosphere at a management-relevant
By integrating carbon pool changes from the soil to the
Figure 1. We propose four criteria to guide decision making about where and how eddy covariance can be of most value for assessing emerging
NCS strategies.
Table 1. A Signicant Portion of the Global Mitigation Potential for Natural Climate Solutions Could Come from Strategies
with Hidden or Inaccessible Carbon Pool Changes, Non-CO
GHGs, the Potential for Biophysical Feedbacks, and Interannual
Variability and/or Succession
Global mitigation potential 95% condence intervals from ref 9.
Environmental Science & Technology Perspective
Environ. Sci. Technol. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX

canopy, these data represent the combined atmospheric
sources and sinks of GHG, water, and energy exchange.
Organized into global and regional open-source data-sharing
eddy covariance ux data cou ld play an
expanded role in disentangling the benets and trade-os
associated with NCS implementation.
Ecosystem-scale ux measurement systems provide unique
opportunities to evaluate the performance of NCS. First,
sensors on ux towers m ake obse rvations continuously,
allowing for integration of annual, multiyear or even decadal
records of land-atmosphere exchange when combined with
statistical gap lling methods. The technique thus captures
variability over seasonal and diurnal cycles, as well as the
inuence of interannual climate variability, management, and
disturbance events. Second, unlike most other approaches for
directly measuring GHG uxes, eddy covariance is non-
invasive; it does not introduce artifacts on ecosystems during
measure ment s that are potentially induced by chamber,
cuvette, soil cores, or destructive biomass sampling. Third,
eddy covariance is spatial ly integrative over ecologica lly
meaningful scales, capturing the myriad biotic and abiotic
processes conspiring to exchange mass and momentum with
the atmosphere. Its measurement footprint (typically 100
1000 ha, depending on tower height and wind dynamics)
gives eddy covariance the power to provide data for a
reasonably sized management unit in real time, aggregating
across multiple fast and slow, apparent and hidden, above-
ground and belowground carbon pathways.
To date, ecosystem-scale ux measurements have been used
primarily to gain a richer process-based understanding of how
ecosystems work.
Despite serving as a gold-standard for
estim ates of land-atmosphere car bon exchange,
covariance ux measurement systems have only occasionally
been intentionally applied to quantify the mitigation potential
of emerging NCS strategies (e.g., refs 3335), to scale regional
NCS portfolio performance, or to monitor compliance or
voluntary carbon sequestration projects (e.g., refs 36 and 37).
In this perspective, we examine the role that ecosystem-scale
ux measurements could play in evaluating, prioritizing, and
implementing NCS. We synthesize into four criteria the
characteristics of NCS strategies for which ecosystem-scale ux
measurements, as opposed to traditional inventory techniques,
add particular value (Section 2). Next, we develop a framework
for how ecosystem-sc ale ux measurements should be
deployed for diverse NCS scales and goals (Section 3) before
oering some concluding thoughts (Section 4). Together, we
see great potential to catalyze mutually benecial solution-
based collaborations between the ux and t he NCS
Nature of Carbon Pool Changes. While many conven-
tional carbon inventories consider changes to only one or a few
dominant pools of carbon,
ecosystem-scale ux measure-
ments have the ability to simultaneously measure changes in
multiple pools. This insight derives from eddy covariances
direct measurement of net ecosystem exchange (NEE), the
dierence between gross photosynthetic uptake and ecosystem
Many emerging NCS strategies involve changes to hidden
and spatially heterogeneous carbon pools (e.g., soil), important
above and belowground pools (e.g., perennial grasslands), hard
to access biomass (e.g., in mangroves), or saturated sediments
(e.g., in peatlands). These kinds of NCS ecosystems that are
not dominated by aboveground woody biomass encompass
between a quarter and a third of the global NCS potential
(Table 1, based on ref 9) but present challenges for traditional
inv ento ry approaches. Flux tower measurements can be
particularly useful because they integrate over multiple carbon
sources and sinks and can resolve relatively small changes in
carbon pools that would otherwise require extensive and
expensive sampling regimes. To characterize how suitable ux
measurements are for a specic NCS activity, it is important to
consider visibility (to satellites and airborne sensors), access
(to on-the-ground allometric biomass techniques), spatial
heterogeneity, detection limit (relative magnitude of changes
to the carbon pool), and location (aboveground, litter,
belowground, saturated) of the predominant pool changes.
Forest-NCS strategies like natural forest management or
reforestation, which primarily promote changes in above-
ground, long-lived woody carbon pools, make up the majority
of the global NCS potential (Table 1, based on ref 9). These
strategies may be most commensurate with traditional carbon
inventory approaches (Figure 1, left side). Extensive biometric
measurements have been compared to eddy covariance
measurements, yielding short-term disagreements, due to lags
between photosynthesis and tree growth , but multiyear
(These biometric comparis ons qu antify
changes in carbon pools that are not always considered in
project-based carbon accounting of forest NCS, like soil,
detritus, and ne root litter.
) Even in forest-NCS, though,
valuation of ecosystem services beyond carbon removal may
warrant application of ecosystem-scale ux measurements.
Relevant Greenhouse Gases. NCS are typically designed
to preserve or increase carbon stocks, but these ecosystem
modications also have the potential to alter emissions of other
important GHGs, especially nitrous oxide (N
O) and methane
). NCS estimates often fail to suciently account for
trace gases that could enhance or degrade the net
climate impact.
Eddy covariances ability to measure all of
the major trace gases exchanged by ecosystems make it a
powerful option for understanding the entire GHG budget
both for NCS strategies that intentionally modify CH
O regimes and for those that may unintentionally impact
net uxes.
In wetland restoration projects, for example, increased CH
emissions can be an unintended consequence of the ecosystem
and can change the magnitude or the sign of the
net climate impact. Nitrous oxide, another potent trace gas that
can be measured by eddy covariance,
is highly intermittent.
In saturated, disturbed, and high-nutrient systems a substantial
fraction of the annual ux may occur in short bursts or in
particular hotspots,
which eddy covariance can uniquely
quantify. In fact, there is evidence that much of soil C
sequestration benets could be oset by increased N
emphasizing the need for understanding the
multi-GHG dynamics of NCS. Several NCS, especially in
agricultural ecosystems, are explicitly designed to reduce
emissions of CH
and N
O(Table 1). Ensuring that these
activities, like water table manipulation to reduce CH
emissions from rice cultivation,
do not come at the expense
of CO
or N
O is essential to a complete understanding of the
multi-GHG trade-os.
Environmental Science & Technology Perspective
Environ. Sci. Technol. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX

Potential for Biophysical Feedbacks. NCS are designed
to permanently reduce the amount of globally well-mixed
GHGs in the atmosphere, but they also lead to biophysical
impacts, including changes in albedo, energy partitioning, and
surface roughness. These biophysical changes, usually local to
regional, but potentially global in scale (Table 1), can enhance
or degrade the overall climate benet of a particular NCS
activity or portfolio
and strongly impact ecosystems and
human communities within and in p roximity to NCS
landscapes. Eddy covariance and its associated instrumentation
are able to measure these types of impacts, such as changes in
surface and radiative temperature,
water use,
The biophysical feedbacks associated with aorestation and
are reasonably well-observed, while feedbacks
associated with novel NCS strategies, like wetland restora-
are less well characterized. In some situations, like
reforestation in the temperate or tropical zones, associated
biophysical surface cooling enhances the overall climate
mitigation potential. In others, NCS activities may alter the
energy balance to cause local warming.
We currently lack
accounting mechanisms sophisticated enough to quantitatively
weigh the biophysical impacts of NCS activities against the
or to integrate biophysical eects into a
climate mitigation portfolio. Without accounting for these
unintended side eects, as is possible with ecosystem-scale ux
measurements, we risk scaling up NCS strategies that are self-
defeating or detrimental.
Interannual Variability. While many NCS estimates
assume steady-state conditions,
a long-term perspective
of the potential of NCS strategies must contend with the
nonstationary nature of carbon uptake over time scales of years
to decades.
Even in seemingly undisturbed or unmanaged
ecosystems, long-term trends in carbon uptake can result from
exogenous factors like CO
fertilization, nitrogen deposition,
and increased prevalence of weather extremes.
To count
on NCS strategies to provide long-term carbon removal
requires a sophisticated understanding of how NCS
ecosystems take up and release carbon at various time scales,
which has long been a core focus for the eddy covariance
Because ux tower data are not autocorrelated beyond a
period of days to weeks,
it is possible to observe how
ecosystem processes respond to both short- and long-term
environmental changes.
This allows us not only to quantify
netreductionsinecosystemuxes due to disturbance,
management, and succession in real-time, but also to gain
insight about the mechanisms by which these processes impact
gross ecosystem uxes.
These kinds of ecosystem-scale
ux data can help train models and remote sensing products to
integrate permanence risks to NCS at a spatially extensive
Sets of eddy covariance towers (meso-networks) deployed
within a space-for-time experimental design have been used to
understand the carbon dynamics of postdisturbance succession
without having to wait many years for succession to play out at
a single site.
Constraining carbon recovery trajectories, like
in abandoned agricultural land restoring to forests in the
Table 2. Practical Deployment of Ecosystem-Scale Flux Measurements for NCS Can Be Grouped into Three Use-Cases
use-case goal metric implementor scale funding
pilot collect specic, high quality
data to help prioritize and
quantify the impact of spe-
cic NCS strategies
local to regional practice-
specic emission reduction
potentials that relate NCS
activity to uxes
academic institutions,
foundations, govern-
ment agencies
site-level or meso-network observa-
tions contrasting land use/manage-
ment, or space-for-time treatments
research funding to establish
constraints and identify po-
tential unintended feedbacks
upscale facilitate spatially extensive
measurements of NCS per-
formance across broad
scaling functions that relate
spatially extensive, gridded
inputs, to observed NCS
academic institutions,
government agen-
cies at multiple ju-
risdictional scales
regional to jurisdictional, based on
regional potential and uncertainty
in NCS portfolios. Multiple sites
needed for upscaling.
quality-control investments for
scaling and validating a
regional NCS portfolio or
compliance system
monitor quantify the climatic perform-
ance of a specic compliance
NCS project
annual net carbon and GHG
balance of NCS project
project implementor,
project aggregator,
land owner
project-scale, based on carbon and
ecosystem stratication within
project, and requirements of quan-
tication methodology
compliance requirements or
market-based incentives
Figure 2. Ameriux sites that report being managed (green colors) or disturbed (orange colors) have proliferated over the past decade, allowing
potential for paired experimental designs that can provide insights into NCS performance. Sites are grouped by NCS ecosystem type (ac), sized
by number of sites (disturbed, managed, or natural) within 1 degree. Gray background points represent the climate envelope of Earth, with each
point representing the mean climatic conditions of a 0.5° pixel.
There are 94, 31, and 130 managed or disturbed sites in each category (forest,
blue carbon, agriculture/grassland) out of 494 total Ameriux sites. Ameriux site data from
Environmental Science & Technology Perspective
Environ. Sci. Technol. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Random Forest Robust (RFR) as mentioned in this paper can accommodate a wide range of data gap sizes, multiple flux types (i.e. CO2, water and energy fluxes).

17 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors have been measuring many aspects of carbon cycling at an unmanaged evergreen forest in central Maine, USA, for over 25 years and found a surprising lack of influence of climate variability on annual carbon storage in this mature forest.
Abstract: A long-standing goal of ecology has been to understand the cycling of carbon in forests. This has taken on new urgency with the need to address a rapidly changing climate. Forests serve as longterm stores for atmospheric CO2, but their continued ability to take up new carbon is dependent on future changes in climate and other factors such as age. We have been measuring many aspects of carbon cycling at an unmanaged evergreen forest in central Maine, USA, for over 25 years. Here we use these data to address questions about the magnitude and control of carbon fluxes and quantify flows and uncertainties between the different pools. A key issue was to assess whether recent climate change and an aging tree population were reducing annual C storage. Total ecosystem C stocks determined from inventory and quantitative soil pits were about 23,300 g C m−2 with 46% in live trees, and 48% in the soil. Annual biomass increment in trees at Howland Forest averaged 161 ± 23 g C m−2 yr−1, not significantly different from annual net ecosystem production (NEP = −NEE) of 211 ± 40 g C m−2 y−1 measured by eddy covariance. Unexpectedly, there was a small but significant trend of increasing C uptake through time in the eddy flux data. This was despite the period of record including some of the most climate-extreme years in the last 125. We find a surprising lack of influence of climate variability on annual carbon storage in this mature forest.

16 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper , the authors propose a research agenda to address the realizable benefits and unintended consequences of nature-based climate solutions (NbCS) using data and tools that have long been used to understand the mechanisms driving ecosystem carbon and energy cycling.
Abstract: Nature‐based Climate Solutions (NbCS) are managed alterations to ecosystems designed to increase carbon sequestration or reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While they have growing public and private support, the realizable benefits and unintended consequences of NbCS are not well understood. At regional scales where policy decisions are often made, NbCS benefits are estimated from soil and tree survey data that can miss important carbon sources and sinks within an ecosystem, and do not reveal the biophysical impacts of NbCS for local water and energy cycles. The only direct observations of ecosystem‐scale carbon fluxes, for example, by eddy covariance flux towers, have not yet been systematically assessed for what they can tell us about NbCS potentials, and state‐of‐the‐art remote sensing products and land‐surface models are not yet being widely used to inform NbCS policymaking or implementation. As a result, there is a critical mismatch between the point‐ and tree‐scale data most often used to assess NbCS benefits and impacts, the ecosystem and landscape scales where NbCS projects are implemented, and the regional to continental scales most relevant to policymaking. Here, we propose a research agenda to confront these gaps using data and tools that have long been used to understand the mechanisms driving ecosystem carbon and energy cycling, but have not yet been widely applied to NbCS. We outline steps for creating robust NbCS assessments at both local to regional scales that are informed by ecosystem‐scale observations, and which consider concurrent biophysical impacts, future climate feedbacks, and the need for equitable and inclusive NbCS implementation strategies. We contend that these research goals can largely be accomplished by shifting the scales at which pre‐existing tools are applied and blended together, although we also highlight some opportunities for more radical shifts in approach.

15 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper , the sensitivity of peatland net CO2 exchange to warming changes in sign and magnitude across seasons, resulting in complex net CO 2 sink responses, is investigated.
Abstract: Peatlands have acted as net CO2 sinks over millennia, exerting a global climate cooling effect. Rapid warming at northern latitudes, where peatlands are abundant, can disturb their CO2 sink function. Here we show that sensitivity of peatland net CO2 exchange to warming changes in sign and magnitude across seasons, resulting in complex net CO2 sink responses. We use multiannual net CO2 exchange observations from 20 northern peatlands to show that warmer early summers are linked to increased net CO2 uptake, while warmer late summers lead to decreased net CO2 uptake. Thus, net CO2 sinks of peatlands in regions experiencing early summer warming, such as central Siberia, are more likely to persist under warmer climate conditions than are those in other regions. Our results will be useful to improve the design of future warming experiments and to better interpret large-scale trends in peatland net CO2 uptake over the coming few decades. Peatlands have historically acted as a carbon sink, but it is unclear how climate warming will affect this. The response of peatland carbon uptake to warming depends on the timing of summer warming; early warming leads to increased CO2 uptake and later warming to decreased uptake.

9 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
13 Jun 2008-Science
TL;DR: Interdisciplinary science that integrates knowledge of the many interacting climate services of forests with the impacts of global change is necessary to identify and understand as yet unexplored feedbacks in the Earth system and the potential of forests to mitigate climate change.
Abstract: The world's forests influence climate through physical, chemical, and biological processes that affect planetary energetics, the hydrologic cycle, and atmospheric composition. These complex and nonlinear forest-atmosphere interactions can dampen or amplify anthropogenic climate change. Tropical, temperate, and boreal reforestation and afforestation attenuate global warming through carbon sequestration. Biogeophysical feedbacks can enhance or diminish this negative climate forcing. Tropical forests mitigate warming through evaporative cooling, but the low albedo of boreal forests is a positive climate forcing. The evaporative effect of temperate forests is unclear. The net climate forcing from these and other processes is not known. Forests are under tremendous pressure from global change. Interdisciplinary science that integrates knowledge of the many interacting climate services of forests with the impacts of global change is necessary to identify and understand as yet unexplored feedbacks in the Earth system and the potential of forests to mitigate climate change.

4,541 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
22 Sep 2005-Nature
TL;DR: An increase in future drought events could turn temperate ecosystems into carbon sources, contributing to positive carbon-climate feedbacks already anticipated in the tropics and at high latitudes.
Abstract: Future climate warming is expected to enhance plant growth in temperate ecosystems and to increase carbon sequestration. But although severe regional heatwaves may become more frequent in a changing climate their impact on terrestrial carbon cycling is unclear. Here we report measurements of ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes, remotely sensed radiation absorbed by plants, and country-level crop yields taken during the European heatwave in 2003.We use a terrestrial biosphere simulation model to assess continental-scale changes in primary productivity during 2003, and their consequences for the net carbon balance. We estimate a 30 per cent reduction in gross primary productivity over Europe, which resulted in a strong anomalous net source of carbon dioxide (0.5 Pg Cyr21) to the atmosphere and reversed the effect of four years of net ecosystem carbon sequestration. Our results suggest that productivity reduction in eastern and western Europe can be explained by rainfall deficit and extreme summer heat, respectively. We also find that ecosystem respiration decreased together with gross primary productivity, rather than accelerating with the temperature rise. Model results, corroborated by historical records of crop yields, suggest that such a reduction in Europe's primary productivity is unprecedented during the last century. An increase in future drought events could turn temperate ecosystems into carbon sources, contributing to positive carbon-climate feedbacks already anticipated in the tropics and at high latitudes.

3,408 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The FLUXNET project as mentioned in this paper is a global network of micrometeorological flux measurement sites that measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere.
Abstract: FLUXNET is a global network of micrometeorological flux measurement sites that measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere. At present over 140 sites are operating on a long-term and continuous basis. Vegetation under study includes temperate conifer and broadleaved (deciduous and evergreen) forests, tropical and boreal forests, crops, grasslands, chaparral, wetlands, and tundra. Sites exist on five continents and their latitudinal distribution ranges from 70°N to 30°S. FLUXNET has several primary functions. First, it provides infrastructure for compiling, archiving, and distributing carbon, water, and energy flux measurement, and meteorological, plant, and soil data to the science community. (Data and site information are available online at the FLUXNET Web site, Second, the project supports calibration and flux intercomparison activities. This activity ensures that data from the regional networks are intercomparable. And third, FLUXNET supports the synthesis, discussion, and communication of ideas and data by supporting project scientists, workshops, and visiting scientists. The overarching goal is to provide information for validating computations of net primary productivity, evaporation, and energy absorption that are being generated by sensors mounted on the NASA Terra satellite. Data being compiled by FLUXNET are being used to quantify and compare magnitudes and dynamics of annual ecosystem carbon and water balances, to quantify the response of stand-scale carbon dioxide and water vapor flux densities to controlling biotic and abiotic factors, and to validate a hierarchy of soil–plant–atmosphere trace gas exchange models. Findings so far include 1) net CO 2 exchange of temperate broadleaved forests increases by about 5.7 g C m −2 day −1 for each additional day that the growing season is extended; 2) the sensitivity of net ecosystem CO 2 exchange to sunlight doubles if the sky is cloudy rather than clear; 3) the spectrum of CO 2 flux density exhibits peaks at timescales of days, weeks, and years, and a spectral gap exists at the month timescale; 4) the optimal temperature of net CO 2 exchange varies with mean summer temperature; and 5) stand age affects carbon dioxide and water vapor flux densities.

3,162 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The eddy covariance method is most accurate when the atmospheric conditions (wind, temperature, humidity, CO2) are steady, the underlying vegetation is homogeneous and it is situated on flat terrain for an extended distance upwind as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: The eddy covariance technique ascertains the exchange rate of CO2 across the interface between the atmosphere and a plant canopy by measuring the covariance between fluctuations in vertical wind velocity and CO2 mixing ratio. Two decades ago, the method was employed to study CO2 exchange of agricultural crops under ideal conditions during short field campaigns. During the past decade the eddy covariance method has emerged as an important tool for evaluating fluxes of carbon dioxide between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere over the course of a year, and more. At present, the method is being applied in a nearly continuous mode to study carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange at over a hundred and eighty field sites, worldwide. The objective of this review is to assess the eddy covariance method as it is being applied by the global change community on increasingly longer time scales and over less than ideal surfaces. The eddy covariance method is most accurate when the atmospheric conditions (wind, temperature, humidity, CO2) are steady, the underlying vegetation is homogeneous and it is situated on flat terrain for an extended distance upwind. When the eddy covariance method is applied over natural and complex landscapes or during atmospheric conditions that vary with time, the quantification of CO2 exchange between the biosphere and atmosphere must include measurements of atmospheric storage, flux divergence and advection. Averaging CO2 flux measurements over long periods (days to year) reduces random sampling error to relatively small values. Unfortunately, data gaps are inevitable when constructing long data records. Data gaps are generally filled with values produced from statistical and empirical models to produce daily and annual sums of CO2 exchange. Filling data gaps with empirical estimates do not introduce significant bias errors because the empirical algorithms are derived from large statistical populations. On the other hand, flux measurement errors can be biased at night when winds are light and intermittent. Nighttime bias errors tend to produce an underestimate in the measurement of ecosystem respiration. Despite the sources of errors associated with long-term eddy flux measurements, many investigators are producing defensible estimates of annual carbon exchange. When measurements come from nearly ideal sites the error bound on the net annual exchange of CO2 is less than ±50 g C m−2 yr−1. Additional confidence in long-term measurements is growing because investigators are producing values of net ecosystem productivity that are converging with independent values produced by measuring changes in biomass and soil carbon, as long as the biomass inventory studies are conducted over multiple years.

2,210 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
13 Aug 2010-Science
TL;DR: Estimates of spatially distributed GPP and its covariation with climate can help improve coupled climate–carbon cycle process models.
Abstract: Terrestrial gross primary production (GPP) is the largest global CO(2) flux driving several ecosystem functions. We provide an observation-based estimate of this flux at 123 +/- 8 petagrams of carbon per year (Pg C year(-1)) using eddy covariance flux data and various diagnostic models. Tropical forests and savannahs account for 60%. GPP over 40% of the vegetated land is associated with precipitation. State-of-the-art process-oriented biosphere models used for climate predictions exhibit a large between-model variation of GPP's latitudinal patterns and show higher spatial correlations between GPP and precipitation, suggesting the existence of missing processes or feedback mechanisms which attenuate the vegetation response to climate. Our estimates of spatially distributed GPP and its covariation with climate can help improve coupled climate-carbon cycle process models.

2,081 citations

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Q1. What have the authors contributed in "An ecosystem-scale flux measurement strategy to assess natural climate solutions" ?

In this perspective, the authors aim to determine which kinds of NCS strategies are most suitable for ecosystem-scale flux measurements and how these measurements should be deployed for diverse NCS scales and goals. The authors propose three deployment types for ecosystem-scale flux measurements at various NCS scales to constrain wide uncertainties and chart a workable path forward: “ pilot ”, “ upscale ”, and “ monitor ”. The authors find that ecosystem-scale flux measurements bring unique value when assessing NCS strategies characterized by inaccessible and hard-to-observe carbon pool changes, important non-CO2 greenhouse gas fluxes, the potential for biophysical impacts, or dynamic successional changes. Together, the integration of ecosystem-scale flux measurements by the NCS community and the prioritization of NCS measurements by the flux community, have the potential to improve accounting in ways that capture the net impacts, unintended feedbacks, and on-the-ground specifics of a wide range of emerging NCS strategies. 

NCS are designed to permanently reduce the amount of globally well-mixed GHGs in the atmosphere, but they also lead to biophysical impacts, including changes in albedo, energy partitioning, and surface roughness. 

Deployment of ecosystem-scale flux measurements for NCS could fall into one of three (nonmutually exclusive) use-cases: “pilot”, “upscale”, and “monitor”. 

“Pilot” deployments, combined with complementary measurements, already allow for high precision emission reduction potentials for specific NCS activities. 

Deployment of eddy covariance networks in tandem with high resolution remote sensing methods−near-surface, airborne, and satellite−facilitates quantification of landscape-scale carbon responses to management changes and ecosystem modifications. 

The need for accurate, affordable, and accessible accounting of the true impact of NCS, in the face of widespread ecosystem heterogeneity and ongoing climate change, is a key priority if NCS are to realize their potential. 

As the most complete and direct method to measure ecosystem-scale fluxes, eddy covariance has an important role to play in prioritizing, measuring, and monitoring the implementation of NCS. 

Flux tower measurements can be particularly useful because they integrate over multiple carbon sources and sinks and can resolve relatively small changes in carbon pools that would otherwise require extensive and expensive sampling regimes. 

Others have argued that continuous, direct measurement of project-based NCS performance can increase certainty and reduce invalidation risks. 

XXX, XXX−XXXDsoutheastern U.S.51 or irrecoverable carbon hotspots78 like peatlands and other blue carbon ecosystems,33 are critical jobs for ecosystem-scale gas exchange measurements. 

Research-driven “pilot” deployments can capture high quality new data about the performance of a particular NCS, under a specific management practice. 

Organized into global and regional open-source data-sharing networks,26−28 eddy covariance flux data could play an expanded role in disentangling the benefits and trade-offs associated with NCS implementation. 

At lower levels of precision, quantification methodologies often take a conservative approach to credit allocation, resulting in fewer credits. 

27Because flux tower data are not autocorrelated beyond a period of days to weeks,70 it is possible to observe how ecosystem processes respond to both short- and long-term environmental changes. 

Site or meso-network measurement of the ecosystem-scale fluxes of NCS can offer critical insights into their performance, trade-offs, and unintended impacts. 

To date, ecosystem-scale flux measurements have been used primarily to gain a richer process-based understanding of how ecosystems work.30 Despite serving as a “gold-standard” for estimates of land-atmosphere carbon exchange,31,32 eddy covariance flux measurement systems have only occasionally been intentionally applied to quantify the mitigation potential of emerging NCS strategies (e.g., refs 33−35), to scale regional NCS portfolio performance, or to monitor compliance or voluntary carbon sequestration projects (e.g., refs 36 and 37). 

Forest-NCS strategies like natural forest management orreforestation, which primarily promote changes in aboveground, long-lived woody carbon pools, make up the majority of the global NCS potential (Table 1, based on ref 9). 

Even so, a basic eddy covariance measurement system can still cost multiple 10s of thousands of USD in shortstatured ecosystems, and substantially more where tall towers are required to extend above a forest canopy. 

Trending Questions (1)
Monitoring of bioclimatic variables helps in mitigating climate challanges?

The provided paper does not directly address the monitoring of bioclimatic variables and its role in mitigating climate challenges. The paper focuses on the use of eddy covariance measurement systems to assess natural climate solutions (NCS) and the deployment of ecosystem-scale flux measurements for NCS.