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Journal ArticleDOI

An edge-guided image interpolation algorithm via directional filtering and data fusion

01 Aug 2006-IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE)-Vol. 15, Iss: 8, pp 2226-2238
TL;DR: A new edge-guided nonlinear interpolation technique is proposed through directional filtering and data fusion that can preserve edge sharpness and reduce ringing artifacts in image interpolation algorithms.
Abstract: Preserving edge structures is a challenge to image interpolation algorithms that reconstruct a high-resolution image from a low-resolution counterpart. We propose a new edge-guided nonlinear interpolation technique through directional filtering and data fusion. For a pixel to be interpolated, two observation sets are defined in two orthogonal directions, and each set produces an estimate of the pixel value. These directional estimates, modeled as different noisy measurements of the missing pixel are fused by the linear minimum mean square-error estimation (LMMSE) technique into a more robust estimate, using the statistics of the two observation sets. We also present a simplified version of the LMMSE-based interpolation algorithm to reduce computational cost without sacrificing much the interpolation performance. Experiments show that the new interpolation techniques can preserve edge sharpness and reduce ringing artifacts

Summary (2 min read)


  • Some nonlinear interpolation techniques [8]–[15] were proposed in recent years to maintain edge sharpness.
  • This process can discriminate the two subsets in terms of their coherence to the missing sample, and make the subset perpendicular to the edge direction contribute less to the LMMSE estimate of the missing sample.


  • Referring to Fig. 1, the black dots represent the available samples of and the white dots represent the missing samples of .
  • Now, and can be computed by (2-8), and finally the co-variance matrix can be estimated as (2-10) where is the normalized correlation coefficient of with Although and are nearly uncorrelated with , they are somewhat correlated to each other because and have some similarities due to the high local correlation.
  • In the areas where sharp edges appear, which is the situation of their concern and interests, the values of are sufficiently low, and the authors can assume that and are uncorrelated with each other without materially affecting the performance of the proposed interpolation algorithm in practice.
  • As illustrated in Fig. 3, the missing sample or can be estimated in one direction by the original pixels of the LR image, and in the other direction by the already interpolated HR samples.
  • Similar to (2-2), the two directional approximations of the missing sample are considered as the noisy measurements of or , and then the LMMSE of the missing sample can be computed in a similar way as described in the previous section.


  • This may amount to too heavy a computation burden for some applications that need high throughput.
  • In total, the algorithm needs 39 additions, 32 multiplications, and three divisions to compute a with (2-4).
  • The strategy of weighted average leads to significant reduction in complexity over the exact LMMSE method.
  • The weights and are determined to minimize the mean square-error (MSE) of : .
  • In fact, if and are highly correlated, that is to say, the two estimates and are close to each other, then varies little in and anyway.


  • The proposed image interpolation algorithms were implemented and tested, and their performance was compared with some existing methods.
  • Since the original HR images are known in the simulation, the authors can compare the interpolated results with the true images, and measure the PSNR of those interpolated images.
  • Figs. 4 and 5 show the interpolated images Lena and Butterfly of the LMMSE_INTR_cubic and LMMSE_INTR_linear methods.
  • The small holes in this image are good patterns to test the edge recovery ability of the interpolation algorithms.
  • The new interpolation algorithms reproduced much sharper edges than the bicubic convolution or bicubic spline methods, while being competitive against the methods of [8] and [9].


  • The authors developed an edge-guided LMMSE-type image interpolation technique.
  • For each pixel to be interpolated, the authors partitioned its neighborhood into two observation subsets in two orthogonal directions.
  • These two directional estimates were processed as two noisy measurements of the missing sample.
  • To reduce the computational complexity of the proposed method, the authors simplified it to an optimal weighting problem and determined the optimal weights.
  • The simplified method had competitive performance with significant computational savings.

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An Edge-Guided Image Interpolation
Algorithm via Directional Filtering
and Data Fusion
Lei Zhang, Member, IEEE, and Xiaolin Wu, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—Preserving edge structures is a challenge to image
interpolation algorithms that reconstruct a high-resolution image
from a low-resolution counterpart. We propose a new edge-guided
nonlinear interpolation technique through directional filtering
and data fusion. For a pixel to be interpolated, two observation sets
are defined in two orthogonal directions, and each set produces an
estimate of the pixel value. These directional estimates, modeled
as different noisy measurements of the missing pixel are fused
by the linear minimum mean square-error estimation (LMMSE)
technique into a more robust estimate, using the statistics of the
two observation sets. We also present a simplified version of the
LMMSE-based interpolation algorithm to reduce computational
cost without sacrificing much the interpolation performance.
Experiments show that the new interpolation techniques can
preserve edge sharpness and reduce ringing artifacts.
Index Terms—Data fusion, edge preservation, image interpola-
tion, linear minimum mean square-error estimation (LMMSE).
ANY users of digital images desire to improve the
native resolution offered by imaging hardware. Image
interpolation aims to reconstruct a higher resolution (HR)
image from the associated low-resolution (LR) capture. It has
applications in medical imaging, remote sensing and digital
photographs [3]–[5], etc. A number of image interpolation
methods have been developed [1], [2], [5], [6], [8]–[16]. While
the commonly used linear methods, such as pixel duplication,
bilinear interpolation, and bicubic convolution interpolation,
have advantages in simplicity and fast implementation [7],
they suffer from some inherent defects, including block effects,
blurred details and ringing artifacts around edges. With the
prevalence of inexpensive and relatively LR digital imaging
devices and the ever increasing computing power, interests in
and demands for high-quality image interpolation algorithms
have also increased.
The human visual systems are highly sensitive to edge struc-
tures, which convey much of the image semantics, so a key re-
Manuscript received December 31, 2004; revised October 13, 2005. X.
Wu was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada under Grants IRCPJ 283011-01 and RGP45978-2000. The
associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for
publication was Prof. Vicent Caselles.
L. Zhang is with the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Kowloon, Hong Kong (e-mail:
X. Wu is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, McMaster University Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1 Canada (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2006.877407
quirement for image interpolation algorithms is to faithfully re-
construct the edges in the original scene. The traditional linear
interpolation methods [1]–[3], [5], [6] do not work very well
under the edge preserving criterion. Some nonlinear interpola-
tion techniques [8]–[15] were proposed in recent years to main-
tain edge sharpness. The interpolation scheme of Jensen and
Anastassiou [8] detects edges and fits them by some templates
to improve the visual perception of enlarged images. Li and
Orchard [9] used the covariance of the LR image to estimate
the HR image covariance, which represents the edge direction
information to some extent, and proposed a Wiener-filtering
like interpolation scheme. Since this method needs a relatively
large window to compute the covariance matrix for each missing
sample, it may introduce some artifacts in local structures due to
sample statistics change and, hence, the incorrect estimation of
covariance. The image interpolator by Carrato and Tenze [10]
first replicates the pixels and then corrects them by using some
preset 3
3 edge patterns and optimizing the parameters in the
operator. Muresan [15] detected the edge in diagonal and nondi-
agonal directions and then recovered the missing samples along
the detected direction by using one-dimensional (1-D) polyno-
mial interpolation.
Some nonlinear interpolation methods try to enlarge an
image by predicting the fine structures in the HR image from
its LR counterpart. To do so, a multiresolution representation
of the image is needed. Takahashi and Taguchi [11] represented
an image by Laplacian pyramid, and with two empirically
determined parameters, they estimated the unknown high-fre-
quency components from the LR Laplacian detail signal. In the
past two decades, wavelet transform (WT) theory [17] has been
well developed and it endows a good multiresolution frame-
work for signal representation. WT decomposes a signal into
several scales, along which the signal sharp edges have some
correlation. Carey,
et al. [12] exploited the Lipschitz property
of sharp edges in wavelet scales. They used the modulus
maxima information at coarse scales to predict the unknown
wavelet coefficients at the finest scale. Then, the HR image is
constructed by inverse WT. Muresan and Parks [14] extended
this strategy by using the entire cone influence of a sharp edge
in wavelet scale space, instead of only the modulus maxima, to
estimate the finest scale coefficients through optimal recovery
theory. The wavelet-based interpolation method by Zhu, et
al. [13] uses a parametric discrete time model to characterize
important edges. With this model, in wavelet domain the
lost edge information at the finest scale is recovered through
linear minimum mean square-error estimation (LMMSE). The
1057-7149/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE

above schemes employ, implicitly or explicitly, an isolated
sharp edge model, such as an ideal or smoothed step edge,
in the algorithm development. For real images, however, the
wavelet coefcients of a sharp edge may be interfered by the
neighboring edges. Generally, nonlinear interpolation methods
are better at edge preservation than linear methods. In [16],
Malgouyres and Guichard analyzed some linear and nonlinear
image enlargement methods theoretically and experimentally.
Compared with the discontinuities in 1-D signals, edges in
two-dimensional (2-D) images have one more property: the
direction. In the linear interpolation methods, 1-D ltering is
done alternatively in horizontal and vertical directions without
heeding the local edge structures. In the presence of a sharp
edge if a missing sample is interpolated across instead of along
the edge direction, large and visually disturbing artifacts will
be introduced. A conservative strategy to avoid most severe
artifacts is to use an isotropic 2-D lter. This, however, reduces
the edge sharpness. A more assertive approach is to interpo-
late in an estimated edge direction. The problem with the latter
is that the penalty to image quality is high if the estimated edge
direction is wrong, which can happen due to the difculty in
determining the edge direction from insufcient data provided
by the LR image.
This paper proposes a new balanced approach to the problem.
A missing sample is interpolated in not one but two mutually or-
thogonal directions. The two interpolation results are treated as
two estimates of the sample and adaptively fused using the sta-
tistics of a local window. Specically, we partition the neigh-
borhood of each missing sample into two oriented subsets in or-
thogonal directions. The hope is that the two observation sets
will exhibit different statistics, since the missing sample has
higher correlation with its neighbors in the edge direction. Each
oriented subset yields an estimate of the missing pixel. The
pixel is nally interpolated by combining the two directional
estimates in the principle of LMMSE. This process can dis-
criminate the two subsets in terms of their coherence to the
missing sample, and make the subset perpendicular to the edge
direction contribute less to the LMMSE estimate of the missing
sample. The above new approach performs signicantly better
than linear interpolation methods in preserving edge sharpness
while suppressing artifacts, by adapting interpolation to local
image gradient. A drawback of the proposed interpolation ap-
proach is its relatively high computational complexity. We also
develop a simplied interpolation algorithm of greatly reduced
computation requirement but without signicant degradation in
The paper is organized as follows. Section II describes our
edge-guided LMMSE-type image interpolation algorithm.
Section III presents a simplied version of the algorithm,
striving for fast, practical implementations. Section IV reports
the experimental results. Section V concludes.
As in many previous papers, we assume an LR image is
directly downsampled from an associated HR image
, , . Re-
ferring to Fig. 1, the black dots represent the available samples
and the white dots represent the missing samples of .
Fig. 1. Formation of an LR image from an HR image by directly down sam-
pling. The black dots represent the LR image pixels and the white dots represent
the missing HR samples.
The interpolation problem is to estimate the missing samples in
HR image
, whose size is , from the samples in LR
, whose size is .
The central issue of image interpolation is how to infer and
utilize the information on the missing sample that is hidden
in the neighboring pixels. If the downsampled signal of the
LR image exceeds the Nyquist sampling limit, the convolu-
tion-based interpolation methods will suffer from the aliasing
problem in reconstructing the HR image. This is the cause
of artifacts such as ringing effects in the interpolated images
which are common to linear interpolation methods. Given
that the human visual system is highly sensitive to the edges,
especially in their spatial locations, it is crucial to suppress the
interpolation artifacts while retaining the edge sharpness and
The edge direction is the most important information for the
interpolation process. To extract and use this information, we
partition the neighboring pixels of each missing sample into two
directional subsets that are orthogonal to each other. From each
subset, a directional interpolation is made, and then the two in-
terpolated values are fused to arrive at an LMMSE estimate of
the missing sample. We recover the HR image
in two steps.
First, those missing samples
at the center locations
surrounded by four LR samples are interpolated. Second, the
other missing samples
are interpolated with the help of the already recovered samples
A. Interpolation of Samples
Referring to Fig. 2, we can interpolate the missing HR sample
along two orthogonal directions: 45 diagonal and
diagonal. Denote by and the
two directional interpolation results by some linear methods,
such as bilinear interpolation, bicubic convolution, or spline in-
terpolation [1][5]. Consider the directional interpolation out-
puts as the noisy measurements of the missing HR sample
where the random noise variables
and represent the
interpolation errors in the corresponding direction.

Fig. 2. Interpolation of the HR samples
. Two estimates of
are made in the 45 and 135 directions as two noisy measurements of
To fuse the two directional measurements and into a
more robust estimate, we rewrite (2-1) into matrix form
Now, the interpolation problem is to estimate the unknown
from the noisy observation . This estimation can
be optimized in minimum mean square-error sense. To obtain
the minimum mean square-error estimation (MMSE) of
, we need to know the
probability density function
. In practice, however, it
is very hard to get this prior information or
cannot be
estimated at all. Thus, in real applications, LMMSE is often
employed instead of MMSE. To implement LMMSE, only the
rst and second order statistics of
and are needed, which
may be estimated adaptively.
From (2-2), the LMMSE of
can be calculated as [18]
is the co-variance operator, and we abbreviate as
, the variance operator. Through the LMMSE operation,
fuses the information provided by directional measurements
and .
, . Through intensive ex-
periments on 129 images, including outdoor and indoor images,
portraits, MRI medical images, and SAR images, etc., we found
and . Thus, noise vector can be con-
sidered to be zero mean. Denote by
and the normalized
correlation coefcients of
and with
Our experiments also show that the values of and are very
small. Thus, we consider
and and, consequently, to
be nearly uncorrelated with
. With the assumption that is
zero mean and uncorrelated with
, it can be derived from (2-3)
and . To implement the
above LMMSE scheme for
, parameters , , and need
to be estimated for each sample
in a local window.
First, let us consider the estimation of
and . Again, re-
ferring to Fig. 2, the available LR samples around
are used to estimate the mean and variance of . De-
note by
a window that centers at and contains
the LR samples in the neighborhood of
. For esti-
mation accuracy, we should use a sufciently large window as
long as the statistics is stationary in
. However, in a locality
of edges, the image exhibits strong transient behavior. In this
case, drawing samples from a large window will be counter-
productive. To balance the conicting requirements of sample
size and sample consistency, we propose a Gaussian weighting
in the sample window
to account for the fact that the corre-
lation between
and its neighbors decays rapidly in
the distance between them. The further an LR sample is from
, the less it should contribute to the mean value of
. We compute as
is a 2-D
Gaussian lter with scale
. The variance of is
computed as
Next, we discuss the estimation of
, the co-variance ma-
trix of
. Using (2-1) and the assumption that and are
zero mean and uncorrelated with
, it can be easily derived that
has been estimated by (2-6), we need to estimate
and in a local window to arrive at

and . For this, we associate with a set
of its neighbors in the 45
diagonal direction. Denote by
the vector that centers at
encompasses and its neighbors, i.e., the original
samples and the directional (45
diagonal) interpolated samples.
Symmetrically, we dene the sample set
for associ-
ated with interpolated results in the 135
The estimates of and are computed as
and (2-9)
is a 1-D Gaussian
lter with scale
and can be computed by (2-8),
and nally the co-variance matrix
can be estimated as
is the normalized correlation coefcient of with
Although and are nearly uncorrelated with , they are
somewhat correlated to each other because
and have
some similarities due to the high local correlation. We found
that the values of
are between 0.4 and 0.6 for most of the test
images. The correlation between
and varies, from rela-
tively strong in smooth areas to weak in active areas. In the areas
where sharp edges appear, which is the situation of our concern
and interests, the values of
are sufciently low, and we can as-
sume that
and are uncorrelated with each other without
materially affecting the performance of the proposed interpola-
tion algorithm in practice. In practical implementation
, the
correlation coefcient between
and , can be set as 0.5
or even 0 for most natural images. Our experiments reveal that
the interpolation results are insensitive to
. Varying from 0
to 0.6 hardly changes the PSNR value and visual quality of the
interpolated image.
If a sharp edge presents in
in or near one of the two di-
rections (the 45
diagonal or the 135 diagonals), the corre-
sponding noise variances
and will differ
signicantly from each other. By the adjustment of
in (2-4),
Fig. 3. Interpolations of the missing HR samples (a)
. The symbols
represent the already recovered samples
. The two estimates of
are made
in horizontal and vertical directions.
estimated similarly to
the interpolation value
or , whichever is in the direction
perpendicular to the edge, will contribute far less to the nal es-
timation result
. The presented technique removes much of
the ringing artifacts around the edges, which often appear in the
interpolated images by cubic convolution and cubic spline in-
terpolation methods.
B. Interpolation of Samples
After the missing HR samples are estimated, the
other missing samples
and can
be estimated similarly, but now with the aid of the just estimated
HR samples. Referring to Fig. 3(a) and (b), the LR image pixels
are represented by black dots , while the estimated
by symbols . The samples that are to
be estimated are represented by white dots
. As illustrated in
Fig. 3, the missing sample
can be estimated in one direction by the original pixels of the LR
image, and in the other direction by the already interpolated HR
samples. Similar to (2-2), the two directional approximations of
the missing sample are considered as the noisy measurements of
or , and then the LMMSE of the
missing sample can be computed in a similar way as described in
the previous section. Finally, the whole HR
is reconstructed
by the proposed edge-guided LMMSE interpolation technique.
In interpolating the HR samples, the LMMSE technique of
(2-4) needs to estimate
, , , and compute the inverse
of a 2
2 matrix. This may amount to too heavy a computa-
tion burden for some applications that need high throughput.
Specically, if we set
be the average of the four nearest
LR neighbors of
to reduce computation, then computing
needs three additions and one division and computing needs
seven additions, four multiplications, and one division. By set-
ting the size of vector
and as 5 and setting
, i.e., , in (2-10) to reduce
the computational cost, we still need 20 additions and 20 mul-
tiplications to compute
. The remaining operations in (2-4)
include nine additions, eight multiplications, and one division.
In total, the algorithm needs 39 additions, 32 multiplications,
and three divisions to compute a
with (2-4).

One way to reduce the computational complexity is to ju-
diciously invoke the LMMSE algorithm only for pixels where
high local activities are detected, and use a simple linear inter-
polation method in smooth regions. Since edge pixels represent
minority in the total sample population, this will lead to signif-
icant savings in computations. In addition, we present a simpli-
ed version of the LMMSE-based interpolation algorithm while
only slightly decreasing the performance.
We can see that the LMMSE estimate of HR sample
actually a linear combination of
, and . Referring to
(2-4) and let
, then is a 2-D
vector and we rewrite (2-4) as
and are the rst and second elements of .We
empirically observed that
is close to zero, and, hence,
has a light effect on . In this view, can be simplied to
a weighted average of
and , while the weights depend
largely on the noise covariance matrix
Instead of computing the LMMSE estimate of
, we deter-
mine an optimal pair of weights to make
a good estimate of
. The strategy of weighted average leads to signicant reduc-
tion in complexity over the exact LMMSE method. Let
. The weights and are de-
termined to minimize the mean square-error (MSE) of
Although the measurement noises of and , i.e.,
and , are correlated to some extent, their correlation is suf-
ciently low to consider
and as being approximately
uncorrelated. This assumption holds better in the areas of edges
that are critical to the human visual system and of interests to
us. In fact, if
and are highly correlated, that is to say,
the two estimates
and are close to each other, then
varies little in and anyway. With the assumption that
and are approximately uncorrelated, we can show that
the optimal weights are
It is quite intuitive why the weighting scheme works. For in-
stance, for an edge in or near the 135
diagonal direction, the
is higher than . From (3-3), we see
will be less than and, consequently, has less
inuence on
than , and vice versa. To compute
and as described in Section II, however, we still need
30 additions, 24 multiplications, and two divisions. In order to
further simplify and speed up the computation of and ,
we use the following approximations:
means nearly equivalent to. With the above sim-
plication, we only need 23 additions, two multiplications, and
two divisions to obtain
and . Finally, with (3-2), we
only need 24 additions, four multiplications, and two divisions
to get
. This yields a signicant computational savings com-
pared with (2-4), which needs 39 additions, 32 multiplications,
and three divisions. Table I lists the operation counts of the sim-
plied algorithm and the LMMSE algorithm.
As we will see in the next section, the simplied algorithm
only has slightly lower PSNR result than the LMMSE algo-
rithm, while its output images are virtually indistinguishable
from those of the latter.
The proposed image interpolation algorithms were imple-
mented and tested, and their performance was compared with
some existing methods. We downsampled some HR images
to get the corresponding LR images, from which the original
HR images were reconstructed by the proposed and competing
methods. Since the original HR images are known in the sim-
ulation, we can compare the interpolated results with the true
images, and measure the PSNR of those interpolated images.
The presented LMMSE-based interpolator was compared
with the bicubic convolution interpolator, the bicubic spline
interpolator, the subpixel edge detection-based interpolator
of Jensen and Anastassiou [8], and the Wiener ltering-like
interpolator of Li and Orchard [9]. To assess the sensitivity
of the proposed interpolation algorithms to different initial
directional estimates prior to fusing, they were tested when
coupled with bicubic and bilinear convolution interpolators re-
spectively. In the table and gure legends, the LMMSE method
developed in Section II is labeled LMMSE_INTR_cubic or
LMMSE_INTR_linear, depending on if bicubic or bilinear
convolution interpolator is used to obtain initial directional
estimates. Likewise, the simplied method in Section III is
labeled OW_INTR_cubic (OW stands for optimal weighting)
or OW_INTR_linear. In the experiments, we set the scale
2-D Gaussian lter
[referring to (2-5)] around 1 and scale
of 1-D Gaussian lter [referring to (2-9)] around 1.5.
The PSNR results of the eight algorithms for the six test im-
ages are listed in Table II. The proposed LMMSE_INTR_cubic

More filters
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Bee Oh Lim1, Sanghyun Son1, Heewon Kim1, Seungjun Nah1, Kyoung Mu Lee1 
21 Jul 2017
TL;DR: This paper develops an enhanced deep super-resolution network (EDSR) with performance exceeding those of current state-of-the-art SR methods, and proposes a new multi-scale deepsuper-resolution system (MDSR) and training method, which can reconstruct high-resolution images of different upscaling factors in a single model.
Abstract: Recent research on super-resolution has progressed with the development of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN). In particular, residual learning techniques exhibit improved performance. In this paper, we develop an enhanced deep super-resolution network (EDSR) with performance exceeding those of current state-of-the-art SR methods. The significant performance improvement of our model is due to optimization by removing unnecessary modules in conventional residual networks. The performance is further improved by expanding the model size while we stabilize the training procedure. We also propose a new multi-scale deep super-resolution system (MDSR) and training method, which can reconstruct high-resolution images of different upscaling factors in a single model. The proposed methods show superior performance over the state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets and prove its excellence by winning the NTIRE2017 Super-Resolution Challenge[26].

3,221 citations

Cites methods from "An edge-guided image interpolation ..."

  • ...To solve the super-resolution problem, early approaches use interpolation techniques based on sampling theory [1, 15, 34]....


Proceedings ArticleDOI
18 Jun 2018
TL;DR: This paper proposes residual dense block (RDB) to extract abundant local features via dense connected convolutional layers and uses global feature fusion in RDB to jointly and adaptively learn global hierarchical features in a holistic way.
Abstract: A very deep convolutional neural network (CNN) has recently achieved great success for image super-resolution (SR) and offered hierarchical features as well. However, most deep CNN based SR models do not make full use of the hierarchical features from the original low-resolution (LR) images, thereby achieving relatively-low performance. In this paper, we propose a novel residual dense network (RDN) to address this problem in image SR. We fully exploit the hierarchical features from all the convolutional layers. Specifically, we propose residual dense block (RDB) to extract abundant local features via dense connected convolutional layers. RDB further allows direct connections from the state of preceding RDB to all the layers of current RDB, leading to a contiguous memory (CM) mechanism. Local feature fusion in RDB is then used to adaptively learn more effective features from preceding and current local features and stabilizes the training of wider network. After fully obtaining dense local features, we use global feature fusion to jointly and adaptively learn global hierarchical features in a holistic way. Experiments on benchmark datasets with different degradation models show that our RDN achieves favorable performance against state-of-the-art methods.

2,860 citations

Cites methods from "An edge-guided image interpolation ..."

  • ...To tackle this inverse problem, plenty of image SR algorithms have been proposed, including interpolationbased [36], reconstruction-based [34], and learning-based methods [27, 28, 19, 2, 20, 8, 10, 30]....


Posted Content
Bee Oh Lim1, Sanghyun Son1, Heewon Kim1, Seungjun Nah1, Kyoung Mu Lee1 
TL;DR: Zhang et al. as discussed by the authors developed an enhanced deep super-resolution network (EDSR) with performance exceeding those of current state-of-the-art SR methods by removing unnecessary modules in conventional residual networks.
Abstract: Recent research on super-resolution has progressed with the development of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN). In particular, residual learning techniques exhibit improved performance. In this paper, we develop an enhanced deep super-resolution network (EDSR) with performance exceeding those of current state-of-the-art SR methods. The significant performance improvement of our model is due to optimization by removing unnecessary modules in conventional residual networks. The performance is further improved by expanding the model size while we stabilize the training procedure. We also propose a new multi-scale deep super-resolution system (MDSR) and training method, which can reconstruct high-resolution images of different upscaling factors in a single model. The proposed methods show superior performance over the state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets and prove its excellence by winning the NTIRE2017 Super-Resolution Challenge.

1,589 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
15 Jun 2019
TL;DR: Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the SAN network over state-of-the-art SISR methods in terms of both quantitative metrics and visual quality.
Abstract: Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been widely explored in single image super-resolution (SISR) and obtained remarkable performance. However, most of the existing CNN-based SISR methods mainly focus on wider or deeper architecture design, neglecting to explore the feature correlations of intermediate layers, hence hindering the representational power of CNNs. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a second-order attention network (SAN) for more powerful feature expression and feature correlation learning. Specifically, a novel train- able second-order channel attention (SOCA) module is developed to adaptively rescale the channel-wise features by using second-order feature statistics for more discriminative representations. Furthermore, we present a non-locally enhanced residual group (NLRG) structure, which not only incorporates non-local operations to capture long-distance spatial contextual information, but also contains repeated local-source residual attention groups (LSRAG) to learn increasingly abstract feature representations. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our SAN network over state-of-the-art SISR methods in terms of both quantitative metrics and visual quality.

1,219 citations

Cites methods from "An edge-guided image interpolation ..."

  • ...During the past decade, a plenty of image SISR methods have been proposed in the computer vision community, including interpolation-based [37], model-based [34], and CNN-based methods [2, 29, 14, 13, 29, 17, 30, 39, 38]....


  • ...Therefore, a great number of SR methods have been proposed, ranging from early interpolation-based [37] and model-based [4], to recent learning-based methods [32, 39]....


Journal ArticleDOI
Lixin Luo1, Zhenyong Chen1, Ming Chen1, Xiao Zeng1, Zhang Xiong1 
TL;DR: A novel reversible watermarking scheme using an interpolation technique, which can embed a large amount of covert data into images with imperceptible modification, and can provide greater payload capacity and higher image fidelity compared with other state-of-the-art schemes.
Abstract: Watermarking embeds information into a digital signal like audio, image, or video. Reversible image watermarking can restore the original image without any distortion after the hidden data is extracted. In this paper, we present a novel reversible watermarking scheme using an interpolation technique, which can embed a large amount of covert data into images with imperceptible modification. Different from previous watermarking schemes, we utilize the interpolation-error, the difference between interpolation value and corresponding pixel value, to embed bit ?1? or ?0? by expanding it additively or leaving it unchanged. Due to the slight modification of pixels, high image quality is preserved. Experimental results also demonstrate that the proposed scheme can provide greater payload capacity and higher image fidelity compared with other state-of-the-art schemes.

645 citations

More filters
01 Jan 1998
TL;DR: An introduction to a Transient World and an Approximation Tour of Wavelet Packet and Local Cosine Bases.
Abstract: Introduction to a Transient World. Fourier Kingdom. Discrete Revolution. Time Meets Frequency. Frames. Wavelet Zoom. Wavelet Bases. Wavelet Packet and Local Cosine Bases. An Approximation Tour. Estimations are Approximations. Transform Coding. Appendix A: Mathematical Complements. Appendix B: Software Toolboxes.

17,693 citations

"An edge-guided image interpolation ..." refers background in this paper

  • ...In the past two decades, wavelet transform (WT) theory [17] has been well developed and it endows a good multiresolution framework for signal representation....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It can be shown that the order of accuracy of the cubic convolution method is between that of linear interpolation and that of cubic splines.
Abstract: Cubic convolution interpolation is a new technique for resampling discrete data. It has a number of desirable features which make it useful for image processing. The technique can be performed efficiently on a digital computer. The cubic convolution interpolation function converges uniformly to the function being interpolated as the sampling increment approaches zero. With the appropriate boundary conditions and constraints on the interpolation kernel, it can be shown that the order of accuracy of the cubic convolution method is between that of linear interpolation and that of cubic splines. A one-dimensional interpolation function is derived in this paper. A separable extension of this algorithm to two dimensions is applied to image data.

3,280 citations

"An edge-guided image interpolation ..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...A number of image interpolation methods have been developed [1], [2], [5], [6], [8]–[16]....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Simulation results demonstrate that the new interpolation algorithm substantially improves the subjective quality of the interpolated images over conventional linear interpolation.
Abstract: This paper proposes an edge-directed interpolation algorithm for natural images. The basic idea is to first estimate local covariance coefficients from a low-resolution image and then use these covariance estimates to adapt the interpolation at a higher resolution based on the geometric duality between the low-resolution covariance and the high-resolution covariance. The edge-directed property of covariance-based adaptation attributes to its capability of tuning the interpolation coefficients to match an arbitrarily oriented step edge. A hybrid approach of switching between bilinear interpolation and covariance-based adaptive interpolation is proposed to reduce the overall computational complexity. Two important applications of the new interpolation algorithm are studied: resolution enhancement of grayscale images and reconstruction of color images from CCD samples. Simulation results demonstrate that our new interpolation algorithm substantially improves the subjective quality of the interpolated images over conventional linear interpolation.

1,933 citations

"An edge-guided image interpolation ..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...Another disadvantage of Li and Orchard’s method is its high computational complexity....


  • ...The method in [9] also introduces artifacts around the hole’s perimeters....


  • ...algorithm achieves the highest PSNR results on all test images, except for image Lena, for which it has a slightly lower PSNR than the method in [9]....


  • ...(a) Original image; interpolated image by (b) the cubic convolution; (c) the method in [8]; (d) the method in [9]; (e) the proposed LMMSE_INTR_cubic; (f) the proposed OW_INTR_cubic....


  • ...The interpolator of Li and Orchard [9] can preserve large edge structures well, such as those in Lena; however, it introduces artifacts in the finer edge structures, such as the drops of Splash and the head part of Butterfly....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The article provides arguments in favor of an alternative approach that uses splines, which is equally justifiable on a theoretical basis, and which offers many practical advantages, and brings out the connection with the multiresolution theory of the wavelet transform.
Abstract: The article provides arguments in favor of an alternative approach that uses splines, which is equally justifiable on a theoretical basis, and which offers many practical advantages. To reassure the reader who may be afraid to enter new territory, it is emphasized that one is not losing anything because the traditional theory is retained as a particular case (i.e., a spline of infinite degree). The basic computational tools are also familiar to a signal processing audience (filters and recursive algorithms), even though their use in the present context is less conventional. The article also brings out the connection with the multiresolution theory of the wavelet transform. This article attempts to fulfil three goals. The first is to provide a tutorial on splines that is geared to a signal processing audience. The second is to gather all their important properties and provide an overview of the mathematical and computational tools available; i.e., a road map for the practitioner with references to the appropriate literature. The third goal is to give a review of the primary applications of splines in signal and image processing.

1,732 citations

"An edge-guided image interpolation ..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...A number of image interpolation methods have been developed [1], [2], [5], [6], [8]–[16]....


  • ...It has applications in medical imaging, remote sensing and digital photographs [3]–[5], etc....


  • ...Denote by and the two directional interpolation results by some linear methods, such as bilinear interpolation, bicubic convolution, or spline interpolation [1]–[5]....


  • ...The traditional linear interpolation methods [1]–[3], [5], [6] do not work very well under the edge preserving criterion....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The goal of this study was to present a comprehensive catalogue of methods in a uniform terminology, to define general properties and requirements of local techniques, and to enable the reader to select that method which is optimal for his specific application in medical imaging.
Abstract: Image interpolation techniques often are required in medical imaging for image generation (e.g., discrete back projection for inverse Radon transform) and processing such as compression or resampling. Since the ideal interpolation function spatially is unlimited, several interpolation kernels of finite size have been introduced. This paper compares 1) truncated and windowed sine; 2) nearest neighbor; 3) linear; 4) quadratic; 5) cubic B-spline; 6) cubic; g) Lagrange; and 7) Gaussian interpolation and approximation techniques with kernel sizes from 1/spl times/1 up to 8/spl times/8. The comparison is done by: 1) spatial and Fourier analyses; 2) computational complexity as well as runtime evaluations; and 3) qualitative and quantitative interpolation error determinations for particular interpolation tasks which were taken from common situations in medical image processing. For local and Fourier analyses, a standardized notation is introduced and fundamental properties of interpolators are derived. Successful methods should be direct current (DC)-constant and interpolators rather than DC-inconstant or approximators. Each method's parameters are tuned with respect to those properties. This results in three novel kernels, which are introduced in this paper and proven to be within the best choices for medical image interpolation: the 6/spl times/6 Blackman-Harris windowed sinc interpolator, and the C2-continuous cubic kernels with N=6 and N=8 supporting points. For quantitative error evaluations, a set of 50 direct digital X-rays was used. They have been selected arbitrarily from clinical routine. In general, large kernel sizes were found to be superior to small interpolation masks. Except for truncated sine interpolators, all kernels with N=6 or larger sizes perform significantly better than N=2 or N=3 point methods (p/spl Lt/0.005). However, the differences within the group of large-sized kernels were not significant. Summarizing the results, the cubic 6/spl times/6 interpolator with continuous second derivatives, as defined in (24), can be recommended for most common interpolation tasks. It appears to be the fastest six-point kernel to implement computationally. It provides eminent local and Fourier properties, is easy to implement, and has only small errors. The same characteristics apply to B-spline interpolation, but the 6/spl times/6 cubic avoids the intrinsic border effects produced by the B-spline technique. However, the goal of this study was not to determine an overall best method, but to present a comprehensive catalogue of methods in a uniform terminology, to define general properties and requirements of local techniques, and to enable the reader to select that method which is optimal for his specific application in medical imaging.

1,360 citations

"An edge-guided image interpolation ..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...It has applications in medical imaging, remote sensing and digital photographs [3]–[5], etc....


  • ...The traditional linear interpolation methods [1]–[3], [5], [6] do not work very well under the edge preserving criterion....


Frequently Asked Questions (12)
Q1. What are the contributions in "An edge-guided image interpolation algorithm via directional filtering and data fusion" ?

The authors propose a new edge-guided nonlinear interpolation technique through directional filtering and data fusion. The authors also present a simplified version of the LMMSE-based interpolation algorithm to reduce computational cost without sacrificing much the interpolation performance. 

If the downsampled signal of the LR image exceeds the Nyquist sampling limit, the convolution-based interpolation methods will suffer from the aliasing problem in reconstructing the HR image. 

If an 8 8 window isused to compute the covariance matrix, this algorithm requires about 1300 multiplications and thousands of additions. 

One way to reduce the computational complexity is to judiciously invoke the LMMSE algorithm only for pixels where high local activities are detected, and use a simple linear interpolation method in smooth regions. 

Given that the human visual system is highly sensitive to the edges, especially in their spatial locations, it is crucial to suppress the interpolation artifacts while retaining the edge sharpness and geometry. 

By setting the size of vector and as 5 and setting , i.e., , in (2-10) to reduce the computational cost, the authors still need 20 additions and 20 multiplications to compute . 

if the authors set be the average of the four nearest LR neighbors of to reduce computation, then computing needs three additions and one division and computing needs seven additions, four multiplications, and one division. 

This is because the algorithm uses a relatively large window to compute the covariance matrix for each missing sample,whereas the edge structure is small in scale in this test image, causing incorrect estimation of sample covariance. 

Using and combining the statistics of the two observation subsets, the authors fused the two noisy measurements into a more robust estimate via linear minimum mean square-error estimation. 

To balance the conflicting requirements of sample size and sample consistency, the authors propose a Gaussian weighting in the sample window to account for the fact that the correlation between and its neighbors decays rapidly in the distance between them. 

In the experiments, the authors set the scale of 2-D Gaussian filter [referring to (2-5)] around 1 and scale of 1-D Gaussian filter [referring to (2-9)] around 1.5. 

To reduce the computational complexity of the proposed method, the authors simplified it to an optimal weighting problem and determined the optimal weights.