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An improved laboratory-based x-ray absorption fine structure and x-ray emission spectrometer for analytical applications in materials chemistry research

TL;DR: The design and performance of an improved XAFS and XES spectrometer based on the general conceptual design of Seidler et al. are reported, which enables a new class of routine applications that are incompatible with the mission and access model of the synchrotron light sources.
Abstract: X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) and x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) are advanced x-ray spectroscopies that impact a wide range of disciplines. However, unlike the majority of other spectroscopic methods, XAFS and XES are accompanied by an unusual access model, wherein the dominant use of the technique is for premier research studies at world-class facilities, i.e., synchrotron x-ray light sources. In this paper, we report the design and performance of an improved XAFS and XES spectrometer based on the general conceptual design of Seidler et al. [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 113906 (2014)]. New developments include reduced mechanical degrees of freedom, much-increased flux, and a wider Bragg angle range to enable extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurement and analysis for the first time with this type of modern laboratory XAFS configuration. This instrument enables a new class of routine applications that are incompatible with the mission and access model of the synchrotron light sources. To illustrate this, we provide numerous examples of x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES), EXAFS, and XES results for a variety of problems and energy ranges. Highlights include XAFS and XES measurements of battery electrode materials, EXAFS of Ni with full modeling of results to validate monochromator performance, valence-to-core XES for 3d transition metal compounds, and uranium XANES and XES for different oxidation states. Taken en masse, these results further support the growing perspective that modern laboratory-based XAFS and XES have the potential to develop a new branch of analytical chemistry.

Summary (2 min read)


  • This is a repository copy of An improved laboratory-based x-ray absorption fine structure and x-ray emission spectrometer for analytical applications in materials chemistry research.
  • Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing.

An improved laboratory-based x-ray absorption

  • X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) and x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) are advanced x-ray spectroscopies that impact a wide range of disciplines.
  • Taken en masse, these results further support the growing perspective that modern laboratory-based XAFS and XES have the potential to develop a new branch of analytical chemistry.
  • 23–26 Many spectrometers operating in this range can be directly integrated into synchrotron beamlines.
  • Examples include reference metal foils, battery electrode laminates of several different compositions, a family of reference Ce compounds, and uranium-rich materials.

B. Sample preparation details

  • In Sec. III, the authors present numerous studies of both XAFS and XES for a wide range of materials.
  • Ε-VOPO4 investigated in the present study was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis.43 Circular discs of about 13 mm diameter were punched out of the coated aluminum foil and sealed between the adhesive-coated Kapton tapes.
  • The cathode laminate was cast with a 5 wt.% PVDF binder and carbon on a 10 µm thick aluminum current collector.

C. Synchrotron XAS measurement details

  • XAS measurements of ε-VOPO4 were carried out at the beamline 9-BM of the Advanced Photon Source (APS).
  • Data were collected in the transmission mode at the V K-edge using the Si (111) double-crystal monochromator, which was slightly detuned to suppress higher harmonics.
  • The experimental configuration and details described in Hyatt et al.48 were repeated for the present study.
  • Here, the data were acquired in transmission mode using finely ground specimens dispersed in polyethylene glycol (PEG) to achieve a thickness of one absorption length.
  • The U L3 XANES spectra were measured at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) on end station 11-2 according to the methods of Pattenaude et al.49.

A. Basic instrument performance

  • The present instrumentation was evaluated according to several performance criteria, including typical count rates.
  • Also shown is the residual of each scan with respect to the first and an envelope of two standard deviations as calculated from the incident flux by Poisson statistics.
  • Next, the authors address the high-energy range for applications of the laboratory spectrometer.
  • Here, the authors present the results of several XES studies using the lab spectrometer.
  • 89 Beyond investigations of the electronic details discussed so far, there exists a wealth of applications that would benefit from routine oxidation state analysis using laboratory-based XES.


  • The authors present the instrumentation details and a wide variety of test study results for an improved laboratory spectrometer for XAFS and XES.
  • This includes measurements that demonstrate important extremes for lab-based capability: EXAFS, VTC XES, and higher-energy performance.
  • The assembled body of work using this new spectrometer, building on top of numerous studies by their research group13,35–41,90,91,100,101 and also ongoing research of several other research groups23,25,26,34,71,102 strongly supports the position that laboratory XAFS and XES should not be judged in competition with synchrotron capability but should instead be appreciated for the new analytical capabilities that are enabled.
  • These new capabilities hold high promise for routine materials analysis that can accelerate progress in electrical energy storage, coordination chemistry,103 actinide chemistry,71 and environmental and regulatory testing,40 to name only a few prominent examples.

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This is a repository copy of An improved laboratory-based x-ray absorption fine structure
and x-ray emission spectrometer for analytical applications in materials chemistry
White Rose Research Online URL for this paper:
Version: Published Version
Jahrman, E.P., Holden, W.M., Ditter, A.S. et al. (8 more authors) (2019) An improved
laboratory-based x-ray absorption fine structure and x-ray emission spectrometer for
analytical applications in materials chemistry research. Review of Scientific Instruments,
90 (2). 024106. ISSN 0034-6748
This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior
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Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 024106 (2019); 90, 024106
© 2019 Author(s).
An improved laboratory-based x-ray
absorption fine structure and x-ray
emission spectrometer for analytical
applications in materials chemistry
Cite as: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 024106 (2019);
Submitted: 20 July 2018 . Accepted: 01 February 2019 . Published Online: 27 February 2019
Evan P. Jahrman , William M. Holden , Alexander S. Ditter , Devon R. Mortensen, Gerald T.
, Timothy T. Fister, Stosh A. Kozimor, Louis F. J. Piper , Jatinkumar Rana, Neil C. Hyatt, and
Martin C. Stennett
Vacuum formed temporary spherically and toroidally bent crystal analyzers for x-ray
absorption and x-ray emission spectroscopy
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 013106 (2019);
A compact dispersive refocusing Rowland circle X-ray emission spectrometer for
laboratory, synchrotron, and XFEL applications
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 073904 (2017);
A laboratory-based hard x-ray monochromator for high-resolution x-ray emission
spectroscopy and x-ray absorption near edge structure measurements
Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 113906 (2014);

Review of
Scientific Instruments
An improved laboratory-based x-ray absorption
fine structure and x-ray emission spectrometer
for analytical applications in materials chemistry
Cite as: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 024106 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5049383
Submitted: 20 July 2018 Accepted: 1 February 2019
Published Online: 27 February 2019
Evan P. Jahrman,
William M. Holden,
Alexander S. Ditter,
Devon R. Mortensen,
Gerald T. Seidler,
Timothy T. Fister,
Stosh A. Kozimor,
Louis F. J. Piper,
Jatinkumar Rana,
Neil C. Hyatt,
and Martin C. Stennett
Physics Department, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-1560, USA
Chemistry Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
easyXAFS LLC, Renton, Washington 98057, USA
Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois 60439, USA
Department of Physics, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York 13902, USA
Materials Science and Engineering Department, The University of Sheffield, Mapping Street, Sheffield S1 3JD, United Kingdom
X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) and x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) are advanced x-ray spectroscopies that impact a
wide range of disciplines. However, unlike the majority of other spectroscopic methods, XAFS and XES are accompanied by an
unusual access model, wherein the dominant use of the technique is for premier research studies at world-class facilities, i.e.,
synchrotron x-ray light sources. In this paper, we report the design and performance of an improved XAFS and XES spectrom-
eter based on the general conceptual design of Seidler et al. [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 113906 (2014)]. New developments include
reduced mechanical degrees of freedom, much-increased flux, and a wider Bragg angle range to enable extended x-ray absorp-
tion fine structure (EXAFS) measurement and analysis for the first time with this type of modern laboratory XAFS configuration.
This instrument enables a new class of routine applications that are incompatible with the mission and access model of the
synchrotron light sources. To illustrate this, we provide numerous examples of x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES),
EXAFS, and XES results for a variety of problems and energy ranges. Highlights include XAFS and XES measurements of battery
electrode materials, EXAFS of Ni with full modeling of results to validate monochromator performance, valence-to-core XES for
3d transition metal compounds, and uranium XANES and XES for different oxidation states. Taken en masse, these results further
support the growing perspective that modern laboratory-based XAFS and XES have the potential to develop a new branch of
analytical chemistry.
Published under license by AIP Publishing.
X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analysis is an espe-
cially capable and impactful tool for interrogating a mate-
rial’s local electronic and atomic structure. This element-
specific technique encompasses both the x-ray absorption
near edge structure (XANES), an acutely sensitive probe of
a compound’s oxidation state and molecular geometry, and
the extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), which
is routinely used to extract multi-shell coordination numbers
and bond lengths. These techniques enable premier scientific
research campaigns in catalysis,
energy storage,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 024106 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5049383 90, 024106-1
Published under license by AIP Publishing

Review of
Scientific Instruments
heavy metal speciation in the environment,
etc. Likewise, the partner process, x-ray emission spec-
troscopy (XES), has been used to assess spin and ligand char-
acteristics, notably in critical discoveries of magnetic phase
transitions under geophysical conditions.
At present, XES
continues to emerge as an important measure of valence-
level (occupied) electronic state properties through improved
theoretical treatment of the valence-to-core (VTC) and core-
to-core (CTC) XES. However, as has been pointed out sev-
eral times in the modern history of XAFS and XES, and
most recently by Seidler,
these x-ray spectroscopies suf-
fer from an anomalous access model. In general, XAFS and
XES studies require access to synchrotron facilities with entry
requirements that limit more introductory, routine, or high-
throughput analytical studies that, by contrast, are common
for NMR, XPS, or optical spectroscopies where high-access
benchtop equipment is easily available.
Over the last several decades, the capabilities of lab-based
XAFS and XES instruments have rapidly grown. Researchers
now report spectrometers operating as low as the C K-edge
(284 eV)
using a laser-produced plasma source. The other
spectrometers probe the S and P K emission lines (2-2.5 keV)
using double crystal monochromators,
a dispersive Row-
land circle geometry,
and an instrument in the von Hamos
A variety of von Hamos instruments exist which
are intended to operate in the 3-12 keV range needed for
studies of first row transition metals and lanthanides.
Many spectrometers operating in this range can be directly
integrated into synchrotron beamlines.
For similar energies,
a large number of XAFS spectrometers employing a Rowland
circle geometry exist.
Finally, higher energies, includ-
ing the Au Kβ (78 keV), are accessible via Laue-type spec-
We focus here on the case of Rowland circle
geometries with a spherically bent crystal analyzer (SBCA),
which has been extensively developed by some of the present
The purpose of the present manuscript is to describe the
design and performance of what is our latest-generation of
improvements upon the first prototype instrument using an
These are embodied in two nearly identical spectrom-
eters, one at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle
and the other at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Each
of these sites is more than 1000 km away from the nearest
synchrotron x-ray light source. The spectrometer improve-
ments include several simplifications to the monochromator
mechanical system, which decrease its operation from five
to only two motorized degrees of freedom and the selection
of a ten-fold higher power x-ray tube that retains the small
size and necessary anode characteristics to meet the needs of
laboratory XAFS and XES.
The manuscript continues as follows: first, in Sec. II,
we describe the new monochromator. Important highlights
include decreased mechanical complexity of the new design
and modification of the drive configuration to increase its
Bragg angle range while minimizing its air-absorption path
and overall footprint. Second, in Sec. III we present and dis-
cuss results for XANES and EXAFS of several materials reflect-
ing contemporary interest in materials chemistry and other
specialties. Examples include reference metal foils, battery
electrode laminates of several different compositions, a family
of reference Ce compounds, and uranium-rich materials. In all
cases, we find good agreement with prior synchrotron studies.
For the recorded EXAFS spectrum of the metal foil, we fur-
ther present a full Fourier-transform analysis using standard
methods and again find high quality results. Next, in Sec. IV
we present and discuss results for XES from a wide variety of
elements, chemical systems, and emission lines. This includes
both deep-shell emission lines and the VTC XES that provides
direct insight into chemical bonding. In Secs. III and IV, care
is taken to provide measurement times, thus serving as useful
benchmarks for assessing the feasibility of future studies using
SBCA-based laboratory monochromators.
A. Monochromator design
Throughout the period between first publication
this work, several advances in the spectrometer design have
been made. Specifically, we have integrated a higher pow-
ered x-ray source, rotated and greatly elongated the source
and detector stages, implemented passive tracking of the
SBCA position (removing a motorized degree of freedom), and
enacted the tiltless optic alignment introduced by Mortensen
and Seidler
(removing two additional motorized degrees of
freedom). These changes were motivated by a focus on greater
count rates, instrument stability, ease-of-use, and achiev-
ing a wider useful energy range with each analyzer crystal
An overview of the new spectrometer design is given in
Fig. 1. The approach uses linear translation stages to gener-
ate fine rotations (Bragg angle steps) and “steering bars” to
maintain alignment between the source, detector, and SBCA.
This design was based directly on our prototype system.
now summarize similarities and differences of the two new
instruments with respect to the prototype instrument.
First, the prototype system used a motorized transla-
tion stage underneath the SBCA to maintain its position
on the 1-m Rowland circle, while the source and detector
FIG. 1. (a) Corner perspective of the spectrometer in the XANES configuration.
The SBCA and source are mechanically coupled to the center carriage. The two-
axis tilt is no longer utilized. The source and detector are at α = 40
(see Fig. 2).
(b) CAD rendering of the helium box [removed from frame (a)] enclosing the x-ray
beampath. The slots on the left and right faces are oriented at the height of the
source and detector, while a rectangular cutout on the far face permits transit of
x-rays to the SBCA. Each slot is covered by a polyimide film attached to the frame
of the helium box.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 024106 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5049383 90, 024106-2
Published under license by AIP Publishing

Review of
Scientific Instruments
positions (and hence Bragg angles) were scanned. In the
present instrumentation, a passive linear translation stage
with two carriages is used; one carriage for the SBCA and
another carriage for a pin located at the moving center of the
Rowland circle. Coupling bars with lengths equal to the radius
of the Rowland circle constrain the Rowland-center pin to be
the correct distance (0.5 m) from pins underneath both the
SBCA and the source location. This direct mechanical cou-
pling provides exceptional scan-to-scan reproducibility and
decreases instrument complexity by removing one motorized
degree of freedom.
Second, the source and detector stages have been rotated
and made much longer than in the earlier system. The longer
travel range allows access to Bragg angles between 55
, a considerable improvement over the prototype that
allows a much wider energy range for each crystal orien-
tation of SBCA. This change decreases the total number of
SBCA optics required for XAFS and XES analysis. Moreover,
it extends the utility of the spectrometer beyond XANES,
enabling EXAFS studies for several elements. The stage rota-
tion requires some careful comment. The resulting stage
geometry is shown in Fig. 1, and the rotation parameter α is
defined in Fig. 2(a). The issue that motivates the rotation of the
stages is the desire to minimize the linear travel of the SBCA
needed to maintain its position on the (traveling) 1-m Row-
land circle. Long SBCA travel is not mechanically onerous, but
clearance is required with respect to the helium box [Fig. 1(b)]
enclosing the beampath to reduce air absorption. When the
SBCA has a long travel, the helium box must be made shorter
which results in higher air absorption for most operations. To
address this problem, a suitable value of α can be deduced
from geometric considerations. As the source and detector are
swept outward to smaller Bragg angles, the SBCA is necessar-
ily displaced to ensure the source and detector remain on the
Rowland circle. This displacement d(θ
) is given by
= R sec[α] (cos[ θ
α] + cos[α + 2θ
]), (1)
where R is the radius of the Rowland circle, θ
is the Bragg
angle, and the displacement is measured relative to the posi-
tion of the SBCA when θ
= 85
, this value is denoted above
as θ
. In
Fig. 2(b), Eq. (1) is plotted as a function of θ
for var-
ious values of α. It is apparent that translation of the SBCA,
and consequently attenuation due to air outside of a fixed
helium enclosure, can be minimized by an appropriate choice
of α. This translation is minimized when the SBCA’s travel is
symmetric across the angle range, which can be enforced by
choosing α to be equal to 180
minus twice the midpoint of the
angle range. For a θ
range of 85
the SBCA’s displacement
is minimized when α = 40
, as is utilized in Fig. 1. Moreover, an
additional benefit of the stage rotations is a smaller instrument
Third, the present design discontinues the traditional
two-axis tilt alignment of the SBCA in favor of orienting
the crystal miscut into the plane of the source and detec-
tor and enforcing a constant angular offset of the detec-
tor, as described by Mortensen and Seidler.
This removes
two motorized degrees of freedom and also enables easy,
reproducible exchange of different SBCAs for different energy
FIG. 2. (a) Illustration depicting the parameter α and θ
. The SBCA resides at the
bottom of the Rowland circle, while the carriage coupling the SBCA location and
the source as represented by the hollow dot is at the center of the Rowland circle.
The diagonal line represents the travel range of the source with dots at its end
points. (b) The magnitude of the SBCA’s displacement from its location, d(θ
), at
= 85
is plotted as a function of θ
for various values of α.
ranges. Here, SBCAs are aligned by performing repeated
detector scans at different rotations of the optic about its
natural cylindrical axis. This fast process gives a permanent
alignment orientation. See Fig. 3 for representative calibra-
tion scans. Note that the highest count rates are generally
observed when the crystal miscut is oriented into the Row-
land plane, as the SBCA is rotated in either direction away
from this orientation, the centroid of the corresponding scans
moves in the same direction away from the peak at optimal
Fourth, from a practical standpoint, the primary benefit
of a high-flux source is shorter acquisition times and thus
higher potential instrument throughput. Moreover, greater
flux can broaden an instrument’s limit-of-detection, thus
enabling studies of particularly dilute samples or weak tran-
sition lines. Nonetheless, there exist several points of con-
cern when utilizing a high-powered tube source. Specifically,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 024106 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5049383 90, 024106-3
Published under license by AIP Publishing

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TL;DR: The fundamental principles of the XAS method are discussed and the progress in the instrumentation and data analysis approaches undertaken for deciphering X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X- Ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra are described.
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TL;DR: A software package for the analysis of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) data is presented, based on the IFEFFIT library of numerical and XAS algorithms and is written in the Perl programming language using the Perl/Tk graphics toolkit.
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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a review of the experimental measurements which are used to establish the wavelength of this line on an absolute angstrom basis is given, and the recommended wavelength values are listed in \AA{}* units together with probable errors; corresponding energies are given in keV.
Abstract: Inconsistencies in accepted values (in x units) of x-ray reference lines have recently been demonstrated, although all are supposedly based on "good" calcite crystals. Factors supporting the selection of the W $K{\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{1}$ line as the X-Ray Wavelength Standard are critically discussed. A review is given of the experimental measurements which are used to establish the wavelength of this line on an absolute angstrom basis. Its value is $\ensuremath{\lambda}$ W $K{\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{1}=(0.2090100\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}5 \mathrm{ppm})$ \AA{}. This may be used to define a new unit, denoted by \AA{}*, such that the W $K{\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{1}$ wavelength is exactly 0.2090100 \AA{}*; hence 1\AA{}*=1\AA{}\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}5 ppm. The wavelengths of the Ag $K{\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{1}$, Mo $K{\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{1}$, Cu $K{\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{1}$, and the Cr $K{\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{2}$ have been established as secondary standards with probable error of approximately one part per million. Sixty-one additional x-ray lines have been used as reference values in a comprehensive review and reevaluation of more than 2700 emission and absorption wavelengths. The recommended wavelength values are listed in \AA{}* units together with probable errors; corresponding energies are given in keV. A second table lists the wavelengths in numerical order, and likewise includes their energies in keV.

1,467 citations

"An improved laboratory-based x-ray ..." refers background in this paper

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Abstract: A high-resolution crystallographic analysis of the nitrogenase MoFe-protein reveals a previously unrecognized ligand coordinated to six iron atoms in the center of the catalytically essential FeMo-cofactor. The electron density for this ligand is masked in structures with resolutions lower than 1.55 angstroms, owing to Fourier series termination ripples from the surrounding iron and sulfur atoms in the cofactor. The central atom completes an approximate tetrahedral coordination for the six iron atoms, instead of the trigonal coordination proposed on the basis of lower resolution structures. The crystallographic refinement at 1.16 angstrom resolution is consistent with this newly detected component being a light element, most plausibly nitrogen. The presence of a nitrogen atom in the cofactor would have important implications for the mechanism of dinitrogen reduction by nitrogenase.

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  • ...reported the presence of carbon, oxygen, or nitrogen as a central atom in iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco), a cluster which acts as the active site of substrate binding and reduction in nitrogenase.(73) Despite intense study, the identity of this atom could not be unambiguously established until the Fe VTC-XES study of Lancaster and co-workers....


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TL;DR: A central light atom in a cofactor at the nitrogenase active site is identified as a carbon, indicating that among the candidate atoms oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, it is carbon that best fits the XES data.
Abstract: Nitrogenase is a complex enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of dinitrogen to ammonia. Despite insight from structural and biochemical studies, its structure and mechanism await full characterization. An iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) is thought to be the site of dinitrogen reduction, but the identity of a central atom in this cofactor remains unknown. Fe Kβ x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) of intact nitrogenase MoFe protein, isolated FeMoco, and the FeMoco-deficient nifB protein indicates that among the candidate atoms oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, it is carbon that best fits the XES data. The experimental XES is supported by computational efforts, which show that oxidation and spin states do not affect the assignment of the central atom to C(4-). Identification of the central atom will drive further studies on its role in catalysis.

686 citations

Frequently Asked Questions (18)
Q1. What are the contributions in "An improved laboratory-based x-ray absorption fine structure and x-ray emission spectrometer for analytical applications in materials chemistry research" ?

In this paper, the authors report the design and performance of an improved XAFS and XES spectrometer based on the general conceptual design of Seidler et al. To illustrate this, the authors provide numerous examples of x-ray absorption near edge structure ( XANES ), EXAFS, and XES results for a variety of problems and energy ranges. Taken en masse, these results further support the growing perspective that modern laboratory-based XAFS and XES have the potential to develop a new branch of analytical chemistry. 

Although the critical metric for extracting scientific inference is the ability to resolve spectral features and not any quotedenergy resolution, the question of absolute energy resolution, both for XAFS and for XES, deserves special mention. 

Combined with the narrower Darwin width of the SBCA for higher order reflections, the integral reflectivity is greatly decreased at higher photon energy. 

Its sensitivity to the occupied local electronic density of states can often aid in assessing the oxidation state, spin state, covalency, state of protonation, or ligand environment of a given metal atom.76–78From an experimental perspective, XES benefits from several pragmatic advantages in the laboratory environment. 

direct illumination of the sample, as in non-resonant XES, utilizes a large solid angle and makes every incident photon above the relevant binding energy capable of stimulating the creation of a core-hole. 

Face-centered cubic, metallic nickel was chosen as a model system to assess the present instrument’s EXAFS capabilities relative to a synchrotron. 

One contribution to the broadening is that although the V K-edge is located at a Bragg angle of 79.2◦ for the Ge (422) optic, the spectrum will still exhibit some broadening due to Johann error. 

65–67 Sample applications include high temperature, in situ analysis of: ceria-based oxide materials used in the activation and storage of oxygen,68 the effect of annealing temperature on the valence state of cerium oxide nanoparticles manufactured to catalyze the oxidation of organic compounds or reduction of heavymetals in industrial waste streams,69 and the mechanism by which cerium-containing films inhibit the corrosion of aluminum. 

A pioneering study by Penrose found that of the two most common oxidation states, the trivalent species of arsenic is generally more toxic than the pentavalent. 

As the source and detector are swept outward to smaller Bragg angles, the SBCA is necessarily displaced to ensure the source and detector remain on the Rowland circle. 

Commercial nickel- manganese- cobalt- (NMC) oxide battery cathode laminates were manufactured in a 6:2:2 stoichiometric ratio between the transition metals. 

If a larger detector or toroidal optic is integrated into the design, consistent count rates could be observed across the instrument’s angular range. 

It is apparent that translation of the SBCA, and consequently attenuation due to air outside of a fixed helium enclosure, can be minimized by an appropriate choice of α. 

While the simpler sample preparation for XES than for transmission-mode XAFS is often relevant, the dominant issue is the efficient use of the incident x-ray flux. 

Due to its increasing popularity, much research has been conducted to develop the theoretical underpinnings of VTC-XES and to identify spectral features that can serve as measures of various chemical parameters. 

In addition, the Kβ′′ transitions indicative of the ligand environment are clearly discernible for the oxide and chloride systems, with the former ∼17 eV below the main peak, in rough agreement with values reported elsewhere for the relative Kβ′′ position. 

the intrinsic energy resolution of the non-strain-relieved SBCA at the energy of interest is approximately 0.3 eV based on the results of Hämäläinen et al.,50,51 which are consistent with those of Rovezzi et al. in the 6–11 keV energy range. 

3Several other factors suggest lithium ion battery (LIB) cathode materials as an ideal system for laboratory-based xray instrumentation.