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An obesity-associated risk allele within the FTO gene affects human brain activity for areas important for emotion, impulse control and reward in response to food images.

TL;DR: The results suggest that the two genotypes are associated with differential neural processing of food images, which may influence weight status through diminished impulse control and reward processing.
Abstract: Understanding how genetics influences obesity, brain activity and eating behaviour will add important insight for developing strategies for weight-loss treatment, as obesity may stem from different causes and as individual feeding behaviour may depend on genetic differences. To this end, we examined how an obesity risk allele for the FTO gene affects brain activity in response to food images of different caloric content via functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Thirty participants homozygous for the rs9939609 single nucleotide polymorphism were shown images of low- or high-calorie food while brain activity was measured via fMRI. In a whole-brain analysis, we found that people with the FTO risk allele genotype (AA) had increased activity compared with the non-risk (TT) genotype in the posterior cingulate, cuneus, precuneus and putamen. Moreover, higher body mass index in the AA genotype was associated with reduced activity to food images in areas important for emotion (cingulate cortex), but also in areas important for impulse control (frontal gyri and lentiform nucleus). Lastly, we corroborate our findings with behavioural scales for the behavioural inhibition and activation systems. Our results suggest that the two genotypes are associated with differential neural processing of food images, which may influence weight status through diminished impulse control and reward processing.

Summary (4 min read)


  • Several different FTO single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with a higher body mass index (BMI) (Sällman Almén et al., 2013; Scuteri et al., 2007a) , and higher energy intake (Speakman, 2013) .
  • Moreover, experiments in rodents show that changes in FTO expression levels in the hypothalamus affect feeding behavior (Frederiksen, Skakkebaek, & Andersson, 2007; Olszewski et al., 2009; Tung et al., 2010) .
  • Personality scales for the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) and Behavioral Activation System (BAS), which measure punishment and reward sensitivity respectively, are two such tools which correlate with inactivity and poor diet (Carver & White, 1994; Dietrich, Federbusch, Grellmann, Villringer, & Horstmann, 2014; Meule, 2013; Voigt et al., 2009) .

FTO Associated Brain Activity 5

  • To date, however, few fMRI studies have examined how genetic profile is associated with brain responses to food in obesity.
  • A recent study found that people with the FTO risk allele for rs8050136 had reduced activity in the right prefrontal cortex while viewing food images in a postprandial state, but not while fasting (Heni et al., 2014) .
  • Notably, their cohort of participants had a normal BMI with no obese participants.
  • Against this background, the authors explore for the first time the association between FTO genotype, BMI, and neural responses to food images of either low-or high-calorie content.


  • Prior to any experimental procedures, all participants gave written informed consent to the study which conformed to the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the local ethics committee.
  • Genotyping of the FTO single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs9939609 was performed with a pre-designed Taqman single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping assay (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA) and an ABI7900 genetic analyzer with SDS 2.2 software at the Uppsala Genome Center (
  • Only homozygous participants were included in the study.
  • Hunger ratings were also assessed on a 1-10 scale with higher numbers indicating greater feelings of hunger.

Behavioral Questionnaires

  • Clinical measures for punishment sensitivity and reward-seeking behavior were acquired using the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) and Behavioral Activation System (BAS) questionnaires (Carver & White, 1994) .
  • Each item was represented by a statement, where the participant indicated how much s/he agreed or FTO Associated Brain Activity 7 disagreed on a four-point scale.
  • The BIS included only one scale, evaluating the reactions to the anticipation of punishment and anxiety, while the BAS included three subscales: Drive, which represents the pursuit of desired goals; Fun Seeking, which evaluates the desire for new rewards and impulsivity; and Reward Responsiveness, which focuses on positive reactions anticipating rewards.

Preprocessing of fMRI data

  • All preprocessing steps were performed using software package Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM, version 8,, implemented in MATLAB (version R2014a, 11 FEB 2014 .
  • The images were realigned and estimated to remove movement artefacts in the data.
  • EPI images were further matched with the structural image using coregistration.
  • The anatomical image was segmented to strip away unnecessary tissue in the images.
  • Tissue probability maps were introduced in the segmentation step to differentiate between gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid in each individual.

Statistical Analysis

  • All fMRI statistical analysis was performed using the same versions of SPM and MATLAB listed in preprocessing steps.
  • For all whole-brain results, a family wise error FTO Associated Brain Activity 9 (FWE) corrected significance level was set at p < 0.05 to correct for multiple testing.
  • This contrast was then tested using a between-groups t-test followed by directional post-hoc comparisons as well as with a multiple regression analysis testing for interactions between genotype and BMI, BIS, or BAS individually.
  • Bilateral masks of such areas were produced using the Wake Forest University Pickatlas toolbox (Maldjian, Laurienti, Kraft, & Burdette, 2003) within SPM.
  • Results for the PCA were considered significant if the percentage of inertia summing from the two largest eigenvalues exceeded values listed in a significance table based on 10,000 analyses with similar numbers of individuals and independent variables (Lê et al., 2008) .


  • The obesity-associated FTO SNP rs9939609, is associated with increased activity in response to food images.
  • BOLD signals were measured as participants were shown images of low-calorie (LC) food, high-calorie (HC) food, or control images in a block design format.
  • Areas included the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), cingulate gyrus, cuneus, and precuneus (Table 2 ).
  • A multiple regression analysis found an interaction between genotype and BMI, post-hoc comparisons found significant clusters for the AA genotype while BMI was decreasing in the PCC, cingulate gyrus, middle occipital gyrus, and precuneus (Supplementary Table 1 ).
  • Within the t-test comparison between genotypes, a significant cluster showing greater activity in the AA genotype was FTO Associated Brain Activity 11 found in the putamen after performing a small-volumes correction using a 6 mmradius sphere over the lowest FWE-corrected p-value in the cluster (Table 2 ).

Differential patterns of behavior for each FTO genotype depending on body-mass index.

  • The authors next tested if behavioral questionaires corrobarated the findings from the imaging experiments.
  • The authors then performed a principle component analysis within each genotype using the BIS and the three BAS subscales (Drive, Fun Seeking, and Reward Responsiveness) as variables of interest with BMI as a quantitative supplementary variable.
  • For both analyses, all the variables of interest were well projected and the first two dimensions accounted for ≈80% of the variablity (considered significant based on critera listed in methods under statistical analysis subheading, 81.4 > 80.0 for the AA group and 79.2 > 76.5 in the TT group).
  • Moreover, the variables of interest projected to the same quandrants except for the Drive and Fun Seeking subscales, which were switched between the two different genotypes.
  • Furthermore, the authors followed up the association between the BIS and BMI using a multiple regression analysis testing if BIS scores could be predicted by genotype, BMI, or their interaction.


  • The authors examined whether an obesity-associated genotype affects the neural processing of food images with different caloric content and to what extent body-mass index (BMI) is an important factor.
  • The authors found the AA genotype had increased brain activity compared to the TT genotype when viewing food images with different caloric contents, specifically in areas important for emotion (cingulate gyrus), memory, and self-image (cuneus and precuneus) and reward .
  • Thus, discrimination between HC and LC foods may be handled differently for each genotype depending on BMI.
  • Next, the authors corroborate their findings in the imaging study with personality questionnaires examining behavioral characteristics related to impulsivity and rewardprocessing: namely the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) and Behavioral Activation System (BAS) scales.
  • The authors found that the BIS as well as subscales of the BAS correlated with BMI oppositely in each genotype.

FTO Associated Brain Activity 14

  • In between-groups comparisons, as well as multiple regression analysis, the authors found significant clusters of brain activity when testing a contrast for caloric discrimination (HC food images opposed to LC food images).
  • Specifically, the authors found increased neural activation in the AA genotype compared to the TT genotype within the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), cingulate gyrus, cuneus and precuneus.
  • The PCC is a well-connected and multifunctional brain area associated with emotional processing, and a central node in the default mode network (DMN): involved in arousal/awareness, balancing external and internal thought, and emotion (Leech & Sharp, 2014) .
  • Thus, the AA genotype in their cohort confirms previous reports equating impulsivity with obesity/overeating (Meule, 2013) specifically in one study which also found a negative correlation between BIS and BMI in males (Dietrich et al., 2014) .
  • In conclusion, their findings offer insight into the relationship between FTO, obesity, and brain activity; and suggest that overweight/obese populations have different attitudes and functional processing for food images depending on genetic background.


  • A region of interest analysis found a significant cluster within the putamen after a smallvolumes correction.
  • The BIS evaluates inhibitory behavior in the anticipation of punishment and anxiety, while the BAS included three subscales: Drive, which represents the pursuit of desired goals; Fun Seeking, which evaluates the desire for new rewards and impulsivity; and Reward Responsiveness, which focuses on positive reactions anticipating rewards.
  • The behavioral variables were all well projected in each group.
  • A) variables factor map for the AA genotype.
  • BMI was positively correlated with BIS and negatively correlated with the BAS Fun Seeking subscale.

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Wiemerslage, L, Nilsson, EK, Solstrand Dahlberg, L, Ence-Eriksson, F, Castillo,
S, Larsen, AL, Bylund, SBA, Hogenkamp, PS, Olivo, G, Bandstein, M, Titova,
OE, Larsson, E-M, Benedict, C, Brooks, SJ and Schiöth, HB
An obesity-associated risk allele within the FTO gene affects human brain
activity for areas important for emotion, impulse control and reward in
response to food images.
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Citation (please note it is advisable to refer to the publisher’s version if you
intend to cite from this work)
Wiemerslage, L, Nilsson, EK, Solstrand Dahlberg, L, Ence-Eriksson, F,
Castillo, S, Larsen, AL, Bylund, SBA, Hogenkamp, PS, Olivo, G, Bandstein,
M, Titova, OE, Larsson, E-M, Benedict, C, Brooks, SJ and Schiöth, HB (2016)
An obesity-associated risk allele within the FTO gene affects human brain
LJMU Research Online

FTO Associated Brain Activity 1
Title 1
An obesity-associated risk allele within the FTO gene affects brain activity for areas 2
important for emotion, impulse control, and reward in response to food images. 3
Running Title 5
FTO Associated Brain Activity 6
Author names and affiliation 8
Lyle Wiemerslage*
, Emil K Nilsson
, Linda Solstrand Dahlberg
, Fia Ence-Eriksson
, 9
Sandra Castillo
, Anna L Larsen
, Simon BA Bylund
, Pleunie S Hogenkamp
, Gaia 10
, Marcus Bandstein
, Olga E Titova
, Elna-Marie Larsson
, Christian Benedict
, 11
Samantha J Brooks
, Helgi B Schiöth
Uppsala University § 14
Department of Neuroscience, Functional Pharmacology 15
Biomedicinska Centrum (BMC) 16
Husargatan 3, Box 593 17
751 24 Uppsala, Sweden 18
Section of Neuroradiology 20
Department of Radiology, Uppsala University 21
Akademiska Sjukhuset 22
751 85 Uppsala, Sweden 23
University of Cape Town 25
Department of Psychiatry 26
Old Groote Schuur Hospital 27
J2 Building 28
Anzio Road 29
Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa. 30
Corresponding author 32
Uppsala University * 33
Department of Neuroscience, Functional Pharmacology 34
Biomedicinska Centrum (BMC) 35

FTO Associated Brain Activity 2
Husargatan 3, Box 593 36
751 24 Uppsala, Sweden 37 38
Number of: 40
Figures = 3 41
Tables = 1 42
Words: 43
o Abstract = 197 44
o Introduction = 565 45
o Entire Manuscript (excluding references and figure legends) = 3,972 46
Keywords: 48
FTO, fMRI, SNP, obesity, food 49
Conflict of Interest: 51
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. 52

FTO Associated Brain Activity 3
Understanding how genetics influences obesity, brain activity, and eating behavior will 54
add important insight for developing strategies for weight-loss treatment, as obesity may stem 55
from different causes and as individual feeding behavior may depend on genetic differences. 56
To this end, we examined how an obesity risk-allele for the FTO gene affects brain activity in 57
response to food images of different caloric content via fMRI. 30 participants homozygous 58
for the rs9939609 single nucleotide polymorphism were shown images of low- or high-calorie 59
food while brain activity was measured via fMRI. In a whole-brain analysis, we found that 60
people with the FTO risk-allele genotype (AA) had increased activity than the non-risk (TT) 61
genotype in the posterior cingulate, cuneus, precuneus, and putamen. Moreover, higher BMI 62
in the AA genotype was associated with reduced activity to food images in areas important for 63
emotion (cingulate cortex), but also in areas important for impulse control (frontal gyri and 64
lentiform nucleus). Lastly, we corroborate our findings with behavioral scales for the 65
behavioral inhibition and activation systems (BIS/BAS). Our results suggest that the two 66
genotypes are associated with differential neural processing of food images, which may 67
influence weight status through diminished impulse control and reward processing. 68
Keywords: 70
fMRI, FTO, SNP, BMI, food images, obesity 71

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The most prominent factors associated with brain insulin resistance are elaborate, i.e., obesity, T2D, genes, maternal metabolism, normal aging, inflammation, and dementia, and on their roles regarding causes and consequences.
Abstract: Ever since the brain was identified as an insulin-sensitive organ, evidence has rapidly accumulated that insulin action in the brain produces multiple behavioral and metabolic effects, influencing eating behavior, peripheral metabolism, and cognition. Disturbances in brain insulin action can be observed in obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D), as well as in aging and dementia. Decreases in insulin sensitivity of central nervous pathways, i.e., brain insulin resistance, may therefore constitute a joint pathological feature of metabolic and cognitive dysfunctions. Modern neuroimaging methods have provided new means of probing brain insulin action, revealing the influence of insulin on both global and regional brain function. In this review, we highlight recent findings on brain insulin action in humans and its impact on metabolism and cognition. Furthermore, we elaborate on the most prominent factors associated with brain insulin resistance, i.e., obesity, T2D, genes, maternal metabolism, normal aging, inflammation, and dementia, and on their roles regarding causes and consequences of brain insulin resistance. We also describe the beneficial effects of enhanced brain insulin signaling on human eating behavior and cognition and discuss potential applications in the treatment of metabolic and cognitive disorders.

349 citations

Cites background from "An obesity-associated risk allele w..."

  • ...Also functionally, the FTO risk allele affects brain areas important for reward processing and food-cue reactivity (215, 263, 389)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The synthesis of the latest evidence consolidates conclusions drawn in the initial systematic review that BED represents a distinct phenotype within the obesity spectrum that is characterized by increased impulsivity.
Abstract: The specific eating pattern of Binge Eating Disorder (BED) patients has provoked the assumption that BED might represent a phenotype within the obesity spectrum that is characterized by increased impulsivity. Following the guidelines of the PRISMA statement (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses), we here provide a systematic update on the evidence on food-related impulsivity in obese individuals, with and without BED, as well as normal-weight individuals. We separately analyzed potential group differences in the impulsivity components of reward sensitivity and rash-spontaneous behavior. Our search resulted in twenty experimental studies with high methodological quality. The synthesis of the latest evidence consolidates conclusions drawn in our initial systematic review that BED represents a distinct phenotype within the obesity spectrum that is characterized by increased impulsivity. Rash-spontaneous behavior in general, and specifically towards food, is increased in BED, while food-specific reward sensitivity is also increased in obese individuals without BED, but potentially to a lesser degree. A major next step for research entails the investigation of sub-domains and temporal components of inhibitory control in BED and obesity. Based on the evidence of impaired inhibitory control in BED, affected patients might profit from interventions that address impulsive behavior.

195 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is shown that FTO is expressed in adult neural stem cells and neurons and displays dynamic expression during postnatal neurodevelopment and this results suggest FTO plays important roles in neurogenesis, as well as in learning and memory.
Abstract: Fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) is a member of the Fe (II)- and oxoglutarate-dependent AlkB dioxygenase family and is linked to both obesity and intellectual disability. The role of FTO in neurodevelopment and neurogenesis, however, remains largely unknown. Here we show that FTO is expressed in adult neural stem cells and neurons and displays dynamic expression during postnatal neurodevelopment. The loss of FTO leads to decreased brain size and body weight. We find that FTO deficiency could reduce the proliferation and neuronal differentiation of adult neural stem cells in vivo, which leads to impaired learning and memory. Given the role of FTO as a demethylase of N6-methyladenosine (m6A), we went on to perform genome-wide m6A profiling and observed dynamic m6A modification during postnatal neurodevelopment. The loss of FTO led to the altered expression of several key components of the brain derived neurotrophic factor pathway that were marked by m6A. These results together suggest FTO plays important roles in neurogenesis, as well as in learning and memory.

194 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is shown that children genetically at risk for obesity exhibit stronger reward-related responses to real-world food cues in the nucleus accumbens, a brain area canonically associated with reward processing, which may contribute to unhealthy eating behaviors later in life.
Abstract: Obesity is a major public health concern that involves an interaction between genetic susceptibility and exposure to environmental cues (e.g., food marketing); however, the mechanisms that link these factors and contribute to unhealthy eating are unclear. Using a well-known obesity risk polymorphism (FTO rs9939609) in a sample of 78 children (ages 9-12 y), we observed that children at risk for obesity exhibited stronger responses to food commercials in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) than children not at risk. Similarly, children at a higher genetic risk for obesity demonstrated larger NAcc volumes. Although a recessive model of this polymorphism best predicted body mass and adiposity, a dominant model was most predictive of NAcc size and responsivity to food cues. These findings suggest that children genetically at risk for obesity are predisposed to represent reward signals more strongly, which, in turn, may contribute to unhealthy eating behaviors later in life.

76 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The research progress and related mechanisms of the role of mRNA m6A methylation in the nervous system from the aspects of neural stem cells, learning and memory, brain development, axon growth and glioblastoma are reviewed.
Abstract: Epitranscriptomics, also known as “RNA epigenetics”, is a chemical modification for RNA regulation. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) methylation is considered to be a major discovery following the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and histone methylation. Messenger RNA (mRNA) methylation modification accounts for more than 60% of all RNA modifications and N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is known as one of the most common type of eukaryotic mRNA methylation modifications in current. The m6A modification is a dynamic reversible modification, which can directly or indirectly affect biological processes, such as RNA degradation, translation and splicing, and can play important biological roles in vivo. This article introduces the mRNA m6A methylation modification enzymes and binding proteins, and reviews the research progress and related mechanisms of the role of mRNA m6A methylation in the nervous system from the aspects of neural stem cells, learning and memory, brain development, axon growth and glioblastoma.

69 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a genome-wide association scan was conducted to identify genetic variants associated with obesity-related quantitative traits in the genetically isolated population of Sardinia, and the results showed that common genetic variants in the FTO gene are associated with substantial changes in body weight.
Abstract: The obesity epidemic is responsible for a substantial economic burden in developed countries and is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The disease is the result not only of several environmental risk factors, but also of genetic predisposition. To take advantage of recent advances in gene-mapping technology, we executed a genome-wide association scan to identify genetic variants associated with obesity-related quantitative traits in the genetically isolated population of Sardinia. Initial analysis suggested that several SNPs in the FTO and PFKP genes were associated with increased BMI, hip circumference, and weight. Within the FTO gene, rs9930506 showed the strongest association with BMI (p ¼ 8.6 310 � 7 ), hip circumference (p ¼ 3.4 3 10 � 8 ), and weight (p ¼ 9.1 3 10 � 7 ). In Sardinia, homozygotes for the rare ‘‘G’’ allele of this SNP (minor allele frequency ¼ 0.46) were 1.3 BMI units heavier than homozygotes for the common ‘‘A’’ allele. Within the PFKP gene, rs6602024 showed very strong association with BMI (p ¼4.9 310 � 6 ). Homozygotes for the rare ‘‘A’’ allele of this SNP (minor allele frequency ¼0.12) were 1.8 BMI units heavier than homozygotes for the common ‘‘G’’ allele. To replicate our findings, we genotyped these two SNPs in the GenNet study. In European Americans (N ¼ 1,496) and in Hispanic Americans (N ¼ 839), we replicated significant association between rs9930506 in the FTO gene and BMI (p-value for meta-analysis of European American and Hispanic American follow-up samples, p ¼0.001), weight (p ¼0.001), and hip circumference (p ¼0.0005). We did not replicate association between rs6602024 and obesity-related traits in the GenNet sample, although we found that in European Americans, Hispanic Americans, and African Americans, homozygotes for the rare ‘‘A’’ allele were, on average, 1.0–3.0 BMI units heavier than homozygotes for the more common ‘‘G’’ allele. In summary, we have completed a whole genome– association scan for three obesity-related quantitative traits and report that common genetic variants in the FTO gene are associated with substantial changes in BMI, hip circumference, and body weight. These changes could have a significant impact on the risk of obesity-related morbidity in the general population.

1,619 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is concluded that FTO contributes to human obesity and hence may be a target for subsequent functional analyses.
Abstract: The authors identified a set of SNPs in the first intron of the FTO (fat mass and obesity associated) gene on chromosome 16q12.2 that is consistently strongly associated with early-onset and severe obesity in both adults and children of European ancestry with an experiment-wise P value of 1.67 x 10(-26) in 2,900 affected individuals and 5,100 controls. The at-risk haplotype yields a proportion of attributable risk of 22% for common obesity. They conclude that FTO contributes to human obesity and hence may be a target for subsequent functional analyses.

1,507 citations

"An obesity-associated risk allele w..." refers background in this paper

  • ...…oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) responses to food images, we test whether the genotype homozygous for the at-risk allele for rs9939609 (which is A) (Dina et al., 2007; Frayling et al., 2007; Scuteri et al., 2007) affects brain activity differently from the homozygous genotype with the non-risk…...


  • ...of blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) responses to food images, we test whether the genotype homozygous for the at-risk allele for rs9939609 (which is A) (Dina et al., 2007; Frayling et al., 2007; Scuteri et al., 2007) affects brain activity differently from the homozygous genotype with the non-risk allele (T)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The goal of this article is to probe the human reward circuit, specifically the striatum and its subdivisions, with an emphasis on how the affective properties of outcomes or feedback influence the underlying neural activity and subsequent decision making.
Abstract: Much of our knowledge of how reward information is processed in the brain comes from a rich animal literature. Recently, the advancement of neuroimaging techniques has allowed researchers to extend such investigations to the human brain. A common finding across species and methodologies is the involvement of the striatum, the input structure of the basal ganglia, in a circuit responsible for mediating goal-directed behavior. Central to this idea is the role of the striatum in the processing of affective stimuli, such as rewards and punishments. The goal of this article is to probe the human reward circuit, specifically the striatum and its subdivisions, with an emphasis on how the affective properties of outcomes or feedback influence the underlying neural activity and subsequent decision making. Discussion will first focus on anatomical and functional considerations regarding the striatum that have emerged from animal models. The rest of the article will center on how human neuroimaging studies map to findings from the animal literature, and how more recently, this research can be extended into the social and economic domains.

697 citations

"An obesity-associated risk allele w..." refers background in this paper

  • ...The putamen has an important functional role in reward processing (Delgado, 2007), and several imaging studies have shown increased activity for this structure in obese participants (Jastreboff et al., 2014; Boutelle et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2015)....


  • ...The putamen has an important functional role in reward processing (Delgado, 2007), and several imaging studies have...


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, this work reports that individual variation in trait reward sensitivity (as measured by the Behavioral Activation Scale) is highly correlated with activation to images of appetizing foods in a fronto–striatal–amygdala–midbrain network.
Abstract: A network of interconnected brain regions, including orbitofrontal, ventral striatal, amygdala, and midbrain areas, has been widely implicated in a number of aspects of food reward. However, in humans, sensitivity to reward can vary significantly from one person to the next. Individuals high in this trait experience more frequent and intense food cravings and are more likely to be overweight or develop eating disorders associated with excessive food intake. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we report that individual variation in trait reward sensitivity (as measured by the Behavioral Activation Scale) is highly correlated with activation to images of appetizing foods (e.g., chocolate cake, pizza) in a fronto–striatal–amygdala–midbrain network. Our findings demonstrate that there is considerable personality-linked variability in the neural response to food cues in healthy participants and provide important insight into the neurobiological factors underlying vulnerability to certain eating problems (e.g., hyperphagic obesity).

600 citations

"An obesity-associated risk allele w..." refers background or result in this paper

  • ...…between the Drive subscale and BMI in the AA genotype corrobo- rates previous associations with BAS, arousal and overeating (Voigt et al., 2009) and also a previous fMRI report associating the Drive subscale with neural activity in response to appetitive food images (Beaver et al., 2006)....


  • ..., 2009) and also a previous fMRI report associating the Drive subscale with neural activity in response to appetitive food images (Beaver et al., 2006)....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Similar patterns of neural activation are implicated in addictive-like eating behavior and substance dependence: elevated activation in reward circuitry in response to food cues and reduced activation of inhibitory regions in responseto food intake.
Abstract: Context Research has implicated an addictive process in the development and maintenance of obesity. Although parallels in neural functioning between obesity and substance dependence have been found, to our knowledge, no studies have examined the neural correlates of addictive-like eating behavior. Objective To test the hypothesis that elevated“food addiction” scores are associated with similar patterns of neural activation as substance dependence. Design Between-subjects functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Setting A university neuroimaging center. Participants Forty-eight healthy young women ranging from lean to obese recruited for a healthy weight maintenance trial. Main Outcome Measure The relation between elevated food addiction scores and blood oxygen level–dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging activation in response to receipt and anticipated receipt of palatable food (chocolate milkshake). Results Food addiction scores (N = 39) correlated with greater activation in the anterior cingulate cortex, medial orbitofrontal cortex, and amygdala in response to anticipated receipt of food (P Conclusions Similar patterns of neural activation are implicated in addictive-like eating behavior and substance dependence: elevated activation in reward circuitry in response to food cues and reduced activation of inhibitory regions in response to food intake.

572 citations

"An obesity-associated risk allele w..." refers background in this paper

  • ...…increasingly considered an addiction-type disorder with disruptions of the reward pathway, and several functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have explored this topic (Goldstone et al., 2009; Batterink et al., 2010; Gearhardt et al., 2011;Correspondence: Dr L. Wiemerslage, as above....


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56 To this end, the authors examined how an obesity risk-allele for the FTO gene affects brain activity in 57 response to food images of different caloric content via fMRI. Their results suggest that the two 66 genotypes are associated with differential neural processing of food images, which may 67 influence weight status through diminished impulse control and reward processing.