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Proceedings ArticleDOI

An Optimization Approach for Automotive Systems Architecture Driven by Safety and Cost

TL;DR: An approach for system design architecture optimization driven by the safety and cost constraints is proposed that takes into account the safety constraints in the ISO 26262 context and allows, at one hand, to reach a system preliminary architecture by choosing the best component that reduce the overall cost.
Abstract: Safety critical systems are present, today, almost in every car. They ensure different functionalities such as braking, steering and airbag deployment etc… The failure of these systems could lead to hazardous situations. To ensure that the risk in these systems is reduced to an acceptable level, the automotive industry refers to ISO-26262. It is the functional safety standard for electrical and electronic systems in road vehicles. It focuses on the requirements, processes and methods to deal with the ef fects of systematic failures and unsystematic hardware failures. Reaching a compliant design is, often, challenging particularly for high safety constraints systems. It has been also noted that, sometimes, due to safety constraints a design could lead to a cost derive. Ensuring that the design remains competitive in terms of cost is vital. With the growing complexity in funct ionalities and in size, the system design cycle can benefit from an approach that can help the designers make the best architectural choices to reach an optimal design. In this paper, we propose an approach for system design architecture optimization driven by the safety and cost constraints. It consists of an architecture synthesis and mapping approach that takes into account the safety constraints in the ISO 26262 context. It allows, at one hand, to reach a system preliminary architecture by choosing the best component that reduce the overall cost. On the other hand, it leads to a mapping that respects the safety constraints related to safety levels or to dependant failures.

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An Optimization Approach for Automotive Systems Architecture
Driven by Safety and Cost
Méthode d’optimisation de l’architecture des systèmes automobiles
Dirigée par le coût et la sûreté de fonctionnement
VALEO LARIS , Université d’Angers
76 Rue Auguste Perret 62 avenue Notre Dame du Lac
94000 Créteil 49000 Angers
Safety critical systems are present, today, almost in every car. They ensure different functionalities such as braking, steering and
airbag deployment etc… The failure of these systems could lead to hazardous situations. To ensure that the risk in these
systems is reduced to an acceptable level, the automotive industry refers to ISO-26262. It is the functional safety standard for
electrical and electronic systems in road vehicles. It focuses on the requirements, processes and methods to deal with the effects
of systematic failures and unsystematic hardware failures. Reaching a compliant design is, often, challenging particularly for high
safety constraints systems. It has been also noted that, sometimes, due to safety constraints a design could lead to a cost derive.
Ensuring that the design remains competitive in terms of cost is vital. With the growing complexity in functionalities and in size,
the system design cycle can benefit from an approach that can help the designers make the best architectural choices to reach
an optimal design. In this paper, we propose an approach for system design architecture optimization driven by the safety and
cost constraints. It consists of an architecture synthesis and mapping approach that takes into account the safety constraints in
the ISO 26262 context. It allows, at one hand, to reach a system preliminary architecture by choosing the best component that
reduce the overall cost. On the other hand, it leads to a mapping that respects the safety constraints related to safety levels or to
dependant failures.
Les systèmes critiques sont aujourd’hui présents dans la grande majorité des voitures. Ils assurent des fonctions diverses telle
que le freinage, la direction et les airbags etc. La défaillance de ces systèmes peut mener à des situations dangereuses. Pour
assurer que le risque dans ces systèmes est à un niveau acceptable, les acteurs de l’industrie automobile se basent sur le
standard ISO 26262. Il s’agit du standard en vigueur pour les systèmes électriques et électroniques embarqués dans les
véhicules routiers. Ce standard fournit les méthodes et les procédures pour traiter les défaillances systématiques et non
systématiques. Atteindre une architecture respectant les contraintes de sécurité est de plus en plus compliqué,
particulièrement pour les systèmes à un haut niveau de sécurité. Satisfaire ces contraintes a mené parfois à une dérive du coût
au moment où la compétitivité du design au niveau coût est critique.
Avec la multiplication des fonctionnalités critiques et la croissance de leur taille et leur complexité, une approche qui assiste le
processus de conception pourrait aider à atteindre une architecture optimale. Dans cet article, on propose une approche
d’optimisation de l’architecture guidée par le coût et la sureté de fonctionnement. Elle sagit dune approche de génération
darchitecture et dallocation tenant en compte les contraintes de sureté de fonctionnement dans le contexte de lISO 26262.
Elle vise, dune part à atteindre une architecture préliminaire à travers un choix des composants réduisant le cout total. Dautre
part, elle permet de trouver une allocation sur ces composants qui respecte les contraintes liés aux niveaux de sureté.
The design cost is a crucial parameter for any project particularly for automotive embedded systems. During the design process,
the architectural choices and decisions are, often, guided by their impact on the overall cost. For critical systems, safety
constraints are having an increasing influence on the design and cost. In the context of ISO 26262, the safety levels (ASILs)
allocations and decompositions choices have a considerable impact on the architecture. These choices can be translated into
functional decompositions at functional level and as a mapping and redundancies choices at physical level. These choices could
lead to lowering the development cost or to incurring unnecessary extra-costs. It is necessary, today, to take, efficiently, these
constraints into consideration during the design process to reach a compliant and competitive solution.
Currently, finding the solution that make a compromise between the different constraints (functional, safety and cost) is based on
the engineer expertise. Since such approach remains error prone and does not guarantee the optimality of the retained solution,
an automated approach is, in our opinion, needed to reach alternative cost optimal solutions.
In this article, we propose an optimization approach driven by safety and cost. It aims at reaching a compliant design without
incurring unnecessary costs.

The paper is organized as follows: first, we discuss the state of the art and the related works. In the second section, we give a
description of the notation and definitions of the different elements used along the paper. We fix the objective of the approach
presented in this paper in the third section followed by an overview of its steps approach. A use case example is presented in the
fifth section. The paper ends with a conclusion and the future works.
Related Works
The design optimization motivated multiple works. Multiple approaches have been proposed to reach optimal design taking into
account various parameters such as cost, reliability and safety. These approaches target different industries.
Some targeted the System-On-Chip and they are referred to as Electronic System-Level (ESL) synthesis approaches. They aim
at providing and supporting with tools a design process leading to generating SOC architecture: ―The task of ESL synthesis is
then the process of selecting an appropriate platform architecture, determining a mapping of the behavioral model onto that
architecture, and generating a corresponding implementation of the behavior running on the platform‖. We may cite for example
Daedalus(Nikolov and Thompson 2008), SystemCoDesigner (Keinert et al. 2009), System-On-chip Environment (Dömer et al.
2008) . Based on a functional model and using design exploration approach, these approaches reach a mapping of the functional
architecture on a platform. The platform is consisting of processing elements, communication elements and bus databases. The
reader can refer to (Gerstlauer and Haubelt 2009) for a detailed description of these approaches and detailed comparison
between them. As far as we are concerned, these approaches cannot be used for automotive systems. The approach remains
domain specific, mainly for SOC or MPSOC.
In the automotive domain context, Archeopterix (Aleti and Bjornander 2009) adopted a slightly similar approach to ESL synthesis
methodologies. It aims at finding a cost optimal mapping of Software functions on a network of ECUs. The approach takes into
account multiple parameters such as CPU load, network bandwidth, reliability. The safety constraints are, though, not taken into
account. Co-localization constraints, that could be used to express a safety constraint, were introduced in the approach amongst
the mapping constraints. But we are convinced that using a Co-localization will not be enough to express all the safety
constraints. For example, it is not possible to verify the conditions for mixed ASIL levels cohabitation requirements or
independency requirements in respect to the standard.
While the approaches presented above focus on optimizing the mapping, the approach proposed by HIP-HOPS (Papadopoulos
et al. 2011) focus on the redundancies introduction and the ASIL allocation as an optimization approach. It is more safety
oriented than the previously presented works through automatic Fault tree analysis (FTA). But, it can be applied at a single level:
functional or physical. Since, it does not support the link between these levels; it is often used at the physical level. ASIL are
allocated to the failures modes of the components and different redundancy patterns are used. Unfortunately, redundancy at this
level is not often the favorite choice for automotive systems designers. Many alternative solutions may also be missed where the
redundancy is only at functional level.
The approach we are proposing in this paper takes efficiently the safety constraints and cover the functional and physical level. It
is inspired from the works on ESL approaches where an architecture is generated and a mapping is specified. It differs by taking
into account the safety levels. On the other hand, while it may still introduce redundancies in the architecture, it remains different
from HIP-HOPS approach since the redundancies is not systematically introduced but results from the combination of functional
decomposition, ASIL allocation and mapping onto an element.
Basic Notations and Definitions
To ease the reading, this section introduces definitions of the notations that are used in the rest of the paper.
A functional architecture of a critical system can be described as several functions interacting between each other to guarantee a
set of services which are the functionalities of the system in question. A Functional architecture can, thus, be described as:
FA= {S
, S
}, a set of services ensured by the system.
Each Service is described using a Data Flow Graph (DFG) graph: G= {V,E} where,
- V = {f1…fn} is a set of functions
- E = {fl1…flm} is a set of flows connecting the functions
We chose to use DFG because it is particularly adapted for this case. The main advantage of data flow graphs over other
models is their compactness and the easiness of the interpretation. That is, the translation from the conceived system to a DFG
is straightforward and, once accomplished, it is equally straightforward to determine by inspection which aspects of the system
are represented.
The flows connect the functions to describe the data dependency. A flows is defined as FL = (T,FS,FT) where T is the type of
flow exchanged, FS is the function source of the flow, FT is the function target of the flow.
The Functions represents the elementary tasks of the system. They are defined as a tuple F =(A,H,SS) where A is the ASIL
allocated to the function, H is the set of possible hosts of the functions, SS is the set of subsystems that could implement the
The hosts are the physical components that implement the functions. A sensor for example is a possible host for an acquisition
function. A host is defined as tuple H = (A,C,SF,CI,F,FM) where , A is the highest ASIL that can be reached by the component, C
is the cost of the component, SF is the separation feature that could allow hosting mixed safety levels functions, CI is the
communication interfaces that could be implemented by the component, F is the set of functions allocated to this host and FM is
the set of failure modes of the host.

The subsystems are the main constituents over which the system functionalities are distributed. The subsystems are defined as
SS = (C,H,F) where C is the cost of the subsystem, H is the set of hosts added to the subsystem, F is the set of functions
implemented by the subsystem.
A physical architecture is the result of successful mapping. It is defined as PA = (SS,B) where SS is the set of subsystems in the
architecture and B is the set of buses ensuring the flows exchange between the subsystems.
A bus is the implementation of the functional architecture flow at physical level to ensure the communication between the
subsystems. A bus allows the communication between the functions that are allocated to different subsystems. It is defined as B
= (FL,P,FS, FT) where FL is the sets of the flows exchanged through the bus, P is the communication protocol. FS and FT are
the communicating hosts.
Our objective is to demonstrate that the problem of finding optimized system architecture, i.e. finding a suitable (safety-related)
physical architecture and its corresponding functions mapping, can be solved jointly and correctly.
Therefore the goal is to reach functions and flows mapping that respects the available resources and the safety constraints and
optimizes the design cost. This mapping includes the spatial allocation of the functions and the flows in form of their deployment to
hardware resources and to subsystems considering the safety constraints.
The problem can be described as follows:
The joint HW resources choice and mapping problem consists of determining a suitable choice of the subsystem configuration and
HW resources as well as the functions allocation. It consists of finding an architecture containing a set of subsystems {SS1,
SS2,…SSn} connected using a set of Buses {B1…Bk} where each subsystems SSi contains a set of HW resources {H1,H2…Hm}
implementing a set of functions from the functional architecture. In the end, it comes to finding a mapping where:
For each functions F, the tuple (ss,h) specifying to which subsystem and host the function is allocated, is determined
For each flow FL the bus B that will carry the flow is determined
The safety constraints due to the safety levels values are respected
In this paper, we propose a simple formalization of the joint architecture synthesis and mapping problem to explore the design
solution space and find the cost optimal solution.
Approach Overview
This section provides an overview of the approach and the different steps of the process.
We propose here an approach that allows to automatically reaching from a functional description, an optimal physical
architecture taking into account the safety constraints due to the allocated ASIL.
The approach, as shown in Figure 1, covers a part of the design process that was often manually done allowing the exploration
of different alternatives and eventually reaching an optimal design. It consists of five main steps: Functional architecture, SIL
allocation, Safety constraints extraction, Mapping and cost estimation.
Figure 1. Optimization Flow Overview

1- Main Steps:
a Functional Model
The first step is to model the functional architecture. The functional model aims to describe how the functionalities (services) are
ensured by the system. It allows describing the functional decomposition and functional redundancies introduced, if any. In order
to ease the usage of the functional model for next steps of the approach, we added few rules on the granularity level and the
flows. The functional model can be used for input for the mapping process only if it is described at a level where the nodes can
only be allocated to a single host. Figure 2 shows an example of functional model that could be exploited in the next steps.
Figure 2. Functional Architecture Example
b Safety Levels allocation
A safety analysis based on the functional model leads to obtaining the minimal cut sets leading to the violation of the safety
goals. These MCS are used to retrieve a possible ASIL allocation to the different functions. Due to the decomposition
patterns defined in the standard, different combinations are possible. In a previous article (Dhouibi et al, 2014), we have
studied the safety levels allocation problem and proposed an approach to retrieve the different possible combinations. These
combinations are first filtered to remove the least practical solution. The designer chooses the best fitted solutions. These are
further investigated in the next steps.
In the case of the example provided in figure 2, with a safety goal of an ASIL B consisting of sending the correct data, we
choose the following allocations:
Acquisition 1
Acquisition 2
Table 1. ASIL allocations
c Safety constraints extraction
ASIL decomposition allows reducing the SIL of the redundant functions. But, the challenge in applying it does not consist in the
redundancy introduction, but in the requirements that need to be respected afterwards. The redundant elements concerned by a
decomposition need to verify:
- The absence of common cause failures
- The absence of cascading failures
In order to ensure that during the mapping these requirements are respected, the next step of mapping will take them as inputs.
This step provides, thus, the set of constraints with the concerned functions.
On the previous example, the constraint would be to ensure that functions (Acquisition 1, Acquisition 2) are implemented by
independent elements where no common cause would lead to the failure of these hosts and the violation of the safety goal.
d Mapping
The mapping of the functional architecture onto a physical element consists of choosing a subsystem (if any) and a possible host
for each function. A successful mapping is the set of choices of components and allocations that respects the different
constraints. The mapping process sets up also, at a second level, the buses between the subsystems. In the next sections we
will detail how each constraint is verified during the mapping.
A mapping solution verifies:
 
    
   
Fig 3 presents an example of a possible mapping solution for the example of Fig 2.

Figure 3. Mapping Example
e Cost Estimation
The mapping process is expected to provide multiple solutions. Making a choice between them can be guided by the cost. We
choose to approach the design cost as the cost of the generated physical architecture. A solution’s cost is the sum of the hosts
cost as well as the subsystems and the buses:
2- Safety Constraints
To ensure that the architecture respects some preliminary ISO 26262 compliance issues we verify that the following checks are
SIL level check :
The functions are allocated to the hosts. The functions are tagged with an ASIL while the hosts are tagged with the
highest ASIL they can reach. A good mapping should verify that functions allocated to each component of the physical
architecture respect this SIL constraint:
 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
Mixed SIL cohabitation:
The standard allows allocating functions of different SIL to the same component. It requires though ensuring the
freedom from interference of low ASIL functions with higher ASIL functions. The freedom from interference is
threatened by cascading failures. It is possible to ensure this requirement with built in features in some components.
For example, for software functions it is possible to ensure the non interference with good scheduling and presence of
Memory Management Unit.
We consider that a mapping of functions with different ASILs to a component is still correct if this component have the
needed features to ensure the non interference. The constraint is verified if:
  
 
 
  
Independence check:
The decomposition choices at functional level should be respected at physical level. This is translated by the need to
map the concerned functions to sufficiently independent elements as required by the standard. From the standard
point of view, the independency can be threatened though common cause failures. Consequently, The mapping of
concerned function is good if no CCF could be found between their respective hosts.
󰇛󰇜 
   
To ensure the absence of CCF, we start from the MCS over which the decomposition is made. We transform this MCS
from the functional level to the physical level by linking the failures modes of the functions to the failure modes of their
hosts. The obtained MCS contains the set of hosts’ failures modes that jointly lead to the violation of the safety goal.
We compare the causes of these failures modes to identify CCFs.

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
01 Jan 2015
TL;DR: An architecture synthesis and mapping approach that takes into account the safety constraints in the ISO 26262 context is proposed that allows, at one hand, to reach a system preliminary architecture by choosing the best component that reduce the overall cost.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose an approach for system design and architecture optimization driven by safety and cost constraints. It consists of an architecture synthesis and mapping approach that takes into account the safety constraints in the ISO 26262 context. It allows, at one hand, to reach a system preliminary architecture by choosing the best component that reduce the overall cost. On the other hand, it leads to a mapping that respects the safety constraints related to safety levels and to dependent failures. We use exhaustive and genetic algorithm based approaches for the optimization. The use of these two approaches depends on the size of the considered problem. We demonstrate that these approaches can be used efficiently to reach an optimal design.

4 citations

Cites background from "An Optimization Approach for Automo..."

  • ...The first steps are described in further details in [8]....


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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: SystemCoDesigner is the first fully automated ESL synthesis tool providing a correct-by-construction generation of hardware/software SoC implementations, and is presented as a case study, a model of a Motion-JPEG decoder was automatically optimized and implemented using System coDesigner.
Abstract: With increasing design complexity, the gap from ESL (Electronic System Level) design to RTL synthesis becomes more and more crucial to many industrial projects. Although several behavioral synthesis tools exist to automatically generate synthesizable RTL code from C/C++/SystemC-based input descriptions and software generation for embedded processors is automated as well, an efficient ESL synthesis methodology combining both is still missing. This article presents SystemCoDesigner, a novel SystemC-based ESL tool to automatically optimize a hardware/software SoC (System on Chip) implementation with respect to several objectives. Starting from a SystemC behavioral model, SystemCoDesigner automatically extracts the mathematical model, performs a behavioral synthesis step, and explores the multiobjective design space using state-of-the-art multiobjective optimization algorithms. During design space exploration, a single design point is evaluated by simulating highly accurate performance models, which are automatically generated from the SystemC behavioral model and the behavioral synthesis results. Moreover, SystemCoDesigner permits the automatic generation of bit streams for FPGA targets from any previously optimized SoC implementation. Thus SystemCoDesigner is the first fully automated ESL synthesis tool providing a correct-by-construction generation of hardware/software SoC implementations. As a case study, a model of a Motion-JPEG decoder was automatically optimized and implemented using SystemCoDesigner. Several synthesized SoC variants based on this model show different tradeoffs between required hardware costs and achieved system throughput, ranging from software-only solutions to pure hardware implementations that reach real-time performance for QCIF streams on a 50MHz FPGA.

255 citations

"An Optimization Approach for Automo..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...We may cite for example Daedalus(Nikolov and Thompson 2008), SystemCoDesigner (Keinert et al. 2009), System-On-chip Environment (Dömer et al. 2008) ....


  • ...―SystemCoDesigner—an Automatic ESL Synthesis Approach by Design Space Exploration and Behavioral Synthesis for Streaming Applications....


  • ...We may cite for example Daedalus(Nikolov and Thompson 2008), SystemCoDesigner (Keinert et al. 2009), System-On-chip Environment (Dömer et al....


Proceedings ArticleDOI
16 May 2009
TL;DR: An extendable Eclipse-based tool is presented, called ArcheOpterix, which provides a framework to implement evaluation techniques and optimization heuristics for AADL specifications, and experiments with a set of initial deployment architectures provide evidence that the tool can successfully find architecture specifications with better quality.
Abstract: For embedded systems quality requirements are equally if not even more important than functional requirements. The foundation for the fulfillment of these quality requirements has to be set in the architecture design phase. However, finding a suitable architecture design is a difficult task for software and system architects. Some of the reasons for this are an ever-increasing complexity of today's systems, strict design constraints and conflicting quality requirements. To simplify the task, this paper presents an extendable Eclipse-based tool, called ArcheOpterix, which provides a framework to implement evaluation techniques and optimization heuristics for AADL specifications. Currently, evolutionary strategies have been implemented to identify optimized deployment architectures with respect to multiple quality objectives and design constraints. Experiments with a set of initial deployment architectures provide evidence that the tool can successfully find architecture specifications with better quality.

181 citations

"An Optimization Approach for Automo..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...In the automotive domain context, Archeopterix (Aleti and Bjornander 2009) adopted a slightly similar approach to ESL synthesis methodologies....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This paper develops and proposes a novel classification for ESL synthesis tools, and presents six different academic approaches in this context based on common principles and needs that are ultimately required for a true ESL synthesis solution.
Abstract: With ever-increasing system complexities, all major semiconductor roadmaps have identified the need for moving to higher levels of abstraction in order to increase productivity in electronic system design. Most recently, many approaches and tools that claim to realize and support a design process at the so-called electronic system level (ESL) have emerged. However, faced with the vast complexity challenges, in most cases at best, only partial solutions are available. In this paper, we develop and propose a novel classification for ESL synthesis tools, and we will present six different academic approaches in this context. Based on these observations, we can identify such common principles and needs as they are leading toward and are ultimately required for a true ESL synthesis solution, covering the whole design process from specification to implementation for complete systems across hardware and software boundaries.

174 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
08 Jun 2008
TL;DR: This paper describes the first industrial deployment experiences with the Daedalus framework and performs a DSE study with a JPEG encoder application, which exploits both task and data parallelism.
Abstract: Daedalus is a system-level design flow for the design of multiprocessor system-on-chip (MP-SoC) based embedded multimedia systems. It offers a fully integrated tool-flow in which design space exploration (DSE), system-level synthesis, application mapping, and system prototyping of MP-SoCs are highly automated. In this paper, we describe our first industrial deployment experiences with the Daedalus framework. Daedalus is currently being deployed in the early stages of the design of an image compression system for very high resolution cameras targeting medical appliances. In this context, we performed a DSE study with a JPEG encoder application, which exploits both task and data parallelism. This application was mapped onto a range of different MP-SoC architectures. We achieved a performance speed-up of up to 20 x compared to a single processor system. In addition, the results show that the Daedalus high-level MP-SoC models accurately predict the overall system performance, i.e., the performance error is around 5%.

153 citations

"An Optimization Approach for Automo..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...We may cite for example Daedalus(Nikolov and Thompson 2008), SystemCoDesigner (Keinert et al. 2009), System-On-chip Environment (Dömer et al. 2008) ....


  • ...―Daedalus: Toward Composable Multimedia MP-SoC Design....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The Hierarchically Performed Hazard Origin & Propagation Studies (HiP-HOPS) as discussed by the authors is a state-of-the-art approach for failure analysis.

147 citations

"An Optimization Approach for Automo..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...While the approaches presented above focus on optimizing the mapping, the approach proposed by HIP-HOPS (Papadopoulos et al. 2011) focus on the redundancies introduction and the ASIL allocation as an optimization approach....


  • ...On the other hand, while it may still introduce redundancies in the architecture, it remains different from HIP-HOPS approach since the redundancies is not systematically introduced but results from the combination of functional decomposition, ASIL allocation and mapping onto an element....
