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Journal ArticleDOI

Analysis of Quality from Users Perspective for Develop Website

01 Dec 2018-Vol. 1140, Iss: 1, pp 012051
TL;DR: In this research, 92.3 MQ FM Jogja radio website was evaluated for website development and quality of website service becomes part of branding.
Abstract: Quality of website service becomes part of branding. Through the evaluation can be found the root of the problem and then find a solution. In this research, 92.3 MQ FM Jogja radio website was evaluated for website development. The method used in this study is a WebQual Improvement, taken from previous researchers then variables adjusted to the type of website. Through focus group decision with radio managers and radio website developers, stated that the results of the study are in accordance with the conditions that occur. Where complementary relationship and usability variables affect the interest of users in accessing the website. From the results of questionnaires data distributed to loyal radio listeners and the general public, drawn into the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) diagram, with the aim of obtaining priority services that must be addressed immediately. In quadrant I shows 2 problems, ie on hope of off-air and download pages, and radio program list page. User expectations are constrained to be realized because the website system used is not supported to add these features.
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Journal ArticleDOI
01 Mar 2021
TL;DR: In this article, the quality of the Sebelas Maret University selection of new student admissions (SPMB) website by utilizing a combination of WebQual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) methods was analyzed.
Abstract: The digital era describes the presence of technology where everyone can exchange information so quickly by the internet. For an institution, a website has its own benefits, among others, as a media for promotion, presenting information, and providing online services. This study aims to evaluate and improve website performance by analyzing the quality of the Sebelas Maret University selection of new student admissions (SPMB) website by utilizing a combination of WebQual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) methods. In its analysis, WebQual method looks at 3 main dimensions: Usability Quality, Information Quality, and Service Interaction Quality. This research, which involved students in UNS, found that the website’s gap analysis still has a negative value on all attributes and there are several attributes that require improvement related to website design, presentation of detailed and up-to-date information and navigation on the website. The results from this study are expected could be used as evaluation for the SPMB website’s development to meet user expectation.

14 citations

23 Sep 2021
TL;DR: In this paper, a study aimed to measure the quality of the disaster mitigation information system (Sikabi) belonging to the Regional Disaster Management Authority of Boyolali Regency.
Abstract: This study aimed to measure the quality of the Disaster Mitigation Information System (Sikabi) belonging to the Regional Disaster Management Authority of Boyolali Regency. Quality tests are carried out to determine the quality and functionality of the system that functions optimally and can display accurate, easily accessible, and useful information for disaster mitigation in the region. The results of the study are useful for providing feedback to information system developers regarding the quality of the website usability aspect, the quality of the information presented, and the quality of the interactions provided as well as the user satisfaction at accessing the Disaster Information System website. This study uses the Webqual 4.0 method which has 4 assessment variables, namely in terms of usability (information quality), interaction service (interaction quality), and user satisfaction while accessing the website (overall impression). From the research results, the information quality variable has a sig value. 0, 000 <0, 05 which indicates that there is an influence of information quality on user satisfaction in using the Sikabi website. Therefore, we recommend improving the quality of the information displayed on the Sikabi website page.

1 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Ramadhan et al. as mentioned in this paper used Webqual 4.0 to measure the quality of the disaster mitigation information system (Sikabi) belonging to the Regional Disaster Management Authority of Boyolali Regency.
Abstract: 10 PT) This study aimed to measure the quality of the Disaster Mitigation Information System (Sikabi) belonging to the Regional Disaster Management Authority of Boyolali Regency. Quality tests are carried out to determine the quality and functionality of the system that functions optimally and can display accurate, easily accessible, and useful information for disaster mitigation in the region. The results of the study are useful for providing feedback to information system developers regarding the quality of the website usability aspect, the quality of the information presented, and the quality of the interactions provided as well as the user satisfaction at accessing the Disaster Information System website. This study uses the Webqual 4.0 method which has 4 assessment variables, namely in terms of usability (information quality), interaction service (interaction quality), and user satisfaction while accessing the website (overall impression). From the research results, the information quality variable has a sig value. 0,000 <0,05 which indicates that there is an influence of information quality on user satisfaction in using the Sikabi website. Therefore, we recommend improving the quality of the information displayed on the Sikabi website page. INTRODUCTION (Bold, 11 PT) Bencana adalah kejadian atau rangkaian kejadian yang membahayakan dan mengganggu kehidupan dan penghidupan masyarakat karena kekuatan alam dan/atau non-alam, serta tindakan manusia, yang mengakibatkan kematian manusia, kerusakan lingkungan, kerugian harta benda, dan dampak psikologis [1]. Tercatat ada sebanyak 944 peristiwa bencana alam terjadi di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam rentang waktu Januari-Februari 2020 dengan total kerugian mencapai Rp25 miliar [2]. Boyolali berada di lereng Gunung Merapi dan Merbabu yang membuat wilayah ini rawan terjadi bencana alam [3]. Penyebaran informasi kebencanaan sangat diperlukan untuk menunjang proses mitigasi [4]. Evaluasi Kualitas Website Menggunakan Webqual 4.0 (Studi Kasus: Sistem Informasi Kebencanaan Kabupaten Boyolali) (Muhammad Rizky Ramadhan) 139 DOI : 10.26623/transformatika.v19i2.4195 Inovasi teknologi yang cepat dan memiliki daya jangkau luas memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengakses internet untuk mendapatkan informasi. Internet saat ini telah merubah kehidupan masyarakat [5]. Internet telah menjadi kebutuhan karena dengan menggunakan internet berbagai macam informasi dapat dengan mudah diakses dan dieksplorasi [6]. Kemajuan teknologi informasi yang pesat mengharuskan instansi pemerintahan untuk dapat menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dalam hal manajerial maupun pelayanan publik. Kini instansi pemerintahan dapat menggunakan website sebagai sarana penunjang pelayanan publik sebagai media mengkomunikasikan informasi secara efektif. Website merupakan sarana/layanan daring yang paling umum digunakan di internet disamping layanan lainnya [7]. Sebuah website memerlukan pemeriksaan terhadap aspek-aspek yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kualitas sebuah website, karena website tersebut harus memiliki nilai informasi yang berkualitas baik dan mudah dipahami oleh pengguna awam dalam mengaksesnya untuk memperoleh informasi yang esensial [8]. Di era modern ini, suatu lembaga atau organisasi yang dapat menggunakan teknologi informasi secara efektif akan berkembang pesat karena akan dapat memperoleh informasi secara cepat, tepat, dan akurat, serta memberikan pelayanan yang efektif dan efisien [9]. Bagi sebuah institusi, website antara lain berfungsi sebagai media promosi, sarana menampilkan informasi, dan sarana penyampaian layanan online kepada masyarakat [10]. Website yang berkualitas sangat penting bagi sebuah institusi karena mewakili institusi di dunia maya [11]. Oleh karena itu, Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BNPB) Kabupaten Boyolali mencoba untuk memanfaatkan layanan sistem informasi kebencanaan berbasis website sebaggai salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan publik, dengan menyajikan dan mengelola informasi/laporan kebebencanaan di Kabupaten Boyolali secara akurat dan secepat mungkin. Sistem informasi yang memuat pelaporan bencana, informasi lokasi bencana, hingga informasi tindakan yang akan diambil. Layanan dari website merupakan kebutuhan bagi pengguna, sehingga kualitas menjadi parameter kegunaan sebuah website. Evaluasi website diperlukan untuk menjaga kualitas website dari waktu ke waktu [12]. Stuart Barnes dan Richard Vidgen mengembangkan Webqual, sebuah metode untuk mengevaluasi kualitas situs web berdasarkan persepsi pengguna. Webqual 4.0 memiliki tiga area penilaian (Usability, Information, dan Service Interaction Quality), masingmasing dengan 22 indikator [13]. Beberapa penelitian mengenai pengukuran kualitas website diantaranya dilakukan oleh Ridho Pamungkas, Saifullah pada tahun 2019 melakukan penelitian berjudul Evaluasi Kualitas Website Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas PGRI Madiun Menggunakan Webqual 4.0. Hasilnya, variabel yang memiliki dampak terbesar terhadap kepuasan pengguna adalah Information Quality, sedangkan variabel Usability memiliki dampak paling kecil [14]. Penelitian lain dilakukan oleh Agnes Manik, Irma Salamah, Eka Susanti pada tahun 2017 melakukan penelitian berjudul Metode Webqual 4.0 Untuk Evaluasi Kualitas Website Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. Hasil penelitian adalah secara keseluruhan kualitas kegunaan, kualitas informasi, dan kualitas desain berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasaan pengguna. Dan yang paling domiman berpengaruh positif terhadapa kepuasana pengguna adalah kualitas kegunaan [15]. Dimensi aksesibilitas, interaksi, kualitas informasi, kegunaan dari konten dan gaya hidup dipengaruhi oleh perilaku pengguna internet [16]. RESEARCH METHODS Metode penelitian adalah tahapan penelitian yang terancang untuk tujuan penelitian sehingga didapatkan hasil yang akurat. Tahapan penelitian digambarkan dalam bentuk alur ditunjukkan pada Gambar 1. 140 TRANSFORMATIKA, Vol.19, No.2, Januari 2022, pp. 138-143 Gambar 1. Tahapan Penelitian Peneliti memiliki dua hipotesis awal yaitu, H0 yang mana tidak terdapat pengaruh antara kualitas website Sistem Informasi Kebencanan BPBD Kota Boyolali dengan kepuasan pengguna. Serta Ha yang mana terdapat pengaruh antara kualitas website Sistem Informasi Kebencanan BPBD Kota Boyolali dengan kepuasan pengguna. Sikabi memiliki empat menu utama yaitu beranda, bencana, tindakan, dan laporan. Tampilan menu beranda dan bencana dari website Sikabi ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2. Gambar 2. Tampilan menu beranda Sikabi Pemangku kepentingan bencana dapat mengetahui detail lokasi bencana melalui peta dengan memilih menu view Google Maps, kemudian pengguna akan diarahkan ke halaman Google Maps seperti pada Gambar 3. Petunjuk arah lokasi bencana pada Google Maps dapat dibuka dengan Evaluasi Kualitas Website Menggunakan Webqual 4.0 (Studi Kasus: Sistem Informasi Kebencanaan Kabupaten Boyolali) (Muhammad Rizky Ramadhan) 141 DOI : 10.26623/transformatika.v19i2.4195 memilih menu Directions sehingga akan menampilkan peta dari posisi pengguna menuju lokasi bencana yang telah ditentukan di Sikabi. Gambar 3. Peta Arah ke Lokasi Bencana Pada Gambar 4 menunjukkan modul laporan yang menampilkan laporan yang dikirim oleh pengguna dari lokasi bencana, yang dapat berupa foto atau informasi yang dapat menjelaskan kondisi sebenarnya di lokasi. Laporan yang akurat diperlukan oleh instansi terkait bencana untuk bertindak cepat dalam situasi tanggap darurat dan mengkoordinasikan mitigasi bencana. Mitigasi yang efektif akan mengoptimalkan pemberian bantuan sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lokasi bencana atau lokasi yang terkena bencana. Gambar 4. Tampilan Daftar Laporan Bencana Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan beberapa metode yaitu kuesioner yang berisi pernyataan poin penilaian berdasarkan standar pengukuran metode Webqual 4.0 dengan bahasa yang sederhana untuk memudahkan responden dalam mengisi kuesioner. Jumlah responden sebanyak 30 orang dengan teknik random sampling. Responden memiliki latar belakang teknologi sehingga dapat memberikan penilaian berdasarkan pengetahuannya. Penyebaran kuesioner akan menggunakan google form. Skala likert akan digunakan dalam kuesioner penilaian, dan data akan dievaluasi menggunakan software statistik SPSS (Software Statistical Product and Service Solution). Indikator Webqual 4.0 ditunjukkan pada tabel 1[17] : 142 TRANSFORMATIKA, Vol.19, No.2, Januari 2022, pp. 138-143 Tabel 1. Variabel Indikator Webqual 4.0 Category Webqual 4.0 Question Usability 1. I find the site to be simple to use 2. My connection with the website is simple and straightforward 3. I find the site to be simple to use 4. I find the website to be simple to navigate 5. The website has a pleasing look 6. The design is acceptable for the website's purpose 7. The webpage exudes professionalism 8. The website provides me with a good experience Information 9. Gives correct information 10. Provides credible information 11. Provides timely information 12. Provides relevant information 13. Provides easy to understand information 14. Provides information at the appropriate degree of detail 15. Presents the information in a style that is suitable Service Interaction 16. Has a positive reputation 17. It is secure to carry out transactions 18. I am confident in the security of my personal information 19. It instills a sense of individuality 20. Creates a sense of belonging 21. Facilitates communication with the organization 22. I have confidence that the goods/services will be delivered on time Dalam penelitian ini, regresi linier digunakan sebagai metode analisis. Salah satu pendekatan analitik untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara dependen atau respon (y) dengan faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi variabel independen atau nilai input (x) adalah analisis regresi. Regresi linier berganda merupakan salah satu bentuk pengembangan dari regresi linier sederhana, karena Evaluasi Kualitas Website Menggunakan Webqual 4.0 (Studi Kasus: Sistem Informasi Kebencanaan Kabupate

1 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A government website design framework from the perspective of flattening is established and the performance of the CNN, which is used as the fitness function of the PSO algorithm, in predicting public acceptance is analyzed with a case study.
Abstract: Flat website design has become more and more popular in recent years due to its simplicity and elegance. Nevertheless, the current flat design thinking is mainly applied to conventional websites such as corporate websites. Recently, the increase in public demands has significantly increased the browsing frequency of government websites. To optimize the government website, this study establishes a government website design framework from the perspective of flattening. The established framework can extract flat design elements from the massive flat website design schemes in the past. Based on flat design elements, the particle swarm algorithm (PSO) algorithm in the established framework realizes the design and optimization of government websites. Subsequently, the performance of the CNN, which is used as the fitness function of the PSO algorithm, in predicting public acceptance is analyzed with a case study. The case results show that the average relative errors between the prediction results predicted by CNN and the real public acceptance in two provinces are 2.5416% and 1.4788%, respectively, which indicates that the predicted and real results are in good agreement. Moreover, the linear correlation coefficients between predicted and real public acceptance are 0.9553 and 0.9937, respectively, which further indicates that CNN is reliable as a fitness function of the PSO algorithm. Therefore, it is feasible to use the PSO algorithm to optimize the government website design scheme.
Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article , penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan simulasi komunikasi and informasi terpadu dalam pengelolaan bencana gunung sinabung melalui Pusdalops PB di BPBD Kabupaten Karo.
Abstract: Permasalahan komunikasi dan informasi kebencanaan yang terjadi di Kabupaten Karo telah diatasi dengan sistem komunikasi dan informasi terpadu melalui website dan pembentukan Pusat Pengendalian Operasi Penanggulangan Bencana (Pusdalops PB) Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Karo. Sistem tersebut perlu dilakukan uji coba melalui simulasi gladi ruang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan simulasi komunikasi dan informasi terpadu dalam pengelolaan bencana gunung sinabung melalui Pusdalops PB di BPBD Kabupaten Karo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode gabungan antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif dalam bentuk skoring persentase hasil pre-tes dan post-tes simulasi gladi ruang dan data kualitatif berupa deskripsi hasil pengamatan maupun wawancara selama proses simulasi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran angket, panduan wawancara dan observasi simulasi gladi ruang tim Pusdalops BPBD Kabupaten Karo pada bulan April 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa simulasi gladi ruang berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pengelolaan Pusdalops PB sebesar 37%. Organisasi BPBD Kabupaten Karo semakin menyadari kebutuhan koordinasi yang digunakan untuk memperkuat komunikasi dan informasi kebencanaan melalui Pusdalops PB. Kontribusi penelitian ini memberi penguatan kapasitas tim Pusdalops melalui simulasi gladi ruang dan mendorong BPBD Kabupaten Karo agar segera menerapkan kebijakan dan implementasi Pusdalops PB dengan menggunakan sistem komunikasi dan informasi terpadu secara manual dan online melalui website
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Journal Article
TL;DR: The application of a new version of WebQual to Internet bookstores: Amazon, BOL, and the Internet Bookshop is reported on.
Abstract: WebQual is a method for assessing the quality of Web sites. The method has been developed iteratively through application in various domains, including Internet bookstores and Internet auction sites. In this paper we report on the application of a new version of WebQual to Internet bookstores: Amazon, BOL, and the Internet Bookshop. WebQual draws on previous work in three areas: Web site usability, information quality, and service interaction quality to provide a rounded framework for assessing e-commerce offerings. Although WebQual is grounded in the subjective impressions of Web site users, the data collected lends itself to quantitative analysis and the production of e-commerce metrics such as the WebQual Index. The reliability of the instrument is examined and core constructs of Web site quality identified using factor analysis. The role of WebQual in assessing an organization’s e-commerce capability is discussed.

900 citations

Proceedings Article
01 Jan 2000
TL;DR: Work under way to extend and refine the WebQual instrument includes electronic commerce evaluation, where web-site service quality is proposed as a key issue.
Abstract: The issue of web-site quality is tackled from the perspective of the ‘voice of the customer’. Quality function deployment (QFD) is adopted as a framework for identifying web-site qualities demanded by users, which are gathered through a quality workshop. From the workshop an instrument for assessing web-site quality is developed (WebQual) and tested in the domain of UK business schools. The results of the WebQual survey are presented and analyzed, leading to the generation of a WebQual Index of web-site quality. Work under way to extend and refine the WebQual instrument includes electronic commerce evaluation, where web-site service quality is proposed as a key issue.

249 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Wang et al. as mentioned in this paper investigated the potential theoretical relationships among economy hotel website quality, eTrust, and online booking intentions in China and found that the usability, ease of use, entertainment, and complementarity of economy hotel websites significantly positively influenced eTrust.

125 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The results indicate that website quality has indirect impact on online purchase intentions of health foods in Malaysia through the full mediation of customer satisfaction, while demographic factors had no significant effect onOnline purchase intention.

100 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors tried to identify the major factors that drive Pakistani citizen's e-Satisfaction while using Punjab Province Portal ( in Pakistan.
Abstract: Citizen satisfaction is a critical and decisive factor for persistent use of e-Government services as it can substantially impact on failure or success of e-Government projects. Main hurdle for e-government planners and practitioners in Pakistan is to find out the key determinants of e-satisfaction of their citizens. This article actually tries to identify the major factors that drive Pakistani citizen’s e-Satisfaction while using Punjab Province Portal ( in Pakistan. After extensive relevant literature review we formulated 7 hypotheses and distinguished 7 different determinants namely trust, accessibility, awareness of e-services, quality of e-services, computer anxiety, customer expectations and security/privacy. A sample of survey data from 200 employees in 8 universities in different cities of Punjab Province of Pakistan was gathered to perform data analysis. Several key outcomes based on multiple linear regression and factor analysis were exhibited. These final results would help to understand the degree of satisfaction of Pakistani citizens. E-governmental policy-makers and practitioners both would be benefitted by this analysis and results of these determinants of e-satisfaction. Some recommendations and implications of our findings were also addressed at the end.

42 citations