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Application-layer anycasting: a server selection architecture and use in a replicated Web service

This paper examines the definition and support of the anycasting paradigm at the application-layer, providing a service that uses an anycasting resolver to map an anycast domain name and a selection criteria into an IP address and shows that selecting a server using the architecture and estimation technique can improve the client response time by a factors of two over nearest server selection and by a factor of four over random server selection.
Server replication improves the ability of a service to handle a large number of clients. One of the important factors in the efficient utilization of replicated servers is the ability to direct client requests to the "best" server, according to some optimality criteria. In the anycasting communication paradigm, a sender communicates with a receiver chosen from an anycast group of equivalent receivers. As such, anycasting is well suited to the problem of directing clients to replicated servers. This paper examines the definition and support of the anycasting paradigm at the application-layer, providing a service that uses an anycast resolver to map an anycast domain name and a selection criteria into an IP address. By realizing anycasting in the application-layer, we achieve flexibility in the optimization criteria and ease the deployment of the service. As a case study, we examine the performance of our system for a key service: replicated Web servers. To this end, we develop an approach for estimating the response time that a client will experience when accessing given servers. Such information is maintained in the anycast resolver that clients query to obtain the identity of the server with the best estimated response time. Our performance collection technique combines server push with resolver probes to estimate the expected response time without undue overhead. Our experiments show that selecting a server using our architecture and estimation technique can improve the client response time by a factor of two over nearest server selection and by a factor of four over random server selection.

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Application-Layer Anycasting: A Server Selection
Architecture and Use in a Replicated Web Service
Ellen W. Zegura,
Member, IEEE,
Mostafa H. Ammar,
Senior Member, IEEE,
Zongming Fei, and Samrat Bhattacharjee
replication improves the ability of a service
to handle a large number of clients. One of the important fac-
tors in the efficient utilization of replicated servers is the ability
to direct client requests to the "best" server, according to some
optimality criteria. In the anycasting communication paradigm,
a sender communicates with a receiver chosen from an anycast
group of equivalent receivers. As such, anycasting is well suited to
the problem of directing clients to replicated servers.
This paper examines the definition and support of the anycasting
paradigm at the application layer, providing a service that uses an
anycast resolver to map an anycast domain name and a selection
criteria into an IP address. By realizing anycasting in the appli-
cation layer, we achieve flexibility in the optimization criteria and
ease the deployment of the service.
As a case study, we examine the performance of our system for
a key service: replicated web servers. To this end, we develop an
approach for estimating the response time that a client will experi-
ence when accessing given servers. Such information is maintained
in the anycast resolver that clients query to obtain the identity of
the server with the best estimated response time. Our performance
collection technique combines server push with resolver probes to
estimate the expected response time without undue overhead. Our
experiments show that selecting a server using our architecture
and estimation technique can improve the client response time by
a factor of two over nearest server selection and by a factor of four
over random server selection.
Index Terms--Anycasting,
replication, server selection.
" SERS increasingly view the Internet as providing more
than simple connectivity, but rather a range of sophisti-
cated and complex services. As this view becomes prevalent, it
becomes important to provide explicit support for the efficient
delivery of networked services. Such support must be scalable to
a large number of geographically widespread users, while main-
taining user-perceived quality of service (e.g., response time,
throughput, reliability).
Server replication
[11] provides scalability by deploying
multiple copies of a server and sharing client load across
the copies. Server replication is appealing because it offers a
relatively straightforward method to potentially improve client
Manuscript received October 9, 1998; revised May 30, 1999; approved by
E. W. Zegura and M. H. Ammar are with the College of Computing,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 USA (e-mail:; ammar @
Z. Fei was with the College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 USA. He is now with the Department of Computer
Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506 USA.
S. Bhattacharjee is with the Department of Computer Science, University of
Ma.ryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA.
Publisher Item Identifier S 1063-6692(00)06790-X.
performance and reduce network load. A key issue in realizing
this potential is the method used for
server selection.
That is,
given a set of servers, how does a client select the "best" server?
A server selection system has the obvious design goal of
improving client performance. In addition, a server selection
system should satisfy the following goals. First, it should be
flexible in the specification of selection criteria. The "best"
server will vary depending on the service and (potentially)
on the preferences of the clients. A server selection system
should support a rich and flexible set of selection criteria.
Second, it should be suitable for wide-area server replication.
Although servers can be replicated locally in server farms, our
interest is in server selection with global replication across
geographically widespread locations. Local replication is both
easier and more limited in ability to handle request load from
widespread clients. Third, it should be deployable in the current
Internet without modifications to the network infrastructure.
Last, it should be scalable to a large number of services, clients,
and client requests.
A number of services are currently replicated, using both
local and global replication. The methods currently used for
server selection include:
1) Domain name system (DNS) modifications [18] to return
one IP address from a set of servers when the DNS server
is queried. The DNS server typically uses a round-robin
mechanism to allocate the servers to clients, thus this
technique is best suited to local replication of servers with
comparable capacity.
2) Network-layer anycasting [24], which associates a
common IP anycast address with the group of replicated
servers. The routing protocol routes datagrams to the
closest server, using the routing distance metric. Standard
intradomain unicast routing protocols can accomplish
this, assuming each server advertises the common IP
address. The limitations of network-layer anycasting
include lack of flexibility in the selection criteria--the
routing protocol determines the (single) criteria, typi-
cally hop count--and difficulty in extending to wide-area
3) Router-assisted server selection, as in Cisco's Dis-
tributedDirector product [7], [12]. This product asso-
ciates a Cisco router with each replicated server to act
as the server's agent. Client requests are directed to a
central location--the DistributedDirector (DD)--which
queries the server agents to determine either hop count
or link latency between each server and the client. The
DD redirects the client to a server using the query results.
This solution is best suited to server selection within a
1063-6692/00510.00 © 2000 IEEE

small to moderate-size domain, since it requires signif-
icant coordinated deployment of Cisco equipment and
relies on routing tables to determine hop counts from a
server to a client. For larger domains, scalability is likely
to be an issue.
4) Combined caching and server selection systems, such as
developed in several recent commercial systems (e.g.,
Akamai J, Sandpiper 2), which operate their own system
of caches containing content from a large number of
servers. Client requests are directed to a cache, based on
cache content and measurements of network and server
load. Relatively little information is available regarding
the operation and performance details of such systems.
The basic premise differs, however, from our focus on
"pure" server selection without deployment of caches.
None of the current solutions meet all of the design criteria out-
lined above.
Our proposed solution begins with network-layer anycasting.
We adopt a general view of anycasting as a
communication par-
that is analogous to the unicast, broadcast, and multi-
cast communication paradigms. In particular, we differentiate
between the anycasting
service definition
the protocol layer
providing the anycasting service. The original anycasting pro-
posal [24] can, therefore, be viewed as providing an anycasting
service definition
examining the provision of this service
within the IP layer.
We move anycasting to the application layer, allowing us to
achieve flexibility in selection criteria, extension to the wide-
area, and ease of deployment. For scalability, we retain the best-
effort nature of the original network-layer anycasting service
definition. This paper describes our application-layer architec-
ture and develops a case study using the architecture for repli-
cated web servers. Our contributions are threefold:
1) We generalize the original definition of anycasting to de-
sign an anycasting service that offers considerable advan-
tages in flexibility over the traditional network-layer any-
casting service.
2) We develop an application-layer architecture to realize
our anycasting service. Our architecture provides for scal-
ability by using replicated
to handle queries
from a set of clients and by organizing the resolvers into
a DNS-style hierarchy.
3) We examine the performance of our system for client
access to replicated web servers. We develop an ap-
proach for estimating the client response time that
combines server push with resolver probing. This metric
is challenging to estimate because the response time is a
function of both server load (relative to capacity) and of
path load between the server and client. Our experiments
show that selecting a server using our architecture and
estimation technique can improve the client response
time by a factor of two over nearest server selection and
by a factor of four over random server selection.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section II we define
anycasting as a paradigm and identify the components of our
application-layer architecture. Section III describes a key aspect
of the architecture, specifically maintenance of performance
metric information. Sections IV and V consider the use of the
system for replicated web access. Our technique for estimating
response time is developed in Section IV, while Section V
describes a set of performance evaluation experiments. We de-
scribe related work in Section VI and conclude in Section VII.
The anycast paradigm shares characteristics with both the
multicast and unicast paradigms. Similar to multicast, the any-
cast paradigm consists of
of destinations, with the se-
mantics that each destination in a given anycast group is equiv-
alent in some sense. Similar to unicast, a sender that communi-
cates with an anycast group typically interacts with one destina-
tion, chosen from the anycast group. This section describes our
anycasting service and the architecture for providing the ser-
vice at the application-layer. We conclude the section with an
assessment of how well the architecture meets the design goals
outlined in the Introduction.
A. Architecture
In our architecture, we define an
anycast group
to be a (po-
tentially dynamic) set of unicast or multicast IP addresses. Such
a definition allows considerable flexibility in the types of ser-
vices that our selection method supports. We see two particu-
larly useful consequences of this definition. First, a set of servers
may be grouped together based on equivalence
from a user's
That is, "exact" replication is not required for mem-
bership in the same group. A user might define an anycast group
to contain, for example, the web sites for CNN Interactive, Time
Magazine, and USA Today. Second, allowing multicast IP ad-
dresses means we can support services that require multiple
servers to provide a single instance of the service. For example,
a client may wish to merge or edit video clips that can be found
on different sets of replicated video servers. The desired service
is provided by a group of servers, one per video clip.
In our architecture, a client interacts with an anycast group
via a query-response protocol illustrated in Fig. 1. The anycast
query contains the
anycast domain name
(ADN), which identifies
the group, and the selection criteria to be used in choosing from
the group. The anycast response contains the IP address for the
selected server. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the architecture centers
around the use of a hierarchy
ofanycast resolvers
that perform the
ADN to IP address mapping. The resolver receives the anycast
query and applies
to control the selection. A filter operates
on a set of anycast group members and returns a (possibly empty)
subset. A second filter may be applied at the client. Filters may
be content-independent (e.g., select any member at random), or
based on performance metrics or policy information.
To do the mapping, the resolvers maintain two types of in-
formation: 1) the list of IP addresses that form particular any-
cast groups; and 2) a metric database of information associated
with each member of the anycast group. As described further
below, authoritative resolvers maintain the definitive list of IP
addresses for a group, whereas local resolvers cache this in-
formation. A membership protocol updates the anycast group

et al.:
anycast service
anycast domain
filter specification
IP address flitter r
anycast query
anycast resolver
anycast response
Fig. 1. Anycast name resolution query/response cycle.
information, and a service creation protocol defines new any-
cast groups. We do not discuss the details of such protocols
here; some effort in this area has been undertaken in the IETF
[31]. Many of the metrics are locally significant, thus they are
maintained independently at each anycast resolver that has the
ADN group membership information cached. The authoritative
resolver may provide its locally maintained metric information
as a "hint" whenever it receives a request from another resolver
for the anycast group member list for a given ADN.
The structure of ADNs influences the operation of the any-
casting system in general, and the anycast resolver architec-
ture in particular. We use a DNS-style naming and directory
service architecture for scalability and ease of integration into
the existing Internet infrastructure. While the anycast resolver
is logically distinct from other name servers like DNS [21],
the functions of an anycast resolver could be integrated with
the operation of DNS. In our scheme, an ADN is of the form
(Service) % <DoraainName). Such a name will typically be used
as an argument to a library call that invokes the anycasting ser-
vice and results in the mapping of this ADN to an IP address.
The DomainName part of the system indicates the location of
anycast resolver for this ADN. The Service
part of the ADN identifies the service within the authoritative
The architecture for handling anycast requests is shown in
Fig. 2. Each network location is preconfigured with the address
of its local anycast resolver in the same way local DNS servers
are configured. An anycast client makes its initial anycast query
to its local resolver. If the resolver is authoritative for the ADN
in the query or if it has cached information about the ADN, it
can process the query immediately and return the appropriate re-
sponse. Otherwise, the local resolver determines the address of
the authoritative resolver for the
part of the ADN
and obtains the anycast group information from this resolver.
Determining the address of the authoritative anycast resolver
for a particular domain can be done using techniques similar
to DNS authoritative name determination [21].
Local Anycast Resolver
request for
2: determine authoritative
resolver [members and metrics members I metrics
5: cache ADN X
members, metrics;
1. IP addr 01 metrics 0
IP addr 1 metrics 1
initiate metric~ collection 4:
list ofADN X eee ee,
1 : anycast
request [
members and metrics
ADN X J ] 6.' ~ycast
Anycast Client
Fig. 2. Anycast request-handling architecture.
B. Design Goals Revisited
With respect to the design goals presented in the Introduc-
tion, the proposed architecture clearly meets the first three goals.
The user specifies the selection criteria by way of the filters,
thus supporting flexibility in selection. The resolvers maintain
lists of servers and explicitly track metrics associated with each
server. These metrics may include both path and server-load
characteristics, as is necessary for wide-area server selection.
The architecture does not rely upon changes to the network in-
frastructure, thus it is deployable in the current Internet. As we
will see in the next section, modest changes to the servers can
facilitate metric collection.
Whether the architecture meets the scalability design goal is
less clear. The architecture attempts to achieve scalability in
three ways. First, the service is best-effort, thus explicitly al-
lowing techniques that improve scalability at some sacrifice in
optimal performance. For example, a given resolver might only
track the performance at a subset of servers that are deemed to
be most promising, based on some (longer time-scale) mech-
anism. We have not, however, fully explored the performance
trade-offs associated with such scalability techniques. Second,
we use DNS-style replication and hierarchy in the resolvers,
thus reducing the load on any one resolver. Third, we have devel-,
oped a relatively efficient mechanism to track server response
time, using a combination of light-weight server pushes and less
frequent, heavier-weight probes. Various methods for metric
maintenance are discussed next. The hybrid push-probe mech-
anism is discussed in detail in Section IV, and the performance
is evaluated in Section V.
The methods used by the resolver to maintain selection
metrics are key to the performance of the architecture. Metrics
fall into three general categories: those that depend only on
server characteristics, those that depend on characteristics of
the server-client path, and those that depend on both server and
path. A variety of techniques will be used to maintain metric
information, depending on factors such as the category, the
accuracy required, and the cost of burdening the network and/or
the server. Examples of maintenance techniques include:
Remote Server Performance Probing:
In this technique, a probing agent makes periodic queries
to the servers to estimate the performance that a client
would experience. These queries appear to the server to

be legitimate client requests, and thus they measure ex-
pected client performance. Probing agents would nor-
mally be co-located with resolvers but may also be run-
ning at other locations. Each probing agent acts as a
proxy for real clients within a certain region, thus the
farther away a client is (in Internet "distance") from a
probing agent, the less useful the probe measurements.
This technique measures network path performance and
does not require server modification; on the other hand,
the load on the network and servers may be significant.
Server Push:
In the server push technique [16], [17], the server
monitors its performance and pushes this information
to the resolvers when interesting changes occur. For
additional scalability, the update information can be
network-layer multicast to all resolvers that maintain
information about the server. The anycast resolvers
can join well-known multicast groups for each server
that they are interested in, allowing the servers to
disseminate performance information without knowing
the identities of the resolvers.
The server can control the network traffic generated by
this mechanism b2¢ adjusting the monitoring and push
schedules. The primary advantages of this technique are
scalability and accurate server measurements; the dis-
advantages are that the servers must be modified and the
network path performance is not easily measured. Some
properties of the one-way path from the server to each
resolver could be measured as part of the multicast push.
For example, the hop count from the server to the re-
solver could be determined via use of the TTL.
Probing for Locally Maintained Server Performance:
A variation on the probing technique allows the probing
agent to obtain server load information. Specifically,
each server can maintain its own locally monitored
performance metrics in a globally readable file. Remote
probing locations can then read the information in the
file (as opposed to attempting to exercise the server)
to obtain the desired information. Since probes merely
read from a locally maintained file, they may represent
less of a burden on the server than the probes that mimic
client requests.
User Experience:
Users currently make server access decisions based in
part on past experience. Collecting information about
past experience offers a coarse method of maintaining
server performance. The primary advantage of this
method is that the information is collected for free; no
additional burden is placed on the server or the network.
The quantity and accuracy of the information can be
increased by sharing of experience among clients. For
example, a gateway into a campus might maintain server
performance information based on the experience of all
clients on the campus. An architecture for collection
and sharing of such information is being developed in
the SPANDS project [29].
Table I summarizes the four techniques based on performance
and cost dimensions. The first three columns are measures of
system overhead. The Net Load column represents the number
Net Server Server Exercises Accuracy
Load Mod ' Load Net Path
Probing 2PTp No High Yes Moderate
Server Push T0 Yes Low No* High
Reading Server Log 2PT e Yes Moderate Yes High
User Experience None No None
Yes Low/V~ies
(* Can measure one-way path information)
of messages generated per unit time to obtain the metric data
from one server, where P is the number of probing agents, Tp
is the period of probing, T8 is the period of server push. The
Server Push messages can be multicast rather than unicast, re-
ducing their burden. The Server Mod column indicates whether
the server must be modified to allow the metric to be collected.
The Server Load column expresses (relatively) how much ad-
ditional load is placed on the server by the collection of the
metric data. The last two columns are performance measures,
indicating whether the method exercises network path, and (rel-
atively) how accurately the method is able to maintain the met-
tics that it can evaluate.
The appropriate technique to use for maintaining perfor-
mance metric information is highly dependent on the service
details and context. In the next two sections we examine
in detail a technique that is well suited to selection among
replicated web servers.
We turn our focus to the issue of how our application-layer
architecture can be used for selection amongst replicated web
servers. In particular, we design and evaluate a performance
monitoring system for the estimation of service response time
experienced at a client and use the estimates to guide selection
of servers within our system.
The response time metric is important because it directly cor-
relates with a user's perception of the quality of service. In ad-
dition, it is a very difficult metric to monitor since it depends
on server capabilities (e.g., speed and number of processors at
the server), current server load (e.g., number of queries cur-
rently being served), network path characteristics (e.g., propa-
gation delay on the path), and current path load. Thus, the metric
collection technique must measure both server and path perfor-
The metric collection technique should meet two basic goals.
First, it should be scalable to a large number of servers, any-
cast groups, and clients. The load placed on any component of
the system--servers, network resources, resolvers, clients--hn
collecting metric data must be kept "reasonable". Second, the
metric collection should be
accurate. The service pro-
vided by anycasting can inherently deal with inaccuracy in the
absolute values of the metrics, since the service makes a relative
selection amongst servers. The service is also somewhat robust
against errors in the relative values of the metrics, due to the
best-effort nature of the service. The performance penalty as-
sociated with out-of-date or slightly inaccurate metric data will

et al.:
not typically be severe; rather than selecting the "best" server,
the service may identify a "nearly-best" server.
The two goals constrain the design of the metric collection
technique in the following ways. First, metric updates should
occur primarily in response to significant changes in metric
value, rather than on a periodic basis. This implies monitoring
of metric values to determine when updates are needed. Second,
servers should have some control over the load incurred due to
metric collection. A server should be able to decrease metric
collection load, if desired.
A: Overview: Metric Collection Technique
To build a metric collection technique meeting the goals
and constraints outlined above, we combine the probing and
server-push techniques described in Section III. Probing gives
the most accurate estimate of what the probing agent expects in
terms of server response time. Probes, however, can represent
a significant overhead if performed frequently. Server pushes,
while more lightweight, are less accurate predictors of response
time since they only propagate server performance information.
Our technique combines server push with less frequent periodic
1) Server-Push Algorithm:
The server will measure its per-
formance and push performance information according to an
update algorithm. To define the way the server measures its per-
formance, consider the server response cycle
assign process to handle query
parse query
locate requested file
repeat until file is written:
read from file
write to socket
To assess its performance, the server measures the time from
just after assigning the process until just before doing the first
read. These measured values are averaged and smoothed before
being used in the update algorithm described below. (Note that
this is the cycle used by the Apache server. We expect that other
web servers will have a similar high-level processing structure.
If this is not the case, the server measurements will need to be
modified accordingly.)
We want the server to push performance information when-
ever its measured performance has changed sufficiently to be
"interesting," with some constraint on the maximum frequency
of updates so as to bound the overhead of the updating mecha-
nism. The task of updating link state in a distributed routing en-
vironment has precisely the same criteria, thus we have adopted
the link state update algorithm used in the ARPANET [25]. The
update algorithm is parameterized by a measurement interval
I, a maximum threshold T, and a reduction factor R. The al-
gorithm maintains a current threshold C, initialized to T. The
server measures its performance over each interval I. If the new
measured value changes from the previous measurement by at
least C, the new measurement is pushed, and C is reset to T. If
the state does not change by at least C, Cis reduced by _R. When
C becomes 0, the state will be pushed, and C will be reset to T.
The algorithm will send updates at least every
time units
and at most every I time units.
2) Agent Probe Mechanism:
The probe is made to a well-
known file that is maintained at anycast-aware servers specif-
ically to service probe requests. The file contains the most re-
cent measured performance value by the server and is padded
with dummy data. Each probe results in a response time mea-
surement, taken from just before sending the query to just after
receiving the complete response. This time' depends on server
and path characteristics and on the size of the file being probed.
3) Hybrid Push~Probe Technique:
We combine the perfor-
mance value pushed by the server with the response time mea-
sured by the probes to keep an estimate of server response time.
The idea is to use the probes to get a measurement of the re-
sponse time that includes the network path. The measurement
is then used to calibrate the more frequently pushed server time
value to get an expected response time at a given resolver.
Specifically, let R denote the most recent measurement of re-
sponse time when probing for the well-known file. As indicated
earlier, the server includes in the well-known file the most recent
performance value measured as described above. Let S denote
the server time value reported in the file during the most re-
cent probe. In between consecutive probes the server typically
pushes a sequence of server values. Let
denote the ith value
pushed by the server. The resolver adjusts the server-reported
by multiplying by an adjustment factor A =
Thus, the resolver estimates the current response time as
R(i) =
A * S(i).
Typically, the probes will occur less frequently than
the server pushes its measured time value, thus a given adjust-
ment factor will be used to adjust a sequence of pushed server
values, until the next probe occurs and updates A.
As will be shown by the results of the experiments, this tech-
nique works quite well for our purposes. To understand the in-
tuition behind it, we note that the value of S is the average time
until the server
to serve a page and includes delays in-
curred because of the need to process other requests at the server.
In a sense S is the time required for the request to receive one
unit of service and A =
is an estimate of the number of
units of service required to service a page. While S is a function
of server load, the value of R, and consequently A, is strongly
dependent on the characteristics of the path from server to client.
B. Evaluation of Push-Probe Technique
In Section V, we examine the performance of the overall any-
casting system. Prior to combining all parts of the system, we
evaluate the accuracy of the metric collection technique in isola-
tion. To do this, we experimented with various locations and ca-
pabilities of servers and resolvers, variations in server load, and
alternative file sizes. Fig. 3 shows a typical result, plotting the
estimated and actual values of response time over 270 queries.
The x-axis indicates the index of each query.
In this particular experiment, the probing agent was at the
University of Maryland, College Park, and the server was lo-
cated 12 Internet hops away at Georgia Tech, Atlanta. The agent
made requests to the server according to an access log file from a
real server. That is, the access log file was used to determine the
time of the query (relative to the starting time of the experiment)
and the size of the particular file to request. Approximately 26
minutes elapsed from the first to the last access, thus the average.
interarrival time of accesses was 5.8 s. The server was loaded

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TL;DR: Using this protocol, computers using the Internet no longer need so much static configuration of network services for network based applications, which is especially important as computers become more portable, and users less tolerant or able to fulfill the demands of network system administration.
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Grapevine: an exercise in distributed computing

TL;DR: The set of services provided by Grapevine and how its data and function are divided among computers on the internet are described and described.
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