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Journal ArticleDOI

Automated docking using a Lamarckian genetic algorithm and an empirical binding free energy function

TL;DR: It is shown that both the traditional and Lamarckian genetic algorithms can handle ligands with more degrees of freedom than the simulated annealing method used in earlier versions of AUTODOCK, and that the Lamarckia genetic algorithm is the most efficient, reliable, and successful of the three.
Abstract: A novel and robust automated docking method that predicts the bound conformations of flexible ligands to macromolecular targets has been developed and tested, in combination with a new scoring function that estimates the free energy change upon binding. Interestingly, this method applies a Lamarckian model of genetics, in which environmental adaptations of an individual's phenotype are reverse transcribed into its genotype and become . heritable traits sic . We consider three search methods, Monte Carlo simulated annealing, a traditional genetic algorithm, and the Lamarckian genetic algorithm, and compare their performance in dockings of seven protein)ligand test systems having known three-dimensional structure. We show that both the traditional and Lamarckian genetic algorithms can handle ligands with more degrees of freedom than the simulated annealing method used in earlier versions of AUTODOCK, and that the Lamarckian genetic algorithm is the most efficient, reliable, and successful of the three. The empirical free energy function was calibrated using a set of 30 structurally known protein)ligand complexes with experimentally determined binding constants. Linear regression analysis of the observed binding constants in terms of a wide variety of structure-derived molecular properties was performed. The final model had a residual standard y1 y1 .

Summary (1 min read)


  • Automated docking is widely used for the prediction of biomo- lecular complexes in structure/function analysis and in molecular design.
  • Dozens of effective methods are available, incorporating different trade-offs in molecular representation, energy evalua- tion, and conformational sampling to provide predictions with a reasonable computational effort.
  • In their hands, AutoDock3 has proven to be effective in roughly half of the complexes that the authors have studied.
  • The remain- ing half show significant motion of the receptor upon binding, and thus have required a more sophisticated model of motion in the receptor, typically performed outside of AutoDock3.
  • This capability also pro- vides an effective method for analysis of covalently attached ligands.

Results and Discussion

  • The authors first test of AutoDock4 is a redocking experiment using a set of 188 diverse protein-ligand complexes.
  • In 100 of 188 complexes, the docked conformation with lowest energy was within 3.5 Å RMSD of the crystallographic conformation.
  • (C) Cross docking with ARG8 treated as flexible in the protease.
  • Roughly 2/3 of the small inhibitors were docked successfully, and the mid-size ones were very successful.
  • The block at lower right shows docking of cyclic urea inhibitors with protease structures without the structural water.


  • Dependence on grid-based energy evaluation is a major limita- tion of AutoDock4.
  • It is required to allow rapid evaluation of binding energies during the docking simulation, but it places a severe restriction on the representation of the target macromole- cule: all of the atoms included in the grid must be treated as rigid.
  • The off-grid modeling of specific sidechains is a method for incorporating limited flexibility within this paradigm, and the results presented here show that it will be effective in some cases.
  • Adding flexibility presents several problems: (1) the calculation of the receptor energy is more computationally intensive since flexible regions must be evaluated by a full pair- wise energy evaluation, and (2) the conformational space is larger, and hence, there is more potential for false positives.

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AutoDock-related material
1. Morris, G. M., Goodsell, D. S., Halliday, R.S., Huey, R., Hart, W. E.,
Belew, R. K. and Olson, A. J. Automated Docking Using a Lamarckian
Genetic Algorithm and and Empirical Binding Free Energy Function. J.
Comput. Chem., 1998, 19, 1639-1662.
2. Huey, R., Morris, G. M., Olson, A. J. and Goodsell, D. S. A
Semiempirical Free Energy Force Field with Charge-Based Desolvation.
J. Comput. Chem., 2007, 28, 1145-1652.
3. Morris, G.M., Huey, R., Lindstrom, W., Sanner, M.F., Belew, R.K.,
Goodsell, D.S. and Olson, A.J. AutoDock4 and AutoDockTools4:
Automated docking with selective receptor flexibility. J. Comput. Chem.
2009, 30, 2785-2791.

< <
Automated Docking Using a Lamarckian
Genetic Algorithm and an Empirical
Binding Free Energy Function
Department of Molecular Biology, MB-5, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines
Road, La Jolla, California 92037-1000
Hewlett-Packard, San Diego, California
Applied Mathematics Department, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuqurque, NM
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Received February 1998; accepted 24 June 1998
ABSTRACT: A novel and robust automated docking method that predicts the
bound conformations of flexible ligands to macromolecular targets has been
developed and tested, in combination with a new scoring function that estimates
the free energy change upon binding. Interestingly, this method applies a
Lamarckian model of genetics, in which environmental adaptations of an
individual’s phenotype are reverse transcribed into its genotype and become
heritable traits sic . We consider three search methods, Monte Carlo simulated
annealing, a traditional genetic algorithm, and the Lamarckian genetic algorithm,
and compare their performance in dockings of seven proteinligand test systems
having known three-dimensional structure. We show that both the traditional
and Lamarckian genetic algorithms can handle ligands with more degrees of
freedom than the simulated annealing method used in earlier versions of
UTODOCK, and that the Lamarckian genetic algorithm is the most efficient,
reliable, and successful of the three. The empirical free energy function was
calibrated using a set of 30 structurally known proteinligand complexes with
experimentally determined binding constants. Linear regression analysis of the
observed binding constants in terms of a wide variety of structure-derived
molecular properties was performed. The final model had a residual standard
error of 9.11 kJ mol 2.177 kcal mol and was chosen as the new energy
Correspondence to: A. J. Olson; e-mail:
Contractrgrant sponsor: National Institutes of Health, con-
tractrgrant numbers: GM48870, RR08065
Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 14, 16391662 1998
1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0192-8651 / 98 / 141639-24

function. The new search methods and empirical free energy function are
available in AUTODOCK, version 3.0. 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Comput
Chem 19: 16391662, 1998
Keywords: automated docking; binding affinity; drug design; genetic algorithm;
flexible small molecule protein interaction
fast atom-based computational docking tool
Ais essential to most techniques for structure-
based drug design.
1, 2
Reported techniques for au-
tomated docking fall into two broad categories:
matching methods and docking simulation meth-
Matching methods create a model of the
active site, typically including sites of hydrogen
bonding and sites that are sterically accessible, and
then attempt to dock a given inhibitor structure
into the model as a rigid body by matching its
geometry to that of the active site. The most suc-
cessful example of this approach is D
4, 5
is efficient enough to screen entire chemical
databases rapidly for lead compounds. The second
class of docking techniques model the docking of a
ligand to a target in greater detail: the ligand
begins randomly outside the protein, and explores
translations, orientations, and conformations until
an ideal site is found. These techniques are typi-
cally slower than the matching techniques, but
they allow flexibility within the ligand to be mod-
eled and can utilize more detailed molecular me-
chanics to calculate the energy of the ligand in the
context of the putative active site. They allow
computational chemists to investigate modifica-
tions of lead molecules suggested by the chemi-
cal intuition and expertise of organic synthetic
6, 7
is an example of the latter, more
physically detailed, flexible docking technique.
Previous releases of AUTODOCK combine a rapid
grid-based method for energy evaluation,
8, 9
calculating ligandprotein pairwise interaction en-
ergies so that they may be used as a look-up table
during simulation, with a Monte Carlo simulated
annealing search
10, 11
for optimal conformations of
ligands. AUTODOCK has been applied with great
success in the prediction of bound conformations
of enzymeinhibitor complexes,
12, 13
body complexes,
and even proteinprotein inter-
; these and other applications have been
reviewed elsewhere.
We initiated the current work to remedy two
limitations of AUTODOCK. i We have found that
the simulated annealing search method performs
well with ligands that have roughly eight rotatable
bonds or less: problems with more degrees of
freedom rapidly become intractable. This de-
manded a more efficient search method. ii
UTODOCK is often used to obtain unbiased dock-
ings of flexible inhibitors in enzyme active sites: in
computer-assisted drug-design, novel modifica-
tions of such lead molecules can be investigated
computationally. Like many other computational
approaches, A
UTODOCK performs well in predict-
ing relative quantities and rankings for series of
similar molecules; however, it has not been possi-
ble to estimate in AUTODOCK whether a ligand will
bind with a millimolar, micromolar, or nanomolar
binding constant. Earlier versions of AUTODOCK
used a set of traditional molecular mechanics
force-field parameters that were not directly corre-
lated with observed binding free energies; hence,
we needed to develop a force field that could be
used to predict such quantities.
Molecular docking is a difficult optimization
problem, requiring efficient sampling across the
entire range of positional, orientational, and con-
formational possibilities. Genetic algorithms GA
fulfill the role of global search particularly well,
and are increasingly being applied to problems
that suffer from combinatorial explosions due to
their many degrees of freedom. Both canonical
genetic algorithms
17 21
and evolutionary program-
ming methods
have been shown to be successful
in both drug design and docking.
In this report, we describe two major advances
that are included in the new release of AUTODOCK,
version 3.0. The first is the addition of three new
search methods: a genetic algorithm; a local search
method; and a novel, adaptive globallocal search
method based on Lamarckian genetics, the La-
marckian genetic algorithm LGA . The second ad-
vance is an empirical binding free energy force
field that allows the prediction of binding free
energies, and hence binding constants, for docked
VOL. 19, NO. 141640

Genetic algorithms
use ideas based on the lan-
guage of natural genetics and biological evolu-
In the case of molecular docking, the partic-
ular arrangement of a ligand and a protein can be
defined by a set of values describing the transla-
tion, orientation, and conformation of the ligand
with respect to the protein: these are the ligand’s
state variables and, in the GA, each state variable
corresponds to a gene. The ligand’s state corre-
sponds to the genotype, whereas its atomic coordi-
nates correspond to the phenotype. In molecular
docking, the fitness is the total interaction energy
of the ligand with the protein, and is evaluated
using the energy function. Random pairs of indi-
viduals are mated using a process of crossover,in
which new individuals inherit genes from either
parent. In addition, some offspring undergo ran-
dom mutation, in which one gene changes by a
random amount. Selection of the offspring of the
current generation occurs based on the individual’s
fitness: thus, solutions better suited to their envi-
ronment reproduce, whereas poorer suited ones
A variety of approaches have been adopted to
improve the efficiency of the genetic algorithm.
Classical genetic algorithms represent the genome
as a fixed-length bit string, and employ binary
crossover and binary mutation to generate new
individuals in the population. Unfortunately, in
many problems, such binary operators can gener-
ate values that are often outside the domain of
interest, leading to gross inefficiencies in the search.
The use of real encodings helps to limit the genetic
algorithm to reasonable domains. Alternative ge-
netic algorithms have been reported
that employ
more complicated representations and more so-
phisticated operators besides crossover and muta-
tion. Some of these retain the binary represen-
tation, but must employ decoders and repair
algorithms to avoid building illegal individuals
from the chromosome, and these are frequently
computationally intensive. However, the search
performance of the genetic algorithm can be im-
proved by introducing a local search method.
26, 27
Earlier versions of AUTODOCK used optimized
variants of simulated annealing.
6, 7
Simulated an-
nealing may be viewed as having both global and
local search aspects, performing a more global
search early in the run, when higher temperatures
allow transitions over energy barriers separating
energetic valleys, and later on performing a more
local search when lower temperatures place more
focus on local optimization in the current valley.
UTODOCK 3.0 retains the functionality of earlier
versions, but adds the options of using a genetic
algorithm GA for global searching, a local search
LS method to perform energy minimization, or a
combination of both, and builds on the work of
Belew and Hart.
27, 28
The local search method is
based on that of Solis and Wets,
which has the
advantage that it does not require gradient infor-
mation about the local energy landscape, thus fa-
cilitating torsional space search. In addition, the
local search method is adaptive, in that it adjusts
the step size depending upon the recent history of
energies: a user-defined number of consecutive
failures, or increases in energy, cause the step size
to be doubled; conversely, a user-defined number
of consecutive successes, or decreases in energy,
cause the step size to be halved. The hybrid of the
GA method with the adaptive LS method together
form the so-called Lamarckian genetic algorithm
LGA , which has enhanced performance relative
to simulated annealing and GA alone,
21, 26
and is
described in detail later. Thus, the addition of
these new GA-based docking methods enhances
AUTODOCK, and allows problems with more de-
grees of freedom to be tackled. Furthermore, it is
now possible to use the same force field as is used
in docking to perform energy minimization of
In our implementation of the genetic algorithm,
the chromosome is composed of a string of real-
valued genes: three Cartesian coordinates for the
ligand translation; four variables defining a
quaternion specifying the ligand orientation; and
one real-value for each ligand torsion, in that or-
der. Quaternions are used to define the orienta-
of the ligand, to avoid the gimbal lock
problem experienced with Euler angles.
The or-
der of the genes that encode the torsion angles is
defined by the torsion tree created by A
preparatory program used to select rotatable bonds
in the ligand. Thus, there is a one-to-one mapping
from the ligand’s state variables to the genes of the
individual’s chromosome.
The genetic algorithm begins by creating a ran-
dom population of individuals, where the user

defines the number of individuals in the popula-
tion. For each random individual in the initial
population, each of the three translation genes for
x, y, and z is given a uniformly distributed ran-
dom value between the minimum and maximum
x, y, and z extents of the grid maps, respectively;
the four genes defining the orientation are given a
random quaternion, consisting of a random unit
vector and a random rotation angle between y180
and q180; and the torsion angle genes, if any, are
given random values between y180 and q180.
Furthermore, a new random number generator has
been introduced that is hardware-independent.
is used in the LS, GA, and LGA search engines,
and allows results to be reproduced on any hard-
ware platform given the same seed values. The
creation of the random initial population is fol-
lowed by a loop over generations, repeating until
the maximum number of generations or the maxi-
mum number of energy evaluations is reached,
whichever comes first. A generation consists of
five stages: mapping and fitness evaluation, selec-
tion, crossover, mutation, and elitist selection, in
that order. In the Lamarckian GA, each generation
is followed by local search, being performed on a
user-defined proportion of the population. Each of
these stages is discussed in more detail in what
Mapping translates from each individual’s geno-
type to its corresponding phenotype, and occurs
over the entire population. This allows each indi-
vidual’s fitness to be evaluated. This is the sum of
the intermolecular interaction energy between the
ligand and the protein, and the intramolecular
interaction energy of the ligand. The physicochem-
ical nature of the energy evaluation function is
described in detail later. Every time an individual’s
energy is calculated, either during global or local
search, a count of the total number of energy
evaluations is incremented.
This is followed, in our implementation, by pro-
portional selection to decide which individuals will
reproduce. Thus, individuals that have better-
than-average fitness receive proportionally more
offspring, in accordance with:
f y f
n s f / f
f y f
where n is the integer number of offspring to be
allocated to the individual; f is the fitness of the
individual i.e., the energy of the ligand ; f is the
fitness of the worst individual, or highest energy,
in the last N generations i.e., N is a user-defina-
ble parameter, typically 10 ; and f is the mean
fitness of the population. Because the worst fitness,
f , will always be larger than either f or f ,
except when f s f , then for individuals that have
a fitness lower than the mean, f - f , the nu-
merator in this equation, f y f , will always be
greater than the denominator f y f , and thus
such individuals will be allocated at least one
offspring, and thus will be able to reproduce.
UTODOCK checks for f s f beforehand, and if
true, the population is assumed to have con-
verged, and the docking is terminated.
Crossover and mutation are performed on ran-
dom members of the population according to
user-defined rates of crossover and mutation. First,
crossover is performed. Two-point crossover is
used, with breaks occurring only between genes,
never within a genethis prevents erratic changes
in the real values of the genes. Thus, both parents’
chromosomes would be broken into three pieces at
the same gene positions, each piece containing one
or more genes; for instance, ABC and abc. The
chromosomes of the resulting offspring after two-
point crossover would be AbC and aBc. These
offspring replace the parents in the population,
keeping the population size constant. Crossover is
followed by mutation; because the translational,
orientational, and torsional genes are represented
by real variables, the classical bit-flip mutation
would be inappropriate. Instead, mutation is per-
formed by adding a random real number that has
a Cauchy distribution to the variable, the distribu-
tion being given by:
C ,
, x s
q x y
G 0,
) 0, y - x -
where and
are parameters that affect the
mean and spread of the distribution. The Cauchy
distribution has a bias toward small deviates, but,
unlike the Gaussian distribution, it has thick tails
that enable it to generate large changes occasion-
An optional user-defined integer parameter
elitism determines how many of the top individu-
als automatically survive into the next generation.
If the elitism parameter is non-zero, the new popu-
lation that has resulted from the proportional se-
lection, crossover, and mutation is sorted accord-
ing to its fitness; the fitness of new individuals
VOL. 19, NO. 141642

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: AutoDock Vina achieves an approximately two orders of magnitude speed‐up compared with the molecular docking software previously developed in the lab, while also significantly improving the accuracy of the binding mode predictions, judging by tests on the training set used in AutoDock 4 development.
Abstract: AutoDock Vina, a new program for molecular docking and virtual screening, is presented. AutoDock Vina achieves an approximately two orders of magnitude speed-up compared with the molecular docking software previously developed in our lab (AutoDock 4), while also significantly improving the accuracy of the binding mode predictions, judging by our tests on the training set used in AutoDock 4 development. Further speed-up is achieved from parallelism, by using multithreading on multicore machines. AutoDock Vina automatically calculates the grid maps and clusters the results in a way transparent to the user.

20,059 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: AutoDock4 incorporates limited flexibility in the receptor and its utility in analysis of covalently bound ligands is reported, using both a grid‐based docking method and a modification of the flexible sidechain technique.
Abstract: We describe the testing and release of AutoDock4 and the accompanying graphical user interface AutoDockTools. AutoDock4 incorporates limited flexibility in the receptor. Several tests are reported here, including a redocking experiment with 188 diverse ligand-protein complexes and a cross-docking experiment using flexible sidechains in 87 HIV protease complexes. We also report its utility in analysis of covalently bound ligands, using both a grid-based docking method and a modification of the flexible sidechain technique.

15,616 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Glide approximates a complete systematic search of the conformational, orientational, and positional space of the docked ligand to find the best docked pose using a model energy function that combines empirical and force-field-based terms.
Abstract: Unlike other methods for docking ligands to the rigid 3D structure of a known protein receptor, Glide approximates a complete systematic search of the conformational, orientational, and positional space of the docked ligand In this search, an initial rough positioning and scoring phase that dramatically narrows the search space is followed by torsionally flexible energy optimization on an OPLS-AA nonbonded potential grid for a few hundred surviving candidate poses The very best candidates are further refined via a Monte Carlo sampling of pose conformation; in some cases, this is crucial to obtaining an accurate docked pose Selection of the best docked pose uses a model energy function that combines empirical and force-field-based terms Docking accuracy is assessed by redocking ligands from 282 cocrystallized PDB complexes starting from conformationally optimized ligand geometries that bear no memory of the correctly docked pose Errors in geometry for the top-ranked pose are less than 1 A in nearly ha

6,828 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Enrichment results demonstrate the importance of the novel XP molecular recognition and water scoring in separating active and inactive ligands and avoiding false positives.
Abstract: A novel scoring function to estimate protein-ligand binding affinities has been developed and implemented as the Glide 4.0 XP scoring function and docking protocol. In addition to unique water desolvation energy terms, protein-ligand structural motifs leading to enhanced binding affinity are included: (1) hydrophobic enclosure where groups of lipophilic ligand atoms are enclosed on opposite faces by lipophilic protein atoms, (2) neutral-neutral single or correlated hydrogen bonds in a hydrophobically enclosed environment, and (3) five categories of charged-charged hydrogen bonds. The XP scoring function and docking protocol have been developed to reproduce experimental binding affinities for a set of 198 complexes (RMSDs of 2.26 and 1.73 kcal/mol over all and well-docked ligands, respectively) and to yield quality enrichments for a set of fifteen screens of pharmaceutical importance. Enrichment results demonstrate the importance of the novel XP molecular recognition and water scoring in separating active and inactive ligands and avoiding false positives.

4,666 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The small-molecule topology generator PRODRG is described, which takes input from existing coordinates or various two-dimensional formats and automatically generates coordinates and molecular topologies suitable for X-ray refinement of protein-ligand complexes.
Abstract: The small-molecule topology generator PRODRG is described, which takes input from existing coordinates or various two-dimensional formats and automatically generates coordinates and molecular topologies suitable for X-ray refinement of protein–ligand complexes. Test results are described for automatic generation of topologies followed by energy minimization for a subset of compounds from the Cambridge Structural Database, which shows that, within the limits of the empirical GROMOS87 force field used, structures with good geometries are generated. X-ray refinement in X-­PLOR/CNS, REFMAC and SHELX using PRODRG-generated topologies produces results comparable to refinement with topologies from the standard libraries. However, tests with distorted starting coordinates show that PRODRG topologies perform better, both in terms of ligand geometry and of crystallographic R factors.

4,543 citations

Additional excerpts

  • ...…re®nement/model-building programs [X-PLOR (BruÈ nger, 1988), CNS (BruÈ nger et al., 1998), REFMAC5 (Murshudov et al., 1997), SHELX (Sheldrick & Schneider, 1997) and O (Jones et al., 1991)] as well as docking programs [AutoDock 2.4/3.0 (Morris et al., 1996, 1998), Hex (Ritchie & Kemp, 2000)]....


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Journal ArticleDOI
13 May 1983-Science
TL;DR: There is a deep and useful connection between statistical mechanics and multivariate or combinatorial optimization (finding the minimum of a given function depending on many parameters), and a detailed analogy with annealing in solids provides a framework for optimization of very large and complex systems.
Abstract: There is a deep and useful connection between statistical mechanics (the behavior of systems with many degrees of freedom in thermal equilibrium at a finite temperature) and multivariate or combinatorial optimization (finding the minimum of a given function depending on many parameters). A detailed analogy with annealing in solids provides a framework for optimization of the properties of very large and complex systems. This connection to statistical mechanics exposes new information and provides an unfamiliar perspective on traditional optimization problems and methods.

41,772 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a modified Monte Carlo integration over configuration space is used to investigate the properties of a two-dimensional rigid-sphere system with a set of interacting individual molecules, and the results are compared to free volume equations of state and a four-term virial coefficient expansion.
Abstract: A general method, suitable for fast computing machines, for investigating such properties as equations of state for substances consisting of interacting individual molecules is described. The method consists of a modified Monte Carlo integration over configuration space. Results for the two‐dimensional rigid‐sphere system have been obtained on the Los Alamos MANIAC and are presented here. These results are compared to the free volume equation of state and to a four‐term virial coefficient expansion.

35,161 citations

01 Jan 1975
TL;DR: Names of founding work in the area of Adaptation and modiication, which aims to mimic biological optimization, and some (Non-GA) branches of AI.
Abstract: Name of founding work in the area. Adaptation is key to survival and evolution. Evolution implicitly optimizes organisims. AI wants to mimic biological optimization { Survival of the ttest { Exploration and exploitation { Niche nding { Robust across changing environments (Mammals v. Dinos) { Self-regulation,-repair and-reproduction 2 Artiicial Inteligence Some deenitions { "Making computers do what they do in the movies" { "Making computers do what humans (currently) do best" { "Giving computers common sense; letting them make simple deci-sions" (do as I want, not what I say) { "Anything too new to be pidgeonholed" Adaptation and modiication is root of intelligence Some (Non-GA) branches of AI: { Expert Systems (Rule based deduction)

32,573 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a method is described to realize coupling to an external bath with constant temperature or pressure with adjustable time constants for the coupling, which can be easily extendable to other variables and to gradients, and can be applied also to polyatomic molecules involving internal constraints.
Abstract: In molecular dynamics (MD) simulations the need often arises to maintain such parameters as temperature or pressure rather than energy and volume, or to impose gradients for studying transport properties in nonequilibrium MD A method is described to realize coupling to an external bath with constant temperature or pressure with adjustable time constants for the coupling The method is easily extendable to other variables and to gradients, and can be applied also to polyatomic molecules involving internal constraints The influence of coupling time constants on dynamical variables is evaluated A leap‐frog algorithm is presented for the general case involving constraints with coupling to both a constant temperature and a constant pressure bath

25,256 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The CHARMM (Chemistry at Harvard Macromolecular Mechanics) as discussed by the authors is a computer program that uses empirical energy functions to model macromolescular systems, and it can read or model build structures, energy minimize them by first- or second-derivative techniques, perform a normal mode or molecular dynamics simulation, and analyze the structural, equilibrium, and dynamic properties determined in these calculations.
Abstract: CHARMM (Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics) is a highly flexible computer program which uses empirical energy functions to model macromolecular systems. The program can read or model build structures, energy minimize them by first- or second-derivative techniques, perform a normal mode or molecular dynamics simulation, and analyze the structural, equilibrium, and dynamic properties determined in these calculations. The operations that CHARMM can perform are described, and some implementation details are given. A set of parameters for the empirical energy function and a sample run are included.

14,725 citations

Frequently Asked Questions (12)
Q1. What contributions have the authors mentioned in the paper "Automated docking using a lamarckian genetic algorithm and an empirical binding free energy function" ?

The authors consider three search methods, Monte Carlo simulated annealing, a traditional genetic algorithm, and the Lamarckian genetic algorithm, and compare their performance in dockings of seven protein ] ligand test systems having known three-dimensional structure. The authors show that both the traditional and Lamarckian genetic algorithms can handle ligands with more degrees of freedom than the simulated annealing method used in earlier versions of AUTODOCK, and that the Lamarckian genetic algorithm is the most efficient, reliable, and successful of the three. 

The user-defined root-meanŽ .square positional deviation rmsd tolerance was used to determine if two docked conformations were similar enough to be included in the same cluster, and symmetrically related atoms in the ligand were considered. 

Six of the seven test systems used to test the docking procedure, which were originally used to test AUTODOCK, version 2.4,7 were also in the training set of 30 protein]ligand complexes; therefore, to validate the chosen coefficients, linear regression was repeated for the set of 24 protein]ligand complexes, excluding the 6 overlapping test systems. 

The maximum initial energy allowed was 0.0 kcal moly1, and the maximum number of retries was 1000, used to generate a low energy random initial state to begin each simulated annealing docking. 

The solvation parameter for a given atom (S, used in the equation above) is calculated as:Si ¼ ðASPi þ QASP jqijÞ (4)where qi is the atomic charge and ASP and QASP are the atomic solvation parameters derived here. 

Charges on ter-minal phosphate groups were assigned improperly, with a totalcharge of 0.5, so the remaining 0.5 charge was split manually between the four surrounding oxygen atoms. 

The term for the loss of torsional entropy upon binding (DSconf) is directly proportional to the number of rotatable bonds in the molecule (Ntors):Sconf ¼ WconfNtors (3)The number of rotatable bonds include all torsional degreesof freedom, including rotation of polar hydrogen atoms onhydroxyl groups and the like. 

Thirty protein]ligand complexes with published binding constants were used in the calibraŽ .tion of AUTODOCK’s free energy function Table The author, and were chosen from the set of 45 used by Bohm,54¨ 

The first two terms are intramolecular energies for thebound and unbound states of the ligand, and the following twoterms are intramolecular energies for the bound and unboundstates of the protein. 

The crystallographic rmsd of the lowest energy Ž .found by any search method for each of the ˚protein]ligand test systems were all within 1.14 A, or less, of the crystal structure. 

This large discrepancy may be due to neglect of the conformational rearrangements of streptavidin upon binding biotin, which are neglected in the docking simulation and binding free energy calculation. 

The remaining 28 com-plexes were not predicted correctly by AutoDock 4, most casesdue to the fact that they were very large ligands with greaterthan 15 degrees of torsional freedom (see Fig. 5).