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Journal ArticleDOI

Bioelectroanalysis with nanoelectrode ensembles and arrays

01 Apr 2013-Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer-Verlag)-Vol. 405, Iss: 11, pp 3715-3729
TL;DR: This review deals with recent advances in bioelectroanalytical applications of nanostructured electrodes, in particular nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs) and arrays (NEAs), and nanofabrication techniques, principles of function, and specific advantages and limits of NEEs and NEAs.
Abstract: This review deals with recent advances in bioelectroanalytical applications of nanostructured electrodes, in particular nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs) and arrays (NEAs). First, nanofabrication techniques, principles of function, and specific advantages and limits of NEEs and NEAs are critically discussed. In the second part, some recent examples of bioelectroanalytical applications are presented. These include use of nanoelectrode arrays and/or ensembles for direct electrochemical analysis of pharmacologically active organic compounds or redox proteins, and the development of functionalized nanoelectrode systems and their use as catalytic or affinity electrochemical biosensors.

Summary (1 min read)


  • In the last decade there has been growing interest in the development of innovative electrochemical sensors and devices for bioanalytical purposes.
  • Moreover, by separating biorecognition and transduction on the nanoscale it is possible to engineer the sensor surface so that one can protect, by use of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of thiols, the nanoelectrodes from undesired nonspecific adsorption yet confine biorecognition to the proximity of (but not on) the nanoelectrode [11, 12].
  • In contrast with electrochemical template deposition, in the electroless method the metal layer grows from the catalytic nuclei, which are located on the pore walls, toward the centre of the pores.
  • These holes can be used as recessed nanoelectrodes, and by further electrochemical deposition of gold, it is possible to fill the holes partially or totally to obtain arrays of inlaid nanodisc electrodes (Fig. 6).
  • As the electrode decreases in size, the diffusion layer thickness approaches the electrode dimensions.

I t ! 1ð Þ ¼ nFAC =d t ! 1ð Þ ð2Þ

  • Dividing Eq. (2) by A reveals that smaller (nano)electrodes will furnish higher 3718 M. Ongaro, P. Ugo current densities as a consequence of this enhanced mass transport.
  • From perspective of diffusion, the voltammetric responses of NEEs/NEAs can vary, depending on the scan rate or the reciprocal distance among the nanoelectrodes [60–62].
  • Typical values of the geometric area range from 0.008 to 0.580 cm2 [47]; this property is defined at the moment of fabrication of the NEE from the dimension of the hole punched into the insulator.
  • The effect of the distance between and radius of the nanoelectrodes, and of their number (with regard to negligible border effects) has been explained above.
  • NEE and NEA-based biosensors Direct detection strategies are not always feasible, especially for more complex or non-electrochemically active biomolecules.


  • Nanoelectrode ensembles and arrays can be obtained both by “bottom-up” and “top-down” nanotechnology.
  • A typical “bottom-up” method is membrane templated deposition of ensembles of nanoelectrodes in self-standing track-etched polymer membranes.
  • Control of the geometry of the composite enables one to obtain functional materials with unique electroanalytical characteristics.
  • Moreover, the small active area can limit the amount of biorecognition molecules which can be immobilized with the purpose of obtaining suitable biosensors.
  • The possibility of moving from current NEEs/ NEAs (inwhich all nanoelectrodes are interconnected) tomore sophisticated nanoelectrode systems, in which multiple analyte determination is achieved, and the extrememiniaturization of such devices, would be particularly suitable for sensors to be used in bioanalysis, both for “in vitro” and “in vivo” analysis.

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Analytical and Bioanalytical
ISSN 1618-2642
Volume 405
Number 11
Anal Bioanal Chem (2013)
DOI 10.1007/s00216-012-6552-z
Bioelectroanalysis with nanoelectrode
ensembles and arrays
Michael Ongaro & Paolo Ugo

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Bioelectroanalysis with nanoelectrode ensembles and arrays
Michael Ongaro & Paolo Ugo
Received: 14 September 2012 /Revised: 31 October 2012 /Accepted: 5 November 2012 /Published online: 28 November 2012
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Abstract This review deals with recent advances in bioelec-
troanalytical applications of nanostructured electrodes, in par-
ticular nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs) and arrays (NEAs).
First, nanofabrication techniques, principles of function, and
specific advantages and limits of NEEs and NEAs are criti-
cally discussed. In the second part, some recent examples of
bioelectroanalytical applications are presented. These include
use of nanoelectrode arrays and/or ensembles for direct elec-
trochemical analysis of pharmacologically active organic
compounds or redox proteins, and the development of func-
tionalized nanoelectrode systems and their use as catalytic or
affinity electrochemical biosensors.
Keywords Nanoelectrode
Mediated electrochemistry
In the last decade there has been growing interest in the devel-
opment of innovative electrochemical sensors and devices for
bioanalytical purposes. The final applications include biomed-
ical diagnostics [13], environmental [4] and food control [5,
6], and safety and biohazard assessment [7, 8]. In practice,
unique characteristics distinguish (bio)electrochemical sensors
from classical instrum ental meth ods, for example spectroscopy,
chromatography, and mass spectrometry; these include low
cost, mini aturizability, ease of use, no interference from
coloured or turbid samples, and applicability to raw samples
for in situ and decentralized. However, some problems and
limits must still be overcome. One crucial aspect is optimization
of the surface modification procedure to maximize biorecogni-
tion capabilities and reduce sensitivity to non-specific adsorp-
tion and fouling. In principle, use of sensor surfaces with
appropriate nanostructure can contribute to solving some of
these problems, for example by increasing the specific area
available for immobilization of large amounts of the biomole-
cules involved in the recognition while, at the same time,
keeping the overall size of the sensor very small [9, 10].
Moreover, by separating biorecognition and transduction on
the nanoscale it is possible to engineer the sensor surface so
that one can protect, by use of self-assembled monolayers
(SAMs) of thiols, the nanoelectrodes from undesired non-
specific adsorption yet confine biorecognition to the proximity
of (but not on) the nanoelectrode [11, 12]. Use of an array of
nanostructured electrodes also enables extreme miniaturization
of the sensor, keeping the overall size to dimensions 12orders
of magnitude lower than with micrometre-sized electrodes [13].
Taking this approach to the extreme, the possibility of devel-
oping multiplexed arrays is particularly attractive [14, 15]. For
instance, Zoski et al. [14] built and tested complex arrays
composed of groups of nanoelectrode ensembles, each group
being individually addressable via a separate current collector.
In the following text we will discuss some relevant exam-
ples of the state of the art of preparation of ensembles and
arrays of nanoelectrodes (NEEs and NEAs respectively), and
models and theories explaining their electrochemical behav-
iour, before discussing some significant ap plications in
Templated ensembles of nanoelectrodes
Nanoelectrode ensembles are useful electroanalytical tools
which are applied in many fields ranging from sensors to
Published in the topical collection Bioelectroanalysis with guest
editors Nicolas Plumeré, Magdalena Gebala, and Wolfgang
M. Ongaro
P. Ugo (*)
Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems,
University Ca Foscari of Venice, S. Marta 2137,
30123, Venice, Italy
Anal Bioanal Chem (2013) 405:37153729
DOI 10.1007/s00216-012-6552-z
Author's personal copy

electronics, from energy storage to magnetic materials [16].
The first template synthesis of NEEs for electrochemical use
was described by Menon and Martin [17] who deposited gold
nanofibres with a diameter as small as 10 nm within the pores
of track-etched polycarbonate (PC) membranes by a chemical
(electroless) method and obtained a random ensemble of metal
nanodisc electrodes surrounded by the insulating polymer. All
the nanoelectrodes were interconnected, so they all experi-
enced the same electrochemical potential. A schematic dia-
gram of the structure of an NEE is shown in Fig. 1.
Membrane-templated synthesis is based on the idea that the
pores of a host material can be used as a template to direct the
growth of new materials. Historically, template synthesis in
track-etched materials was introduced by Possin [18] and
Williams and Giordano [19], who prepared different metallic
wires with diameters as small as 10 nm within the pores of
etched nuclear damage tracks in mica. This method was
designed to image the shape of the pores rather than to obtain
a functional composite with electrochemical sensing capabil-
ities, as achieved later by Menon and Martin [17]. Avariety of
examples of membrane templated electrochemical deposition
of nanowires of semiconductors [20], metals (e.g. Ni and Co)
[21], oxides, and conducting polymers [16] have subsequently
appeared in the literature.
In the template synthesis of nanoelectrodes, each pore of
the membrane is filled with a metal nanowire or nanofibre.
Growth of the metal fibres can be achieved by use of both
electrochemical [21, 22]orelectroless[17, 23, 24]methodsof
In both methods of deposition, the pore density of the
template determines the number of metal nanoelectrode
elements on the NEE surface and, correspondingly, the
average distance between them, whereas the diameter of
the pores in the template determines the diameter of the
individual nanoelectrodes. Track-etched membranes with
pore diameters ranging from 10 nm to 10 μm are com-
mercially available.
Template electrochemical deposition of metals
Electrochemical deposition inside the pores of a nanoporous
membrane requires that one side of the membrane be made
conductive. This can be achieved by plasma or vacuum de-
position of a thin (typically 100200 nm) layer of metal on
one side of the membrane. The metal layer can be the same or
different from the metal which will be electrodeposited inside
the pores and the membrane should be sufficiently robust to
tolerate this kind of treatment. As an alternative, it is possible
to place the membrane directly in contact with a solid elec-
trode. Figure 2 shows the interesting cell setup recently pro-
posed by Gambirasi et al. [25], in which the membrane is
placed between a solid electrode and a sponge drenched in the
electrolyte; the pressure of the electrode on the sponge keeps
the membrane fixed tightly to the electrode for the deposition
time. In electrochemical template deposition, the coated film
is placed in an electrochemical cell, and acts as the cathode
whereas the counterelectrode is the anode.
Deposition can be performed under potentiostatic or gal-
vanostatic conditions. In the former, it is possible to monitor
the time course of the deposition and the progressive filling
of the pores by analysing the time transient current. As
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a nanoelectrode ensemble in a template
membrane: (a) overall view; (b) lateral section
Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the cell setup. On raising the
elevator the membrane lying over the sponge, soaked with the electro-
lyte, is pressed on the surface of the electrode (reprinted, with permis-
sion, from Ref. [25])
3716 M. Ongaro, P. Ugo
Author's personal copy

shown in Fig. 3, the deposition curve can be divided in three
parts [21, 26, 27](IIII in Fig. 3) associated with the three
steps of deposition sketched below. Immediately after clos-
ing the circuit (phase I) an intense peak then rapid decay of
the current is observed, because of depletion of metal ions
after the rapid initial deposition and the increased resistance
inside the pores of the membrane. Subsequently, the current
slowly decreases, reaching a plat eau (phase II) which corre-
sponds to progressive filling of the pores. At the beginning
of phase III, the current increases again because of the
increase of the electrode area caused by growth of the metal
outside the pores. In this phase it is possible to observe caps
on the tips of the nanowires with a typical mushroom shape
[21]. Finally, the overgrown caps merge together producing
an almost flat surface; this leads to a second plateau in the
current transient. If the objective is preparation of ensembles
of nanodisc electrodes, it is essential to stop the electrode-
position at the end of stage II, i.e. before the mushroom
caps start to grow.
Because the process is based on progressive growth and
filling of the pores from the bottom metallic layer toward the
open end of the pores, final products are nanowires and not
hollow structures (e.g. nanotubes).
Electrodeposition of metals has been used to obtain nano-
wires not only of gold, but also of other materials, for
example, other metals (Co [21, 28, 29]Ni[21, 26, 30]Cu
[21, 26], Pt and Pd [31]), alloys (NiFe [29], FeSiB [30]), or
salts (Bi
[32], CdS [ 20]).
Template electroless deposition
Electroless deposition involves chemical reduction of a met-
al salt from solution to metal on a surface. Non-catalytic
surfaces, for example insulating polymers, must be activated
(made catalytic) before the electroless deposition. Usually,
this is achieved by g enerating metal nuclei on the surface of
the non-catalytic material. By this way, the metal ion is
preferentially reduced at the sensitized surface so that only
this surface is finally plated with the desired metal [33].
The principles of electroless deposition on nanoporous
membranes are exemplified by the Au deposition method
developed in Charles Martins laboratory [16 , 17] for tem-
plate fabrication of gold nanowires, nanotubes, and other
shaped gold materials. The process involved in electroless
deposition of gold can be divided in four steps:
1. sensitization of the membrane, during which Sn
ions are adsorbed by the substrate;
2. deposition of Ag nanoparticles by reduction of an Ag
solution by the adsorbed Sn
3. galvanic displacement of the Ag particles by reduction
of a Au(I) solution; and
4. catalytic reduction of more gold on the deposited Au
nuclei, by addition of a reducing agent (formaldehyde).
A detailed description of the gold electroless deposition
process may be found in the original papers [17, 34].
In contrast with electrochemical template deposition, in the
electroless method the metal layer grows from the catalytic
nuclei, which are located on the pore walls, toward the centre
of the pores. When step 4 is stopped after a short time (e.g. 40
60 min at pH 10 [23]) one can obtain hollow tubes instead of
nanowires. This procedure enables the preparation of micro-
filtration membranes with gold pores [35, 36] which can be
further functionalized, for instance by use of well known thiol
chemistry [37], and have interesting applications as molecular
sieves. A sensitive detection approach based on such modified
membranes involves application of a constant potential across
the membrane and measuring the drop in the trans-membrane
current on the addition of the analyte. Detection limits as low
as 10
have been obtained [38].
Other metals, for example Cu [39], Pd [40], and NiP
[41] can also be deposited in polycarbonate templates by
electroless deposition. In this case the procedure must be
suitable for the desired metal.
When the purpose of deposition is to obtain freestanding
metallic structures it is possible to completely etch the
template. Polycarbonate can be dissolved by use of organic
solvents, for example CH
OH mixtures [9, 42], or,
as an alternative, by etching with oxygen plasma [43].
For fabrication from a metalized membrane, an easily
handled electrode system, the following procedure is typical
[9, 17, 23, 35, 4446].
1. Remove the outer gold layer from the smooth side of the
membrane by peeling it off with adhesive tape (3 M
Magic). In this way the tips of the nanowires remain
exposed, under t he shape of an ensemble of gold
2. Attach a piece of copper adhesive tape (5 mm×60 mm)
with conductive glue (Ted Pella) on a small adhesive
Fig. 3 Time transient current for electrochemical deposition using a
track-etch membrane as templating material (reprinted, with permis-
sion, from Ref. [21])
Bioelectroanalysis with nanoelectrode arrays 3717
Author's personal copy

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Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, three different preparation methods are compared showing that the better results in terms of sensor durability and reproducibility are achieved by pre-sputtering a thin gold film on the templating membrane and attaching it to a supporting electrode by exploiting the adhesion property and ionic conductivity of a thin Nafion interlayer.
Abstract: Ensembles of copper nanowire electrodes (CuWNEEs) are prepared via electrodeposition in track-etched polycarbonate membranes. Three different preparation methods are compared showing that the better results in terms of sensor durability and reproducibility are achieved by pre-sputtering a thin gold film on the templating membrane and attaching it to a supporting electrode by exploiting the adhesion property and ionic conductivity of a thin Nafion interlayer. SEM-EDS analyses together with double layer charging currents measurements indicate that these arrays are formed by copper nanowires with 400 nm diameter, 10 μm length distributed with a spatial density of 1 × 10 8 nanowires/cm 2 . The voltammetric reduction of nitrate at CuWNEEs is characterized by a well-resolved cathodic peak at approximately −0.680 V vs Ag/AgCl, whose current scales linearly with the nitrate concentration in the 10–400 μM range. The limit of detection (LOD) achieved by simple linear sweep voltammetry is in the 1.7–3.0 μM range, depending on the CuWNEE preparation method, such LOD values being among the lowest reported up to now in the literature. The possibility to use CuWNEEs in chloride and nitrite containing water samples is demonstrated.

94 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
01 Jul 2017
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors present the last advances related to analytical and bioanalytical applications of electrochemiluminescence achieved by exploiting the special optical or electrochemical properties of quantum dots and nanoelectrodes, respectively.
Abstract: This review presents the last advances related to analytical and bioanalytical applications of electrochemiluminescence (ECL) achieved by exploiting the special optical or electrochemical properties of quantum dots and nanoelectrodes, respectively. After a brief introduction which covers the basic concepts of ECL detection, the review presents relevant examples dealing with in the use of quantum dots and arrays of nanoelectrodes to improve the analytical and bioanalytical capabilities of ECL. Finally, prospects and limits derived from the application of the above advanced nanomaterials to stimulate ECL emission are discussed.

65 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The design of a novel immunosensor and its application for celiac disease diagnosis, based on an electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) readout, using membrane-templated gold nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs) as a detection platform, showing to be suitable to discriminate between healthy and celiac patients.
Abstract: We report here the design of a novel immunosensor and its application for celiac disease diagnosis, based on an electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) readout, using membrane-templated gold nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs) as a detection platform. An original sensing strategy is presented by segregating spatially the initial electrochemical reaction and the location of the immobilized biomolecules where ECL is finally emitted. The recognition scaffold is the following: tissue transglutaminase (tTG) is immobilized as a capturing agent on the polycarbonate (PC) surface of the track-etched templating membrane. It captures the target tissue transglutaminase antibody (anti-tTG), and finally allows the immobilization of a streptavidin-modified ruthenium-based ECL label via reaction with a suitable biotinylated secondary antibody. The application of an oxidizing potential in a tri-n-propylamine (TPrA) solution generates an intense and sharp ECL signal, suitable for analytical purposes. Voltammetric and ECL analy...

60 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Analysis of the imaging data indicated that the thickness of the ECL-emitting zone at each nanoelectrode scales inversely with the co-reactant concentration, while significantly stronger ECL signals were detected for NEAs operating under overlap conditions.
Abstract: Nanoelectrode arrays (NEAs) are increasingly applied for a variety of electroanalytical applications; however, very few studies dealt with the use of NEAs as an electrochemical generator of electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL). In the present study, arrays of nanodisc and nanoband electrodes with different dimensions and inter-electrode distances were fabricated by e-beam lithography on a polycarbonate layer deposited on boron-doped diamond (BDD) substrates. In particular, NEAs with 16 different geometries were fabricated on the same BDD sample substrate obtaining a multiple nanoelectrode and ultramicroelectrode array platform (MNEAP). After electrochemical and morphological characterization, the MNEAP was used to capture simultaneously with a single image the characteristic behaviour of ECL emission from all the 16 arrays. Experiments were performed using Ru(bpy)3 (2+) as the ECL luminophore and tri-n-propylamine (TPrA) as the co-reactant. With a relatively limited number of experiments, such an imaging procedure allowed to study the role that geometrical and mechanistic parameters play on ECL generation at NEAs. In particular, at high concentrations of TPrA, well-separated individual ECL spots or bands revealed an ECL signal which forms a pattern matching the nanofabricated structure. The analysis of the imaging data indicated that the thickness of the ECL-emitting zone at each nanoelectrode scales inversely with the co-reactant concentration, while significantly stronger ECL signals were detected for NEAs operating under overlap conditions.

42 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the fabrication and electrochemical study of edge-abundant transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) nanocone arrays is described, and they show significant changes in electrocatalytic behaviour at both WS2 and MoS2: notably onset potential shifts of 100 and 200 mV and Tafel slope decreases of 50 and 120 mV dec−1 respectively.

34 citations

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Journal ArticleDOI

2,826 citations

"Bioelectroanalysis with nanoelectro..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...By analysis of the dependence of ΔEp on scan rate [72], and use of suitable working curves [73], smaller k°app values are obtained and converted to larger k° by use of Eq....


01 Sep 2002
TL;DR: Using 372 references and 211 illustrations, the authors underlines the fundamentals of electrochemistry essential to the understanding of laboratory experiments and covers the methodology and practical application of the many versatile electrochemical techniques available.
Abstract: Using 372 references and 211 illustrations, this book underlines the fundamentals of electrochemistry essential to the understanding of laboratory experiments. It treats not only the fundamental concepts of electrode reactions, but also covers the methodology and practical application of the many versatile electrochemical techniques available. Underlines the fundamentals of electrochemistry essential to the understanding of laboratory experimentsTreats the fundamental concepts of electrode reactionsCovers the methodology and practical application of the many versatile electrochemical techniques available.

939 citations

"Bioelectroanalysis with nanoelectro..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...By analysis of the dependence of ΔEp on scan rate [72], and use of suitable working curves [73], smaller k°app values are obtained and converted to larger k° by use of Eq....


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TL;DR: In this article, a glucose biosensors based on carbon nanotube (CNT) nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs) was developed for the selective detection of glucose.
Abstract: This paper describes the development of glucose biosensors based on carbon nanotube (CNT) nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs) for the selective detection of glucose. Glucose oxidase was covalently immobilized on CNT NEEs via carbodiimide chemistry by forming amide linkages between their amine residues and carboxylic acid groups on the CNT tips. The catalytic reduction of hydrogen peroxide liberated from the enzymatic reaction of glucose oxidase upon the glucose and oxygen on CNT NEEs leads to the selective detection of glucose. The biosensor effectively performs a selective electrochemical analysis of glucose in the presence of common interferents (e.g., acetaminophen, uric and ascorbic acids), avoiding the generation of an overlapping signal from such interferers. Such an operation eliminates the need for permselective membrane barriers or artificial electron mediators, thus greatly simplifying the sensor design and fabrication.

857 citations

"Bioelectroanalysis with nanoelectro..." refers methods in this paper

  • ...This method has also been applied to arrays of nanoelectrodes in which the nanodiscs are used both for transduction of the signal and adsorption of the active biomolecules [82]....


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TL;DR: In this article, the diffusion effects induced by partial blocking of an electrode surface toward electron transfer are analyzed in the case where the blocking film is sprinkled with a large number of microscopic, active sites.

733 citations

"Bioelectroanalysis with nanoelectro..." refers background in this paper

  • ...[71], and to more recent theoretical models [63–65], an NEE behaves as a partially blocked electrode (PBE) whose Fig....


Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, an electroless deposition procedure for filling the pores in nanoporous filtration membranes with metal (gold) nanowires is described, which allows us to routinely prepare ensembles of gold nanodisk electrodes in which the nanodisks have diameters as small as 10 nm.
Abstract: : An electroless deposition procedure for filling the pores in nanoporous filtration membranes with metal (gold) nanowires is described. This method allows us to routinely prepare ensembles of gold nanodisk electrodes in which the nanodisks have diameters as small as 10 nm. Results of electrochemical experiments at ensembles of 30 nm-diameter and 10 nm-diameter gold-disk electrodes are described. The electrochemical response characteristics of these nanoelectrode ensembles are in agreement with predictions of the relevant electrochemical theories. Cyclic voltammetric detection limits for electroactive species at ensembles containing 10 nm-diameter gold disks can be as much as 3 orders of magnitude lower than at a large-diameter gold-disk electrode.

699 citations

"Bioelectroanalysis with nanoelectro..." refers background or methods in this paper

  • ...This is because, for NEEs, operating under total overlap diffusion conditions, the Faradaic current (IF) is proportional to the total geometric area of the ensemble exposed to the sample solution (Ageom, area of the nanodiscs plus insulator area) whereas the double layer capacitive current (IC), which is the main component of the noise in electroanalytical chemistry, is proportional to the nanodisc area only (active area, Aact) [17]....


  • ...Total overlap diffusion is usually observed for NEEs fabricated from commercially available track-etchedmembranes [17]....


  • ...The “electroanalytical story” of NEEs is longer (starting from 1995 [17]) and, therefore, richer with examples of bioanalytical applications....


  • ...An important feature characterizing NEEs and NEAs is that their responses are very sensitive to electron-transfer kinetics [17]....


  • ...The first template synthesis of NEEs for electrochemical use was described by Menon and Martin [17] who deposited gold nanofibres with a diameter as small as 10 nm within the pores of track-etched polycarbonate (PC) membranes by a chemical (electroless) method and obtained a random ensemble ofmetal nanodisc electrodes surrounded by the insulating polymer....


Frequently Asked Questions (16)
Q1. What have the authors contributed in "Bioelectroanalysis with nanoelectrode ensembles and arrays" ?

This review deals with recent advances in bioelectroanalytical applications of nanostructured electrodes, in particular nanoelectrode ensembles ( NEEs ) and arrays ( NEAs ). 

An alternative approach is the possibility of immobilizing the biorecognition layer on the insulating polymer which surrounds the nanoelectrodes, rather than on the nanoelectrodes themselves. Future research effort should be devoted to the development of singly addressable electrodes or of groups of nanoelectrodes. The possibility of moving from current NEEs/ NEAs ( inwhich all nanoelectrodes are interconnected ) tomore sophisticated nanoelectrode systems, in which multiple analyte determination is achieved, and the extrememiniaturization of such devices, would be particularly suitable for sensors to be used in bioanalysis, both for “ in vitro ” and “ in vivo ” analysis. 

Membrane-templated synthesis is based on the idea that the pores of a host material can be used as a template to direct the growth of new materials. 

Growth of the metal fibres can be achieved by use of both electrochemical [21, 22] or electroless [17, 23, 24] methods of deposition. 

This is because, for NEEs, operating under total overlap diffusion conditions, the Faradaic current (IF) is proportional to the total geometric area of the ensemble exposed to the sample solution (Ageom, area of the nanodiscs plus insulator area) whereas the double layer capacitive current (IC), which is the maincomponent of the noise in electroanalytical chemistry, is proportional to the nanodisc area only (active area, Aact) [17]. 

The improved S/N ratio typical of NEEs makes them particularly suitable for direct determination of electroactive species at low concentrations. 

it is worth stressing that, because of the nanolithographic process itself, quite often the nanoelectrodes obtained are slightly recessed, so that theoretical model for such geometry must be taken into account [50, 55]. 

These include use of nanoelectrode arrays and/or ensembles for direct electrochemical analysis of pharmacologically active organic compounds or redox proteins, and the development of functionalized nanoelectrode systems and their use as catalytic or affinity electrochemical biosensors. 

These PC-based nanoelectrodes are fabricated by patterning arrays of holes in a thin film of PC spin-coated on a gold layer on Si–Si3N4 substrate. 

These holes can be used as recessed nanoelectrodes, and by further electrochemical deposition of gold, it is possible to fill the holes partially or totally to obtain arrays of inlaid nanodisc electrodes (Fig. 6). 

The first template synthesis of NEEs for electrochemical use was described by Menon and Martin [17] who deposited gold nanofibres with a diameter as small as 10 nm within the pores of track-etched polycarbonate (PC) membranes by a chemical (electroless) method and obtained a random ensemble ofmetal nanodisc electrodes surrounded by the insulating polymer. 

In this approach the analyte is adsorbed on the surface of the gold nanowires and analysed directly by SWV, resulting in an LOD as low as 8.9×10−8molL−1 (S/N=3) [84]. 

Alternative designs: gold nanoparticles on NEEsUse of etched 3D NEEs to increase the amounts of biomolecules adsorbed on gold nanowire surfaces proved to be a viable process, although with the drawback of an increase of the capacitive current and, consequently, an increase of the S/N ratio [9]. 

Because the main advantage of NEEs over conventional macro (mm-sized) or even ultramicro (μm-sized) electrodes is a dramatic lowering of double-layer capacitive currents [17, 69], if it is not possible to directly characterize the morphology of the electrodes, the lack of this characteristic should be taken into account to discriminate well-prepared from defective NEEs. 

One way of reducing this drawback has recently been proposed [88]—increasing the nanoelectrode area not by etching the templating polymer but depositing gold nanoparticles on the gold nanodisc electrodes. 

As shown in Fig. 5, because the properties of PC enable its use as a high-resolution e-beam resist, it is possible to obtain a perfectly ordered array of nano-holes, of controlled diameter, as small as 50 nm [55].