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Discover 738 research papers published on
1st October, 1910

Correlation calculated from faulty data
q-Difference Equations
Some experimental results in the correlation of mental abilities1
The Relation of Blood Platelets to Hemorrhagic Disease: Description of a Method for Determining the Bleeding Time and Coagulation Time and Report of Three Cases of Hemorrhagic Disease Relieved by Transfusion
The morphology of the forebrain in amphibia and reptilia
The Straight Line Solutions of the Problem of N Bodies
Modern English Grammar
Über Arthritis deformans juvenilis
Uber die Beziehung der sensiblen Nervenendigungen zum Entzündungsvorgang
Psychische Störungen bei Hirntumoren
Zoological Results of the Third Tanganyika Expedition, conducted
A Review of the Recent Literature on the Psychology of Sex.
Die Epithelentwicklung der Cervix und Portio vaginalis uteri und die Pseudoerosio congenita (congenitales histologisches Ektropium)
LXXVI. The probability variations in the distribution of α particles
LXXXIII. Rays of positive electricity
Rome and Armema in the Fourth Century
Neue Experimente zur Function des Corpus Iuteum
BeitrÄge zur Physiologie der Verdauung
LXXXV. The echelette grating for the infra-red
Die Erosion und Pseudoerosion der Erwachsenen
Observations on the Anatomy and General Biology of some Members of the Larger Cetacea
Report on a Botanical Survey of Stewart Island
Beiträge zur Lehre von der Chondrodystrophia foetalis (Kaufmann) und Osteogenesis imperfecta (Vrolik), mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der anatomischen und klinischen Differentialdiagnose
The preparation and properties of thrombin, together with observations on antithrombin and prothrombin
Acts of the Privy Council of England. Colonial series
The Use and Abuse of Forests by the Virginia Indians
The etiology of subacute infective endocarditis
The Somatic, Premeiotic, and Meiotic Nuclear Divisions of Galtonia candicans
Salt-marsh formation near Boston and its geological significance
Zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Hypophysins (Pituitrins, Parke, Davies & Co.) auf das sympathische und autonome Nervensystem
The effects of centrifugal force upon the organization and development of the eggs of fresh water pulmonates
Respiratorischer Stoffwechsel und Athmung während der Gravidität
Reactions in Amoeba to light
The method of inheritance of two sex-limited characters in the same animal
Pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen über alkoholische Intoxikationsamblyopie
Erotic Teaching in Roman Elegy and the Greek Sources. Part II
Über das primäre Karzinom der Leber
Cytological Studies on Oenothera. II
Chemische Ursachen und morphologische Wirkungen bei Geschwulstkranken, insbesondere über sexuelle Frühreife
The Morphology and Life‐History of Eimeria (Coccidium) avium: a Sporozoö causing a fatal disease among young Grouse.
A Physiological Study of the Germination of Helianthus annuus
Stimuli produced by light and by contact with solid walls as factors in the behavior of ophiuroids
The primitive pores of Polyodon spathula (Walbaum)
Root Parasitism in Exocarpus (with comparative Notes on the Haustoria of Thesium)
III. Graft of the Vena Cava on the Abdominal Aorta.
The Caudal Fin of the Teleostomi
Notes on teleostean ova and larvae observed at Plymouth in spring and summer, 1909
Gleichzeitige Entwicklung eines Melanosarcoma ovarii und Carcinoma hepatis in der Schwangerschaft. Eklampsie. Placentarmetastase
Studies upon Amoeba
The puzzle of color vocabularies.
Ueber die Emulgierung von Kohlenwasserstoffölen durch wässerige Lösungen fettsaurer Salze
Untersuchungen über den Gehalt des Blutplasmas an Gesammteiweiss, Fibrinogen und Reststickstoff bei Schwangeren
Über experimentelle Exstirpation der Glandula pinealis
XXV. Historical notes on Khurāsān
Some notes on the kwolla district and its tribes
Die tuberkulöse Reinfektion
Documents relating to the Office of the revels in the time of Queen Elizabeth
What conditions induce conjugation in Paramecium
Conjugation in the crayfish, Cambarus affinis
Les origines de la domination angevine en Italie
Male Sterility in Potatoes, a dominant Mendelian character; with Remarks on the Shape of the Pollen in Wild and Domestic Varieties.
Jewish-Arabic Studies. Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Experiments on color-vision of the honey bee
Zoological Results of the Third Tanganyika Expedition, conducted by Dr. W. A. Cunnington, F.Z.S., 1904–1905.—Report on the Rotifera.
Zur Regelung der Bewegungen durch das Zentralnervensystem
The Beginning of Photosynthesis and the Development of Chlorophyll
LXV. The relation between electromagnetism and geometry
Über die systolische und diastolische Herzwirkung des g-Strophanthins
Ueber Follikelatresie in kindlichen Ovarien
Experimental Studies on Avian Coccidiosis, especially in relation to young Grouse, Fowls, and Pigeons.
The Relative Importance of the Bovine and Human types of Tubercle Bacilli in the different forms of Human Tuberculosis.
New Permian Reptiles: Rhachitomous Vertebrae
On the Question of the Occurrence of ‘Heterotypical Reduction’ in Somatic Cells
Observations on the Parasitic Protozoa of the Red Grouse (Lagopus scoticus), with a Note on the Grouse Fly.
Ueber primäre epitheliale Geschwülste des Gehirns: Zugleich Untersuchungen und Betrachtungen über das ependymepithel
Further investigations in experimental myocarditis
The Emerging Issue
The Egyptian Expedition
Digestion of protein in the stomach and intestine of the dogfish
Studien zur Histogenese des Corpus luteum und seiner Rückbildungsproducte
The measurement of the light of stars with a selenium photometer, with an application to the variations of Algol.
Die Behandlung der Syphilis mit dem Ehrlichschen Präparat 606
On a new Rhabdocœle commensal with Modiolus plicatulus
Tolerance for alkalies in Asiatic cholera.
Cancer among the American Indians and its bearing upon the ethnological distribution of the disease
Courses in religion: moral and religious instruction in the college
Song Recitative in Paiute Mythology
Über die angebliche Immunität von Kröten ihrem eigenen Gifte (Hautdrüsensekret) gegenüber
Anatomische und klinische Untersuchungen über die Endometritis
London and Foreign Merchants in the Reign of Henry VI1
Notes on the Photophores of Decapod Crustacea
LXXV. The number of α particles emitted by uranium and thorium and by uranium minerals
Klinische Erfahrungen über die Behandlung der Lungentuberkulose mittelst künstlicher Pneumothoraxbildung
Present Tendencies of Class Differentiation
LXX. The mechanical vibration of atoms
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gefäßwirkung des Strophanthins
Abführmittel und Kalkgehalt des Darmes
Die Bedingungen der automatischrhythmischen Herzkontraktionen
The Fur Trade
A Fossil Solenostelic Fern
An Address ON ANCIENT HUMORISM AND MODERN HUMORISM: Delivered at the International Congress of Physiology held in Vienna, September 27th to 30th.
Ueber die Bahnen der Sensibilität im Rückenmarke, besonders nach den Fällen von Stichverletzung studiert
INTRADURAL CYST OF THE SPINAL MENINGES REMOVED BY OPERATION. RECOVERY OF THE PATIENT: Remarks on the Location of the Spinal Centers for Testicular Sensibility
Atlas und Grundriss der traumatischen Frakturen und Luxationen
Zur Theorie der Halluzinationen
The North American Species of Stereocaulon
On the Injection of Lymphatics by Prussian Blue.
The mechanism and interpretation of dreams.
Diabase and Granophyre of the Gowganda Lake District, Ontario
A study in efficiency
LXII. The convection of heat from a body cooled by a stream of fluid
Luxationen im Lisfrancschen Gelenk
The Function and Fate of the Cystidia of Coprinus atramentarius, together with some General Remarks on Coprinus Fruit-bodies
On the Foraminifera and Ostracoda from Soundings (chiefly Deep-water) collected round Funafuti by H.M.S. ‘Penguin’
On the Embryo of Welwitschia1
Die Ursache der motorischen Acceleration des Herzens
Tuberkulose-Immunität, Phthiseogenese und praktische Schwindsuchtbekämpfung
Über den toxikologischen Nachweis des Colchicins
West African Hemiptera injurious to Cocoa
The morphology of the pineal region in teleosts
Suggestions on the psychology of superstition
Über das fette Öl und das Wachs der Kaffeebohnen
III.—The Residual Earths of British Guiana commonly termed ‘Laterite’
Zur Regelung- der Bewegungen durch das Zentralnervensystem: III. Mitteilung
Relation of Soil Moisture to Desert Vegetation
Die Bedeutung der Adsorption bei der Fällung der Suspensionskolloide
The Orange Tortrix
Ergänzungen und Berichtigungen zu R. B. Sharpes
Biological studies on corymorpha. iv
The Boeotian Federal Constitution
Studies on melanin. I: Methods of isolation. The effect of alkali on melanin
Kasuistisches über experimentelle Meerschweintuberkulose
Capsaicin, The Pungent Principle of Capsicum, and the Detection of Capsicum.
Über das Verhalten der chromaffinen Substanz der Nebennieren beim Hungern und unter dem Einfluß von Jodkali
A Case of Unilateral Aplasia of the Kidney in a Rabbit.
The Fifth Monarchy Insurrections
Experimenteller Beitrag zur Frage der ascendirenden weiblichen Genitaltuberculose
Beitrag zum Studium der Cutis verticis gyrata Jadassohn-Unna
An investigation of a species of saprolegnia
Zur Aetiologie der Carcinome
Über das Atrioventrikularbündel des Herzens bei Diphtherie
The Epidermal Characters of Frenelopsis Ramosissima
Notes on the movements of Glossina morsitans in the Lundazi District, North Eastern Rhodesia
Untersuchungen über das lipoide Pigment der Nervenzellen: Ist das Nervenpigment ein Abnutzungsprodukt der Zelle?
On Tritylodon, and on the Relationships of the Multituberculata.
The ionization relations of sulphuric acid.
Preliminary observations concerning natural crossing in cotton
From a laboratory notebook
Ueber die Histogenese des multiplen beginnenden Magenkrebses
A Fever in Horses Simulating Horse-Sickness.
Gageite, a new mineral from Franklin, New Jersey
Early stages in the development of the central nervous system of Amblystoma punctatum
System of irrigation.
Blutdruckmessungen bei Kranken mit manisch-depressivem Irresein und Dementia praecox
The effect of permanent constriction of the splanchnic arteries and the association of cardiac hypertrophy with arteriosclerosis
Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Keimdrüsen und Hypophysis
A case of apparently primary intra‐laryngeal actinomycosis
Klinische Kasuistik aus der Praxis1). III. Ueber Schwierigkeiten in der Diagnose der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva
XLIV.—New species of Heterocera from Costa Rica—II
I. Transfusion by Carrel's End-to-end Suture Method: With Report of Cases.
The outlook of sufferers from exophthalmic goitre
Housing and poverty
Some further observations on the Scale Insects (Coccidæ) of the Uganda Protectorate
Granuloma fungoides (Mycosis fungoides): Erklärung der klinischen Symptome durch das histopathologische Bild
Untersuchungen über die Veresterung unsymmetrischer zwei- und mehrbasischer Säuren
The adiabatic determination of heats of solution of metals in acids. part ii. the heat of dilution of the acid solutions.
Zur Funktionsprüfung des Pankreas
Additional notes on the tooth-billed bower-bird (Scenopaetes dentirostris) of North Queensland
Spring for spring-bearings.
Attempts Made During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries to Reform the Teaching of Geometry
Ueber das Hodenteratom mit chorionepitheliomähnlichen Bildungen
LXXX. The expansion and thermal hysteresis of fused silica
The Impaling Instinct in Shrikes
Über die Anordnung der Fibrillenbündel in den quergestreiften Muskeln einiger Fische
Letters of Toussaint Louverture and of Edward Stevens, 1798–1800
The Origin of the British Trias
Der Einfluss des Berufes auf die Häufigkeit des Krebses: Zweite Mitteilung des Bayerischen Komitees für Krebsforschung
Nature of the ionization produced by alpha rays
Prince Henry of Portugal and the African Crusade of the Fifteenth Century
Fourth Preliminary Report on the American Excavations at Sardes in Asia Minor
Zur Frage des Hörvermögens der Fische
A journal of the Perry Expedition to Japan, 1853-1854
The inversion of cane sugar by invertase. vii. the effect of alcohol on invertase.
Beitrag zum Wesen der Tuberkulose-Immunität-Antikörperstudien
Beiträge zur Wirkung von Hyperämie und von mechanischen Reizen auf die Epidermis
XXXIX.—Descriptions and records of bees.—XXXVIII
Lvcivs of Madavra: A Difficulty in Apvleivs
Die Bedeutung der Quellung und Entquellung für physiologische und pathologische Erscheinungen
Die kurzen Muskeln und die langen Beugemuskeln der Säugetierhand
The embryology of Stomotoca apicata
Aphelinus Diaspidis Howard
Über den Einfiuß pharmakologischer Agentien auf Oxydationsvorgänge im Organismus
Ueber Lymphangiektasien bei Myoma uteri
On Elm-seedlings showing Mendelian Results
Hereditary haemophilia: deficiency in the coagulability of the blood the only immediate cause of the condition
Die Muskulatur in Extremitätenmissbildungen
Well-casing slitter and perforator.
The Development of Trypanosomes in Tsetse Flies
Creatinin and creatin metabolism in children
Über Hypophysentransplantationen und die Wirkung dieser experimentellen Hypersekretion
LXXXII. The optical determination of stress
Die Veränderungen des Iris- und Ciliarepithels nach Punktion der Vorderkammer: Beitrag zum Studium des Produktionsmechanismus des Humor aqueus
The equilibrium between solid cuprous iodide and aqueous solutions containing cupric salt and iodine.
A cast of the ventricles of the human brain
The Hæmotoxic Nature of Eclampsia, with an Account of Fœtal and Placental Hæmolysins and an Experimental Investigation into the Anaphylactic Theory of Eclampsia.*
The latency of knee-jerk response in man as measured by the thread galvanometer
On the birds of north-west Australia. Part III
The lateral line system of Chimæra colliei
Experimentelle Tuberkuloseinfektion des Säuglings
Weitere experimentelle Beiträge zu der Möglichkeit einer aufsteigenden Genitaltuberculose
Geography and Some of Its Present Needs
Zur Lehre von den nasalen Reflexneurosen
Note on the prothallus of lepidodendron veltheim-ianum
Zur Kenntnis der primären Lungenkarzinome
Ueber die Wertheim-Schauta'sche Prolapsoperation
Moral Education in the Public Schools
Geography and some of its present needs
Die ätiologische Bedeutung der weissen Blutkörperchen für die Schwangerschaftsniere und die Eklampsie
XIII. The Bone Metastases of Hypernephroma: A Completed Record of a Case with Solitary Bone Metastasis.
Gedanken über die Psychogenese des Gesanges unserer einheimischen Vogelwelt. Nebst einem Ausblick auf die heutige Tierpsychologie
Historical Notes on the Yola Fulanis
Über “Corpora amylacea” der Lungen mit Riesenzellen
Vorschläge zur Behandlung der Glutäuslähmungen mittels Nervenplastik
Ueber Coecum mobile und Wanderblinddarm
Über Papillome der Schilddrüse
New-Mexican Spanish Folk-Lore
Criticisms and Discussions: Truth and Nature
Sporangia attributed to botryopteris antiqua, kidston
The edo-speaking peoples of nigeria
Französische Verfassungsgeschichte von der Mitte des neunten Jahrhunderts bis zur Revolution
The atomic weight of tantalum.1
Luther and Henry VIII
Über endogene gonorrhoische Hornhaut- und Haut-affektionen
Zur Theorie der Tuberkulin-Überempfindlichkeit
Revision des Atomgewichtes des Calciums
Hanger for ear-corn.
A list of normal human embryos which have been cut into serial sections
Zur Kenntnis der reduzierenden Wirkung von Milch, Leber und Hefe
LXXXVI. Some experiments on the absorption of radium emanation by coconut charcoal
Hydroids from Christmas Island, Indian Ocean
V.—The Geology of the Titterstone Clee Hills
Inventaire Descriptif des Monuments čams De L'annam . Par H. Parmentier. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1909.
I. instinct and intelligence1
Tuberous (tuberose) sclerosis
Attachment for ironing-boards.
The Viscosity of the Blood in Epilepsy
The inversion of cane sugar by invertase. vi. a theory of the influence of acids and alkalis on the activity of invertase.
Schools and scholars
Additions to the Flora of Peninsular Florida. II. Naturalized Species
Ueber die anatomische Reziprozität der Organe mit innerer Sekretion
Bemerkungen zur Halphen'schen Reaktion
A Determination of the Correction for the Open End of a Cylindrical Resonator
Über das Verhalten des Morphins im Froschorganismus
Village water-supplies
Das Empfinden von Tonschwingungen durch den Tastsinn. Pallaesthesie
The Operative Treatment of Hydrocele.
The Mechanism of Nuclear Division
Duty of Water
Cases and Opinions on International Law.
Means to control magnetic circulation in electric-current-producing devices.
A New Genus of Rubiaceae
Report of a case of resection of dorsal spinal nerve roots for gastric crises of tabes
Lunacy Administration in Scotland, with Special Reference to the Royal Asylums
Operations for Hernia.
A Preliminary Introspective Study of the Association-Reaction Consciousness
Le T'ai Chan: Essay de Monographie D'un Culte Chinois. Par E. Chavannes. Paris: E. Leroux.
The stereomeric azobenzenes.
Der altenglische Junius-Psalter. Die Interlinear-Glosse der Handschrift Junius 27 der Bodleiana zu Oxford
Infra-Red Absorption Spectra
The odes of solomon
Simulated foolishness in hysteria
The x-ray treatment of status lymphatious, with inferences drawn therefrom concerning the physiology of the thymus gland
New parasites of the genus meraporus
Machine for transferring designs.
Über die Herzamyloidose
Contribution to the Petrography of the Keweenawan
Ueber die Artenunterscheidung hämolytischer Streptokokken mittelst Lecithinbouillon
Studien über die Hämolyse: II. Mitteilung. Die Hämolyse durch Natriumkarbonat
II. Blood Transfusion in Haemophilia.
Standards of Third Order of Wave-Lengths on the International System
The Spirochæte of Egyptian Relapsing Fever. Is it a Specific Entity
The Physiography of the Bishop Conglomerate, Southwestern Wyoming
Structure and origin of the magnetite deposits near Dillsburg, York County, Pennsylvania
LII.—Rhynchotal notes.—LII
Kolloides Silber als verstärkende und tonende Substanz in der Photographie
On the Relation Between the Sum-Formulas of Holder and Cesaro
Conditions affecting the electrolytic determination of copper.
XV. The Anatomy of Welwitschia mirabilis, Hook. f., in the Seedling and Adult States. Forming Report No. 2 of the Percy Sladen Memorial Expedition to South‐West Africa, 1908‐1909.
A Woman's Strike: An Appreciation of the Shirtwaist Makers of New York
Researches on quinazolines (twenty-fifth paper). the synthesis of 6- and 7-amino-2-methyl-4-quinazolones from 4- and 5-acetaminoacetanthranils.1
Autopsychology of the manic-depressive
The treatment of aneurysm of the aorta by the introduction of wire and the passage of a galvanic current
Inflammation of the sinus maxillaris with special reference to empyema: The surgical pathology, diagnosis and treatment
Certain aspects of the species question
Über den Mechanismus der Chinonreaktionen. Hrn. Theodor Posner zur Erwiderung
Ein Beitrag zum Krankheitsbild der Chorea chronica progressiva
IV. A Suggestion for the Treatment of Air Embolism.
Ueber einheimische Malaria quartana
Recollections of miss hampton at the johns hopkins
Unusually quick rash following injection of diphtheria antitoxin
Observations on the Blood of Grouse.
Source Book for Social Origins, by William I. Thomas
Professor karl pearson on alcoholism and offspring.
The essential cause of gastric and duodenal ulcer.
Law of succession among the akras or the gã tribes proper of the gold coast
Leverrier's Letter to Galle and the Discovery of Neptune
VIENNA: PARTS I. AND II.: "Illustrated"
The Origin of Folk-Melodies
Essais pour évaluer la période de l'ionium
Secondary Standards of Wave-Lengths International System, in the Arc Spectrum of Iron
On the factorization of integral functions with $p$-adic coefficients
Mitteilungen der Radium-Kommission der kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften: VI. ber die chemische Untersuchung der Actinium enthaltenden Rckstnde der Radiumgewinnung
The composition of some greek vases.
LXI. Positive electrification due to heating aluminium phosphate
LXXVII.A new radiant emission from the spark
Zur Lehre vom Zusammenhange von Krebs und Narbe
Hensel's Theory of Algebraic Numbers
Treatment of Mental Excitement in Asylums
Einige Probleme der präkambrischen Geologie von Fennoskandia
XLVII.—New African mammals in the British Museum
The Land of the Incas
Eugenics and Degeneracy
Universal races congress
The causes of dental caries
Über Myodysgenese, eine Ursache des “weißen Fleisches” bei Kälbern
On the Border of the Great Desert: A Journey in Oman (Continued)
The Jews of Arabia and the Rechabites
Studies in Luminescence. XIII. The Specific Exciting Power of the Different Wave-Lengths of the Visible Spectrum in the Case of the Fluorescence of Eosin and Resorufin
On the Affinities of the Genus Yezonia1
The Historical Development of Women's Work in the United States
Die Muskelrigidität und ihre Bedeutung als Zeichen der tuberkulösen Spitzenerkrankungen
Der Stand des Zwerchfelles bei Gesunden und Emphysematikern
Über die Molekulargröße des Tannins
Über die Samenanlage vonQuercus Robur L. und intraseminale Gefäße
Cubicle isolation: Its value and limitations
Fermat's Theorem
Ueber das Auftreten von Fetttröpfchen in den Muskelzellen des Myometriums bei der sogenannten Metritis chronica
The Native Races of German East Africa
Die kolloiden Stoffe im Boden und ihre Bestimmung: Hissink, Dr. D. J., (Vorirag gehalten auf der II. internationalen agrogeologischen Konferenz in Stockholm, August 1910.)
LXVIII. On the analysis of the radiation from electron orbits
The catalase of molds.
The inconstancy of the solubility product. ii.
L'œuvre de Rabelais : sources, invention et composition
Further Observations on the Fossil Flower, Cretovarium
A source of error in permanganate titrations; preliminary note.
Zur Kenntnis der proteolytischen Fermente der Krebszelle
Gastric Radioscopy: An Explanation of Some of the Difficulties in Diagnosis
The Effect of Longitudinal Compression upon the Production of Mechanical Tissue in Stems
A Comparative Study of the Grades of Pupils from Different Elementary Schools in the Subjects of the First Year in High School
Nuclear Phenomena of Sexual Reproduction in Gymnosperms
The rôle of ophthalmology in preventive medicine
Die Wassermann-Reaktion in der Psychiatrie und Neurologie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Paralyse, Tabes u. Lues cerebri bzw. cerebrospinalis
How could increase in permeability to electrolytes allow the development of the egg
Tuberkulose und Tuberkulinreaktion
Notes on recent literature
Herpes facialis in scarlet fever
On the Metabolism Experiment as a Statistical Problem
The influence of colloidal protection on milk
Die Einnahmen der Apostolischen Kammer unter Johann XXII
Dental Examination of School Children
Lutetium und Neoytterbium oder Cassiopeium und Aldebaranium: Erwiderung auf den Artikel des Herrn Auer v. Welsbach (Zur Zerlegung des Ytterbiums. Monatshefte fr Chemie, XXX, p. 695; Vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 14. Oktober 1909)
Verhandlungen der Sektion für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankeiten an der 81. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte in Salzburg
Zur Technik und Klinik der abdominalen Uteruscarcinomoperation
Cylinders and Other Ancient Oriental Seals in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan . Catalogued by William Hayes Ward. New York: privately printed, MCMIX.
The Court of Faculties
Tables of Contents in the MSS of Pliny's Letters
Notes on pardalotes
The Influence of Environment and Race on Diseases.
Some Notes on Tasmanian Frogs
Perfectionnements aux tarauds, aux alésoirs et autres outils similaires
Life History Notes and Control of the Common Orchard Mites Tetranychus Bimaculatus and Bryobia Pratensis
Some thoughts on health education
Variations in Urosalpinx
Klinische und serologische Untersuchungen bei Syphilis, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der malignen Formen
I.—The Structure of Glaciers
Geology of the Serra do Mulato, State of Bahia, Brazil
The Greek Element in the Epistle to the Hebrews
The production of maize in the province of the Free State
Notes on the Birds of the Sunken Lands of Southeastern Missouri
Potentiel de décharge dans le champ magnétique
LXVI. Molecular attraction
Remarks on Coccidæ from Uganda
Die Anatomie des menschlichen Schläfebeins im Röntgenbilde: I. Teil.
The Finger-Print System of Identification
LXXVIII. Some experiments on refraction by non-homogeneous media
Vocational Training for Women
A brief report of the nebraska epidemic of poliomyelitis
Ueber transitorische Amaurose
Bone metastasis in a case of hypernephorma
Attachment to auto gas-regulators.
Henoch's purpura with enteric intussusception.
The outbreak of rat plague in Suffolk
China and the Powers Since the Boxer Movement
The teaching of writing
Forecasts for raisin makers
The heart muscle in typhoid fever
Ventilation—The canopied open bay window*
Sur la projection du radium B
Antwort auf vorstehende Bemerkungen
Zur Kenntnis des Milchlins
Sir William Oldhall
Apparat zum Ausdämpfen und Sterilisieren von Ampullen
The Valley of Aosta
IX. Primary Sarcoma of the Stomach: With Report of Two Cases.
The Abolition of Slavery in the Chinese Empire
Iv. instinct and intelligence1
XXIX. The Tibetan Anatomical System
An individual quantitative index to tuberculin dosage in treatment
Das 50jährige Stiftungsfest der Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin, Oktober 1860
Über das Vorkommen von Phagozyten in Lymphknötchen bei der Wurmfortsatzentzündung
The Effects of Bleaching upon the Digestibility of Wheat Flour
Ein neues Anreicherungsverfahren zum färberischen Nachweise spärlicher Tuberkelbazillen1)
Pension the Mothers
A Cretaceous Lycopodium (Middendorf, S.C.)
Die Behandlung des Morphinismus
Cadran de montre
The intermittent forms of dementia præcox
On a Method of Mounting and Exhibiting Frozen Sections of the Cadaver in the Anatomical Museum.
The methods of eugenics
A Method of Measurement of the Peltier E.M.F. in Absolute Units
Note on certain intumescences in roots
Isabel hampton—pupil nurse in the bellevue training school for nurses, 1881–1883
Descriptions of three new freshwater fishes from West Africa
On the action of magnesium sulphate
Molecular rearrangements of carbon compounds.2
Care of Male Patients
Some tests upon the synthetic sapphires of Verneuil
Ueber den Einfluß des Spezifizitätsbegriffs auf die moderne Medizin1)
Early Cases on the Doctrine of Continuous Voyages
The withdrawal of narcotics from habitués.
The Relief of Symptoms of Prostatic Obstruction by Electrical Treatment.
The use of organic electrolytes in cadmium separation.
Alloys of Nickel and Cobalt with Chromium.
On the efficacy of antimony-thioglycollic acid compounds in the treatment of experimental trypanosomiasis
The Habits and Distribution of Scutigera in India
Die neueren Fortschritte in der experimentellen Kolloidchemie der Eiweißkörper
United States Versus Great Britain in the Matter of the North Atlantic Coast Fisheries
The Training of Millinery Workers
Ionentheorie der Nerven- und Muskelreizung
Physics and Education
Some Circles Associated with Concyclic Points
A new geometrid genus, and a new species from the extreme southwest
XL.—On a new genus and species of the Order Solifugæ from Algeria
The ethical aspects of expert testimony in relation to the plea of insanity as a defense to an indictment for crime
Ii. instinct and intelligence1
Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Originalmethode nach Wassermann mit den übrigen gebräuchlichen Modifikationen
LXVIII. The series spectrum of mercury
Flemish and Rhenish Stoneware, and the Evolution of Siegburg Forms
Die Grenzen der Naturwissenschaft
The Natural Control of Heterocampa Guttivitta
Hermann Schwartze 7. September 1837 – 20. August 1910
Partial thyroidectomy in dementia præcox
The ‘epistola apostolorum’ in a new text
The determination of indium with the use of a mercury cathode.
Der Säuregehalt des Moorwassers
Über die elektrochemische Umwandlung von Manganaten in Permanganate
Machine for forming spiral tubing.
Introduction à l'Histoire Des Mongols de Fadl Allah Rashid Ed-Din . Par E. Blochet. Leyden, E. J. Brill; London, Luzac & Co.
Über die Reaktion zwischen Chinon und Salzsäure
The Second Birth of the Republican Party
On the Varieties of Mus rattus in Egypt; with General Notes on the Species having reference to Variation and Heredity.
The personality of the drinker.
German South-West Africa@@@Im deutschen Diamantenlande. Deutsch-Sudwest Afrika von der Errichtung der deutschen Herrschaft bis zur Gegenwart (1884-1910)
The Reaction Curve Of the Human and the Bovine type of the Tubercle Bacillus in Glycerine Bouillon.
The Cilician Cities of Anchialê and Illubri
Sur la nature des scories interposées dans l’acier Thomas
Der Einfluss des Koloquinten-Dekokts auf die Verdauungsbewegungen
Alcohol—a dangerous and unnecessary medicine—why and how
Metallic strontium.2
Der Jura im Umkreis des lemurischen Kontinentes
The ownership of medical prescriptions.
Studies in Luminescence. XII. The Absorption of Alcoholic Solutions of Eosin and Resorufin
The partial hydrolysis of proteins iii. on fibrin protoalbumose
Note on implicit functions defined by two equations when the functional determinant vanishes
LXXXIV. Vacuum spectrometer
Ein Fall von Adenoma endotheliale von Hansemann (Haemangioendothelioma intravasculare Borst) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner Histogenese
The dusky robin (Petroeca vittata)
Is Belief Essential in Religion
Methods of calculating mid-year populations*
Untersuchungen an menschlichen Neugeborenen über das Verhalten des Darmepithels bei verschiedenen functionellen Zuständen: Ein Beitrag zur Physiologie des Neugeborenen
Ueber eine vorgetäuschte Superfoetatio
"Elckerlijc-Everyman:" The Question of Priority
Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie hochgradiger Myosis mit Pupillenstarre
The Play Impulse and Attitude in Religion
The Mammals of Colorado.E. R. Warren
Reversible water-brake.
Ueber die Beziehung der Conception zur Menstruation und über die Eieinbettung beim Menschen
Nachprüfung der „Neusal-Methode von Dr. Wendler“ zur Fettbestimmung in Milch
How meirowsky's work has advanced our knowledge of pigment production
The Grouping of the Codices in the Greek Joshua: A Preliminary Notice
The Prediction of Human Conduct: A Study in Bergson
Description of two new nests and eggs from north-west Australia
Standards of Living and the Self: Dependent Woman
Ueber Autosorption (Auto-Adsorption)
XLV.—A note on Alouatta discolor of Spix
Observations on Human Spirochætosis in the Sudan
Befestigung von Mastkappen
Book Review:The Working Faith of the Social Reformer. Henry Jones
The notification of ophthalmia neonatorum
X. The Function of the Appendix and the Origin of Appendicitis.
The estimation of small quantities of nitrogen by pelouze's reaction.
Jonathan wild the great': Its Germ
Apparent Triplication of the Apex of the Right Lung.
The Classics and the Elective System
Favus beim Neugeborenen
The Junior Republic: Its History and Ideals. William R. George
Das Alveolärsarkom des Ovariums
LXIX. The pianoforte sounding-board
Degrees in dental surgery
XIII. The “Unknown Languages” of Eastern Turkestan. II
Vergleichende Untersuchungen über intraperitoneale und extraperitoneale Infection
Geburtsverlauf und Therapie beim engen Becken 1891–1909
Observations of Halley's comet
The Collimation of the Correcting Lens
Some problems of sensory integration1
Der Einfluß des Dispersitätsgrades eines festen Kristalles auf seine Schmelztemperatur
Isabel hampton robb—her work in organization and education
Appareil de microphotographie
Further Experiments on Dew-Ponds
Sheet-metal can for sardines.
Sugar Production in Mauritius
Review: W. Dette, Analytische Geometrie der Kegelschnitte
The bookkeeping of humanity
A reminder of the battle of omdurman.: an account of the removal of half a shrapnel bullet which had remained embedded in the leg of an arab for 11 years after the battle, sept. 2nd, 1898, to dec. 1st, 1909
Roentgen Rays in Therapeutics: A Suggestion from a Physicist
A High-School Course in Applied Chemistry
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Zeit der ersten Blütenanlage bei Holzpflanzen
Scab Formation in the Nose
The bindings of thomas wotton
On the Reversal of Spectral Lines
Herm. Møller. Indoeuropæisk – Semitisk Sammenlignende Glossarium . Copenhagen, 1909.
1. Ornithodorus megnini Duges im Gehörgang
The late mr. j. s. stuart glennie.
A History of Sumer and Akkad: An Account of the Early Races Of Babylonia From Prehistoric Times to the Foundation of the Babylonian Monarchy . By Leonard W. King M.A., F.S.A., Assistant in the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum. With map, plans, and illustrations. London: Chatto & Windus, 1910.
The Little Gull, Larus minutus pall., in Maine, with Remarks on Its Distribution, and Its Occurrence in America
Racial Hygiene and Vigor
The growth of legal control over town development in england
Der subperiostale Abszess der Regio mastoidea
Contributions to the Mesozoic Flora of the Atlantic Coastal Plain-VI. Georgia
Meeting of the Eugenics Section
Determination of ammonia nitrogen in water in the presence of hydrogen sulphide.
The Education and Efficiency of Women
LX. The photoelectric fatigue of metals
The foundations of school dentistry
Vāsiṣka, the Kuṣana
Does the pituitary body compensate for thyroid insufficiency
Chirurgie de guerre
Nickel Poisoning from Drinking Barley Water
Ueber eine seltenere Lokalisation von abgelagertem Schwefelblei (Bleisaum) bei chronischer Bleivergiftung
XII. The Rectosigmoidal Arterial Anastomosis: Its Importance in the Treatment of Carcinoma High in the Rectum.
The analysis of tin-antimony alloys.
A symptom-complex in ruptured abdominal hydatid.
Automatic weighing-machine.
District no. 1, north atlantic states
The Aerial Torpedo
Chief Justice Fuller
Elgar's Violin Concerto
The diagnosis of feeble-mindedness in school children*
Beitrag zur Bewerthung der bacteriellen Lochien- und Blutuntersuchung (speciell mittelst des Fromme'schen Lecithinverfahrens) für die Diagnose und Prognose puerperaler Infectionen
Records from the Family Bible of Richard Chapman, Jr., of New Kent County, Va.
Married Women in Industry
XXIV. The Astadasa-Bhedas, or the Eighteen Points of Doctrinal Differences between the Teṅgalais (Southerners) and the Vaḍagalais (Northerners) of the Viśiṣṭâdvaita Vaiṣṇava School, South India
Hyperkeratose und Hyperpigmentation
Personality and a Metaphysics of Value
The Hindrances to Good Citizenship. James Bryce
The practical teaching of housewifery to girls in elementary schools
Hysterical Anæsthesia. (Journ. of Abnorm. Psychol., April, 1910.) Linenthal, M.
Analysis and Apportionment of the Expenses of Management of a Life Office with a view to ascertaining the Office Premium Loadings
Procédé et appareil pour la fabrication de briques creuses ayant les cotés transversaux pleins
Ein neues Instrument zur Herbeiführung permanenter Drainage der Tränenabflusswege
A Case of Depressed Fracture of Skull With Spontaneous Elevation of the Depression and Complete Recovery.
Johann Gustav Droysen. Erster Teil: Bis zum Beginn der Frankfurter Tatigkeit
Vorrichtung zur höheneinstellung des auf seinem umfange mit einem motorflansch versehenen, auf ungepflügtem boden laufenden steuerrades bei motorpflügen
Book Review:The Philosophy of the Enlightenment. John Grier Hibben
Gonococcic Arthritis and Its Treatment
Über die Beziehung des glatten Muskelgewebes zu dem elastischen Gewebe
Hospitals and insurance
A Demonstration of Specimens Illustrating Cysts of the Female Appendages.
The New Cyneas of Emeric Cruce.
Absence of the fallopian tubes and of menstruation: monthly recurring attacks of peritonitis: relief following an operation joining ovarian pouches with the uterine cavity.
Chaucer: "The Shipman's Prologue"
Some Phosphorescent Salts of Cadmium with Sodium
The prevalence of dental caries in school children
Two cases of acute endocarditis
Four and seven as divine titles
Neuere Arbeiten über die Entstehung des Dolomits
The Coccidae of Boulier County, Colorado
Hosts of strepsiptera
Holoacardius paracephalus cyclops
Dilation of the Aorts
On the Apparent Periodicity in the Spacing of the Satellites of Some of the Mercury Lines
The Yola-Cross River Boundary Commission, Southern Nigeria
Construction of a simple electrolytic interrupter
Über eine Schussverletzung des Ohres
The Possessive Form for Personal Bird Names
Dynamo-electric machine.
Metathetical reactions: ether-thioureas and their relation to pseudoammonium bases.
The compulsory notification of measles
On surface energy and surface tension.
Some Problems in Infant Feeding.
Probable errors of radial velocity determinations.
The Pleas of the Crown in the Avranchin
The Mockingbird near Boston
Dust laying preparations in schools
The leaf of colliquaya odorifera, molin
Stream-Line Flow Over Inclined Planes and Bodies
Einspannvorrichtung für Bilderrahmen
The Last Words of Asoka
Appareil avertisseur automatique de dégonflement pour bandages pneumatiques
Training for Salesmanship
Simultaneous graphic registration of gastric and duodenal peristalsis in rabbits; a demonstration:
Athens and Hellenism
Indications and Contraindications for the Use of Spinal Anesthesia.
XXVIII. Note on the Dalai Lama's Seal and the Tibeto Mongolian Characters
The "Academic Tragedy" of "Caesar and Pompey"
Report of Public Health Committee.
The Jews of Arabia and the Gaonate
Report of Hookworm Commission.
L'Organisation Financiere du Clerge de France a l'Epoque de Louis XIV. La Contribution du Clerge de France a l' Impot pendant la Seconde Moitie du Regne de Louis XIV. (1689-1715)
Methoden der Diffusions-Untersuchung
An outbreak of milk-borne scarlet fever
Julia Ward Howe
Notes on the birds seen around Inglenook, Merriman's Creek, South Gippsland
Dispositif permettant d'actionner à distance un piston soumis à l'action d'un ressort
The World's Great Rivers: The Amazon
Notes on a case of papulo‐necrotic tuberclide
On West African Trypetidæ (Fruit flies)
Note - The Instability of Alloxan.
Experiments with Mycenaean Glaze
Some Early Records of the Passenger Pigeon
Hormones in Relation to Inheritance
The Text of the Culex
Instinct and intelligence. a reply
On the Refractive Indices of Solutions of Certain Proteins: II. The Paranucleins
The Technique of Bridging Gaps in the Action of German Drama since Gottsched. Part I: Until the Death of Lessing
Speed-changing gearing.
LXXIII. On the equation of continuity of the liquid and gaseous states of matter
The Marine Fauna of the Merge Archipelago, Lower Burma
A Good Record
The rapid determination of copper, silver, cadmium and bismuth by means of the mercury cathode and stationary anode.
VII. The Surgical Aspect of Epulis and Sarcoma of the Jaw.
Fluid-translating device.
Verfahren und Apparat zur Herstellung von Kraftgas aus bituminösen Brennstoffen
The Wassermann Reaction in the Blood and Cerebro-Spinal Fluid, and the Examination of the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid in General Paralysis and other Forms of Insanity
The Choragic Monument of Nicias
Book Review:The Problem of Human Life as Viewed by the Great Thinkers from Plato to the Present Time. Rudolf Eucken, Williston S. Hough, W. R. Boyce Gibson
Einfluß der Kriechübungen auf die lordotische Albuminurie
A Memoir of the Right Hon. William Edward Hartpole Lecky, M.P., O.M., LL.D., D.C.L., Litt.D., Member of the French Institute and of the British Academy. By his Wife. (London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Company. 1909. Pp. xvii, 420.)
XXVI. Hinduism in Assam
The Viscosimeter as an Aid in the Detection of liquefying Bacteria.
A Garland of Ballads
The treatment of syphilis with ehrlich's 606
Die Abnahme der Geburtsziffer in England
The Certificate System
Darwinism and Modern Socialism. F. W. Headley
The Coccidae of Audubon Park,New Orleans, La.
The Cambridge milk depot
Metabolism in dementia præcox
Ein statistischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Zusammensetzung holländischer und nordrussischer Butter
A Clinical Study of Anæsthesia, Menial Confusion, and Moods, in Epilepsy, Confusional Insanity and Hysteria
Le parlement de Bretagne et le pouvoir royal au XVIIIe siècle
Geschichte der Meder und Perser bis zur Makedonischen Eroberung. Band II. Die Blutezeit und der Verfall des Reiches der Achameniden
Suckling and Desportes
Haftung für Arztforderungen
LXIII. The accelerated motion of an electrified sphere
Does Evolutionary Philosophy offer any Constructive Argument for the Reality of God
High School Administration. Horace A. Hollister
Powder-packing machine.
What distinguishes trigonometry
Vorrichtung zum Drehen der Fensterladen vom Zimmerinnern aus
A Study of the Short-Time Phosphorescence of Certain Compounds
Hemilaryngectomy for epithelioma exhibition of the patient
Annuaire de la Vie Internationale.
Women and the Trade: Union Movement in the United States
Apparat zur Herstellung von mit Aufdruck versehenen Streifenabschnitten
Fall von Ecthyma térébrant de l'enfance
LXIV. On threefold emission-spectra of solid aromatic compounds
Wholesome versus Unwholesome Exercise
Bericht über die Tätigkeit während der Jahre 1906, 1907 und 1908
Influenzal septicaemia, with a short review of the present status of bacillus influenzae
The simulation of hysteria
The supposed calling-in of drayton's ‘harmony of the church, ’ 1591
A Pheasant-Bantam Hybrid
Comments on Tropical Medicine.
Philosophy in France During the Last Decade.
Mitteilung über lactonähnliche Anhydride acylierter Aminosäuren. Über das Lacton des racemischen Benzoylphenylalanins
Suggestions regarding Rig-Veda, X, 102
II.—On the Discovery of Bembridge Limestone Fossils on Creechbarrow Hill, Isle of Purbeck
In private schools: suggestions for teaching the bible in private schools
On Semi-Analytic Functions of Two Variables
The pulse immediately preceding the epileptic attack
Boite de conserve avec dispositif de chauffage
Italian Courtesy Books
Criteria of downward sulphide enrichment (discussion)
Nuclear Phenomena of Sexual Reproduction in Angiosperms
Water Vapour on Mars
Trisecting any angle by means of a hyperbola1
A volumetric method of determining iodide in the presence of chloride, bromide, or free iodine.
Medical benefit: Some notes on foreign experience
Exposition and Illustration in Teaching. John Adams
Nochmals über das Verhalten des Phlorhizins nach der Nierenexstirpation
Note On Insoluble Lead Salts of Amino-Acids
Potato-peeling machine.
The increase in the cancer death-rate*
Carnegie Foundation Report on Medical Education; a Reply to the Criticisms from Cooper Medical College.
Description of Plates
The Fourth International Conference of American Republics
Zur Differential-Diagnose der Mitralstenose
Friedlaender's "Arabic Writings of Miamonides"
Sophoclea: III. Antigone
Principles of International Law Applied by the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission
Castle-Guard and Barons' Houses
New units in aero-physics
The Bright Child.
Der Ālteke Vedanta: Geschichte, Kritik und Lehre . Von Max Walleser. Heidelberg, 1910. Carl Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung.
Sickness insurance and public health
Wintersche „Bekämpfung des Gebärmutterkrebses“: Eine historisch-kritische Studie
John phillip—notes for a bibliography
Gletscherkunde und Glazialrelief
The functional disturbances in paroxysmal tachycardia
Untersuchungen über den Einfluß eines Bitterstoffes auf den Vorgang der Resorption
Archaisms in the Rāmāyaṇa
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der pathologischen Anatomie der Meningoencephalitis des Menschen
Über die Ausnutzung des Blutes als Nahrungsmittel
The Relation of the Gospel of Mark to Primitive Christian Tradition
Berzelius' Irrtum über den Entdecker des Neutralitätsgesetzes
Ultramikroskopische Beobachtungen über die Hydrolyse des Sublimates
Einwirkung von Chinon auf Diamine und Aminosäureester
Zur Technik der Netzplastik beim Ulcus duodeni perforatum
Eiweißabbau und Zellverfettung
XXVII. Chinese Riddles On Ancient Indian Toponymy: I. Ch‘a-po-ho-lo and Ka-p‘i-li
Some aspects of the glacial history of Western Europe
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Trachomkörperchen und ihres Vorkommens
Über die Natur der Krämpfe bei Schichtstar
Is acute chorea an infectious disease
Über Kochsalz-Infusionstherapie und Appendicitisbehandlung