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Discover 58 research papers published on
1st March, 1970 starting with "J"

Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas
J. M. Prausnitz: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid Phase Equilibria. International Series in the Physical and Chemical Engineering Sciences. Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1969. 523 Seiten Preis: 145 s
Joint Influence of Month and Age of Calving on Milk Yield of Holstein Cows in the Northeastern United States
Juvenile Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis: Clinical, Laboratory and Histological Correlations
John Dalton and the Progress of Science
Job satisfaction—a new approach derived from an old theory
Judgments about candidates for psychotherapy: the influence of social class and insight-verbal ability.
Jupiter's red spot in 1968 - 1969
Jahreszeitliche Steuerung der Atmung von Arianta arbusto rum (Gastropoda)
Judging quality by price, snob appeal, and the new consumer theory
JOHN H. McARTHUR AND BRUCE R. SCOTT, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF AUDREY T. SPROAT. Industrial Planning in France. Pp. xxv, 592. Boston: Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1969. $12.00
Jumping activity induced by sodium 5-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-5-ethyl barbiturate. i. the role of the sympathetic nervous system
Jazz et vin de palme
Jordan automorphisms on a semisimple Banach algebra
Jameson and Hurvich’s theory of brightness contrast
Japanese encephalitis purified vaccine. II. Purity of the mouse brain vaccine purified by ultracentrifugation.
Jordanes und Scandia. Kritisch-exegetische Studien
Judges—An Apology for the Monarchy?
James Norman Goodier, 1905–1969
Jahresgang von Infektionskrankheiten in Mitteleuropa
John Capgrave and the Nova legenda Anglie: A Survey
John Tallis's London Street Views 1838-1840
Journal of Biosocial Science. Vol. I:I.
Juvenile Fibromatose@@@Juvenile fibromatoses
Joule heating and the excitation of thermotidal modes in the dynamo region
Junior Colleges in America: The Two-year Stretch
Jacobi spaces of entire functions
Job Satisfaction in Practical Nursing as a Function of Measured and Expressed Interests
Jet interaction wrap-around on bodies of revolution
Judges, Legistators, and Social Change
Japan and Philippine Beer: The 1930s
John Dryden: Selected Criticism
Japanese Dairying-Changes in Milch-Cow-Tending Areas and in Milk Transportation-
J. D. Harding and John Ruskin on Nature's Infinite Variety
Joule versus calorie as the fundamental unit in nutrition.
Jeryl Lynn Strain Live Attenuated Mumps Virus vaccine in a private pediatric practice.
Jordan’s theorem for solvable groups
Japanese Division of the International Association for Dental Research-Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Seventeenth Annual Session
Joint Participation in Decision Making: A Study of Faculty Government and Faculty-Administrative Consultation at Fresno State College.
Joint ill in foals.
Jeremias Gotthelf und das Problem der Armut
Jig for measuring endotracheal tube lengths
James L. Hymes Jr.: Teaching the Young Child Under Six: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, Columbus. 157 pp. $2.50
[Jaundice epidemiology in 1,974 hospitalized tubercular patients, treated or untreated by rifampicin].
Jordbruksbefolkningen i Sverige. Regional struktur och förändring under 1900-talet@@@Jordbruksbefolkningen i Sverige. Regional struktur och forandring under 1900-talet
機械論〔"The Opinions of Messers Say,Sismondi,and Malthus,on the Effects of Machinery and Accumulation,Stated and Examined,"1821(Edinburgh Review,35)〕
Jejunocolostomy for obesity.
John Fiske, Chauncey Wright, and William James: A Dialogue on Progress
J. S. Mill and his preposterous motion
John wesley coulter, 1893–1967
Jodometrische Sulfitbestimmung in Gelatine mit biamperometrischer Endpunktanzeige
家蠶의 virus病 誘發에 미치는 飼育條件의 影響에 關한 硏究
Jumping activity induced by sodium 5-(1,3-dim- ethylbutyl)-5-ethyl barbiturate. II. The effects of age difference.
Jewish reactions to prejudice in Australia
Joint deformation of a metal multilayer
John desmond bernal—Evangelist of science (1901–)
Jan Svartvik, On Voice in the English Verb . (Janua Linguarum, Series Practica, 63.) The Hague: Mouton, 1966. Pp. xii + 200.