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Discover 757 research papers published on
1st May, 1970 starting with "R"

Regulation of Axon Formation by Clonal Lines of a Neural Tumor
Retinoscopy and eye size.
Random walks and technical theories: some additional evidence
Realization of optimum interleavers
Rna in cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of cellular slime mold amebas
Rosette formation by peripheral lymphocytes.
Resolution Enhancement of Spectra
Red cell and plasma cholinesterase activities in microsamples of human and animal blood determined simultaneously by a modified acetylthiocholine-DTNB procedure.
Responses of neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of cat to binaural tonal stimulation.
Recovery and characterization of a minute virus of canines.
Retinal angiogenesis in the human embryo.
Review of collapsing soils
Respiration in a primitive air breather, Amia calva.
Recurrent abdominal pain in childhood
Rapid method for determining alkaline phosphatase activity in serum with thymolphthalein monophosphate.
Release of dissolved organic matter by marine phytoplankton in coastal and offshore areas of the northeast pacific ocean1
Regulation of histidine uptake by specific feedback inhibition of two histidine permeases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Recovery of specific "caries-inducing" streptococci from carious lesions in the teeth of children.
Response of retinal cells to moving spots: intracellular recording in Necturus maculosus.
Relationship between Fatty-Acid Composition of Platelets and Platelet Aggregation in Rat and Man RELATION TO THROMBOSIS
Relationships Between Achievement-Related Motives, Future Orientation, And Academic Performance.
Raman Spectra and the Phonon Dispersion of Polyglycine
Role of vibrissae for depth perception in the rat (Rattus norvegicus).
Reproductive systems and colonization in Canadian weeds
Responses of mice to odors associated with stress.
Role of catecholamines in stimulating the release of pituitary ovulating hormone(s) in rats.
Repair of the external granular layer of the hamster cerebellum after prenatal and postnatal administration of methylazoxymethanol.
Rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism of brain "proteolipid" protein.
Repayment of O2 debt and resynthesis of high-energy phosphates in gastrocnemius muscle of the dog.
Retinal and optic nerve serotonin and retinal degeneration as influenced by photoperiod.
Regulation of lipid metabolism
Regional cerebral blood flow and its autoregulation in patients with transient focal cerebral ischemic attacks.
Runaway stars and the pulsars near the crab nebula.
Retinal function in an isolated, perfused mammalian eye.
Reactions of organolithium reagents with siloxane substrates
Relationship of Nitrate Reductase Activity to Grain Protein Production in Wheat 1
Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy in the Treatment of Prostatic Carcinoma
Regulation of thrombopoiesis
Random ordinary differential equations
Renal metabolic response to acid-base changes: II. The early effects of metabolic acidosis on renal metabolism in the rat
RbSr ages from the ocean of storms
Reversal by light of the action of n-methyl n-desacetyl colchicine on mitosis
Rotational Hysteresis Loss in High‐Field Superconductors
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Review of 140 cases.
Repair of x-ray damage in DNA of cultivated cells from patients having xeroderma pigmentosum.
Review of Numerical Integration Techniques for Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations
Relative Deprivation, Powerlessness, and Militancy: The Psychology of Social Protest†
Reactions involving electron transfer. I. Reduction of 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-hepten-3-one
Reciprocal full-sib selection.
Radioactive assay of folic acid polyglutamate conjugase(s).
Reversible vascular occlusion of the colon.
Removal of trace metals from marine culture media
Role of the entero-hepatic cycle of indomethacin on its metabolism, distribution in tissues and its excretion by rats, dogs and monkeys.
Recalcification of Artificially Decalcified Dentin In Vivo
Recovery of unavailable perceptual input
Renin activity content in various tissues od dogs under different physiopathological states.
Radio tracking of homing and feeding flights of a neotropical bat, Phyllostomus hastatus
Range of diversity index in benthic macroinvertebrate populations.
Reproductive effects of the mammalian pineal.
Rates of glutaminase I and glutamine synthetase reactions in rat kidney in vivo.
Ribosome-granular material complexes in human leukemic lymphoblasts exposed to vinblastine sulfate
Reactions involving electron transfer. II. Reductions of enones with alkali metal solutions
Renal function, renin activity and endogenous vasoactive substances in cirrhosis
Rhinophyma: its surgical treatment.
Regarding the Definition of Tropical Sprue
Ray Theory for Lossy Media
Reaction rate of trifluoromethyl radicals by rapid scan infrared spectroscopy
Reformation of taste buds by crossed sensory nerves in the rat's tongue.
Relationship between contact angle and drop size
Relationship of Various Blood Metabolites to Voluntary Feed Intake in Lactating Ewes
Retrieval from iconic memory with shape as the selection criterion
Relation of sarcomere length and muscle length in resting myocardium
Risk factors in coronary artery disease, hypertension and diabetes.
Regional geology and landslides in the marine clay deposits of eastern Canada
Relationship between saturable absorber cell length and pulse duration in passively mode-locked lasers
Recognition of proximal right coronary artery spasm during coronary arteriography.
Race and Class in Latin America
Refractive state. intelligence test scores. and academic ability
Resolvability of Objects from the Standpoint of Statistical Parameter Estimation
Rocky Mountain spotted fever in children.
Relationship between sites 1,2 and acceptor, donor sites for the binding of aminoacyl tRNA to ribosomes.
Relationships between the Structures of Natural Rubber Vulcanizates and Their Thermal and Oxidative Aging
Resting levels of fibrinolysis in blood in inactive and exercising men.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever. A vascular disease.
Replication of Sendai Virus II. Steps in Virus Assembly
Radiation-induced radicals in thymine: ESR studies of single crystals.
Regional geochemical reconnaissance and the location of metallogenic provinces
Refinement of a Valence Force Field for Polytetrafluoroethylene by a Damped Least‐Squares Method
Reactions of radicals. 24. Mechanism of the substitution reaction on sulfur atoms by radicals or nucleophiles
Relationship between the tissue and epimorphic regeneration of muscles.
Reliability of quantum-mechanical communication systems
Rates of regeneration of acetylcholinesterase in rat brain subcellular fractions following DFP inhibition.
Radio Noise Currents and Audible Noise on Short Sections of UHV Bundle Conductors
Responses of female rats to the individual body odors of male rats
Role of carotid chemoreceptors in circulatory response to hypoxia in dogs.
Response diversity of neurons in ventral cochlear nucleus of kangaroo rat to low-frequency tones.
Regulation of collagen and hyaluronate formation in human synovial fibroblast cultures.
Right aortic arch with isolation of the left subclavian artery
Relations between the structure of crystalline and amorphous CdGexAs2
Rhodotorula mucilaginosa dermatitis on feathered parts of chickens: an epizootic on a poultry farm.
Regeneration in the African lungfish, Protopterus. I. Gross aspects
Raman spectra of L-alanine oligomers.
Rates of synthesis and degradation of protein in the sea urchin embryo
Responses to hypoxia of pulmonary arterial strips in nonaqueous baths.
Rates of Evaporation and Condensation between Pure Liquids and Their Own Vapors
Roentgenologic periapical diagnosis. II. One, two or more roentgenograms?
Rate temperature maxima for the olefin disproportionation reaction
Repair of ascending aortic aneurysm and aortic regurgitation complicated by acute cardiac compression by pectus excavatum in Marfan's syndrome.
Roentgenologic periapical diagnosis. I. Reproducibility of interpretation.
Rats prefer signaled reinforcing brain stimulation to unsignaled ESB.
Relative reactivities of enamines in alkylation reactions
Response of ligated intestinal loops in lambs to an enteropathogenic factor of Clostridium perfringens type A
Replication of Rous sarcoma virus in synchronized cells.
Rates and mechanisms of substitution reactions of square-planar nickel(II) dithiolate complexes
Rates of ozone-paraffin reactions in carbon tetrachloride solution
Residual effects of soil fumigation on soil respiration and mineralization
Reproduction and Growth for Two Species of Grasshopper Mice (Onychomys) in the Laboratory
Reaction of O(1D) with N2O
Regeneration of the rat gastrocnemius muscle from sibling and non‐sibling muscle fragments
Red cell metabolism in iron deficiency anemia. II. The relationship between red cell survival and alterations in red cell metabolism
Regional localization of estrogenic metabolites in the brain of male and female rats.
Residual finiteness and the Hopf property in rings
RNA Synthesis in the Root Apex of Zea mays
Relationship between difference spectra and metabolism: Barbiturates, drug interaction and species difference
Relation between total radiation and yield of some field crops in the Netherlands.
Renal ammonia and acid excretion in infant rats.
Reviews of Topical Problems: Ionospheric Aerodynamics
Roosting of starlings (Sturnus vulgaris): A function of light and time
Reversion of Bacillus subtilis Protoplasts to the Bacillary Form Induced by Exogenous Cell Wall, Bacteria and by Growth in Membrane Filters
Radiographic manifestations of the arthrogryposis syndrome
Repair in the human dental pulp following cavity preparation
Reactions of certain trichloromethyl sulfenyl fungicides with low molecular weight thiols. In vitro studies with glutathione.
Rapid In Vitro Screening of Polymers for Biocompatibility
Recent occurrences of stable auroral red arcs.
Religious Intermarriage in a Denominational Society.
Refractive errors, reading performance, and school achievement among Eskimo children.
Ribosome Biosynthesis in Cultured Lymphocytes: II. The Role of Ribosomal RNA Production in the Initiation and Maintenance of Lymphocyte Growth
Rooting cofactors, indoleacetic acid, and adventitious root initiation in mung bean cuttings (Phaseolus aureus)
Reye's syndrome treated by peritoneal dialysis.
Residue determination of landrin insecticide by trifluoroacetylation and electron-capture gas chromatography.
Reaction of Grignard reagents with tetramethylthiuram disulfide [yielding dithiocarbamates]
Reduction of an aromatic carboxyl to a methyl group
Reptilian C-type virus: Biophysical, biological, and immunological properties
Radiogenic Heat Production of Contrasting Magma Series: Bearing on Interpretation of Heat Flow
Road traffic control system
Reproduction of Arctic marine invertebrates
Role of Homocysteine Synthetase in an Alternate Route for Methionine Biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Recent work on the adaptive functions of circadian and seasonal rhythms in animals
Rhodium Tolane Complex and Cyclotrimerization of Substituted Acetylenes Catalyzed by Transition Metal Complexes
Release of Membrane Components from Viable Haemophilus parainfluenzae by Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid-Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane
Random walk and the spread of cancer
Responses of infant monkeys to pictorial representations of a learned visual discrimination
[Radiologic study of hyaline membrane disease: 110 cases].
Redox-dependent conformational changes of rabbit liver cytochrome P-450.
Relationship between thermoelasticity and reinforcement in elastomers: Silica filled silicone elastomers
Relation of lactic and citric acid metabolism to bone resorption in tissue culture.
Response by paddy rice to rates and sources of applied phosphorus.
Remarks on the rearing of gobies(Pomatoschistus minutus andP. lozanoi) for experimental purposes
Retrieval of a Ventriculoatrial Shunt Catheter from the Heart by a Venous Catheterization Technique: Technical Note
Radio-sensitization with Iodine Compounds: I. Examination of Damage in Deoxyribonucleic Acid with Bacillus Subtilis transformation system by irradiation in the presence of potassium iodide
Reaktionen von Brenzcatechin mit Methyl- und Phenyldichlorphosphin
Religion and Demographic Behaviour in Ireland
Rock-boring cutter
Rotatory head response evoked by stimulating and destroying the interstitial nucleus and surrounding region.
Reinforcing effect of self-reward.
Regulation of NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase activity in Acinetobacter.
Ramanujan : the man and the mathematician
Resistance tester for producing an audible tone that varies with the resistance
Renal and hepatic inactivation of angiotensin in rats: influence of sodium balance and renal artery compression
Relationship between milking intervals and individual milk weights.
Religion and Society in Modern Japan
Recognition and treatment of flatfeet in infancy.
Reactions of norbornen-7-one with Grignard reagents
Reaction of thiophthalic anhydride with trivalent phosphorus
Reaction between the tetrachloropalladate(II) ion and 1,10-phenanthroline
Reliability of cardiac output measured by thermodilution method in small animals
Responses to "frustration" in one-year-old infants.
Reduction-gas chromatographic determination of cyclic monomer and oligomers in polyamides
Residues of O,P′-DDD and O,P′-DDT in brown pelican eggs and mallard ducks
Role of organic phosphates in the adaptation of man to hypoxia.
Raman intensities and metal-metal bond orders
Radiosensitivities of Selected Amphibians in Relation to Their Nuclear and Chromosome Volumes
Relative importance of young and mature turkeys and chickens in contaminating soil with Histomonas-bearing Heterakis eggs.
Reaction of Sulfoxides with Acylating Reagents. III. Mechanism of the Reactions of Phenyl Methyl Sulf oxide with Acetic Anhydride
Radiation depigmentation of mouse hair: split-dose experiments and melanocyte precursors (amelanotic melanoblasts) in the resting hair follicle.
Relationship of testosterone to human seminal fructose.
Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus in Cultures of Phytohemagglutinin-Stimulated Human Lymphocytes
River Basin Authorities: A National Solution to Water Pollution
Reaction of substituted 2-carbethoxyacetylaminopyridines and similar compounds with triethyl orthoformate and zinc chloride
Radiation characteristics of current elements near a finite-length cylinder
Reference solution for electrical conductance measurements to 800.deg. and 12,000 bars. Aqueous 0.01 demal potassium chloride
Resistance changes of discontinuous gold films in air
Reactions of 2,2‐Diethoxyvinylidenetriphenylphosphorane with Ketones. Synthesis of 1,3‐Dioxo‐4‐pentenes and Their Enol Ethers
Relation between cerebral blood-flow and cerebral perfusion pressure.
Records of fungi parasitic on plants in New Zealand 1966-68.
Relative Affinity of Vancomycin and Ristocetin for Cell Walls and Uridine Diphosphate-N-Acetylmuramyl Pentapeptide
Response of chick oviduct adenyl cyclase to steroid hormones.
Reactions of nitrosyl chloride with some transition metal-cyano complexes in selected nonaqueous media
Reactions of certain trichloromethyl sulfenyl fungicides with low-molecular-weight thiols. In vivo studies with cells of Saccharomyces pastorianus
Relevance of physiological and psychological criteria to man-machine systems: the present state of the art.
Renal Autotransplantation Without Ureteral Division: An Experimental Study and Case Report
Reduction and elimination as side reactions in the replacement of vinylic bromine atoms by means of lithium-copper organometallics
Regional pulmonary function in patients with mitral stenosis in relation to haemodynamic data
Radiosensitivity of the colony-forming cells of the mouse bone marrow.
Recurrent and alternating Bell??s palsy
Renal handling of creatinine in nephrotic and non-nephrotic patients
Raman spectra of CdF2 and PbF2
Ratio of disproportionation to combination of N2H3 radicals
Reversal of cholera exotoxin-induced jejunal secretion by cycloheximide.
Review of 'Knowing and Guessing, A Quantitative Study of Inference and Information' (Watanabe, S.; 1969)
Response of complex structures to turbulent boundary layers
Relapses in birds infected with species of Leucocytozoon.
Reversing the spiral toward futility
Replication of bacteriophage lambda DNA associated with the host cell membrane.
Regional Variation in Muscle Myogen Polymorphism in Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) as Related to Morphology
Reaction of terephthalic acid with formaldehyde in sulfur trioxide media
Red cell adenylate kinase activity in AK1 and AK 2-1 phenotypes
Rate of crystal growth of sulfathiazole and methylprednisolone
Regulation of intracellular pH in the rat brain in chronic hypercapnia.
Response of several lines of fowl and their single-cross progeny to experimental infection with Eimeria tenella.
Recombination Radiation and Fluorescence in Doped Anthracene Crystal
Relevant Subjective Response Uncertainty as a Function of Stimulus-Task Interaction
Resistance to extinction in GSR conditioning following different numbers of postpeak acquisition trials.
Replacement cover plate for electric outlet box
Radiographic observations of clearance of tantalum and barium sulfate particles from airways.
Reaction of Cobalt Hydrotetracarbonyl with Acetylene
Rupture of the axillary artery complicating dislocation of the shoulder. Report of a case.
Regions of negative values of intermolecular nuclear shielding for protons of purines.
Radiative transition probabilities between the 3p54p and 3p54s configurations of neutral argon
Relation of Degree of Angiographically Documented Coronary Artery Disease to Mortality.
Reduced Complement Activity in Sera of Patients with Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia
Radioactivity in human breast tumours after infusion of 3H-oestradiol: Effect of androgen treatment
Relative concentrations of IgM and IgG antibodies during the primary response.
Report on the utility of a Piaget-based infant scale with older retarded children.
Reactions of some 2-aminophenyl- and 2- and 4-nitrophenyl sulfones in aqueous sodium hydroxide solution
Requirements for curing of λ lysogens
Reactions of alkenes with di-tert-butyl peroxide and tert-butyl peroxypivalate
Reaction of Sulfoxides with Acylating Reagents. I. Mechanism of Oxygen Exchange Reaction of Diaryl Sulfoxides with Acetic Anhydride
Radio Interference Long-Term Recording on an Operating 420-kV Line
Rheumatic Heart Disease Epidemiology III. The San Luis Valley Prevalence Study
Remeasured Wavelengths of Some Resonance Lines of Be III, B IV, C V and O VII
Renal allograft rejection. An analysis of lysozymuria, serum complement, lymphocyturia, and heterophil antibodies.
Reactions of Metal Atoms. III. The Combination of Mercury and Iodine Atoms and the Spectrum of HgI
Removal of protruded lumbar intervertebral discs.
Redox-untersuchungen an jodboranen V. Synthese und eigenschaften von thioboranen (RS)nBX3−n
Radial gradients and anisotropies of cosmic rays in the interplanetary medium
Ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease activity in hyaluronidase preparations.
Reactions of tetramethylenehalonium ions
Release by amphetamine in man of growth hormone and corticosteroids: the effects of thymoxamine and propranolol.
Relationships between the influence of cortisol on tissue amino acid accumulation and amino acid incorporation in protein, and the cortisol inhibition of substrate metabolism.
Reduction of the Number of the Independent Orbit-Lattice Parameters
Regional distribution of blood flow in the bat (Myotis lucifugus) during arousal from hibernation.
Reading Scales to Age Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus) from Hecate Strait
Recombination luminescence in NaCI
Reaction of 1-tetralones with potassium hydroxide-sodium hydroxide
Riboflavin protection against azo dye hepatoma induction in the rat.
Riverbank stability study at the University of Alberta, Edmonton
Recurrent Parotid Tumours
Review of distal metatarsal osteotomies for hallux valgus in the young.
Rocket spectroscopy of zeta puppis
Rate of reduction of ruthenium(III) complexes by chromium(II) and vanadium(II)
Responses in continuous cultures of lysogenic Escherichia coli following induction.
Reactions of primary human peritoneal cell cultures with homologous and autologous leucocytes.
Reliability of a Repairable Multicomponent System with Redundancy in Parallel
Rhizosphere organisms and molybdenum concentrations in plants
Reduced Breakdown in Vivo of Liver Microsomal Ribonucleic Acid and Protein in Rats Treated with Cortisone
Release in vitro of 5-hydroxytryptamine from spindle cells of the domestic fowl
Radiation effects and oxygen vacancies in silicates.
Role of aflatoxin in Indian childhood cirrhosis. (A preliminary communication)
Radiative lifetime of the b3⩞+ state of CO☆
Raman Spectra of Fused Carbonates
Reaktionen von 2,2‐Diäthoxyvinyliden‐triphenylphosphoran mit Ketonen. Synthese von 1,3‐Dioxo‐4‐pentenen und deren Enoläthern
Recovery of viability and radiation resistance by heat-injured conidia of penicillium expansum lk. ex thom.
Relative frequency of reinforcement and rate of punished behavior
Radiation condition for a magnetoplasma medium
Relation of Lipopolysaccharide and Fatty Acid Ester Release to the Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid Alteration of Permeability in Enterobacteriaceae
Resistance Studies on Smooth Open Channels
Radiolucent Prosthesis of Mesh-Reinforced Acrylic: Technical Note
Relationship of protein-calorie malnutrition with toxemia of pregnancy
Review of Current Progress: Oestrogens and the Maternal Circulation
Renal tubular transport of 2-deoxy-D-glucose in dogs and rats.
Resistive layers formed by ion implantation into metal films
Role strain in a diversified role set: the director of nursing service. 1.
Relative Performance of F1 and F2 Hybrids from Doubled Haploids and Their Parent Varieties in Upland Cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L 1
Relationship of Cx-reactive Protein Response to Induction of Liver and Kidney Catalases following Hematin Administration into Rabbits
Relationship of Myocardial Potassium Content and Atrial Fibrillation
Renal carcinoma in an owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus).
Remarks on a Paper by Lipman Bers
Racemization and oxygen-18-exchange studies of heterochelate chromium(III) complexes with the ligands 2,2'-bipyridine, 1,10-phenanthroline, and oxalate ion. I. Racemization of the bis(oxalato)2,2'-bipyridinechromate(III) and the bis(oxalato)-1,10-phenanthroline-chromate(III) anions
Response of Materials to Impulsive Loading
Renal response to systemic trauma
Raman spectrum of fused NaNO3
Regulatory aspects of photosynthesis
Root rot in crocus.
Rhythmic Aspects of the Avaz in Persian Music
Recovery of a Tropical Pond Zooplankton Community after Destruction by Algal Bloom
Relative Importance of Interest and Ability in Vocational Decision Making.
Release of tRNA from Ribosomes by a Factor Other Than G Factor
Retinal and cerebral fat emboli following lymphography with oily contrast media.
Rapid glucose oxidase--peroxidase ultramicro method for determination of blood glucose.
Renin, aldosterone and electrolytes in idiopathic orthostatic hypotension.
"Repeat" high ligation.
Reaktionen anodisch erzeugter Nioboxidschichten
Response and optimization of an isolation system with relaxation type damping
Rational Design Concept for Breasting Dolphins
Review of the problem of birds contaminated by oil and their rehabilitation
Relative back focus monitoring method and apparatus
Role of mammography with palpable breast lesions.
Removal of Gardona from fruit by commercial preparative methods.
Reconstruction of the navel
Radio navigation system
Rickets and osteodystophia fibrosa in foxes fed a high horsemeat ration.
Retropubic vesicourethropexy--success or failure?
Rat mite dermatitis: a family affair
Release, excretion, tissue uptake and biological effectiveness of estradiol from silastic devices implanted in rats
Reaction of amines with haloalkanes. II. Dissolution of copper in n-butylamine-carbon tetrachloride solutions
Relative albumin, transferrin, and fibrinogen synthesis rates in perfused bovine liver.
Reversal by 2-bromostearate of the impairment of glucose and pyruvate oxidation in diaphragm of fat-fed rats, in vitro.
Review Essay : Pollution, Population, and the Cowboy Economy: Anomalies in the Developmentalist Paradigm and Samuel Huntington
Renal failure in leptospirosis.
Radiation therapy in the management of medulloblastoma.
Results in the theory of linear differential games with an information time lag
Rose Bengal as a reporter of the polarity and the acidity of the TPN binding site in 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase.
Root and foliar absorption of atrazine applied postemergence to broadleaf weeds.
Resolution of racemic carbohydrates by gas chromatography - Hexonic acids
Recent trends in expanding roles of the nurse.
Relativistic spin: Tops and wave equations
Rapid intrarenal circulation
Reaction rates in hydrothermal flow systems
Reaktionen des Trimethylsilylsenföls Darstellung von Organoammoniumrhodaniden, Iminiumrhodaniden und 3.4‐Dihydro‐1H‐pyrimidinthionen‐(2)
Rotational analysis of the 1Π-X1Σ+ system of AsN
Role of Charge-Fluctuation Forces in Adlineation of Similar Molecules
Rheumatoid factors in families.
Research for Tomorrow's Schools: Disciplined Inquiry for Education. Report of the Committee on Educational Research of the National Academy of Education
Recurrence of thromboembolic disease after discontinuing anticoagulant therapy A study of factors affecting incidence
Recurrent ulcer after vagotomy and pyloroplasty: the X-ray appearances and their value in diagnosis
Recurrent Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder—A New Concept
Reversible reproduction of the abnormal estradiol metabolism of biliary obstruction by administration of norethandrolone.
Rehabilitation after myocardial infarction and acute coronary insufficiency.
Recombination and trapping in n-type cobalt-doped germanium
Reactions of 2-acetoacetylamine pyridines with triethylorthoformate and zinc chloride
Radioactive iodine uptake by thyroid of breast fed infants after maternal blood volume measurements
Removing nitrates from water
Racial admixture effects in north-eastern Brazil*
Renal Response To Simulated "Mechanical Heart Hyperthermia"
Rapid separation of ribosomal RNA by sucrose density gradient centrifugation with a fixed-angle rotor.
Role of the vagus in body water regulation.
Role of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenases in initial phase of spore germination in Bacillus subtilis
Radioisotope neutron activation analyzer for process control analysis.
Responsible Man in Reformed Theology: Calvin Versus the Westminster Confession
Response of Polycythemia to Treatment with a New Agent: Hydroxyurea.
Remarriages in Canada: Statistical Trends
Relationship between corn yield and chemical composition of the ear leaf measured with different regression models
Réseaux classiques - réseaux holographiques: Les questions d'efficacité et leurs conséquences en spectroscopie instrumentale
Rapid induction of subcutaneous fibrosarcoma by 7,12-dimethyl-benz(a)anthracene in an inbred line of Syrian hamsters.
Representability of nonregular languages in finite probabilistic automata
Rabies: a rare disease but a serious pediatric problem
Residency education as evaluated by examinations of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Relative Dynamic Stability Regions of Power Systems
Representational processes in comprehension of printed words
R.H. Tawney's Early Political Thought
Release from proactive interference in short-term memory as a function of change in visual and phonemic structure and retention interval
Reactivities of Cyclic Monomers in Cationic Copolymerizations. Nucleophilic Coordination and Ionic Ring-Opening of the Bond
Rapid evaluation of thyroid nodules using 99mTc-pertechnetate scanning.
Reactions of N2O4 with organic compounds: VIII. Trinitromethyl derivatives of pyridine and thiophene
Radar Backscattering Properties of Venus at 70 CM
Research report. The assumption of stationary parameters in theories of group discussion
Random Walks and Technical Theories: Some Additional Evidence: Discussion
Reciprocity of X-Ray Film Response for Nanosecond Exposures
Reaction of Perchlorofluorobenzyne with Thiophen and Some Substitution Reactions on 1, 3-Dichloro-2, 4-difluoronaphthalene
[Rothmann-Makai lipogranulomatosis: an independent entity or a polyetiological syndrome?].
Repression der Genaktivität durch Kernproteine
Radioopaque contrast media. XVIII. Derivatives of 2-(3-amino-2,4,6-triiodophenyl)alkanoic acids
Respiratory control, oxidative phosphorylation, respiration, rate of ATP hydrolysis, and ethylene evolution in subcellular particulate fractions from cotyledons of germinating seedlings
Reaction of carbonyl groups with perchloric acid. Gem-diperchlorates
Rhesus immunization before delivery of the first baby.
Röntgenkleinwinkeluntersuchungen an carboxylgruppenmarkiertem α-Keratin
Rapid Method for the Isolation of Pure Aflatoxins
Rat free towns. The strategy of area control.
Renal development in dysplasia of the fetal pituitary.
Rasche Säulentrennungen unter Verwendung eines oberflächlich sulfonierten Harzaustauschers
Recurrent Atherosclerotic Obstruction of the Internal Carotid Artery Five Years After Endarterectomy
Reggeized U(6)⊗U(6)⊗O(3) and the Absorption Model for γp-->π + n
Rehabilitating women in jail.
Release of active substances by cholera toxin.
Recent advances in thyrocalcitonin research.
Remote results of acetabular tectoplasty
Retrolental fibroplasia: management of oxygen therapy.
Role of quantum interference in superradiant decay
Recovery of airborne streptococcal L-forms at various relative humidities.
Red cell shape in hypothyroidism.
Reply to: “On grain growth in metals”
Relaxation effects and the thermal conductivity of polyatomic gases and gas mixtures
Relationship of hydrocarbons to oxidants in ambient atmospheres.
Rates of aminoacyl-transfer-ribonucleic acid synthesis in vivo and in vitro by bean leaves
Radiation from sources in the presence of a flat earth
Renal angiography under the influence of vasopressin and bradykinin
Regression Model of Wave Forces on Ocean Outfalls
Rheumatism and Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis
Reply to Mosedale's note on ``Dislocation climb and irradiation''
Rate of Oxidation of Silicon in Liquid Iron by Oxidizing Gas
Rearrangements of Tertiary Amine N-Oxides. XXVI. Reactions of Arylnitrones with Lead Tetraacetate
Regulation of cellular antibody synthesis. Selective suppression by antibody of the immune response induced by a high antigen dose
Relationship of depot fat embolism to pulmonary structure and function in rabbits.
Retention as a school policy
Rapid Detection and Identification of Mucopolysaccharides in Urine
Relative Viscosity and Specific Gravity of Human Blood During Cold Storage
Report of a conference. Projected studies on immunization against smallpox.
Réponses évoquées visuelles chez les enfants voyants et mal-voyants
Reversible inhibition in bimolecular rapid equilibrium random order enzyme systems. The effect of substrate-substrate and inhibitor-substrate interactions.
Radiation from TE 10 mode slots on circular and elliptical cylinders
Refraction Correction in Constant‐Gradient Media
Readings on Modern Organizations
Renal artery thrombosis following clamping of the renal pedicle
Relation of Seed Yield and Fitness in Phaseolus Lunatus L
Reactions of adsorbed organic molecules. I. Bromination of diethyl fumarate on a silica surface
Regulatory mechanisms of cell division.
Recent Physical Anthropology
Recent studies of colonic and rectal motor action
Renormalization and gauge invariance in quantum electrodynamics
Reaction between phosphorus trichloride and 1,1-dimethylhydrazine
Recession in science: ex-advisors warn of long-term effects.
Recent advances in amino acid analysis.
Repair of femoral and humeral fractures of small animals by closed reduction intramedullary pinning.
Response of cardiac output to severe exercise of dogs in complete heart block with and without artificial pacing.
Research issues in child health. IV. Some philosophic and methodologic issues.
Rescue of Heat-inactivated Adenovirus Types 1 and 6 by Ultraviolet-irradiated Adenovirus Type 8
Radiological protection of workers exposed to airborne plutonium particulate.
Reversal of Penicillin-Induced L-Phase Growth of Haemophilus influenzae by Spermine and Its Effects on Antibiotic Susceptibility
[Rate of hydrolysis of alpha s-, beta- and kappa-caseins by trypsin and chymotrypsin and the action of denaturating factors on the enzymatic hydrolysis of kappa-casein].
Reproductive Characteristics in Cockerels Fed a High Level of Iodine
Recherches sur les structures sociales de Châteaudun, 1525-1789@@@Recherches sur les structures sociales de Chateaudun, 1525-1789
Real-time simulation of a helicopter rotor on an analog computer
Response of a circular elastic shell to moving and simultaneous loads
Respiration and glycolysis of cells transformed with 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide and its derivative.
Reflexes and Motor Integration: Sherrington's Concept of Integrative Action
Recent discoveries of Devonian fish in Antarctica
Radioisotope Scanning in Experimental Lung Transplantation
Results of a rocket experiment designed to measure diurnal variation of atmospheric ozone
Regional specificity of 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake in rabbit brain stem.
Radiology comes of age. Annual oration in memory of Warren W. Furey, M.D., 1898-1958
Role of neurosecretion during regeneration and asexual reproduction of freshwater planaria
Request for Information on Tagged Whales in the North Atlantic
Recurrent cholangitis caused by echinococcosis of the biliary passages.
Renal Abnormality in the Nail-Patella Syndrome.
Reciprocal environmental surveillance model of sleep.
Rural to Urban Adjustment.
Reactions Caused by Additive Coloration of Tl+‐ and Pb + 2 ‐ Doped KCl
Radiation absorbed dose
Role of Parainfluenza-3 in Cattle
Rigidity in tension and strength testing of tubes
Renal Resistance to Parathyroid Hormone with Osteitis Fibrosa Hypo-Hyperparathyroidism.
Radio-frequency line
Reply [to “Discussion of rocket nightglow data of I. S. Gulledge, D. M. Packer, S. G. Tilford, and J. T. Vanderslice”]
Response of Vertical Cylinder to Random Waves
Recent Soviet books on Turkey
R. Brill und R. Mason, Herausgeber: Advances in Structure Research by Diffraction Methods. (Fortschritte der Strukturforschung mit Beugungsmethoden). Band III. Verlag Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig 1970. 251 Seiten mit 72 Abbildungen. Preis: DM 48,–.
Retrograde cerebral arterial embolization due to declotting of arteriovenous shunts.
R70-1 A Note on Computing Time for the Recognition of Context- Free Languages by a Single-Tape Turing Machine
Reaction of 4-methylthiocyclohexene with hydrogen iodide
Resistance of tomato cultivars and progenies to fruit hollowness
Rotary piston internal combustion engine
Recovery of calcium fluoride from fluorspar ore
Reply to Criticism of Hypothesis of Leaf Venation and Angiosperm Origins
Reaction of sulfur with organic compounds: XIX. Reaction of sulfur with ethers and esters of p-isopropylphenol
Relationship between fallout and trends in infant and fetal mortality.
Robert MacNeil: The People Machine, New York, Harper & Row, Inc., 1968
Reflective cracking control
Recent clinical advances in the treatment of neurological diseases
Romans picaresques espagnols
Reduction of oxidized glutathione by xylitol.
Review and analysis of membrane oxygenators
[Relation between the anti-radiation activity of aminothiols (cystamine), the dose of the preparation and the duration of its use under various conditions of gamma-irradiation].
Response: Origin of Glass Deposits in Lunar Craters
[Reaction of conjugated systems containing nitrogen. I. Reaction of 2,3-diphenyl-5,6-dihydropyrazine with diethyl fumarate].
Regressed patients in group therapy
Readability of elementary school textbooks
Resolution limits of fraunhofer holography
Respiration intensity and ATP content during oogenesis in Misgurnus fossilis L
Remote sensing for land-use studies
Rembrandt's Etchings
Random Separation - Development and Experience
Ribonucleic acid polymerase and the synthesis of RNA in mammalian cells.
Relation between the structure and acid stability in a series of phenoxymethyl penicillin
Rate of Spread of Jets of Non-Newtonian Fluids
Relationship between fallout and trends in infant and fetal mortality.
Radioactivity induced in apollo 11 lunar surface material by solar flare protons.
Radiology of the Hughes-Stovin Syndrome
Research Facilities in the U. A. R.
Recovery of an Ultrasonic Second‐Harmonic Amplitude in an Aluminum Crystal
Realisation d'un ensemble de detection et d'identification de particules chargees par un calculateur on-line
Reflections on the Discount Window
Review of Gross Anatomy. 2d ed
Rapid colorimetric method for estimation of thiram residues on grains.
Recent progress in genetic hemolytic disorders: a practical approach.
Reduction of 1-(4-dimethylaminobenzylidene)indene
Reading Diagnosis--The Essential Ingredient in Teaching Every Child to Read.
Removal of plasticizek from hard-alloy blanks
Response of Brunswickgrass (Paspalum nicorae (Parodi)) to N Fertilization and Intense Clipping1
Reflections of an International Civil Servant
[Research on color perception and after-image in relation to significant images].
Reminiscences concerning the use of ameroid cylinders and other modalities in research.
Röntgen oration, 1969: the new photographers.
Results of stable osteosynthesis in clavicular fractures
Reduktion von Schamottesteinen in Eisen-Kohlenstoff-Schmelzen
Radiological demonstration of spontaneous rupture of pancreatic pseudo-cysts.
Respiratory Burns during Oxygen Therapy
Reading Behavior: Factor Artifact
Reconstitution of Coronary Blood Flow Using Autogenous Vein Bypass Grafts.
Recent trends in the behavioral approach to educating disturbed children
Red phosphorus as a fertiliser for grass-clover pasture
Reply to the comments by Dr. Y. R. Mayhew on theoretical study of laminar film condensation of flowing vapour
Redoxokinetic titration of hydrochloric, acetic and phosphoric acid with sodium hydroxide☆
Resonant Photon-Hydrogen-Atom Scattering
Roman Tradition and the Aedicular Façade
Recognition of settlement patterns against a complex background
Resultados previos de la campaña para el estudio de las algas bentónicas de las costas peninsulares
Reduction of 1,1-dichlorobenzocyclobutenes
Religion in the humanities curriculum
Rutin fromPanzeria canescens
Resource Allocation and Educational Need
Records of Bats From Queretaro and San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Replication of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus in L Cells
Repetition, difference, replication.
Reading for Survival
Residues of early father-child conflict.
Relative hysteresis of airspaces and bronchi in excised lungs.
Response of the pregnant human uterus to oxytocin in cases of dead and retained fetus
[Researches on the pharmacology of drivatives with oxime function: 3-hydroxy-5-hydroxy methyl-2-methyl isonicotinaldoxime].
Radiation of a Hertzian oscillator moving with superluminal velocity through a dielectric medium
Rapid Colorimetric Assay for Nitroglycerin, Suitable for Content Uniformity Testing
Redistribution of the cardiac output during alterations in blood gas levels.
Relative toxicity of ethylene dibromide, methyl bromide and phosphine to the adults of Caloglyphus krameri (Berlese) and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) (Acarina, Acaridae)
Remarks on a possible dynamical and geometrical unification of external and internal groups of motions of elementary particles and their application toSO 6,1 global dynamical symmetry
Résultats d’une enquête internationale sur la détermination du module d’élasticité du béton en compression
Roentgenographic manifestations of lymphangiectasis. Report of a case.
Reaktionen der Glucuronsäure, 3. Mitt.
Radiologic evaluation of cardiac transplantation
Rabbit small-bowel response to cell-free filtrate of choleraic fluid.
[Rare Case of Calcification of the Coraco-Clavicular Ligament]
"Relative" staircase potentiation of the muscle twitch in the partially curarized normal human muscle.
Registration of intracardiac electrocardiograms using a venous catheter
Rare coexistence of pulmonary hematoma and pneumothorax after chest injury
Respiration of isolated parathyroid cells from nephrectomized and vitamin D-treated rats.
Remark on algorithm 380: subroutine to perform in-situ transposition of a rectangular matrix
Review of the Literature: Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
Reliability Improvement in Digital Systems Through Redundancy
Regular Events in Stochastic Sequential Machines
Representations of infinite dimensional manifolds and $\infty - p$ homology functors
Remarks concerning ${\text{Ext}}^* \left( {M, - } \right)$
Relationship of staphylococcal toxins and enzymes with serological and phage types.
Recent Advances in the Nutritional Anemias
Results of recent manned and unmanned lunar exploration
Representations of the Lorentz Group: New Integral Relations between Legendre Functions
Radiographic method of localization in oral surgery.
Reentry capsule dynamics
Review of: Whispered Anecdotes: Humor from Behind the Iron Curtain, by Petr Beckmann
Rehabilitation and community mental health. Employability and disability issues.
Retention and interference in the beetle
Recent trends in mortality from lung cancer and bronchitis in urban and rural areas in Scotland.
Restricted Three-Body Simplified Explicit Guidance Scheme
Rheumatology as a specialty in medicine. A personal appraisal.
[Repetition, difference, replication. On re-reading "Beyond the Pleasure Principle"].
Reformulation of previously reported trans-dichlorobis(1,10-phenanthroline)cobalt(III) complexes
Radio resistance of byssochlamys fulva ascospores as shown by storage tests.
Renal arterial calibre after acute unilateral ureteric occlusion.
Richardson and Romance
Recent literature on Mesozoic ammonites; part XI
Recent Intertidal Cements--Their Mineralogy, Texture, and Significance, Grand Cayman, British West Indies: ABSTRACT
Realization of active RC low-pass filters using negative impedance converters
Relaying Requirements for Pipe-Line Pump Motors
Research and Development of Refractory Oxidation-Resistant Diborides. Part II. Volume VII. Application Evaluations and Design Considerations.
Roentgenologic diagnosis of polycystic kidney and medullary sponge kidney.
Response of cooked freeze-dried combination meat items to oxygen
Reconstruction of obstructed or sectioned canaliculi using annular bicanalicular intubation
Russell-Saunders states arising from configurations of equivalent electrons
Resources and Social Structure: Some Conditions of Stability and Change
[Reconstruction of the esophagus with transverse colon in an 18 hour-old newborn. Results after 4 years].
Radiative pion-capture in 12c
Reciprocity in international trade: a reply
Recreation preference and temperament.
Rational Pursuit in Spinoza’s Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione
Relief of the Crabtree Effect by Arsenate
Relationship Between Musical Aptitudes and Second-Language Learning. Final Report.
[Recto-enteroiliac fistula in cancer of the rectum]
Reliability of a quasi-redundant electronic system subject to two kinds of failures
[Respiratory forms of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia].
Range Management at the Crossroads
Ruptures of the Achilles tendon
Reaction of p-Nitrophenyl Sulfate with Thiophenol
R70-6 Use of Functional Approximation Methods in the Computer Solution of Initial Value Partial Differential Equation Problems
Regulatory mechanisms in normal and malignant cells. Introductory comments.
Routine use of pudendal and paracervical anesthesias
Recoverability for processes with bounded control amplitudes and rates
Report on Articulation.
Radiation Characteristics of a Cylindrical or Spherical Semitransparent Body of Uniform Wall Thickness
Report of the Population Growth Estimation Experiment
Responses of USAF undergraduate pilot trainees to indoctrination in the spatial orientation trainer
Regulation of blood calcium. Analogical study
[Replacing of esophagus with a colonic transplant in infants and children: indications, technics and results].
Review: Rococo Architecture in Southern Germany by Henry-Russell Hitchcock; Baroque Art and Architecture in Central Europe by Eberhard Hempel
Recent developments in the law of search and seizure
Rhesus sensitization following abortion
Recovery of the contractility of depressed cat papillary muscles by repeated quick stretch-release.
Radar scatterometer data analysis - Sea state. NASA/MSC Mission 20 and Mission 34
Radiation safety. Radiation safety information important to technologists.
Radiochemical separation of thorium-234 on zeokarb-225 exchange resin using m-nitrobenzoic acid as eluting agent
Role of metals in the lecithinase activity of Cl. perfringens
Ramming bodies for the bottoms of soaking pit furnaces
Rumors of Mortality: An Introduction to Allen Tate
Rabindranath Tagore As A Playwright
Reply to Cheng
Rapid Charging System for Spark Chamber Pulsers
Rougnon's letter to Lorry on the death of Captain Charles. A landmark in the history of angina pectoris.
Ring gear rounder
Relationship between blood flow in auxotonically contracting gastrocnemius muscle and frequency of stimulation
Radiographic findings in traumatic pulmonary fat embolism
Roles of Psychiatric Nurses in Community Mental Health Practice; A Giant Step
Recognition of Depositional Environments Through Thin-Section Analysis of Detrital Sediments: ABSTRACT
Reveries and Perspectives upon Transition
[Radiotherapy of epitheliomas in situ and of other "borderline" lesions of the vocal cords].
Relative influence of genes and micro‐environment on human chromosome length
Retrieving the lost heavy foot-plate fragment.
Redistribution of ionization by the meridional currents associated with the equatorial electrojet
Response to Edward P. I. Corbett, "The Rhetoric of the Open Hand and the Rhetoric of the Closed Fist"
Rationale and Use of Content-Relevant Achievement Tests for the Evaluation of Instructional Programs.
Regulation of secretion of hypophyseal gonadotropins during human embryogenesis
[Role of the A-factor in the biosynthesis of streptomycin].
Responding to requests at the National Space Science Data Center
Regional investmemt in manufacturing industries
Research issues in child health. A head start research seminar. V. An afterview.
Review: Le fabbriche e i disegni di Andrea Palladio by Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi
Repeal of Antisubstitution Laws
Reflects on J.W.D. Smith's book
Reactions of N-(2- and 4-methylsulfonylphenyl)hydroxylamines and 2-methylsulfonylnitrosobenzene in dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide solution
Reported Speech—Fact and Fable
Remarks concerning nonholonomic systems
Reefs and Wave Action: ABSTRACT
Resumen de la estadística del Imperio Mexicano. 1822
Roads and Road Transport
Relationship between Longissimus Muscle Area and Live Weight in Swine
Research on the Chroming of Diacromo Dyes
Renal Glycosuria, Aminoaciduria, and Proximal Renal Tubular Acidosis in Association with Membranous Glomerulonephritis.
Radiologic study of the biliary tract in cystic fibrosis
Richardson's Influence on European Architecture
Reading and the Individual.
Richard P. Hall: in appreciation.
Receiving antennas in a compressible plasma
Reclassification of Nocardia acidophilus: a case for chemical taxonomy?
Research: Some Sources for the Geography of South India 1763­1843
Reduction of benzene tetrakis-mercuric acetate with ferrocene
Review: Two Chicago Architects and Their Clients: Frank Lloyd Wright and Howard Van Doren Shaw by Leonard K. Eaton
Rodent and bird pests. The duties and experience of a local authority.
Renal cell carcinoma metastatic to larynx, case report.
Range and structure of ambient density from 30 to 120 km altitude
Reaction of keto alcohols with organophosphorus compounds: Communication 4. Synthesis of esters of?-ketophosphinic acids
Recent advances in surgery of congenital heart disease.
Realization of a quadratic with a positive real zero
Relationship of ascorbic acid levels with immunologic status.
Reaction K + p-->K + π + π - p at 2.53, 2.76, and 3.20 GeV/c
Rotation irradiation of esophageal carcinoma
Relations between somite mesenchyma and lateral plate in early organogenesis of limbs in chickens
Radiografía de la guerra del futbol o de las cien horas
Review: At forse Riket med bestandige och prydlige Byggnader
Remote probing methods for the determination of the profile of inhomogeneous media
Residents' effect on their training program: a resident's view of the implications for professional role development.
[Respective place of inter-trochanter osteotomy and total prosthesis in surgery of coxarthrosis].
Resistance welding of stainless steel: a photomicrographical study.
Rearrangement of carboranyl isonitriles into carboranyl nitriles
R&D Project Control System.
Reducing hazards to the newborn during cesarean section
Residency education for community practice.
Recession of the superior oblique muscle. 1st results
Religious Education—an Attempt at a Theological Appraisal
Reduced Incidence of Thymic Lymphomas in AKR Recipients of Syngeneic Marrow Preincubated With Bovine Serum Albumin
Resektion der nasenscheidewand im kindesalter
Radiodiagnostics of the cancer of the rectum
Relationship between the pharmacological and biochemical properties of a monoamine oxidase inhibitor preferentially affecting 5-hydroxytryptamine oxidation.
Radiophosphorus Metabolism of Different Phosphate Compounds in Experimental Animals
Recent advances in surgery of congenital heart disease.
Reversible and irreversible heating and cooling
Relaxationserscheinungen anorganischer Oxydgläser nach Drucksprung
Research on pharmacodynamic reinforcement of neuroleptics by the 1035 M.D
Recent Braided-Stream Sedimentation, South-Central, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Response to different levels of supplementation with copper sulphate of diets for growing pigs.
Recent experience with wind-tunnel and analytical techniques for prediction of spin characteristics of fighter aircraft
Relationship of jaw size to amount of maxillary growth inhibition induced by palatal surgery in beagles.
Resident is negligent in performing procedure: is hospital liable.
Regulatory agency acceptance of the interpretation of the freezing point value of milk as part of the official thermistor cryoscopic method.
Reliability of Individual Versus Group Job Pay Ratings.
Rekristallisation und Ausscheidung in Eisen-Kupfer-Legierungen
Reduction of compact U 3 O 8 by hydrogen
Radii of convexity and close-to-convexity of certain integral representations
Role of different parts of the small intestine in cholesterol excretion
Reduction of the viscous shock-layer equations to boundary-layer equations
R70-8 Analog Methods for On-Line System Identification Using Noisy Measurements
Refinement of the geometric configuration of the boron oxide molecule
Reaction of halo-sym-triazines with N-alkylhydroxylamines
Relaxation nucléaire de la molécule HD à l'état liquide
Rapid Sequence IVP in Hypertension.
Relativistic electronic-band structure in crystals with symmorphic space group
Radiation pattern of the electromagnetic radiation scattered by a plasma
Resistance to consistent shocks as a function of training schedules of interspersed shocks
Recent advances in obstetric anesthesiology.
Role of the lungs in fibrinolytic processes in vivo
Relationship between the state diagram and composition-property diagrams of the In-Sn system
REACIOR Reply by Author to W. Ruehle
Reflex effects on circulation in the posterior hypothalamus and cerebral cortex
Rotational excitations of molecules by collision with atoms
Radionuclide studies of pulmonary ventilation and perfusion.
Rapid Convergence in Open‐Shell SCF π‐Electron Calculations
Rapid polarographic determination of copper, lead, and cadmium in zinc die casting alloys containing 0 to 1% copper
Relationship between the solubility of water vapour in caprolactam and its partial pressure and temperature
Routine Evaluation of Serum Proteins
Reaction of addition ofα,α -dibromoc arboxylic acid esters to acrylic systems in the presence of iron compounds
Read/write system and circuit for semiconductor memories
Respuesta Periódica y Régimen Permanente
Reactions of ttie small vessels in the extra-embryonic membranes and the limb bud of the developing chick to vasoactive agents
Reaction of tetraalkylammonium aluminohydrides with diborane
Relation Between Correlation and Eccentricity
Radiation suputtering and damage to certain metals in the radiation field of a nuclear reactor part 2. Sputtering by fission fragments from U235 and reactor neutrons
Radiation from a Localized Source in a Gyromagnetic Medium
Reply to Breall
Review of some side effects caused by the recently formed bukhtarminsk reservoir on operation of the ust-kamenogorsk hydropower plant
Relation between Hydrogen Embrittlement Behavior and Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic Stainless Steel under Anodic and Cathodic Polarization
Reversal of arterial hypertension due to bilateral renal abnormality by portacaval transposition.
Radiation accidents in University laboratories
Reliability of Saturation-Pressure Method for Dating Time of Oil Accumulation
Reply by Author to Mujumdar and Douglas
Reactions of ε-caprolactam with dialkyl(aryl)dichlorosilanes and triethylchlorosilane
Reaction kinetics and product formation in the heterogeneous polymerisation of 2,6‐dimethylphenol
Reply by Author to D.B. Hall
Resonances in the elastic and inelastic scattering of protons by oxigen-16 between 18.5 and 30 MeV
Reflected Wave Reverse Flow in an Electromagnetic Shock Tube
Reciprocity in international trade: a comment
Reaction of hydrogen peroxide and 3,3-dinitrobutyl isocyanate
Radiation from a ``Classical Spinning Electron''
Relation between the laboratory characteristics of explosives and their efficiencies
Relation between Austenitizing Time and Mechanical Properties of High-Speed Steel
Reaction of benzimidazoles with chlorosulfonic acid
Revised recommended intakes of protein in the dietary standard for Canada.
Rubrotoxin fromPenicillium purpurogenum (strain a 1/4)
Regelmäßige Relaxationsimpulse bei einem Rubinlaser
Relative back focus monitoring method and apparatus
Reply by Author to G.R. Cowper
Rat activity as a function of water deprivation and age
Remarks on the equations of Langmuir and Blasius
Reply to Massing and Liebman
Reaction of methyl dehydroacetate with amines
Reflexions sur le calcul de la concentration en lacunes d'un cristal en fonction de la temperature
R70-3 On Stochastic Languages
Realization of maximum-gain RC ladder networks