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Discover 233 research papers published on
1st May, 1970 starting with "U"

Untersuchungen Zur anodischen Oxidation von Ammoniak an Platin-Elektroden
Unusual complex containing bridging vanadyl groups. Crystal structure of N,N'-propylenebis(salicylaldiminato)oxovanadium(IV)
Ultraviolet organic liquid lasers
Ultrafiltration of macromolecular solutions with high‐flux membranes
Ultrastructure of bacterized and axenic trophozoites of entamoeba histolytica with particular reference to helical bodies
UGA Nonsense Mutations in Salmonella typhimurium
Underwater Daylight and Moonlight Measurements in the Eastern North Atlantic1
Urinary bladder carcinogenicity of N-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazolyl] formamide in female Swiss mice.
Ultrastructural localization of peroxidase in submaxillary acinar cells.
Urinary excretion of calcium and creatinine in relation to age and body weight in normal subjects and patients with renal calculus.
Uniform asymptotic solutions of second order linear ordinary differential equations with turning points
Uptake of Tritiated Progesterone by the Uterus of the Ovariectomized Guinea Pig
Unterschiede in der Kastendetermination zwischen den Hummelarten Bombus hypnorum und Bombus terrestris / Differences in the Caste Determination between the Bumblebee Species Bombus hypnorum and Bombus terrestris
Ultrahigh-vacuum techniques in the measurement of contact angles. II. Water on gold
Unsupervised learning and the identification of finite mixtures
Ultrastructure of a chordoma.
Unit cell and crystal structure of nordstrandite, Al(OH)3
Über den einfluss der polykristallinen struktur auf den elektrischen widerstand aufgedampfter nickelfilme
Uric acid levels in men fed algae and yeast as protein sources
Uppermost Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy of Fossil basin, southwestern Wyoming
Use of ultraviolet light to find parasitic nematodes in situ.
Utilization of sterols by larvae of Drosophila melanogaster.
Unusual behavior of hexafluorobenzene and benzene in the aromatic nuclear magnetic resonance shift effect
Use of 3H-labeled triether, a nonabsorbable oil-phase marker, to estimate fat absorption in rats with cholestyramine-induced steatorrhea
Unit Equivalent Scales for Specific Food Commodities
Umbilical Venous Catheterization in the Newborn: Identification of Correct Positioning
Uncommon Gm gene complexes.
Ultrastructural and immunofluorescent studies of glomerulonephritis in chronic hog cholera.
Untersuchung der α/γ-Umwandlung in hochreinen Zweistofflegierungen des Eisens mit Molybdän, Vanadin, Wolfram, Niob, Tantal, Zirkon und Kobalt
Use of the beaks and raduala by Octopus vulgaris in feeding
Ultraviolet Devitalization of Eight Selected Enteric Viruses in Estuarine Water
Untersuchungen an Diazoverbindungen, VII. Vergleichende kinetische Untersuchungen zur thermischen Stabilität aliphatischer Diazoverbindungen
Ureogenesis in chelonia
Ultrasound in the diagnosis of malignant pancreatic tumours.
Ultrasonic Evaluation of Prosthetic Valve Motion
Ultrastructure of Mycoplasma laidlawii During Culture Development
Ultrastructural studies on two kinds of mesocaryotic dinoflagellate nuclei
Unusual Crystal in Ice Fog
Utilization of a Rotating Sample Magnetometer
Unsaturated carbohydrates : Part XIII. The mass spectrometry of hex-2- and hex-3-enopyranosyl derivatives
Urban Velocity Fields
Ultrastructural study of rat mammary gland during pregnancy.
Urea and urinary concentrating ability in the mountain beaver Aplodontia rufa.
Über die Struktur der thioamide und ihrer derivate—IV: IR-und NMB-spektroskopische untersuchungen zur konfiguration von thioacetaniliden☆
Use of a hot-film velocity probe for cardiovascular studies.
Ultrastructural localization of acid phosphatase in odontoblasts of young rat incisors.
Use of Jupiter's moons for gravity assist
Ultraviolet and visible refractive indices of spectro-quality solvents
Ultrastructure and initiation of wall pattern in pediastrum boryanum
Über Di- und Trinitroaryllithium-Verbindungen
Ultraviolet and Visible Action Spectrum in a Case of Solar Urticaria
Umbilicoplasty as a treatment for persistent umbilical infection.
Untersuchung der Kinetik der anodischen oxydation des magnesiums in einer ammoniumchloridlösung
Use of the nitrate electrode for determination of nitrates in soils
Unruptured aneurysm of the supraclinoid carotid artery A treatable cause of blindness
Ultrastructure of peritrophic membrane development in larvae of the worker honey bee (Apis mellifera)
Uterine response to adrenergic nerve stimulation in the guinea-pig.
Use of p-chlorophenylalanine to induce a phenylketonuric-like condition in rats.
Use of Consciousness Sampling to Study Teaching Methods
Urban Violence and Contemporary Defensive Cities
Ultrastructure of rat mammary-gland anlagen in vivo and after culture with hormones.
Use of ion-selective electrodes in the evaluation of stability constants of sparingly soluble salts. Application to the lead(II)-fluoride system in aqueous solution
Untersuchungen zur reaktivität organometallischer komplexe V. Zum sterischen verlauf der pseudocarboniumumlagerung der cyclopentadienyl[5-exo-(α-halogenalkyl)cyclopentadien]kobalt-komplexe
Untersuchungen an Diazoverbindungen, VIII. Umsetzungen von Bis‐[1.3‐diphenyl‐imidazolidinyliden‐(2)] mit Diazoverbindungen — ein Beitrag zur Reaktivität elektronenreicher Olefine
Untersuchungen über das metastabile System Eisen-Chrom mit Hilfe des Mössbauer-Effektes
Urethane foams from animal fats: V. Flame resistant foams from hypohalogenated glycerides
Ureteric dilatation in nonpregnant women.
Über die reaktion von tetramethyltitan mit triphenylbor und tribenzylbor
Unit Activity in the Isolated Spinal Cord of Chick Embryo, in Situ
Umlagerungsreaktionen, V. Eine kinetische Studie zum Mechanismus der Wolff‐Umlagerung
Urinary Particle Dynamics and Vesicoureteral Reflux in the Human
Über das Verhalten von Trifluoracetyldiphenylphosphin gegenüber molekularem Sauerstoff
Unitarity Upper and Lower Bounds on the Absorptive Parts of Elastic Scattering Amplitudes
Ultraviolet action spectra for mutation in Escherichia coli
Über die Biogenese von Aromastoffen bei Pflanzen und Früchten V. Mitteilung Anreicherung, Trennung und Identifizierung von Bananenaromastoffen
Übergangsmetall - carben - komplexe XXllI. Ringsubstituierte methoxyphenylcarben-pentacarbonylchrom(0)komplexe
Überhöhter Erythrocyten-ATP-Spiegel — Merkmal einer hereditären nichtsphärocytären hämolytischen Anämie bei gestörter ATP-Utilisation und einer Stoffwechselanomalie roter Zellen ohne Krankheitswert
Undamped sinusoidal oscillations in linear chemical reaction systems
Ultrastructural study of thoracic duct lymphocytes of mice.
Use of associative clustering technique in the study of reading disability: effects of list organization.
Ultrastructural study of human myeloma cells in relation to its function
Umwandlung von Aldehyden in 2-monosubstituierte Aziridine. Reduktion von α-Chlor, Brom- und Sulfonyloxynitilen mit Lithiumaluminiumhydrid
Utilization of ascorbic acid during platelet aggregation.
Use of Pourbaix Diagrams in Predicting the Susceptibility to De-Alloying Phenomena
Ultrastructural Cytochemical Localization of Polysaccharides in Dental Plaque
Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies of the oviduct
Ultrastructural study of the effect of aspirin on in vitro platelet-collagen interaction and platelet adhesion to injured intima in the rabbit.
Usefulness of gram stain and routine and quantitative culture of sputum in patients with and without acute respiratory infection.
Übergangsmetall‐Carben‐Komplexe, XX. Infrarot‐Spektren von Methylmethoxycarben‐pentacarbonyl‐ chrom(0) und seinen deuterierten Analogen
Untersuchungen zum helligkeitskontrast
Ultradünnschnitte aus Milch mit Hilfe der Mikrokapselmethode
Ultrastructure of keratoconus
Ultimate strength analysis of aircraft structures
Über das Gleichgewicht Isocyansäure - Cyanursäure
Urban Analysis: A Study of City Structure with Special Reference to Sunderland
Ultrastructure of Synovial Joints in Health and Disease
Ultrastructure of a new cell in the gills of the air-breathing fish Helostoma temmincki.
Use of chromous chloride for the confirmation of heptachlor residues by derivatization.
Untersuchung der Schmackhaftigkeit harnstoffhaltiger Kraftfuttermischungen an Kühen
Use of environmental data in atmospheric corrosion studies
[Use of the sheep heart-brain-blood medium for the mass culture of promastigote forms of Leishmania].
Unsafe condition indicator for frozen food chests
Upper feed mechanism
[Use of pH paper chromatography method for the determination of the dissociation constant of antibiotics from the olivomycin-mitramycin group].
Untersuchungen zur katalytischen Bestimmung kleinster Fluoridmengen mit Hilfe der Zirkonium-Xylenol Orange-Reaktion
Un modèle dans l'espace des phases pour l'étude des plasmas non collisionnels : le « water bag »
Umsetzung von bis(trimethylsilyl)-quecksilber mit organozinnverbindungen, die SnO- oder SnN-gruppen enthalten
Untersuchungen an Bodenkolonnen, mit Regenschirmglocken für geringen Druckverlust†
Use of Triton X-100 scintillant in a simple method for the simultaneous assay of 55Fe and 59Fe by liquid scintillation counting.
Urease: the 12 S form.
Uptake of chondroitin sulfate by mammalian cells in tissue culture
Über die hydropische Degeneration in der Rattenniere nach Verabfolgung der Chelatbildner Na2 [Ca-ÄDTA] und Na3[Ca-DTPA]
Über die Trijodisocyanursäure
Umlagerungs- und Eliminierungsreaktionen von Kondensations-produkten aus 3-Chlor-1.2-benzisothiazol-S.S-dioxid und Aldoximen
Ultrastructural studies with influenza viruses. I. Effect of some reagents on the fine structure of the virion.
Über den Einflu\ der Massenverteilung auf das nichtkonservative Knicken von Stäben
Un nouveau type de grille de spectromètre
Use of associative clustering technique in the study of reading disability: effects of presentation mode.
Use of the It Scale for Children in assessing sex-role preference in preschool Negro children.
Untersuchungen der Bindegewebsproliferation in verschiedenen Lebensaltern
Urinary cytologic diagnosis of cytomegalic inclusion disease in childhood leukemia.
Uterus didelphys with adenocarcinoma in one fundus--a case report.
Ultrastructure of ciliary microtubules after critical point drying.
Unavailability factor in catalytic reactions. Isolation and steric hindrance
Understatement and Overstatement in English
Untersuchungen über die Oxydation von Butylbenzol in flüssiger Phase in Gegenwart von Kobalt- und Mangansalzen der Pyridincarbonsäuren
Ultraviolet Inactivation Dichroic Ratio of Oriented fd Bacteriophage
Use of peroneal artery for revascularizatioin of the lower extremity
Ultrastructure of Escherichia coli Depleted of an Amino Acid
Über die Dissoziation von Ionenpaaren in organischen Lösungsmitteln
Urban elites and colonialism: the nationalist elites of Aden and South Arabia
Über heteroorganische Verbindungen, 39. Mitt.: Neue Darstellungsmethoden für Bis-(dialkylthiophosphinyl)-trisulfide. Reaktionsmechanismus
Untersuchung des Einflusses der Querschnittsdeformation auf das Schwingungsverhalten eines Hubschrauberblattes mit Hohlquerschnitt
Use of Discrete Sonic Jets as Boundary- Layer Trips in Hypersonic Flow
Über die Reaktion von Äthylketencarbonsäure-äthylester mit Benzalanilin
U234/U238 activity ratios in South Pacific Ocean waters
Über die Ausbildung von Gittereigenverformungen in Stählen nach bleibender einachsiger Dehnung
Use of cooled metal endoprosthesis in hip surgery. Experimental studies
Uniform O -estimates of certain error functions connected with k -free integers
Ultrastructural transformations of certain cell membrane systems during carcinogenesis
Ultraviolet-absorbing urinary components. II. Mentally retarded children and abnormal rats.
Ulceration of the colon in guinea-pigs fed carrageenin.
Ultrastructural study of the teguminal sheaths of two metastrongyloid nematodes.
Upper and lower bounds for eigenvalues of torsion and bending problems by finite difference methods
Using a pentaprism for laser alignment.
Unsteady-state liquid diffusion in laminar flow in a circular tube
Uniform variable light sources for instrument calibration.
Ultrasound cardiogram in patients with mitral valve disc prostheses.
Ultramicrodétermination directe automatique et manuelle du chlore dans les liquides biologiques
Untersuchung der Zähigkeit von Bauteilen durch Berstversuch bei verschiedenen Temperaturen
Use of ultrasonics in irradiation planning
Ulcerative colitis: a contemporary overview.
Utsädesbetningen med kvicksilverpreparat i Finland 1953 – 1968
Un démographe prémalthusien au XVIIIe siècle : Giammaria Ortes.
Understanding modern China
Uniform ethylene/vinyl acetate/n-methylol acrylamide terpolymer dispersions
Ultrasonic anomalies in nickel and cobalt under static stress
Use of a rapid ultrafiltration technique in the determination of plasma glycerol.
University role in astronaut life support systems - Atmospheres
Ultrasonic diagnosis in obstetrics. Clinical value of measuring the biparietal diameter of the fetus
Use of State and Transitional Information
Unsteady flow of aqueous solution of longchain polymers in pipe networks
Use of Focused Video-Tape Feedback in High School Counseling
Ultrastructure of the red blood cell.
Uniqueness theorems for surfaces consisting of cones or cylinders closed off at one end by convex bases
Urban Influence on the Fertility and Employment Patterns of Women Living in Homogeneous Areas
Use of plastic plant models for investigating light distribution within a corn canopy.
Using the computer to evaluate eliniel performance
Über Zusammenhänge zwischen der Senkung des arteriellen und des portalen Blutdrucks und dem Strömungsstillstand in den Lebersinusoiden
Unitary Representations of the Group SL(3, C) in an SU(3) Basis
Untersuchung verschiedener Einflußgrößen bei der Korrosion von Zirkonium-Vanadium-Legierungen in Wasser und Wasserdampf
Über die Bestimmung der chemischen Uneinheitlichkeit von Copolymeren mit Hilfe der magnetischen Kernresonanz (NMR)
Über den Einfluß verschiedener Trocknungstemperaturen auf die Verwölbung von Buchenbrettern
Über die idiopathische kardiomyopathie – pathologische untersuchung von 16 fällen –
Urbanism, Urbanization and Change: Comparative Perspectives
Untersuchungen über Wachstum und Bindegewebsgehalt von braunem und weißem Fettgewebe der Ratte
Use of vancomycin, colistimethate, nystatin medium to transport gonococcal specimens.
Uniformly Valid Perturbation Series for Wave Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Medium
University Theatre in Scandinavia.
Über freie Aminosäuren im grünen Kaffee
Utilizing Word Recognition Skills While Improving Deficiencies.
Untersuchungen über die Verwendbarkeit von Piperidin bei der Entsalzung aminosäurenhaltiger Extrakte aus Sediment- und Meerwasserproben
Use of maternity beds in a new general practitioner unit.
Use of Immunoelectrophoresis and Immunodiffusion in Clinical Medicine
Über den Schwingungsenergieaustausch zwischen Lumineszenz- zentrum und umgebendem Dielektrikum
Use of a Synchronized Tape Recorder and Slide Projector for Dental Health Education
Use of space systems for planetary geology and geophysics: Edited by R. D. Enzmann. Vol. 17, American Astronautical Society and Technology Series, Vol. 17. 605 pages. $17.25
Ultrasonic absorption in 1-1 salts in D 2 O
Updating the Individual Approach to Reading: IPI or IRP?.
UHF antenna gain calibration
Use of inductance to control low current switching of avalanche diodes
Untersuchung zur Enzyminaktivierung in Hefe nach Einwirkung von Diäthyldicarbonat
Unequal distribution of 14C-.beta.-carotene incorporated into dehydrated sweet potato flakes: a warning
Un petit fragment des Dialogues de S. Grégoire (VIIIe siècle)
Underground Notes from a Campus Ombudsman
Untersuchung über die Begrenzung röntgenographisch ermittelter Teilchengrössen
Über den Einbau von Fremdstoffen in Kristalle
Upper Devonian Biostromes and Bioherms on Northeastern Banks Island, Northwest Territories: ABSTRACT
Untersuchungen zum Niveauschema von 152Eu mit Konversionselektronen nach Neutroneneinfang / Studies of the level scheme of 152Eu by neutron capture conversion electrons
Use of the method of differential centrifugation in a study of heteromorphous properties of submerged culture of Actinomyces streptomycini 773
Ultrasonography in ophthalmology
Untersuchungen über die Produkte, die durch Oxydation von Butylbenzol in flüssiger Phase in Anwesenheit von Kobaltpicolinat erhalten werden
Use of prisms in nystagmus
Unconditioned and conditioned reflexes in reversible (cold) exclusion of the cat neocortex
Ultrastructural and biochemical changes in the liver of monocrotaline intoxicated chickens
[Urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in the course of chronic rheumatism].
Use of ultrasound in therapy of neuroreceptor forms of impotence
Use of polymers to control clay swelling
Unity and duality in "Rappaccinni's daughter" and "The birthmark"
Use of amitriptyline in syrup form in the treatment of enuresis amitriptyline in children
Unilateral pulmonary metastasis of a mammary carcinoma
Urine urobilinogen as a component of routine urinalysis
User's Manual: Extended Capability Magnus Rotor and Ballistic Body 6-DOF Trajectory Program
Über die entartung der makromelanophoren und den Einfluß des infiltrierenden melanomwachstums auf die muskulatur von Poeciliiden-Bastarden
Understanding Cooperative Education.
Urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids levels and urine electrolytes in depression.
Über die darstellung von alternierenden Funktionalfeldern in reellen Banach-Räumen
Uniform donor card for kidney transplants.
Über die Korrosionsbeständigkeit von Nickel‐Tantal‐Legierungen
Use of generalized hypergeometric functions in the thermoelasticity of a cylindrical shell of variable thickness
Unstable bubble motion under low gravitational conditions
Une approche axiomatique de l'homéostasie
Uterine pouch of the rabbit as an incubator for human tumor. Some preliminary immunologic studies using this method.
Untersuchungen zu einer neueren elektrochemischen Bestimmung der Xanthindehydrogenase-Aktivität Zur generellen Anwendbarkeit der potentiometrischen Methode nach Graf SoLms
University TV Research at Leeds.
Ununited anconeal process (elbow dysplasia) in a dog.
Using the TIP system in the ASIS file management exercise
Untersuchungen über die Einflüsse auf Stromdichte‐Potential‐Kurven und ihre Reproduzierbarkeit
Urinary estrogen excretion in normal women and ovarian insufficiency
Useful life of electroluminescent ZnS:Mn thin films
User guidelines for removal of microcircuits from equipment
Ursachen und Auswirkung der Streichung, von Patentansprüchen vor der Offenlegung
Upper waters in the intertropical Pacific Ocean