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Discover 116 research papers published on
1st November, 1970 starting with "W"

Wildland Fires and Ecosystems--A Hypothesis
Walking patterns of normal women
Whistler duct properties deduced from vlf observations made with the OGO 3 satellite near the magnetic equator
Water Waves Generated by Landslides
Weight-Bearing Radiography in Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Wittgenstein의 哲學에 關하여
Weight, sex, and the eating behavior of human newborns.
Words and things and images.
Wave‐induced fluctuations in ionospheric electron content: A model indicating some observational biases
Water economy of the Somali donkey
Wood Anatomy of Insular Species of Plantago and the Problem of Raylessness
Warning symptoms before major myocardial infarction.
Water uptake and energy metabolism in brain slices from the rat.
World's Giant Oil and Gas Fields, Geologic Factors Affecting Their Formation, and Basin Classification: Part I: Giant Oil and Gas Fields
Weight enumerator for second-order Reed-Muller codes
Whole-rock Rb-Sr isotopic investigation of some east African granulites
Wheat Seed Protein: Chemical Influence on and Relationship to Subsequent Growth and Yield in Michigan and Mexico1
Wechselwirkung der einsamen Elektronenpaare in Pyridazin, Pyrimidin und Pyrazin
Winds at the 75-110 km level at college, ALaska
Why the Sea is Salt
Weight of the skeleton during postnatal development.
Weight Changes With Schizophrenic Psychosis and Psychotropic Drug Therapy
Weight as a correlate of clinical response to psychotropic drugs.
Wide-Band Reflection-Type Transferred Electron Amplifiers
When a Queue Looks the Same to an Arriving Customer as to an Observer
Working conference on anorexia and cachexia of neoplastic disease.
Women in labor
Wind erosion equation: computer solution and application.
Weapon Automimicry Among Mammals
War Termination as a Problem in Civil-Military Relations
Wolman's disease with hypolipoproteinemia and acanthocytosis: clinical and biochemical observations.
Who Speaks For The Poor
Wegener's granuloma complicating pregnancy
Wechselwirkung der einsamen Elektronenpaare in 3,3-Dimethyl-diazirin
Winter Hardiness in Oat Populations Derived from Reciprocal Crosses 1
Withdrawal of flat plates from power law fluids
Warranty Periods Based on Three Ordered Sample Observations From a Weibull Population
Wind tunnel studies of the air flow and gaseous plume diffusion in the leading edge and downstream regions of a model forest
World contours of conjugate mirror locations
War Termination and Conflict Theory: Value Premises, Theories, and Policies
Wind Tunnel Pressure Measuring Techniques
Which soldiers break down. A survey of 610 psychiatric patients in Vietnam.
Wars Prolonged by Misunderstood Signals
What Makes for a Beautiful Problem in Science
Woodpecker predation on bark beetles in Engelmann spruce logs as related to stand density.
Within-subject analysis of the CS-US interval in rabbit eyelid conditioning
Word from the chairman
Withdrawal of social reinforcers as a means of controlling rumination and regurgitation in a profoundly retarded person.
Women's sexual arousal
Warfarin therapy not influenced by meprobamate. A controlled study in nine men.
Weak-Link Versus Active Carbon Degradation Routes in the Oxidation of Aromatic Heterocyclic Systems. IV
Water pollution control
Working Mothers and Their Children.
W 3 ∆ u -X 1 Σ + g System of N 2
Westergaard stress functions for several periodic crack problems
Wind-tunnel investigation of a jet transport airplane configuration with high thrust-weight ratio and an external-flow jet flap
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Myxoviren und Zelloberflächen@@@Interactions between myxoviruses and cell surfaces: III. Neuraminidase der Myxoviren@@@III. Neuraminidase of Myxoviruses
Wärmeleitfähigkeit und Diffusions widerstand von Holzwerkstoffen
Waffle Plates with Multiple Rib Sizes: Part I - Stability Analysis
Wrinkled Fabrics, Optical Illusions, and the FRL® Topometer 1
Wave Influence on Wind Velocity Profile
White attitudes and the unilateral declaration of independence: A case study
"What Kind of Fool Am I?" A study of popular songs in the analysis of a male hysteric.
Weights of Some Internal Organs and Glands of Fully Developed Parthenogenetic and Normal Turkey Embryos
Water electrolyte balance
Wages Policy in Australia: A Review of the 1960s
Wide-frequency-band radar array antenna system with suppressed grating lobes
Wilde and Newman: The Confessional Mode
What is uveitis
Wide-band transducer for surface elastic waves
What pregnant teenagers know about sex.
Waffle plates with multiple rib sizes. Part II - Design examples
Western European Mobility
Which Children in the United States Should Receive BCG Vaccination
Wagner-Meerwein type rearrangement of 2-hydroxypinocamphone: Conversion of pinane skeleton into oxapentalane system
Women in a University.
Water and wastewater systems to combat cholera in East Pakistan.
Wired-Wall Cavity for V-Band ENDOR Experiment
Work, Leisure, and the American Schools by Thomas G. Green. New York: Random House, 1968. 174 pp. $2.25
Week-end recreational motoring in the countryside
Weakly Coupled Neutral Currents
Workshop on the Medical School Curriculum. The questionnaire and its analysis.
What We Know about High School Reading.
Workshop on the Medical School Curriculum. Introduction.
Webern as Teacher.
Weak extra peak in rocking curves of X-ray reflexion for incident beams obtained by successive asymmetric reflexions
What the Good Teacher Does.
Why people take drugs: escape and search.
Wood and Chip Handling
Water Permeability of Rust Layer Formed by Atmospheric Corrosion
Whisker-like growth of triglyceride
Why do pregnant women die
Wave Generation and Shaping Through Transistor Constant Current Characteristics
Water Quality Control at Lake Tahoe: Dissertation on Grasshopper Soup
Why Men Rebel.
Whats new and different on this year's tax return.
“Webster, Horne and Mrs. Stowe”: American Performances of The Duchess of Malfi
Whole-body Counting of Some Radioactive Isotope and Radiopharmaceutical Production Workers
Women's magazines vs public opinion.
Written examination in surgery. Conditions and deficiencies in setting up a catalogue of questions
What Indeed Was Neo-Classicism?: A Reply to James William Johnson's “What Was Neo-Classicism?”
What is allosteric effect
Writing Workshop: What Is It?.
Work rate with noncontingent supplement of the reward
Wirtschaftswachstum und die verwendung des arbeitspotentials
Working with Opinion Leaders to Accelerate Change in Vocational-Technical Education, An Application of Research.
Wittgenstein's Argument that one cannot Obey a Rule Privately
William Pitt, William Miles and the French Revolution
Washington: The President and the Campuses
Water-based recreation: supply and demand considerations- an interdisciplinary bibliography
Worin besteht die vererbte Anlage zu schizophrenen Psychosen
Work Incentives of the Poor: A Reconsideration
William Edward Curtis, 1889-1969
World population trends and controls.
Wear resistance of refractory compounds in the continuous micromachining of titanium and nickel
What Are Boys and Girls For