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Discover 257 research papers published on
1st August, 2011 starting with "J"

Japan: Super-Aging Society Preparing for the Future
Judicial Ingroup Bias in the Shadow of Terrorism
Joint stiffness identification of six-revolute industrial serial robots
Jaql: a scripting language for large scale semistructured data analysis
Java web tools for PCR, in silico PCR, and oligonucleotide assembly and analysis.
Joint inventory-location problem under the risk of probabilistic facility disruptions
Junctions gone bad: claudins and loss of the barrier in cancer.
Jülich Solar Power Tower—Experimental Evaluation of the Storage Subsystem and Performance Calculation
Job Satisfaction and Its Determinants among Health Workers in Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia
JSBML: a flexible Java library for working with SBML
Job security and employee well-being: evidence from matched survey and register data
Josef Klingler's models of white matter tracts: influences on neuroanatomy, neurosurgery, and neuroimaging.
Job attitudes and well-being among public vs. private physicians: organizational justice and job control as mediators
Jasmonate controls polypeptide patterning in undamaged tissue in wounded Arabidopsis leaves
JSH-23 targets nuclear factor-kappa B and reverses various deficits in experimental diabetic neuropathy: effect on neuroinflammation and antioxidant defence
Joint coupling design of underactuated hands for unstructured environments
Joint resummation for gaugino pair production at hadron colliders
Joint segmentation and reconstruction of hyperspectral data with compressed measurements.
Job satisfaction of nursing staff: integrative review
Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
Jejunostomy after oesophagectomy: A review of evidence and current practice
Jenufa gen. nov.: a new genus of coccoid green algae (chlorophyceae, incertae sedis) previously recorded by environmental sequencing(1)
Joint transmission using interference alignment
Joint Effects of Heterogeneous Estrogenic Chemicals in the E-Screen—Exploring the Applicability of Concentration Addition
Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma: Does the External Approach Still Make Sense?
Job satisfaction and the association with involvement in clinical activities among hospital pharmacists in Hong Kong
Juvenile animal studies and pediatric drug development retrospective review: use in regulatory decisions and labeling.
Job characteristics and job satisfaction among physicians involved with research in the veterans health administration.
Jumping of a droplet on a superhydrophobic surface in AC electrowetting
JunD-mediated repression of GADD45α and γ regulates escape from cell death in prostate cancer.
Juvenile animal studies and pediatric drug development: a European regulatory perspective
Job assignment and promotion under statistical discrimination: evidence from the early careers of lawyers
잔혹연극과 에드워드 올비의 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Journalists, reframing and party public relations consultants
Journals for certification, conferences for rapid dissemination
Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus and enzootic nasal tumor virus promoters drive gene expression in all airway epithelial cells of mice but only induce tumors in the alveolar region of the lungs.
[Japanese classification of esophageal cancer, the 10th edition--Pathological part].
J-aggregates of thiacyanine dye organized in LB films: Effect of irradiation of light
Justice reinvestment in community supervision
Jovens olhares sobre a escola do ensino médio
Juvenile Delinquency and Adolescent Fatherhood
Japanese Ideas of Asian Regionalism
Justice in international clinical research
Jailed side branches: fate of unapposed struts studied with 3D frequency-domain optical coherence tomography.
JAK2V617F mutation in chronic myeloid leukemia predicts early disease progression.
Joint production of timber and water: a case study
전통 막걸리의 저장중 효모와 세균의 변화
Joint Speech Enhancement and Speaker Identification Using Approximate Bayesian Inference
Joint angle affects volitional and magnetically-evoked neuromuscular performance differentially.
Joint similarity to operators in noncommutative varieties
John locke, christian mission, and colonial america
Joint Uncertainty Decoding With Predictive Methods for Noise Robust Speech Recognition
Judgemental Forecasting Support Systems in Tourism
John F. Kennedy and the Race to the Moon, John M. Logsdon. Palgrave Macmillan, New York (2010), 291 pp., ISBN: 978-0-230-(11010-6)
Judging dressage competitions in the view of improving horse performance assessment
Josephson effect in noncentrosymmetric superconductor junctions
Job Stress and Presenteeism of Clinical Nurses.
Juveniles tried as adults: the age of the juvenile matters.
Justifying Physician-Assisted Death in Organ Donation
Job stress and musculoskeletal diseases
Johnson binomial trees
JUN-CCAAT/Enhancer-Binding Protein Complexes Inhibit Surfactant-Associated Protein B Promoter Activity
Jews and New Religious Movements: An Introductory Essay
Just who is at risk? The ethics of environmental regulation.
Joint Determination of the Production Lot Size and Number of Shipments for EPQ Model with Rework
Jasmonate response of the Nicotiana tabacum agglutinin promoter in Arabidopsis thaliana
Josiah Royce’s Philosophy of Loyalty as Philanthropy
Jet impingement cooling of a horizontal surface in an unconfined porous medium: Mixed convection regime
Juventude, trabalho e escola: elementos para análise de uma posição social fecunda
John Wesley’s Moral Pneumatology: The Fruits of the Spirit as Theological Virtues
Jóvenes mexicanos em medio de la crisis económica: los problemas de la integración laboral
지압이 항암요법환자의 오심과 구토에 미치는 효과 관련 연구 분석
Jejunal gastrointestinal stromal tumor missed by three capsule endoscopies.
전립선비대증 환자에서 경요도전립선절제술 후 급성요폐 발생에 영향을 미치는 인자
Joint estimation of sound source location and noise covariance in spatially colored noise
Jacobians among abelian threefolds: a geometric approach
Justice, Fairness, and Membership in a Class: Conceptual Confusions and Moral Puzzles in the Regulation of Human Subjects Research
Joining the dots: Analysing the sustainability of the Australian Aboriginal art market:
Jean Bernard Lasserre: Moments, Positive Polynomials and Their Applications: Imperial College Press, World Scientific, Singapore, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-84816-445-1. 384 pages. US $85
Joining of C f /SiC Composite and TC4 Using Ag-Al-Ti Active Brazing Alloy
JAK2-V617F mutation in Moroccan patients with myeloproliferative disorders: contribution, diagnosis and therapeutic prospects.
Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective: Judicial independence and accountability
Just a little sunshine in the rain: The 2010 case law of the European Court of Justice on access to documents
Julgamento moral sobre pena de morte e redução da maioridade penal
Juvenile toxicity assessment of anidulafungin in rats: an example of navigating case‐by‐case study design through scientific and regulatory challenges
Joint rate regulation and power control for cochannel interference limited wireless networks
Job Qualification, Distance between Towns and Geographical Relocation for French Youth
Joint sparse signal ensemble reconstruction in a WSN using decentralized Bayesian matching pursuit
자기 자비, 생활 스트레스 및 탈중심화가 심리적 건강에 미치는 효과
Juvenile papillomatosis of the breast in young male: a case report.
Jaw claudication in the era of carotid stenting.
JCOG0201 defined "radiological early peripheral lung adenocarcinoma".
Judaism Despite Christianity: The 1916 Wartime Correspondence Between Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and Franz Rosenzweig
Justice reinvestment and the use of imprisonment
John Lonsdale, le nationalisme, l'ethnicité et l'économie morale : parcours d'un pionnier de l'histoire africaine
자기 통제 훈련 프로그램이 온라인 게임 중독 대학생들의 게임 중독 수준, 공격성 및 충동성에 미치는 효과
Jurisdiction in complex contracts under the Brussels I Regulation
Joining of alumina by using organometallic polymer
Jovens em situação de rua: espaço, tempo, negociações de sentido
재중한국기업들의 중국내수시장공략을 위한 전략과 성과에 관한 연구
Joint analysis of radio frequency interference from SMOS measurements and from airborne observations
Joint Channel Probing and Proportional Fair Scheduling in Wireless Networks
전산화 주의 재활 훈련이 정신분열병 환자의 인지 기능에 미치는 효과
Jogging as a possible cause of late seroma after aesthetic breast augmentation with textured silicone prosthesis: A conservative approach
Just another journal? No, a different one!
Job creation in business services:Innovation, Demand, Polarisation
Joint power and spectrum allocation algorithm in cognitive radio networks
"John Brown's baby had a cough": a central role for TRPV1?
Jak se počítají substantiva v češtině: poznámky ke kategorii čísla
Joint MAC and rate control for stability and delay in wireless multi-access channels
Joint between a pressure sensor and a pressure port of a sensor assembly
Jobless Rates in Different Types of Labor Market Areas, 2000-2010
J. M. N. Colls and the Baildon Moor Prehistoric Field Complex
Japanese Government Debt and Sustainability of Fiscal Policy
Juvenile toxicity assessment of open-acid lovastatin in rats.
JAK Inhibitors and other Novel Agents in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Are We Hitting the Target?
Journey to remain childless: A grounded theory of the decision-making process among voluntarily childless couples
Johannes Kabatek / Claus D. Pusch, Spanische Sprachwissenschaft. Eine Einführung
Job Mobility and Measurement Error
Jazyková regulace jako věc dohody
Jet Performance Testing of High-Pressure Waterjet Descaling Nozzles
지능형 로봇과 클래식 음악의 융합을 이용한 어린이의 집중력 향상효과 분석
Jujitsu kick to the abdomen: a case of blunt abdominal trauma resulting in hematochezia and transient ischemic colitis.
Joint clinical and pathological review meetings improve patient care: a prospective evaluation in dermatology
Jarðfræði og ummyndun í jarðhitakerfinu við Hverahlíð á Hellisheiði
Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective: The criticism and speech of judges in the United States
조선초기 啓目 연구-『經國大典』 행정문서체제의 수립과정을 중심으로-
제품관여도가 요구 신뢰수준 및 온라인 상인의 선택에 미치는 영향
Jan Keller: Tři sociální světy. Sociální struktura postindustriální společnosti
자산관리 서비스 주요 잠재 대상 고객에 관한 연구
직무소진과 직무태도 및 이직의도와의 관계
[Jewish urologists in Hamburg: eight biographies from Imperial Germany to Nazi Germany].
저소득층 일인가구 및 非일인가구의 가계재무상태 분석
제주도 도축우의 이마에서 발생한 피하 지방종
전자빔 증발원을 이용한 물질의 증발 특성
Job search with bidder memories
Jordan’s Paradox of Growth without Employment: A Microcosm of the Middle East?
Jig structure for cassette of loading thin plate
Josephson current through randomly oriented CNTs
직무소진과 직무태도 및 이직의도와의 관계 :메타분석적 문헌 고찰
Joint Special Operations University SOF-Power Workshop: A Way Forward for Special Operations Theory and Strategic Art
JAK2V617F mutation in the patients with myeloproliferative disorder and its relation with clinical characteristics
저온 환경에서 Cronobacter sakazakii의 저항과 생존
John W. Boyer, Karl Lueger (1844-1910): Christlichsoziale Politik als Beruf: Eine Biografie (Vienna: Böhlau, 2010)
Joint backoff control in time and frequency for multichannel wireless systems and its Markov model for analysis
Jewish Midwives in Eretz Israel During the Late Ottoman Period, 1850–1918
James B. Nachman, 1948 to 2011: a remembrance.
José Martí: modernidade e utopia
Journalism curricula in the Arab region: a dilemma of content, context and contest
정치인의 sns 활용: 정치적 소통 도구로서의 트위터
정신전력 인식 지수에 의한 전쟁승패 요인분석
Jesuitas rehenes de Carlos III: misioneros desterrados de América presos en El Puerto de Santa María (1769-1798)
전통식품 기호증진을 위한 초등학생용 미각교육교재 및 지도서 개발
지역사회 여가공간을 활용한 전지훈련지 활성화 방안-강원도 양구군을 중심으로-
중학생의 부모에 대한 효도와 관련변인 분석
Jersey, de la dérive planétaire au recours identitaire : une vision élargie du développement durable ?
James: A Circular Letter for Immigrants
Justicidin B – a potent cytotoxic arylnaphtalene lignan from in vitro cultures of Linum leonii
季節の違いが光環境評価に及ぼす影響 その 1
Job Re-grading, Real Wages, and the Cycle
Jeanette Hardage. 2010. Mary Slessor – Everybody's Mother, The Era and Impact of a Victorian Missionary. Cambridge: The Lutterworth Press, pp. xxv+344, Pb £20.00. ISBN-13: 9780718891855.
중간엽줄기세포의 초자화 동결법에 의한 냉동보존
Judges, bias and recusal in South Africa
지하댐 설치 시 섬진강 하류 염수침입 방지 효과의 모델기반 분석
정신과적 장애가 있는 아동의 문제 행동의 종류와 심각도가 부모 양육 스트레스에 미치는 효과
중국이주민 문화접변 양상 연구* -광주, 전남지역 중국인 이주민에 대한 설문조사를 중심으로-
John Rennie and his resident engineers
중급성능의 관성항법을 위한 소형 링레이저 자이로 설계 규격 연구
June 2011 Mostly rather cool and changeable, but brief warm spells early and late
자원봉사활동이 사회적 자본 형성에 미치는 영향
Joseph ben Samuel Tsarfati and Fernando de Rojas : Celestina and the world of the go-between
Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective: Judges’ freedom of speech
Jesus von Nazareth: Ein Leben
조직공정성이 직무만족, 조직몰입, 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향 관계 연구
Joins of oriented matroids
Job Openings and Hires Show Little Postrecession Improvement: JOLTS Data Show Only Modest Labor Market Gains since the End of the 2007-2009 Recession; the Job Openings and Hires Levels Have Been Rising since Mid-2009 but, at the End of 2010, Were Well below Their Prerecession Levels
전문번역전략에 대한 연구
조선 중종대 빈곤과 구제
Joint Liver Center run by UCLA and First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine was established at Hangzhou, China
Jagen und Töten
Jejunal diverticulosis as the obscure cause of overt gastrointestinal bleeding.
전략과 핵심인재관리가 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
José Lezama Lima e a busca da identidade insular: Uma reflexão sobre a fronteira imagínaria.
지속가능한 복지의 구현을 위한 교통부문의 역할 정립 및 확대방안(Establishment and expansion of the role in the transport sector for sustainable welfare)
증강현실기반 체험학습이 유아동화 학습의 효과 및 수업활동에 미치는 영향
자살예방 및 생명존중문화조성을 위한 법률은 자살률을 낮출 수 있을까
JR Freight Railway Company and Green Logistics in Japan: Focus on Modal Shift
지방대학생들의 학업중단 영향요인과 대학생활만족도 분석
Just Who Is Burning Out ... Chairpersons or Program Directors
지정은행과 개설은행간의 ucp 600의 문제점에 대한 연구
종로탑골공원과 종묘공원이용 남성노인의 여가문화의 의미 분석
Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective: Appointment, discipline and removal of judges in New Zealand
전통 음식 만들기를 통한 녹색식생활교육
John Singer Sargent's “Devils”
지방공무원의 개인특성과 직무특성이 경력몰입에 미치는 영향
Joint Forest Management in Kamraj Forest Division Zangli Kupwara Kashmir (J & K): a Case Study
지방의회의 전문성 강화 방안: 사무기구의 인사권 독립을 중심으로
정치인의 sns 활용
중·고등학생의 구강보건지식·태도·행동 및 교육요구도
Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective: Judicial selection, removal and discipline in the United States
제주올레 관광지 속성, 도보관광객 편익, 그리고 지각된 가치 간 관계 분석
조직구성원의 개인 주도성이 직장-가정 갈등과 역할 과부하에 미치는 영향
주체사상과 선군사상의 상관관계
제주올레 관광지 속성, 도보관광객 편익, 그리고 지각된 가치 간 관계 분석 - 수단-목적 사슬 이론 적용 -
Julika Loos, Claudia Seibold, Christine Eichhorn, Eckhard Nagel: Evaluation in der Gesundheitsförderung – eine Schritt für Schritt Anleitung für Gesundheitsförderer
정치적 갈등과 일화적 프레임의 효과: "사이버 모욕죄"의 사례
Just who is burning out ... Chairpersons or program directors
Jane Smile’s A Thousand Acres: King Lear Reinterpreted from Ecofeminist Perspectives
중뇌경색에서 발생한 단독 하직근 마비
조선 중종대 빈곤과 구제 - "중종실록"과 해석학 관점 중심으로 -
Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective: Judicial recusal in New Zealand
Japan: Killing Motivation
Joint relay selection and power allocation algorithm in two-way relay networks with proportional fair constraint
전기철도 구간에서의 철도차량 운행에 따른 연동장치 고조파 분석
Jejunal Adenocarcinoma as Part of Metachronous Triple Primary Cancers of the Digestive Tract in Patient with Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer
John Rennie and the drainage of the Witham Fens, Lincolnshire, UK
Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective: Judges and the non-judicial function in New Zealand
Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective: Judges, bias and recusal in Canada
Jan Gybels (1928–2011)
“John Brown's Baby Had a Cough”: A Central Role for TRPV1?
자동차부품 생산직 근로자의 피로도가 건강증진행위와 정신건강에 미치는 영향
John R. Commons et Max Weber: les fondements d'une sociologie économique et pluraliste du droit
Jungck による縮小写像の不動点定理の拡張定理 (非線形解析学と凸解析学の研究)
Justice is not merely semantics: recasting the significance of the dead donor rule.
Journalistic practices, news, and public health in China: local crisis, global implications
주기편측간질모양방전의 전류원 분포: 바이러스뇌염 환자에서 mri-확산강조영상과 비교
Jumping magneto-electric states of electrons in semiconductor multiple quantum wells
Java coastal current at northwest and southeast monsoon in southwest sumatra
중강도 운동훈련이 고지방식이 유도 비만쥐의 비장세포 염증성 사이토카인 발현에 미치는 영향
저항가열 및 전자빔 증발원을 이용한 물질의 증발 특성
急性膵炎で発症した先天性胆道拡張症の 1 小児例
九州西岸におけるサガミイセエビPanulirus stimpsoni Holthuis, 1963の採集例と本邦での分布に関する一考察
John Rennie and Waterloo Bridge, London, UK
Joint Bayesian separation and restoration of cosmic microwave background from convolutional mixtures
중환자실 간호실무의 중요도, 수행 빈도 및 난이도 분석을 통한 중환자실 간호사의 교육요구도
지역사회 노인의 신체활동도와 낙상 두려움, 우울, 신체기능
지대공 교전모의를 위한 대공포 모델 설계
저소득층 고혈압 노인의 약물복용행위와 자가간호 예측 경로모형
Just the facts, please
재가노인을 위한 노-노 (No-老) 프로그램이 노인의 신체기능, 인지기능 및 삶의 질에 미치는 효과
재가노인의 수면장애 유무에 따른 우울, 신체형장애 및 삶의 질 비교
재가치매노인의 인지장애 영향 요인
Just the Facts Ma'am: A Case Study of the Reversal of Corruption in the Los Angeles Police Department
JAAD Grand Rounds quiz. A woman with new onset, plate-like scaling.
지역방송의 콘텐츠 제작 활성화와 지역성 구현에 관한 연구
직무 스트레스와 근골격계 질환
전력기기 열화 진단을 위한 부분방전 모의 및 측정 알고리즘 개발연구
지역발전과 지역적 정당투표
Juvenile Disc Degeneration
Juegos de video y comportamiento en escolares de primaria y secundaria básica en Centro Habana, en el curso 2005-2006
寄生性甲殻類の1新種,ショキタテナガノエラヤドリについて : アマチュア研究者新種記載顛末記
Jiyul Sunim’s Eco-Feminist Activism and its Buddhist Foundations
Japan's nuclear crisis